


日本史10 Japanese history 10

摂関政治Regency politics

藤原道長(ふじわら・の・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027

源氏物語(げんじ・ものがたり)Genji monogatariThe Tale of Genji)』

平等院(びょうどういん)Byodo-inTemple of Equality鳳凰堂(ほうおうどう)Phoenix Hall

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ) Heavy cruiser Mogami

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ) Heavy cruiser Mogami

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ) Heavy cruiser Mogami

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ)Heavy cruiser Mogamiは、日本海軍Japanese Navy重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)Heavy cruiser

Heavy cruiser Mogami is a heavy cruiser of the Japanese Navy.

最上型重巡洋艦(もがみがた・じゅうじゅんようかん)Mogami-class heavy cruisers1番艦lead ship

The first of the Mogami-class heavy cruisers.

呉海軍工廠(くれ・かいぐんこうしょう)Kure Naval Arsenalで建造。

Built at Kure Naval Arsenal.

艦名ship name山形県Yamagata Prefecture最上川(もがみがわ)the Mogami Riverから最上(もがみ)Mogamiと命名された。

The ship was named Mogami, after the Mogami River in Yamagata Prefecture.

15.5cm 3連装砲15.5cm Triple gun turret 5基を備える基準排水量8,500トン standard displacement of 8,500 tons級の軽巡洋艦(けい・じゅんようかん)Light cruiserとして、1935年(昭和10年)7月に竣工した。

She was completed in July 1935 as a light cruiser with a standard displacement of 8,500 tons and equipped with five 15.5cm triple guns.

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ) Heavy cruiser Mogami

1939年(昭和14年)には主砲Main gun15.5cm 3連装砲15.5cm Triple gun turretから20.3cm連装砲20.3cm Twin gun turret換装replacedし、重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)Heavy cruiserとして太平洋戦争Pacific Warの開戦を迎えた。

In 1939 (Showa 14), her main gun was replaced from triple 15.5cm guns to twin 20.3cm guns, and she entered the Pacific War as a heavy cruiser.

1941年(昭和16年)にはマレー上陸作戦the Malayan landing operationで奮戦。

In 1941 (Showa 16), he fought bravely in the Malayan landing operation.

1942年(昭和17年)3月のバタビア沖海戦the Battle of Bataviaでは姉妹艦Sister ship三隈(みくま)Heavy cruiser Mikumaとともに、アメリカUSA重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)ヒューストンHeavy cruiser Houstonオーストラリア軽巡洋艦(けい・じゅんようかん)パースLight cruiser Perth撃沈attack and sinkする戦果をあげた。

In March 1942, at the Battle of Batavia, she and her sister ship Mikuma sank the American heavy cruiser Houston and the Australian light cruiser Perth.

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ) Heavy cruiser Mogami

1942年(昭和17年)65日、連合艦隊Combined Fleet山本五十六(やまもと・ いそろく)Isoroku Yamamoto提督Admiralは、日本軍の上陸Japanese landingに備えて7巡洋艦師団Cruiser Division 7ミッドウェー島Midway Islandへの砲撃shellを命じた(ミッドウェー海戦Battle of Midway)。

On 5 June, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, CINC of the Combined Fleet ordered Cruiser Division 7 to shell Midway Island in preparation for a Japanese landing.

その結果、重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ)Heavy cruiser Mogami艦橋bridgeの下の重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)三隈(みくま)Heavy cruiser Mikuma左舷側portside激突rammedする衝突collisionが起きた。

This resulted in a collision in which Mogami rammed Mikuma's portside, below the bridge.

SBDドーントレス Douglas SBD Dauntless

翌朝、1942年(昭和17年)66日、重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)三隈(みくま)Heavy cruiser Mikuma重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ)Heavy cruiser Mogamiウェーク島Wake Islandに向かっていたところ、空母エンタープライズAircraft carrier Enterprise空母ホーネットAircraft carrier Hornet31機のSBDドーントレスDouglas SBD Dauntless急降下爆撃機dive-bombers3つの波に攻撃された。

The following morning, 6 June 1942, Mikuma and Mogami were heading for Wake Island when they were attacked by three waves of 31 SBD Dauntless dive-bombers from the aircraft carriers USS Enterprise and Hornet.

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ) Heavy cruiser Mogami

1942年(昭和17年)6月のミッドウェー海戦Battle of Midwayでの損傷の修復工事repair work for damageを機会に航空巡洋艦(こうくう・じゅんようかん)Aircraft cruiser改装converted intoされることとなった。

In June 1942 (Showa 17), she was converted into an aviation cruiser during repair work for damage sustained in the Battle of Midway.

艦体後部the rear of the hull水上機Seaplane11機を搭載carryできる航空甲板Flight deckを設け、さらに25mm 3連装機銃25mm Triple machine gun 10基など対空防御力anti-aircraft defensesも増強。

A flight deck that can carry 11 seaplanes is installed at the rear of the hull, and anti-aircraft defenses are also strengthened with 10 triple 25mm machine guns.

マリアナ沖海戦the Battle of the Marianas

1943年(昭和18年)5月、生まれ変わった最上(もがみ)Heavy cruiser Mogamiは同年11月のラバウル空襲Bombing of Rabaulによる中破partially damagedを経て再び兵装を強化armament was strengthenedした。

In May 1943, the reborn Mogami was partially damaged in the Rabaul air raid in November of the same year, and its armament was strengthened again.

その後、1944年(昭和19年)6月のマリアナ沖海戦the Battle of the Marianas索敵任務enemy search missions出撃sortied

After that, she sortied on enemy search missions at the Battle of the Marianas in June 1944.

レイテ沖海戦Battle of Leyte Gulf

続く1944年(昭和19年)10月のレイテ沖海戦Battle of Leyte Gulfにも参加したが、重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)最上(もがみ)Heavy cruiser Mogami敵艦載機enemy carrier-based aircraft攻撃attack大破炎上severely damaged and burned

She also participated in the subsequent Battle of Leyte Gulf in October 1944 (Showa 19), but the heavy cruiser Mogami was severely damaged and burned by enemy carrier-based aircraft.

味方Allies駆逐艦曙(あけぼの)Destroyer Akebono雷撃torpedo attackによりミンダナオ海the Mindanao Sea沈没sankした。

She sank in the Mindanao Sea after being torpedoed by the allied destroyer Akebono.

藤原仲麻呂(ふじわらの・なかまろ)Fujiwara no Nakamaro

恵美押勝(えみの・おしかつ)Emi no Oshikatsu

藤原南家(ふじわら・なんけ)Fujiwara Nankesouthern house of Fujiwara)のfounderである藤原武智麻呂(ふじわらの・むちまろ)Fujiwara no Muchimaro次男the second sonとして生まれる。

Born as the second son of FUJIWARA no Takechimaro, the founder of the Fujiwara Minami family.

生まれつき聡明鋭敏intelligent and keenであり、大抵の書物は読破read most of the booksしていた。

He was born intelligent and keen, and read most of the books.

また、大納言(だいなごん)DainagonMajor counselor)・阿倍宿奈麻呂(あべの・すくなまろ)Abe no Sukunamaro算術arithmeticを学び、優れた学才excellent academic talentを示した。

In addition, he learned arithmetic from Dainagon Abe no Tsukunamaro, and showed excellent academic talent.

孝謙天皇(こうけん・てんのう)Empress Kōken(在位749758

46代天皇the 46th Emperor(在位749年~758年)


称徳天皇(しょうとく・てんのう)Empress Shōtoku

48代天皇the 48th Emperor(在位764年~770年)

father聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomumother光明皇后(こうみょう・こうごう)Empress Komyo光明子(こうみょうし)Komyoshi)。

4 Chapter 4


Development of Aristocracy

1 Section 1

摂関政治Regency politics

1 摂関政治(せっかん・せいじ)の確立

Establishment of Sekkan politics


8世紀 in the 8th century律令政治Ritsuryo governmentのもとでも、藤原氏(ふじわらし)Fujiwara clanをはじめとした有力官人influential government officialsは、貴族aristocratsとしての特権privilegesを持ち、その政治権力political powerも大きかった。

Even under the Ritsuryo government in the 8th century, influential government officials, including the Fujiwara clan, had privileges as aristocrats and had great political power.

しかし、藤原仲麻呂(ふじわらの・なかまろ)Fujiwara no Nakamaro706764)が孝謙上皇(こうけん・じょうこうRetired Emperor Koken信頼trustを失って失脚fell from powerしたように、

However, just as Fujiwara no Nakamaro (706-764) lost the trust of the Retired Emperor Koken (empress) and fell from power,


Aristocrats were nothing more than servants in relation to the emperor.

ところが、9世紀 the 9th centuryから10世紀 the 10th centuryにかけて、藤原氏(ふじわらし)Fujiwara clan天皇emperorとの外戚関係maternal relationsを核として、天皇emperorに代わる実質的な権力real powerを持とうとするようになった。

However, from the 9th century to the 10th century, the Fujiwara clan began to try to take over the emperor's real power, centering on their maternal relations with the emperor.

当時の貴族社会aristocratic societyでは、子女children母方mother's side養育raisedされるのが一般的であり、母系matrilineal line実質的な意義practical significanceを持っていたこともその背景reasonsになったのであろう。

In the aristocratic society of the time, it was common for children to be raised by the mother's side, and the fact that the matrilineal line had practical significance was probably one of the reasons for this.

しかし、藤原氏(ふじわらし)Fujiwara clan権力powerを持っても、その権威の拠り所は天皇emperorにあり、この貴族政治aristocratic government天皇制emperor systemを越える権力形態form of powerではなかった。

However, even if the Fujiwara clan had power, that authority rested on the emperor, and this aristocratic government was not a form of power that surpassed that of the emperor system.

藤原基経(ふじわらの・もとつね)Fujiwara no Mototsune

藤原冬嗣(ふじわらの・ふゆつぐ)Fujiwara no Fuyutsugugrandson

藤原時平(ふじわらの・ときひら)Fujiwara no Tokihira871909

藤原基経(ふじわらの・もとつね)Fujiwara no Mototsune長男Eldest son

藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no Tadahira880年~949年)

藤原基経(ふじわらの・もとつね)Fujiwara no Mototsune四男fourth son

藤原時平(ふじわらの・ときひら)Fujiwara no Tokihirayounger brother

平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no Tadahira家人(けにん)retainerとして仕えていた時期もあった。

There was a time when TAIRA no Masakado served Fujiwara no Tadahira as a retainer.


Fujiwara no Tadahira

延喜(えんぎ)・天暦(てんりゃく)Engi/Tenryaku period政治politicsで、藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no Tadahira880年~949年)(藤原基経(ふじわらの・もとつね)Fujiwara no Mototsuneson)は

In the politics of the Engi/Tenryaku period, Fujiwara no Tadahira (880-949) (son of Fujiwara no Mototsune)

皇室imperial familyとの婚姻関係marriage relationshipを深めながら、現実の在地支配actual local controlは、国司(こくし)Provincial governors以下の国衙官人(こくが・かんじん)kokuga officials一任するentrusted政治体制political systemを進めた。

While deepening the marriage relationship with the imperial family, he promoted a political system in which the actual local control was entrusted to kokuga officials under kokushi (provincial governor).

平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado

藤原純友の乱(ふじわらの・すみともの・らん)Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomo

この間、930年(延長8年)には摂政(せっしょう)Regentとなり、承平・天慶の乱(しょうへい・てんぎょう・の・らん)Shohei-Tengyo War後の941年(天慶4年)の時には、関白(かんぱく)Kampakua regent of an adult emperor)に任ぜられていた。

During this period, he became Sessho in 930 (extended for 8 years), and Kanpaku in 941 (4th year of Tenkei) after the Shohei-Tengyo War. was entrusted to

まだ摂政(せっしょう)Regent関白(かんぱく)Kampaku独自の官職own government postsにはなっていなかったが、

Sessho and Kanpaku had not yet become their own government posts.

以後藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan family官吏の任免権the right to appoint and dismiss government officialsを掌握し、国衙(こくが)provincial government officeから納入される税物tax money消費者consumerとして、栄華を極めた。

After that, the Fujiwara Sekkan family took control of the right to appoint and dismiss government officials, and flourished as a consumer of tax money delivered by the provincial government office.

このような政治体制political systemを、摂関政治(せっかん・せいじ)Sekkan politics(あるいは王朝国家dynasty state)と呼んでいる。

Such a political system is called Sekanseiji (or dynasty state).

藤原師尹(ふじわらの・もろただ)Fujiwara no Morotada920969

藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no Tadahira五男fifth son

源高明(みなもとの・たかあきら)Minamoto no Takaakira914982

醍醐天皇(だいご・てんのうEmperor Daigo第十皇子the tenth prince

藤原氏(ふじわらし)に(い)まれてHated安和の変(あんな・の・へん)Anna Incident失脚oustedし、政界political worldから退いたretired

Hated by the Fujiwara clan, he was ousted in the Anwa Incident and retired from the political world.

安和の変(あんな・の・へん)Anna Incident969年(安和2Anna 2))

安和の変(あんな・の・へん)Anna Incident

969年(安和2Anna 2))

969年(安和2年)、右大臣(うだいじん)Minister of the Right藤原師尹(ふじわらの・もろただ)Fujiwara no Morotada920969)は、

In 969 (Awa 2), Minister of the Right Fujiwara no Morotada (920-969)

左大臣(さだいじん)Minister of the Left地位positionにあった源高明(みなもとの・たかあきら)Minamoto no Takaakira914982)を排斥expelしようとして、

In an attempt to expel MINAMOTO no Takaakira (914-982) (son of Emperor Daigo), who held the position of Sadaijin (minister of the left),

源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunaka912997

清和源氏(せいわ・げんじ)Seiwa Genji六孫王(ろくそんのう)Rokusonnō源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemoto嫡男the eldest son

多田源氏(ただ・げんじ)Tada GenjiAncestor

冷泉天皇(れいぜい・てんのうEmperor Reizei(在位967年~969年)

63代天皇the 63rd Emperor(在位967年~969年)

村上天皇(むらかみ・てんのうEmperor Murakami2皇子the Second son

mother藤原師輔(ふじわらの・もろすけ)Fujiwara no Morosukedaughter中宮(ちゅうぐう)consort藤原安子(ふじわらの・あんし)Fujiwara no Anshi

円融天皇(えんゆう・てんのう)Emperor En'yū同母兄maternal older brother

為平親王(ためひら・しんのうImperial Prince Tamehira

村上天皇(むらかみ・てんのうEmperor Murakami第四皇子the fourth prince

mother藤原師輔(ふじわらの・もろすけ)Fujiwara no Morosukedaughter中宮(ちゅうぐう)consort藤原安子(ふじわらの・あんし)Fujiwara no Anshi

冷泉天皇(れいぜい・てんのうEmperor Reizei同母弟maternal younger brother

源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunaka912997)に、

To Mitsunaka Minamoto (912-997),

源高明(みなもとの・たかあきら)Minamoto no Takaakiraらが冷泉天皇(れいぜい・てんのうEmperor Reizei(在位967969)に代わって

Minamoto no Takaakira and others succeeded Emperor Reizei (reigned 967-969) (son of Emperor Murakami).

源高明(みなもとの・たかあきら)Minamoto no Takaakira娘婿(じょせい)son-in-law為平親王(ためひら・しんのうImperial Prince Tamehira天皇Emperorにたてようとする陰謀conspiracyがあると密告informedさせ、

He was informed that there was a conspiracy to make Imperial Prince Tamehira (son of Emperor Murakami) the son-in-law of Minamoto no Takaakira.

左大臣(さだいじん)Minister of the Left源高明(みなもとの・たかあきら)Minamoto no Takaakira失脚overthrewさせた。

He overthrew Minamoto no Takaakira, Minister of the Left.

いわゆる安和の変(あんな・の・へん)Anna Incidentである。

This is the so-called Anna-no-hen.

藤原氏(ふじわらし)Fujiwara clan中央政界the central political worldにおける他氏排斥rejection of other clansはこれをもって完了completedし、

With this, the Fujiwara clan's rejection of other clans in the central political world was completed.

藤原実頼(ふじわらの・さねより)Fujiwara no Saneyori900年~970年)

藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no Tadahira長男the eldest son

この時の関白(かんぱく)Kampakua regent of an adult emperor藤原実頼(ふじわらの・さねより)Fujiwara no Saneyori900年~970年)以来、

Since then Kanpaku Fujiwara no Saneyori (900-970) (son of Fujiwara Tadahira),

藤原北家(ふじわら・ほっけ)Fujiwara HokkeThe Northern House of the Fujiwara clan)が代々for generations摂政(せっしょう)Regent関白(かんぱく)Kampakua regent of an adult emperor)に任ぜられるようになり、

The Northern House of the Fujiwara clan were appointed as regents and Kanpaku for generations.

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027

藤原兼家(ふじわらの・かねいえ)Fujiwara no Kaneie五男the fifth son(または四男the fourth son)。

後一条天皇(ごいちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Goichijo後朱雀天皇(ごすざく・てんのう)Emperor Gosuzaku後冷泉天皇(ごれいぜい・てんのう)Emperor Goreizei外祖父the maternal grandfatherにあたる。

のち藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027)に至る藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan family基礎foundationを固めた。

He laid the foundation for the Sekkan family, which later led to Fujiwara no Michinaga (966-1027).

以後、藤原氏内部の権力争いthe power struggle within the Fujiwara clanを経て全盛時代heydayに入るのである。

After that, the power struggle within the Fujiwara clan entered its heyday.

源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunaka912997

藤原兼家(ふじわらの・かねいえ)Fujiwara no Kaneie

藤原師輔(ふじわらの・もろすけ)Fujiwara no Morosuke三男Third son

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinagafather

藤原道兼(ふじわらの・みちかね)Fujiwara no Michikane

藤原兼家(ふじわらの・かねいえ)Fujiwara no Kaneie三男the third son

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga同母兄maternal older brother

補足supplementary explanation


Anna Incident and Minamoto no Mitsunaka

安和の変(あんなの・へん)Anna Incidentの後、源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunaka912997清和源氏(せいわ・げんじ)Seiwa Genji)は、

After the Anwa Incident, Minamoto no Mitsunaka (Seiwa Genji)

関白(かんぱく)Kampakua regent of an adult emperor藤原兼家(ふじわらの・かねいえ)Fujiwara no Kaneie藤原道兼(ふじわらの・みちかね)らの(さむらい)Samuraithe hereditary military nobility and officer)(武士(ぶし)BushiWarrior))としてその警護guardedに当たり、

As a samurai, he guarded Kanpaku FUJIWARA no Kanie and FUJIWARA no Michikane.

摂津国(せっつのくに)Settsu Province多田荘(ただのしょう)Tada no Sho兵庫県Hyōgo Prefecture)を根拠Based onに、源氏発展development of the Genji clan基礎foundationを築いた。

Based on Settsu-Tada, he laid the foundation for the development of the Genji clan.

その意味では安和の変(あんなの・へん)Anna Incidentは、初期の武士(ぶし)BushiWarrior)が藤原貴族Fujiwara nobilityに取り入ってその傭兵mercenariesとなり、

In that sense, the Anwa Incident was the early samurai who ingratiated themselves with the Fujiwara nobility and became their mercenaries.

勢力を伸張させるきっかけan opportunity to extend powerを作った典型的な例a typical exampleである。

This is a typical example of creating an opportunity to extend power.

藤原兼通(ふじわらの・かねみち)Fujiwara no Kanemichi925年~977年)

藤原師輔(ふじわらの・もろすけ)Fujiwara no Morosuke次男the Second son

藤原兼家(ふじわらの・かねいえ)Fujiwara no Kaneie同母兄maternal


摂関(せっかん)をめぐる争いDispute over sekkan

摂関政治(せっかんせいじ)Sekkan politicsのもとでは、摂政(せっしょう)Regent関白(かんぱく)Kampakua regent of an adult emperor)となり政権を掌握taking control of the governmentすることがその権力powerwealthとを保証guaranteeするものであった。

Under the regency system, becoming a regent or Kanpaku and taking control of the government was the guarantee of power and wealth.

従って摂関(せっかん)SekkanRegent and Kampaku)となるために、親子兄弟の醜い争いugly conflict between parent and child brothersも生じた。

Therefore, in order to become a regent (sekan), an ugly conflict between parent and child brothers also occurred.

例えば、藤原兼通(ふじわらの・かねみち)Fujiwara no Kanemichi925年~977年)は

For example, Fujiwara no Kanemichi (925-977)

対立していたyounger brother藤原兼家(ふじわらの・かねいえ)Fujiwara no Kaneie929年~990年)を最後まで摂関(せっかん)SekkanRegent and Kampaku)に指名せず死んだし、

His younger brother FUJIWARA no Kanie (929-990) (father of FUJIWARA no Michinaga), who was opposed to him, died without being nominated as Sekkan until the end.

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027

藤原伊周(ふじわらの・これちか)Fujiwara no Korechika9741010

藤原道隆(ふじわらの・みちたか)Fujiwara no Michitaka藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga同母兄maternal older brother)の嫡男heireldest son三男the third son)。

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaganephew

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027)と藤原伊周(ふじわらの・これちか)Fujiwara no Korechika9741010)との抗争も有名である。

The rivalry between FUJIWARA no Michinaga (966-1027) and FUJIWARA no Korechika (974-1010) (a nephew of FUJIWARA no Michinaga) is also famous.

これらは『大鏡(おおかがみ)ŌkagamiThe Great Mirror)』などに詳しく書かれているが、

These are described in detail in books such as "Okagami",

「近くて遠きもの、相思はぬ親族はらからの仲」(『枕草子(まくらのそうし)Makura no SōshiThe Pillow Book)』)とか、

``Things that are close but distant, and the relationship between relatives that are not mutually exclusive'' ("Makura no Soshi"),


This is the reason why people said, ``Should I be cautious when it comes to meat and bones?'' (Shoyuuki).

藤原頼通(ふじわらの・よりみち)Fujiwara no Yorimichi9921074

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga長男eldest son

2 摂関政治(せっかん・せいじ)

Sekkan politics


Permanent position of Sekkan

安和の変(あんな・の・へん)Anna Incidentの後、藤原北家(ふじわら・ほっけ)Fujiwara HokkeThe Northern House of the Fujiwara clan)の氏長者(うじの・ちょうじゃ)Uji no ChojaThe highest ranking person in the clan)が、

After the Anwa Incident, the head of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, Uji no Choja,

天皇emperor幼い時youngには摂政(せっしょう)Regentに、成長grew upしたあとは関白(かんぱく)Kampakua regent of an adult emperor)に就任するのが慣例customaryとなり、

It became customary for the emperor to assume the position of regent when he was young and Kanpaku when he grew up.

摂政(せっしょう)Regent関白(かんぱく)Kampakua regent of an adult emperor)は独自の官職independent government postsとなった。

Sessho and Kanpaku became independent government posts.

中央政治Central politics儀式化ritualizedし、藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan family政所(まんどころ)Mandokorothe chief governing body of an important family)が重要性importantを持つようになり、里内裏(さとだいり)SatodairiA mansion other than the Imperial Palace of the Heian Palace was used as the residence of the Emperor)なども見られ、

Central politics became ritualized, the mandokoro of the Sekkan family became more important, and Satodairi was also seen.

政所下文(まんどころ・くだしぶみ)Mandokoro KudabumiDocuments issued by court nobles such as the Sekkan family and mandokoro of Large shrines and temples)や御教書(みきょうしょ)MikyoshoAn ancient document issued by a high-ranking person's family secretary in accordance with the Lord's will)も重視された。

Mandokoro Kudabumi and Mikyosho were also emphasized.

しかし国家的な政治national politicsは、これまでと同じように大内裏(だいだいり)DaidairiGreater Palace)の官衙(かんが)government officeで行われ、政策policiesなどは詔勅(しょうちょく)imperial edicts太政官(だいじょうかん)Great Council of State官符(かんぷ)kanpuA formal document issued by the Dajokan to various government offices under its jurisdiction)によって決定determinedされた。

However, national politics was carried out in the government office of Daidairi as before, and policies were determined by imperial edicts and kanpu of Daijokan.

このような摂関政治(せっかん・せいじ)Sekkan politics確立establishmentするとともに、諸国の土豪・有力者the landlords and influential people in various countries所領their territories藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan family寄進donateするようになり、

With the establishment of this kind of regency politics, the landlords and influential people in various countries began to donate their territories to the regency family.

それは国家的給付national benefitsとともに藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan family財源financial resourcesをなした。

Along with national benefits, it provided the financial resources of the Sekkan family.

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027

補足supplementary explanation

氏長者(うじの・ちょうじゃ)Uji no Choja

The highest ranking person in the clan

(うじ)the clan代表representingする家長the head of the family的存在で、奈良時代Nara period以前の氏上(うじのかみ)Uji no kamithe head of the clan)に当たる。

He was the head of the family representing the clan, and was the head of the clan prior to the Nara period.

氏長者(うじの・ちょうじゃ)Uji no ChojaThe highest ranking person in the clan)は、平安前期the early Heian periodから見え、

Uji no choja has been around since the early Heian period.

のち藤原氏(ふじわらし)Fujiwara clan摂関(せっかん)SekkanRegent and Kampaku)、源氏(げんじ)Genji clan征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)Seii TaishogunCommander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force Against the Barbarians)となるものだけを指すようになる。

Later, it came to refer only to those who became regents of the Fujiwara clan and Seii Taishogun of the Genji clan.

政所下文(まんどころ・くだしぶみ)Mandokoro KudabumiDocuments issued by court nobles such as the Sekkan family and mandokoro of Large shrines and temples)や御教書(みきょうしょ)MikyoshoAn ancient document issued by a high-ranking person's family secretary in accordance with the Lord's will)も重視された。

藤原頼通(ふじわらの・よりみち)Fujiwara no Yorimichi9921074

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga長男eldest son

補足supplementary explanation



政所下文(まんどころ・くだしぶみ)Mandokoro KudabumiDocuments issued by court nobles such as the Sekkan family and mandokoro of Large shrines and temples)は三位以上の家政機関(かせい・きかん)household organizationから出し、

The Mandoku Dashibumi is issued by a household organization of third rank or above,

御教書(みきょうしょ)MikyoshoAn ancient document issued by a high-ranking person's family secretary in accordance with the Lord's will)は上位の者の意the will of a superior下の者subordinateが受けて出す私的な文書private document

A mikyosho is a private document issued by a subordinate based on the will of a superior.

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027

藤原頼通(ふじわらの・よりみち)Fujiwara no Yorimichi9921074

藤原北家(ふじわら・ほっけ)Fujiwara Hokkenorthern house of Fujiwara)。

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga長男eldest son

平等院(びょうどういん)Byōdō-inTemple of Equality鳳凰堂(ほうおうどう)Hōō-dōthe Phoenix Hall)を造営constructed

藤原彰子(ふじわらの・あきこ)Fujiwara no Akiko彰子(しょうし)Shōshi

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga 長女the eldest daughter

藤原頼通(ふじわらの・よりみち)Fujiwara no Yorimichi同母姉Maternal elder sister

一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Ichijō皇后(こうごう)empress中宮(ちゅうぐう)Chūgūwives of the emperor))。

Emperor Ichijo's empress (empress).

後一条天皇(ごいちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Goichijo後朱雀天皇(ごすざく・てんのう)Emperor Gosuzaku生母birth mother国母(こくも)Kokumo)、女院(にょいん)Nyoin



The Era of Fujiwara no Michinaga and

Fujiwara no Yorimichi

こうして藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027)・藤原頼通(ふじわらの・よりみち)Fujiwara no Yorimichi9921074)(藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga長男eldest son)の時代に摂関政治(せっかん・せいじ)Sekkan politicsはその最盛期its peakを迎えた。

In this way, the regency politics reached its peak during the times of Fujiwara no Michinaga (966-1027) and Fujiwara no Yorimichi (992-1074).

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinagaは、一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのうEmperor Ichijō中宮(ちゅうぐう)Chūgūwives of the emperor彰子(しょうし)Shōshi藤原彰子(ふじわらの・あきこ)Fujiwara no Akikoをはじめ、4人の娘four daughters入内(じゅだい)JudaiEntry into the Imperial Palace)させ、

Fujiwara no Michinaga made four daughters enter the court, starting with Empress Ichijo's Empress Shoko (Jotomonin).

一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Ichijō(在位986年~1011年)

66代天皇the 66th Emperor(在位986年~1011年)

円融天皇(えんゆう・てんのう)Emperor En'yū1皇子the first prince

The first prince of Emperor Enyu.

mother藤原詮子(ふじわらの・せんし)Fujiwara no Senshi藤原兼家(ふじわらの・かねいえ)Fujiwara no Kaneiedaughter)(藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga同母姉Maternal elder sister)。

兄弟brothers姉妹sistersはおらず、従兄弟cousins前帝former emperor花山天皇(かざん・てんのう)Emperor Kazan次帝next emperor三条天皇(さんじょう・てんのう)Emperor Sanjōがいる。

三条天皇(さんじょう・てんのう)Emperor Sanjō(在位1011年~1016年)

67代天皇the 67th Emperor(在位1011年~1016年)

冷泉天皇(れいぜい・てんのうEmperor Reizei第二皇子the second prince

Mother藤原兼家(ふじわらの・かねいえ)Fujiwara no Kaneie長女the eldest daughter藤原超子(ふじわらの・ちょうし)Fujiwara no Chōshi

花山天皇(かざん・てんのう)Emperor Kazan異母弟half-brother

後一条天皇(ごいちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Go-Ichijō(在位10161036年)

68代天皇the 68th Emperor(在位1016年~1036年)

一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Ichijō第二皇子the Second son

mother藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga 長女the eldest daughter藤原彰子(ふじわらの・あきこ)Fujiwara no Akiko彰子(しょうし)Shōshi)。

同母弟maternal younger brother後朱雀天皇(ごすざく・てんのう)Emperor Gosuzaku

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga外孫maternal grandson

一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのうEmperor Ichijō(在位9861011)・三条天皇(さんじょう・てんのうEmperor Sanjō(在位10111016)・後一条天皇(ごいちじょう・てんのうEmperor Go-Ichijō(在位10161036)の三天皇three emperors摂政(せっしょう)Regent太政大臣(だいじょう・だいじん)Chancellor of the Realmとして仕え、権勢を誇ったboasted great power

Emperor Ichijo (reigned 986-1011), Emperor Sanjo (reigned 1011-1016), Emperor Goichijo (reigned) He served the three emperors of the ranks 1016-1036 as regent and daijodaijin, and boasted great power.

後朱雀天皇(ごすざく・てんのう)Emperor Go-Suzaku(在位1036年~1045年)

69代天皇the 69th Emperor(在位1036年~1045年)

一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Ichijō第三皇子the Third son

mother藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga 長女the eldest daughter藤原彰子(ふじわらの・あきこ)Fujiwara no Akiko彰子(しょうし)Shōshi)。

同母兄maternal older brother後一条天皇(ごいちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Go-Ichijō

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga外孫maternal grandson

後冷泉天皇(ごれいぜい・てんのう)Emperor Go-Reizei(在位10451068年)

70代天皇the 70th Emperor(在位1045年~1068年)

後朱雀天皇(ごすざく・てんのう)Emperor Go-Suzaku第一皇子the First son

mother藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga六女the sixth daughter藤原嬉子(ふじわらの・きし)Fujiwara no Kishi

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga外孫maternal grandson

(ごいちじょう・てんのうEmperor Go-Ichijō(在位10161036)・後朱雀天皇(ごすざく・てんのうEmperor Go-Suzaku(在位10361045)・後冷泉天皇(ごれいぜい・てんのうEmperor Go-Reizei(在位10451068)の三代の天皇three emperorsの間、

In addition, Fujiwara no Yorimichi was the son of Emperor Goichijo (reigned 1016-1036), Emperor Gosuzaku (reigned 1036-1045), and Emperor Goreizen. During the three emperors of Emperor Goreizei Tenno (reigned 1045-1068),

50年も摂政(せっしょう)Regent関白(かんぱく)Kampakua regent of an adult emperor)をつとめた。

He served as regent and Kanpaku for 50 years.

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027


Glory of Nobility

貴族(きぞく)Nobilityは、国家給付government benefitsのほか、地方provincesからの寄進物donationsによって栄華(えいが)the height of their prosperityを極めた。

Aristocrats attained the height of their prosperity by receiving donations from the provinces in addition to government benefits.

とくに律令国家Ritsuryo stateにおいては、班田農民handen farmers再生産reproductionのための勧農政策the promotion of agricultural policy国家機能state's functionsの一つの重要な側面the most important aspectsであったが、

In particular, in the Ritsuryo system, one of the most important aspects of the state's functions was the promotion of agricultural policy for the reproduction of handen farmers.

摂関政治(せっかん・せいじ)Sekkan politicsのもとでは、藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan familyはほとんどそうした勧農の役割the role of soliciting farmersを果たしてはいなかった。

Under the Sekkan Seiji, the Sekkan family hardly played the role of soliciting farmers.

従って、国衙(こくが)provincial government agencies(りょう)territories荘園(しょうえん)ShōenManor)からの収入incomeのすべては中央での消費生活central consumptionに費やされたのであり、

Therefore, all the income from kokuga territories and manors was spent on central consumption.

ここに藤原氏の栄華the prosperity of the Fujiwara clan藤原文化Fujiwara culture成立establishment基盤foundationがあった。

This was the foundation of the prosperity of the Fujiwara clan and the establishment of the Fujiwara culture.

藤原頼通(ふじわらの・よりみち)Fujiwara no Yorimichi9921074

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga長男eldest son



Character of Sekkan politics

摂関政治(せっかん・せいじ)Sekkan politics律令制Ritsuryo system原則principlesによりつつも、一部の中央貴族central aristocrats権力power集中concentratedした政治形態form of governmentである。

Sekkanseiji was a form of government in which power was concentrated by some central aristocrats while following the principles of the Ritsuryo system.

摂関(せっかん)SekkanRegent and Kampaku)は主に天皇emperor外戚maternal relativesとして、天皇権威the emperor's authorityを分有することで、政治権力political power掌握seizedした。

Sekan, mainly as maternal relatives of the emperor, seized political power by sharing the emperor's authority.

しかし、この政治の社会的な基盤the social base of this politicsであった地方rural areasでは、

However, in the rural areas that were the social base of this politics,

在地領主local lordsplay a central roleとなり、国衙(こくが)provincial government agencies結集gatherして在庁官人(ざいちょう・かんじん)ZaichokanjinLocal bureaucrats engaged in the practical work of provincial government)化し、受領(ずりょう)ZuryoThe head of the local government who assumes administrative responsibility)と同盟allyしたり、対決confrontする状況situationで、

In a situation where local lords play a central role, gather at the Kokuga, become Zaichokanjin, and ally with and confront Zuryo,

やがて武装化armed themselvesした彼ら武士(ぶし)BushiWarrior)の進出advanceの前に崩壊する運命destined to collapseにあった。

Eventually, it was destined to collapse before the advance of those samurai who armed themselves.

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027


Sekkan politics and the middle and lower class nobility

しかし、藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan familyその一族their families繁栄prosperityに比べ、中・下級貴族middle and lower-ranking aristocratsは、

However, compared to the prosperity of the Fujiwara Sekkan family and their families, middle and lower-ranking aristocrats

摂関(せっかん)SekkanRegent and Kampaku)の思いつきideas藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan familyとの縁故関係connectionsでたちまち地位position左右quickly influencedされて極めて不安定extremely unstableであり、

He was extremely unstable as his position was quickly influenced by the Sekkan's ideas and connections with the Sekkan family.

国司(こくし)Provincial governors地位positionを求めてはもっぱら私富を貯えてaccumulating private wealthいった。

Pursuing the position of provincial governor, he devoted himself to accumulating private wealth.

また中央での昇進promotion in the central governmentをあきらめ、地方provincesに出て土着settle downし、武家の棟梁(とうりょう)head of the samurai familiesとなる者も出てきた。

In addition, there were some who gave up on promotion in the central government and went out to the provinces to settle down and become master builders of samurai families.

藤原頼通(ふじわらの・よりみち)Fujiwara no Yorimichi9921074

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga長男eldest son

3 摂関政治と地方政治

Sekkan Politics and Local Politics


Turmoil in local politics

このような中央の動向central movementsと深く関わって、(きょう)Capitalおよびその周辺its surroundingsから地方provincesに至るまで社会秩序Social order乱れたdisturbed

Social order was disturbed from Kyoto and its surroundings to the provinces, deeply related to such central movements.

地方に行かずとも、都の周辺around the capital盗賊団の首領leaders of banditsとなる貴族noblesもあり、

Even without going to the provinces, there are nobles who become leaders of bandits around the capital,

洛中(らくちゅう)RakuchuCapital坂東(ばんどう)Bando関東地方Kantō region)に異ならず」と言われるほど、capitalのなかにも盗賊Bandits横行rampant放火arsonが相次ぎ、

Bandits were rampant even in the capital, and arson was set on one after another, to the extent that it was said, "It's no different from Rakuchu Bando."

白昼、内裏(だいり)DairiInner Palace)(天皇emperorの生活する場所)に盗賊thievesが入ることもあるほどに治安Public order乱れたdisturbed

Public order was disturbed to the extent that thieves sometimes entered the Imperial Palace in broad daylight.

中央貴族社会the society of the central aristocratsでの無常感sense of impermanenceや、末法思想(まっぽうしそう)thought of the end of the world流行popularityは、こういう情勢this situationにも基づいていた。

The sense of impermanence in the society of the central aristocrats and the popularity of mapo-shisou were based on this situation.



The head of the local government who assumes administrative responsibility

摂関時代In the Sekkan eraになると、中央に望みを失ったlost hope in the center中・下級貴族the middle and lower class noblesは、

In the Sekkan era, the middle and lower class nobles who lost hope in the center,

経済的利益economic benefitsを求めて国司(こくし)Provincial governorsとして地方に下り、受領(ずりょう)ZuryoThe head of the local government who assumes administrative responsibility)として私利を貪(むさぼ)devour his own interestsようになった。

Seeking economic benefits, he went down to the provinces as a provincial governor, and as a receiver, he began to devour his own interests.

地方政治local politicsを担当した国司(こくし)Provincial governorsの任期は、原則的に4年であったが、皇族imperial family貴族aristocrats寺社temples and shrinesが盛んに荘園(しょうえん)ShōenManorを経営するようになると、

In principle, the term of office of provincial governors, who were in charge of local politics, was four years, but as the imperial family, aristocrats, temples and shrines began to actively manage manors,

国司(こくし)Provincial governorsも、在任中からその地に私有地private landを持つ者が増えてきた。

The number of provincial governors who own private land has also increased during their tenure.

また彼らのうちには、任期が終わってもcapitalに帰らず、そのまま土着する者some remained indigenousも出てきた。

Also, some of them did not return to the capital even after their term of office ended, and some remained indigenous.

尾張国(おわりのくに)Owari Province愛知県Aichi Prefecture)の郡司(ぐんじ)District governors百姓peasantsらに訴えられる藤原元命(ふじわらの・もとなが)Fujiwara no Motonagaや、

Fujiwara no Motonaga, who was sued by the Gunji peasants of Owari Province,

「受領ハ倒ルルトコロニ土ヲツカメ」(『今昔物語(こんじゃく・ものがたり)Konjaku MonogatariTales from the Past)』)と言ったという藤原陳忠(ふじわらの・のぶただ)Fujiwara no Nobutadaは、強欲greedy国司(こくし)Provincial governors代表的な存在representative existenceである。

Fujiwara no Nobutada, who is said to have said, `` Grab the dirt where Zuryo fell.''

Fujiwara Nobutada is a representative existence of a greedy provincial governor.




The head of the local government who assumes administrative responsibility

受領(ずりょう)ZuryoThe head of the local government who assumes administrative responsibility)は本来、官人government official事務affairs後任者successorが受け継ぐことを言う。

Zuryo originally meant that a successor took over the affairs of a government official.

転じて平安時代Heian period以降は、在国in a country国司(こくし)Provincial governors最上位者the highest-ranking上席国司senior provincial governorを指すようになった。

After the Heian period, it came to refer to the highest-ranking provincial governor in a country = senior provincial governor.

任国で担当する各種の政務various governmental affairsのうち、特に徴税の仕事the work of tax collection重要視importantされるようになると、

Among the various governmental affairs in charge of the assigned country, when the work of tax collection came to be particularly important,

任国の徴税吏tax collectorのように考えられ、受領(ずりょう)Zuryotermが一般化した。

Considered like a tax collector for a given country, the term Zuryo became popular.

こうして平安初期the early Heian period頃から、勧農ではなく徴税tax collectionのみに重点を置き、私的収奪private exploitationに明け暮れる受領(ずりょう)Zuryoが成立し始める。

In this way, from the early Heian period onwards, the focus was placed only on tax collection rather than on farming, and the practice of private exploitation (zuryo) began to take shape.

受領(ずりょう)Zuryoの利益は莫大であったので、摂関時代In the Sekkan eraに、中央から阻害された中・下級貴族the middle and lower noblesは争ってその地位を求め、

Since the profits of the Zuryo were enormous, during the Sekkan period, the middle and lower nobles, who were blocked from the central government, fought for the position,

富を蓄え、その経済力economic power中央貴族central nobilityを凌(しの)ぐものがあった。

They accumulated wealth, and their economic power surpassed that of the central nobility.

しかし、そうした受領(ずりょう)Zuryo任免権the right to appoint and dismiss藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan familyが掌握しており、

However, the right to appoint and dismiss such a receipt was under the control of the Fujiwara Sekkan family.

受領(ずりょう)Zuryoたちは藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan familyを打ち崩すことはできなかった。

The Zuryo were unable to overthrow the Sekkan-ke.



The trend of Venal rank and office

中・下級貴族Middle- and lower-ranking aristocratsは、国司(こくし)Provincial governorsその他の官職other government postsに就(つ)くために様々な手段various meansを用いた。

Middle- and lower-ranking aristocrats used various means to obtain kokushi and other government posts.

例えば、藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan familyをはじめ、中央貴族central aristocrats造寺(ぞうじ)build temples造仏(ぞうぶつ)build Buddha statuesなどの造営事業constructionの費用を負担して多大の資物a large amount of materialsを献上し、その(こう)achievementsによって官職government postsを手に入れる成功(じょうごう)Jogoappoint a person who has paid the appointment fee to a government post)や、

For example, he paid for the construction of temples and Buddhist statues by the Fujiwara no Sekkanke and other central aristocrats, donated a large amount of materials, and was successful in gaining government posts as a result of his achievements.


Reappointment, in which a person is reappointed after his or her term expires due to success, etc.

さらには国司(こくし)Provincial governorsに任ぜられても任国に赴任せず、代理deputy目代(もくだい)Mokudai代官(だいかん)Daikandeputy))を派遣して、その収入incomeのみを確保secureした遥任(ようにん)Yoninthe provincial governor did not go to his assigned country)などが見られた。

Furthermore, there was Yonin, who, even if appointed as provincial governor, did not go to the appointed province, but dispatched a deputy (mokudai) to secure only the income.

遥任(ようにん)Yoninの場合、任国の現地の国衙(こくが)Kokuga国府(こくふ)Kokufu)(国の官庁provincial government agencies)を留守所(るすどころ)Rusudokoroと言い、

In the case of Yonin, the local kokuga (national government office) was called a rusudoro.

この留守所(るすどころ)Rusudokoroで勤務した目代(もくだい)Mokudai代官(だいかん)Daikandeputy))以下の下級官人lower-ranking officials在庁官人(ざいちょう・かんじん)ZaichokanjinLocal bureaucrats engaged in the practical work of provincial government)と言った。

Mokudai and lower-ranking officials who worked at this house were called zaichōkanjin.

在庁官人(ざいちょう・かんじん)Zaichokanjinには地方の豪族Local ruling familiesたちが任用され、彼らが国衙(こくが)Kokuga国府(こくふ)Kokufu)(国の官庁provincial government agencies)を中心に武士(ぶし)BushiWarrior)として政治的に結集gather politicallyして行くことになる。

Local ruling families were appointed as zaichōkanjin, and they would gather politically as samurai around the kokuga.

藤原元命(ふじわらの・もとなが)Fujiwara no Motonaga

百姓の闘争Peasant struggle

地方rural areasでは、武士(ぶし)BushiWarrior)が新たな実力者new influential menとして次第に台頭して勢いを伸ばした。

In rural areas, the samurai gradually rose to prominence as new influential men and gained momentum.

そして地方Local農民peasantsたちも、地方Local郡司(ぐんじ)District governors土豪landlordsに率いられて国衙(こくが)Kokuga国府(こくふ)Kokufu)(provincial government offices)を襲ったり、

Local peasants also attacked provincial government offices led by local gunji (gunji) and landlords.

さらには(きょう)Capitalに上ってその国の受領(ずりょう)ZuryoThe head of the local government who assumes administrative responsibility)の非法illegality朝廷Imperial Court愁訴complainしたり、直接にその館や邸宅を襲撃するようにもなった。

Furthermore, they even went to Kyoto to complain to the Imperial Court about the illegality of the country's receipt, and even attacked the mansions and mansions of the country directly.

例えば、988年(永延2年)には、国司(こくし)Provincial governors藤原元命(ふじわらの・もとなが)Fujiwara no Motonagaの暴政を31か条に渡って列挙して解任を求めた

For example, in 988 (Eien 2nd year), he listed 31 articles about the tyranny of provincial governor FUJIWARA no Motonaga and called for his dismissal.

尾張国郡司百姓等解(おわりのくに・ぐんじ・ひゃくせいら・の・げ)」が朝廷Imperial Courtに提出されている。

'Owari no Kuni Gunji Hyakuseira no Ge' has been submitted to the Imperial Court.

五代十国時代(ごだい・じっこく)Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period907960

(そう)Song Dynasty960年~1279年)

趙匡胤(ちょう・きょういん)Zhao Kuangyin

4 国際関係の変化

Changes in international relations


Transformation of Northeast Asia

遣唐使派遣the dispatch of envoys to the Tang dynasty中止canceled後の、遣使の計画the plan to send envoysも実行されない間に、中国Chinaでは10世紀初めin the early 10th century(とう)Tang Dynasty倒れcollapsed

After the dispatch of envoys to the Tang dynasty was canceled and the plan to send envoys was not carried out, the Tang Dynasty collapsed in China in the early 10th century.

五代十国時代(ごだい・じっこく)Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period907960)が

Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (907-960)

後周(こうしゅう)Later Zhou951年~960年)の節度使(せつどし)Jiedushi趙匡胤(ちょう・きょういん)Zhao Kuangyinにより統一unifiedされ、(そう)Song Dynasty960年~1279年)が興った。

It was unified by Zhao Kuangyin, the envoy of Later Zhou (951-960), and the Song Dynasty (960-1279) arose.

日宋貿易(にっそう・ぼうえき)Japan-song trade

その日宋間Between Japan and Songでは、日本Japan博多(はかた)Hakata福岡市Fukuoka City)・平戸(ひらど)Hirado長崎県Nagasaki Prefecture)・坊津(ぼうのつ)Bo no tsu鹿児島県Kagoshima Prefecture)、中国China明州(めいしゅう)Mingzhou寧波(ニンポー)Ningbo)をportsとして

On that day, during the Sung dynasty, Hakata, Hirado and Botsu in Japan and Mingzhou in China were used as ports.


Textiles, ceramics, books, and medicines were imported, and gold, sulfur, and handicrafts were exported.

11世紀後半In the latter half of the 11th centuryにはかえって私貿易(しぼうえき)private trade密貿易(みつぼうえき)smuggling)が活発になった。

In the latter half of the 11th century, private trade (smuggling) became active.

朝鮮Koreaでは、高麗(こうらい)Goryeo新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Silla倒しdefeated朝鮮半島Korean peninsula統一unifiedした。

In Korea, Goryeo defeated Silla and unified the Korean peninsula.

また日本Japan国交diplomatic relationsを保っていた渤海(ぼっかい)Balhaeも、926(りょう)Liao Dynasty契丹(きったん)Khitan people)(916年~1125年)に滅ぼされたdestroyed

Bohai, which maintained diplomatic relations with Japan, was also destroyed in 926 by the Liao Liao Dynasty (Kittan) (916-1125).

藤原成尋(ふじわらの・じょうじん)Fujiwara no Jojin

神宗(しんそう)Emperor Shenzong

(そう)Song Dynasty6代皇帝the sixth emperor

補足supplementary explanation

日宋貿易(にっそう・ぼうえき)Japan-song trade

公式な国交official diplomatic relationsはなかったものの、以後鎌倉時代Kamakura periodに至るまで活発に交易active tradeが続けられた。

Although there were no official diplomatic relations, active trade continued until the Kamakura period.

奝然(ちょうねん)Chōnen983年に入宋entered the Song Dynastyし、大蔵経(だいぞうきょう)Tripitaka Sutra仏像Buddhist statuesを携えて帰国returned to Japanし、

Chunen entered the Song Dynasty in 983 and returned to Japan with the Tripitaka Sutra and Buddhist statues.

藤原佐理(ふじわらの・すけまさ)Fujiwara no Sukemasason藤原成尋(ふじわらの・じょうじん)Fujiwara no Jojinは、1072年に入宋entered the Song Dynastyし、(そう)Song Dynasty神宗(しんそう)Emperor Shenzong6代皇帝the sixth emperor)に重用(ちょうよう)given an important postされた。

FUJIWARA no Sari's son, FUJIWARA no Shigehiro, entered the Song dynasty in 1072 and was given an important post in the Song sect.

刀伊の入寇(とい・の・にゅうこう)Toi Invasion

刀伊の入寇(とい・の・にゅうこう)Toi Invasion

刀伊(とい)の入寇(にゅうこう)Toi Invasion

この情勢situationのなかで、沿海州(えんかいしゅう)Primorskaya Oblast地方regionに住んでいた女真人(じょしんじん)Jurchen peopleが、

In this situation, Jurshinjin who lived in the Primorye region,

1019年(寛仁3年)に突如として50隻の舟50 ships対馬(つしま)Tsushima長崎県Nagasaki Prefecture)・壱岐(いき)Iki長崎県Nagasaki Prefectureを襲い、さらに筑前国(ちくぜんのくに)Chikuzen Province福岡県Fukuoka Prefecture怡土郡(いとぐん)Ito District侵略invadedする事件incidentが起こった。

In 1019 (3rd year of Kannin), 50 ships suddenly attacked Tsushima and Iki, and furthermore, an incident occurred in which Chikuzen Province's Ito County was invaded.

これを刀伊の入寇(とい・の・にゅうこう)Toi Invasionという。

This is called the Toi Invasion.

藤原隆家(ふじわらの・たかいえ)Fujiwara no Takaie979年~1044年)

藤原道隆(ふじわらの・みちたか)Fujiwara no Michitaka藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga同母兄maternal older brother)の四男the fourth son

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaganephew

この侵略invasionに対して、大宰権帥(だざいの・ごんのそち)Dazai no gon no sochiDeputy Governor of Dazaifu藤原隆家(ふじわらの・たかいえ)Fujiwara no Takaie979年~1044年)(藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaganephew)は北九州Kitakyushu武士(ぶし)BushiWarrior)と奮闘struggledして撃退repelした。

Against this invasion, Dazai no Gon no Sochi Fujiwara Takaie (979-1044) (nephew of Fujiwara no Michinaga) struggled with the samurai of Kitakyushu to repel it.

一方、藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan family有効な対策effective measuresをたてることができず、中央貴族the central aristocrats無力powerlessnessさと、

On the other hand, the Sekkan family was unable to formulate effective measures, and the powerlessness of the central aristocrats,

逆に地方in the provinces台頭emergedしてきた新たな実力者a new influential personとしての武士(ぶし)BushiWarrior)を印象impressionづけることになった。

On the contrary, it made an impression on the samurai as a new influential person who had emerged in the provinces.

遣唐使(けんとうし)Japanese missions to Tang China

遣唐使(けんとうし)Japanese missions to Tang China

菅原道真(すがわら・の・みちざね)Sugawara no Michizane845903


Abolishment of Japanese Envoys to Tang China

このような動向trendは、894年(寛平6年)の菅原道真(すがわら・の・みちざね)Sugawara no Michizane建議suggestionによる遣唐使(けんとうし)廃止the abolition of envoys to Tang Chinaや、貴族政治aristocratic government成立establishmentを背景に、急速に進んだ。

This trend progressed rapidly against the backdrop of the abolition of envoys to Tang China and the establishment of aristocratic government in 894 (Kanpyo 6), at the suggestion of Sugawara no Michizane.

9世紀 in the 9th century文化culture日本化Japanizedが進むなかで、貴族the aristocratsたちは従来traditional学問的素養academic background文化的達成cultural achievementsを土台にして、

As culture became more Japanized in the 9th century, the aristocrats built on their traditional academic background and cultural achievements,

下層の人々the lower classesの間や、地方農村rural farming villages生まれ始めたbegan to emerge新しい傾向new trends組み入れながらincorporating国風文化(こくふう・ぶんか)National style culture創造createdしていったのである。

While incorporating new trends that began to emerge among the lower classes and in rural farming villages, they created a national style culture.


2 国風文化(こくふう・ぶんか)

National style culture


Nationalization of Aristocratic Life

藤原北家(ふじわら・ほっけ)Fujiwara Hokkethe Northern House of the Fujiwara clan)を中心とする摂関政治(せっかん・せいじ)Sekkan politics確立establishedした貴族The aristocratsたちは、荘園(しょうえん)ShoenManor)からの莫大な財源enormous financial resources背景backed栄華な生活splendid lifeを繰り広げた。

The aristocrats, who established the regency government centered on the Northern House of the Fujiwara, led a splendid life backed by enormous financial resources from the manors.

彼らは寝殿造(しんでん・づくり)Shinden-zukuri邸宅mansionを整え、邸内で遊宴(ゆうえん)parties楽しみenjoyed四季の変化changes of the four seasonsを愛(め)でた。

They built a mansion in Shinden-zukuri style, where they enjoyed parties and enjoyed the changes of the four seasons.





十二単(じゅうにひとえ)Jūnihitoetwelve-layered ceremonial kimono

また服装clothingでも、当時の庶民common peopleは働きやすい直垂(ひたたれ)Hitatare小袖(こそで)Kosodeを着て、男子はそれに膝下で結んだ(はかま)Hakamaを着けていたが、貴族社会aristocratic societyでは意匠を凝らしてdesigns were elaborated華美を競うcompete for beautyようになった。

In terms of clothing, the common people at the time wore Hitatare and kosode, which were comfortable to work in, and men wore hakama tied below the knees, but in the aristocratic society, the designs were elaborated. They began to compete for beauty.

平常から貴族Aristocrats直衣(のうし)Noushi狩衣(かりぎぬ)Kariginuを着用し、礼装formal attireには衣冠(いかん)Ikan束帯(そくたい)Sokutaiを用い、

Aristocrats normally wear Noushi and Kariginu, and formal attire includes Ikan and sokutai.

女子は平常は小袿(こうちぎ)Kouchigi裾長(すそなが)long-hemmed(はかま)Hakamaを着用し、礼装formal attireには女房装束(にょうぼう・しょうぞく)Nyobo Shozoku十二単(じゅうにひとえ)Jūnihitoetwelve-layered ceremonial kimono))を用いるようになった。

Women normally wore a long-hemmed hakama on top of a Kouchigi, and they came to use a Nyobo Shozoku (twelve-layered ceremonial kimono) as a formal attire. .




1. Shinden (寝殿), 2. Kita-no-tai (北対), 3. Hosodono (細殿), 4. Higashi-no-tai 東対, 5. Higashi-kita-no-tai (東北対) 6. Samurai-dokoro (侍所), 7. Watadono (渡殿), 8. Chūmon-rō (中門廊), 9. Tsuridono (釣殿)


中央center主人の室master's roomである寝殿(しんでん)Shindensleeping place)(正殿(せいでん)Seiden)があり、北の対屋(きたのたいのや)Kita-no-tai-no-yaopposing rooms)は妻の室wife's room

In the center is the master's room, the Shinden (Seiden), and in the north is the wife's room.

渡殿(わたどの)watadonocorridor)で連なる東西の対屋(たいのや)tai-no-yaopposing rooms)は子女の部屋children's roomsで、室内は広く、几帳(きちょう)Kichō屏風(びょうぶ)Folding screenで仕切られていた。

The eastern and western rooms connected by the Watado-dono were children's rooms, and the rooms were spacious and partitioned with kicho and folding screens.

対屋(たいのや)tai-no-yaから前庭front gardenを囲うように中門廊(ちゅうもんろう)chūmon-rōcentral gate corridor)でsouth釣殿(つりどの)Tsuridono泉殿(いずみどの)Izumi-dono)が出張っていた。

The Tsuri-dono (Izumi-dono) extended from the Tainoya to the south of the Chumonro, enclosing the front garden.

gardenにはpond築山(つきやま)Tsukiyamaartificial hill)が造られて、遊宴の場a place for partiesとなっていた。

A pond and an artificial hill were built in the garden, and it was used as a place for parties.

建物building大陸風continental styleにほぼ左右対称symmetricallyの配置になっているが、建築様式architectural style和風Japanese style

The building is laid out almost symmetrically in a continental style, but the architectural style is Japanese.

代表的なものA typical exampleとしては、藤原氏(ふじわらし)Fujiwara clan歴代successive generationsの居住した東三条殿(ひがし・さんじょう・どの)Higashi Sanjo-donoが知られている。

A typical example is Higashi Sanjo-dono, where the successive generations of the Fujiwara clan resided.

宇津保物語(うつほ・ものがたり)Utsuho MonogatariTale of the Hollow Tree)』

落窪物語(おちくぼ・ものがたり)Ochikubo MonogatariThe Tale of Ochikubo)』

大和物語(やまと・ものがたり)Yamato MonogatariTales of Yamato)』

源氏物語(げんじ・ものがたり)Genji monogatariThe Tale of Genji)』


物語(ものがたり)Monogataristory)は多様な発達various developmentsを見せ始めた。

The story began to show various developments.

伝奇物語(でんき・ものがたり)bizarre storyとしては『竹取物語(たけとり・ものがたり)The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter』に次いで

As a bizarre story, it is second only to "Taketori Monogatari".

宇津保物語(うつほ・ものがたり)Utsuho MonogatariTale of the Hollow Tree)』・

"Utsuho Monogatari"

落窪物語(おちくぼ・ものがたり)Ochikubo MonogatariThe Tale of Ochikubo)』、

"Ochikubo Monogatari",

歌物語(うた・ものがたり)Uta monogataripoem-tale)としては『伊勢物語(いせ・ものがたり)Ise monogatariThe Tales of Ise)』に次いで

As a song story, it is second only to "Ise Monogatari"

大和物語(やまと・ものがたり)Yamato MonogatariTales of Yamato)』などがあり、

There is "Yamato story (Yamato no tale)" etc.

紫式部(むらさき・しきぶ)Murasaki Shikibu(生没年不詳)によって、物語文学(ものがたり・ぶんがく)Narrative Literature最高傑作the greatest masterpieceとされる『源氏物語(げんじ・ものがたり)Genji monogatariThe Tale of Genji)』が書かれた。

Murasaki Shikibu (date of birth and death unknown) wrote "The Tale of Genji," which is considered to be the greatest masterpiece of narrative literature.

枕草子(まくらの・そうし)Makura no SōshiThe Pillow Book)』

蜻蛉日記(かげろう・にっき)Kagerō NikkiThe Mayfly Diary)』

藤原道綱母(ふじわらの・みちつなの・はは)Fujiwara no Michitsuna no HahaMichitsuna's mother

紫式部日記(むらさき・しきぶ・にっき)Murasaki Shikibu NikkiThe Diary of Lady Murasaki)』


紫式部(むらさき・しきぶ)Murasaki Shikibuと並んで有名な清少納言(せい・しょうなごん)Sei Shōnagon966頃~?)は、随筆(ずいひつ)Essay枕草子(まくらの・そうし)Makura no SōshiThe Pillow Book)』を書き、簡潔な表現concise expressionsのうちに闊達(かったつ)な知性open-minded intelligenceを示している。

Sei Shonagon (around 966-?), who is as famous as Murasaki Shikibu, wrote the essay "Makura no Soshi" and showed his open-minded intelligence in his concise expressions. there is

日記(にっき)Diaryは、元来は奈良時代Nara period以来、貴族aristocratsが日々の記録を漢文で記したwritten in Chineseものであったが、

Diaries were originally written in Chinese by aristocrats since the Nara period.

蜻蛉日記(かげろう・にっき)Kagerō NikkiThe Mayfly Diary)』(作者は藤原道綱母(ふじわらの・みちつなの・はは)Fujiwara no Michitsuna no HahaMichitsuna's mother))・

"Dragonfly Diary" (Michitsuna Fujiwara's mother)

紫式部日記(むらさき・しきぶ・にっき)Murasaki Shikibu NikkiThe Diary of Lady Murasaki)』(作者は紫式部(むらさき・しきぶ)Murasaki Shikibu)など、

"Murasaki Shikibu Diary" (written by Murasaki Shikibu), etc.

独立した作品世界independent work world形成forming目指すaim仮名書き(かながき)の日記(にっき)diaries written in Kanaが、女性womenの手でも数多く生まれた。

Many diaries written in Kana (kana) with the aim of forming an independent work world were also created by women.

一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Ichijō(在位986年~1011年)

藤原伊周(ふじわらの・これちか)Fujiwara no Korechika9741010

藤原定子(ふじわらの・ていし)Fujiwara no Teishi


一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Ichijō皇后(こうごう)Empress

藤原道隆(ふじわらの・みちたか)Fujiwara no Michitaka長女The eldest daughter

藤原伊周(ふじわらの・これちか)Fujiwara no Korechika同母兄maternal older brother

清少納言(せい・しょうなごん)Sei Shōnagon

清少納言(せい・しょうなごん)Sei Shōnagon


Kouhou 3rd year (around 966) to Manju 2nd year (around 1025)

梨壺の五人(なしつぼの・ごにん)Five Men of the Pear Chamberの一人にして著名歌人a famous poetであった清原元輔(きよはらの・もとすけ)Kiyohara no MotosukeDaughter

Daughter of Kiyohara Motosuke, who was one of the five Nashitsubo and was a famous poet.

清少納言(せい・しょうなごん)Sei Shōnagon」は女房名(にょうぼうな)Nyoubou nameで、「(せい)Sei」は清原姓(きよはらせい)surname Kiyoharaに由来するとされているが、

'Sei Shonagon' is a wife's name, and 'Ki' is said to be derived from the surname Kiyohara.

近い親族で少納言職(しょうなごんしき)the post of Shonagonを務めたものはおらず、「少納言(しょうなごん)Shōnagon」の由来は不明である。

None of his close relatives held the post of Shonagon, and the origin of the term 'Shonagon' is unknown.

天元4年(981年)頃、陸奥守(むつのかみ)Mutsu no kami橘則光(たちばなの・のりみつ)Tachibana no Norimitsu結婚marriedし、翌年一子橘則長(たちばなの・のりなが)Tachibana no Norinagaを生むも、武骨な夫rugged husbandと反りが合わず、やがて離婚divorcedした。

Around 981, she married Mutsunokami and TACHIBANA no Norimitsu and gave birth to one child, Norinaga, the following year, but she did not get along with her rugged husband and eventually divorced.

一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Ichijōの時代、正暦4年(993年)冬頃から、私的な女房(にょうぼう)a private court ladyとして中宮(ちゅうぐう)Chugu定子(ていし)Teishiに仕えた。

During the reign of Emperor Ichijo, she served Teishi Chugu as a private court lady from around the winter of 993.

博学Erudite気が強いstrong-willed彼女は、主君her lord定子(ていし)Teishi恩寵the graceを被った。

Erudite and strong-willed, she received the grace of her lord, Teiko.

長保2年(1000年)に中宮(ちゅうぐう)Chugu定子(ていし)Teishiが出産時に亡くなってまもなく、清少納言(せい・しょうなごん)Sei Shōnagonは宮仕えを辞めた。

In 1000, soon after Teishi Chugu died in childbirth, Sei Shonagon left the palace service.

その後の清少納言(せい・しょうなごん)Sei Shōnagonの人生の詳細は不明。

The details of Sei Shonagon's life after that are unknown.

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga9661027

藤原頼通(ふじわらの・よりみち)Fujiwara no Yorimichi9921074

藤原彰子(ふじわらの・あきこ)Fujiwara no Akiko彰子(しょうし)Shōshi

紫式部(むらさき・しきぶ)Murasaki ShikibuLady Murasaki

紫式部(むらさき・しきぶ)Murasaki Shikibu


Although the exact year of his birth cannot be determined, it is said that he was born in 973 and died in the middle of New Year's Day in 1031.

源氏物語(げんじ・ものがたり)Genji monogatariThe Tale of Genji)』の作者とされ、藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga要請request宮中courtに上がった際に宮中の様子the state of the courtを書いた『紫式部日記(むらさき・しきぶ・にっき)Murasaki Shikibu NikkiThe Diary of Lady Murasaki)』も残している。

He is considered to be the author of "The Tale of Genji," and left behind "Murasaki Shikibu Diary," in which he wrote about the state of the court when he went to court at the request of FUJIWARA no Michinaga.

父の藤原為時(ふじわらの・ためとき)Fujiwara no Tametokiは、官位(かんい)official rank正五位下(しょうごいのげ)Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade下級貴族a lower aristocratながら、花山天皇(かざん・てんのう)Emperor Kazan漢学the study of Chinese classicsを教えた漢詩人Chinese poet歌人poetである。

His father, FUJIWARA no Tametoki, was a Chinese poet and poet who taught Emperor Kazan the study of Chinese classics, even though he held the official rank of Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) and a lower aristocrat.

大弐三位(だいにの・さんみ)Daini no SanmiDaini 3rd Rank

紫式部(むらさき・しきぶ)Murasaki ShikibuLady Murasaki)は藤原宣孝(ふじわらの・のぶたか)Fujiwara no Nobutakaに嫁ぎ、一女a daughter大弐三位(だいにの・さんみ)Daini no SanmiDaini 3rd Rank))を産んだ。

Murasaki Shikibu married FUJIWARA no Nobutaka and gave birth to a daughter (Daini 3rd Rank).

長保3年(1001年)に結婚後3年程でhusband卒去(しゅっきょ)passed awayする。

In 1001, after three years of marriage, her husband passed away.

その後『源氏物語(げんじ・ものがたり)Genji monogatariThe Tale of Genji)』を書き始め、その評判を聞いた藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga召し出されてsummoned

After that, he started writing "The Tale of Genji" and was summoned by Fujiwara no Michinaga who heard about his work.

藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinagadaughterで、一条天皇(いちじょう・てんのう)Emperor Ichijō中宮(ちゅうぐう)Chūgūwives of the emperor)の藤原彰子(ふじわらの・あきこ)Fujiwara no Akiko彰子(しょうし)Shōshi)に仕えている間に『源氏物語(げんじ・ものがたり)Genji monogatariThe Tale of Genji)』を完成completedさせた。

She was Michinaga's daughter and completed "The Tale of Genji" while serving Akiko, the second consort of Emperor Ichijo.

大和絵(やまとえ)Yamato-eJapanese style painting

3 美術の国風化(こくふうか)

Nationalization of Art

貴族生活の変化Changes in Aristocratic life

文化の担い手bearers of cultureである貴族生活の変化changes in the lives of the aristocratsは、他の多くの美術分野fields of artでも唐風様式Tang-style脱してreplaced国風化nationalization傾向trendを生み出した。

The changes in the lives of the aristocrats, the bearers of culture, have given rise to a trend toward nationalization in many other fields of art as well.

In many other fields of art as well, the Tang-style style was replaced by a trend towards nationalization.

巨勢金岡(こせの・かなおか)Kose no Kanaoka(生没年不詳)


絵画Paintingでは、新たに大和絵(やまとえ)Yamato-eJapanese style painting)がおこった。

In the field of painting, Yamatoe was newly born.

それは、9世紀 in the 9th century巨勢金岡(こせの・かなおか)Kose no Kanaoka(生没年不詳)の流れに繋がるとされるが、

It is said that this is connected to the flow of Kose Kanaoka (date of birth and death unknown) in the 9th century.

中国から伝来introduced from Chinaした絵画の技法painting techniques消化digestsし、わが国の風物や物語Japanese customs and storiesなどを画題subjectsにした優雅な手法の画風elegant painting styleである。

It is an elegant painting style that digests painting techniques that were introduced from China and uses Japanese customs and stories as subjects.

大和絵(やまとえ)Yamato-eJapanese style painting)の画風styleで描かれた屏風(びょうぶ)Folding screen障子(しょうじ)ShojiPaintingsは、貴族aristocrats邸宅residencesに飾られた。

Paintings on folding screens and shoji screens in the Yamatoe style were displayed in the residences of aristocrats.

絵詞(えことば)EkotobaIllustrated Account

絵巻物(えまきもの)Emakimonopicture scroll

また、がんらい中国Chinaに学んだ写経(しゃきょう)copying of sutrasについても、経文の下図sketches of sutras巻物scrollsの見返し、あるいは扇面の下絵(したえ)sketches on fansなどに独特の作品が生まれ、大和絵(やまとえ)Yamato-eJapanese style painting)の画風styleで描かれた。

Also, regarding the copying of sutras, which he studied hard in China, unique works such as sketches of sutras, scrolls, and sketches on fans were created, and were drawn in the style of Yamatoe. rice field.

また、pictures詞書(ことばがき)wordsを交互に連ねる絵詞(えことば)EkotobaIllustrated Account)や絵巻物(えまきもの)Emakimonopicture scroll)が出現emergenceしたのも、このような絵画paintings国風化nationalization傾向trendのうちに捉えることができる。

In addition, the emergence of picture scrolls and picture scrolls, in which pictures and words are alternately arranged, can also be understood as part of this trend toward nationalization of paintings.

小野道風(おのの・とうふう)Ono no Tōfū894966

藤原行成(ふじわらの・ゆきなり)Fujiwara no Yukinari9721027


平安初期in the early Heian period三筆(さんぴつ)Sanpitsuthree brushes)(空海(くうかい)Kukai嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga橘逸勢(たちばなの・はやなり)Tachibana no Hayanari)によって代表された唐風書道Chinese style calligraphyに代わり、

In place of Chinese style calligraphy represented by Sanpitsu (Kukai, Emperor Saga, and Tachibana no Yanari) in the early Heian period,

柔和な書風A gentle style of calligraphyが生まれ、その代表として、

A gentle style of calligraphy was born, and as its representative,

小野道風(おのの・とうふう)Ono no Tōfū894966)・藤原佐理(ふじわらの・すけまさ)Fujiwara no Sukemasa944998)・藤原行成(ふじわらの・ゆきなり)Fujiwara no Yukinari9721027)は三蹟(さんせき)Sansekithree brush traces)と呼ばれた。

Ono Tofu (894-966), Fujiwara no Sukemasa (944-998), Fujiwara Yukinari (972) 1027) was called Sanseki.

特に藤原行成(ふじわらの・ゆきなり)Fujiwara no Yukinari子孫the descendantsは、のち長く宮廷書道の家court calligrapherとなり、その書風style of calligraphy世尊寺流(せそんじりゅう)the Sesonji lineage of calligraphyと呼ばれた。

In particular, the descendants of Fujiwara no Yukinari later became the court calligrapher for a long time, and their style of calligraphy was called the Sesonji school.

蒔絵(まきえ)Maki-esprinkled picture


各分野の工芸技術Craft techniques発達developedしたが、それらのうちで蒔絵(まきえ)Maki-esprinkled picture)(漆器の面surface of lacquerware金銀gold and silver模様を描くpainting patterns)という日本独特の工芸uniquely Japanese craftが生まれたことが、特に注目される。

Craft techniques in various fields have developed, but the birth of a uniquely Japanese craft called maki-e (painting patterns with gold and silver on the surface of lacquerware) is particularly noteworthy.

西方極楽浄土(さいほう・ごくらく・じょうど)Western Ultimate Bliss Pure Land

4 浄土教と浄土教美術

Pure Land Buddhism and

Pure Land Buddhism Art


Development of Pure Land Buddhism

藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan family栄華prosperityを中心とした宮廷生活imperial court lifeが展開する一方で、無常感(むじょうかん)sense of impermanenceや「もののあはれMono no awarethe pathos of things)」に示されるような不安感anxietyも意外に強かった。

While the imperial court life unfolded centering on the prosperity of the Fujiwara Sekkan family, there was also a surprisingly strong sense of impermanence and unease expressed in ``Mono no Aware''.

The sense of impermanence and anxiety expressed in “mono no aware” was surprisingly strong.

中下級官人middle- and lower-ranking government officials不安定な政治的地位unstable political statusや、地方rural areasにおける武士(ぶし)BushiWarrior)や農民peasants武力行動armed activitiesが、貴族nobilityたちの精神spiritに様々な影響を与えたaffected

The unstable political status of middle- and lower-ranking government officials and the armed activities of samurai and peasants in rural areas affected the spirit of the nobility in various ways.

さらに、capitalにも盗賊thieves横行rampantし、放火arson頻繁に起こるoccurring frequentlyようになっていた。

Furthermore, thieves were rampant in the capital, and arson was also occurring frequently.

西方極楽浄土(さいほう・ごくらく・じょうど)Western Ultimate Bliss Pure Land

そういう状況の下で、人々の間には、阿弥陀如来(あみだ・にょらい)Amida NyoraiAmitābha)の住む西方極楽浄土(さいほう・ごくらく・じょうど)Western Ultimate Bliss Pure Landへの往生(おうじょう)Ōjōrebirth)を願うprays for浄土教(じょうどきょう)Pure Land Buddhismが広まった。

Under such circumstances, the Jodo sect of Buddhism, which prays for rebirth in the Western Pure Land where Amida Nyorai resides, spread among the people.

10世紀半ばIn the mid-10th century空也(くうや)Kūya903972)が(きょう)Capital唱えrecited

In the mid-10th century, Kuya (Koya) (903-972) recited it in Kyoto City,

源信(げんしん)Genshin恵心僧都(えしん・そうず)Eshin Sōzu)(9421017

さらに源信(げんしん)Genshin恵心僧都(えしん・そうず)Eshin Sōzu)(9421017)が『往生要集(おうじょうようしゅう)ŌjōyōshūEssentials of Birth in the Pure Land)』を著していたが、

In addition, Genshin (Eshin Sozu) (942-1017) wrote "Ojo Yoshu",

末法思想(まっぽう・しそう)the thought of the end of the lawに基づいて、末法(まっぽう)the end of the law到来の年the year of the coming ofと考えられた1052年(永承7年)が近づくにつれて、

As the year 1052 (Yongjo 7), which was thought to be the year of the coming of the end of the law based on the thought of the end of the law, approached,

貴族aristocratsを中心とした人々の間には、現世から逃避escape from this world阿弥陀仏(あみだぶつ)Amida BuddhaAmitābha)(阿弥陀如来(あみだ・にょらい)Amida NyoraiAmitābha))の支配ruledする西方極楽浄土(さいほう・ごくらく・じょうど)Western Ultimate Bliss Pure Landを請い求める(厭離穢土(おんり・えど)Onriedo欣求浄土(ごんぐ・じょうど)Gongjodo浄土教(じょうどきょう)Pure Land Buddhismがいっそう発達developedした。

Among people, mainly aristocrats, there are people who escape from this world and seek the Western Pure Land ruled by Amida Buddha. Pure Land Buddhism developed further.

やがて、より多くの写経copy sutras造像create statues寄進donateをすることが重要importantだと考えられるようになる。

Eventually, it came to be considered important to copy sutras, create statues, and donate more.

西方極楽浄土(さいほう・ごくらく・じょうど)Western Ultimate Bliss Pure Land

浄土教美術Pure Land Buddhism Art

浄土教(じょうどきょう)Pure Land Buddhism発達developedすると、極楽浄土(ごくらく・じょうど)Ultimate Bliss Pure Land支配ruledする阿弥陀仏(あみだぶつ)Amida BuddhaAmitābha)への信仰faithが高まり、

As Pure Land Buddhism developed, faith in Amida Buddha, who ruled the Pure Land, increased.

建築architectureでは阿弥陀堂(あみだどう)Amida-do Hall

In terms of architecture, Amida-do Hall,

彫刻sculptureでは阿弥陀如来像(あみだ・にょらいぞう)statue of Amida Nyorai

In terms of sculpture, the statue of Amida Nyorai,

絵画paintingsでは阿弥陀聖衆来迎図(あみだ・しょうじゅ・らいごうず)Amida Shoju Raigōzuが多く作られた。

As for paintings, many paintings of Amida Shoju Raigōzu were created.

平等院(びょうどういん)Byodo-inTemple of Equality鳳凰堂(ほうおうどう)Phoenix Hall


中尊寺(ちゅうそんじ)Chūson-ji金色堂(こんじきどう)Konjiki-dōGolden Hall)、


阿弥陀堂(あみだどう)Amida-do Hallは、貴族the noblesたちが眼前に創出created before their very eyesした浄土(じょうど)Pure Landにほかならなかった。

Amida-do was nothing but the Pure Land that the nobles created before their very eyes.

藤原頼通(ふじわらの・よりみち)Fujiwara no Yorimichi9921074)(藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinaga長男eldest son)が建てた宇治(うじ)Uji宇治市Uji City平等院(びょうどういん)Byodo-inTemple of Equality鳳凰堂(ほうおうどう)Phoenix Hall

Uji Byodo-in Temple Phoenix Hall built by Fujiwara no Yorimichi (992-1074),

豊後(ぶんご)Bungo Province大分県Ōita Prefecture富貴寺(ふきじ)Fuki-ji大堂(おおどう)Ō-dō

Bungo Fukiji Temple Odo Hall,

平泉(ひらいずみ)Hiraizumi岩手県Iwate Prefecture中尊寺(ちゅうそんじ)Chūson-ji金色堂(こんじきどう)Konjiki-dōGolden Hall)、

Hiraizumi Chusonji Golden Hall (Chusonji Golden Hall),

大原(おおはら)Ohara京都市Kyoto City)の三千院(さんぜんいん)Sanzen-inなどはその代表的遺構である。

The Sanzen-in Temple in Ohara, Kyoto is a representative example of this.

阿弥陀如来像(あみだ・にょらいぞう)statue of Amida Nyorai

阿弥陀如来像(あみだ・にょらいぞう)statue of Amida Nyoraiとしては、

As an Amida Nyorai statue,

定朝(じょうちょう)Jōchō?1057)の代表作representative workである平等院(びょうどういん)Byodo-inTemple of Equality鳳凰堂(ほうおうどう)Phoenix Hall阿弥陀如来像(あみだ・にょらいぞう)statue of Amida Nyoraiをはじめ、

Starting with the statue of Amida Nyorai in the Phoenix Hall of Byodo-in Temple, which is a representative work of Jocho (?-1057),

日野(ひの)Hino京都市Kyoto City法界寺(ほうかいじ)Hokai-ji阿弥陀如来像あみだ・にょらいぞうstatue of Amida Nyorai

Amida Nyorai Statue at Hokaiji Temple in Hino,

京都府Kyoto Prefecture木津川市(きづがわし)Kizugawa City浄瑠璃寺(じょうるりじ)Jōruri-ji九体阿弥陀像(くたい・あみだぞう)nine statues of the Amida Buddhaなどが名高い。

The nine Amida statues at Joruriji Temple are famous.

これらのstatues木彫carved from woodで、像身statue body各部each part別々に作ってmade separatelyつなぎ合わせるjoined togetherという新しい寄木造(よせぎ・づくり)yosegi zukuri手法new techniqueによっている。

These statues are carved from wood, using a new technique called yosegi-zukuri, in which each part of the statue body is made separately and then joined together.

阿弥陀聖衆来迎図(あみだ・しょうじゅ・らいごうず)Amida Shoju Raigōzu

絵画paintingsでは、高野山(こうやさん)Mount Koya和歌山県Wakayama Prefecture金剛峰寺(こんごうぶじ)Kongobu-ji阿弥陀聖衆来迎図(あみだ・しょうじゅ・らいごうず)Amida Shoju Raigōzu

In the paintings, Amida Shoju Raigousu of Mt. Koya and

平等院(びょうどういん)Byodo-inTemple of Equality鳳凰堂(ほうおうどう)Phoenix Hall扉壁画(ひへきが)painting on the door mural九品来迎図(くほん・らいごうず)Kuhon Raigozuが名高い。

The Kuhon Raigozu painting on the door mural of the Phoenix Hall of Byodo-in Temple is famous.

それらは、西方極楽浄土(さいほう・ごくらく・じょうど)Western Ultimate Bliss Pure Landから阿弥陀如来(あみだ・にょらい)Amida NyoraiAmitābha)の来迎(らいごう)arrival求めるseek人々の心情the sentiments of the peopleをよく表わしている。

These depict well the sentiments of the people who seek the arrival of Amida Nyorai from the Western Pure Land.


阿弥陀如来像(あみだ・にょらいぞう)statue of Amida Nyorai


定朝様(じょうちょうよう)Jōchō style

定朝(じょうちょう)Jōchō?1057)の遺作posthumous workとしては、

As a posthumous work of Jocho (?~1057),

平等院(びょうどういん)Byodo-inTemple of Equality鳳凰堂(ほうおうどう)Phoenix Hall阿弥陀如来像(あみだ・にょらいぞう)statue of Amida Nyorai一つが伝えられるに過ぎないが、

Only one statue of Amida Nyorai in the Phoenix Hall of Byodo-in Temple has been handed down.

古くから「天下これをもって仏の本様(ほんよう)the true form of Buddhaとなす」と言われた通り、いわゆる定朝様(じょうちょうよう)Jōchō style典型a typical exampleとされている。

It is considered to be a typical example of the so-called Jocho style, as it has long been said that ``This is the true form of Buddha in the world.''

康尚(こうしょう)Kosho 定朝(じょうちょう)Jōchōfather

定朝(じょうちょう)Jōchōは、master康尚(こうじょう)Kojoとともに携わった法成寺(ほうじょうじ)Hōjō-ji藤原道長(ふじわらの・みちなが)Fujiwara no Michinagaによって創建)阿弥陀堂(あみだどう)Amida-do Hall造仏the construction of the Buddha statue

Jocho was involved in the construction of the Amida-do Hall of Hojoji Temple with his master Kojo.


Hojoji temple temples and pagodas,


興福寺こうふくじKofuku-ji南都七大寺(なんと・しちだいじ)Nanto Shichi Daiji the Seven great temples of the Southern capital)の復興造営reconstructionなど、多くの仕事に参加participated in many projectsしており、

He has participated in many projects such as the reconstruction and construction of Kofuku-ji Temple.

特に法成寺(ほうじょうじ)Hōjō-ji金堂(こんどう)Kondo造仏the construction of the Buddha statue功績achievementにより、

In particular, due to the achievement of the construction of the Buddha statue in Hojoji Kondo,

仏師(ぶっし)Buddhist sculptorとして初めて僧綱(そうごう)Sogoの位である法橋(ほっきょう)Hokkyoに叙せられた。

He was the first Buddhist sculptor to be given the rank of Hokkyo, which is the rank of Sogo.

それまで社会的に割合低い地位relatively low social statusにあった仏師(ぶっし)Buddhist sculptorが、たとえ名誉職的なものとは言え、

Buddhist sculptors, who until then had relatively low social status,

とにかく僧侶priesthoodの全般を統制controlsする僧綱(そうごう)Sogo重職important positionに任ぜられたということは、画期的epoch-makingなことであった。

In any case, it was epoch-making that he was appointed to the important position of Sogo, which controls all aspects of priesthood.

デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...