


日本史2 Japanese history 2


East Asia and Small Countries


卑弥呼(ひみこ) Himiko

卑弥呼(ひみこ) Himiko

2 Chapter 2


Movement to the Ancient Nation

2節 Section 2


East Asia and Small Countries

1 大陸・朝鮮の情勢

Situation on the continent and Korea


後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty

光武帝(こうぶ・てい)Emperor Guangwu 劉秀(りゅう・しゅう)Liu Xiu

高句麗(こうくり) Goguryeo


Founding of the Later Han Dynasty

日本列島Japanese archipelago弥生文化Yayoi cultureが発展していたころ、大陸mainlandでは(かん)Han Dynastyの力が衰え、代わって後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty光武帝(こうぶ・てい)Emperor Guangwu(在位25年~57年)によって建てられ洛陽(らくよう)(ルオヤンLuoyangcapitalした(2525 AD)。

When the Yayoi culture was developing in the Japanese archipelago, the power of the Han dynasty declined on the mainland, and the Later Han was built by Emperor Guangwu and made Luoyang the capital (25 years later).

いっぽう中国東北部northeastern part of China鴨緑江(おうりょくこう)Yalu River中流域middle basin1世紀頃around the 1st century BCから高句麗(こうくり)(コグリョ)Goguryeoが台頭し、3232 ADにはじめて後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynastyに入貢しながらも、朝鮮半島北部the northern part of the Korean Peninsulaにも活発な動きを見せ始めた。

On the other hand, Goguryeo emerged from around the 1st century BC in the middle basin of the Yalu River in the northeastern part of China, and while it entered the Later Han dynasty for the first time in AD 32, it also began to show active movements in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula.

公孫淵(こうそん・えん)Gongsun Yuan燕王(えんおう)King of Yan


Establishment of Daifang Commandery and

Decline of Later Han Dynasty

後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty2世紀の末the end of the 2nd centuryにしだいに衰えたころ、遼東(りょうとう)(リャオトン)Liaodong太守(たいしゅ)county executiveであった公孫淵(こうそん・えん)Gongsun Yuan燕王(えんおう)King of Yan朝鮮Koreaに入って楽浪郡(らくろう・ぐん)Lelang Commanderyを占領し、3世紀初めthe beginning of the 3rd century楽浪郡(らくろう・ぐん)Lelang Commanderyの南に帯方郡(たいほう・ぐん)Daifang Commandery(中心は現在の京城(けいじょう)Seoul付近)を置いた。

When the Eastern Han Dynasty gradually declined at the end of the 2nd century, King Gongsun Yuan, the governor of Liaodong, entered Korea and occupied Lelang County.

At the beginning of the 3rd century, Daifang Commandery (centered around present-day Seoul) was established to the south of Lelang Commandery.

(ぎ)Wei(ご)Wu(しょく)Shu 三国時代Three Kingdoms period


Wei's ownership of Lelang Commandery and

Daifang Commandery

その後大陸Continentでは、220年に後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynastyが滅亡して、(ぎ)Wei(ご)Wu(しょく)Shuの分立した三国時代Three Kingdoms periodにはいったが、(ぎ)Wei北東the northeastにも勢力powerをひろげ、(ご)Wuと結ぼうとしていた公孫淵(こうそん・えん)Gongsun Yuan燕王(えんおう)King of Yanを倒し、238年には楽浪郡(らくろう・ぐん)Lelang Commandery帯方郡(たいほう・ぐん)Daifang Commanderyを配下に収めた。

Later, on the continent, the Later Han Dynasty fell in 220 AD, and the Three Kingdoms period began, in which Wei, Wu, and Shu separated. Wei spread its power to the northeast and defeated King Gongsun Yuan, who was trying to tie up with Wu.

In 238, he brought Lelang County and Daifang County under his control.



Goguryeo's annexation of Lelang Commandery

しかし、三国Three Kingdoms北方民族northern tribes侵入Invasionを受けて混乱と分裂turmoil and divisionを重ねるようになり、3世紀後半the latter half of the 3rd centuryになって(ぎ)Weiが倒れると、こののち高句麗(こうくり)Goguryeoはしだいに有力となって南下策moved southwardsをとり、313年には楽浪郡(らくろう・ぐん)Lelang Commandery併合annexationし、朝鮮半島北部the northern part of the Korean Peninsulaに確固とした勢力をもつにいたった。

However, the three kingdoms were invaded by northern tribes, causing turmoil and division. After Wei fell in the latter half of the 3rd century, Goguryeo gradually became influential and moved southwards. He annexed Rakuro County and came to have a firm power in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula.

漢書(かんじょ)Book of Han

弥生時代(やよい・じだい) Yayoi period

2 小国家と中国王朝

Small states and Chinese dynasties


Han and Small nations of Wa

弥生時代(やよい・じだい)Yayoi period中期頃in the middle of倭人(わじん)Wajin中国古代王朝Ancient Chinese dynastyによる日本列島人Japanese archipelago peopleの呼び名)について、『漢書(かんじょ)Book of Han 地理志(ちりし)Treatise on Geographyには、100余国more than 100 countries分立separatedし、楽浪郡(らくろう・ぐん)Lelang Commanderyを通じて毎年(かん)Han Dynasty朝貢(ちょうこう)Tributeしていたと書いてある。

Regarding the Wajin (the name given to the Japanese archipelago by the ancient Chinese dynasty) in the middle of the Yayoi period, it is written in the Geography of the "Book of Han" that more than 100 countries were separated and paid tribute to the Han every year through Rakurang County.

100余国the more than 100 countriesが、北九州(きたきゅうしゅう)Kitakyushuだけを指すのか、広く西日本(にしにほん)western Japanを指すのか明らかでないが、弥生時代(やよい・じだい)Yayoi periodの中期~後期には、北九州(きたきゅうしゅう)Kitakyushu・吉備(きび)Kibi・大和(やまと)Yamato・丹後(たんご)Tangoなどの地を中心に多数の小国家(しょうこっか)Microstate, small nationsが生まれ始めていた。

It is not clear whether the more than 100 countries refer only to Kitakyushu or to western Japan broadly, but in the middle to late Yayoi period, many small nations began to emerge centering on areas such as Kitakyushu, Kibi, Yamato, and Tango. 

漢委奴国王印(かんのわのなのこくおういん)King of Na gold seal

Seal of the King of the Na state of the Wa of the Han Dynasty

志賀島(しかのしま) Shika Island

奴国王と金印King of Na and Gold Seal

それらのうち、北九州Northern Kyushu奴国王(なの・こくおう)King of Na使者messengerは、57年に後漢Later Han Dynasty洛陽(らくよう)(ルオヤンLuoyangにいたり、光武帝(こうぶてい)Emperor Guangwuから印綬official sealを授けられたという(『後漢書(ごかんじょ)Book of the Later Han東夷伝(とういでん)Treatise on the Dongyi)。

Among them, a messenger of King Nakoku of Kitakyushu is said to have been to Luoyang of the Later Han in 1957, and was given a seal by Emperor Guangwu ("Gohansho" Toii Den.

この時に授けられたと思われる金印(きんいん)gold seal(「漢委奴国王印(かんの・わの・なの・こくおう・いん)King of Na gold seal)が、1784年(天明4年)に博多湾(はかたわん)Hakata Bay志賀島(しかのしま)Shika Island一農民a farmer発見discoveredされ現存している。

A gold seal that is thought to have been bestowed at this time (the seal of the King of the Han Committee) was discovered by a farmer on Shikanoshima Island in Hakata Bay in 1784 and still exists today.


補足supplementary explanation


奴国(なこく)Nakoku(なのくに)Na-no-Kuniとは、1世紀 the 1st centuryから3世紀前半the first half of the 3rd centuryにかけて、あらわれる倭人(わじん)Wajincountryである。

Nakoku is a country of Wajin that appeared from the 1st century to the first half of the 3rd century.

弥生時代(やよいじだい)Yayoi periodにかつて存在した倭人(わじん)Wajincountryで、現在の福岡市(ふくおかし)Fukuoka City春日市(かすがし)Kasuga Cityなど福岡平野一帯the Fukuoka Plain area支配ruled overしていたとされる。

It is said that it was a country of Wajin that once existed in the Yayoi period, and ruled over the Fukuoka Plain area, including present-day Fukuoka City and Kasuga City.


倭国(わこく)Wakoku後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty外交交渉diplomatic negotiationsをもったのは、倭奴国王(わの・なの・こくおう)King of Na of Wa後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty光武帝(こうぶ・てい)Emperor Guangwu朝貢made a tributeしたのが始まりである。

Wakoku started diplomatic negotiations with Later Han when the King of Wa made a tribute to Emperor Guangwu of Later Han.

議論some controversyがあるものの倭国王(わの・こくおう)King of Wa帥升(すいしょう)Suisho朝貢made a tributeしたとする説があり、その後奴国(なこく)Nakoku(なのくに)Na-no-Kuniに代わって邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamatai(ぎ)Wei皇帝emperor使者を派遣sent a messengerした。

Although there is some controversy, there is a theory that the king of Wakoku made a tribute, and after that Yamatai sent a messenger to the emperor of Wei on behalf of Nakoku.

倭国王(わのこくおう)King of Wa帥升(すいしょう)Suisho


帥升(すいしょう)Suisho(生没年不詳)は、弥生時代(やよいじだい)中期・後期in the middle or late Yayoi period倭国(わこく)Wakoku(まだ統一国家ではないクニcountryの一つ)の有力な王influential kingと推測される。

Suisho (date of birth and death unknown) is presumed to have been an influential king of Wakoku (a country that was not yet unified) in the middle or late Yayoi period.

西暦107107 AD後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty朝貢paid tributeした。

In 107 AD, he paid tribute to Later Han.

日本史上in Japanese history外国史書foreign history bookに初めて名を残した人物。

He was the first person in Japanese history to leave his name in a foreign history book.

安帝(あんてい) Emperor An

後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty6代皇帝the sixth emperor

倭国王帥升King of Wa, Suisho

107年には倭国王(わのこくおう)King of Wa帥升(すいしょう)Suishoらが生口(せいこう)Seiko奴隷slaves160人を献じて、安帝(あんてい)Emperor An後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty6代皇帝the sixth emperor)に謁見を求めた(『後漢書(ごかんじょ)Book of the Later Han東夷伝(とういでん)Treatise on the Dongyi)。

In 107, the King of Wa, General Sho, and others offered 160 Ikuchi (slaves) to ask for an audience with Emperor An ("Gokansho" Toiden).

桓帝(かんてい) Emperor Huan

後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty11代皇帝the 11th Emperor

霊帝(れいてい) Emperor Ling

後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty12代皇帝the 12th emperor

倭国大乱(わこくのたいらん) Great Rebellion of Wa

邪馬台国(やまたいこく) Yamatai

3 邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamatai


Great Rebellion of Wa

日本列島Japanese archipelagoに形成され始めた諸小国Small countriesは、後漢Later Han Dynasty桓帝(かんてい)Emperor Huan霊帝(れいてい)Emperor Ling147年~189年)の間に、激しく抗争して大乱Great Rebellionとなった(『後漢書(ごかんじょ)Book of the Later Han東夷伝(とういでん)Treatise on the Dongyi)。

The small nations that began to form in the Japanese archipelago fought violently between Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling of the Later Han dynasty (147-189), leading to chaos ("Book of the Later Han Dynasty").

この倭国大乱(わこくのたいらん)Great Rebellion of Waの過程で、諸小国Small countriesはより大きい国家large countryへと地域ごとに淘汰されたと考えられるが、その大乱Great Rebellionのあとには、30ほどの国家About thirty nations統一Unifyした邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamatai邪馬壹国(やまいちこく)Yamaichiが出現した。

In the process of the Wakoku War, small countries are thought to have been eliminated into larger nations by region, but after the Great War, Yamataikoku (Yamataikoku), which unified about 30 nations, emerged. bottom.

邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamataiについては、『三国志(さんごくし)Records of the Three Kingdoms』のうちの『魏志(ぎし)Book of Wei倭人伝(わじんでん)Wajindenがさまざまに伝えている。

Yamataikoku is reported in various ways in the Wajinden of the "Gizhi" in the "Sangokushi".

邪馬台国九州説(やまたいこく・きゅうしゅう・せつ)Kitakyushu theory

邪馬台国畿内説(やまたいこく・きない・せつ)Yamato theory

邪馬台国の位置Location of Yamatai

魏志(ぎし)Book of Wei倭人伝(わじんでん)Wajindenには、帯方郡(たいほう・ぐん)Daifang Commanderyから邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamataiにいたる道程が、途中に経る国名・方位・里程とともに書いてあるが、そのまま現在の地図に当てはめると、邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamataiは九州の南方のはるかの海上になる。

In the "Gishi" Wajinden, the road from Obikata County to Yamataikoku is written along with the name of the country, direction, and mileage along the way. in the far south of the sea.

したがって、この矛盾を解くために、『魏志(ぎし)Book of Wei倭人伝(わじんでん)Wajindenの記事を修正しつつ読む必要が生じ、その方法によって北九州説(きたきゅうしゅう・せつ)Kitakyushu theory大和説(やまと・せつ)Yamato theoryが生まれた。

Therefore, in order to solve this contradiction, it became necessary to read the "Gishi" Wajinden article while correcting it, and the Kitakyushu theory and the Yamato theory were born by this method.



Yamatai's national authority

邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamataiについて重要なことは、邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamatai原始社会primitive societies諸集団Groupsはもとより各地around the world小国家Small nationsの段階と違って、国々が一つにまとまった国家nationとして、配下の諸国Subordinate countriesに共通におよぼす公権力Public powerに基づく統一的支配体制Unified control systemを備え始めていたことである。

What is important about Yamataikoku is that it differs from the groups of primitive societies as well as the small nations in various places, and as a unified nation, it exerts public power in common over its subordinate nations. It was beginning to prepare a unified rule system based on

女王 Queen 卑弥呼(ひみこ) Himiko

女王 Queen 卑弥呼(ひみこ) Himiko

王権Kingship, royal authority

女王Queen卑弥呼(ひみこ)Himikoyounger brother政治Politicsを助けさせたが、政治判断Political judgmentは自ら鬼道(きどう)kidoシャーマニズムShamanismの一種)によって下した。

Queen Himiko had her younger brother assist her in politics, but she made her own political judgments through Kido (a kind of shamanism).

政治権Political rights宗教権Religious rightsがまだ分離しない祭政一致(さいせい・いっち)the unity of ritual and governmentの形態だが、政法的判断Political judgmentは、個々の集団や諸国家ごとに決定されるのではなく、卑弥呼(ひみこ)Himikoのもとで統一的に決定されるようになった。

Political and religious rights are not yet separated from each other, but political and legal decisions are not made by individual groups or nations, but by Himiko.

外交Diplomacyも同様に、卑弥呼(ひみこ)Himiko諸小国small countriesを代表して中国王朝Chinese dynasty使者を派遣Dispatch a messengerした。

Similarly, in diplomacy, Himiko sent envoys to the Chinese dynasty on behalf of various small countries.

すなわち、(ぎ)Wei楽浪郡(らくろう・ぐん)Lelang Commandery帯方郡(たいほう・ぐん)Daifang Commanderyを領有した翌年の239年((ぎ)Wei景初(けいしょ)3the 3rd year of Jingchu of Wei)から、たびたび遣使(けんし)sent envoysしたのがそれである。

In other words, from 239 (the 3rd year of Jingchu of Wei), the year after Wei possessed Lelang County and Bifang County, it frequently sent envoys.

魏王(ぎおう)King of Wei卑弥呼(ひみこ)Himikoに「親魏倭王(しんぎわおう)Ruler of Wa, Friend of Wei」の称号(しょうごう)Titleをおくり、金印(きんいん)gold seal紫綬(しじゅ)purple ribbon銅鏡(どうきょう)Bronze mirrorを与えた。

The King of Wei gave Himiko the title of 'Pro-Wei King of Wa,' and gave Himiko a golden purple ribbon and a bronze mirror.

(ぎ)Wei(ご)Wu(しょく)Shu 三国時代Three Kingdoms period

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親魏倭王(しんぎわおう)Ruler of Wa, Friend of Wei

(ぎ)の国王King of Weiが、卑弥呼(ひみこ)Himikoに「親魏倭王(しんぎわおう)Ruler of Wa, Friend of Wei」の称号(しょうごう)Titleを与えて特に優遇Preferential treatmentしたのは、高句麗(こうくり)(コグリョ)Goguryeo朝鮮半島南部Southern Korean Peninsulaをめぐる情勢を考慮してのことであった。

The King of Wei gave Himiko the title of 'Pro-Wei King of Wa' and treated him particularly favorably, taking into account the situation surrounding Goguryeo and the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.

すなわち、(ぎ)Weiでは、朝鮮諸国Korean countriesの背後にある倭の王Ruler of Waと結ぶのが有利と判断してのことらしく、朝鮮諸国Korean countriesに対する遠交近攻策(えんこう・きんこう・さく)(遠い国と親しくし近くの国を攻略する)(a policy of making good friendship of distant country while attacking the neighboring countries)の上からも、称号(しょうごう)Titleを与えたと見られる。

In other words, it seems that Wei decided that it would be advantageous to tie up with the king of Wa, which was behind the Korean countries, and gave the title from the point of view of the long-distance close attack against the Korean countries.

三角縁神獣鏡(さんかくぶち・しんじゅうきょう)triangular-rimmed deity and beast mirror

和泉黄金塚古墳(いずみ・こがねづか・こふん)Izumi Koganezuka Kofun

補足supplementary explanation


銅鏡(どうきょう)Bronze mirror

(かん)Han Dynasty後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty三国時代Three Kingdoms period中国Chinaで造られた(きょう)mirrorが、(わ)Wa諸小国王Kings of small countries使者messengerを通じて舶来(はくらい)Importedされ、倭国王(わのこくおう)Ruler of Waはそれを権威の象徴Symbol of authorityとした(伝世鏡(でんせいきょう)ancestral mirror(古墳に副葬されている鏡のうち,長い間使用されたのちに納められた鏡をいう))。

Mirrors made in China during the Han, Later Han, and Three Kingdoms periods were brought to Japan through messengers of various small kings of Wa, and the kings of Wa used them as symbols of authority (densei mirror).

前期古墳Early tumulus副葬鏡(ふくそう・きょう)Grave mirrorsの主流は、鏡縁の断面が三角形で、内側に神像と獣形を浮彫に求心的に配置する三角縁神獣鏡(さんかくぶち・しんじゅうきょう)triangular-rimmed deity and beast mirrorである。

The mainstream of early tumulus burial mirrors is the triangular-rimmed divine beast mirror, in which the cross-section of the mirror frame is triangular and the image of a deity and the shape of a beast are arranged centripetally in relief.

和泉市黄金塚古墳(いずみ・こがねづか・こふん)Izumi Koganezuka Kofun4世紀後半)から(ぎ)Weiの年号「景初(けいしょ)三年」(西暦239年)の紀年銘鏡(きねん・めいきょう)が出土している。

A mirror with the year ``Kagetsu 3'' (239 AD) from the Koganezuka Tumulus (late 4th century) in Izumi City has been excavated.

女王 Queen 卑弥呼(ひみこ) Himiko

支配秩序Domination order, ruler order

女王Queen卑弥呼(ひみこ)Himikohusbandを持たず、多数の(ひ)female servantを従えて宮殿の奥深く住んでいたという。

It is said that Queen Himiko did not have a husband and lived deep inside the palace with many servants.

大人(たいじん)person of high status」、「下戸(げこ)person of low social standing」の身分の差Difference in statusがあった。

There was a difference in status between "adult" and "lower".

一定の基準に基づく犯罪者の処刑Execution of criminals(いち)marketで行い、(いち)marketに集まる人々に見せしめにして法秩序the law and orderを悟らせた。

Executions of criminals based on certain standards were carried out in the city, and the people who gathered in the city were shown the law and order.


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大人(たいじん)person of high status下戸(げこ)person of low social standing

尊卑(そんぴ)high and low身分秩序Status orderは厳しく、下戸(げこ)person of low social standingは道路で大人(たいじん)person of high statusにあうと、草の中にひざまずき土下座して挨拶をした。

The order of status among sonpi was strict, and when Geto met an adult on the road, he would kneel in the grass and kneel down on the ground to greet him.



下戸(げこ)Gekoとは、体質的physicallysakeアルコール飲料alcoholic beverages飲めないunable to drink人のことを言う。

A Geko is a person who is physically unable to drink sake or alcoholic beverages.

古くから日本in Japanでは、酒を全く飲めないcannot drink alcohol at allか、または飲める量が他と比較しても少ないdrink less alcohol than others人を「下戸(げこ)Geko」と呼び、その対義語antonymには「上戸(じょうこ)Joko」が宛てられる。

Since ancient times, in Japan, people who cannot drink alcohol at all or who drink less alcohol than others are called 'geko,' and the antonym is 'Joko.'

(こ)Ko」とは律令制Ritsuryo systemにおける課税単位taxation unitのことであり、元来、最上位の大戸(おおと)Otoから、上戸(じょうこ)Joko中戸(ちゅうこ)Chuko下戸(げこ)Gekoと定めた上で婚礼時wedding ceremony酒量amount of alcoholを決めたことから、

'Ko' is a taxation unit under the Ritsuryo system, and originally, the amount of alcohol at the wedding ceremony was determined after setting the highest level, Oto, then Joko, Nakato, and Geko. Since I decided

転じて酒を良く飲むdrink a lot of sake人を上戸(じょうこ)Joko(または大戸(おおと)Oto)、余り飲めないdo not drink much人を下戸(げこ)Gekoと呼んだのが由来originとされる。

It is said that the origin of this name is that people who drink a lot of sake are called Joko (or Oto), and people who do not drink much are called Geko.


税制Tax system

邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamataiは、国家財政national finance財源resourcesとして、人々の収穫物の一部Part of the harvestを、租税(そぜい)Taxとして収奪plunderする制度systemも初めて整えていた。

Yamataikoku was the first to establish a system to collect part of the people's harvests as taxes as a source of national finance.

黥面文身(げいめんぶんしん)(いれずみ)Face tattoo

貫頭衣(かんとうい)Kantoi (布を二枚縫い合わせて頭と腕を出す穴のみ縫い残した衣装A costume made by sewing two pieces of cloth together and leaving only the holes for the head and arms sewn together.

邪馬台国の社会Society of Yamatai

魏志(ぎし)Book of Wei倭人伝(わじんでん)Wajindenは、邪馬台国(やまたいこく)Yamataiの人々の生活を次のように伝えている。

"Gishi" Wajinden describes the lives of the people of Yamatai as follows.

住民の多くは黥面文身(げいめんぶんしん)(いれずみ)Face tattooし、貫頭衣(かんとうい)を着て、裸足bare feetであった。

Most of the inhabitants wore black-faced kimono, kantogi, and were barefoot.


人々は(いね)rice plant(あさ)hempを植え、(かいこ)silkwormを飼いthreadsを紡いで織物(おりもの)Woven fabricを織り、海辺の住民Seaside residentsは水に潜って(かい)Shellfish海藻(かいそう)seaweedをとった。

People planted rice and hemp, raised silkworms and spun threads to weave fabrics, and coastal residents dived for shellfish and seaweed.


Markets were also built in the country, and people traded here.

壹与(いよ)Iyo 臺與(とよ)Toyo

西晋(せいしん)Western Jin


Death of Himiko and Yamatai

卑弥呼(ひみこ)Himiko240年~248年の頃に死んだが、そのとき径100余歩の(つか)(墳墓huge tombを造り、奴婢(ぬひ)Nuhi members of the slave class 100余人を殉葬(じゅんそう)followed her to the graveした。

When Himiko died around 240-248, he built a mound (burial mound) with a diameter of over 100 steps and buried over 100 slaves.

しかし、卑弥呼(ひみこ)Himikoのあとに男王Kingをたてると、国中が乱れて戦いが起こり、千余人の死者が出るほどであったので、卑弥呼(ひみこ)Himiko宗女(そうじょ)Female heir壹与(いよ)Iyo臺與(とよ)Toyo)をたてたところ治まった。

However, when a male king was appointed after Himiko, the whole country was in chaos and a battle broke out, with more than 1,000 people dying.

When Himiko's sect daughter Tsuyoyo was established, the situation was resolved.

女王Queen壹与(いよ)Iyo臺與(とよ)Toyo)は、248年には(ぎ)Weiに、266年には西晋(せいしん)Western Jin朝貢(ちょうこう)Tributeした。

Queen Iyo paid tribute to Wei in 248 and to Western Jin in 266.

中国大陸Chinese continentでは、(ぎ)Wei263年に(しょく)Shuを滅ぼしたが265年に滅び、代わって西晋(せいしん)Western Jinがおこっていた。

In mainland China, Wei destroyed Shu in 263, but it was destroyed in 265, and Western Jin took over.

デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...