日本史3 Japanese history 3
百舌鳥古墳群(もず・こふんぐん)Mozu Tombs
大仙陵古墳(だいせんりょう・こふん)Daisenryo Kofun
仁徳天皇陵(にんとくてんのう・りょう)the tomb of Emperor Nintoku
大阪府(おおさかふ)Osaka Prefecture堺市(さかいし)Sakai City
大鷦鷯天皇(おほさざきの・すめらみこと)Ohosazaki no
第16代天皇the 16th Emperor
応神天皇(おうじん・てんのう)Emperor Ōjinの第四皇子the
fourth son。
An emperor who is
believed to have existed from the end of the fourth century to the first half of
the fifth century.
大和政権(やまと・せいけん)Yamato Government
第2章 Chapter 2
Movement to the Ancient
第3節 Section 3
Yamato Government
大和政権(やまと・せいけん)Yamato Governmentは、古墳時代(こふん・じだい)Kofun periodに「王(きみ)Kimi」・「大王(おおきみ)Ookimi」などと呼称された倭国(わこく)Wakokuの首長chiefsを中心として、
The Yamato government was
centered on the chiefs of Wa who were called 'Kimi' and 'Ookimi' during the
Kofun period.
いくつかの有力豪族influential clansが連合coalitionして成立establishedした政治権力Political authority、政治組織political organization。
Political authority and
political organization established by the coalition of several influential
2世紀末the end of the 2nd century〜3世紀 the 3rd
centuryにかけて大阪平野Osaka Plain〜大和盆地(やまとぼんち)Yamato Basin(奈良県Nara Prefecture)の勢力the power、
From the end of the 2nd
century to the 3rd century, the power of the Osaka Plain to the Yamato Basin,
吉備(きび)Kibi Province(岡山県Okayama
Prefecture)をはじめとする瀬戸内Seto Inland Seaや四国Shikoku、出雲(いずも)Izumo Province(島根県Shimane Prefecture)や丹後(たんご)Tango Province(京都府Kyoto Prefecture)、但馬(たじま)Tajima Province(兵庫県Hyōgo Prefecture)などの山陰(さんいん)San'in region、
The Seto Inland Sea including
Kibi, Shikoku, Izumo, Tango, Tajima and other Sanin areas,
あるいは北九州(きたきゅうしゅう)Kitakyushuを含む西日本(にしにほん)western Japanや近江(おうみ)Omi Province(滋賀県Shiga Prefecture)をはじめとする東海(とうかい)Tōkai regionなど地域を超えた勢力が連合して
Alternatively, powers
that transcend regions such as western Japan
including Kitakyushu and the Tokai including Omi are united.
Prefecture桜井市(さくらいし)Sakurai Cityの三輪山(みわやま)Mount Miwaの北西麓一帯
大和盆地(やまとぼんち)Yamato Basin東南部the southeastern part、三輪山麓(みわさんろく)the foot of Mt. Miwaの纒向遺跡(まきむく・いせき)Makimuku ruinsに成立Foundedし
Founded at the Makimuku
Ruins at the foot of Mt. Miwa in the southeastern part of the Yamato Basin.
3世紀後半the latter half of the 3rd centuryまでには南東北southern
Tohokuから南九州southern Kyushuまで日本列島Japanese archipelagoの広範囲wide areaに影響influenceを及ぼしており前方後円墳体制(ぜんぽうこうえんふん・たいせい)the keyhole-shaped tumulus systemとも呼ばれる。
By the latter half of the
3rd century, it had an influence over a wide area of the Japanese archipelago,
from southern Tohoku to southern Kyushu, and is also called the keyhole-shaped
tumulus system.
この時点では緩やかな政治連合loose political coalitionを形成していたと考えられている。
It is believed that at
this point they formed a loose political coalition.
burial mounds
仁徳天皇陵(にんとくてんのう・りょう)the tomb of
Emperor Nintoku
Prefecture堺市(さかいし)Sakai City
Establishment of the
Yamato Government
大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Governmentの成立formationにあたっては、前方後円墳(ぜんぽうこうえんふん)keyhole-shaped burial moundsの出現emergenceとその広がりspreadを基準とする見方が有力である。
The emergence and spread
of keyhole-shaped burial mounds is the dominant view of the formation of the
Yamato government.
その成立時期は、研究者によって3世紀中葉the middle of the 3rd century、3世紀後半the latter
half of the 3rd century、3世紀末the end of the 3rd century、4世紀前葉the early 4th
Depending on the
researcher, there are some differences in the period of its establishment, such
as the middle of the 3rd century, the latter half of the 3rd century, the end
of the 3rd century, and the early 4th century.
Governmentは、近畿地方(きんきちほう)Kinki regionだけではなく、各地の豪族local ruling familiesをも含めた連合政権coalition governmentであったとみられる一方、大王(おおきみ)Ookimi(the Great King)を中心とした中央集権国家centralized stateであったと見る意見もある。
While the Yamato
government is considered to have been a coalition government that included not
only the Kinki region but also local ruling families, there is also an opinion
that it was a centralized state centered on the Great King.
考古学的には3世紀後半ごろaround the latter half of the 3rd century、近畿(きんき)Kinki regionはじめ西日本(にしにほん)western Japan各地various partsに、大規模な墳丘large-scale burial moundsを持つ古墳(こふん)burial moundsが出現する。
Archaeologically, around
the latter half of the 3rd century, burial mounds with large-scale burial
mounds appeared in various parts of western Japan, including the Kinki region.
これらは、いずれも前方後円墳(ぜんぽうこうえんふん)keyhole-shaped tumuliもしくは前方後方墳(ぜんぽうこうほうふん)two conjoined rectangles-shaped tumuliで、
All of these are
keyhole-shaped tumuli or keyhole-shaped tumuli,
竪穴式石室(たてあなしき・せきしつ)the pit-type
stone chamberの内部に長さ数メートルにおよぶ割竹形木棺(わりたけがた・もっかん)split bamboo-shaped wooden coffinを安置して遺体を埋葬し、
The corpse was buried in
a split bamboo-shaped wooden coffin with a length of several meters inside the
pit-type stone chamber.
副葬品(ふくそうひん)burial goodsの組み合わせcombinationも呪術的な意味magical meaningsをもつ多数の銅鏡bronze mirrorsはじめ武器類weaponsをおくなど、
The combination of burial
goods also includes a large number of bronze mirrors and other weapons that
have magical meanings.
墳丘(ふんきゅう)burial mounds、埋葬施設burial
facilities、副葬品(ふくそうひん)burial goodsいずれの面でも共通commonしていて、きわめて斉一的(せいいつてき)uniform、画一的undifferentiatedな特徴characteristicsを有する。
The burial mounds, burial
facilities, and burial goods are all common, and have extremely uniform and
uniform characteristics.
これは、しばしば「出現期古墳appearance period tumulus」と称される。
This is often referred to
as the 'appearance period tumulus'.
崇神天皇(すじん・てんのう)Emperor Sujin
第10代天皇the tenth Emperor
Mimakiiribikoinie no
一方上述のように4世紀頃around the 4th centuryは崇神天皇(すじん・てんのう)Emperor Sujinの在位年代と重なるcoincide with the reignものと見られており、同朝の四道将軍(しどう・しょうぐん)説話The
tale of the Shido Shogunや、
On the other hand, as
mentioned above, around the 4th century is considered to coincide with the
reign of Emperor Sujin;
The tale of the Shido
Shogun in the same morning,
続く景行天皇(けいこう・てんのう)Emperor Keikō朝の倭建命(やまとたけるの・みこと)(日本武尊)Yamato
Takeru no Mikotoの東国遠征(とうごくえんせい)the eastern expeditionの経路上に纏(まと)まって古墳(こふん)burial moundsが出現することから、
Since the burial mounds
appeared together on the route of the eastern expedition of Yamato Takeru no
Mikoto in the Emperor Keiko's reign,
unionsではなく中央豪族central local clansを各地various placesに首長chiefs(国造(くにのみやつこ)Kuni no
There is also an opinion that
it spread because central local clans were dispatched to various places as
chiefs (provinces) instead of regional unions.
Burial Mounds
Prefecture桜井市(さくらいし)Sakurai City
出現期古墳Burial mounds
in the emergence periodで墳丘長が200メートルを超えるものは、奈良県Nara
Prefecture桜井市(さくらいし)Sakurai Cityに所在する箸墓古墳(はしはか・こふん)Hashihaka Burial Mounds(280メートル)や天理市(てんりし)Tenri Cityにある西殿塚古墳(にしとのづか・こふん)Nishitonozuka Burial Mounds(234メートル)などであり、
Burial mounds in the
emergence period that exceed 200 meters in length include Hashihaka Burial
Mounds (280 meters) located in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture and Nishitonozuka
Burial Mounds (234 meters) located in Tenri City.
奈良盆地(ならぼんち)Nara Basin南東部southeastern part(最狭義in the narrowest senseの大和(やまと)Yamato)に集中し、他の地域other areasに対し隔絶した規模scale isolatedを有する。
It is concentrated in the
southeastern part of the Nara Basin (Yamato in the narrowest sense) and has a
scale isolated from other areas.
円墳(えんぷん)empun(circular tumulus)
Prefecture名古屋市Nagoya City
王権の展開Expansion of Royal
tumulus system
(古墳時代前期前半first half of the early Kofun period)
定型化した古墳(こふん)stylized burial moundsは、おそくとも4世紀の中葉the middle of
the 4th centuryまでには東北地方(とうほくちほう)Tōhoku region南部southernから九州地方(きゅうしゅうちほう)Kyushu region南部southernにまで波及した。
By the middle of the 4th
century at the latest, stylized burial mounds spread from the southern Tohoku
region to the southern Kyushu region.
これは東日本(ひがしにほん)eastern Japanの広大な地域vast areaが大和(やまと)Yamatoを盟主とする広域政治連合the wide-area political federation(大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Government)に組み込まれたincorporated intoことを意味する。
This means that the vast area
of eastern Japan was incorporated into the
wide-area political federation (Yamato sovereignty) led by Yamato.
ただし、出現当初における首長墓chieftain tombsとみられる古墳の墳形burial moundsは、西日本(にしにほん)western Japanにおいては前方後円墳(ぜんぽうこうえんふん)keyhole-shaped tumuliが多かったのに対し、東日本(ひがしにほん)eastern Japanでは前方後方墳(ぜんぽうこうほうふん)zenpō-kōhō-funが多かった。
However, the burial
mounds that are considered to be chieftain tombs at the time of their emergence
were mostly keyhole-shaped tumuli in western Japan, while keyhole-shaped tumuli
were more common in eastern Japan.
こうして日本列島Japanese archipelagoの大半の地域most areasで古墳時代(こふんじだい)Kofun periodがはじまり、本格的に古墳(こふん)Kofunが営まれることとなった。
In this way, the Kofun
period began in most areas of the Japanese archipelago, and kofun were built in
方墳(ほうふん)hōfun(square tumulus)
龍角寺岩屋古墳(りゅうかくじ・いわや・こふん)Ryukaku-ji Iwaya Kofun
Prefecture印旛郡(いんばぐん)Inba District栄町(さかえまち)Sakae Town
archipelagoの古墳(こふん)Kofunには、前方後円墳(ぜんぽうこうえんふん)keyhole-shaped tumuli、前方後方墳(ぜんぽうこうほうふん)zenpō-kōhō-fun、円墳(えんぷん)empun(circular tumulus)、方墳(ほうふん)hōfun(square tumulus)などさまざまな墳形burial
Kofun in the Japanese archipelago
include various types of burial mounds, such as keyhole-shaped tumuli,
keyhole-shaped tumuli, round tumuli, and square tumuli.
数としては円墳(えんぷん)empunや方墳(ほうふん)hōfunが多かったが、墳丘規模の面では上位44位まではすべて前方後円墳(ぜんぽうこうえんふん)keyhole-shaped burial moundsであり、もっとも重要とみなされた墳形the most important burial moundであった。
In terms of the number of
burial mounds, round and square burial mounds were common, but in terms of the
size of the burial mounds, the top 44 were all keyhole-shaped burial mounds,
which was considered to be the most important burial mound.
前期古墳(ぜんきこふん)the early
tumulusの墳丘mound上には、弥生時代末期the end of the Yayoi periodの吉備(きび)地方Kibi
goodsである特殊器台special ware standsに起源をもつ円筒埴輪(えんとう・はにわ)cylindrical haniwaが立て並べられ、
On the mound of the early
tumulus, cylindrical haniwa, which originated from special ware stands, which
were burial goods in the Kibi region at the end of the Yayoi period, are lined
Many of them are covered
with fukiishi, and some have moats around them.
三角縁神獣鏡(さんかくぶち・しんじゅうきょう)triangular-rimmed deity and beast mirror
副葬品(ふくそうひん)burial goodsとしては三角縁神獣鏡(さんかくぶち・しんじゅうきょう)triangular-rimmed divine beast mirrorsや画文帯神獣鏡(がもんたい・しんじゅうきょう)pictorial obi divine beast mirrorsなどの青銅鏡bronze
mirrorsや碧玉製(へきぎょくせい)の腕輪jasper bracelets、
As burial goods, bronze
mirrors such as triangular-rimmed divine beast mirrors and pictorial obi divine
beast mirrors, jasper bracelets,
ball)、鉄製の武器iron weapons・農耕具farming implementsなどがみられて全般に呪術的・宗教的色彩magical and religious colorが濃く、
Jade (magatama, tubed
ball), iron weapons and farming implements can be seen, and in general there is
a strong magical and religious color.
被葬者The burial
personである首長the chiefは、各地various placesの政治的な指導者political leaderであったと同時に、
The burial person, the
chief, was a political leader in various places, and at the same time,
実際に農耕儀礼agricultural ceremoniesをおこないながら神を祀るenshrined God司祭者priestでもあったという性格characterをあらわしている(祭政一致(さいせい・いっち)the unity of ritual and government)。
Prefecture天理市(てんりし)Tenri City
Seven-branched sword and
King Gwanggaeto Monument
(古墳時代前期後半latter half of the early Kofun period)
4世紀後半the latter half of the 4th centuryにはいると、石上神宮(いそのかみ・じんぐう)Isonokami Shrine(奈良県Nara Prefecture)につたわる七支刀(しちしとう)Seven-Branched Swordの製作madeが、銘文inscriptionにより369年のこととされる。
In the latter half of the
4th century, the seven-branched sword that was handed down to Isonokami Shrine
(Nara Prefecture) was made in 369 according to an inscription.
356年に馬韓(ばかん)Mahanの地に建国foundedされた百済王(くだらおう)King of Baekjeの世子heir(太子prince)が倭国王(わこくおう)King of Waのためにつくったものであり、これは大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato
It was created for the
King of Wa by the heir (prince) of the King of Baekje, who was founded in the
land of Mahan in 356.
This represents the
establishment of an alliance between the Yamato government and the kingship of
なお、七支刀(しちしとう)Seven-Branched Swordが実際に倭王(わおう)King of Waに贈られたことが『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』にあり、それは干支(かんし)二順繰り下げdescending the second order of the Chinese zodiacで実年代actual
In addition, it is
written in "Nihon Shoki" that the seven-branched sword was actually
given to the king of Wa, and it is 372 years old when the actual date is
calculated by descending the second order of the Chinese zodiac.
奈良県Nara Prefecture天理市(てんりし)Tenri City
いずれにせよ、倭国(わのくに)State of Waは任那(みまな)諸国Mimana provincesとりわけ任那(みまな)Mimana(金官(きんかん)Kinkan)と密接なかかわりをもち、この地に産する鉄資源iron resourcesを確保した。
In any case, Wakoku had a
close relationship with Mimana provinces, especially Mimana (Kinkan), and
secured the iron resources produced in this area.
そこはまた生産技術を輸入importing production technologyする半島peninsulaの窓口gatewayであり、勾玉(まがたま)comma-shaped beads、「倭式土器Wa-style earthenware」(土師器(はじき)Haji ware)など日本列島特有の文物artifacts peculiar to the Japanese archipelagoの出土excavationにより、倭(わ)Waの拠点baseが成立establishmentしていたことが確認confirmedされた。
It was also the gateway
to the peninsula for importing production technology, and the excavation of
artifacts peculiar to the Japanese archipelago, such as comma-shaped beads and
'Wa-style earthenware' (Haji ware), confirmed the establishment of a base in
いっぽう半島北部the northern part of the peninsulaでは、満州東部eastern
Manchuriaの森林地帯forest areaに起源をもつツングース系貊族(ばくぞく)Tungusic tribeの国家state高句麗(こうくり)(コグリョ)Goguryeoが、313年に楽浪郡(らくろう・ぐん)Lelang Commandery・帯方郡(たいほう・ぐん)Daifang Commanderyに侵入invadedしてこれを滅ぼしdestroyed、4世紀後半the latter half of the 4th centuryにも南下move
On the other hand, in the
northern part of the peninsula, Goguryeo, a state of the Tungusic tribe that
originated in the forest area of eastern Manchuria, invaded and destroyed
Lelang County and Bifang County in 313, and continued to move south into the
latter half of the 4th century.
好太王碑(こうたいおうひ)(広開土王碑(こうかいどおうひ))Monument of
King Gwanggaeto
中国China吉林省(きつりん(チーリン)しょう)Jilin Province集安(しゅうあん)Ji'anに所在する広開土王碑(こうかいどおうひ))Monument of King Gwanggaetoには、高句麗(こうくり)(コグリョ)Goguryeoが倭国(わのくに)State of Waに通じた百済(くだら)(ひゃくさい)Baekjeを討ちattacked、倭(わ)Waの侵入invadedをうけた新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaを救援rescuedするため、400年と404年の2度にわたって倭軍(わぐん)Japanese armyと交戦fought againstし勝利wonしたと刻んでいる。
On the Gwanggaeto King
Monument located in Ji'an, Jilin Province, China, Goguryeo attacked Baekje,
which had connections with Japan, and rescued Silla, which was invaded by
Japan. It is engraved with
It is inscribed that he
fought against the Japanese army twice in 400 and 404 and won.
この時期の大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Governmentの政治組織political organizationについては、文献記録documentary recordがほとんど皆無であるため、
Since there is almost no
documentary record of the political organization of the Yamato sovereignty
during this period,
Peninsulaへの出兵dispatching troopsという重大事件serious incidentがあったことは明白clearであるにもかかわらず、将兵の構成composition of officers and soldiersや動員の様態mode
of mobilizationをふくめ不詳な点unknown pointsが多い。
Although it is clear that
there was a serious incident of dispatching troops to the Korean Peninsula, there
are many unknown points, including the composition of officers and soldiers and
the mode of mobilization.
しかし、対外的な軍事行動external military actionを可能enableとする大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Governmentの基盤foundationが既に整っていたことが理解できる。
However, it can be
understood that the foundation of Yamato's sovereignty was already in place to enable
external military action.
騎馬民族征服王朝説(きばみんぞく・せいふく・おうちょうせつ)Theory of a dynasty of conquering horse races
The period of giant
burial mounds
(the first half of the
Middle Kofun period)
4世紀末the end of the 4th centuryから5世紀全体the entire
5th centuryを通じて、考古学における古墳時代(こふんじだい)Kofun periodの時期区分では中期middle periodとされる。
From the end of the 4th
century to the entire 5th century, archaeological classification of the Kofun
period is considered to be the middle period.
この時期になると、副葬品(ふくそうひん)Grave goodsのなかで武器weaponsや武具armorの比率が大きくなり、馬具horse gearもあらわれて短甲(たんこう)(みじかよろい)short armorや冑(かぶと)helmetsなど騎馬戦用の武具armor for cavalry battlesも増える。
During this period, the
ratio of weapons and armor among the burial goods increased, horse gear also
appeared, and armor for cavalry battles such as short armor and helmets
こうした騎馬技術horse riding techniquesや武具arms・道具toolsは、上述した4世紀末the end of the 4th centuryから5世紀初頭the beginning
of the 5th centuryの対高句麗(こうくり)戦争the war against Goguryeoにおいて、騎馬軍団cavalry corpsとの戦闘battlesを通じてもたらされたものと考えられるが、
It is believed that such
horse riding techniques, arms and tools were introduced through battles with
the cavalry corps during the war against Goguryeo from the end of the 4th century
to the beginning of the 5th century mentioned above.
かつては、このような副葬品(ふくそうひん)Grave goodsの変化changesを過大に評価overestimatedして、騎馬民族horseback tribesが日本列島Japanese archipelagoの農耕民the farmersを征服conqueredして「大和朝廷(やまとちょうてい)Yamato Imperial Court」を立てたestablishedとする
In the past, such changes
in burial goods were overestimated, and it is said that horseback tribes conquered
the farmers of the Japanese archipelago and established the 'Yamato Imperial
「騎馬民族征服王朝説(きばみんぞく・せいふく・おうちょうせつ)Theory of a dynasty of conquering horse races」がさかんに唱えられたwidely advocated時期があった。
There was a time when the
Theory of a dynasty of conquering horse races was widely advocated.
Burial Mound
応神天皇陵(おうじん・てんのうりょう)the tomb of
Emperor Ojin
Prefecture羽曳野市(はびきのし)Habikino City
応神天皇(おうじん・てんのう)Emperor Ojin
誉田天皇(ほむたの・すめらみこと)Homuta no
第15代天皇the 15th Emperor
仲哀天皇(ちゅうあい・てんのう)Emperor Chuaiの第四皇子the
fourth son。
中世the Middle
Ages以降は軍神八幡神Hachiman, the god of warとしても信奉された。
Since the Middle Ages, it
has been worshiped as Hachiman, the god of war.
tumuliの際だった傾向としては、何といってもその巨大化gigantic growthである。
One of the most
conspicuous trends in middle-term tumuli is their gigantic growth.
とくに5世紀前半the first half of the 5th centuryに河内平野Kawachi
Plain(大阪平野南部southern part of the Osaka Plain)に誉田山古墳(こんだやま・こふん)Kondayama Burial Mound(応神天皇陵(おうじん・てんのうりょう)the tomb of Emperor Ojin)(墳丘長420メートル)や大仙陵古墳(だいせんりょう・こふん)Daisenryo Kofun(仁徳天皇陵(にんとく・てんのうりょう)the tomb of Emperor Nintoku)(墳丘長525メートル)は、
Especially in the Kawachi
Plain (southern part of the Osaka Plain) in the first half of the 5th century,
the Kondayama Burial Mound (reportedly Ojin Mausoleum, mound length 420m) and
Daisen Burial Mound (reportedly Nintoku Mausoleum, mound length 525m).
いずれも秦の始皇帝陵the Mausoleum
of the First Qin Emperorとならぶ世界最大級の王墓the world's largest royal tombsであり、大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato
All of them are the
world's largest royal tombs, along with the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.
It is a good representation
of the power and authority of the Yamato government.
いっぽう、4世紀 the 4th-centuryの巨大古墳gigantic
burial moundsが奈良盆地Nara Basinの三輪山(みわやま)付近around Mt. Miwaに集中するのに対し、5世紀代 in the
5th centuryには河内Kawachiに顕著に大古墳large burial moundsがつくられたことをもって、
On the other hand, while
the 4th-century gigantic burial mounds were concentrated in the vicinity of Mt.
In contrast to the concentration
around Mt. Miwa in the Nara Basin, in the 5th century many large burial mounds
were built in Kawachi.
ここに王朝の交替the change of the dynastyを想定する説theory that assumes、すなわち「王朝交替説change of the dynasty theory」がある。
There is a theory that
assumes the change of the dynasty, that is, the 'change of the dynasty theory'.
Prefecture岡山市(おかやまし)Okayama City
5世紀前半In the first half of the 5th centuryの大和(やまと)Yamato(奈良県Nara
Prefecture)以外の地に目を転ずると、日向(ひゅうが)Hyūga Province(宮崎県Miyazaki Prefecture)、筑紫(つくし)Tsukushi Province(福岡県Fukuoka Prefecture)、吉備(きび)Kibi Province(岡山県Okayama Prefecture)、毛野(けの)Keno
Province(群馬県Gunma Prefectureと栃木県Tochigi Prefecture南部)、丹後(たんご)Tango Province(京都府Kyoto Prefecture)などでも大きな前方後円墳(ぜんぽうこうえんふん)keyhole-shaped burial moundsがつくられた。
In the first half of the
5th century, large keyhole-shaped burial mounds were built in places other than
Yamato, such as Hyuga, Tsukushi, Kibi, Keno, and Tango.
なかでも岡山市(おかやまし)Okayama Cityの造山古墳(つくりやま・こふん)Tsukuriyama Kofun(墳丘長360メートル)は墳丘長で日本第4位の大古墳the fourth
largest tumulus in Japanであり、のちの吉備氏(きびうじ)the Kibi clanへつながるような吉備(きび)Kibi Provinceの大豪族great clansが大きな力great powerをもち、
Among them, Tsukuriyama
Kofun (360 meters in length) in Okayama City is the fourth largest tumulus in
Japan in terms of mound length.
The Kibi clan, which
would later lead to the Kibi clan, had great power, The great clans of Kibi have great power,
full use of iron tools、大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Governmentの連合coalitionにおいて重要な位置important positionをしめていたことがうかがわれる。
It can be inferred that
he had an important position in the coalition of the Yamato government, making
full use of iron tools.
毛野(けの)Keno Provinceを含む古墳時代Kofun
Main powers of the Kofun
period including Keno
また、このことより、各地の豪族local ruling familiesは大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Governmentに服属subordinateしながらも、それぞれの地域respective regionsで独自に勢力をのばしていたexpanded their power independentlyと考えられる。
In addition, from this,
it can be considered that local ruling families were subordinate to Yamato's
sovereignty, but expanded their power independently in their respective
先述した「地域国家論regional state theory」とは、5世紀前半in the first
half of the 5th centuryにおいては吉備(きび)Kibi Province・筑紫(つくし)Tsukushi Province・毛野(けの)Keno Province・出雲(いずも)Izumo
Province(島根県Shimane Prefecture)など各地various
placesにかなりの規模considerable scaleの地域国家regional statesがあり、
The ``regional state
theory'' mentioned earlier refers to the fact that in the first half of the 5th
century, there were regional states of considerable scale in various places,
such as Kibi, Tsukushi, Keno, and Izumo.
そのような国家statesの1つとして当然畿内(きない)Capital Regionにも地域国家regional state「大和(やまと)Yamato(奈良県)」があって並立parallelないし連合の関係coalition relationshipにあり、その競合competitionのなかから統一国家unified stateが生まれてくるという考えideaである。
As one of such states,
there is naturally a regional state 'Yamato' in the Kinai region, and they are
in a parallel or coalition relationship, and the idea is that a unified state
will be born from the competition.
須恵器(すえき)Sue pottery
5世紀初めThe beginning of the 5th centuryはまた、渡来人(とらいじん)immigrants(帰化人naturalized people)の第一波the first waveのあった時期であり、『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』・『古事記(こじき)Kojiki(Records of Ancient Matters)』には、
The beginning of the 5th
century was also the time when there was the first wave of immigrants
(naturalized people).
王仁(わに)Wani、阿知使主(あちのおみ)Achi no Omi、弓月君(ゆづきのきみ)Yuzuki no kimi(東漢氏(やまとのあやうじ)Yamato no Aya Ujiや秦氏(はたうじ)Hata clanの祖founderにあたる)が応神朝(おうじんちょう)the Ojin dynastyに帰化naturalizedしたと伝えている。
It is said that Wani,
Ambassador Achi, and Yuzuki (the founder of the Tohan clan and the Hata clan)
were naturalized in the Ojin dynasty.
須恵器(すえき)Sue potteryの使用useがはじまるのも、このころのことであり、渡来人(とらいじん)immigrantsがもたらした技術techniqueと考えられている。
It was around this time
that the use of Sue ware began, and it is believed that the technique was
brought to Japan by immigrants.
反正天皇(はんぜい・てんのう)Emperor Hanzei
瑞歯別天皇(みつはわけの・すめらみこと)Mitsuhawake no Sumeramikoto
第18代天皇the 18th Emperor
仁徳天皇(にんとく・てんのう)Emperor Nintokuの第三皇子the third son。
5世紀 In the 5th centuryにはいって、再び倭国(わのくに)State of Waが中国の史書Chinese history booksにあらわれた。
In the 5th century,
Wakoku reappeared in Chinese history books.
そこには、5世紀初めthe beginning of the 5th centuryから約1世紀 about a
centuryにわたって、讃(さん)San・珍(ちん)Chin・済(せい)Sai・興(こう)Ko・武(ぶ)Buの5人の倭王(わおう)the five kings of Waがあいついで中国Chinaの南朝(なんちょう)the Southern Dynastyに使いenvoysを送り、皇帝emperorに対し朝貢paid tributeしたことが記されている。
It describes that from
the beginning of the 5th century to about a century ago, the five kings of Wa,
San, Chin, Ji, Xing, and Wu, sent envoys to the Southern Dynasty of China and
paid tribute to the emperor.
倭の五王(わのごおう)The five
kings of Waは、それにより皇帝emperorの臣下vassalsとなり、官爵(かんしゃく)official titlesを授けられた。
The five kings of Wa
thereby became vassals of the emperor and were given official titles.
system of China
(冊封体制(さくほう・たいせい)Cefeng system)
emperorを頂点topとする東アジアの国際秩序The international order in East Asiaを冊封体制(さくほうたいせい)Cefeng system(中華朝貢体系(ちゅうか・ちょうこう・たいけい)Tributary system of China)と呼んでいる。
The international order
in East Asia with the Chinese emperor at the top is called the vassal system.
これは、朝鮮半島南部諸国the countries in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula(任那(みまな)Mimana(金官(きんかん)Kinkan)・加羅(から)Gara)における利権の獲得gaining concessionsを有利に進める目的であろうと考えられており、実際に済(せい)Saiや武(ぶ)Buは朝鮮半島南部the southern part of the Korean Peninsulaの支配権control
It is believed that this
was for the purpose of gaining concessions in the countries in the southern
part of the Korean Peninsula (Mimana and Kara), and in fact, Sai and Take were
recognized as having control over the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
允恭天皇(いんぎょう・てんのう)Emperor Ingyo
Oasatsuma Wakugo no
Sukune no Sumeramikoto
第19代天皇the 19th Emperor
仁徳天皇(にんとく・てんのう)Emperor Nintokuの第四皇子the fourth
倭王(わおう)The kings of Waたちは、朝鮮半島Korean peninsulaでの支配権sovereigntyを南朝(なんちょう)the Southern Dynastyに認めさせるために冊封体制(さくほうたいせい)Cefeng systemにはいり、珍(ちん)Chinが「安東大将軍倭国王(あんどうたいしょうぐん・わこくおう)Grand General pacifying the East, King of Wa」(438年)、
The kings of Wa entered
the vassal system to convince the Southern Court of their sovereignty over the
Korean peninsula.
済(せい)Saiがやはり「安東大将軍倭国王(あんどうたいしょうぐん・わこくおう)Grand General pacifying the East, King of Wa」(443年)の称号titleを得、さらに済(せい)Saiは451年に「使持節都督六国諸軍事(しじせつととく・ろっこく・しょぐんじ)Envoy Governor General of the Six Kingdoms」を加号されている。
Ji was also given the
title of 'Andong Shogun King of Wa' (443), and in 451, Ji was given the title
of 'Envoy Governor General of the Six Kingdoms'.
安康天皇(あんこう・てんのう)Emperor Anko
穴穂天皇(あなほの・すめらみこと)Anaho no Sumeramikoto
第20代天皇the 20th Emperor
允恭天皇(いんぎょう・てんのう)Emperor Ingyoの第二皇子the second son。
462年、興(こう)Koは「安東大将軍倭国王(あんどうたいしょうぐん・わこくおう)Grand General pacifying the East, King of Wa」の称号titleを得ている。
In 462, Xing received the
title of 'Andong Shogun King of Wa'.
このなかで注目すべき動きとしては、珍(ちん)Chinや済(せい)Saiが中国の皇帝Chinese emperorに対し、みずからの臣下subordinatesへの官爵(かんしゃく)official titlesも求めていることが揚げられる。
A notable move among them
is that Jin and Ji demanded from the Chinese emperor that their subordinates be
granted official titles.
このことは大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Government内部の秩序づけに朝貢を役立てたものと考えられる。
This is considered to
have contributed to the order within the Yamato regime.
(latter half of the Middle
Kofun period)
475年、高句麗(こうくり)(コグリョ)Goguryeoの大軍によって百済(くだら)(ひゃくさい)Baekjeの都capital漢城(かんじょう)Hanseongが陥落し、蓋鹵王(がいろおう)King Gaeroはじめ王族の多くが殺害されて、都を南方の熊津(ゆうしん)Ungjinへ遷した。
In 475, Hanseong, the capital
of Baekje, fell to a large army of Goguryeo, and many of the royal family,
including King Gaho, were killed, and the capital was moved to Ungjin in the
こうした半島情勢the situation on the peninsulaにより「今来漢人(いまきのあやひと)Imaki no Ayahito」と称される、主として百済(くだら)(ひゃくさい)Baekje系の人びとが多数日本Japanに渡来した。
Due to the situation on
the peninsula, a large number of people, mainly from Baekje, called 'Imaki no
Ayahito' came to Japan.
5世紀後半the latter half of the 5th centuryから6世紀 the 6th
centuryにかけての雄略天皇(ゆうりゃく・てんのう)Emperor Yuryakuの時代は、渡来人(とらいじん)第二波the
second wave of immigrantsの時期でもあった。
The era of Emperor
Yuryaku from the latter half of the 5th century to the 6th century was also the
time of the second wave of immigrants.
雄略天皇(ゆうりゃく・てんのう)Emperor Yuryaku
Ohatsuse Wakatake no
第21代天皇the 21st Emperor
允恭天皇(いんぎょう・てんのう)Emperor Ingyoの第五皇子the
fifth son。
The first emperor whose
existence is almost confirmed archaeologically.
雄略天皇(ゆうりゃく・てんのう)Emperor Yuryakuは、上述した倭の五王(わのごおう)Five Kings of Waのうちの武(ぶ)Buであると比定される。
Emperor Yuryaku is
identified as Bu, one of the five kings of Wa mentioned above.
『宋書(そうじょ)Book of Song』倭国伝(わこくでん)Wakokudenに引用された478年の「倭王武(わおうぶ)King Bu of Waの上表文(じょうひょうぶん)Memorial word to the emperor」には、
In the 478 ``Waoubu
Johyomon'' quoted in the "Book of Song" Wakokuden,
倭(わ)の王権Wa sovereignty(倭王武(わおうぶ)King Bu of Waの先祖ancestor)が東(毛人(もうじん)(えみし)Emishi)、西(衆夷(しゅうい)Shui(熊襲(くまそ)Kumaso)(隼人(はやと)Hayato))、北(海北(かいほく)Kaihoku)の多くの国を征服conquered many countriesしたことを述べられており、
It states that the Wa
sovereignty (the ancestor of Wa Wangmu) conquered many countries in the east
(Mao people), the west (Zhui), and the north (Kaihoku).
みずからの勢力を拡大expanded his own powerして地方豪族を服属させたsubjugated local powerful clansことがうかがわれる。
It can be inferred that
he expanded his own power and subjugated local powerful clans.
また、海北(かいほく)Kaihokuとは朝鮮半島Korean Peninsulaを意味meanすると考えられるところから、渡来人(とらいじん)第二波the second
wave of immigrantsとの関連connectionも考慮される。
In addition, since
Kaihoku is thought to mean the Korean Peninsula, the connection with the second
wave of immigrants is also considered.
Prefecture行田市(ぎょうだし)Gyōda City
稲荷山古墳出土鉄剣(いなりやまこふん・しゅつどてっけん)The iron sword excavated from the Inariyama mounded tomb(金錯銘鉄剣(きんさくめい・てっけん)iron sword with gold inlay)
この時代のものと考えられる埼玉県(さいたまけん)Saitama Prefectureの稲荷山古墳出土鉄剣(いなりやまこふん・しゅつどてっけん)The iron sword excavated from the Inariyama mounded tomb(金錯銘鉄剣(きんさくめい・てっけん)iron sword with gold inlay)には辛亥(しんがい)Xinhai年(471年)の紀年銘(きねんめい)inscriptionがあり、そこには「ワカタケル大王Wakatakeru the Great(雄略天皇(ゆうりゃく・てんのう)Emperor Yuryaku)」の名nameがみえる。
The iron sword excavated
from the Inariyama mounded tomb in Saitama Prefecture, which is believed to be
from this period (iron sword with gold inlay) has an inscription of the year
471, in which the name of 'Wakatakeru the Great' can be seen.
江田船山古墳(えたふなやま・こふん)Eta Funayama
これは『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』『古事記(こじき)Kojiki(Records of Ancient
Matters)』の伝える雄略天皇(ゆうりゃく・てんのう)Emperor Yuryakuの本名real nameと一致しており、熊本県Kumamoto Prefectureの江田船山古墳(えたふなやま・こふん)Eta Funayama Kofun出土excavatedの鉄刀銘(てっとうめい)the iron sword inscriptionにもみられる。
This coincides with
Emperor Yuryaku's real name as reported in "Nihonshoki" and "Kojiki",
and is also found in the iron sword inscription excavated from the Etafunayama
mounded tomb in Kumamoto Prefecture.
東国(とうごく)Eastern Provincesと九州(きゅうしゅう)Kyushu(Nine Provinces)の古墳(こふん)Kofunに「ワカタケルWakatakeru(雄略天皇(ゆうりゃく・てんのう)Emperor Yuryaku)」の名のみえることは、上述above-mentionedの「倭王武(わおうぶ)King Bu of Waの上表文(じょうひょうぶん)Memorial word to the emperor」の征服事業conquest projectの記載descriptionと整合的consistent withである。
The fact that the name
'Wakatakeru' appears in the ancient tombs of Togoku and Kyushu is consistent
with the description of the conquest project in the above-mentioned 'Wa Obu no
今来漢人(いまきの・あやひと)Imaki no
上述した「今来漢人(いまきの・あやひと)Imaki no Ayahito」は、陶作部(すえつくりべSuetsukuribe)pottery department、錦織部(にしごりべ)brocade department、鞍作部(くらつくりべ)saddle production department、画部(えかきべ)painting departmentなどの技術者集団group of technicians(品部(しなべ)(ともべ)Shinabe)に組織organizedされ、東漢氏(やまとのあやうじ)Yamato no Aya Ujiに管理manageをまかせた。
The above-mentioned
'Imarai Hanjin' was organized into a group of technicians (Shinabe) such as the
pottery department, the brocade department, the saddle production department,
and the painting department, and was entrusted to the Tohan clan to manage.
また、漢字(かんじ)Chinese charactersを用いて大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Governmentのさまざまな記録recordsや財物propertyの出納receipts and disbursements、外交文書diplomatic documentsの作成createにあたったのも、その多くは史部(ふひとべ)Fuhitobe(history departments)とよばれる渡来人(とらいじん)immigrantsであった。
In addition, many of the
people who used kanji to create various records of the Yamato sovereignty,
receipts and disbursements of property, and diplomatic documents were
immigrants called history departments.
こうした渡来人(とらいじん)immigrantsの組織化organizationを契機に、管理者managerである伴造(とものみやつこ)Tomo no miyatsukoやその配下placed underにおかれた部(べ)departmentsなどからなる官僚組織bureaucratic organizationがしだいにつくられていったものと考えられる。
It is believed that the
organization of immigrants led to the gradual formation of a bureaucratic
organization consisting of the manager, Tomozo, and the departments that were
placed under him.
雄略天皇(ゆうりゃく・てんのう)Emperor Yuryaku
Ohatsuse Wakatake no
第21代天皇the 21st Emperor
允恭天皇(いんぎょう・てんのう)Emperor Ingyoの第五皇子the fifth son。
なお、平野邦雄(ひらの・くにお)Kunio Hiranoは「王権king's authorityを中心に一定の臣僚(しんりょう)集団group
of ministersによる政治組織political organizationが形成formedされた段階stage」としての「朝廷(ちょうてい)the imperial court」概念conceptを提唱advocatedし、
Kunio HIRANO advocated
the concept of 'the imperial court' as 'the stage at which a political
organization was formed by a certain group of ministers centering on the king's
ワカタケルWakatakeru(雄略天皇(ゆうりゃく・てんのう)Emperor Yuryaku)の時期をもって「大和朝廷(やまとちょうてい)Yamato Imperial Court」が成立establishedしたとの見解viewを表明expressesしている。
He expresses the view
that the 'Yamato Imperial Court' was established around the time of Wakatakeru.
Upheaval and Degeneration
of Royal Power
Keitai and the
establishment of the Kinmei dynasty
(the first half of the
late Kofun period)
白髪武広国押稚日本根子天皇(しらかのたけひろくにおしわかやまとねこの・すめらみこと)Shiraka-no-takehiro-kunioshiwaka-yamato-neko no Sumeramikoto
第22代天皇the 22nd Emperor
雄略天皇(ゆうりゃく・てんのう)Emperor Yuryakuの第三皇子the
third son。
顕宗天皇(けんぞう・てんのう)Emperor Kenzō
弘計天皇(をけの・すめらみこと)Woke no
第23代天皇the 23rd Emperor
履中天皇(りちゅう・てんのう)Emperor Richūの孫grandson
億計天皇(おけの・すめらみこと)Oke no
第24代天皇the 24th Emperor
履中天皇(りちゅう・てんのう)Emperor Richūの孫grandson
Ohatsusenowakasazaki no
第25代天皇the 25th Emperor
5世紀末葉the end of the 5th centuryから6世紀初頭the beginning
of the 6th centuryにかけて、『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』では短期間short
periodのあいだに清寧天皇(せいねい・てんのう)Emperor Seinei、顕宗天皇(けんぞう・てんのう)Emperor Kenzō、仁賢天皇(にんけん・てんのう)Emperor Ninken、武烈天皇(ぶれつ・てんのう)Emperor Buretsuの4人の大王four great
kingsが次々に現れたと記し、このことは、王統royal lineage自体もはげしく動揺upsetしたことを示唆している。
From the end of the 5th
century to the beginning of the 6th century, "Nihonshoki" describes
that four great kings, Seinei, Kenzo, Ninken, and Buretsu, appeared one after
another in a short period of time, and this indicates that the royal lineage
itself was very strong. suggesting that he was upset.
また、こののちのヲホド大王King Ohodo the Great(継体天皇(けいたい・てんのう)Emperor Keitai)即位enthronementについては、王統の断絶the discontinuation of the royal lineないし王朝の交替the
change of the dynastyとみなすという説(王朝交替説the theory of dynasty change)がある。
In addition, there is a
theory that the enthronement of King Wohodo (Emperor Keitai) after this is
regarded as the discontinuation of the royal line or the change of the dynasty
(the theory of dynasty change).
北魏(ほくぎ) Northern Wei
こうした王権の動揺turmoil in the royal powerを背景として、この時期、中国王朝the Chinese dynastyとの通交diplomatic relationsも途絶cut offしている。
Against the background of
such turmoil in the royal power, diplomatic relations with the Chinese dynasty
were cut off during this period.
relationshipを基盤として朝鮮半島南部the southern part of the Korean Peninsulaに経済的・政治的基盤economic and political foundationを築いてきたが、百済勢力の後退the retreat of the power of Baekjeにより大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Governmentの半島peninsulaでの地位positionも相対的に低下relatively weakenedした。
The Yamato sovereignty
also built an economic and political foundation in the southern part of the
Korean Peninsula based on its friendly relationship with Baekje, but the Yamato
sovereignty's position on the peninsula was relatively weakened due to the retreat
of the power of Baekje.
このことにより、鉄資源iron resourcesの輸入importも減少し、倭国内の農業開発agricultural developmentが停滞したため、王権royal powerと傘下の豪族ruling families達の政治的・経済的求心力political and economic centripetal forceが低下したとの見方も示されている。
As a result, the import
of iron resources decreased and the agricultural development in Wa stagnated,
so there is a view that the political and economic centripetal force of the
royal power and the ruling families under its control weakened.
6世紀 In the 6th centuryに入ると、半島peninsulaでは高句麗(こうくり)(コグリョ)Goguryeoに圧迫oppressedされていた百済(くだら)(ひゃくさい)Baekjeと新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaがともに政治体制political
systemを整えて勢力を盛り返しrestored their power、伽耶(かや)Gaya地方regionへの進出advance
In the 6th century, both
Baekje and Silla, which had been oppressed by Goguryeo on the peninsula, restored
their power by establishing a political system, and began to advance into the
Gaya region.
男大迹王(をほどの・おおきみ)Ohodo no Okimi
第26代天皇the 26th Emperor
応神天皇(おうじん・てんのう)Emperor Ōjinの5世の子孫fifth-generation
descendant(来孫next grandson)
The fifth-generation
descendant of Emperor Ojin (next grandson)
大伴金村(おおともの・かなむら)Otomo no
Kanamura・物部麁鹿火(もののべの・あらかび)Mononobe no
Arakabiなどの推戴(すいたい)presided over byを受けて即位Enthroned
Enthroned by Otomo
Kanamura, Mononobe no Arakabi, etc.
こうしたなか、6世紀初頭in the beginning of the 6th centuryに近江(おうみ)Omi Province(滋賀県Shiga Prefecture)から北陸Hokurikuにかけての首長層chieftainsを背景backgroundとしたヲホド大王King
Ohodo the Great(継体天皇(けいたい・てんのう)Emperor Keitai)が現れ、大和(やまと)Yamato(奈良県Nara Prefecture)にむかえられて王統を統一unify the royal lineした。
Under these circumstances,
in the beginning of the 6th century, King Wohodo (Emperor Keitai), who had a
background of chieftains from Omi to Hokuriku, appeared and was welcomed by
Yamato to unify the royal line.
しかし、ヲホドOhodo(継体天皇(けいたい・てんのう)Emperor Keitai)は奈良盆地(ならぼんち)Nara Basinに入るのに20年の歳月を要しており、この王権this
However, it took Wohodo
20 years to enter the Nara Basin, which shows that the establishment of this
sovereignty was not necessarily smooth.
ヲホド大王King Ohodo
the Great(継体天皇(けいたい・てんのう)Emperor Keitai)治世下during the reign ofの527年には、北九州(きたきゅうしゅう)Kitakyushuの有力豪族powerful local ruling familyである筑紫君(つくしのきみ)Tsukushi-no-Kimi磐井(いわい)Iwaiが新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaと連携cooperatedして、大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Governmentと軍事衝突military conflictするにいたった(磐井の乱(いわいのらん)Iwai Rebellion)。
In 527, during the reign
of King Ohodo the Great, Tsukushi-no-Kimi Iwai, a powerful local ruling family
in Kitakyushu, cooperated with Silla and had a military conflict with the
Yamato sovereignty (Iwai Rebellion).
物部麁鹿火(もののべの・あらかび)Mononobe no
families・人民peopleの抵抗resistanceは激しく、翌528年に、物部麁鹿火(もののべの・あらかび)Mononobe no Arakabiによってようやく鎮圧suppressedされた。
The resistance of the
ruling families and people led by Iwai was fierce, and in the following year
528, it was finally suppressed by Mononobe no Arakabi.
この乱rebellionは、重大な歴史的影響significant historical impactを残した。
This rebellion left a
significant historical impact.
大伴金村(おおともの・かなむら)Otomo no Kanamura
古墳時代Kofun periodの豪族powerful
A powerful family in the
Kofun period (Dalian).
大伴室屋(おおともの・むろや)Otomo no Muroyaの孫grandsonで、大伴談(おおともの・かたり)Otomo no Katariの子sonとされる。
He is the grandson of
OTOMO Muroya and is said to be the son of OTOMO Dan.
498年、仁賢天皇(にんけん・てんのう)Emperor Ninkenの崩御後after the death、武烈天皇(ぶれつ・てんのう)Emperor Buretsuを即位enthronedさせて自らは大連(おおむらじ)Omurajiの地位positionについた。
In 498, after the death
of Emperor Ninken, he enthroned Emperor Buretsu and assumed the position of
506年、武烈天皇(ぶれつ・てんのう)Emperor Buretsuの崩御deathにより皇統imperial lineは途絶えたが、応神天皇(おうじん・てんのう)Emperor Ojinの玄孫great-great-grandsonとされる彦主人王(ひこうしの・おおきみ)Hikoushi no Ōkimiの子sonを越前国(えちぜんのくに)Echizen Province(福井県Fukui Prefecture)から迎え継体天皇(けいたい・てんのう)Emperor Keitaiとし、
In 506, the imperial line
ended with the death of Emperor Buretsu, but the son of Prince Hikoshu, who is
said to be the great-great-grandson of Emperor Ojin, was brought in from
Echizen Province and made Emperor Keitai.
以後安閑天皇(あんかん・てんのう)Emperor Ankan・宣化天皇(せんか・てんのう)Emperor Senka・欽明天皇(きんめい・てんのう)Emperor Kinmeiの各天皇に仕えた。
After that, he served
Emperors Ankan, Senka, and Kinmei.
Rebellionはすぐに鎮圧されたものの、乱を契機として大和政権(やまとせいけん)Yamato Governmentによる朝鮮半島南部the southern part of the Korean Peninsulaへの進出活動が衰え、大伴金村(おおともの・かなむら)Otomo no
policyも失敗failedして、朝鮮半島Korean Peninsulaにおける日本の勢力Japan's powerは急速に揺らいだ。
Although this rebellion
was quickly suppressed, the imperial power's advance into the southern part of
the Korean Peninsula declined, and OTOMO no Kanemura's Korean policy also
failed, and Japan's power on the Korean Peninsula was rapidly shaken.
第27代天皇the 27th Emperor
安閑天皇(あんかん・てんのう)Emperor Ankan
Hirokuni-oshitakekanahi no Sumeramikoto
Keitaiの長子the elder son
第28代天皇the 28th Emperor
宣化天皇(せんか・てんのう)Emperor Senka
Takewohirokunioshitate no Sumeramikoto
Keitaiの第二子second child son
第29代天皇the 29th Emperor
欽明天皇(きんめい・てんのう)Emperor Kinmei
Amekuni-oshiharaki-hironiwa no Sumeramikoto
Keitaiの嫡男eldest son
推古天皇(すいこ・てんのう)Empress Suikoの父father
Keitaiの没後、531年から539年にかけては、王権sovereigntyの分裂dividedも考えられ、安閑天皇(あんかん・てんのう)Emperor Ankan・宣化天皇(せんか・てんのう)Emperor Senkaの王権sovereigntyと欽明天皇(きんめい・てんのう)Emperor Kinmeiの王権sovereigntyが対立conflictedしたとする説theoryもある(辛亥の変(しんがいのへん)Shinigai no Hen)。
After Emperor Keitai's
death, from 531 to 539, the sovereignty may have been divided, and there is a
theory that the sovereignty of Ankan/Senka and the sovereignty of Kinmei
conflicted (Shinkai Incident).
いっぽう、ヲホド大王King Ohodo the Great(継体天皇(けいたい・てんのう)Emperor Keitai)の登場advent以降、東北地方Tohoku regionから九州地方南部the southern part of the Kyushu regionにおよぶ全域の統合the
integration of the entire regionが急速に進み、
On the other hand, after
the advent of King Wohodo, the integration of the entire region from the Tohoku
region to the southern part of the Kyushu region progressed rapidly.
とくに磐井の乱(いわいのらん)Iwai Rebellionののちには各地に屯倉(みやけ)Miyakeとよばれる直轄地areas under direct controlがおかれて、国内的には政治統一が進展domestic political unification progressedしたとする見方が有力である。
Especially after the Iwai
Rebellion, it is widely believed that areas under direct control called 'Tenkura'
were established in various places, and domestic political unification
Ohodo the Great(継体天皇(けいたい・てんのう)Emperor Keitai)を擁立した大伴金村(おおともの・かなむら)Otomo no Kanamuraが失脚defeatedしている。
In 540, OTOMO no Kanemura,
who supported King Wohodo, was defeated.
『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』によれば、伊奘諾尊(いざなぎの・みこと)Izanagi-no-Mikotoと伊奘冉尊(いざなみの・みこと)Izanami-no-Mikotoの間にうまれた太陽神the sun goddessである天照大神(あまてらす・おおみかみ)Amaterasu Ōmikamiが皇室の祖the ancestor of the imperial familyだという。
According to
"Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), Amaterasu Omikami, the sun
goddess born between Izanagi and Izanami, is the ancestor of the imperial
no Mikoto
瓊瓊杵尊(ににぎの・みこと)Ninigi no Mikoto
Ōmikamiの子son天忍穂耳尊(あめのおしほみみの・みこと)Ameno oshiho mimi
no Mikotoの子sonの瓊瓊杵尊(ににぎの・みこと)Ninigi no Mikoto(天孫(てんそん)Grandson of Heaven)は、
The son Ninogi no Mikoto
(Grandson of Heaven) was born between Tennoshinomi no Mikoto and Chichihime
Kikuhata (daughter of Takamimusubi no Mikoto).
葦原中国(あしはらのなかつくに)Ashihara no
瓊瓊杵尊(ににぎの・みこと)Ninigi no Mikoto
天孫降臨(てんそん・こうりん)Tenson kōrin
瓊瓊杵尊(ににぎの・みこと)Ninigi no Mikoto(天孫(てんそん)Grandson of Heaven)は、天照大神(あまてらす・おおみかみ)Amaterasu Ōmikamiの命orderにより、葦原中国(あしはらのなかつくに)Ashihara no Nakatsukuniを統治ruleするため高天原(たかまがはら)Takamagaharaより日向の襲(ひむかのそ)の高千穗峰(たかちほのみね)に降臨(こうりん)descendedした(天孫降臨(てんそんこうりん)Tenson kōrin)。
By order of Amaterasu Omikami,
he descended from Takamagahara to Takachihoho, the summit of Hyuga, to rule Ashihara
no Nakatsukuni (Tenson Korin).
火折尊(ほおりの・みこと)Hoori no
瓊瓊杵尊(ににぎのみこと)Ninigi no Mikotoは、火折尊(ほおりの・みこと)Hoori no Mikotoをうんだ。
Ninogi-no-Mikoto gave
birth to Hoori no Mikoto.
no Mikoto
火折尊(ほおりの・みこと)Hoori no
Mikotoは鸕鶿草葺不合尊(うがやふきあえずの・みこと)Ugayafukiaezu no Mikotoをうんだ。
Hiori-no-mikoto gave
birth to Ugayafukiaezu no Mikoto.
磐余彦尊(いわれびこの・みこと)Iware-biko no
no Mikotoは、磐余彦尊(いわれびこの・みこと)Iware-biko no Mikotoをうんだ。
Ugayafukiaezu no Mikoto
gave birth to Iware-biko no Mikoto.
神武天皇(じんむ・てんのう)Emperor Jimmu
辛酉年(しんゆうねん)the Xinyou
year、磐余彦尊(いわれびこの・みこと)Iware-biko no Mikotoは橿原宮(かしはらのみや)Kashihara Palaceではじめて天皇位the throneにつき(神武天皇(じんむ・てんのう)Emperor Jimmu)、「始馭天下之天皇(はつくにしらす・すめらみこと)Hatsukunishirasu sumeramikoto」と称された。
In the Kinro year,
Iwarehiko no Mikoto ascended the throne (Emperor Jinmu) for the first time at
Kashihara Palace, and was called 'Emperor Hatsukunishirasu sumeramikoto'.
伝承上、これが朝廷the Imperial Courtおよび皇室the imperial familyの起源the originで、日本の建国the founding of Japanとされる。
According to tradition,
this is the origin of the Imperial Court and the imperial family, and is considered
the founding of Japan.
神武天皇(じんむ・てんのう)Emperor Jimmu
神武天皇(じんむ・てんのう)Emperor Jimmuの橿原宮(かしはらのみや)Kashihara Palaceでの即位は「辛酉年(しんゆうねん)the Xinyou year」正月であることから、『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』の編年the
chronological systemが「皇紀(こうき)Japanese imperial year」(神武天皇即位紀元The era after the enthronement of Emperor Jimmu)である。
Since Emperor Jinmu's
ascension to the throne at Kashihara Palace took place in the New Year of the year
'Kinrou,' it corresponds to 660 B.C., counting back from the chronology of
"Nihonshoki," and the chronological system based on that date is
called 'Koki' ( Jinmu Emperor Enthronement Era).
零戦五二型(ぜろせん・ごー・にー・がた) Zero fighter Model 52
零戦五二型(ぜろせん・ごー・にー・がた) Zero fighter Model 52
西暦1940年(昭和15年)は皇紀(こうき)Japanese imperial year 2600年にあたり、日中戦争(にっちゅう・せんそう)Second
Sino-Japanese Warの戦時下にあったためもあり、「紀元二千六百年記念行事the 2600th year of the era commemorative event」が国を挙げて奉祝された。
The year 1940 (Showa 15)
was the 2600th year of the Imperial era, and partly because it was during the
Sino-Japanese War, the ``2600th year of the era commemorative event'' was
celebrated throughout the country.
この年に生産が開始された零式艦上戦闘機(れいしき・かんじょう・せんとうき)The Type 0 Carrier-borne Fighter(いわゆる「ゼロ戦The
Zero fighter」)は皇紀(こうき)Japanese imperial yearの下2桁が「00」にあたるところからの命名である。
The Type 0 carrier-based
fighter (the so-called ``Zero Fighter''), which began production in this year,
is named after the last two digits of the imperial era, which corresponds to