


日本史38 Japanese history 38

富国強兵Fukoku kyōhei

Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Armed Forces

屯田兵(とんでんへい)TondenheiSoldiers stationed in the fields

富岡製糸場(とみおか・せいしじょう)Tomioka Silk Mill

群馬県(ぐんまけん)Gunma Prefecture富岡市(とみおかし)Tomioka City

流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star) 艦上攻撃機Carrier Attack Aircraft

艦上攻撃機Carrier-borne Attack Aircraft流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star)」は、太平洋戦争Pacific War末期に登場した日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navy艦上攻撃機Carrier-borne Attack Aircraftである。

The carrier-based attack aircraft ``Ryusei'' is a carrier-based attack aircraft of the Japanese Navy that appeared at the end of the Pacific War.

設計Design開発Development愛知航空機(あいち・こうくうき)Aichi Aircraft

Designed and developed by Aichi Aircraft.

連合国United NationsによるコードネームCode nameグレイスGrace

The Allied code name was Grace.

敗戦当日、木更津Kisarazu海軍航空基地Naval Air Stationから房総半島沖の空母ヨークタウンAircraft carrier Yorktown特別攻撃Special Attackを行い、海軍公式記録上「最後の特攻Last special attack」となった。

On the day of defeat, a special attack was carried out from Kisarazu Naval Air Station on the aircraft carrier Yorktown off the coast of the Boso Peninsula, marking it as the ``last special attack'' in official Navy records.

流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star) 艦上攻撃機Carrier Attack Aircraft

多任務multi-mission艦上攻撃機Carrier-borne Attack Aircraftであり、急降下爆撃Dive bombing水平爆撃Level bombing雷撃Torpedo attackを行える。

It is a multi-mission carrier-based attack aircraft capable of dive bombing, horizontal bombing, and torpedo strikes.

すなわち艦上爆撃機Carrier-borne Bomber艦上雷撃機Carrier-borne Torpedo bomberの両機種の役割を兼ねる。

In other words, it serves as both a carrier-based bomber and a carrier-based torpedo bomber.

当時の空母Aircraft carrier対艦攻撃用の航空機anti-ship attack aircraftとして艦上爆撃機Carrier-borne Bomber艦上雷撃機Carrier-borne Torpedo bomberを搭載していた。

Aircraft carriers at the time were equipped with carrier-based bombers and carrier-based torpedo bombers.

しかし、両機種は活躍できる状況が異なるため、空母Aircraft carrier限られた搭載機数the limited number of aircraft onboardを活用することは困難だった。

However, because the situations in which these two types of aircraft can be used are different, it was difficult to make full use of the limited number of aircraft onboard an aircraft carrier.

それを解決するためにつくられたのが流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star)である。

Ryusei was created to solve this problem.

流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star) 艦上攻撃機Carrier Attack Aircraft

単発レシプロ機Single-engine reciprocating machine

Single-shot reciprocating machine.

2人乗りTwo-Seat全金属製Made of all metal応力外皮Monocoque構造で作られている。

It seats two and is constructed of all-metal, stressed-skin construction.

主脚Main landing gear内側引き込み式Inside retractable尾輪Tail wheelをもつ。

The main landing gear is retractable and has a tail wheel.

爆弾倉Bomb bay胴体内部下部Lower inside of the fuselage内蔵Built-inする(ただし航空魚雷Aerial torpedoについては外部に懸垂Suspended outsideする)。

The bomb bay is built into the lower part of the fuselage (however, aerial torpedoes are suspended externally).

主翼Main wing中翼mid-wing単葉形式Monoplane formatかつ逆ガル翼Inverted gull wingを採用し、外見上の大きな特徴となっている。

The main wing adopts a mid-wing monoplane type and an inverted gull wing, which is a major external feature.

流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star 艦上攻撃機Carrier Attack Aircraft

彗星(すいせい)SuiseiComet 艦上爆撃機Carrier Bomber

日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navyの定義では急降下爆撃Dive bombingが可能な機体は「爆撃機Bomber」、雷撃Torpedo attackが可能な機体は「攻撃機Attack Aircraft」に分類される(水平爆撃Level bombingは両機種とも可能)。

According to the Japanese Navy's definition, aircraft capable of dive bombing are classified as "bombers" and aircraft capable of torpedo attacks are classified as "attack aircraft" (horizontal bombing is possible for both types).

流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star)は「爆撃機Bomber」に準じた名称を持つ(彗星(すいせい)SuiseiComet)など「Star」が付く名称は単発爆撃機single-engine bombers用と定められていた)が、機体分類Aircraft classificationは「攻撃機Attack Aircraft」になっている。

Ryusei has a name similar to ``bomber'' (names with a ``star'', such as Comet, were designated for single-engine bombers), but the aircraft is classified as an ``attack aircraft.''

流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star 艦上攻撃機Carrier Attack Aircraft

銀河(ぎんが)GingaGalaxy) 双発爆撃機Twin-engine bomber

銀河(ぎんが)GingaGalaxy) 双発爆撃機Twin-engine bomber

因みに同様に急降下爆撃Dive bombing雷撃Torpedo attackを兼用する陸上機Land-based Aircraftである銀河(ぎんが)GingaGalaxy)は、「爆撃機Bomber」に分類されている。

By the way, Ginga, a land aircraft that also performs dive bombing and torpedo attacks, is classified as a "bomber".

他の単発Single-engine艦攻Carrier-borne Attack Aircraft艦爆Carrier-borne Bomberと比較して傑出した性能をもっていたが、流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star)は重量過大のため艦上機Carrier-borne Aircraftとして運用するのは困難であり、実際は陸上機Land-based Aircraftとして運用された。

Although it had outstanding performance compared to other single-engine naval attacks and naval bombings, the Ryusei's excessive weight made it difficult to operate as a carrier-based aircraft, so it was actually operated as a land-based aircraft.

富国強兵(ふこく・きょうへい)Fukoku kyōhei Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Armed Forces

10 Chapter 10


Formation of a Modern Nation

4 Section 4


Fukoku kyōhei

Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Armed Forces




官僚制(かんりょう・せい)Bureaucracyとともに明治国家the Meiji state二大支柱the two main pillarsの一つである常備軍(じょうびぐん)standing army編成formationは、明治政府the Meiji government重要な課題important issueであった。

The formation of a standing army, which was one of the two main pillars of the Meiji state along with the bureaucracy, was an important issue for the Meiji government.

大村益次郎(おおむら・ますじろう)Ōmura Masujirō


奇兵隊(きへいたい)Kiheitai Irregular Militia

兵部大輔(ひょうぶ・たいふ)Hyōbu-taifu大村益次郎(おおむら・ますじろう)Ōmura Masujirōは、長州(ちょうしゅう)Chōshūでの奇兵隊(きへいたい)Kiheitai Irregular Militiaの経験から、国民皆兵(こくみん・かいへい)Mass Levy武士samuraiだけでなく農民farmers町民townspeopleをも含めた軍隊編成forming an army主義principleによる常備軍(じょうびぐん)standing army編成formingの必要を唱えていた。

Daisuke Hyobu and Masujiro Omura (Omura Masujiro) learned from their experience with the Kiheitai in Choshu that they believed that all citizens should be soldiers (Kokumin Kaihei) (not just samurai but also farmers). He advocated the necessity of forming a standing army based on the principle of forming an army that included the townspeople.

鎮台(ちんだい)Chindai military bases

廃藩置県(はいはん・ちけん)the Abolition of the Han System and Establishment of the Prefecture Systemによって各藩each domainのもつ兵権military power政府the government集中concentratedすることとなり、旧藩兵former domain soldiers解散disbanding disbandingさせて政府直属directly under the government常備軍(じょうびぐん)standing armyとし、薩摩(さつま)Satsuma長州(ちょうしゅう)Chōshū土佐(とさ)Tosa 3three domainsから御親兵(ごしんぺい)Goshinpei(のちに近衛兵(このえへい)Royal guard1万を集め兵部省(ひょうぶ・しょう)Ministry of War管轄下under the jurisdictionに入れ、東京Tokyo大阪Osaka鎮西Chinzei熊本Kumamoto)・東北Tohoku仙台Sendai)の4鎮台(ちんだい)Chindai military bases)を設置installedした。

With the abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures (haihan/chiken), the government concentrated the military power held by each domain, disbanding the former domain soldiers and making them a standing army directly under the government, and transferring the military power from the three Satsuma and Nagato domains to the imperial army. Goshinpei (later Kono-ehei) gathered 10,000 troops and placed them under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and established four military bases: Tokyo, Osaka, Chinzei (Kumamoto), and Tohoku (Sendai). ) was installed.

山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomo


大村益次郎(おおむら・ますじろう)Ōmura Masujirō暗殺assassinatedされた後は(1869明治2年))、近代的常備軍modern standing army編成building事業task山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomoが受け継いだ。

After Masujiro Omura was assassinated in 1869 (Meiji 2), Aritomo Yamagata took over the task of building a modern standing army.

徴兵告諭(ちょうへい・こくゆ)the Conscription Admonition

フランス軍制French military systemをモデルにして、国民皆兵(こくみん・かいへい)Levée en masseの立場から1872年(明治5年)11月に徴兵告諭(ちょうへい・こくゆ)the Conscription Admonitionを出し、続いて翌1873年(明治6年)1徴兵令(ちょうへいれい)the Conscription Order公布promulgatedされた。

Modeled on the French military system, conscription notices were issued in November 1872 (Meiji 5) from the standpoint of universal military service (Kokumin, Kaihei), and then in 1873 (Meiji 6) In January 2007, the conscription order was promulgated.


徴兵告諭(ちょうへい・こくゆ)the Conscription Admonitionでは、四民平等(しみん・びょうどう)Equality of the Four Peoplesのたてまえから国民citizensは当然兵役serve in the militaryの義務を負うべきだとし(国民皆兵(こくみん・かいへい)Levée en masse)、徴兵令(ちょうへいれい)the Conscription Orderは、満20歳に達した男子all menは、身分social statusの区別なく徴兵検査conscription examinationをへて3年間の兵役serve in the military for three yearsに服すべきことを規定していた。

The Conscription Admonition (Chouhei/Kokuyu) stated that citizens should naturally be obliged to serve in the military based on the principle of equality among the four peoples (Kokumin/Kaihei), and the Conscription Ordinance (Chohei Rei)  stipulated that all men who reached the age of 20, regardless of their social status, should pass a conscription examination and serve in the military for three years.

こうして政府the government常備軍(じょうびぐん)standing armyは、従来の士族兵samurai soldiersから国民皆兵(こくみん・かいへい)Levée en masseに切り換えられ、鎮台(ちんだい)Chindai military bases)も広島Hiroshima名古屋Nagoyaに増設され、明治国家the Meiji nationを支える軍隊the militaryが成立した。

In this way, the government's standing army was changed from the traditional samurai soldiers to the national army (kokumin/kaihei), and military bases were added to Hiroshima and Nagoya, establishing the military that supported the Meiji nation.

血税一揆(けつぜい・いっき)Blood tax riots


Uprising against conscription

この徴兵令(ちょうへいれい)the Conscription Orderは、いっぽうでは士族samuraiたちの身分上の特権status privilegesを奪うものであったので、不平士族disgruntled samurai政府反対oppose the government口実excuseとされた。

This conscription order, on the other hand, deprived the samurai of their status privileges, so it was used as an excuse for the disgruntled samurai to oppose the government.

また一般国民the general publicにとっては、重要な労働力important labor force3年間も失うlosing for three yearsことであり、さらに徴兵告諭(ちょうへい・こくゆ)the conscription noticeのなかの「血税(けつぜい)Blood tax」という文字the word字義通り解釈interpreted literallyして、徴兵反対の農民一揆Peasant uprisings opposed to conscription各地various places頻発occurred frequentlyした(血税一揆(けつぜい・いっき)Blood tax riots)。

In addition, for the general public, it means losing an important labor force for three years, and furthermore, the word ``ketsuzei'' in the conscription notice is interpreted literally. Peasant uprisings opposed to conscription occurred frequently in various places (ketsuzei uprisings).

参謀本部(さんぼう・ほんぶ)Military staff

軍制の整備Establishment of Military System

まず1872年(明治5年)2月に兵部省(ひょうぶ・しょう)Ministry of War陸軍省(りくぐん・しょう)Army Ministry海軍省(かいぐん・しょう)Navy Ministryに分離、1878年(明治11年)には参謀本部(さんぼう・ほんぶ)Military staffを新設して軍政(ぐんせい)Military administration軍令(ぐんれい)Military orderを分離し、1881年(明治14年)には憲兵制度(けんぺい・せいど)Military police systemを確立、さらに1882年(明治15年)には「軍人勅諭(ぐんじん・ちょくゆ)Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors」を出し、日本帝国the Japanese Empire軍隊the army整備establishedされていったのである。

First, in February 1872, the Ministry of Military Affairs was separated into the Ministry of War and the Ministry of the Navy, and in 1878, the General Staff A new headquarters (Sanbou/Honbu) was established to separate military government (Gunsei) and military order (Gunrei), and in 1881 (Meiji 14), the military police system (Kenpei/Seido) was established, and in 1882 ( In 1892, the Imperial Japanese Army issued the ``Gunjin Chokuyu'' (Regulations to the Military), and the army of the Japanese Empire was established.

軍人勅諭(ぐんじん・ちょくゆ)Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors

正式には「陸海軍人に賜はりたる勅諭an imperial admonition given to the men of the army and navy」。

Officially, it is ``an imperial admonition given to the men of the army and navy.''

自由民権運動the Freedom and Civil Rights Movement発展the developmentするなかで、軍人military personnel政治politicsから切り離すseparatingことを主要な目的として起草された。

It was drafted with the main purpose of separating military personnel from politics during the development of the Freedom and Civil Rights Movement.

西周(にし・あまね)Nishi Amane起草the draftingに関係している。

Amane Nishi is involved in the drafting.

内務省(ないむ・しょう)Home Ministry

警察制度Police system

1871年(明治4年)、東京府(とうきょうふ)Tokyo Prefecture邏卒(らそつ)Rasotsu巡査(じゅんさ)constables3000人を置いて首都capital治安維持maintain public orderを図ったが、1873年(明治6年)に内務省(ないむ・しょう)Home Ministryが設置されると、その下に全国的に整備され、ついで翌1874年(明治7年)東京Tokyo警視庁(けいし・ちょう)the Metropolitan Police Departmentが置かれた。

In 1871 (Meiji 4), Tokyo Prefecture appointed 3,000 Rasotsu (constables) to maintain public order in the capital, but in 1873 (Meiji 6), the Ministry of Home Affairs Once established, it was established nationwide, and the following year, in 1874, the Metropolitan Police Department was established in Tokyo.

この警察police forceは、軍隊the militaryとともに重要な弾圧機構important repressive mechanismでもあった。

Along with the military, this police force was also an important repressive mechanism.

大久保利通(おおくぼ・としみち)Ōkubo Toshimichi


内務省(ないむ・しょう)the Home Ministryの初代内務卿(ないむ・きょう)Lords of Home Affairs大久保利通(おおくぼ・としみち)Ōkubo Toshimichi

The first Minister of Home Affairs was Toshimichi Okubo.

内務省(ないむ・しょう)Home Ministryは、地方行政local administration警察policeなどを管轄し、言論統制controlling the press労働運動弾圧suppressing labor movementsなど国民生活the people's livesの末端まで統制controls

It has jurisdiction over local administration and the police, and controls every aspect of the people's lives, including controlling the press and suppressing labor movements.

士農工商(し・のう・こう・しょう)Shi, nō, kō, shō

版籍奉還(はんせき・ほうかん)Hanseki-hōkan Restoration of land and registers)の直後、公家court noblesおよび大名feudal lordsをすべて華族(かぞく)KazokuMagnificent/Exalted lineage)とし、さらに多くの家柄に分かれていた武士samurai士族(しぞく)Shizokuwarrior families)・卒族(そつぞく)Sotsuzokuの二つの身分に分けることとした。

Immediately after the restoration of land and land, all court nobles and feudal lords were classified as kazoku, and the samurai, who were divided into many different families, were classified as shizoku and Sotsuzoku. It was decided to divide them into two categories.


Furthermore, agriculture, industry, and commerce were all treated as commoners (heimin).

華族(かぞく)KazokuMagnificent/Exalted lineage

しかし、封建的主従関係the feudal master-servant relationshipは撤廃されたが、華族(かぞく)Kazoku士族(しぞく)Shizoku平民(へいみん)Commonerとの実際上の差は大きかった。

However, although the feudal master-servant relationship was abolished, there was a large difference in practical terms between the nobility, samurai, and commoners.

華族(かぞく)Kazoku経済上の特権economic privileges家禄(かろく)Karokuによって保障され、官吏(かんり)government officialsは大部分が士族(しぞく)Shizoku出身であった。

The economic privileges of the kazoku were guaranteed by Karoku, and the majority of government officials were from the samurai class.

廃刀令(はいとう・れい)Sword Abolishment Edict

さらに武士の身分的特権の象徴であった帯刀(たいとう)wearing of swordsについては、1871年(明治4年)に散髪脱刀令(さんぱつ・だっとう・れい)Haircut and sword removal orderを出し、次いで1876年(明治9年)になって廃刀令(はいとう・れい)Sword Abolishment Edictを出して、士族(しぞく)Shizoku帯刀(たいとう)wearing of swordsを全面的に禁止した。

Furthermore, with regard to the samurai's sword, which was a symbol of their status privilege, an order was issued in 1871 (4th year of Meiji) to remove the sword, and then in 1876 (9th year of Meiji). He then issued the Sword Abolition Order, completely banning the wearing of swords by the samurai class.


However, there was strong opposition to this measure from the samurai class.

金禄公債証書(きんろく・こうさい・しょうしょ)Kinroku Public Bond Certificates

秩禄処分(ちつろくしょぶん)Chitsuroku Shobun


Since the Edo period, the kazoku and samurai families have had the economic privilege of being paid a stipend.

また戊辰戦争(ぼしん・せんそう)the Boshin Warの功績に対して、政府は賞典禄(しょうてんろく)Shotenrokuを与えているが、この両者を合わせて秩禄(ちつろく)Chitsurokuという。

Additionally, the government awarded awards called Shotenroku for achievements in the Boshin War, and these two are collectively known as Chitsuroku.

そこで政府は、1876年(明治9年)になって、金禄公債証書(きんろく・こうさい・しょうしょ)Kinroku Public Bond Certificates発行条例the Ordinance for Issuingを公布して、家禄(かろく)Karoku賞典禄(しょうてんろく)Shoutenrokuのかわりに金禄公債証書(きんろく・こうさい・しょうしょ)Kinroku Public Bond Certificates秩禄(ちつろく)Chitsurokuの数年分の額の公債(こうさい)public bonds)を交付し、従来のように秩禄(ちつろく)Chitsurokuを現米や現金で支給することを廃止することにした。

Therefore, in 1876 (Meiji 9), the government promulgated the Ordinance for Issuing Kinroku Public Bond Certificates (Kinroku, Kosai, and Shosho), and issued Karoku and Shoutenroku. Instead, Kinroku public bond certificates (Kinroku, Kosai, Shosho) (public bonds equivalent to several years' worth of Chitsuroku) will be issued, and Chitsuroku will continue to be issued as before. We have decided to abolish the provision of cash or current payments.

秩禄処分(ちつろくしょぶん)Chitsuroku Shobun

このように経済的特権が否定されたため、士族(しぞく)Shizoku生活困難difficult to make a livingに陥った。

Because of this denial of economic privileges, the samurai class found it difficult to make a living.

華族(かぞく)Kazokuや一部上層の士族(しぞく)Shizokuは、多額の公債証書(こうさい・しょうしょ)public debt certificatesを資本に実業界で活躍したが、大部分の士族(しぞく)Shizokuは没落した。

The nobility and some upper-class samurai were active in the business world with the capital of large amounts of public debt certificates, but most of the samurai declined. did.

士族の商法(しぞく・の・しょうほう)commercial methods of samurai

官吏(かんり)government official巡査police officer教員teacherになれればまだ良い方で、少額の公債証書(こうさい・しょうしょ)public debt certificatesを資金に慣れない商業に従事engage in a business in which you are not accustomedしても、結局は「士族の商法(しぞく・の・しょうほう)commercial methods of samurai」と笑われるような結果になるだけであった。

It would be better if you could become a government official, a police officer, or a teacher, and even if you engage in a business in which you are not accustomed to using a small amount of public debt certificates as funds, in the end you will end up learning the ``commercial methods of samurai''. The result was only to be laughed at.

士族授産(しぞく・じゅさん)Shizoku jusan

帰農奨励(きのう・しょうれい)encouraging people to return to farming

このように困窮した士族(しぞく)Shizokuを救済するため、政府the government士族(しぞく)Shizokuに対する生業(すぎわい)資金の貸付けlending them money for their livelihood、あるいは開墾cultivating land移住relocatingによる帰農(きのう)の奨励encouraging people to return to farmingなど、いわゆる士族授産(しぞく・じゅさん)Shizoku jusanを実施したが、これもあまり効果がなかった。

In order to help the samurai who were in such need, the government provided support to the so-called samurai by lending them money for their livelihood, or encouraging them to return to farming by cultivating land and relocating. We tried giving birth, but this didn't have much effect either.

屯田兵(とんでんへい)TondenheiSoldiers stationed in the fields

帰農奨励(きのう・しょうれい)encouraging people to return to farmingの有名な例に北海道Hokkaido屯田兵(とんでんへい)TondenheiSoldiers stationed in the fields)がある。

A famous example of encouraging people to return to farming is the Tonden Hei in Hokkaido.

黒田清隆(くろだ・きよたか)Kuroda Kiyotaka

開拓次官Vice Minister of Development黒田清隆(くろだ・きよたか)Kuroda Kiyotakaの建議によるもので、北海道Hokkaido開拓development警備securityに当たった。

It was proposed by Kiyotaka Kuroda, Vice Minister of Development, and was responsible for the development and security of Hokkaido.

造幣局(ぞうへいきょく)Japan Mint

成立したばかりの明治政府The Meiji governmentは、財政不足financial shortfallsを補うために太政官札(だじょうかん・さつ)Dajōkan note1868年)や民部省札(みんぶしょう・さつ)Minbu Ministry note1869年)などの不換紙幣(ふかん・しへい)Fiat moneyを発行したが、統一した貨幣の鋳造the minting of unified coinsのため、1869年(明治2年)大阪Osaka造幣局(ぞうへいきょく)Japan Mintを設置した。

The Meiji government, which had just been established, issued fiat banknotes such as the Daijokan note (1868) and the Minbu Ministry note (1869) to make up for financial shortfalls; (Meiji 2) Established a mint in Osaka.

地租改正(ちそかいせい)Land Tax Reform

政府は、1872年(明治5年)に土地永代売買を解禁lifted the ban on permanent land salesするとともに地券(ちけん)land bondsを交付して、従来の年貢負担者tax payers地主landowners自作農independent farmers)の土地所有権land ownership rightsをまず認めた。

In 1872, the government lifted the ban on permanent land sales and issued land bonds, first recognizing the land ownership rights of traditional tax payers (landowners and independent farmers).

その上で政府は、国家財政の6割を占めるaccounted for 60% of national finances貢租(こうそ)収入tax revenueの安定化と、各藩に分かれて不統一であった徴収方法の全国的画一化を求めて、翌1873年(明治6年)7月に地租改正条例(ちそ・かいせい・じょうれい)The land tax revision ordinanceを公布した。

On top of this, the government sought to stabilize tax revenue, which accounted for 60% of national finances, and to standardize the collection methods nationwide, which had been inconsistent among feudal domains. ) The land tax revision ordinance was promulgated in July.

こうして着手された地租改正(ちそ・かいせい)Land Tax Reformは、1879年(明治12年)までかかった。

The land tax reform that was initiated in this way took until 1879 (Meiji 12).

土地測量land surveys

地券(ちけん)land bonds

まず第1に、全国的に土地測量land surveysをすすめて新しい地券(ちけん)land certificatesを交付した。

First of all, land surveys were carried out nationwide and new land certificates were issued.

これは、課税対象者subject to taxationである土地所有者the landowners(地主と自作農)を改めて確定するためであった。

This was done to redefine the landowners (landowners and independent farmers) who are subject to taxation.

2に、課税基準tax baseを年によって変化のある不安定な収穫高harvest levelsから、法定地価legal land pricesに変更した。

Second, the tax base was changed from unstable harvest levels that vary from year to year to legal land prices.

この地価(ちか)land priceは、農民からの申告farmers' declarationsに基づきながらも地方官の査定local officials' assessmentsによって決定されたため、農民の反対を募らせた。

This land price was determined by local officials' assessments, although it was based on farmers' declarations, which aroused opposition from farmers.

3に、地租(ちそ)land taxを画一的に地価(ちか)3% 3% of the land priceとするとともに、納入方法を物納(ぶつのう)payment in kindから金納(きんのう)payment in moneyに切り換えた。

Third, land tax was uniformly set at 3% of the land price, and the delivery method was changed from payment in kind to payment in money.

税率を3%とした理由The reason for setting the tax rate at 3%は、地租(ちそ)land taxの総額を従来より減らさないためであった。

The reason for setting the tax rate at 3% was to avoid reducing the total amount of land tax compared to before.

地租改正(ちそ・かいせい)Land Tax Reform

以上のような地租改正(ちそ・かいせい)Land Tax Reformが実施された結果、幕府および各藩の領有権が否定され、農民farmers地主landowners自作農independent farmers)の土地所有権the land ownership rightsが認められ、あわせて政府は、全国的な租税徴収権を掌握し、画一的な租税制度を確立することにより、安定した地租(ちそ)収入を確保secured stable land tax revenueした。

As a result of the above-mentioned land tax reform, the territorial rights of the shogunate and each domain were denied, and the land ownership rights of farmers (landowners and independent farmers) were recognized. By seizing the right to collect taxes and establishing a uniform tax system, they secured stable land tax revenue.

しかし農民farmersにとっては必ずしも負担の軽減にならず、また地主landowners土地所有権land ownershipを認めたため、小作農tenant farmersは従来通り現物の高率小作料の納入pay a high rate of rent in kindを余儀なくされた。

However, this did not necessarily alleviate the burden on farmers, and since land ownership was granted to landowners, tenant farmers were forced to pay a high rate of rent in kind as before.

地租改正反対一揆Uprising against land tax reform

地租改正(ちそかいせい)Land Tax Reformが進むにつれて、地価の算定や入会地の国有地化などに対する農民farmers不満dissatisfiedが強まり、地租軽減land tax reductionsを求める一揆uprisingsが各地に起こるようになった。

As land tax reform progressed, farmers became increasingly dissatisfied with the calculation of land prices and the conversion of land into state-owned land, leading to uprisings in various regions demanding land tax reductions.

伊勢暴動(いせ・ぼうどう)the Ise Riots

とくに1876年(明治9年)には、茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture真壁郡(まかべぐん)Makabe District一帯throughoutにひろがった真壁暴動(まかべ・ぼうどう)the Makabe Riots、および三重県Mie Prefectureに始まり愛知県Aichi Prefecture岐阜県Gifu Prefecture堺県(さかいけん)Sakai Prefectureの各県にまたがる大一揆Great Uprisingに発展した伊勢暴動(いせ・ぼうどう)the Ise Riotsなどが起こった。

In particular, in 1876 (Meiji 9), there were the Makabe Riots that spread throughout Makabe County, Ibaraki Prefecture, and the Ise Riots that started in Mie Prefecture and developed into the Great Uprising that spread to Aichi, Gifu, and Sakai prefectures. happened.

この結果、政府the governmentは翌1877年(明治10年)、地租(ちそ)land tax地価(ちか)の3%から2.5%に引き下げた。

As a result, the following year, 1877, the government lowered land tax from 3% to 2.5% of land value.

竹槍でドンと突き出す二分五厘Two-fifth man thrusting out with a bamboo spear

伊藤博文(いとう ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi


新貨条例(しんか・じょうれい)The new currency ordinance

新しい貨幣制度a new monetary systemの確立を求めていた政府the governmentは、1871年(明治4年)伊藤博文(いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumiの建議をいれて、金本位制(きんほんい・せい)Gold standardの採用、十進法the decimal systemによる(えん)yen(せん)sen(りん)rinの呼称などを内容とする新貨条例(しんか・じょうれい)The new currency ordinanceを定めた。

In 1871 (Meiji 4), the government, which was seeking to establish a new monetary system, proposed the adoption of the gold standard and the naming of yen, sen, and rin based on the decimal system. The new currency ordinance was established.

渋沢栄一(しぶさわ・えいいち)Shibusawa Eiichi

また新しい金融制度a new financial systemを求めていた政府は、1872年(明治5年)に渋沢栄一(しぶさわ・えいいち)Shibusawa Eiichiが中心となって国立銀行条例(こくりつ・ぎんこう・じょうれい)the National Bank Ordinanceを制定した。

The government, seeking a new financial system, enacted the National Bank Ordinance in 1872, led by Eiichi Shibusawa.

この結果、翌1873年(明治6年)から東京Tokyo第一国立銀行(だいいち・こくりつ・ぎんこう)the Daiichi National Bankをはじめ各地に設立されるようになった。

As a result, from the following year, 1873 (Meiji 6), banks began to be established in various locations, including the Daiichi National Bank in Tokyo.

第一国立銀行(だいいち・こくりつ・ぎんこう)the Daiichi National Bank

横浜正金銀行(よこはま・しょうきん・ぎんこう)Yokohama Specie Bank

また1876年(明治9年)には、私立銀行private bankとして三井銀行(みつい・ぎんこう)Mitsui Bankが、1879年(明治12年)には貿易金融機関a trade financial institutionとして横浜正金銀行(よこはま・しょうきん・ぎんこう)Yokohama Specie Bankが設立された。

In 1876 (Meiji 9), Mitsui Bank was established as a private bank, and in 1879 (Meiji 12), Yokohama Specie Bank was established as a trade financial institution.

国立銀行(こくりつ・ぎんこう)National Bankでの不換紙幣(ふかん・しへい)fiat currencyの発行、あるいは秩禄処分(ちつろく・しょぶん)Chitsuroku Actによる公債(こうさい)public bondsの発行や西南戦争(せいなん・せんそう)Seinan War軍費の莫大な支出the enormous military expendituresなどは、インフレーションinflationを引き起こし、貨幣価値の下落the decline in the value of money物価高騰soaring pricesにより国民生活に大きな打撃a major impact on people's livesを与えた。

The issuance of fiat currency by national banks, the issuance of public bonds under the Chitsuroku Act, and the enormous military expenditures for the Seinan Rebellion caused inflation, and the decline in the value of money and soaring prices had a major impact on people's lives.



The government opened the first railway between Tokyo (Shinbashi) and Yokohama in 1872 (Meiji 5) by introducing funds and technology from Britain.

この「陸蒸気(おかじょうき)land steam」と言われた鉄道(てつどう)Railwayの運賃は極めて高く、一部上層の国民のためのものであった。

The fares on this railway, known as ``land steam,'' were extremely high and were reserved for some upper-class citizens.


その後主要都市間の鉄道(てつどう)Railwayが敷設され、大阪Osaka神戸Kobe間が1874年(明治7年)、大阪Osaka京都Kyoto間が1877年(明治10年)、また東京Tokyo神戸Kobeを結ぶ東海道線the Tokaido Lineが全通したのは1889年(明治22年)であった。

Later, railways were built between major cities, with Osaka and Kobe in 1874 (Meiji 7), Osaka and Kyoto in 1877 (Meiji 10), and the Tokaido Line connecting Tokyo and Kobe completed. The year was 1889 (Meiji 22).

鉄道(てつどう)Railwayは当初国有owned by the stateが中心であったが、その後民間の鉄道経営private railway managementも盛んになり、路線linesは全国に延びた。

Initially, railways were mainly owned by the state, but later private railway management became popular, and lines extended throughout the country.

岩崎弥太郎(いわさき・やたろう)Iwasaki Yatarō

近海航路the coastal routes外国の汽船会社foreign steamship companiesに支配されている状態であったので、政府は国内の海運業振興(かいうんぎょう・しんこう)promoting the domestic shipping industryに積極的であった。

The government was proactive in promoting the domestic shipping industry, as the coastal routes were controlled by foreign steamship companies.

まず1870年(明治3年)、政府の監督の下で半官半民の廻漕会社(かいそう・がいしゃ)rowing companyが設立され、続いて1871年(明治4年)には、廻漕取扱所(かいそう・とりあつかいじょ)rowing handling officeが設立された。

First, in 1870 (Meiji 3), a semi-governmental, semi-private rowing company was established under the supervision of the government, and then in 1871 (Meiji 4), a rowing handling office was established. Ta.

廻漕会社(かいそう・がいしゃ)the shipping company業務operationsを引き継いで、政府の援助によって日本政府郵便蒸気船会社(にほん・せいふ・ゆうびん・じょうきせん・がいしゃ)The Japanese Government Mail Steamship Companyが設立されたが、経営不振poor business performanceのため1875年(明治8年)に解散した。

The Japanese Government Mail Steamship Company was established with government assistance to take over the operations of the shipping company, but it was disbanded in 1875 due to poor business performance.

九十九商会(つくも・しょうかい)Tsukumo Shokai

いっぽう土佐(とさ)Tosa Province高知県(こうちけん)Kōchi Prefecture出身の岩崎弥太郎(いわさき・やたろう)Iwasaki Yatarō1870年(明治3年)に設立した九十九商会(つくも・しょうかい)Tsukumo Shokaiは、1873年(明治6年)三菱商会(みつびし・しょうかい)Mitsubishi Shokaiと改称したが、台湾出兵(たいわん・しゅっぺい)The Japanese punitive expedition to Taiwan in 1874西南戦争(せいなん・せんそう)Seinan Warでの軍需輸送the transportation of munitions政府の手厚い保護the generous protection of the governmentによって急速に発展した。

On the other hand, Tsukumo Shokai, founded by Yataro Iwasaki from Tosa in 1870 (Meiji 3), changed its name to Mitsubishi Shokai in 1873 (Meiji 6), but lost power due to the dispatch of troops to Taiwan and the Seinan War. It developed rapidly thanks to the transportation of munitions and the generous protection of the government.

郵便汽船三菱会社(ゆうびん・きせん・みつびし・がいしゃ)the Mail Steamship Mitsubishi Company

この間1875年(明治8年)には郵便蒸気船会社(ゆうびん・じょうきせん・がいしゃ)the Mail Steamship Companyの事業をも吸収して郵便汽船三菱会社(ゆうびん・きせん・みつびし・がいしゃ)the Mail Steamship Mitsubishi Companyとなった。

During this period, in 1875 (Meiji 8), it also absorbed the business of the Mail Steamship Company and became the Mail Steamship Mitsubishi Company.

これ以後三菱(みつびし)Mitsubishiは、日本の海運界the Japanese shipping industryに指導的な地位を固めた。

Since then, Mitsubishi has solidified its leading position in the Japanese shipping industry.

電信(でんしん)Electrical telegraph

電信(でんしん)Electrical telegraphは、1869年(明治2年)12月、東京Tokyo横浜Yokohama間に開通して以後、とりわけ軍事的要請military demandsにより急速に全国に敷設installed across the countryしたが、最初のうちは官庁government offices軍隊the military通信communicationsにのみ使用された。

After the telegraph opened between Tokyo and Yokohama in December 1869, it was rapidly installed across the country, particularly due to military demands, but at first it was used only for communications between government offices and the military.


Furthermore, in 1877 (Meiji 10), telephones were imported.

郵便制度(ゆうびん・せいど)the Postal system

前島密(まえじま・ひそか)Maejima Hisoka

政府はまず飛脚制度(ひきゃく・せいど)the Courier systemの改善を図ったが、やがて前島密(まえじま・ひそか)Maejima Hisokaの建議で、欧米の郵便制度(ゆうびん・せいど)the Postal systemが移植された。

The government first tried to improve the Courier system, but eventually, at the suggestion of Hisoka Maejima, the Western Postal system was transplanted.

1868年(明治1年)駅逓司(えきていし)a station post officeが創設され、1871年(明治4年)には東京Tokyo大阪Osaka間に初めて官営郵便事業(かんえい・ゆうびん・じぎょう)the Government-run Postal Serviceが始まった。

In 1868 (Meiji 1), a station post office was established, and in 1871 (Meiji 4), the first Government-run Postal Service began between Tokyo and Osaka.


It was later expanded to cover the whole country, and prices became meter-based (uniform nationwide).

次いで1877年(明治10年)には万国郵便連合条約(ばんこく・ゆうびん・れんごう・じょうやく)the Universal Postal Union Treatyに加盟し、国際間の連絡も便利になった。

Then, in 1877 (Meiji 10), the country became a member of the Universal Postal Union Treaty, making international communications convenient.

横須賀造船所(よこすか・ぞうせんじょ)Yokosuka Shipyard

殖産興業(しょくさん・こうぎょう)Industrial Development

明治になって封建的諸規制が撤廃されるとともに、商工業commerce and industry新しい発展new developmentsが可能となってきた。

With the Meiji era, feudal regulations were abolished and new developments in commerce and industry became possible.

しかし当時の民間工業private industryは、まだ一部にマニュファクチュア経営manufacturersがみられる程度で、そのため政府the governmentは、近代産業の急速な成長the rapid growth of modern industryを求めて、産業modern industryの徹底的な保護・奨励策measures to protect and encourageをとった。

However, private industry at that time was still limited to a limited number of manufacturers, and the government therefore took thorough measures to protect and encourage modern industry, seeking the rapid growth of modern industry.

これは、富国強兵(ふこく・きょうへい)create a rich nation and strong militaryを目指す政府の重要な政策the important policiesの一つであった。

This was one of the important policies of the government, which aimed to create a rich nation and strong military.

長崎造船所(ながさき・ぞうせんじょ)Nagasaki Shipyard

政府は、殖産興業(しょくさん・こうぎょう)Industrial Developmentの重点として成立当初から軍事工業military industryには力を注ぎ、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateから継承したものや新設したものを含めて、官営工場(かんえい・こうじょう)government-run factoriesとして経営した。

The government focused its efforts on military industry from the beginning of its establishment as a priority for industrial development, and operated factories, including those inherited from the shogunate and those newly established, as government-run factories.

東京砲兵工廠(とうきょう・ほうへい・こうしょう)Tokyo Arsenal(幕府の関口製作所(せきぐち・せいさくしょ)を継承)・大阪砲兵工廠(おおさか・ほうへい・こうしょう)Osaka Arsenal横須賀造船所(よこすか・ぞうせんじょ)Yokosuka Shipyard(幕府の製鉄所(せいてつしょ)Ironworksを継承)・長崎造船所(ながさき・ぞうせんじょ)Nagasaki Shipyard(幕府の製鉄所(せいてつしょ)steelworksを継承)・兵庫造船所(ひょうご・ぞうせんじょ)Hyogo Shipyardなどが有名である。

Tokyo Artillery Arsenal (inherited the Shogunate's Sekiguchi Works), Osaka Artillery Arsenal, Yokosuka Shipyard (inherited the Shogunate's steelworks), Nagasaki Shipyard (inherited the Shogunate's steelworks), Hyogo Shipyard, etc. is famous.

官営事業Government business

1873年(明治6年)、明治政府日本坑法(にほん・こうほう)the Japan Mining Lawを公布して鉱山・炭坑の官営the government management of mines and coal minesを規定した。

In 1873 (Meiji 6), the Meiji government promulgated the Japan Mining Law, which stipulated the government management of mines and coal mines.

富岡製糸場(とみおか・せいしじょう)Tomioka Silk Mill

群馬県(ぐんまけん)Gunma Prefecture富岡市(とみおかし)Tomioka City

富岡製糸場(とみおか・せいしじょう)Tomioka Silk Mill

群馬県(ぐんまけん)Gunma Prefecture富岡市(とみおかし)Tomioka City

富岡製糸場(とみおか・せいしじょう)Tomioka Silk Mill

群馬県(ぐんまけん)Gunma Prefecture富岡市(とみおかし)Tomioka City

明治政府殖産興業(しょくさん・こうぎょう)promoting industryのもう一つの重点としたのが、最大輸出産業the largest export industryである製糸業(せいしぎょう)the silk reeling industry機械化mechanizationのための保護育成protect and fosterであった。

Another priority of the Meiji government in promoting industry was to protect and foster the mechanization of the silk reeling industry, which was the largest export industry.

そのために群馬県(ぐんまけん)Gunma Prefectureに建設された官営(かんえい)government-run富岡製糸場(とみおか・せいしじょう)Tomioka Silk Millでは、フランスFranceから機械設備machinery and equipment輸入importedし、フランス人技師French engineersを招いて日本人女工Japanese female workers機械製糸mechanical silk reeling技術techniquesを習わせたのである。

To this end, the government-run Tomioka Silk Mill, built in Gunma Prefecture, imported machinery and equipment from France and invited French engineers to teach Japanese female workers the techniques of mechanical silk reeling.

そのほかの製糸工場(せいし・こうじょう)silk millsへの財政的援助Financial supportも見られた。

Financial support was also provided to other silk mills.

官営堺紡績所(かんえい・さかい・ぼうせきじょ)government-run Sakai spinning mill

日本の綿業(めんぎょう)cotton industryは、技術的に手工業段階the handicraft stageであったので、紡績(ぼうせき)製品textile products輸入importsによって大きな打撃hit hardを受けた。

Japan's cotton industry, which was technically still at the handicraft stage, was hit hard by imports of textile products.

ところが明治政府は、綿業(めんぎょう)cotton industry振興promotingを考えるのでなく、綿糸紡績業(めんし・ぼうせき・ぎょう)the cotton spinning industry移植transplantingに力を尽くし、そのため(さかい)Sakai愛知(あいち)Aichi広島(ひろしま)Hiroshimaなどに新式機械new machineryを据えた官営紡績所(かんえい・ぼうせき・しょ)government-run spinning millsを開設した。

However, rather than thinking about promoting the cotton industry, the Meiji government concentrated on transplanting the cotton spinning industry, and for this purpose opened government-run spinning mills equipped with new machinery in Sakai, Aichi, Hiroshima, and other locations.

千住製絨所(せんじゅ・せいじゅうしょ)Senju Seijyusho

さらにまた、東京Tokyo官営(かんえい)government-run千住製絨所(せんじゅ・せいじゅう・しょ)Senju Seijyushoを設けて軍服military uniforms用のラシャrashers毛織物(けおりもの)woolen textile)を製造manufactureさせ、毛織物業(けおりもの・ぎょう)the woolen textile industry振興promoteを図った。

Furthermore, he established the government-run Senju Seijyusho in Tokyo to manufacture rashers for military uniforms, in an effort to promote the woolen textile industry.

札幌農学校(さっぽろ・のうがっこう)Sapporo Agricultural College

明治政府はまた、1876年(明治9年)北海道Hokkaido札幌農学校(さっぽろ・のうがっこう)Sapporo Agricultural Collegeを、1878年(明治11年)東京Tokyo駒場農学校(こまば・のうがっこう)Komaba Agricultural Collegeを設けて近代的農学の研究research on modern agricultureに当たらせたほか、1877年(明治10年)東京Tokyo三田育種場(みた・いくしゅ・じょう)Mita Breeding Plantを設立して、内外domestic and foreign種苗(しゅびょう)seeds試作trial production配布distributionなどを行い、また福島県Fukushima Prefecture安積用水(あさか・ようすい)Asaka Canal愛知県Aichi Prefecture明治用水(めいじ・ようすい)Meiji Canalを建設するなどして各地に開拓事業development projectsを進めた。

The Meiji government also established the Sapporo Agricultural College in Hokkaido in 1876 and the Komaba Agricultural College in Tokyo in 1878 to conduct research on modern agriculture. 2000) Established the Mita Breeding Plant in Tokyo, engaged in trial production and distribution of domestic and foreign seeds, and also carried out development projects in various locations, such as constructing the Asaka Yosui Canal in Fukushima Prefecture and the Meiji Canal in Aichi Prefecture. I proceeded.

ホーレス・ケプロンHorace Capron

ウィリアム・スミス・クラークWilliam Smith Clark

少年よ、大志を抱け この老人の如く

Boys, be ambitious like this old man

さらに北海道の開発the development of Hokkaidoには開拓使(かいたくし)Hokkaidō Development Commissionを置き、屯田兵制度(とんでんへい・せいど)the Tondenhei systemを採用し、アメリカ人AmericansケプロンHorace CapronおよびクラークWilliam Smith Clarkを招いて、アメリカ式の大農場制度American-style large farm systemの移植を図った。

Furthermore, for the development of Hokkaido, they established a development envoy, adopted the tondenhei system, and invited Americans Capron and Clark to transplant an American-style large farm system.

製茶共進会(せいちゃ・きょうしんかい)trade fair for tea

内務省勧農・商務両極The Ministry of the Interior's agricultural and commercial sectorsは、国内産業奨励encourage domestic industryのため、各種の共進会(きょうしんかい)joint exhibitionsを開いた。

The Ministry of the Interior's agricultural and commercial sectors held various joint exhibitions to encourage domestic industry.

1879年(明治12年)に横浜Yokohamaで開かれた製茶共進会(せいちゃ・きょうしんかい)trade fair for teaが最初で、その後生糸raw silkcocoons織物textilesなどの共進会(きょうしんかい)trade fairsが開かれ、産業発展industrial developmentに寄与した。

The first trade fair for tea was held in Yokohama in 1879 (Meiji 12), and later trade fairs for raw silk, cocoons, textiles, etc. were held, contributing to industrial development.

ウィーン万国博覧会(ウィーン・ばんこく・はくらんかい)1873 Vienna World's Fair

ウィーン万国博覧会(ウィーン・ばんこく・はくらんかい)1873 Vienna World's Fair

また政府は、1873年(明治6年)のウィーン万国博覧会(ウィーン・ばんこく・はくらんかい)1873 Vienna World's Fair以来、万国博覧会(ばんこく・はくらんかい)World's fair国際博覧会(こくさい・はくらんかい)Universal Exposition)に参加し、西洋の近代産業移植the transplantation of modern Western industryに大いに効果をあげた。

The government has also participated in World's Fairs since the Vienna World's Fair of 1873 (Meiji 6), which had a great effect on the transplantation of modern Western industry.

工部省(こうぶしょう)Ministry of Public Works

このような殖産興業(しょくさん・こうぎょう)政策industrial promotion policiesを推進する行政機関administrative agencyとして、1870年(明治3年)に政府は工部省(こうぶ・しょう)Ministry of Public Worksを設けた。

In 1870 (Meiji 3), the government established the Ministry of Industry as an administrative agency to promote such industrial promotion policies.

工部大学校(こうぶ・だいがっこう)Imperial College of Engineering

工部省(こうぶ・しょう)Ministry of Public Worksには、工業industry鉱山業mining鉄道railways電信telegraphsなどの部門があり、西洋の近代的技術の導入introducing modern Western technologyに重要な役割を果たし、また1878年(明治11年)、工部省(こうぶ・しょう)Ministry of Public Worksのなかに設置された工部大学校(こうぶ・だいがっこう)Imperial College of Engineeringは、外国人教師foreign teachersをも招いて技術者養成train engineersに当たった。

The Ministry of Works has departments such as industry, mining, railways, and telegraphs, and plays an important role in introducing modern Western technology, and was established within the Ministry of Works in 1878 (Meiji 11). The engineering college that was established also invited foreign teachers to train engineers.

八幡製鐵所(やはた・せいてつしょ)Yahata Steel Works

殖産興業(しょくさん・こうぎょう)政策the industrial development policyを進めるため、政府は多くの官営工場(かんえい・こうじょう)government-run factoriesを建設したが、重点は軍事産業the military industryに置かれていた。

In order to advance the industrial development policy, the government built many government-run factories, but the emphasis was placed on the military industry.

また、ヨーロッパの新しい機械・技術new European machinery and technology導入introducedした官営模範工場(かんえい・もはん・こうじょう)government-run model factoriesが各地に設けられた。

In addition, government-run model factories that introduced new European machinery and technology were established in various locations.

富岡製糸場(とみおか・せいしじょう)Tomioka Silk Millはその代表的な例typical exampleである。

Tomioka Silk Mill is a typical example.

渋沢栄一(しぶさわ・えいいち)Shibusawa Eiichi

五代友厚(ごだい・ともあつ)Godai Tomoatsu

古河市兵衛(ふるかわ・いちべえ)Furukawa Ichibei

藤田伝三郎(ふじた・でんざぶろう)Fujita Denzaburō

以上に述べてきた殖産興業(しょくさん・こうぎょう)Industrial Developmentが進められる過程で、三井Mitsui小野組Ono-gumi島田組Shimada-gumi岩崎Iwasaki三菱Mitsubishi)など、政治家politiciansとつながる民間人private citizensや、政府を辞した渋沢栄一(しぶさわ・えいいち)Shibusawa Eiichi五代友厚(ごだい・ともあつ)Godai Tomoatsuあるいは古河市兵衛(ふるかわ・いちべえ)Furukawa Ichibei藤田伝三郎(ふじた・でんざぶろう)Fujita Denzaburōなど政府に近い人たちが、政府the governmentから特権special privilegesを与えられて、金融finance貿易trade運輸transportationなどの分野で独占的な利益monopolistic profitsをあげ、政商(せいしょう)Political entrepreneurと呼ばれた。

In the process of promoting industry as described above, private citizens connected to politicians such as Mitsui, Ono-gumi, Shimada-gumi, Iwasaki (Mitsubishi), Eiichi Shibusawa, Tomoatsu Godai, who resigned from the government, Ichibei Koga, Fujita, etc. People close to the government, such as Denzaburo, were given special privileges by the government and earned monopolistic profits in fields such as finance, trade, and transportation, and were called political commerce.


フィールド・オブ・ドリームス Field of Dreams 第 9 章  ジョン・キンセラ Chapter 9   John Kinsella   フィールド・オブ・ドリームス ( 夢 ( ゆめ ) の 球場 ( きゅうじょう ) ) Field of Dr...