



Sakamoto Ryōma


坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


英国郵便船タイタニック Royal Mail Ship Titanic

英国郵便船タイタニック Royal Mail Ship Titanic

英国郵便船タイタニック Royal Mail Ship Titanic

貨客船氷川丸(ひかわまる) Passenger-cargo ship Hikawa Maru

貨客船氷川丸(ひかわまる) Passenger-cargo ship Hikawa Maru

宗谷(そうや) Souya

宗谷(そうや) Antarctic research vessel Soya

戦艦大和(やまと) Battleship Yamato

戦艦大和(やまと) Battleship Yamato

零戦五二型(ぜろせん・ごー・にー・がた) Zero fighter Model 52

零式艦上戦闘機(れいしき・かんじょう・せんとうき)The Type 0 carrier-based fighter零戦(ぜろせん)Zero Fighter

零戦五二型(ぜろせん・ごー・にー・がた) Zero fighter Model 52

高知県(こうち・けん) Kōchi Prefecture

高知城(こうち・じょう) Kōchi Castle

高知県(こうち・けん) Kōchi Prefecture 高知市(こうち・し) Kochi City

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


坂本直足(さかもと・なおたり) Sakamoto Naotari 坂本八平(さかもと・はちへい) Sakamoto Hchihei

坂本幸(さかもと・こう) Sakamoto Koh

坂本乙女(さかもと・おとめ) Sakamoto Otome

坂本権平(さかもと・ごんぺい) Sakamoto Gonpei

幼少年期 Childhood

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma183613日(天保(てんぽう)Tenpo  61115日)、土佐国(とさ・の・くに)Tosa Province土佐郡(とさ・ぐん)Tosa District上街(かみまち)Kamimachi本町(ほんまち)Honmachi一丁目(現・高知県Kochi Prefecture高知市Kochi City上町一丁目)の土佐藩(とさ・はん)the Tosa domain郷士(ごうし)(gōshi)(Landsamurai)(下級武士lower-class samurai足軽Ashigaru坂本家(さかもと・け)the Sakamoto familyに父father坂本直足(さかもと・なおたり)Sakamoto Naotari坂本八平(さかもと・はちへい)Sakamoto Hchihei)、母mother(こう)Kohの間の二男the second sonとして生まれた。



He had an older brother (Gonpei Sakamoto) who was 22 years older than him and three older sisters (Chizuru, Sakae, and Otome).

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


坂本家(さかもと・け)the Sakamoto familyは質屋、酒造業、呉服商を営む豪商(ごうしょう)the wealthy merchant才谷屋(さいたに・や)Saitaniya分家(ぶんけ)で、第六代・直益(なおます)のときに長男・直海(なおみ)が(はん)から郷士(ごうし)御用人(ごうようにん)に召し出されて坂本家(さかもと・け)the Sakamoto familyを興した。

The Sakamoto family was a branch of the wealthy merchant Saitaniya, who ran a pawnshop, sake brewery, and kimono business, and when the sixth generation, Naomasu, his eldest son, Naomi, was summoned by the domain to serve as a government official and established the Sakamoto family.


土佐藩(とさ・はん)の武士階級には上士(じょうし)Senior samurai下士(かし)Junior samuraiがあり、商家出身の坂本家(さかもと・け)the Sakamoto family下士(かし)Junior samurai郷士(ごうし)(gōshi)(Landsamurai))だったが(坂本家は福岡家(ふくおか・け)に仕えていたという)、分家の際に才谷屋(さいたに・や)Saitaniyaから多額の財産を分与されており、非常に裕福な家庭だった。

The samurai class of the Tosa domain consisted of Senior samurai and junior samurai, and the Sakamoto family, who came from a merchant family, were junior samurai (goshi) (it is said that the Sakamoto family served the Fukuoka family), but when they branched out, they received a large sum from Saitaniya. Their property was divided and they were a very wealthy family.

坂本直足(さかもと・なおたり) Sakamoto Naotari 坂本八平(さかもと・はちへい) Sakamoto Hchihei

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōmaの父・坂本直足(さかもと・なおたり)(坂本八平(さかもと・はちへい))は婿養子として坂本家(さかもと・け)the Sakamoto familyを継いだ人物で、実祖父の山本家(山本信敬(やまもと・のぶたか)や、その弟・宮地信貞(みやじ・のぶさだ)(宮地家を相続)は共に白札(しろふだ)郷士(ごうし)であり、坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōmaは血統上は上士(じょうし)の人物である。

Ryoma Sakamoto's father, Naotari Sakamoto, inherited the Sakamoto family as his adopted son-in-law, and his biological grandfather, the Yamamoto family (Yamamoto Nobutaka), and his younger brother, Nobusada Miyaji (who inherited the Miyaji family), were both Shirohudagoshi. Sakamoto Ryoma is a senior samurai in terms of his lineage.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



When he was young, he was a weak boy who was a crybaby.

坂本幸(さかもと・こう) Sakamoto Koh


His mother, Koh, passed away due to illness when he was 10 years old.

以後、姉の乙女(おとめ)が母代わりに坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōmaを教育する。

From then on, his older sister Otome educates Ryoma in his mother's place.


He did not get rid of his bedwetting until he was 12 years old, but Otome woke him up in the middle of the night and took him there to help him overcome it.

坂本乙女(さかもと・おとめ) Sakamoto Otome

乙女(おとめ)は身長176cm、体重110kgを超える当時としては尋常ならざる体躯を持ち、剣術にも秀でていたため、坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōmaの剣術師範も務めたと伝説的に語られる。

Legend has it that Otome had an unusual physique for the time, standing 176 cm tall and weighing over 110 kg, and was so skilled at swordsmanship that she also served as Ryoma's swordsmanship instructor.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


江戸遊学(えど・ゆうがく) Edo trip to study


In 1853 (Kaei 6), when Ryoma obtained the Oguri-ryu Mokuroku in martial arts, he asked the domain to travel to Edo for one year at his own expense to train in martial arts, and he was granted permission.

溝淵広之丞(みぞぶち・ひろのじょう) Mizobuchi Hironojo


Upon his departure, Ryoma was given the ``Summary of Knowledge in Training '' by his father, Happei, and he departed from Tosa with Hironojo Mizobuchi.



He arrived in Edo around April, stayed at the Nakayashiki in Tsukiji (or the Tosa clan's upper mansion in Kajibashi), and became a student at the Okemachi Chiba Dojo (present-day Chuo Ward, Tokyo) of the Hokushin Itto-ryu.

千葉定吉(ちば・さだきち) Chiba Sadakichi

千葉周作(ちば・しゅうさく) Chiba Shūsaku

千葉重太郎(ちば・じゅうたろう) Chiba Jutaro

千葉さな子(ちば・さなこ) Chiba Sanako


The owner of the dojo, Sadakichi Chiba, is the younger brother of Shusaku Chiba, the founder of Hokushin Ittō-ryu, and his dojo is known as ``Oke-machi Chiba''. There was Sanako, who was said to be Ryoma's fiancée.



Regarding military tactics, he learned Yamaga-ryu from Wakayama Butudo, a student of Sugane Kubota.

ペリー提督 Commodore Perry

4隻の軍艦 four warships 黒船(くろふね) Black Ships

黒船来航(くろふね・らいこう) Arrival of the Black Ships


Immediately after Ryoma began his swordsmanship training at the Kochiba Dojo, on June 3, 1853, a U.S. naval fleet led by Commodore Perry visited the coast of Uraga (the arrival of black ships).



Ryoma, who was studying at his own expense, was also temporarily summoned and assigned to guard the residence of the Tosa clan in Shinagawa.

佐久間象山(さくま・しょうざん) Sakuma Shōzan


In December of the same year, 1853 (Kaei 6), while Ryoma was training in swordsmanship, he entered the private school of Sakuma Shozan, a contemporary military scholar and thinker.


Academic subjects such as gunnery, Chinese studies, and Dutch studies were taught there.

吉田松陰(よしだ・しょういん) Yoshida Shōin


However, in April of the following year, Shozan was imprisoned for his involvement in the Shoin Yoshida stowaway incident on a U.S. warship, and Ryoma's time studying under Shozan was very short.



On June 23, 1854, Ryoma returned to Tosa after completing 15 months of training in Edo.

日根野弁治(ひねの・べんじ) Hineno Benji


While living in his hometown, Ryoma acquired the ``Oguri-ryu Japanese War Techniques 12 Articles and 25 Articles,'' which corresponds to the Chuden Catalog, and served as deputy instructor at the Hineno Dojo.

河田小龍(かわだ・しょうりょう) Kawada Shoryu

近藤長次郎(こんどう・ちょうじろう) Kondo Chojiro

長岡謙吉(ながおか・けんきち) Nagaoka Kenkichi


Also, when listening to John Manjiro, he visited the house of Koryu Kawata, the artist who compiled "The Drifter's Policy," and learned about the international situation. He was greatly impressed by Kawada's lecture on the importance of shipping, and later became a comrade. Chojiro and Nagaoka Kenkichi are introduced.


During this period, he also studied gunnery and Dutch under Takazo Tokuhiro.

坂本直足(さかもと・なおたり) Sakamoto Naotari 坂本八平(さかもと・はちへい) Sakamoto Hchihei

坂本権平(さかもと・ごんぺい) Sakamoto Gonpei

武市瑞山(たけち・ずいざん) Takechi Zuizan 武市半平太(たけち・はんぺいた) Takechi Hanpeita



In July of the same year, 1856 (Ansei 3), Ryoma applied again to train in Edo swordsmanship, and in August, the domain granted him permission to train for one year.He arrived in Edo in September, and was a relative of Yataro Oishi and Ryoma. He boarded at the Nakayashiki residence of the Tosa clan in Tsukiji with Hanpeita Takeichi and others who formed the Tosa Kinno-to party.



In 1857, he asked the domain to extend his training for one year, and was granted permission.

山本琢磨(やまもと・たくま) Yamamoto Takuma 沢辺琢磨(さわべ・たくま) Sawabe Takuma


In August of the same year, in August 1857, Takuma Yamamoto, who later became the first Japanese priest of the Orthodox Church of Christ in Japan, escaped when his cousins committed seppuku for stealing.

千葉定吉(ちば・さだきち) Chiba Sadakichi


In January 1858, he was awarded the ``Hokushin Itto-ryu Kaiden'' by his master Sadakichi Chiba.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



He returned to Tosa in September of the same year, 1858.

山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ)Yamauchi Toyoshige山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう)Yamauchi Yōdō

土佐藩主The lord of the Tosa domain

吉田東洋(よしだ・とうよう) Yoshida Tōyō

土佐勤王党(とさ・きんのう・とう) Tosa Imperialism party


In the Tosa domain, in response to the Edo shogunate's consultation with each domain regarding the black ship issue, the lord of the domain, Toyonobu Yamauchi (Yodo), appointed Toyo Yoshida as a political suffragist and worked on ambitious reforms to the domain's administration.

徳川慶喜(とくがわよしのぶ) Tokugawa Yoshinobu

一橋慶喜ひとつばし・よしのぶ) Hitotsubashi Yoshinobu


徳川斉昭(とくがわ・なりあき) Tokugawa Nariaki18001860

島津斉彬(しまづ・なりあきら) Shimazu Nariakira

薩摩藩主(さつま・はんしゅ) Lord of the Satsuma domain


伊達宗城(だて・むねなり) Date Munenari


In addition, Yodo, along with Nariaki Tokugawa, lord of Mito domain, Nariaki Shimazu, lord of Satsuma domain, and Muneki Date, lord of Uwajima domain, were also planning to reform the shogunate government by recommending Yoshinobu Hitotsubashi as successor to the shogun.

井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ) Ii Naosuke1815年~1860年)

徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち) Tokugawa Iemochi

徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ) Tokugawa Yoshitomi


安政の大獄(あんせい・の・たいごく) Ansei Purge


However, in April 1858 (Ansei 5), when Naosuke Ii was appointed as Tairo of the Shogunate, the Shogunate rejected the Hitotsubashi faction and appointed Yoshifuku Tokugawa (Iemochi) as the successor to the shogun, forced the opening of the country and suppressed the opposition. embarked (Ansei no Daigoku).

山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ) Yamauchi Toyoshige 山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう) Yamauchi Yōdō

土佐藩主 The lord of the Tosa domain

山内豊範(やまうち・とよのり) Yamauchi Toyonori


In February 1859, Yodo, a member of the Hitotsubashi school, handed over the headship of the family to his adopted son, Toyonori Yamauchi, and was forced to retire.

吉田東洋(よしだ・とうよう) Yoshida Tōyō


Although he retired, the real power of the domain's administration remained in Yodo, and reforms of the domain's administration centered on Yoshida Toyo steadily progressed.

井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ) Ii Naosuke 1815年~1860年)

桜田門外の変(さくらだもんがい・の・へん) the Sakuradamon Incident

桜田門外の変 the Incident at outside of the Sakurada gate


On March 3, 1860 (Ansei 7), Naosuke Ii was assassinated outside the Sakuradamon Gate on his way to Edo Castle when he was attacked by ronin samurai who had left the Mito domain (Sakuradamon Incident).

武市瑞山(たけち・ずいざん) Takechi Zuizan 武市半平太(たけち・はんぺいた) Takechi Hanpeita



In April 1861, Hanpeita Takeichi went to Edo and interacted with feudal retainers from various domains such as Mito, Choshu, and Satsuma.

久坂玄瑞(くさか・げんずい) Kusaka Genzui



Understanding that the Tosa clan's king movement was lagging behind other domains, Takeichi returned to each domain with Genzui Kusaka of Choshu and Sanen Kabayama of Satsuma, tried to rally comrades within the domain, and established a theory of the domain. In summary, with this, each domain strengthened the authority of the Imperial Court and made a pact to support the Imperial Court and oppose the Shogunate.



As a result, in August 1861, Takeichi secretly formed the ``Tosa Kinnoto'' party in Edo with a small number of comrades, and decided on an alliance.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



Takechi returned to Tosa and recruited 192 comrades, of which Ryoma became the ninth and the top joiner from his home province.

山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ) Yamauchi Toyoshige 山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう) Yamauchi Yōdō

土佐藩主 The lord of the Tosa domain


Takechi's purpose in founding the Imperial Loyalist Party was to make it a force within the domain, to influence domain policies (mainly the wishes of the lord, Yamauchi Yodo), and to lead the domain in the direction of sonno joi (revere the Emperor and expel the barbarians).



Since the founding of the Imperial Loyalist Party, Takechi not only explained the situation of the two domains, Satsuma and Choshu, within the domain, but also insisted that Tosa should follow suit and assist the Respect for the Emperor movement.

吉田東洋(よしだ・とうよう) Yoshida Tōyō


However, the domain government at the time, led by Councillor Yoshida Toyo, was of the opinion that "unity of the Imperial Court and the Shogunate" was the domain's main policy, and the Loyalist Party's advocate of sonno joi (revere the Emperor and expel the barbarians) was unable to gain support within the domain.

武市瑞山(たけち・ずいざん) Takechi Zuizan 武市半平太(たけち・はんぺいた) Takechi Hanpeita


脱藩(だっぱん) Defection


Takechi, who aimed to have all of his domains loyal to the emperor, took proactive measures and kept a close eye on the movements of the various domains. He sent his comrades from the Tosa Kinno Party to Shikoku, Chugoku, Kyushu and other areas to investigate the movements of the domains, and Ryoma was one of them.

日根野弁治(ひねの・べんじ) Hineno Benji

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


久坂玄瑞(くさか・げんずい) Kusaka Genzui



In October 1861 (Bunkyu 1), after receiving the Oguri-ryu Master's Diplomacy List, "Oguri-ryu Japanese Military Art Three Articles," from Hineno Benji, Ryoma left Tosa on the pretext of "investigating swordsmanship" (training in swordsmanship) with the Marugame Domain, and visited Hagi in Choshu in January 1862 (Bunkyu 2). There, he met with Kusaka Genzui, a key figure in the pro-imperial movement in the Choshu Domain, and was entrusted with a letter for Takechi urging "the grassroots uprising and uniting in a righteous uprising."



On the way to Hagi, he stopped off in the Uwajima domain and requested a match against another school of swordsmanship at the dojo of Kamon Tatsumi, the master of the Kubota school Tamiya school of swordsmanship. At the Tatsumi dojo, Doi Michio and Kojima Koretake were also present.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



Ryoma completed his mission in February of the same year, 1862 (Bunkyu 2), and returned to Tosa, but around this time news reached Tosa that Shimazu Hisamitsu, the father of the Satsuma domain, was leading his troops to Kyoto.

島津久光しまづ・ひさみつ) Shimazu Hisamitsu



Some of the Tosa Kinno Party comrades who felt that the Tosa clan was hesitating began to defect to Kyoto and join the Satsuma clan's loyal uprising.



In reality, this was Shimazu Hisamitsu's march to Kyoto to lead his troops in order to reform the shogunate government, but it was mistaken for an uprising to overthrow the shogunate among radical Sonnō-jōi patriots.

吉村虎太郎(よしむら・とらたろう) Yoshimura Torataro

沢村惣之丞(さわむら・そうのじょう) Sawamura Sounojo


In order to join this, first Yoshimura Torataro, then Sawamura Sounojo and others defected from their domains, and it is believed that upon receiving their invitation, Ryoma also decided to defect.



Defection meant leaving the domain and unilaterally escaping the constraints of the lord-vassal relationship; the defector became a criminal within the domain, and family and friends who remained within the domain were also held responsible for any crimes they might have committed.

武市瑞山(たけち・ずいざん) Takechi Zuizan 武市半平太(たけち・はんぺいた) Takechi Hanpeita



Takechi valued action taken by the entire domain, and did not place his hopes in the righteous actions of the grassroots, nor did he support defection from the domain.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


那須信吾(なす・しんご) Nasu Shingo


Ryoma escaped from his domain on March 24, 1862 (Bunkyu 2), with the help of Sawamura Sonnojo, who had already escaped at that time, and Nasu Shingo (who later assassinated Yoshida Toyo, escaped from his domain, and participated in the Tenchu-gumi Incident).

坂本権平(さかもと・ごんぺい) Sakamoto Gonpei


When Ryoma decided to escape from his domain, his older brother Gonpei noticed something strange about him and became extremely wary, demanding that his family and friends pay special attention to Ryoma's behavior and taking away all of Ryoma's swords.

坂本乙女(さかもと・おとめ) Sakamoto Otome


There is an anecdote that at this time, Ryoma's sister, Otome, who was closest to him, tricked Gonpei, sneaked into the storehouse, and bestowed upon Ryoma the sword "Hizen Tadahiro," which was Gonpei's treasured possession, as a farewell gift.

白石正一郎(しらいし・しょういちろう) Shiraishi Shoichiro


After escaping from their domain, Ryoma and Sawamura first visited the home of wealthy merchant Shiraishi Shoichiro in Shimonoseki, Choshu, where Yoshimura Torataro was living, but Yoshimura had already left for Kyoto without waiting for them.

島津久光しまづ・ひさみつ)Shimazu Hisamitsu


寺田屋(てらだや) the Teradaya

寺田屋事件(てらだや・じけん) the Teradaya Incident


Contrary to the expectations of the sonno joi patriots, Shimazu Hisamitsu's true intention was to unite the Imperial Court and the Shogunate, and when he learned of the actions of the sonno joi samurai, he was shocked and ordered them to be quelled. On April 23, 1862 (Bunkyu 2), the Teradaya Incident occurred, and the sonno joi faction of the Satsuma domain was purged. The plans of the pro-imperial, pro-expiry faction in various regions to stage a righteous uprising at Fushimi were also foiled.

吉村虎太郎(よしむら・とらたろう) Yoshimura Torataro


Yoshimura was arrested during this and sent back to Tosa.

沢村惣之丞(さわむら・そうのじょう) Sawamura Sounojo


Having lost his immediate goal, Ryoma is generally believed to have left Sawamura and headed for Kyushu to investigate the movements of the Satsuma clan, but his exact whereabouts during this time are unclear.

吉田東洋(よしだ・とうよう) Yoshida Tōyō

武市瑞山(たけち・ずいざん) Takechi Zuizan 武市半平太(たけち・はんぺいた) Takechi Hanpeita



Meanwhile, in Tosa, Yoshida Toyo was assassinated on April 8, 1862 (Bunkyu 2) (believed to be the work of the Imperial Loyalist Party), and Takechi succeeded in changing the opinion of the domain and urged the domain lord to go to Kyoto.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



Ryoma went into hiding in Osaka around July 1862 (Bunkyu 2).


During this time, Ryoma came into contact with Mochizuki Seihei and was informed that he was a suspect in the assassination of Yoshida Toyo.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma




Katsu Kaishu and the Kobe Naval Training School


Ryoma arrived in Edo in August 1862 (Bunkyu 2) and stayed at the Kochiba Dojo.

久坂玄瑞(くさか・げんずい) Kusaka Genzui


高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく) Takasugi Shinsaku



During this period, Ryoma had contact with his comrades from the Tosa clan as well as with Kusaka Genzui and Takasugi Shinsaku from the Choshu clan.

近藤長次郎(こんどう・ちょうじろう) Kondo Chojiro

松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが) Matsudaira Yoshinaga 松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく) Matsudaira Shungaku) 越前藩主Echizen feudal lord


During this period, Ryoma had contact with his comrades from the Tosa clan as well as with Kusaka Genzui and Takasugi Shinsaku from the Choshu clan.

勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう) Katsu Kaishū



On December 9, 1862 (Bunkyu 2), Ryoma, Kadota Tamenosuke, and Kondo Chojiro received a letter of introduction from Shungaku to Katsu Kaishu, the Shogunate's Naval Commissioner, and visited Kaishu's residence to become his disciples.

千葉重太郎(ちば・じゅうたろう) Chiba Jutaro


It is widely known that Ryoma and Chiba Jutaro visited Kaishu, who was an advocate of opening up Japan to the world, to kill him, but instead Ryoma was so impressed by his explanation of the world situation and the necessity of a navy that he felt ashamed of his own stubbornness and became Kaishu's disciple on the spot; this story originates from a story told by Kaishu himself in "Tsuisan Ippan" (A Story of a Conspiracy) in 1890 (Meiji 23).

松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが) Matsudaira Yoshinaga 松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく) Matsudaira Shungaku) 越前藩主Echizen feudal lord


However, because the visit was made with an official letter of introduction from Shungaku, and because Kaishu's diary records a visit by Chiba Jutaro on December 29, 1862 (Bunkyu 2), it is possible that Ryoma was already his disciple, there is a strong view in recent years that the aforementioned story of the dramatic meeting between Ryoma and Kaishu is an exaggeration or a misremembering on Kaishu's part.

勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう) Katsu Kaishū



In any case, the fact that Ryoma was deeply impressed by Kaishu is evident from his praise of Kaishu as "the greatest man in Japan" in a letter to his sister, Otome.

山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ) Yamauchi Toyoshige 山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう) Yamauchi Yōdō

土佐藩主 The lord of the Tosa domain


Katsu Kaishu intervened with Yamauchi Toyoshige, and on February 25, 1863 (Bunkyu 3), Ryoma was pardoned for his crime of defecting from his domain, and furthermore, approval was given for Tosa samurai to study at Kaishu's private school.

千屋寅之助(ちや・とらのすけ) Chiya Toranosuke 菅野覚兵衛(すがの・かくべえ) Sugano Kakubee

千屋寅之助(ちや・とらのすけ) Chiya Toranosuke 菅野覚兵衛(すがの・かくべえ) Sugano Kakubee

新宮馬之助(しんぐう・うまのすけ) Shingu Umanosuke

望月亀弥太(もちづき・かめやた) Mochizuki Kameyata

近藤長次郎(こんどう・ちょうじろう) Kondo Chojiro

沢村惣之丞(さわむら・そうのじょう) Sawamura Sounojo

高松太郎(たかまつ・たろう) Takamatsu Taro

安岡金馬(やすおか・かねま) Yasuoka Kanema


Ryoma worked hard to establish the Naval Training School that Kaishu was promoting, and among Kaishu's disciples were Chiya Toranosuke, Shingu Umanosuke, Mochizuki Kameyata, Kondo Chojiro, Sawamura Sonnojo, Takamatsu Taro, and Yasuoka Kinma, all of whom were from the Tosa domain.

勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう) Katsu Kaishū


岡田以蔵(おかだ・いぞう) Okada Izō


It was around this time that Ryoma appointed Izo Okada of the Tosa Kinno Party to be Kaishu's bodyguard in Kyoto, and when Kaishu was attacked by three ronin on the street, Izo cut them down with a single slash.



In order to convince the shogunate officials and feudal lords of the need to establish a navy, Kaishu had them board warships to gain practical experience.

徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち) Tokugawa Iemochi (在位18581865

徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ) Tokugawa Yoshitomi

14代将軍 the 14th Shogun


軍艦 warship 順動丸(じゅんどうまる) Jundō Maru

神戸海軍操練所(こうべ・かいぐん・そうれんじょ) Kobe Naval Training Center


On April 23, 1863 (Bunkyu 3), the 14th Shogun, Tokugawa Iemochi, boarded the warship Jundō Maru and received permission to establish the Kobe Naval Training School, and at the same time, Kaishu was given permission to open his private school (Kobe Naval Academy).

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが) Matsudaira Yoshinaga 松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく) Matsudaira Shungaku) 越前藩主Echizen feudal lord


The shogunate agreed to provide an annual payment of 3,000 ryo for expenses, but this amount of funds was not enough to run the naval training school, so in May 1863 (Bunkyu 3), Ryoma went to the Fukui domain and borrowed 1,000 ryo from Matsudaira Shungaku.

武市瑞山(たけち・ずいざん) Takechi Zuizan 武市半平太(たけち・はんぺいた) Takechi Hanpeita


山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ) Yamauchi Toyoshige 山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう) Yamauchi Yōdō

土佐藩主The lord of the Tosa domain

吉田東洋(よしだ・とうよう) Yoshida Tōyō


In April of the same year, 1863 (Bunkyu 3), while Ryoma was busy working on establishing the Kobe Naval Training School, the situation in the Tosa domain changed. Yamauchi Toyoshige, who was dissatisfied with the fact that Takechi Hanpeita, a lower-class samurai, was leading the domain's opinion, ordered a search for the perpetrators of the assassination of Yoshida Toyo and began a purge of the Tosa Kinnoto party in order to regain real power.

平井収二郎(ひらい・しゅうじろう) Hirai Shujiro


In June 1863 (Bunkyu 3), three members of the Imperial Loyalist Party, Masaki Tetsuma, Hirai Shujiro, and Hirose Kenta, were forced to commit seppuku.

平井加尾(ひらい・かお) Hirai Kao

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



Hirai's younger sister, Kao, was said to be Ryoma's lover, and in a letter dated June 29, 1863 (Bunkyu 3), Ryoma wrote to her sister Otome, "What happened to Hirai Shujiro is truly cruel, and I can only imagine how my sister Kao must be grieving."

八月十八日の政変(はちがつ・じゅうはちにち・の・せいへん) Coup of August 18th

七卿落ち(しちきょう・おち) Shichikyo Ochi


On August 18, 1863 (Bunkyu 3), the Satsuma and Aizu clans joined forces in an attempt to wipe out the power of the Choshu clan, the most powerful clan in the movement to overthrow the shogunate, in Kyoto, and the "August 18th Coup" took place.



This completely changed the political situation in Kyoto, and the pro-shogunate faction regained real power.

天誅組の変(てんちゅうぐみ・の・へん) The Tenchūgumi incident

吉村虎太郎(よしむら・とらたろう) Yoshimura Torataro

那須信吾(なす・しんご) Nasu Shingo


In August 1863 (the 3rd year of Bunkyu), the Tenchu-gumi raised an army in Yamato Province, but was annihilated the following September, with many of the defectors from Tosa, including Torataro Yoshimura and Shingo Nasu, being killed in battle (Tenchu-gumi Incident).

武市瑞山(たけち・ずいざん) Takechi Zuizan 武市半平太(たけち・はんぺいた) Takechi Hanpeita



In Tosa, Takechi Hanpeita was imprisoned in September 1863 (Bunkyu 3), and the Tosa Kinnoto was in a state of collapse (Takechi committed seppuku in the intercalary May of 1865 (Keio 1) after a year and a half in prison).

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



In October 1863 (Bunkyu 3), Ryoma was appointed head of the Kobe Naval Academy.



In February of the following year, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), when his application to postpone his return to Japan that he had submitted in 1863 (the third year of the Bunkyu era) was rejected, Ryoma did not want to be tied down to the domain again in order to continue his work on establishing a naval training school, so he ignored the domain's orders, refused to return home, and escaped from the domain once again.

勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう) Katsu Kaishū


坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



On February 9, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), Kaishu received orders to travel to Nagasaki to mediate the blockade of the Kanmon Straits by the Choshu clan, which had been ongoing since May of the previous year, and Ryoma accompanied him.

横井小楠(よこい・しょうなん) Yokoi Shōnan



In Kumamoto, Ryoma visited and met with Yokoi Shonan, and in response Shonan sent Kaishu a copy of "Navy Questions and Answers" and made various proposals regarding the construction of the navy.

楢崎龍(ならさき・りょう) Narasaki Ryō お龍(おりょう) Oryō

お登勢(おとせ) Otose


In May 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), Ryoma met Narazaki Ryu (O-Ryu), who would become his lifelong companion, and later entrusted her to Otose, the proprietress of Teradaya, with whom he was close.

勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう) Katsu Kaishū



On May 14, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), Kaishu was promoted to regular warship commissioner and the Kobe Naval Training School was established.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



On June 17, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), Ryoma met with Kaishu in Shimoda and discussed a plan to send several dozen (or perhaps 200) radical elements from Kyoto and Settsu to develop and trade in Ezo. He also stated that the senior councilor Mizuno Tadayoshi was in agreement with the plan and that he had raised 3,000 to 4,000 ryo in funds.

池田屋事件(いけだや・じけん) the Ikedaya Incident


Although Ryoma and Kaishu did not know this at this point, the Ikedaya Incident had occurred on June 5, 1864 (the first year of Genji), and the situation in Kyoto was undergoing major changes.

宮部鼎蔵(みやべ・ていぞう) Miyabe Teizo

吉田稔麿(よしだ・としまろ) Yoshida Toshimaro

北添佶摩(きたぞえ・きつま) Kitazoe Kitsuma

望月亀弥太(もちづき・かめやた) Mochizuki Kameyata


In the Ikedaya Incident, many Sonnno Joi patriots, including Miyabe Teizo of the Higo clan and Yoshida Toshimaro of the Choshu clan, were killed or captured, and among the dead were Kitazoe Kitsuma and Mochizuki Kameyata of Tosa.



Kitazoe had traveled around Ezo, the area that Ryoma was planning to develop, and Mochizuki was a student at the Kobe Naval Academy.



After the August 18th Coup of 1863 (Bunkyu 3) and the Ikedaya Incident on June 5, 1864 (Genji 1), the Choshu clan was wiped out by the forces of Satsuma and Aizu.

禁門の変(きんもん・の・へん) the Kinmon Incident Forbidden Gate Incident 蛤御門の変(はまぐりごもん・の・へん) the Hamaguri Gate Rebellion


On July 19, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), approximately 3,000 Choshu troops marched toward the Imperial Palace with the goal of returning to the political stage in Kyoto, but were defeated by the shogunate forces in a one-day battle (Kinmon Incident).


Shikoku Fleet Shimonoseki Bombardment Incident

下関戦争(しものせき・せんそう) the Battles for Shimonoseki

馬関戦争(ばかん・せんそう) the Battles for Bakan


Shortly thereafter, on August 5, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), Choshu suffered a major blow when a fleet of British, American, French and Dutch forces bombarded Shimonoseki (the Shimonoseki War).

禁門の変(きんもん・の・へん) the Kinmon IncidentForbidden Gate Incident 蛤御門の変(はまぐりごもん・の・へん) the Hamaguri Gate Rebellion


After Choshu soldiers fired on the Imperial Palace during the Kinmon Incident, the Choshu clan was declared an enemy of the Imperial Court, and the shogunate took this opportunity to issue an order to invade Choshu.



After two defeats, the Choshu clan no longer had the military power to resist, and in November 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), the three chief retainers responsible committed seppuku in surrender (the Choshu Expedition).

楢崎龍(ならさき・りょう) Narasaki Ryō お龍(おりょう) Oryō


According to Oryo's later recollections, in the midst of these turmoil, on August 1, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), Ryoma and Oryo had a civil wedding ceremony.

勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう) Katsu Kaishū


西郷隆盛(さいごう・たかもり) Saigō Takamori


坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



Around the middle of August in 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), Ryoma met Saigo Takamori of Satsuma through the introduction of Kaishu, and Ryoma commented on Kaishu's impression of Saigo, saying, "If you hit him a little, it has a little effect, but if you hit him hard, it has a big effect."

勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう) Katsu Kaishū



Following the incident with Mochizuki, the shogunate became concerned by the fact that his student Yasuoka Kinma had joined the Choshu army in the Kinmon Incident, and Kaishu also incurred the displeasure of the senior councilor Abe Masagai.As a result, on October 22, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), Kaishu was ordered to return to Edo, and on November 10, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), he was dismissed from his position as commissioner of naval ships.

小松帯刀(こまつ・たてわき) Komatsu Tatewaki


At this point, the abolition of the Kobe Naval Training School became inevitable, and Kaishu, concerned about the future of his students, including Ryoma, entrusted them to Komatsu Tatewaki, a castle lord of the Satsuma domain, before leaving for Edo, requesting that he protect them from the Satsuma domain.



On March 12, 1865 (the first year of the Keio era), the Kobe Naval Training School was abolished.

亀山社中(かめやま・しゃちゅう) Kameyama Shachū Kameyama Troupe

五代友厚(ごだい・ともあつ) Godai Tomoatsu


Kameyama Shachū Kameyama Troupe


The Satsuma Domain, which undertook to protect Ryoma and the other students, placed great importance on their expertise in navigation, and Godai Tomoatsu and others provided funding to Ryoma and his group around May 1865 (the first year of the Keio era) (Kameyama Shachu).



He also formed friendships with Kojima Koretake of the Uwajima Domain, who was training British riflemen.

小曽根乾堂(こぞね・けんどう) Kozone Kendou


This was an organisation similar in character to a modern joint-stock company engaged in commercial activities, with its base at the Ozone Kendou family home in Nagasaki, where merchants gathered at the time, and offices at the Ito Sukedayu family home in Shimonoseki and Suya in Kyoto.

高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく) Takasugi Shinsaku


功山寺(こうざんじ) Kōzan-ji 山口県(やまぐちけん) Yamaguchi Prefecture下関市(しものせきし) Shimonoseki City

功山寺挙兵(こうざんじ・きょへい) Kozanji raised an army


In the Choshu domain, Takasugi Shinsaku had raised an army in December of the previous year, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), overthrowing the pro-surrender government and bringing the sonno joi faction back into power (the Kosanji Uprising).



The establishment of Kameyama Shachu not only aimed to make profits through commercial activities, but also served the purpose of reconciling the Satsuma and Choshu clans, whose relationship at the time was as close as fire and water, and this would later contribute to the establishment of the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance (see below).



After a series of blows from the shogunate, the Choshu clan developed a deep-rooted resentment toward the Satsuma and Aizu clans, the central forces that had driven them out of Kyoto politics, and some of the clan's samurai swore to themselves that they would never accept heaven as theirs.One man even went so far as to vent his frustration by writing the four characters "Satsukan Kaizoku" (Satsuma's Satsuma and Aizu's Aizu (the old kanji for Aizu)) on the soles of his sandals and stomping on them.

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう) Nakaoka Shintarō



Even in this atmosphere, Tosa defector Nakaoka Shintaro and his comrade Hijikata Hisamoto urged powerful domains such as Satsuma and Choshu to unite, hoping to overthrow the shogunate by force.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


渡辺昇(わたなべ・のぼり) Watanabe Nobori


Ryoma met with Watanabe Nobori, a patriot of the Omura clan, and stressed the need for the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance.

桂小五郎(かつら・こごろう) Katsura Kogorō 木戸孝允(きど・たかよし) Kido Takayoshi



Watanabe was a former head of the Renbukan School and was on close terms with Kogoro Katsura and others, so he acted as an intermediary between the Choshu clan and Ryoma Sakamoto.



He introduced Ryoma and Katsura to each other in Nagasaki.



In May 1865 (the first year of the Keio era), Hijikata and Ryoma worked together to persuade Katsura and get him to agree to meet with Saigo Takamori of Satsuma in Shimonoseki.

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう) Nakaoka Shintarō



At the same time, Nakaoka went to Satsuma and persuaded Saigo to agree to a meeting.



On May 21st of the same year, 1865 (the first year of the Keio era), Ryoma and Katsura waited for Saigo's arrival in Shimonoseki, but only a "dazed" Nakaoka showed up on a fishing boat.

西郷隆盛(さいごう・たかもり) Saigō Takamori



Saigo was on his way to Shimonoseki, but on the way he hurried off to Kyoto to prevent the Imperial Court from leaning toward the shogunate's insistence on a second campaign against Choshu.

桂小五郎(かつら・こごろう) Katsura Kogorō 木戸孝允(きど・たかよし) Kido Takayoshi



Katsura was furious and it seemed that progress in peace talks had become impossible, but Ryoma and Nakaoka did not give up on reconciliation between Satsuma and Choshu.



The Choshu domain was at the forefront of the anti-shogunate movement, and the shogunate had completely banned foreign powers from trading arms and ammunition with Choshu, making it difficult for the domain to introduce modern weaponry.



Meanwhile, the Satsuma domain was struggling to secure military rice.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



Here, Ryoma proposed a plan to procure weapons in the name of the Satsuma domain and secretly resell them to Choshu, and in return send the rice that was in short supply from Choshu to Satsuma.



Kameyama Shachu will be responsible for executing the transaction and transporting the cargo.



Since this strategy would resolve a pressing issue for both domains, both clans naturally agreed to it.

トーマス・ブレーク・グラバー Thomas Blake Glover

ミニエー銃 Minié rifle

ゲベール銃 Gewehr


This was Kameyama Company's first job, and in August they successfully brokered the purchase of 4,300 Minie rifles and 3,000 Gebel rifles from Glover & Co. in Nagasaki for the Choshu clan in the name of the Satsuma clan.



This also marked the first opportunity for reconciliation between Satsuma and Choshu.

近藤長次郎(こんどう・ちょうじろう) Kondo Chojiro

イギリス製蒸気軍艦ユニオン号 the British-made steam warship Union 薩摩(さつま)名 桜島丸(さくらじままる) Sakurajima Maru」、長州(ちょうしゅう)名 乙丑丸(いっちゅうまる) Ittyumaru」)


Additionally, thanks to the efforts of Kondo Chojiro (who had changed his name to Uesugi Sojiro at this time), the Satsuma domain succeeded in purchasing the British-made steam warship Union (Satsuma name "Sakurajima Maru" and Choshu name "Ittyumaru"). Although there were many twists and turns over ownership, the Sakurajima Maru Treaty was concluded with the Choshu domain in October and December 1865 (the first year of the Keio era), and the operation of the ship was entrusted to the Kameyama Shachu.

大久保一蔵(おおくぼ・いちぞう) Ōkubo Ichizo

大久保利通(おおくぼ・としみち) Ōkubo Toshimichi


広沢真臣(ひろさわ・さねおみ) Hirosawa Saneomi



In September 1865 (the first year of the Keio era), he delivered an important letter from Okubo Ichizo to Hirosawa Masaomi, a senior official of the Choshu domain, stating that "an unjust imperial order is not an imperial order," and that Satsuma would not obey the imperial order to invade Choshu again.

五代才助(ごだい・さいすけ) Godai Saisuke

五代友厚(ごだい・ともあつ) Godai Tomoatsu


In November 1865 (the first year of the Keio era), Ryoma Sakamoto accompanied Saisuke Godai to Shimonoseki and concluded a memorandum of agreement with Masaomi Hirosawa regarding the establishment of a trading company.

小松帯刀(こまつ・たてわき) Komatsu Tatewaki

薩長同盟(さっちょう・どうめい) Satchō Alliance

Satsuma-Choshu Alliance


On January 8, 1866 (Keio 2), a meeting between Katsura and Saigo was held at Komatsu Tatewaki's Kyoto residence.



However, the negotiations were difficult and no settlement was reached easily.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


桂小五郎(かつら・こごろう) Katsura Kogorō 木戸孝允(きど・たかよし) Kido Takayoshi



When Ryoma arrived in Kyoto from Shimonoseki on January 20, 1866 (Keio 2), he was shocked to find that the alliance had not yet been concluded. When he questioned Katsura about this, he was told that Choshu could not bow its head any further.



Ryoma did not blame Katsura any further.

西郷隆盛(さいごう・たかもり) Saigō Takamori



However, the Satsuma side tried to stop Katsura from returning to the domain, and on January 22, 1866 (Keio 2), the Satsuma side presented a six-article document.



The proposal was discussed on the spot and Katsura agreed.

桂小五郎(かつら・こごろう) Katsura Kogorō 木戸孝允(きど・たかよし) Kido Takayoshi

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

桂小五郎(かつら・こごろう) Katsura Kogorō 木戸孝允(きど・たかよし) Kido Takayoshi

西郷隆盛(さいごう・たかもり) Saigō Takamori

薩長同盟(さっちょう・どうめい) Satchō Alliance

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

桂小五郎(かつら・こごろう) Katsura Kogorō 木戸孝允(きど・たかよし) Kido Takayoshi

西郷隆盛(さいごう・たかもり) Saigō Takamori


As a result, the Satsuma and Choshu clans formed an alliance that would later be known as the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance.



Ryoma was present at the signing ceremony.



After the alliance was made, Kido checked the terms of the agreement with Ryoma to make sure his memory was correct, and received a reply that confirmed it.

三吉慎蔵(みよし・しんぞう) Miyoshi Shinzo

寺田屋(てらだや) Teradaya京都市(きょうとし)Kyoto City伏見区(ふしみく)Fushimi-ku


On January 23, 1866 (Keio 2), shortly after the alliance was made, Ryoma returned to Teradaya in Fushimi, where he was staying, with his bodyguard, Chofu samurai, Miyoshi Shinzo, and raised a toast to celebrate.

楢崎龍(ならさき・りょう) Narasaki Ryō お龍(おりょう) Oryō

寺田屋(てらだや) Teradaya京都市(きょうとし)Kyoto City伏見区(ふしみく)Fushimi-ku

楢崎龍(ならさき・りょう) Narasaki Ryō お龍(おりょう) Oryō

伏見奉行(ふしみ・ぶぎょう) Fushimi Bugyō

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

三吉慎蔵(みよし・しんぞう) Miyoshi Shinzo

楢崎龍(ならさき・りょう) Narasaki Ryō お龍(おりょう) Oryō

伏見奉行(ふしみ・ぶぎょう) Fushimi Bugyō

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

三吉慎蔵(みよし・しんぞう) Miyoshi Shinzo

伏見奉行(ふしみ・ぶぎょう) Fushimi Bugyō

楢崎龍(ならさき・りょう) Narasaki Ryō お龍(おりょう) Oryō


However, at this time, the Fushimi Magistrate was making preparations to capture Ryoma.



At around 2 a.m., Ryoma's girlfriend Oryo, who was taking a bath on the first floor, noticed something strange outside the window and ran upstairs in just her lining to alert the two of them.



A large number of police officers immediately burst into the house, and Ryoma fought back with a pistol given to him by Takasugi Shinsaku, while Mikichi fought back with a long spear, but they were outnumbered and Ryoma had the fingers on both his hands cut off, and both men escaped outside.



The injured Ryoma hid in a lumber yard, while Miyoshi disguised himself as a traveler and fled to the Satsuma clan residence in Fushimi to ask for help.



As a result, Ryoma was rescued by the Satsuma clan.

近藤長次郎(こんどう・ちょうじろう) Kondo Chojiro


In the absence of Ryoma, an incident occurred in the Kameyama Company in Nagasaki on January 14, 1866 (Keio 2), when Kondo Chojiro (Uesugi Sojiro), who had played an active role in purchasing the Union, unilaterally planned to study in England, but was discovered and forced to commit suicide.



When Ryoma was informed of the incident, he wrote in his "Notes" that "He had skill but not sincerity. It was the downfall of the Uesugi clan (Kondo)." However, in a later recollection by Oryo, he lamented, "If I had been there, he wouldn't have killed him."

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


楢崎龍(ならさき・りょう) Narasaki Ryō お龍(おりょう) Oryō


Following Saigo's advice, Ryoma decided to recuperate at the Kirishima Onsen hot springs in Satsuma to treat his sword wound, and on February 29, 1866 (Keio 2), he set off from Kyoto with Oryo aboard the Satsuma clan ship, the Sankoku Maru.



He arrived in Satsuma on March 10, 1866 (Keio 2) and stayed there for 83 days.

霧島山(きりしま・やま) Mount Kirishima


While enjoying their hot spring therapy, the two visited Mount Kirishima, Hinatayama Onsen, Shiozumi Onsen, Kagoshima, and other places.



The trip, during which Ryoma rested in the hot springs and treated the wound on his left hand, became a honeymoon trip for Ryoma and Oryo, and is considered to be Japan's first honeymoon.

イギリス製蒸気軍艦ユニオン号 the British-made steam warship Union 薩摩(さつま)名 桜島丸(さくらじままる) Sakurajima Maru」、長州(ちょうしゅう)名 乙丑丸(いっちゅうまる) Ittyumaru」)

帆船ワイル・ウエフ号 the sailing ship Wild Wave

池内蔵太(いけ・くらた) Ike Kurata


On May 1, 1866 (Keio 2), in response to a request from the Satsuma Domain, the Union arrived in Kagoshima port from Choshu loaded with 500 bales of military provisions. However, during this voyage, the sailing ship Wild Wave, provided by the Satsuma Domain, was shipwrecked and sunk, killing 12 people including Ikeuchi Kurata, who had defected from Tosa.



The shogunate's second invasion of Choshu was imminent, and Satsuma expressed its gratitude, stating that it could not accept military supplies from Choshu, which was in a national crisis, and the Union returned to Choshu.

第二次長州征討(だいにじ・ちょうしゅう・せいとう) Second Chōshū expedition


In June 1866 (Keio 2), the shogunate launched a second expedition against Choshu, deploying more than 100,000 troops.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく) Takasugi Shinsaku



On June 16, 1866 (Keio 2), Ryoma arrived in Shimonoseki aboard the Union and was asked by the Choshu clan to join the war. On June 17, 1866 (Keio 2), Ryoma commanded the Union in a sea crossing to Kokura clan under the command of Takasugi Shinsaku, and this was his first and last experience in actual combat.



While the Choshu clan was equipped with the latest Western weapons, the Shogunate forces were generally outdated and their command and control were poor.



Even though the Shogunate forces deployed overwhelming military force, they were no match for the Choshu forces, who won battle after battle.

徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち) Tokugawa Iemochi(在位18581865

徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ) Tokugawa Yoshitomi

14代将軍 the 14th Shogun



The unfavorable war situation caused the stress of Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi, commander-in-chief of the shogunate forces, to pile up and fall ill in Osaka Castle on July 10, 1866 (Keio 2), passing away at the young age of 21 on July 20, 1866 (Keio 2).

勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう) Katsu Kaishū



As a result, the second Choshu Expedition was called off, and Katsu Kaishu negotiated with the Choshu clan, and the shogunate forces withdrew on September 19, 1866 (Keio 2) (fighting continued at Kokuraguchi, and a peace agreement was not reached until the following year, January 23, 1867 (Keio 3)).

帆船ワイル・ウエフ号 the sailing ship Wild Wave

イギリス製蒸気軍艦ユニオン号 the British-made steam warship Union 薩摩(さつま)名 桜島丸(さくらじままる) Sakurajima Maru」、長州(ちょうしゅう)名 乙丑丸(いっちゅうまる) Ittyumaru」)

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


海援隊(かいえんたい) Kaientai


Having first lost the sailing ship Wild Wave, and then having to hand over the Union to the wartime Choshu clan, Kameyama Company was left without any ships.



In a letter dated July 28, 1866 (Keio 2) to Miyoshi Shinzo, Ryoma wrote about his predicament, saying, "I have given the sailors their leave, but most of them refuse to leave."



For this reason, in October 1866 (Keio 2), the Satsuma Domain donated the sailing ship "Daikyomaru" to the Kameyama Company as a replacement for the Wild Wave.

徳川慶喜(とくがわよしのぶ) Tokugawa Yoshinobu

一橋慶喜ひとつばし・よしのぶ) Hitotsubashi Yoshinobu



After the death of Shogun Iemochi, there was widespread expectation that the Shogun's guardian, Hitotsubashi Yoshinobu, would become the 15th Shogun, but Yoshinobu did not wish to take up the position and instead chose to inherit only the headship of the Tokugawa family.



At the end of August in 1866 (Keio 2), Ryoma approached Echizen samurai Shimoyama Hisashi, who was visiting Nagasaki, and asked him to convey the plan for returning power to Matsudaira Shungaku.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


大久保一翁(おおくぼ・いちおう) Okubo Ichiou

松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが) Matsudaira Yoshinaga 松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく) Matsudaira Shungaku) 越前藩主Echizen feudal lord

徳川慶喜(とくがわよしのぶ) Tokugawa Yoshinobu

一橋慶喜ひとつばし・よしのぶ) Hitotsubashi Yoshinobu



This is the first record of Ryoma discussing the idea of ​​returning political power to the shogunate, but the idea itself was not Ryoma's invention; it was something that the shogunate official Okubo Kazuo had been discussing for some time. In fact, on August 14, 1866 (Keio 2), prior to the meeting between Ryoma and Shimoyama, Shungaku himself had proposed the idea to Keiki but had been rejected.

後藤象二郎(ごとう・しょうじろう) Gotō Shōjirō



The Tosa clan had suppressed and purged the sonno-joi Tosa Kinnoto party, but by this time they had sensed the changing times and were rushing to strengthen their military, and had actively purchased weapons and ammunition in Nagasaki, with councilor Goto Shojiro in charge.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


溝淵広之丞(みぞぶち・ひろのじょう) Mizobuchi Hironojo

後藤象二郎(ごとう・しょうじろう) Gotō Shōjirō


清風亭会談(せいふうてい・かいだん) the Seifutei Meeting


The Tosa clan, which had taken notice of Ryoma, who had expertise in navigation and trade and close ties with both Satsuma and Choshu, began contacting him through Mizobuchi Hironojo from around November, and on January 13 of the following year, 1867 (Keio 3), Ryoma and Goto met (the Seifutei Meeting).

海援隊(かいえんたい) The Kaientai Maritime Support Force

Kaientai members, around January 1867. From left: 長岡謙吉(ながおか・けんきち)Nagaoka Kenkichi, 溝淵広之丞(みぞぶち・ひろのじょう)Mizobuchi Hironojō, 坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōma, 山本洪堂(やまもと・こうどう)Yamamoto Kōdō, 菅野覚兵衛(すがの・かくべえ)Sugano Kakubei, 白峰駿馬(しらみね・しゅんめ)Shiramine Shunme.

この結果、土佐藩(とさ・はん)は坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)らの脱藩(だっぱん)を赦免(しゃめん)し、亀山社中(かめやま・しゃちゅう)を土佐藩(とさ・はん)の外郭団体(がいかく・だんたい)的な組織とすることが決まり、これを機として1867年(慶応(けいおう)3年)4月上旬頃に亀山社中(かめやま・しゃちゅう)は「海援隊(かいえんたい) The Kaientai Maritime Support Force)」と改称した。

As a result, the Tosa clan pardoned Ryoma and his men for defecting from the clan and decided to make the Kameyama Shachu an organization affiliated with the Tosa clan. Taking this opportunity, around early April in 1867 (Keio 3), the Kameyama Shachu was renamed the "Kaientai."



According to the Kaien-tai regulations, the main purpose of the corps was to receive assistance from the Tosa clan, accept Tosa clan samurai, defectors from the clan, and those with an interest in overseas business, and to assist the Tosa clan in transportation, trade, development, speculation, and other activities, making it an organization that acted like both a navy and a company.

沢村惣之丞(さわむら・そうのじょう) Sawamura Sounojo

高松太郎(たかまつ・たろう) Takamatsu Taro

陸奥陽之助(むつ・ようのすけ) Mutsu Yonosuke 陸奥宗光(むつ・むねみつ) Mutsu Munemitsu


The corps consisted of about 50 members, including 16 to 28 samurai from the Tosa domain (Toranosuke Chiya, Sonosuke Sawamura, Taro Takamatsu, Kinma Yasuoka, Umanosuke Shingu, Kenkichi Nagaoka, Eikichi Ishida, and Sakutaro Nakajima) and people from other domains (Yosuke Mutsu from the Kishu domain and Shunma Shiramine from the Echigo Nagaoka domain), as well as sailors.

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう) Nakaoka Shintarō



Around the same time, Shintaro Nakaoka formed the Rikuentai.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


楢崎龍(ならさき・りょう) Narasaki Ryō お龍(おりょう) Oryō

北海道開拓計画 Hokkaido Development Plan


In addition to his maritime and commercial activities, Ryoma also envisioned the development of Ezo, and his wife Oryo later recalled, "I was planning to go there too, so I practiced the Hokkaido dialect."

岩崎弥太郎(いわさき・やたろう) Iwasaki Yatarō


On the other hand, the Kaien-tai was in a difficult financial situation, and Iwasaki Yataro (founder of the Mitsubishi zaibatsu), head of Kaiseikan Nagasaki Trading Company, wrote in his diary that the Kaien-tai members who frequently came to him asking for money were "a nuisance."

小松帯刀(こまつ・たてわき) Komatsu Tatewaki

小松清廉(こまつ・きよかど) Komatsu Kiyokado

帆船ワイル・ウエフ号 the sailing ship Wild Wave


After the founding of the Kameyama Company, they purchased the Western sailing ship "Wild Wave" with the support of Komatsu Tatewaki of the Satsuma Domain. However, on May 2, 1866 (Keio 2), it sank in a storm and 12 members of the company were killed in the shipwreck.



Also, in the same year, the Western-style sailing ship "Daikyomaru," which had been purchased from Walsh & Co. with the guarantee of the Satsuma domain, became unable to operate due to payment problems.

いろは丸沈没事件 Iroha Maru sinking incident

いろは丸沈没事件 Iroha Maru sinking incident

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



Shortly after the formation of the Kaien-tai, the "Iroha Maru sinking incident" occurred.



Ryoma operated the steamship Iroha Maru, registered with the Ozu domain, under a contract for 500 ryo per voyage, but on the evening of April 23, 1867 (Keio 3), the ship collided with the much larger Kishu domain ship Meiko Maru off the coast of Tomonoura in Bingo Province in the central Seto Inland Sea, causing severe damage and sinking.

万国公法(ばんこく・こうほう) Elements of International Law


Based on international law, Ryoma severely pursued the Kishu domain for any negligence.



He also criticized the Kishu Domain by making a popular song with the lyrics, "The price for sinking a ship is not to take money, but to take the country."

後藤象二郎(ごとう・しょうじろう) Gotō Shōjirō


五代才助(ごだい・さいすけ) Godai Saisuke

五代友厚(ごだい・ともあつ) Godai Tomoatsu


With the support of Goto and other members of the Tosa clan, and with the mediation of Satsuma samurai Godai Tomoatsu, in May 1867 (Keio 3), the Kishu clan agreed to pay 83,526 ryo and 198 mon in compensation for 35,630 ryo of firearms, including 400 Minie rifles, and 47,896 ryo and 198 mon in goods such as gold bars and pottery, which Ryoma's side claimed to have been loaded on the Iroha Maru.



This was later reduced to 70,000 ryo.

乾退助(いぬい・たいすけ) Inui Taisuke (のちの板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisuke

江戸薩摩藩邸の焼討事件(えど・さつま・はんてい・の・やきうち・じけん) the arson attack on the Satsuma domain's Edo residence


Secret pact to overthrow the shogunate


At the time, the mainstream of upper-class samurai in the Tosa domain was in favor of a public government system, but Inui Taisuke (later known as Itagaki Taisuke) was unusual among upper-class samurai in that he consistently advocated the overthrow of the shogunate by force, and hid Mito loyalist roshi (masterless samurai) Nakamura Yuuki and Sagara Sozo in the Tosa domain's Edo residence (these roshi were later transferred to the Satsuma domain, where they provoked the Shonai domain and others, leading to the arson attack on the Satsuma domain's Edo residence, a prelude to the Boshin War).

乾退助(いぬい・たいすけ) Inui Taisuke (のちの板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisuke

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう) Nakaoka Shintarō


福岡藤次(ふくおか・とうじ) Fukuoka Toji 福岡孝弟(ふくおか・たかちか) Fukuoka Takachika


In June 1867 (May 3rd year of the Keio era), Inui Taisuke went to Kyoto after receiving a letter from Nakaoka Shintaro, and on May 18th, 1867 (June 20th in the solar calendar), he met with Nakaoka along with Fukuoka Toji and Funakoshi Yonosuke of the Hiroshima domain at the restaurant Kinanro in Higashiyama, Kyoto, to discuss the overthrow of the shogunate by force.

西郷隆盛(さいごう・たかもり) Saigō Takamori


小松帯刀(こまつ・たてわき) Komatsu Tatewaki

小松清廉(こまつ・きよかど) Komatsu Kiyokado

吉井幸輔(よしい・こうすけ) Yoshii Kosuke


Furthermore, on May 21, 1867 (June 23 in the solar calendar), Shintaro Nakaoka mediated an arrangement for Taisuke to meet with Takamori Saigo of Satsuma. At the residence of Satsuma clan elder Komatsu Seiren in Onohata, Kyoto, Taisuke met with Yoshinosuke Saigo (later known as Takamori) and Kosuke Yoshii of the Satsuma clan along with Kanjo TANI and Kyosuke MORI of the Tosa clan to discuss the use of force to overthrow the shogunate, and concluded a secret pact to do so.

乾退助(いぬい・たいすけ) Inui Taisuke (のちの板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisuke

山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ) Yamauchi Toyoshige 山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう) Yamauchi Yōdō

土佐藩主The lord of the Tosa domain


On May 22nd of the following year, 1867 (the 3rd year of the Keio era), Taisuke paid an audience with Yamauchi Toyoshige and explained to him that the times were moving towards the overthrow of the shogunate by force, and that he was secretly hiding Mito roshi (masterless samurai) in the Tosa clan residence in Edo.



Furthermore, on May 22, 1867 (the 3rd year of the Keio era), the day after the conclusion of the Satsuma-Tosa Secret Agreement, which aimed to overthrow the shogunate, a meeting of senior officials was held at the Satsuma residence, and it was confirmed that the Satsuma clan's position was unified in favor of overthrowing the shogunate by force.

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう) Nakaoka Shintarō



Nakaoka Shintaro immediately wrote a letter informing them of the secret agreement that had been concluded between the Satsuma and Tosa clans to overthrow the shogunate by force, and sent a "manifesto" to his comrades in the Tosa Kinno Party.

後藤象二郎(ごとう・しょうじろう) Gotō Shōjirō


坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



At the same time, Goto Shojiro and Sakamoto Ryoma, who were planning to return imperial rule to the emperor, came to Kyoto and concluded the Satsuma-Tosa Alliance with the Satsuma Domain on June 22, 1867 (July 23 in the solar calendar).

夕顔(ゆうがお) Yugao


Ryoma's Advice and the Restoration of Imperial Rule


After completing negotiations over the Iroha Maru Incident, Ryoma and Goto Shojiro boarded the clan ship "Yugao" on July 10, 1867 (June 9, 1867) and left Nagasaki for Hyogo.

徳川慶喜(とくがわ・よしのぶ) Tokugawa Yoshinobu

一橋慶喜ひとつばし・よしのぶ) Hitotsubashi Yoshinobu

15代将軍the 15th shogun


島津久光しまづ・ひさみつ) Shimazu Hisamitsu


伊達宗城だて・むねなり) Date Munenari

松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが) Matsudaira Yoshinaga 松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく) Matsudaira Shungaku) 越前藩主Echizen feudal lord

山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ) Yamauchi Toyoshige 山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう) Yamauchi Yōdō

土佐藩主The lord of the Tosa domain


In Kyoto, a conference of the four feudal lords was being held, consisting of Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu, Shimazu Hisamitsu, Date Munenari, Matsudaira Shungaku, and Yamauchi Toyoshige, and Goto had been summoned to Kyoto by Yamauchi Toyoshige.


坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)は「夕顔丸(ゆうがお・まる)Yugao Maru」船内で政治綱領(せいじ・こうりょう)を後藤象二郎(ごとう・しょうじろう)に提示した。

Ryoma presented his political platform to Goto on board the Yugao Maru.

船中八策(せんちゅう・はっさく) The Eight Policies on Board the Ship

長岡謙吉(ながおか・けんきち) Nagaoka Kenkichi


It is said to have been written by Nagaoka Kenkichi, and in historical novels it is referred to as "The Eight Policies on Board the Ship," and has been said to have been the original platform for the Meiji government that was later established.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


後藤象二郎(ごとう・しょうじろう) Gotō Shōjirō


山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ) Yamauchi Toyoshige 山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう) Yamauchi Yōdō

土佐藩主 The lord of the Tosa domain

薩土盟約(さつど・めいやく) Satsuma-Tosa Alliance


In July 1867 (June 3rd year of the Keio era), upon receiving Ryoma's proposal, Goto immediately went to Kyoto and intended to submit a petition to Yamauchi Toyoshige; however, one month earlier, on May 21st, through the mediation of Nakaoka Shintaro, Inui Taisuke, Mori Kyosuke, TANI Kanjo and others had already made a secret pact with Saigo Takamori, Yoshii Tomomi and Komatsu Tatewaki of the Satsuma Domain to overthrow the shogunate in Satsuma, and the next day Yodo approved this and returned to Tosa with Inui and others, giving instructions to purchase 300 weapons in Osaka.



As a result, Goto Shojiro and others, who were one step behind the others, had no choice but to consult with the domain's senior vassals in Osaka and urge them to make the idea of ​​restoring imperial rule the domain's position.

薩土盟約(さつど・めいやく) Satsuma-Tosa Alliance


Goto then met with the Satsuma clan on June 22, 1867 (July 23 in the solar calendar), at which point the Satsuma side was represented by Saigo Takamori, Komatsu Tatewaki, and Okubo Ichizo, while the Tosa side was represented by Sakamoto Ryoma, Nakaoka Shintaro, Goto Shojiro, Fukuoka Takao, Teramura Sazen, and Manabe Seishin (Eizaburo). Based on Ryoma's advice, the Satsuma-Tosa Alliance was concluded, with the goal of restoring the monarchy.



While Goto was making a secret agreement with Satsuma, he returned to Tosa and submitted a petition to Yodo. Shortly thereafter, on June 26, 1867 (Keio 3), the Aki Domain joined and the Satsuma-Tosa-Gei Alliance was established.

英国水兵殺害事件(えいこく・すいへい・さつがい・じけん)  The murder of a British sailor イカルス号事件 The Icarus Incident


On July 6, 1867 (Keio 3), while Ryoma was away in Nagasaki, a sailor from the British warship Icarus was murdered, and members of the Kaien-tai were suspected of being responsible.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma


後藤象二郎(ごとう・しょうじろう) Gotō Shōjirō


ハリー・パークス Harry Parkes


To deal with this situation, Ryoma and Goto returned to Nagasaki, and Ryoma negotiated with British Minister to Japan, Parkes, until September 1867 (Keio 3).



In the end, the Kaien-tai members were cleared of suspicion due to insufficient evidence (the culprit was Kaneko Saikichi, a samurai of the Fukuoka domain, who committed suicide immediately after the incident).


Dissolution of the Satsuma-Tosa Alliance


Goto returned to Kyoto on September 2, 1867 (Keio 3), but due to the time it took to resolve the Icarus incident and the differences in the intentions of the Satsuma and Tosa clans, the Satsuma-Tosa Alliance was dissolved on September 7.



Afterwards, the Satsuma and Tosa clans began preparations to overthrow the shogunate based on a secret agreement to do so.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



A letter dated September 2, 1867 (Keio 3) from Kogoro Katsura (who was already using the surname Kido at the time) addressed to Ryoma remains.



After receiving this letter, Ryoma unilaterally purchased over 1,000 rifles for the Tosa clan, and asked the clan's senior officials to be prepared to overthrow the shogunate.

乾退助(いぬい・たいすけ) Inui Taisuke (のちの板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisuke


Release of Tosa Kinno Party members


On October 3, 1867 (September 6, 1867), Taisuke was reinstated to his post as Chief Inspector. Based on the secret agreement to overthrow the shogunate from Satsuma to Tosa, he promoted the idea of ​​overthrowing the shogunate by force within the domain, and together with Sasaki Takayuki and others, he mobilized the domain office to release former Tosa Kinnoto members such as Shimamura Toshinosuke and Yasuoka Kakunosuke who had been imprisoned for suppressing the Tosa Kinnoto.



As a result, the leaders of the Imperial Loyalist Party in the Seven Tosa Counties (and throughout the country) met to discuss the matter and decided to launch an uprising against the shogunate, with Taisuke as their leader.



Inui Taisuke effectively took over Takechi Zuizan's Tosa Kinno Party.

後藤象二郎(ごとう・しょうじろう) Gotō Shōjirō



In a letter sent by Ryoma Sakamoto to Kogorou Katsura (Takayoshi Kido) of the Choshu Domain on September 20, 1867 (Keio 3), he stated that if the restoration of imperial rule was not accepted, he would return Goto to his country and send Inui Taisuke to the country.

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう)Nakaoka Shintarō



On September 22, 1867 (Keio 3), (October 19, solar calendar), Nakaoka Shintaro wrote "Heidan" (Military Talk) and sent it to his loyalist comrade Oishi Madoka, in which he explained in detail how to organize an army.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



In response to these movements, after finishing dealing with the Icarus Incident, Ryoma loaded over 1,000 new rifles onto a ship and transported them from Nagasaki to Tosa, where on September 23, 1867 (Keio 3), he set foot on his hometown soil for the first time in five and a half years and reunited with his family.



On September 25, 1867 (Keio 3) (October 22 in the solar calendar), Ryoma Sakamoto reunited with his comrades from the Tosa Kinno Party to discuss the methods and timing of raising an army to overthrow the shogunate.

乾退助(いぬい・たいすけ) Inui Taisuke (のちの板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisuke


On September 29, 1867 (October 26, solar calendar), Inui Taisuke was appointed as the Tosa clan's punishment officer (councillor) and commander of an infantry battalion, but on October 8 (November 3, solar calendar) he was dismissed from his position as commander of the Tosa clan's infantry battalion for his outright opposition to the restoration of imperial rule, and he was ousted.

後藤象二郎(ごとう・しょうじろう)Gotō Shōjirō


山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ) Yamauchi Toyoshige 山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう) Yamauchi Yōdō

土佐藩主 The lord of the Tosa domain

板倉勝静(いたくら・かつきよ) Itakura Katsukiyo


Return to the debate over the restoration of imperial rule


While the Tosa clan was wavering between the radical armed overthrow of the shogunate as advocated by Inui Taisuke, and the moderate restoration of imperial rule as advocated by Goto Shojiro, Ryoma entered Kyoto on October 9, 1867 (Keio 3). During this time, Goto, with the consent of Yodo, went to Nijo Castle on October 3 and submitted a petition for the restoration of imperial rule, jointly signed by Yodo, Goto, Teramura, Fukuoka, and Kamiyama Sadaye, to the senior councilor Itakura Katsushige, proposing that the shogunate follow the times and return power to the imperial court.



However, Inui Taisuke did not waver in his opinion of overthrowing the shogunate by force, and criticized the idea of ​​restoring imperial rule to the emperor as "empty in name and without substance." He expressed his strong opposition, saying, "The 300-year Tokugawa shogunate-han system is an order created by war. Therefore, it can only be overturned by war. A simple solution such as forcing the shogun to step down from his position through negotiation would quickly fail." As a result, he was dismissed from all his positions and fell from grace.

徳川慶喜(とくがわ・よしのぶ)Tokugawa Yoshinobu

一橋慶喜ひとつばし・よしのぶ)Hitotsubashi Yoshinobu

15代将軍the 15th shogun



It was unclear whether Tokugawa Yoshinobu would accept this petition, and Ryoma told Goto, "If this petition is not accepted, you (Goto Shojiro) will be prepared to commit seppuku on the spot, so if Goshimo Castle is not available, I will wait for Yoshinobu on the streets together with my comrades from the Kaientai and avenge him.



Let's meet in the basement," he wrote in an intense letter.

二条城(にじょう・じょう) Nijō Castle

大政奉還(たいせい・ほうかん) Restoration of Imperial Rule


Meanwhile, on October 13, 1867 (Keio 3), Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu consulted with senior vassals of various domains, including Goto, at Nijo Castle on the matter of returning power to the Emperor.



The petition was submitted to Emperor Meiji on October 14th of the following year.



The charter was granted on October 15th.


Secret Imperial decree to overthrow the shogunate


Just before this petition to restore imperial rule (October 14th), a secret imperial decree to overthrow the shogunate was issued to Satsuma and Choshu.



However, with the establishment of the Taisei Hokan (Restoration of Imperial Rule to the Emperor), the justification for overthrowing the shogunate was lost, and on October 21, 1867 (Keio 3), an order was given to postpone the execution of the overthrow.

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



Eight principles of the new government


Seeing a bright future, Ryoma worked with Toda Gagaku (Ozaki Saburo) to draw up a proposal for a new government organization, the Shinkansei Gijosho, on October 16, 1867 (Keio 3).

西郷隆盛(さいごう・たかもり) Saigō Takamori



There is a famous anecdote that when Ryoma showed Saigo the list of proposed new government positions, Saigo's name was on it but Ryoma's was missing, and when he encouraged him to join the new government, Ryoma replied, "I'll run the World Kaien-tai."



In addition, in early November 1867 (Keio 3), he drafted the "Eight Policies for the New Government," which is said to have been based on the Eight Policies on Board the Ship.

三岡八郎(みつおか・はちろう) Mitsuoka Hachirō 由利公正(ゆり・きみまさ) Yuri Kimimasa

暗殺 Assassination


At the request of Goto Shojiro, he went to Echizen Fukui Domain with a letter from Yamauchi Toyoshige on October 24, 1867 (Keio 3), encouraged Matsudaira Shungaku to come to Tokyo, and after meeting with Mioka Hachiro (Yuri Kimimasa), he returned to Tokyo on November 5.

中根雪江(なかね・ゆきえ) Nakane Yukie


Immediately after returning to Tokyo, he wrote a letter to Goto Shojiro, entitled "Koshi no Ki," recommending that Mioka join the new government. On November 10, 1867 (Keio 3), he also wrote a letter to Nakane Yukie, a samurai of the Fukui domain, pleading for Mioka to serve in the government.

近江屋事件(おうみや・じけん) the Omiya Incident

京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

藤吉(とうきち) Tokichi

近江屋事件(おうみや・じけん) the Omiya Incident

京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう) Nakaoka Shintarō

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

近江屋事件(おうみや・じけん) the Omiya Incident

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

藤吉(とうきち) Tokichi

近江屋事件(おうみや・じけん) the Omiya Incident

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう) Nakaoka Shintarō

京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

近江屋事件(おうみや・じけん) the Omiya Incident

京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

近江屋事件(おうみや・じけん) the Omiya Incident

京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう) Nakaoka Shintarō

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

近江屋事件(おうみや・じけん) the Omiya Incident

京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma

坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま) Sakamoto Ryōma



On December 10, 1867 (November 15, 1867) Ryoma was staying in Takoyakushi, Kawaramachi, on the second floor of the main house of Omiya Shinsuke, a soy sauce merchant.

中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう) Nakaoka Shintarō


当日は陸援隊(りくえんたい)the Rikuentai militia中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう)や土佐藩士(とさ・はんし)の岡本健三郎(おかもと・けんざぶろう)、画家の淡海槐堂(おうみ・かいどう)などの訪問を受けている。

On that day, he received visitors from Nakaoka Shintaro of the Rikuen-tai, Okamoto Kenzaburo, a samurai of the Tosa clan, and the painter Oumi Kaido.



Around 8:00 p.m., while Ryoma and Nakaoka were talking, several men who called themselves Totsugawa samurai arrived and asked to meet them.



When the servant Fujikichi took over, the visitor went straight up to the second floor, slashed Fujikichi, and broke into the room where Ryoma and the others were.



When the servant Fujikichi took over, the visitor went straight up to the second floor, slashed Fujikichi, and broke into the room where Ryoma and the others were.



He died at the age of 33 (31 years old).



Coincidentally, he was assassinated on his own birthday.

藤吉(とうきち) Tokichi

今井信郎(いまい・のぶお) Imai Nobuo 京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

佐々木只三郎(ささき・たださぶろう) Sasaki Tadasaburo 京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

渡辺篤(わたなべ・あつし) Watanabe Atsushi 京都見廻組(きょうと・みまわり・ぐみ) Kyoto Mimawarigumi Kyoto Patrolling Group

デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...