


日本史9 Japanese history 9

弘仁・貞観文化Konin-Jogan Culture

最澄(さいちょう)Saicho伝教大師(でんぎょう・だいし)Dengyo Daishi

空海(くうかい)Kukai弘法大師(こうぼう・だいし)Kobo Daishi)(774835

九七式艦上攻撃機(きゅうななしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft

九七式艦上攻撃機(きゅうななしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft

九七式艦上攻撃機(きゅうななしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraftは、日本海軍Japanese Navy艦上攻撃機(かんじょう・こうげきき)carrier-based attack aircraft

The Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft was a carrier-based attack aircraft of the Japanese Navy.

日本海軍Japanese Navyとしては、初の全金属製all-metal低翼low-wing単葉機monoplaneであり、一号型は国産domestically produced単発機single-engine aircraft初の引込脚retractable landing gearを採用。

It was the first all-metal low-wing monoplane for the Japanese Navy, and Type 1 was the first domestically produced single-engine aircraft to use retractable landing gear.

九六式艦上攻撃機(きゅうろくしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 96 carrier-based attack aircraft

それまでの九六式艦上攻撃機(きゅうろくしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 96 carrier-based attack aircraftに比べ、最高速度は約100km/hも向上した。

Compared to the previous Type 96 carrier-based attack aircraft, its maximum speed was approximately 100 km/h higher.

九七式艦上攻撃機(きゅうななしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft


There are 3 crew members.

制式採用後間もなく中国大陸方面の作戦operations in mainland Chinaに投入された。

Shortly after its adoption, it was used in operations in mainland China.

九七式艦上攻撃機(きゅうななしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft

真珠湾攻撃(しんじゅわんこうげき)Attack on Pearl Harborでは三号143機が出撃dispatchedし、雷撃隊the torpedo squadronアメリカ海軍太平洋艦隊the U.S. Pacific Fleet戦艦battleships 4隻を含む6隻の艦艇ships雷撃torpedoed魚雷torpedoes 36発を命中hitさせている。

In the attack on Pearl Harbor, 143 aircraft of No. 3 were dispatched, and the torpedo squadron torpedoed six ships, including four battleships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and hit 36 torpedoes.

淵田美津雄(ふちだ・みつお)Mitsuo Fuchida

なお淵田美津雄(ふちだ・みつお)Mitsuo Fuchida海軍中佐Navy Lieutenant Commanderが放った「トラ・トラ・トラTora, Tora, Tora」(ワレ奇襲ニ成功セリcomplete surprise had been achieved)はこの機体から打電telegraphedされた。

Furthermore, the ``Tora, Tora, Tora'' broadcast by Navy Lieutenant Commander Mizuo Fuchida was telegraphed from this aircraft.

九七式艦上攻撃機(きゅうななしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft

マリアナ沖海戦the Battle of the Marianasまでは空母aircraft carriersで運用され、後継機successor天山(てんざん)Tenzanが登場してからは主に陸上基地機land-based aircraftとして、レーダーもしくは磁気探知機を追加装備して対潜哨戒anti-submarine patrols輸送船団護衛convoy escortにも就いた。

Until the Battle of the Marianas, it was operated on aircraft carriers, and after its successor, the Tenzan, was mainly used as a land-based aircraft, equipped with additional radar or magnetic detectors, and used for anti-submarine patrols and convoy escort.

そして、大戦末期the end of the warには一部が特攻special attacksに出撃している。

Then, towards the end of the war, some of them went on special attacks.

最澄(さいちょう)Saicho伝教大師(でんぎょう・だいし)Dengyo Daishi

3 Chapter 3


Establishment and Development of the Ritsuryo State

7 Section 7

弘仁・貞観文化(こうにん・じょうがん・ぶんか)Konin-Jogan Culture


Saicho and the Tendai School

近江国(おうみのくに)Omi Province滋賀県Shiga Prefecture豪族の家powerful familyに生まれた最澄(さいちょう)Saicho伝教大師(でんぎょう・だいし)Dengyo Daishi)(767822)は、

Saicho (Dengyo Daishi) (767-822) was born into a powerful family in Omi Province.

はじめ東大寺Todai-ji Temple受戒received preceptsし、近江(おうみ)Omi Province国分寺Kokubun-ji Templepriestとして官僧official monkの道を歩み始めたが、

At first, he received precepts at Todai-ji Temple and began to walk the path of an official monk as a priest of Omi Kokubun-ji Temple.

比叡山(ひえいざん)Mount Hiei大津市Ōtsu City京都市Kyoto City中に入り、仏教本来の姿original form of Buddhismを求め、天台(てんだい)Tendai著書the writingsにも学んだ。

He entered Mt. Hiei, sought the original form of Buddhism, and learned from the writings of Tendai.

桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmu(在位781年~806年)

遣唐使(けんとうし)Japanese missions to Tang China

最澄(さいちょう)Saichoは、仏教革新reforming Buddhism意図intentionを持つ桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmu(在位781806)の保護protectedを受け、

Saicho was protected by Emperor Kanmu (reigned 781-806), who had the intention of reforming Buddhism.

804年(延暦23年)に遣唐使(けんとうし)the envoy to Tangに伴って入唐entered Tangした。

In 804 (23rd year of Enryaku), he entered Tang along with the envoy to Tang.

天台山(てんだいさん)Tiantai Mountain中国China

天台山(てんだいさん)Tiantai Mountain中国China)で天台(てんだい)Tendai奥義the mysteryを授かり、翌805年(延暦24年)に帰国returned to Japanし、

After learning the mystery of Tendai on Mt. Tendai, he returned to Japan in 805, the following year.

806年(大同1年)天台宗(てんだいしゅう)Tendai School開いたfoundedが、

In the following year, 806 (Daido 1), he founded the Tendai sect.

中国China天台(てんだい)Tiantaiに、(みつ)Mitsu(ぜん)Zen(かい)Kaiを加えた日本独自unique to Japanなものであり、

It is unique to Japan, combining the Chinese Tendai with the elements of Mitsu, Zen, and Kai.

南都仏教(なんと・ぶっきょう)Nara Buddhismのように中国宗派Chinese sect移植transplantしたものではなかった。

It was not a transplant of a Chinese sect like Nanto Buddhism.

特に、身分にとらわれることなく、すべての人間all human beings仏性は平等same Buddha natureであるという主張は注目される。

Particularly noteworthy is the assertion that all human beings have the same Buddha nature regardless of their status.

比叡山(ひえいざん)Mount Hiei大津市Ōtsu City京都市Kyoto City

また南都(なんと)southern capitalNara)における小乗戒(しょうじょうかい)Hinayana preceptsではなく、

Also, instead of the Shojokai in Nanto,

大乗戒(だいじょうかい)Mahayana preceptsを授くべき戒壇(かいだん)ordination altarを設けようとし、

He tried to set up an ordination altar to receive the Mahayana precepts,

山家学生式(さんげ・がくしょうしき)Sange Student Ceremony』を定め、

Established the "Sange Student Ceremony"

大乗戒壇(だいじょう・かいだん)Mahayana ordination altar比叡山(ひえいざん)Mount Hieiに設けることを奏請した

He requested that the Daijo Kaidan be built on Mt. Hiei.

(これ以前は東大寺(とうだいじ)Todaiji筑紫(つくし)Tsukushi Province観世音寺(かんぜおんじ)Kanzeon-ji下野(しもつけ)Shimotsuke Province薬師寺(やくしじ)Yakushi-ji3か所に小乗戒壇(しょうじょう・かいだん)Hinayana ordination altarが設置されていた)。

(Prior to this, there were Shojo Kaidan at three locations: Todai-ji Temple, Tsukushi Kanzeon-ji Temple, and Shimotsuke Yakushi-ji Temple.)

嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga(在位809年~823年)


しかし桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmu(在位781806)の死後、南都(なんと)southern capitalNara)側からの反発oppositionが強く、

However, after the death of Emperor Kanmu (reigned 781-806), there was strong opposition from the Nanto side.

最澄(さいちょう)Saicho法相宗(ほっそうしゅう)Hossō-shū徳一(とくいつ)Tokuitsu激しい論争fierce dispute仏性論争(ぶっしょう・ろんそう)The Dispute over Buddha-nature三一権実論争(さんいち・ごんじつ・ろんそう)Sanichi Gonjitsu dispute)を行い、

Saicho had a fierce dispute with Tokuitsu of the Hosso sect (Buddha nature dispute, Sanichi Gonjitsu dispute).

守護国界章(しゅご・こっかいしょう)Shugo Kokkaisho』や『顕戒論(けんかいろん)Kenkairon』を著作して反論したが、

Although he countered by writing "Shugo Kokkaisho" and "Kenkairon",

勅許imperial permissionを得ることなく入寂(にゅうじゃく)death of a priestし(822年)、

Entered solitude without obtaining imperial permission (822),

死後7日にして、嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga(在位809823)によって大乗戒壇(だいじょう・かいだん)Mahayana ordination altar設立establishmentが認められた。

Seven days after his death, Emperor Saga (reigned 809-823) authorized the establishment of the Daijo Kaidan.

また翌823年に、寺号(じごう)the name of the temple延暦寺(えんりゃくじ)Enryaku-jiとされた。

In 823, the name of the temple was changed to Enryakuji.


補足supplementary explanation

戒壇(かいだん)ordination altar


It was first established in Todaiji Temple in 754 (6th year of Tenpyo Shoho) by Ganjin (688-763) who came to Japan.

戒壇(かいだん)ordination altarとは、僧尼monks and nuns(かい)preceptsを授け、一人前の僧侶full-fledged priestsとしての資格を与える式壇ceremonial altarである。

A kaidan is a ceremonial altar where monks and nuns are given precepts and qualified as full-fledged priests.

空海(くうかい)Kukai弘法大師(こうぼう・だいし)Kobo Daishi)(774835


Kukai and Shingon Buddhism

讃岐(さぬき)Sanuki Province香川県Kagawa Prefectureに生まれ、大学寮(だいがくりょう)Daigaku-ryo経史(けいし)historyを学んだ空海(くうかい)Kukai弘法大師(こうぼう・だいし)Kobo Daishi)(774835)は、

Kukai (Kobo Daishi) (774-835) was born in Sanuki and studied history at university.

24歳で『三教指帰(さんごう・しいき)Sango Shiiki』を著して三教(さんごう)three teachings仏教Buddhism儒教Confucianism道教Taoism)の優劣superiority and inferiorityを論じ(797年)、仏門Buddhist priesthoodに入った。

At the age of 24, he wrote "Sango Shiiki", discussing the superiority and inferiority of the three teachings of Confucian Buddhism (797), and entered the Buddhist priesthood.

遣唐使(けんとうし)Japanese missions to Tang China

西明寺(さいみょうじ)Ximing Temple

青竜寺(せいりゅうじ)Qinglong Temple


804年(延暦23年)に入唐Entered Tangし、西明寺(さいみょうじ)Ximing Temple永忠(えいちゅう)Eityu、次いで青竜寺(せいりゅうじ)Qinglong Temple恵果(けいか)Huiguoに師事し

Entered Tang in 804 (23rd year of Enryaku) and studied under Eitada of Saimyoji Temple, then Keika of Seiryuji Temple.

密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhism秘法the secret teachings伝授者instructor地位statusを受け、多くの密典(みってん)Esoteric scriptures仏画(ぶつが)Buddhist paintings法具(ほうぐ)ritual implementsを持って

Received the status of an instructor of the secret teachings of Esoteric Buddhism, and possesses many Esoteric scriptures, Buddhist paintings, and ritual implements.

806年(大同1年)帰国returned to Japanして真言宗(しんごんしゅう)Shingon Buddhism開いたfounded

In 806 (Daido 1), he returned to Japan and founded the Shingon sect.

和歌山県(わかやまけん)Wakayama Prefecture伊都郡(いとぐん)Ito District高野町(こうやちょう)Kōya-chō高野山(こうやさん)Mount Kōya

金剛峯寺(こんごうぶじ)Kongōbu-jiTemple of the Diamond Mountain Peak

高野山真言宗(こうやさん・しんごんしゅう)Kōyasan Shingon Buddhism総本山の寺院the ecclesiastic head temple

東寺(とうじ)Tō-ji TempleEast Temple

京都市(きょうとし)Kyoto City南区(みなみく)Minami-ku九条町(くじょうちょう)Kujo-cho

本尊(ほんぞん)HonzonThe principal object of worship)は薬師如来(やくし・にょらい)Yakushi Nyorai

真言宗(しんごんしゅう)Shingon Buddhism根本道場the main training hallであり、教王護国寺(きょうおう・ごこくじ)Kyō-ō-gokoku-jiThe Temple for the Defense of the Nation by Means of the King of Doctrines)とも呼ばれる。

嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga(在位809年~823年)

嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga(在位809823)の保護protectionを受け、

Under the protection of Emperor Saga (reigned 809-823),

高野山(こうやさん)Mount Koya和歌山県Wakayama Prefecture金剛峰寺(こんごうぶじ)Kongobu-jiを築き、

Kongobu-ji Temple was built on Koyasan (Koyasan),

東寺(とうじ)Tō-ji TempleEast Temple)(京都市Kyoto City)を賜り教王護国寺(きょうおう・ごこくじ)Kyō-ō-gokoku-jiThe Temple for the Defense of the Nation by Means of the King of Doctrines)として密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhism根本道場main training hallとした。

The Toji Temple was given to the temple, and it became Kyoo Gokokuji Temple, the main training hall for Esoteric Buddhism.

空海(くうかい)Kukai真言宗(しんごんしゅう)Shingon Buddhism中国Chinaのままではなく、

Kukai's Shingon sect did not remain in China,

独自の思考own way of thinkingを持って密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhism仏教の最高のものthe best of Buddhismとしている。

With his own way of thinking, he regards Esoteric Buddhism as the best of Buddhism.

加持祈祷(かじ・きとう)KajikitoBlessing prayer)(Prayer to ward off illness, misfortune, etc.

加持祈祷(かじ・きとう)KajikitoBlessing prayer)(Prayer to ward off illness, misfortune, etc.)で現世の報応the retribution of this world求めSeek

Seek the retribution of this world with Kajikito,

現身のままでin the present state成仏(じょうぶつ)Buddhahoodできる(即身成仏(そくしん・じょうぶつ)Buddhahood in the present state)と説いた主張claimは、

The claim that it is possible to attain Buddhahood in the present state (sokushinseibutsu) is

現世利益(げんぜ・りやく)worldly profitを願う貴族aristocrats広く信仰widely worshipedされる原因reasonとなった。

It became the reason why it was widely worshiped by aristocrats who wished for worldly benefits.

835年(承和2年)、金剛峰寺(こんごうぶじ)Kongobu-ji正式に認められofficially recognized真言宗(しんごんしゅう)Shingon Buddhism名実ともに完成completed both in name and realityした。

In 835 (Jowa 2), Kongobuji Temple was officially recognized, and the Shingon sect was completed both in name and reality.

加持祈祷(かじ・きとう)KajikitoBlessing prayer)(Prayer to ward off illness, misfortune, etc.

補足supplementary explanation

加持祈祷(かじ・きとう)Blessing prayer

加持(かじ)Blessing仏の加護protection of Buddha意味meansし、

Kaji means protection of Buddha,

手に印を結びby tying a sign on one's hand、口に仏の真言(しんごん)Buddha's mantra唱えてchanting祈るPrayingことを祈祷(きとう)Prayerと言う。

Praying by tying a sign on one's hand and chanting the Buddha's mantra with one's mouth is called kitou.

満濃池(まんのう・いけ)Manno Lake




真言宗(しんごんしゅう)Shingon Buddhismを開いたばかりでなく、

Not only did he open the Shingon sect,

讃岐(さぬき)Sanuki Province香川県Kagawa Prefecture)の満濃池(まんのう・いけ)Manno Lake改修工事renovation work監督overseeing竣工completingさせたのをはじめ、

In addition to overseeing and completing the renovation work of Mannoike Pond in Sanuki,

多くの溝池(みぞいけ)Mizoike ponds開くopeningなどの社会事業social projectsを行ったり、

We carry out social projects such as opening many Mizoike ponds,

また東寺(とうじ)Tō-ji TempleEast Temple)(京都市Kyoto City)に隣接して綜芸種智院(しゅげい・しゅちいん)Shugeishuchi-inをたてて庶民教育educate the common peopleにも尽力した。

He also made efforts to educate the common people by building the Shugeishuchi-in Temple next to Toji Temple.


漢詩文Chinese poemsもよくし、漢詩文集collection of Chinese poemsの『性霊集(しょうりょうしゅう)Shoryoshu』や、

He is also good at writing Chinese poems, such as the collection of Chinese poems "Shoryoshu",

漢詩論theory of Chinese poetryを書いた『文鏡秘府論(ぶんきょう・ひふろん)Bunkyohifuron』、

"Bunkyohifuron", which wrote a theory of Chinese poetry,


There is a "Fushincho" that tells the story of his friendship with Saicho.

三筆(さんぴつ)Sanpitsuthree brushes)(嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga空海(くうかい)Kukai橘逸勢(たちばなの・はやなり)Tachibana no Hayanari)の一人でもあった。

He was also one of the three writers (Emperor Saga, Kukai, and Hayase TACHIBANA).

皇太子Crown Prince高岳親王(たかおか・しんのう)Takaoka Shinno

なお、嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga(在位809823)には皇太子Crown Prince高岳親王(たかおか・しんのう)Takaoka Shinnoがいたが、

Emperor Saga (reigned 809-823) had a Crown Prince, Prince Takaoka.

薬子の変(くすこの・へん)Kusuko Incident810年(弘仁1年))で廃され、空海(くうかい)Kukai弟子discipleとなっていた。

He was abolished in the Kusuko Incident (810) and became a disciple of Kukai.


円仁(えんにん)Ennin慈覚大師(じかく・だいし)Jikaku Daishi)(794864


Taimitsu and Tomitsu

最澄(さいちょう)Saichoのあとを継いだ義真(ぎしん)Gishin(?~833年)・円仁(えんにん)Ennin慈覚大師(じかく・だいし)Jikaku Daishi)(794864

Gishin (?-833) and Ennin (Jikaku Daishi) (794-864) who succeeded Saicho

(『入唐求法巡礼行記(にっとう・ぐほう・じゅんれい・こうき)Nitto Guho Junrei KoukiThe Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law』を著す)、

(Writing "Nitto Guho Junrei Kouki"),

円珍(えんちん)Enchin智証大師(ちしょう・だいし)Chisho Daishi

さらに義真(ぎしん)Gishin弟子disciple円珍(えんちん)Enchin智証大師(ちしょう・だいし)Chisho Daishi)(814891)は、比叡山(ひえいざん)Mount Hiei大津市Ōtsu City京都市Kyoto City)の基礎foundationを定めた。

Furthermore, Enchin (Chisho Daishi) (814-891), a disciple of Gishin, established the foundation of Mount Hiei.

円仁(えんにん)Ennin円珍(えんちん)Enchinはともに入唐entered Tangしたが、

Both Ennin and Enchin entered Tang,

密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhismを学んでこれを天台宗(てんだいしゅう)Tendai Schoolに取り入れ、

He studied Esoteric Buddhism and incorporated it into the Tendai sect.

天台宗(てんだいしゅう)Tendai Schoolにおいても、密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhism支配的な傾向dominantになっていった。

Esoteric Buddhism became dominant in the Tendai sect as well.

天台宗(てんだいしゅう)Tendai School密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhismを、

Esoteric Buddhism of the Tendai sect,

真言宗(しんごんしゅう)Shingon Buddhism東密(とうみつ)Tomitsu東寺(とうじ)Tō-ji TempleEast Temple)(京都市Kyoto City)の密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhism)に対して

Against the Tomitsu of the Shingon sect (Esoteric Buddhism of Toji)

台密(たいみつ)Taimitsu天台(てんだい)Tendai密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhism)と呼んでいる。

It is called Taimitsu (Tendai Esoteric Buddhism).


この後、天台宗(てんだいしゅう)Tendai School円仁(えんにん)Ennin系統の山門派(さんもんは)Sanmon sect延暦寺(えんりゃくじ)Enryaku-ji)と、

After this, the Tendai sect was divided into the Sanmon sect (Enryakuji Temple) of the lineage of Ennin,

円珍(えんちん)Enchinの系統の寺門派(じもんは)Jimon school園城寺(おんじょうじ)Onjō-ji、別名三井寺(みいでら)Mii-dera)に分裂split intoし、武力抗争armed conflictを起こすまでになった。

It split into the Jimon school (Onjoji, also known as Miidera) of the lineage of Enchin, and even started an armed conflict.



On the other hand, Kukai's disciple Shinzei (800-860)

文徳天皇(もんとく・てんのう)Emperor Montoku(在位850858)の帰依devotionを受けるなど、

Receiving the devotion of Emperor Montoku (reigned 850-858), etc.


Thanks to the protection of the emperor and aristocrats, Tomitsu became more and more popular.

文徳天皇(もんとく・てんのうEmperor Montoku(在位850年~858年)

55代天皇the 55th Emperor(在位850年~858年)

道康親王(みちやす・しんのうMichiyasu Shinno

仁明天皇(にんみょう・てんのう)Emperor Ninmyō第一皇子First son

First son of Emperor Ninmyo.

mother藤原冬嗣(ふじわらの・ふゆつぐ)Fujiwara no Fuyutsugudaughter藤原順子(ふじわらの・のぶこ)Fujiwara no Nobuko

His mother was Junko, the daughter of FUJIWARA no Fuyutsugu.

仏教の日本化Japanization of Buddhism

天台宗(てんだいしゅう)Tendai School真言宗(しんごんしゅう)Shingon Buddhism教義doctrines

The doctrines of the Tendai and Shingon sects

従来のように中国直輸入imported directly from Chinaのものではなく、日本化された仏教Japaneseized version of Buddhismとして広まった。

It spread as a Japaneseized version of Buddhism, instead of being imported directly from China as in the past.

神仏習合(しんぶつしゅうごう)Shinbutsu-shugoSyncretism of Shinto and Buddhism

3 神仏習合(しんぶつ・しゅうごう)の思想

Thoughts of Syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism


Syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism

すでに述べたように、中国Chinaからもたらされた仏教(ぶっきょう)Buddhismは何よりも貴族nobles豪族powerful familiesたちによって担われていた。

As already mentioned, Buddhism brought from China was primarily carried on by nobles and powerful families.

しかし、8世紀 in the 8th centuryには国家stateの行う鎮護国家(ちんご・こっか)protectorate stateとしての仏教政策Buddhist policyのなかにも、

However, in the 8th century, even in the Buddhist policy of the state as a protectorate state,

日本の土着思想indigenous Japanese thoughtとしての(かみ)の概念concept of kami中国Chinese道教(どうきょう)Taoismとの関わりconnectionが見られた。

The connection with the concept of kami as indigenous Japanese thought and Chinese Taoism was seen.

大仏建立(だいぶつ・こんりゅう)Great Buddha buildingに当たっても、(ほとけ)Buddha(かみ)god八幡神(はちまんしん)Hachimanshin)の加護protection期待expectedされていた。

The protection of the Buddha and the god (Hachimanjin) was also expected when the Great Buddha was built.

外来foreign仏教(ぶっきょう)Buddhismが、民衆の世界in the world of the peopleに生きようとする限り、

As long as foreign Buddhism tries to live in the world of the people,

在地の民間信仰local folk religionである神道(しんとう)Shintoとは融合fuseせざるを得なかったからである。

This is because they had no choice but to fuse with Shinto, the local folk religion.

これを神仏習合(しんぶつ・しゅうごう)Shinbutsu-shugoSyncretism of Shinto and Buddhism)と言う。

This is called shinbutsu shugo.

本地垂迹説(ほんじ・すいじゃく・せつ)Honji Suijaku theory


Honji Suijaku theory

仏教の日本化Japanization of Buddhismは、一方ではこうした神仏習合(しんぶつ・しゅうごう)Shinbutsu-shugoSyncretism of Shinto and Buddhism)という形態formをとり、

On the one hand, the Japaneseization of Buddhism took the form of this syncretization of Shinto and Buddhism.

奈良時代Nara periodには、神社shrinesのなかに寺院templesが建てられた神宮寺(じんぐうじ)Jingū-jiなども出現した。

During the Nara period, Jinguji temples, which were built within shrines, also appeared.

やがて9世紀 in the 9th centuryに入ると、(かみ)の本体the main body of the god本地(ほんじ)Honji)が(ほとけ)Buddhaであり、

Eventually, in the 9th century, the main body of the god (Honji) was Buddha,

(ほとけ)Buddha民衆を救うsave the peopleために出現appearedしたもの(権現(ごんげん)Gongen)が(かみ)Godであると言う、

It is said that God is the one (Gongen) that the Buddha appeared to save the people.

(かみ)God(ほとけ)Buddha関係relationship説明explainsする本地垂迹説(ほんじ・すいじゃく・せつ)Honji Suijaku theory現れたappeared

The honji suijaku theory, which explains the relationship between kami and buddhas, appeared.

山岳信仰(さんがく・しんこう)Mountain worship


Development of Mountain worship

平安初期仏教early Heian Buddhism象徴symbolizesする山岳仏教(さんがく・ぶっきょう)Mountain Buddhismも、

Mountain Buddhism, which symbolizes early Heian Buddhism,

奈良時代Nara periodにおける国家仏教state Buddhismに対する反省reflectingという点ばかりでなく、

In addition to reflecting on state Buddhism in the Nara period,

土俗的な山岳信仰(さんがく・しんこう)Mountain worshipとの関わりconnectionも強かった。

There was also a strong connection with folk beliefs about mountains.

古来ancient山岳信仰(さんがく・しんこう)Mountain worshipとの関わりrelationでは、

In relation to ancient mountain worship,

山中で修業training in the mountainsして、山の霊気the spirit of the mountainを身にすることによって霊力spiritual powerをうる、

By training in the mountains and absorbing the spirit of the mountain, you will gain spiritual power.

という考えideaとも融合integratingして修験道(しゅげんどう)ShugendōWay of Trial and Practice)が展開developedされていった。

Shugen-do was developed by integrating with the idea.

平安初期の仏教Buddhism in the early Heian period密教的性格esoteric characterを強く持ったのも、このような事情を背景backgroundとしていたのである。

It was against this background that Buddhism in the early Heian period had a strong esoteric character.

室生寺(むろうじ)Muro-ji奈良県Nara Prefecture宇陀市Uda city

4 密教芸術(みっきょう・げいじゅつ)Esoteric arts


仏教の革新innovation of Buddhism密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhism影響influenceとにより、

Due to the innovation of Buddhism and the influence of Esoteric Buddhism,

寺院templesの多くは深山幽谷(しんざん・ゆうこく)deep mountains and valleysの地に建てられ、その地形topographyに応じて諸堂が配置the halls were arrangedされた。

Many of the temples were built in deep mountains and valleys, and the halls were arranged according to the topography.

したがって、奈良時代Nara periodのような整然とした伽藍配置(がらん・はいち)arrangement of the templesは見られない。

Therefore, the orderly arrangement of the temples as seen in the Nara period is not seen.



室生寺(むろうじ)Muro-ji奈良県Nara Prefecture宇陀市Uda city)の五重塔(ごじゅうのとう)five-storied pagoda金堂(こんどう)Golden hall本堂(ほんどう)Main Hall)が、現存する遺構として有名である。

Muro-ji Temple (Muro-mura, Uda-gun, Nara Prefecture) is famous for its five-storied pagoda and main hall.

それとともに、神社建築architecture of shrinesにも寺院の様式the style of templesが加わり、春日造(かすが・づくり)Kasuga-zukuri流造(ながれ・づくり)Nagare-zukuriが発生した。

At the same time, the style of temples was added to the architecture of shrines, giving rise to Kasuga-zukuri and Nagare-zukuri.

一木造(いちぼく・づくり)made by one piece of wood木彫(きぼり)wooden carvings

薬師如来像(やくし・にょらいぞう)Statue of Yakushi Nyorai

翻波式彫法(ほんぱしき・ちょうほう)Transverse carving method


仏像(ぶつぞう)Buddhist statuesは、密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhism仏の胎内Buddha's womb神秘力mystical powerを重視したため、神秘的な力量感にあふれるものfull of mystical powerが多い。

Since Esoteric Buddhism emphasized the mystical power of the Buddha's womb, many Buddhist statues are full of mystical power.

従って、彫刻の技法technique of carvingの点でも変化し、一木造(いちぼく・づくり)made by one piece of wood木彫(きぼり)wooden carvingsが多く、

Therefore, the technique of carving has also changed, and there are many wooden carvings made by one piece of wood (Ichiboku-zukuri),

力強い波形の襞(ひだ)powerful wavy foldsを重ねる翻波式彫法(ほんぱしき・ちょうほう)Transverse carving methodが行われた。

The honpashiki engraving method, in which powerful wavy folds are layered, was used.

釈迦如来像(しゃか・にょらいぞう)Statue of Shaka Nyorai

翻波式彫法(ほんぱしき・ちょうほう)Transverse carving method

如意輪観音像(にょいりん・かんのんぞう)Statue of Nyoirin Kannon

代表的仏像には、神護寺(じんごじ)Jingoji新薬師寺Shinyakushiji元興寺(がんごうじ)Gangojiなどの薬師如来像(やくし・にょらいぞう)Statue of Yakushi Nyorai

Representative Buddhist statues include Yakushi Nyorai statues at Jingoji, Shinyakushiji, Gangoji, etc.

室生寺(むろうじ)Murouji Temple釈迦如来像(しゃか・にょらいぞう)Statue of Shaka Nyorai

The statue of Shaka Nyorai at Murouji Temple,

観心寺(かんしんじ)Kanshinji Temple如意輪観音像(にょいりん・かんのんぞう)Statue of Nyoirin Kannonなどがあり、各地に木彫(きぼり)wooden carvingsが広がった。

There is the Nyoirin Kannon statue of Kanshinji Temple, and wood carving spread all over the country.

僧形八幡神像(そうぎょう・はちまんしんぞう)the monk-shaped statue of Hachiman

神功皇后像(じんぐう・こうごうぞう)the statue of Empress Jingu

また、神仏習合思想(しんぶつ・しゅうごう・しそう)Thoughts of Syncretism of Shinto and Buddhismによる薬師寺Yakushi-ji Temple

In addition, Yakushi-ji Temple based on Shinbutsu Shugo thought

僧形八幡神像(そうぎょう・はちまんしんぞう)the monk-shaped statue of Hachiman応神天皇像(おうじん・てんのうぞう)the statue of Emperor Ojin)・神功皇后像(じんぐう・こうごうぞう)the statue of Empress Jinguなどの神像(しんぞう)Statues of godsも造られた。

Statues of gods such as the monk-shaped statue of Hachiman (the statue of Emperor Ojin) and the statue of Empress Jingu (Jingu) were also created.

黄不動(き・ふどう)Yellow Immovable Wisdom King

赤不動(あか・ふどう)Red Immovable Wisdom King

両界曼荼羅(りょうかい・まんだら)Mandala of the Two Realms


絵画Paintingsにも密教(みっきょう)Esoteric Buddhism影響influencedが強く、三井寺(みいでら)Miidera園城寺(おんじょうじ)Onjoji)の黄不動(き・ふどう)Yellow Immovable Wisdom King

Paintings are also strongly influenced by esoteric Buddhism, such as Kifudo at Miidera (Onjoji),

高野山(こうやさん)Mount Koya和歌山県Wakayama Prefecture明王院(みょうおういん)Myo-in Temple赤不動(あか・ふどう)Red Immovable Wisdom King

Akafudo of Koyasan Myo-in Temple,

神護寺(じんごじ)Jingo-ji教王護国寺(きょうおう・ごこくじ)Kyō-ō-gokoku-jiThe Temple for the Defense of the Nation by Means of the King of Doctrines)(東寺(とうじ)Tō-ji TempleEast Temple)(京都市Kyoto City))の両界曼荼羅(りょうかい・まんだら)Mandala of the Two Realmsなどがある。

There are the Ryokai Mandala of Jingo-ji Temple and Kyo-o-gokoku-ji Temple (Toji).

百済河成(くだらの・かわなり)Kudara no Kawanari782853

巨勢金岡(こせの・かなおか)Kose no Kanaoka(生没年不詳)

しかし一方では、作品は残っていないが、人物画(じんぶつが)portraits山水画(さんすいが)landscape paintingsなどをよくした百済河成(くだらの・かわなり)Kudara no Kawanari782853)や、

On the other hand, although there are no surviving works, Kudara Kawanari (782-853), who was good at portraits and landscape paintings,

大和絵(やまとえ)Yamato-efounderと言われる巨勢金岡(こせの・かなおか)Kose no Kanaoka(生没年不詳)などが出たことも重要である。

It is also important that Kose Kanaoka (date of birth and death unknown), who is said to be the founder of Yamatoe, appeared.

明経道(みょうぎょう・どう)Myogyo-doClassical Chinese works

5 学問と教育Learning and Education


History of Japan and China

大学寮(だいがくりょう)Daigaku-ryo中心科目main subject明経道(みょうぎょう・どう)Myogyo-doClassical Chinese works)であったが、

Myogyodo was the main subject at university, but

漢文学的教科Chinese literature subjectがあり文章博士(もんじょう・はかせ)Monjo hakaseChief experts on writing 1名が置かれていた。

There was a Chinese literature subject, and one doctor of writing (Monjo) was placed.

8世紀末the end of the 8th centuryから史学history文学literatureを内容とする教科subjectsが隆盛し、

From the end of the 8th century, subjects centering on history and literature flourished,

紀伝博士(きでん・はかせ)Kiden hakaseChief experts on the history of Japan and China 1名と文章博士(もんじょう・はかせ)Monjo hakaseChief experts on writing 2名が増設され、

1 Kiden Doctor and 2 Monjo Doctors were added,

9世紀中頃in the middle of the 9th century紀伝道(きでん・どう)Kiden-dothe history of Japan and China)は成立establishedした。

Kiden-do was established in the middle of the 9th century.

日本三代実録(にほん・さんだい・じつろく)Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku


Six National Histories

また、文章道(もんじょう・どう)Monjo-dowriting)とともに、史学historical studiesを中心とする紀伝道(きでん・どう)Kiden-dothe history of Japan and China)も大学寮(だいがくりょう)Daigaku-ryo重要な科目important subjectとなった。

In addition to Monjo-do, Kiden-do, which focuses on historical studies, also became an important subject at the university.

政治の参考reference for politicsとして『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon ShokiThe Chronicles of Japan)』(720年(養老4年))の研究Researchも盛んになり、

Research on the Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) (720 (4th year of Yoro)) as a reference for politics became popular.

平安初期In the early Heian periodには、天皇の即位emperor was enthronedの際に『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon ShokiThe Chronicles of Japan)』の購読subscribedが行われた。

In the early Heian period, "Nihonshoki" was subscribed to when an emperor was enthroned.

六国史(りっこくし)RikkokushiSix National Histories

また『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon ShokiThe Chronicles of Japan』以後、政府government

Also, after "Nihon Shoki", the government

続日本紀(しょくにほんぎ)Shoku Nihongi』(797年(延暦16年))・

"Shoku Nihongi" (797 (Enryaku 16))

日本後紀(にほんこうき)Nihon Kouki』(841年(承和8年))・

"Nihon Kouki" (841 (8th year of Jowa))

続日本後紀(しょくにほんこうき)Shoku Nihon Koki』(869年(貞観11年)・

"Shoku Nihon Koki" (869 (Jogan 11),

日本文徳天皇実録(にほん・もんとく・てんのう・じつろく)Nihon Montoku Tennō Jitsuroku』(879年(元慶3年))・

"Nippon Montoku Emperor Jitsuroku" (879 (Gankei 3))

日本三代実録(にほん・さんだい・じつろく)Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku』(901年(延喜1年)を編纂compiledしたが、

He compiled "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku" (901),

これら編年体の史書chronological history books六国史(りっこくし)RikkokushiSix National Histories)と呼ばれた。

These chronological history books were called Rikkokushi.

勧学院(かんがくいん)Kangakuin藤原氏(ふじわらし)Fujiwara clan

私学(しがく)Private school

こうした気運のなかで、各貴族each aristocrat(うじ)ごとeach clan一族の子弟the children of each clan収容accommodateするため、大学別曹(だいがく・べっそう)Daigaku-ryo Boarding schoolとして私学(しがく)Private schoolをたてた。

Amid this trend, each aristocrat established a Private school as a besso of the university in order to accommodate the children of each clan.

私学(しがく)Private schoolには弘文院(こうぶんいん)Kobunin和気氏(わけし)Wake clan)・勧学院(かんがくいん)Kangakuin藤原氏(ふじわらし)Fujiwara clan)・学館院(がっかんいん)Gakkanin橘氏(たちばなし)Tachibana clan)・奨学院(しょうがくいん)ShogakuinScholarship Institute)(在原氏(ありわらし)Ariwara clan)などがあり、

Private schools include Kobunin (Mr. Wakeshi), Kangakuin (Mr. Fujiwara), Gakukanin (Mr. Tachibana), Scholarship Institute (Mr. Arihara). Warashi)), etc.

ほかに令制外outside the Ryo system大学別曹(だいがく・べっそう)Daigaku-ryo Boarding schoolとして作られた文章院(もんじょう・いん)Monjo-inがあった。

In addition, there was Monjo-in, which was created as a special faculty of the university outside the ryosei.



In addition, Kukai's Shugei Shuchiin

私立学校Private schoolとして庶民教育education for the common peopleの向上をはかった得意な存在であった。

As a private school, it excelled at improving education for the common people.

嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga(在位809年~823年)

52代天皇the 52nd Emperor(在位809年~823年)

桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmu第二皇子Second son

mother皇后Empress藤原乙牟漏(ふじわらの・おとむろ)Fujiwara no Otomuro

His mother was the Empress Fujiwara no Otomuro.

同母兄maternal older brother平城天皇(へいぜい・てんのう)Emperor Heizei

His maternal older brother was Emperor Heijo.

異母弟half-brother淳和天皇(じゅんな・てんのう)Emperor Junna

Emperor Junna was his half-brother.


He is the ancestor of Saga-Genji.

万多親王(まんだ・しんのう)Imperial Prince Manda788830

桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmu第五皇子the fifth son


Newly Selected Family Name Record

New Selection and Record of Hereditary Titles and Family Names

また氏姓の混乱the confusion of clans and surnamesを正すために、嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga(在位809823)の勅命imperial orderにより、

In addition, in order to correct the confusion of clans and surnames, by imperial order of Emperor Saga (reigned 809-823),

万多親王(まんだ・しんのう)Imperial Prince Manda788830)・藤原緒嗣(ふじわらの・おつぐ)Fujiwara no Otsuguらによって『新撰姓氏録(しんせん・しょうじろく)Shinsen ShoujirokuNewly Selected Family Name Record)』が編纂compiledされた。

"Shinsen Shoujiroku" was compiled by Imperial Prince Manda (788-830), Fujiwara no Otsugu, and others.

これは畿内(きない)Capital Regionに住む1182氏を、

This is Mr. 1182 who lives in Kinai,


Kobetsu (a clan separated from the Imperial family)


Shinbetsu (a samurai class separated from the same god as the imperial family)

諸蕃(しょばん)Shoban渡来人系traditional lineage of immigrants)に分類classifiedし、諸氏の系譜the genealogies of the various clans集大成compilesしたものである。

It is classified into Shoban (traditional lineage of immigrants) and compiles the genealogies of the various clans.

白楽天(はく・らくてん)Bai Letian白居易(はく・きょい)Bai Juyi)(772846

6 漢詩文の隆盛

The prosperity of Chinese poetry

漢文学(かんぶんがく)Chinese literature

漢文学(かんぶんがく)Chinese literatureはこの時代にも隆盛し、大学寮(だいがくりょう)Daigaku-ryo中心科目core subjectになるなど、貴族aristocratsにとって漢文の素養knowledge of Chinese literature第一の条件the first requirementとなっていた。

Chinese literature flourished during this period as well, and it became a core subject in universities.

For the aristocrats, knowledge of Chinese literature was the first requirement.

ことに白楽天(はく・らくてん)Bai Letian白居易(はく・きょい)Bai Juyi)(772846)の『白氏文集(はくし・もんじゅう)Hakushi Monju』は広く愛読されていたが、

In particular, "Hakushi Monju" by Hakurakuten (Hakukakuten) (772-846) was widely read and loved.

9世紀前半In the first half of the ninth centuryには、中国China漢文学(かんぶんがく)Chinese literatureを消化して日本独自のものtheir own unique Japaneseも形成し始めた。

In the first half of the ninth century, they began to digest Chinese kanbun and form their own unique Japanese.

嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga(在位809年~823年)

こうして嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Sagaの命により、814年(弘仁5年)、

In this way, by order of Emperor Saga, in 814 (Konin 5),

最初the first勅撰漢詩集(ちょくせん・かんししゅう)Collection of Chinese poetry compiled by imperial orderである『凌雲集(りょううんしゅう)Ryounshuan allusion to poetry so great that it soars higher than the clouds)』が編纂compiledされ

"Ryounshu", the first collection of Chinese poetry compiled by imperial order, was compiled.

その後『文華秀麗集(ぶんか・しゅうれいしゅう)Bunka Shureishu』(818年)、

After that, "Bunka Shureishu" (818),

経国集(けいこくしゅう)Keikokushu』(827年)と勅撰漢詩集(ちょくせん・かんししゅう)Collection of Chinese poetry compiled by imperial orderが続いて編纂compiledされた。

"Keikokushu" (827) and an anthology of Chinese poems by imperial order were subsequently compiled.

小野岑守(おのの・みねもり)Ono no Minemori

小野篁(おのの・たかむら)Ono no Takamura

代表的な作家Representative writersには、嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Sagaを中心に小野岑守(おのの・みねもり)Ono no Minemori小野篁(おのの・たかむら)Ono no Takamuraらがあり、

Representative writers include Emperor Saga, Ono no Minemori, and Ono no Takamura.


Kukai, who wrote "Shoryoshu" and "Bunkyohifuron"

漢籍Chinese classics分類事典a classification encyclopediaである『秘府略(ひふりゃく)Hifuryaku』(1000巻)を著した滋野貞主(しげのの・さだぬし)Shigeno no Sadanushi785年~852年)らがいる。

Shigeno no Sadanushi (785-852), who wrote "Hifuryaku" (1000 volumes), a classification encyclopedia of Chinese classics, and others.

橘広相(たちばなの・ひろみ)Tachibana no Hiromi837890

菅原道真(すがわら・の・みちざね)Sugawara no Michizane845903

また9世紀後半In the latter half of the 9th centuryには、大江音人(おおえの・おとんど)Oe no Otondo811877)、

In the latter half of the 9th century, Oe no Otondo (811-877),

橘広相(たちばなの・ひろみ)Tachibana no Hiromi837890)、

Hiromi Tachibana (837-890),

都氏文集(とし・ぶんしゅう)Toshi Bunshu』を著した都良香(みやこの・よしか)Miyako no Yoshika834879)、

Yoshika Miyako (834-879), who wrote "Miyakoji Bunshu",

菅家文草(かんけ・ぶんそう)Kanke BunsoChinese poetry by Sugawara no Michizane)』や『類聚国史(るいじゅう・こくし)Ruijū Kokushia historical text that categorizes and chronologizes the events listed in the Six National Histories)』を著した菅原道真(すがわら・の・みちざね)Sugawara no Michizane845903)、

Sugawara no Michizane (845-903), author of Kankebunzo and Ruijukokushi,

三善清行(みよしの・きよゆき)Miyoshi no Kiyoyuki847918

日本国見在書目録(にほんこく・げんざいしょ・もくろく)Nihonkoku Genzaisho Mokuroku』を撰んだ藤原佐世(ふじわらの・すけよ)Fujiwara no Sukeyo(?~898?)、三善清行(みよしの・きよゆき)Miyoshi no Kiyoyuki847918)、紀長谷雄(きの・はせお)Ki no Haseo851912)らが出て、

Fujiwara Sayo (?-898?), Miyoshi no Kiyoyuki (847-918), Kino Haseo (851-912), who compiled "Nihon Kunimi Zaisho Mokuroku" came out,

日本の漢文学の花the flowers of Japanese Chinese literatureが一時に咲いた時期である。

It was the time when the flowers of Japanese Chinese literature bloomed at once.

源順(みなもとの・したごう)Minamoto no Shitagō911983

しかし10世紀 in the 10th centuryに入ると、最初の漢和辞典the first Chinese-Japanese dictionaryとも言うべき

However, in the 10th century, it should be said that it was the first Chinese-Japanese dictionary.

倭名類聚抄(わみょう・るいじゅしょう)Wamyō RuijushōJapanese names for things, classified and annotated)』を著した源順(みなもとの・したごう)Minamoto no Shitagō911983)なども出たが、

Minamoto no Shitago (911-983), who wrote "Wamyo Ruijusho," also appeared.

国風文化(こくふう・ぶんか)National style culture興隆the prosperity対応responseして漢文学(かんぶんがく)Chinese literature内容content変質changedしていった。

The content of Chinese literature changed in response to the prosperity of Kokufu culture.

菅原道真(すがわら・の・みちざね)Sugawara no Michizane845903

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漢文学の隆盛The prosperity of Chinese literature

例えば菅原道真(すがわら・の・みちざね)Sugawara no Michizanepoemは、

For example, Sugawara no Michizane's poem,

中国語Chineseの持つ強い抑揚strong intonationと、日本語Japaneseの持つ繊細delicacyさとが統一unifiedされ、

The strong intonation of Chinese and the delicacy of Japanese are unified,

その詩集collection of poems(とう)Tang Dynastyでも流布so popularするほどであった。

His collection of poems was so popular in the Tang Dynasty.

橘逸勢(たちばなの・はやなり)Tachibana no Hayanari

三筆(さんぴつ)Sanpitsuthree brushes


Chinese calligraphy also flourished,

空海(くうかい)Kukai嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga橘逸勢(たちばなの・はやなり)Tachibana no Hayanari

Kukai, Emperor Saga, and Tachibana no Hayanari

三筆(さんぴつ)Sanpitsuthree brushes)と言われ、

It is said to be Sanpitsu,

特に空海(くうかい)Kukai(とう)Tang Dynasty毛筆製作法how to make calligraphy brushesも学び、風信帖(ふうしんじょう)Fushinjoや、

In particular, Kukai learned how to make calligraphy brushes in the Tang Dynasty.

真言灌頂(しんごん・かんじょう)Shingon Kanjo受者名names of recipientsを記した灌頂歴名(かんじょう・れきめい)records of Kanjo historyなどを残している。

There are records of Kanjo history including the names of recipients of Shingon Kanjo.

空海(くうかい)Kukai弘法大師(こうぼう・だいし)Kobo Daishi)(774835

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A letter Kukai sent to Saicho.


It is called Fushinjo (Fushinjo) due to the writing ``Shorinsu from Fushinunshoten.''


7 国風文化(こくふう・ぶんか)の前提

The Premise of National style culture

かなの発明Invention of Kana

元来Originally日本Japan独自の文字own writing systemを持たず、『古事記(こじき)KojikiRecords of Ancient Matters)』(712年)や『万葉集(まんようしゅう)ManyoshuCollection of Ten Thousand Leaves)』(7世紀半ばmid-seventh century8世紀半ばmid-eighth century)などに見られるような、

Originally, Japan did not have its own writing system.

As seen in "Kojiki" (712) and "Manyoshu" (mid-seventh century to mid-eighth century),

漢字(かんじ)Chinese characters意味meaningsoundに合わせて用いる表記法notation methodでの表現express困難difficultであり、

It is difficult to express in a notation method that uses kanji according to meaning and sound,

支配体制を整えるorganize the control systemためにも、簡単な表記法simple notation必要necessaryであった。

A simple notation was also necessary to organize the control system.

漢字(かんじ)Chinese characters(へん)hen(つくり)tsukuriから作られた片仮名(かたかな)Katakanaは、

Katakana, which is made from Kanji characters,

漢文(かんぶん)Chinese Sentence読み下しreadingのフリガナの必要needから起こったし、

It arose from the need for reading kanji readings,



Hiragana (Kusagana) is

漢字(かんじ)Chinese characters草書体(そうしょたい)Cursive scriptから生まれた簡単な表音文字(ひょうおん・もじ)phonetic scriptである。

It is a simple phonetic script derived from the cursive script of Chinese characters.

五十音図(ごじゅうおんず)Gojūon orderingfifty sounds)が作られた上限upper limit不明unknownだが、

The upper limit for which the gojyuonzu was created is unknown,

1079年の記録record(『金光明最勝王経音義(こんこうみょう・さいしょう・おうぎょう・おんぎ)Konkomyo Saisho Ougyo Ongi』)が最古the oldestのものである。

The record of 1079 ("Konkomyo Saisho Ougyo Ongi") is the oldest.

仮名(かな)Kanaは、平安時代の初頭at the beginning of the Heian periodには成立しており、

Kana was established at the beginning of the Heian period,

これにより感情emotions思想thoughts自由な表現free expressionが可能となり、

This allows for the free expression of emotions and thoughts.

和歌(わか)waka poetry発展development女流文学者female literary figures輩出productionを条件づけた。

It conditioned the development of waka poetry and the production of female literary figures.


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Between Magana (Manyogana) and Hiragana is Kusakana.

それは「man真仮名(まがな)Magana)にてもあらず、woman平仮名(ひらがな)Hiragana)にてもあらず」(『宇津保物語(うつほ・ものがたり)Utsuho MonogatariTale of the Hollow Tree)』)と言われたもので、

It was said, ``Neither a man (magana) nor a woman (hiragana)'' ("Utsuho Monogatari").

古い遺品old relicsには876年の讃岐介(さぬきの・すけ)Sanuki no suke藤原有年(ふじわらの・ありとし)Fujiwara no Aritoshi申文(もうしぶみ)letterがあり、例えば「止」は「と」と書かれている。

One of the old relics is Sanuki no suke Fujiwara Ariten's letter written in 876. For example, 'stop' is written as 'to'.

在原業平(ありわらの・なりひら)Ariwara no Narihira

六歌仙(ろっかせん)Rokkasensix poetic sages

小野小町(おのの・こまち)Ono no Komachi

六歌仙(ろっかせん)Rokkasensix poetic sages

僧正(そうじょう)highranking Buddhist priest遍昭(へんじょう)Henjō

六歌仙(ろっかせん)Rokkasensix poetic sages

大友黒主(おおともの・くろぬし)Ōtomo no Kuronushi

六歌仙(ろっかせん)Rokkasensix poetic sages

文屋康秀(ふんやの・やすひで)Funya no Yasuhide

六歌仙(ろっかせん)Rokkasensix poetic sages

喜撰(きせん)Kisen法師(ほうし)Buddhist priest

六歌仙(ろっかせん)Rokkasensix poetic sages


Compilation of Kokin Wakashu

9世紀後半In the latter half of the 9th centuryになると、六歌仙(ろっかせん)Rokkasensix poetic sages

In the latter half of the 9th century, Rokkasen

在原業平(ありわらの・なりひら)Ariwara no Narihira小野小町(おのの・こまち)Ono no Komachi僧正(そうじょう)highranking Buddhist priest遍昭(へんじょう)Henjō大友黒主(おおともの・くろぬし)Ōtomo no Kuronushi文屋康秀(ふんやの・やすひで)Funya no Yasuhide喜撰(きせん)Kisen法師(ほうし)Buddhist priest)と呼ばれる歌人poetが現れ、

(Ariwara no Narihira, Ono no Komachi, Sojo Henjo, Otomo Kuronushi, Funya no Yasuhide, A poet called Kisen Houshi appeared,

溌剌(はつらつ)とした情感lively emotions美意識aestheticsを持ったpoemsが多く作られ、和歌(わか)WakaJapanese poem隆盛prosperity基礎foundationを築いた。

Many poems with lively emotions and aesthetics were composed, laying the foundation for the prosperity of waka poetry.

紀貫之(きの・つらゆき)Ki no Tsurayuki868945

紀友則(きの・とものり)Ki no Tomonori(生没年不詳)

紀貫之(きのつらゆき)Ki no Tsurayuki従兄弟cousin

凡河内躬恒(おおしこうちの・みつね)Ōshikōchi no Mitsune(生没年不詳)

壬生忠岑(みぶの・ただみね)Mibu no Tadamine(生没年不詳)

905年(延喜5年)に完成completedした『古今和歌集(こきん・わかしゅう)Kokin Wakashu2020 volumesは、

The 20 volumes of "Kokin Wakashu" completed in 905 (5th year of Engi)

紀貫之(きの・つらゆき)Ki no Tsurayuki868945)・紀友則(きの・とものり)Ki no Tomonori(生没年不詳)・凡河内躬恒(おおしこうちの・みつね)Ōshikōchi no Mitsune(生没年不詳)・壬生忠岑(みぶの・ただみね)Mibu no Tadamine(生没年不詳)

Kinotsurayuki (868-945), Kinotomonori (birth and death dates unknown), Oshikochi Mitsune (birth and death dates unknown), Mibu Tadatsune Tadamine) (date of birth and death unknown)

らによる最初の勅撰和歌集(ちょくせん・わかしゅう)Chokusen wakashūimperially-commissioned Japanese anthologies of waka poetry)であり、和歌(わか)WakaJapanese poem1100首余りが収録されている。

This is the first collection of waka poems compiled by imperial command, and contains more than 1100 waka poems.

そのWakaJapanese poem)は古今調(こきんちょう)Kokin styleと言われ、理知的intellectual技巧的technical叙情的lyrical傾向が強いが、

His songs are said to be Kokin style, and tend to be intellectual, technical, and lyrical.

以後中世the Middle Agesに至る和歌(わか)WakaJapanese poem)の手本modelとされ、日本の歌学(かがく)the study of Japanese poetry大きな影響great influenceを与えた。

Since then, it has been regarded as a model of waka up to the Middle Ages, and had a great influence on the study of Japanese poetry.

伊勢物語(いせ・ものがたり)The Tales of Ise

竹取物語(たけとり・ものがたり)The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter

土佐日記(とさ・にっき)Tosa Diary


Narrative Literature

物語(ものがたり)MonogatariNarrative)では、和歌(わか)WakaJapanese poem)の叙情性lyricismを中心とした歌物語(うた・ものがたり)Uta monogataripoem-tale)と、伝奇物語(でんき・ものがたり)(Denki monogatari)(Stories dealing with fantastical events)とが成立establishedした。

In the tales, the tales centered on the lyricism of waka and the legendary tales were established.

在原業平(ありわらの・なりひら)Ariwara no Narihira仮託(かたく)tentatively entrustedした『伊勢物語(いせ・ものがたり)The Tales of Ise』は前者the former歌物語(うた・ものがたり)Uta monogatari)に属し、

"Ise Monogatari", which was tentatively entrusted to Ariwara no Narihira, belongs to the former.

かぐや姫Princess Kaguya主人公the main characterとした『竹取物語(たけとり・ものがたり)The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter』は後者the latter category伝奇物語(でんき・ものがたり)(Denki monogatari))に属する。

"Taketori Monogatari", in which Princess Kaguya is the main character, belongs to the latter category.

その他、日記(にっき)Diary紀行文(きこうぶん)Travelogue先駆pioneerをなす紀貫之(きの・つらゆき)Ki no Tsurayukiの『土佐日記(とさ・にっき)Tosa Diary』がある。

In addition, there is "Tosa Diary" by Kinotsurayuki, a pioneer of diaries and travelogues.

このほかに、薬師寺Yakushi-ji Templemonk景戒(きょうかい)Kyokaiによって最初の仏教説話集collection of Buddhist tales日本霊異記(にほん・りょういき)Nihon RyoikiRecord of Miraculous Events in Japan)』が作られた。

In addition to this, Kyokai, a monk of Yakushi-ji Temple, wrote the first collection of Buddhist tales, "Nihon Ryoiki."

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土佐日記(とさ・にっき)Tosa Diary


Currently, it is written as Tosa, but originally it was Doza.

デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...