


日本史42 Japanese history 42


The Russo-Japanese War and the Formation of Japanese imperialism

日露戦争(にちろ・せんそう)the Russo-Japanese War

日露戦争(にちろ・せんそう)the Russo-Japanese War

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasa

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasaは、1890年(明治23年)代後半に日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navyのために建造builtされたドレッドノート以前の戦艦pre-dreadnought battleshipである。

Mikasa is a pre-dreadnought battleship built for the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) in the late 1890s.

日本の奈良の三笠山(みかさやま)Mount Mikasaにちなんで名付けられた戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasaは、戦争2日目の旅順口攻撃(りょじゅんこう・こうげき)Battle of Port Arthur黄海海戦(こうかい・かいせん)Naval Battle of the Yellow Sea日本海海戦 Naval Battle of the Sea of Japanなど、1904年(明治37年)から1905年(明治38年)にかけての日露戦争Russo-Japanese Warを通じて東郷平八郎(とうごう・へいはちろう)Heihachiro Togo中将Vice Admiral旗艦flagshipを務めた。

Named after Mount Mikasa in Nara, Japan, the ship served as the flagship of Vice Admiral Togo Heihachiro throughout the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905, including the Battle of Port Arthur on the second day of the war and the Battles of the Yellow Sea and Tsushima.

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasa

終戦の数日後、戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasaの弾薬庫が誤って爆発し、船を沈めた。

Days after the end of the war, Mikasa's magazine accidentally exploded and sank the ship.

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasaは救助され、修理は完了するまでに2年以上かかった。

She was salvaged and her repairs took over two years to complete.

その後、第一次世界大戦World War I中は沿岸防衛艦coast-defence shipとして活躍し、ロシア内戦Russian Civil Warシベリア介入Siberian Interventionでは日本軍Imperial Japanese Armed Forcesを支援した。

Afterwards, the ship served as a coast-defence ship during World War I and supported Japanese forces during the Siberian Intervention in the Russian Civil War.

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasa

1922年(大正11年)以降、戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasaワシントン海軍条約Washington Naval Treatyにより退役decommissionedし、横須賀Yokosuka博物館船museum shipとして保存preservedされた。

After 1922, Mikasa was decommissioned in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty and preserved as a museum ship at Yokosuka.

第二次世界大戦World War II後の日本占領Occupation of Japan下ではひどく軽視され、1950年(昭和25年)代後半には大規模な改修が必要となった。

She was badly neglected during the post-World War II Occupation of Japan and required extensive refurbishing in the late 1950s.

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasa

一部は修復され、現在は横須賀Yokosuka三笠公園Mikasa Parkにある博物館船museum shipとなっている。

She has been partially restored, and is now a museum ship located at Mikasa Park in Yokosuka.

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasaは、世界のどこにいてもドレッドノート以前の戦艦pre-dreadnought battleshipの最後の例であり、英国が建造した戦艦British-built battleshipの最後の例でもある。

Mikasa is the last remaining example of a pre-dreadnought battleship anywhere in the world and also the last example of a British-built battleship.

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasa

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasa

戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasaは、日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navy戦艦Battleship

Battleship Mikasa is a battleship of the Japanese Navy.

日露戦争Russo-Japanese War日本海海戦Naval Battle of the Sea of Japan連合艦隊Combined Fleet旗艦flagshipを務めた。

She served as the flagship of the Combined Fleet during the Battle of the Sea of Japan during the Russo-Japanese War.

神奈川県横須賀市に現存し、公開されており、世界の三大記念艦the three major commemorative shipsの一つとされる。

It currently exists in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and is open to the public, and is considered one of the three major commemorative ships in the world.

戦列艦ヴィクトリーShip of the line Victory英国海軍Royal Navy

Victory of the Line (Royal Navy)

フリゲート艦コンスティチューションFrigate Constitution米海軍US Navy

Frigate Constitution (US Navy)

軍艦Warship三笠(みかさ)Mikasa」は、敷島型戦艦(しきしまがた・せんかん)the Shikishima-class battleships四番艦Fourth ship

The warship Mikasa is the fourth of the Shikishima-class battleships.

日本海海戦 Naval Battle of the Sea of Japan

イギリスBritish Empireヴィッカース社Vickers Shipbuilding Companyで建造され、1902年(明治35年)3月に竣工。

It was built by the British company Vickers and completed in March 1902 (Meiji 35).

奈良県にある三笠山(みかさやま)Mount Mikasa春日山(かすがやま)Mount Kasuga)にちなんで命名された。

It was named after Mt. Mikasa (Mt. Kasuga) in Nara Prefecture.

同型艦Same type shipは「敷島(しきしま)Shikishima」「初瀬(はつせ)Hatsuse」「朝日(あさひ)Asahi」。

Ships of the same type are Shikishima, Hatsuse, and Asahi.

1904年(明治37年)からの日露戦争Russo-Japanese Warでは連合艦隊Combined Fleet旗艦flagshipを務め、連合艦隊Combined Fleet司令長官Commander-in-Chief東郷平八郎(とうごう・へいはちろう)Heihachiro Togo大将Admiralらが座乗した。

She served as the flagship of the Combined Fleet during the Russo-Japanese War starting in 1904, and was piloted by Admiral Heihachiro Togo, commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet.

1905年(明治38年)5月末、連合艦隊Combined Fleet旗艦flagshipとして日本海海戦Naval Battle of the Sea of Japanを戦う。

At the end of May 1905, she fought in the Battle of the Sea of Japan as the flagship of the Combined Fleet.

連合艦隊旗艦Combined Fleet flagship三笠(みかさ)Mikasaの艦橋the bridgeで指揮をとる東郷平八郎(とうごう・へいはちろう)Heihachiro Togo

Heihachiro Togo takes command on the bridge of the Combined Fleet flagship Mikasa.

バルチック艦隊Baltic Fleet

バルチック艦隊Baltic Fleet

クニャージ・スヴォーロフBattleship Knyaz Suvorov

1905年(明治38年)527日に、戦艦三笠(みかさ)Battleship Mikasaは、ヨーロッパEuropeから極東Far Eastへ向けて回航してきたロジェストヴェンスキー提督Admiral Rozhestvensky率いるロシアRussiaバルチック艦隊Baltic Fleet第二Second第三太平洋艦隊Third Pacific Fleet旗艦flagshipクニャージ・スヴォーロフBattleship Knyaz Suvorov」)を迎撃Interceptionする。

On May 27, 1905 (Meiji 38), the battleship Mikasa was dispatched to Russia's Baltic Fleet (Second and Third Pacific Fleet), led by Admiral Rozhdestvensky, who had sailed from Europe to the Far East. Intercept the flagship ``Knyazh Suvorov''.

日本海海戦 Naval Battle of the Sea of Japan

この日本海海戦Naval Battle of the Sea of Japanに際し、東郷平八郎(とうごう・へいはちろう)Heihachiro Togoは、

At the time of this Battle of the Sea of Japan, Togo Heihachiro (Heihachiro Togo)

敵艦見ゆとの警報に接し、連合艦隊はただちに出動これを撃滅せんとす。In response to the warning that enemy ships have been sighted, the Combined Fleet will immediately commence action and attempt to attack and destroy them.

本日天気晴朗なれども波高しWeather today fine but high waves.

In response to the warning that enemy ships have been sighted, the Combined Fleet will immediately commence action and attempt to attack and destroy them.

Weather today fine but high waves.

との一報を大本営Imperial General Headquarters打電telegraphedした。

I telegraphed the news to Imperial Headquarters.

日本海海戦 Naval Battle of the Sea of Japan


Also, for the fleet,

皇国の興廃この一戦にあり、各員一層奮励努力せよThe Empire's fate depends on the result of this battle, let every man do his utmost duty.

ZZ flagを掲げて全軍の士気を鼓舞した。

and raised the Z flag to boost the morale of the entire army.

日本海海戦(にほんかい・かいせん)Battle of the Sea of Japan

日露戦争(にちろ・せんそう)the Russo-Japanese War

11 Chapter 11


Development of the Modern State

3 Section 3


The Russo-Japanese War and the Formation of Japanese imperialism


八幡製鐵所(やはた・せいてつしょ)Yahata Steel Works


Political parties and Bureaucrats

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War後、政府the government対露戦争war against Russiaを目指す軍備拡張military expansionを中心とする戦後経営計画a post-war management planをたて、陸海軍備army and naval equipmentの拡張や官営軍事工場government-run military factoriesの拡充を進め、また重工業heavy industryの基礎となる鉄鋼の国産化domestically produce steelのため、八幡製鉄所(やはた・せいてつしょ)Yahata Steel Works設立などを行った。

After the Sino-Japanese War, the government established a post-war management plan centered on military expansion aimed at war against Russia, and proceeded with the expansion of army and naval equipment and government-run military factories, as well as efforts to domestically produce steel, the basis of heavy industry, and established the Yawata Steel Works.

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi伊藤俊輔いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke


板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisuke


1892年(明治25年)88日に成立した2次伊藤いとう内閣The second Ito Cabinetは、自由党(じゆうとう)the Liberal Partyとの提携allianceを進め、自由党(じゆうとう)the Liberal Party党首leader板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisuke内相(ないしょう)Ministers of Home Affairsとして入閣enterさせる(1896年(明治29年)414日)などして支持し、軍備拡張予算the arms expansion budget承認approvedした。

The second Ito Cabinet, which was established on August 8, 1892 (Meiji 25), promoted an alliance with the Liberal Party, and the Liberal Party also had its leader, Taisuke Itagaki, enter the cabinet as Home Minister (April 14, 1896). Japan), and approved the arms expansion budget.

松方正義(まつかた・まさよし)Matsukata Masayoshi

大隈重信(おおくま・しげのぶ)Ōkuma Shigenobu


また次の2次松方正義(まつかた・まさよし)内閣the second Masayoshi Matsukata cabinetでは、進歩党(しんぽとう)the Progressive Party大隈重信(おおくま・しげのぶ)Ōkuma Shigenob外相(がいしょう)Foreign Ministerとして入閣joined the Cabinetし、「松隈内閣(しょうわい・ないかく)Showai Cabinet」と称され、第10議会では巨額の軍備拡張予算a huge military expansion budget通過passedさせた。

In the second Masayoshi Matsukata cabinet, Shigenobu Okuma of the Progressive Party joined the Cabinet as Foreign Minister, and was known as the ``Matsukuma Cabinet,'' and the 10th Diet passed a huge military expansion budget.

このように、日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War前後に政府the government政党political partiesとの提携allianceが一段と進められた。

In this way, the alliance between the government and political parties further advanced before and after the Sino-Japanese War.

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi伊藤俊輔いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke


1898年(明治31年)、松隈内閣(しょうわい・ないかく)Showai Cabinetのあとを受けた3次伊藤いとう内閣the third Ito cabinetは、軍備拡張military expansionによって破綻collapsedした財政の整備fixing the country's financesを目標として、地租land tax所得税income tax酒造税sake brewing taxの増徴を図った。

In 1898 (Meiji 31), the third Ito cabinet, which succeeded the Matsukuma cabinet, attempted to increase land tax, income tax, and sake brewing tax with the goal of fixing the country's finances, which had collapsed due to military expansion.

しかし、地租軽減land tax reductionを要求する自由・進歩両党the Liberal and Progressive Parties地租増徴案the land tax increase billを否決し、これを契機に両党the two parties政党内閣a political party cabinet実現のため、合同して憲政党(けんせいとう)Kenseitōthe Constitutional Party)を結成した。

However, the Liberal and Progressive Parties, which demanded land tax reduction, rejected the land tax increase bill, and this led to the two parties jointly forming the Constitutional Party in order to form a political party cabinet.

これに対して伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumiは、政府党a government partyの組織を計画したが失敗し、総辞職resigned en masseした。

In response, Ito planned to organize a government party, but it failed and he resigned en masse.

大隈重信(おおくま・しげのぶ)Ōkuma Shigenobu

板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisuke

政権The government衆議院the House of Representativesで多数を占める憲政党(けんせいとう)Kenseitōthe Constitutional Party)の手に移り、大隈重信(おおくま・しげのぶ)Ōkuma Shigenobu首相(しゅしょう)prime minister板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisuke内相(ないしょう)Ministers of Home Affairsとする日本最初の政党内閣(せいとう・ないかく)political party cabinetである憲政党内閣(けんせいとう・ないかく)the Constitutional Party Cabinet隈板内閣(わいはん・ないかく)Yaihan Cabinet)が成立した。

The government passed into the hands of the Constitutional Party, which held a majority in the House of Representatives, and the Constitutional Party Cabinet (Kumaita Cabinet), Japan's first political party cabinet, was established, with Okuma as prime minister and Itagaki as home minister.

山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomo

しかし、藩閥官僚Domain faction bureaucratの巨頭山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomoらの反対が強く、これと妥協しながら軍部大臣the military minister留任remain in officeさせ、かろうじて内閣を成立forming a cabinetさせた。

However, there was strong opposition from feudal faction bureaucrat Aritomo Kyotoyamaken and others, and he compromised with this, allowing the military minister to remain in office, and barely forming a cabinet.

尾崎行雄(おざき・ゆきお)Ozaki Yukio

さらに憲政党(けんせいとう)Kenseitōthe Constitutional Party)内部にも自由党the Liberal Party系・進歩党the Progressive Party系の派閥争いfactional conflictが見られ、共和演説事件(きょうわ・えんぜつ・じけん)the Republican Speech Incident藩閥官僚Domain faction bureaucratに攻撃されて尾崎行雄Ozaki Yukio文相(ぶんしょう)Minister of Education辞任resignedすると、その地位をめぐって対立が深まり、その自由党the Liberal Party系の憲政党(けんせいとう)Kenseitōthe Constitutional Party)と、進歩党the Progressive Party系の憲政本党(けんせい・ほんとう)Kensei Hontōに分裂し、隈板内閣(わいはん・ないかく)Yaihan Cabinet組閣formation4か月で崩壊collapsedしてしまった。

Furthermore, there was a factional conflict within the Constitutional Party between the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party, and when Yukio Ozaki resigned as Minister of Education after being attacked by clan faction bureaucrats during the Republican Speech Incident, conflicts over the position deepened, and as a result, the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party The party split into the Constitutional Party and the Constitutional Party, which was affiliated with the Progressive Party, and the Kumaita Cabinet collapsed four months after its formation.

山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomo

次いで、政党内閣(せいとう・ないかく)political party cabinetをつぶした山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomo2次山県(やまがた)内閣the second Yamagata Cabinetを組織した。

Next, Aritomo Yamagata, who destroyed the party cabinet, formed the second Yamagata Cabinet.

山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomoは、軍備拡張military expansionその他の政策を進めるために憲政党(けんせいとう)Kenseitōthe Constitutional Party)と提携し、地租増徴increase in land taxesを実現させるとともに、1899年(明治32年)328日に文官任用令(ぶんかん・にんようれい)the Civilian Appointment Ordinanceの改正、翌1900年(明治33年)519日には軍部大臣現役武官制(ぐんぶだいじん・げんえきぶかんせい)を実現させるなど、政党政治party politicsから官僚・軍閥の政治the politics of bureaucrats and military cliquesを守る体制を固め、さらに治安警察法(ちあん・けいさつほう)the Public Security Police Actを制定して、労働者・農民workers and farmers社会運動the social movementsを弾圧する体制を固めた。

In order to advance military expansion and other policies, Yamagata formed an alliance with the Constitutional Party and achieved an increase in land taxes. On March 28, 1899 (Meiji 32), Yamagata revised the Civilian Appointment Ordinance, and in 1900 (Meiji 33) the following year. On May 19, 2016, the military minister system was established as an active military attache, solidifying a system to protect the politics of bureaucrats and military cliques from party politics, and the Public Security Police Act was enacted to suppress the social movements of workers and farmers. We have established a system to do so.

この間北清事変(ほくしん・じへん)the Northern Qing Incidentが起こり、日本は欧米列強the Western powers軍事的主力the main military forceとなって大陸に出兵sent troops to the mainlandした。

During this period, the Northern Qing Incident occurred, and Japan became the main military force of the Western powers and sent troops to the mainland.

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi伊藤俊輔いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke


政党political party必要性the needを認識し始めていた伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumiは、党首leader板垣退助(いたがき・たいすけ)Itagaki Taisukeから離れて彼の下に集まった憲政党員the members of the Constitutional Partyを基礎に、新党a new partyの結成に乗り出した。

Hirobumi Ito, who had begun to recognize the need for a political party, set out to form a new party based on the members of the Constitutional Party who had separated from party leader Itagaki and gathered under him.

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumiは、三井Mitsuiなどから資金援助financial supportを得て計画を進め、憲政党員the members of the Constitutional Partyのほかその他の小会派small factions伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi配下の官僚bureaucratsもこれに参加participatedして、1900年(明治33年)915立憲政友会(りっけん・せいゆうかい)Rikken SeiyūkaiAssociation of Friends of Constitutional Government)が成立した。

Ito proceeded with his plan with financial support from Mitsui and others, and in addition to members of the Constitutional Party, other small factions and bureaucrats under Ito also participated, and on September 15, 1900, the Rikken Seiyukai It was established.

西園寺公望(さいおんじ・きんもち)Saionji Kinmochi

原敬(はら・たかし)Hara Takashi

初代総裁the first president伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumiのほか、西園寺公望(さいおんじ・きんもち)Saionji Kinmochi星亨(ほし・とおる)Hoshi Tōru尾崎行雄(おざき・ゆきお)Ozaki Yukio原敬(はら・たかし)Hara Takashiらが中心であった。

In addition to Ito, the first president, the main members were Kinmochi Saionji, Toru Hoshi, Yukio Ozaki, and Takashi Hara.

桂太郎(かつら・たろう)Katsura Tarō

こうして立憲政友会(りっけん・せいゆうかい)Rikken SeiyūkaiAssociation of Friends of Constitutional Government)を背景に、同1900年(明治33年)10192次山県(やまがた)内閣the second Yamagata cabinetに代わって4次伊藤いとう内閣the fourth Ito cabinetが組織されたが、貴族院the House of Peers抵抗resistanceなどで翌1901年(明治34年)52退陣resigningすると山県系a member of the Yamagata lineage桂太郎(かつら・たろう)Katsura Tarō内閣を組織formed a cabinetした。

With the Seiyukai as a background, the fourth Ito cabinet was formed on October 19, 1900 (Meiji 33), replacing the second Yamagata cabinet, but due to resistance from the House of Peers, etc. After resigning on May 2, 2007, Taro Katsura, a member of the Yamagata lineage, formed a cabinet.

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi伊藤俊輔いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke


これ以後の政界the political worldは、官僚the bureaucrats貴族院the House of Peers勢力を背景とする桂太郎(かつら・たろう)Katsura Tarōと、伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumiのあと政友会総裁the president of the Seiyukaiとなった西園寺公望(さいおんじ・きんもち)Saionji Kinmochiによって二分され(桂園時代(けいえん・じだい))、伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi藩閥出身者People from Domain factionは第一線から退き、元老(げんろう)Genrōとして影響力を行使した。

After this, the political world was divided into two people: Katsura Taro, who had a background in the bureaucrats and the House of Peers, and Saionji Kinmochi, who became the president of the Seiyukai after Ito. He withdrew from the front lines and exercised his influence as a genro.

帝国主義列強the imperialist powers中国分割競争the competition to divide China


Invasion of East Asia by great powers

1870年代から20世紀初頭にかけて、独占資本主義monopoly capitalismの成立を基礎に帝国主義(ていこく・しゅぎ)段階the imperialist stageに突入した欧米列強the European and American powersは、争って世界の分割divide the worldに乗り出した。

From the 1870s to the early 20th century, the European and American powers entered the imperialist stage based on the establishment of monopoly capitalism, and began fighting to divide the world.

東アジアEast Asiaにおいては、日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)による清国(しんこく)The Qing dynastyの敗北が、帝国主義(ていこく・しゅぎ)列強the imperialist powers中国分割競争the competition to divide Chinaをいっそう激しくさせる契機となった。

In East Asia, the defeat of the Qing Dynasty in the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) served as an opportunity to further intensify the competition among the imperialist powers to divide China.


日本も、列強great powersとならんで中国・朝鮮への侵略invaded China and Korea強行forciblyする過程で、しだいに帝国主義(ていこく・しゅぎ)Imperialismを形成していった。

Japan, along with other great powers, gradually formed an imperial system as it forcibly invaded China and Korea.

帝国主義列強the imperialist powers中国分割競争the competition to divide China

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)後も、日本は朝鮮の従属化subjugate Koreaを画策したが、それは常に朝鮮の民族的抵抗Korean national resistanceロシアの朝鮮進出Russia's advance into Korea衝突conflictedした。

After the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), Japan continued to plan to subjugate Korea, but this always conflicted with Korean national resistance and Russia's advance into Korea.

閔妃(びんひ)(ミンビ)(ミンピ)Queen Min

朴泳孝(ぼく・えいこう)(パク・ヨンヒョ)Park Yung-hyo

三浦梧楼(みうら・ごろう)Miura Gorō

閔妃殺害事件びんひ・あんさつ・じけんConsort Min's Murder Incident

1895年(明治28年)、閔妃びんひ(ミンビ)Queen Min一派factionはクーデターによって朴泳孝(ぼくえいこう)(パク・ヨンヒョ)Park Yung-hyoらを追放expellingして反日政権anti-Japanese governmentを樹立したが、これに対して三浦梧楼(みうら・ごろう)Miura Gorō公使Japanese ministerは、日本守備隊・警察・民間人を王宮に乱入させて、閔妃びんひ(ミンビ)Queen Min惨殺brutally murderedした(閔妃殺害事件びんひ・あんさつ・じけんConsort Min's Murder Incident)。

In 1895 (Meiji 28), Queen Minbi's faction established an anti-Japanese government by expelling Park Young-hyo and others in a coup d'état, but in response, Mipo Oro The Japanese minister forced the Japanese garrison, police, and civilians to burst into the royal palace and brutally murdered Queen Min (Consort Min's Murder Incident).


こうして、日本は再び大院君だい・いん・くん)(テ・ウオン・グン)Daewongun執政consulとし、その傀儡(かいらい)puppet化を図ったが、この事件は、朝鮮をますます日本から離反させ、各地に反日運動anti-Japanese movementsを勃発させる原因となった。

In this way, Japan once again made Daewon-gun (Tae Won-gun) the resul and tried to turn him into a puppet, but this incident caused Korea to further estrange from Japan and sparked anti-Japanese movements in various places. caused the outbreak.


そのため朝鮮国王King of Korea高宗(こうそう)(コジョン)Gojong)は、1896年(明治29年)露国公使館the Russian Legationに逃れて館内に親露政府a pro-Russian governmentを樹立し、親日派the pro-Japanese factions追放expelledしてしまった。

Therefore, in 1896 (Meiji 29), the King of Korea (King Yi) fled to the Russian Legation, established a pro-Russian government there, and expelled the pro-Japanese factions.

こうして、朝鮮Koreaにおいては日本Japan孤立化isolatedが決定的となり、ロシアRussia政治的影響力political influenceが強まった。

In this way, Japan became decisively isolated in Korea, and Russia's political influence grew stronger.

小村寿太郎(こむら・じゅたろう)Komura Jutarō

山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomo

西徳二郎(にし・とくじろう)Nishi Tokujirō

以後日露両国は、小村・ウェーバー覚書Komura-Weber Memorandum1896年(明治29年))、山県・ロバノフ協定Yamagata–Lobanov Agreement1896年(明治29年))、西・ローゼン協定Nishi–Rosen Agreement1898年(明治31年))などを結んで、朝鮮支配control of Koreaをめぐって対抗した。

Since then, Japan and Russia have concluded the Komura-Weber Memorandum (1896), the Yamagata-Lobanov Agreement (1896), and the Nishi-Rosen Agreement (1898). They fought over control of Korea.

列強の中国分割競争Competition between great powers to divide China

帝国主義列強the imperialist powers中国分割競争the competition to divide China

露清密約(ろしんみつやく)Sino-Russian Secret Treaty李鴻章(り・こうしょう)-ロバノフ協定Li–Lobanov Treaty

東清鉄道(とうしん・てつどう)the East Qing Railway

ロシアRussia1896年(明治29年)、日本に対する露清密約(ろしんみつやく)Sino-Russian Secret Treaty李鴻章(り・こうしょう)-ロバノフ協定Li–Lobanov Treaty)を結んで、シベリア鉄道the Trans-Siberian Railway連絡connectsする東清鉄道(とうしん・てつどう)the East Qing Railway敷設権the right to buildを獲得し、1898年(明治31年)には、さきに三国干渉(さんごく・かんしょう)Triple Interventionによって日本に放棄させていた旅順(りょじゅん)(リューシュン)Lüshun大連(だいれん)(ターリエン)Dalian地区を租借leasedし、また東清鉄道(とうしん・てつどう)the East Qing Railway大連(だいれん)(ターリエン)Dalianまで延長する南満州鉄道(みなみ・まんしゅう・てつどう)the South Manchuria Railway満鉄(まんてつ)Manchuria Railway)の敷設権をも得て、満州(まんしゅう)Manchuriaへの進出expansionを積極的に推し進めた。

In 1896 (Meiji 29), Russia concluded the Russo-Qing Secret Treaty (Li Hongzhang-Lobanov Agreement) with Japan, and acquired the right to build the East Qing Railway, which connects with the Trans-Siberian Railway, and in 1898 ( In 1899, the Lushun and Dalian areas, which had been previously abandoned by Japan due to the Triple Intervention, were leased, and the East Qing Railway was extended to Dalian. He also obtained the right to build the South Manchuria Railway (Manchuria Railway), and actively promoted expansion into Manchuria.

鉅野事件(きょや・じけん)Juye Incident

威海衛の戦い(いかいえい・の・たたかい)Battle of Weihaiwei

ドイツGermany1898年(明治31年)、前年の山東省(さんとう(シャントン)しょう)Shandong Provinceにおけるドイツ人宣教師殺害事件the murder of a German missionary鉅野事件(きょや・じけん)Juye Incident)を口実pretext膠州湾(こうしゅうわん)Jiaozhou Bay租借(そしゃく)leasedし、山東半島(さんとう(シャントン)・はんとう)Shandong Peninsula鉄道敷設権railway construction rights鉱山採掘権mining rightsを得た。

In 1898 (Meiji 31), Germany leased Jiaozhou Bay on the pretext of the murder of a German missionary in Shandong Province the previous year (Kyoya Incident), and occupied the Shandong Peninsula. Obtained railway construction rights and mining rights.

帝国主義列強the imperialist powers中国分割競争the competition to divide China

フランスFrance1897年(明治30年)、清国(しんこく)The Qing dynasty海南島(かいなん(ハイナン)とう)Hainan Island不割譲(ふかつじょう)the non-ceding1898年(明治31年)には広東(カントン)Guangdong広西(こうせい)(グアンシー)Guangxi雲南(うんなん)(ユィンナン)Yunnan不割譲条約(ふかつじょう・じょうやく)a treaty on the non-cedingを結び、翌1899年(明治32年)には広州湾(こうしゅうわん)Guangzhouwan租借(そしゃく)leasedした。

In 1897 (Meiji 30), France signed a treaty with the Qing Dynasty on the non-ceding of Hainan Island, and in 1898 (Meiji 31), it concluded a treaty on the non-ceding of Guangdong, Guangxi, and Yunnan, and the following year in 1899. In 1903 (Meiji 32), they leased Guangzhou Bay.

イギリスBritainも、1898年(明治31年)に長江(ちょうこう)Cháng Jiāng沿岸地域the areas along不割譲(ふかつじょう)the non-cedingを約束させ、また香港(ホンコン)Hong Kong対岸の九龍半島(きゅうりゅう(ガォロン)・はんとう)Kowloon Peninsula山東半島(さんとう(シャントン)・はんとう)Shandong Peninsula北部northern part威海衛(いかいえい)(ウェイハイウェイ)Weihaiwei租借(そしゃく)leasedした。

In 1898 (Meiji 31), Britain also promised that it would not cede the areas along the Yangtze River, and also leased the Kowloon Peninsula opposite Hong Kong and Weihaiwei in the northern part of the Shandong Peninsula.

このような列強の動きに刺激されて、日本Japan1898年(明治31年)、(しん)The Qing dynasty福建省(ふっけん(フーチェン)・しょう)Fujian Province不割譲(ふかつじょう)the non-cedingを約束させた。

Inspired by these movements by the great powers, in 1898 (Meiji 31) Japan made a promise to the Qing Dynasty that it would not cede Fujian Province.

ジョン・ヘイJohn Hay国務長官Secretary of State

アメリカThe United Statesは、米西戦争(べいせい・せんそう)Spanish–American Warフィリピンthe Philippinesを手中にしてからアジアAsiaに乗り出し、1899年(明治32年)ジョン・ヘイJohn Hay国務長官Secretary of Stateが、門戸開放open door機会均等equal opportunity中国領土保全the preservation of China's territoryを提議して(門戸開放宣言Open Door Declaration門戸開放政策open door policy))、中国分割the partition of Chinaへの割り込みinterveneを策した。

The United States entered Asia after seizing the Philippines in the Spanish-American War, and in 1899 (Meiji 32) Secretary of State John Hay proposed an open door, equal opportunity, and the preservation of China's territory (Open Door Declaration). He adopted an open door policy) and attempted to intervene in the partition of China.

康有為(こう・ゆうい)Kang Youwei

西太后(せい・たいこう)(シー・タイホウ)Empress Dowager Cixi

こうした列強の侵略the invasions of these great powersに対して、1898年(明治31年)、清朝(しんちょう)the Qing Dynasty内部では康有為(こう・ゆうい)Kang Youweiらによって内政改革internal reforms戊戌の変法(ぼじゅつ・の・へんぽう)Wuxu Reform百日維新(ひゃくにち・いしん)Hundred Days' Reform))が行われたが、守旧派conservative西太后(せい・たいこう)(シー・タイホウ)Empress Dowager Cixiらによって約100日でつぶされてしまった(戊戌政変(ぼじゅつ・せいへん)Wuxu Coup)。

In response to the invasions of these great powers, in 1898 (Meiji 31), the Qing Dynasty undertook internal reforms (the Hundred Days Restoration) by Kang Youwei and others. However, it was crushed in about 100 days by the conservative Empress Dowager Cixi and others (Bojutsu Seihen).

義和団(ぎわだん)Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists

義和団(ぎわだん)Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists

いっぽう、列強の侵略the invasions of the great powers清朝(しんちょう)the Qing Dynasty封建的な支配・収奪the feudal control and expropriationに苦しんだ中国民衆the Chinese peopleは、1899年(明治32年)、民間信仰団体a folk religious organizationである義和団(ぎわだん)Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fistsに結集して、「扶清滅洋(ふしん・めつよう)Support the Qing, destroy foreigners!」をスローガンsloganに大規模な反帝国主義暴動anti-imperialist uprisingに立ち上がった。

On the other hand, in 1899 (Meiji 32), the Chinese people, who had suffered from the invasions of the great powers and the feudal control and expropriation of the Qing Dynasty, rallied into the Boxers, a folk religious organization, and called for the ``Fuqing Dynasty.'' They launched a large-scale anti-imperialist uprising under the slogan "Let's do it!"

義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion北清事変(ほくしん・じへん)North Qing Incident

義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion北清事変(ほくしん・じへん)North Qing Incident

そして、キリスト教会Christian churches宣教師missionaries一般の外国人ordinary foreignersなどを襲撃attackedし、その影響力を全国に及ぼし、1900年(明治33年)には北京(ペキン)(ペイチン)Beijing天津(てんしん)(テンチン)Tientsinに迫り、北京(ペキン)(ペイチン)Beijing列国公使館the diplomatic embassy包囲laid siegeした。

They then attacked Christian churches, missionaries, and ordinary foreigners, extending their influence throughout the country, and in 1900 (Meiji 33), they approached Beijing and Tianjin and laid siege to the diplomatic embassy in Beijing.

義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion北清事変(ほくしん・じへん)North Qing Incident

義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion北清事変(ほくしん・じへん)North Qing Incident

義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion北清事変(ほくしん・じへん)North Qing Incident

清国(しんこく)The Qing dynasty政府governmentもこれを支持して列国the Great Powers宣戦布告declared warしたので、日本JapanドイツGermanyイギリスGreat BritainフランスFranceロシアRussiaアメリカthe United StatesイタリアItalyオーストリアAustria8か国 eight countriesは、日本軍the Japanese armyを主力として出兵し、直接鎮圧direct suppressionに乗り出した(義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion)(北清事変(ほくしん・じへん)North Qing Incident)。

The Qing government also supported this and declared war on the Great Powers, so eight countries, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, Russia, the United States, Italy, and Austria, dispatched troops, with the Japanese army as the main force, and embarked on direct suppression ( Boxer Rebellion (Giwadan Rebellion) (Hokushin Jihen Incident).

北京議定書(ぺきん・ぎていしょ)Boxer Protocol

連合軍The Allied forces北京(ペキン)(ペイチン)Beijing占領occupiedし、翌1901年(明治34年)97日、北京議定書(ぺきん・ぎていしょ)Boxer Protocolが締結され、列強the great powers45千万両(テール)にのぼる賠償金reparationsを獲得し、また軍隊の北京駐在the stationing of troops in Beijingを承認させた。

The Allied forces occupied Beijing, and the following year, on September 7, 1901, the Beijing Protocol was signed, and the great powers agreed to pay reparations amounting to 450 million taels. He also authorized the stationing of troops in Beijing.

帝国主義列強the imperialist powers中国分割競争the competition to divide China

この義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion北清事変(ほくしん・じへん)North Qing Incident)は、世界的規模における帝国主義imperialismの成立と、その帝国主義的侵略imperialist invasionsに対しては、民族的抵抗ethnic resistanceが必ず起こるということを示すとともに、日本にとっては、帝国主義国imperialist countryとしての第一歩first stepsを踏み出す契機となった。

This Boxer Rebellion (Giwadan no Ran) showed that imperialism was established on a global scale and that ethnic resistance would inevitably occur against imperialist invasions, and it also showed that for Japan, ethnic resistance would inevitably occur. This was the opportunity for Japan to take its first steps as an imperialist country.

ロシアRussiaは、義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion後も撤兵withdraw its troopsせず

日英同盟the Anglo-Japanese Alliance

南下政策policy of moving southwardをとっていたロシアRussiaは、義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion北清事変(ほくしん・じへん)North Qing Incident)を契機に居留民保護protecting the settlers東清鉄道(とうしん・てつどう)防衛defending the East Qing Railwayを名目として満州(まんしゅう)Manchuria大軍large armyを派遣し、義和団の乱(ぎわだん・の・らん)Boxer Rebellion後も撤兵withdraw its troopsせず、むしろ満州(まんしゅう)Manchuria占領occupyする動きを見せ始めた。

Russia, which had a policy of moving southward, took the opportunity of the Boxer Rebellion to dispatch a large army to Manchuria under the pretext of protecting the settlers and defending the East Qing Railway.Even after the Boxer Rebellion, Russia did not withdraw its troops, but rather moved to occupy Manchuria. I started showing it.

日本Japanは、韓国への影響the impact on Koreaを恐れて、英米Britain and the United Statesとともに抗議protestedしたが、ロシアRussiaはこれを受け入れようとはしなかった。

Japan, along with Britain and the United States, protested, fearing the impact on South Korea, but Russia would not accept this.

山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomo

桂太郎(かつら・たろう)Katsura Tarō

加藤高明かとう・たかあきKatō Takaaki

小村寿太郎(こむら・じゅたろう)Komura Jutarō

日本とロシアの対立the conflict between Japan and Russiaが激しくなるとともに、日本の政府部内では意見の相違が生じた。

As the conflict between Japan and Russia intensified, disagreements arose within the Japanese government.

山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomo桂太郎(かつら・たろう)Katsura Tarōらの軍部The military加藤高明(かとう・たかあき)Katō Takaaki小村寿太郎(こむら・じゅたろう)Komura Jutarōらの外務省主流the mainstream Ministry of Foreign Affairsは、イギリスBritainと結んでロシアRussiaとの開戦warに備え、韓国Korea満州(まんしゅう)Manchuriaの確保を目指すために日英同盟(にちえい・どうめい)the Anglo-Japanese Allianceを主張した。

The military, led by Aritomo Yamagata and Taro Katsura, and the mainstream Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led by Takaaki Kato and Jutaro Komura, advocated an Anglo-Japanese alliance with Britain in order to prepare for war with Russia and secure Korea and Manchuria.

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi伊藤俊輔いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke


井上聞多いのうえ・もんた)Inoue Monta井上馨いのうえ・かおる)Inoue Kaoru

陸奥宗光(むつ・むねみつ)Mutsu Munemitsu

これに対して伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi井上馨いのうえ・かおる)Inoue Kaoru陸奥宗光(むつ・むねみつ)Mutsu Munemitsuらは、ロシアRussiaと戦う軍事的経済的実力military or economic powerが十分でない現在、しばらくロシアRussia妥協compromiseして、韓国における地位を確保secure their position in Koreaしようと日露協商(にちろ・きょうしょう)Japan-Russia agreementを唱えた。

In response, Hirobumi Ito, Kaoru Inoue, Munemitsu Mutsu, and others advocated a Japan-Russia agreement in order to compromise with Russia for a while and secure their position in Korea, since they did not have sufficient military or economic power to fight Russia.

桂太郎(かつら・たろう)Katsura Tarō

日英同盟(にちえい・どうめい)the Anglo-Japanese Alliance

一方、ロシアの進出Russia's advanceを警戒していたイギリスBritainは、日本の軍事力Japan's military powerを利用してロシアRussiaと対抗しようとした。

On the other hand, Britain, which was wary of Russia's advance, tried to use Japan's military power to counter Russia.

こうして1902年(明治35年)、1次桂(かつら)内閣the first Katsura Cabinetの下で1次日英同盟the first Anglo-Japanese Allianceが締結された。

Thus, in 1902 (Meiji 35), the first Anglo-Japanese Alliance was concluded under the first Katsura Cabinet.

この同盟条約treaty of allianceは、日本にとってはロシアRussiaとの開戦the event of warに際してイギリスBritain援助assistanceを期待しうるとともに、イギリスBritainにとっては、英露対立the Anglo-Russian conflictの一環に日本を組み込むことによって、ロシアの南下Russia's move southward抑制suppressするものであった。

This treaty of alliance meant that Japan could expect assistance from Britain in the event of war with Russia, and for Britain it was intended to suppress Russia's move southward by including Japan as part of the Anglo-Russian conflict.


この条約の締結は、ロシアの南下Russia's movement southwardをある程度抑制する効力があり、ロシアRussia満州(まんしゅう)Manchuriaから1回の撤兵first withdrawal of troopsを行った。

The conclusion of this treaty had the effect of restraining Russia's movement southward to some extent, and Russia conducted its first withdrawal of troops from Manchuria.

しかし再び南下move southを始め、1902年(明治35年)、韓国Korea鴨綠江(おうりょくこう)Yalu Riverヤムノック川Yamnok River)河口の龍岩浦(りゅうがんぽ)Yongampo砲台batteryを築き、満州(まんしゅう)Manchuriaでも増兵increased their troopsしたので、日露間に緊張が高まった。

However, they began to move south again, and in 1902 (Meiji 35), they built a battery at Yongampo at the mouth of the Yamnok River in Korea, and increased their troops in Manchuria. Tensions rose between the two.

露仏同盟(ろふつ・どうめい)Franco-Russian Alliance


the Russo-Japanese War

こうしたロシアの極東侵略Russia's invasion of the Far Eastの背景には、1891年(明治24年)に露仏同盟(ろふつ・どうめい)Franco-Russian Allianceを結んだフランス金融資本French financial capital支援supportがあった。

Behind Russia's invasion of the Far East was the support of French financial capital, which formed the Russo-French alliance in 1891 (Meiji 24).

いっぽう日本は、日英同盟(にちえい・どうめい)Anglo-Japanese Allianceの成立後、イギリスBritainアメリカthe United Statesに支持されてロシアRussiaに対する開戦準備prepared to go to warを進めた。

On the other hand, after the establishment of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, Japan, supported by Britain and the United States, prepared to go to war against Russia.

他方ドイツGermanyは、ロシアRussia東進advance eastwardを期待しており、日露戦争(にちろ・せんそう)the Russo-Japanese Warはこのような複雑な国際関係complex international relationsのなかで進められたのである。

On the other hand, Germany expected Russia to advance eastward, and the Russo-Japanese War took place amidst such complex international relations.

こうして明治政府the Meiji governmentは、1903年(明治36年)421日、対露開戦war against Russiaの方向を決定し、国内世論domestic public opinion開戦論warの方向へと指導guidedしていった。

Thus, on April 21, 1903, the Meiji government decided on the direction of war against Russia and guided domestic public opinion toward war.

戸水寛人(とみず・ひろんど)Tomizu Hirondo

このような動きのなかで、国内でも主戦論the argument for warが強まり、戸水寛人(とみず・ひろんど)Tomizu Hirondo東京帝大Tokyo Imperial University7人の教授seven professorsが、「七博士意見書(しちはくし・いけんしょ)Seven Doctors' Opinion」を提出して開戦を要求demanded warした。

Amid these movements, the argument for war became stronger in Japan, and seven professors from Tokyo Imperial University, including Tomizu Hirondo, published the ``Seven Doctors' Opinion''. submitted and demanded war.

頭山満(とうやま・みつる)Tōyama Mitsuru

また同1903年(明治36年)には、近衛篤麿(このえ・あつまろ)Konoe Atsumaro頭山満(とうやま・みつる)Tōyama Mitsuruらが対露同志会(たいろ・どうしかい)を組織し、対露強硬外交hard-line diplomacy toward Russiaを主張した。

Also in 1903 (Meiji 36), Atsumaro Konoe, Mitsuru Toyama, and others organized the Russia Doshikai and advocated hard-line diplomacy toward Russia.

これらの対露開戦論arguments for war against Russiaに対して、社会主義者socialistsキリスト教徒Christiansの間に、少数ながら反戦平和anti-war peaceを主張する人々も存在した。

In response to these arguments for war against Russia, there were a small number of socialists and Christians who advocated anti-war peace.

幸徳秋水(こうとく・しゅうすい)Kōtoku Shūsui

社会主義者Socialists堺利彦(さかい・としひこ)Sakai Toshihiko幸徳秋水(こうとく・しゅうすい)Kōtoku Shūsuiキリスト教徒Christians内村鑑三(うちむら・かんぞう)Uchimura Kanzōらは、新聞the newspaper万朝報(よろず・ちょうほう)Yorozu Chōhō』によって反戦論anti-war opinionsを主張していたが、しかし社長the president黒岩涙香(くろいわ・るいこう)Kuroiwa Ruikō開戦論talking about warに転ずるとすぐに退社し、1903年(明治36年)11月、平民社(へいみんしゃ)Heimin-shaを創設し、週刊the weekly平民新聞(へいみん・しんぶん)Heimin Shinbun』を創刊して、平民主義plebeianism社会主義socialism平和主義pacifismを掲げて反戦平和anti-war peaceを主張し続けた。

Socialists Toshihiko Sakai and Shusui Kotoku, Christians Kanzo Uchimura, and others published anti-war opinions in the newspaper ``Yorozu Chouhou.'' However, as soon as the president, Ruiko Kuroiwa, started talking about war, he left the company, and in November 1903, he founded Heiminsha and published the weekly Heimin Shimbun. '', and continued to advocate anti-war peace, advocating plebeianism, socialism, and pacifism.

日露戦争(にちろ・せんそう)the Russo-Japanese War

1903年(明治36年)6月から、韓国・満州問題the Korea-Manchuria issueをめぐる日露交渉Japan-Russia negotiationsが続けられていたが、妥協の余地はなく、戦争war必至inevitableとなった。

Japan-Russia negotiations over the Korea-Manchuria issue had been ongoing since June 1903, but there was no room for compromise and war became inevitable.

仁川沖海戦(じんせんおき・かいせん)Battle of Chemulpo Bay

旅順口攻撃(りょじゅんこう・こうげき)Battle of Port Arthur

日本Japanは戦争の準備をすすめ、1904年(明治37年)2月、日本海軍the Japanese Navy仁川(じんせん)(インチョン)Incheon旅順(りょじゅん)(リューシュン)Lüshunロシア艦隊the Russian fleet奇襲攻撃surprise attackし、陸軍the army仁川(じんせん)(インチョン)Incheon上陸landedした。

Japan made preparations for war, and in February 1904, the Japanese Navy made a surprise attack on the Russian fleet at Port Arthur, Inchon, and the army landed at Inchon.

ついでロシアRussia宣戦布告declared warをし、日露戦争(にちろ・せんそう)the Russo-Japanese Warが開始された。

He then declared war on Russia, starting the Russo-Japanese War.

旅順口攻撃(りょじゅんこう・こうげき)Battle of Port Arthur

二百三高地(にひゃくさんこうち)The Battle of Port Arthur

旅順(りょじゅん)(リューシュン)Lüshunの陥落the fall of Port Arthur

乃木希典(のぎ・まれすけ)Nogi Maresuke

奉天会戦(ほうてん(ムクデン)・かいせん)Battle of Mukden

奉天会戦(ほうてん(ムクデン)・かいせん)Battle of Mukden

日本海海戦(にほんかい・かいせん)Battle of the Sea of Japan

連合艦隊旗艦Combined Fleet flagship三笠(みかさ)Mikasaの艦橋the bridgeで指揮をとる東郷平八郎(とうごう・へいはちろう)Heihachiro Togo

Heihachiro Togo takes command on the bridge of the Combined Fleet flagship Mikasa.

戦局は、旅順(りょじゅん)(リューシュン)Lüshunの陥落the fall of Port Arthur奉天会戦(ほうてん(ムクデン)・かいせん)Battle of Mukden日本海海戦(にほんかい・かいせん)Battle of the Sea of Japanの勝利など、日本軍の有利のうちに進んだが、それ以上に戦線を拡大する余力はもはやなかった。

The war progressed in the Japanese army's favor, including the fall of Port Arthur, victories at the Battle of Mukden, and the Battle of the Sea of Japan, but there was no longer any room left to expand the front further.

198000万円の戦費war costを使い果たし、動員mobilizedした約110万人の兵員soldiersも、戦死者84000人、戦傷者143000人、捕虜2000人、失った艦船91隻におよび、非常時特別税2億円余の大増税a large tax increase国債の強制割当てforced allocation of national bonds徴用conscription物価騰貴price hikesなどで、国力the nation's power疲弊exhaustedしていたからである。

The war cost of 1.98 billion yen was exhausted, and about 1.1 million soldiers were mobilized, 84,000 were killed in battle, 143,000 were wounded, 2,000 were captured, 91 ships were lost, and special emergency taxes were paid. This was because the nation's power had been exhausted by a large tax increase of over 200 million yen, forced allocation of national bonds, conscription, and price hikes.

与謝野晶子(よさの・あきこ)Yosano Akiko

大塚楠緒子(おおつか・なおこ)Otsuka Naoko

また、社会主義者socialistsなど反戦anti-warを訴える者があり、あるいは与謝野晶子(よさの・あきこ)Yosano Akikoは、旅順包囲軍the Siege of Port Arthurに加わったyounger brotherを思って『君死に給ふことなかれ(きみしにたもうことなかれ)You shall not die』を発表し、大塚楠緒子(おおつか・なおこ)Otsuka Naokoも『お百度詣で(おひゃくどもうで)On a Hundred Pilgrims』を発表し、出征した夫her husband who went off to warを思う妻の心the heart of a wifeをうたった。

There are also socialists and others who are anti-war, and Akiko Yosano published ``You shall not die'' in memory of her younger brother who joined the Siege of Port Arthur, and Naoko Otsuka also wrote ``On a Hundred Pilgrims.'' ” and sang the heart of a wife who thinks about her husband who went off to war.

セオドア・ルーズベルトTheodore Roosevelt

戦力military strength限界limitに達した日本は、1905年(明治38年)5月末、アメリカ大統領American Presidentセオドア・ローズヴェルトTheodore Roosevelt調停を依頼requested mediationした。

At the end of May 1905, Japan, which had reached the limit of its military strength, requested mediation from American President Theodore Roosevelt.

いっぽうロシアRussiaでは革命の気運revolutionary momentumが高まり、国内政治domestic politics危機的状況a critical situationにあった。

In Russia, on the other hand, revolutionary momentum was growing, and domestic politics was in a critical situation.

ヨーロッパ諸国European countriesはその革命の波及the spread of the revolutionを恐れ、アメリカthe United States日本Japanのこれ以上の勝利を望まなかったので、ローズヴェルト大統領President Rooseveltは、同1905年(明治38年)6月両国に講和peace勧告recommendedした。

European countries feared the spread of the revolution, and the United States did not want Japan to win any further, so President Roosevelt recommended peace between the two countries in June 1905.

小村寿太郎(こむら・じゅたろう)Komura Jutarō

この結果、アメリカUSAポーツマスPortsmouth講和会議peace conferenceが開かれ、日本全権the Japanese plenipotentiary小村寿太郎(こむら・じゅたろう)Komura Jutarōロシア全権the Russian plenipotentiaryヴィッテSergei Witteとの間に講和条約peace treaty締結concludedされた(ポーツマス条約the Treaty of Portsmouth)。

As a result, a peace conference was held in Portsmouth, USA, and a peace treaty was concluded between the Japanese plenipotentiary Jutaro Komura and the Russian plenipotentiary Witte.


Treaty Building in 1912

ポーツマス条約the Treaty of Portsmouth

その内容は、Its contents are

日本Japan韓国Koreaにおける政治political軍事military経済上economic優越権supremacy、および指導guidance保護protection監督supervisionを行う権利the rightの承認、

Recognition of Japan's political, military and economic supremacy over Korea, as well as the right to provide guidance, protection and supervision;


日露両国Japan and Russia18か月以内に、鉄道守備隊railway garrisonsを除き全軍隊all of their troops満州(まんしゅう)Manchuriaから撤退withdrawすること、

Japan and Russia must withdraw all of their troops from Manchuria within 18 months, except for railway garrisons;

東清鉄道(とうしん・てつどう)the East Qing Railway

関東州(かんとうしゅう)Kanto Province租借地(そしゃくち)Leased Territoryおよび東清鉄道(とうしん・てつどう)the East Qing Railway南満州線(みなみ・まんしゅう・せん)South Manchuria Lineを、清国(しんこく)The Qing dynasty同意consentを得て日本に譲渡Transferringすること、

Transferring the Kanto Province leased land and the East Qing Railway South Manchuria Line to Japan with the consent of the Qing Dynasty;

ポーツマス条約the Treaty of Portsmouth

北緯50度以南south of 50 degrees north latitude樺太島(からふと・とう)Sakhalin Islandおよび付属島嶼(ふぞく・とうしょ)attached islandsの日本への譲渡Transfer

Transfer of Sakhalin Island and its attached islands south of 50 degrees north latitude to Japan;


沿海州(えんかいしゅう)Primorskaya Oblast漁業権maritime fishing rightsの日本国民への供与、などであった。

These included the granting of maritime fishing rights to Japanese citizens.


なお、日本は15億円の賠償金(ばいしょうきん)compensationを要求したが、ロシアの強い拒否Russia's strong refusalにあって賠償金(ばいしょうきん)compensationを取ることはできなかった。

Furthermore, Japan requested 1.5 billion yen in compensation, but was unable to receive compensation due to Russia's strong refusal.

日比谷焼打ち事件(ひびや・やきうち・じけん)Hibiya Incendiary Incident

戦争中は増税と物価騰貴による生活苦などに耐えていた国民は、講和条約the peace treaty賠償金(ばいしょうきん)compensationがまったく取れないと分かると、小村全権の交渉Komura's plenipotentiary negotiations不満dissatisfactionを示した。

The people, who had endured hardships during the war due to increased taxes and rising prices, expressed dissatisfaction with Komura's plenipotentiary negotiations when they realized that they would not be able to receive any reparations from the peace treaty.

日比谷公園(ひびや・こうえん)Hibiya Park

そして条約調印the treaty was signed1905年(明治38年)95日、東京の日比谷公園(ひびや・こうえん)Hibiya Park講和反対の国民大会a national convention opposing peaceを開いた。

On September 5, 1905, the day the treaty was signed, a national convention opposing peace was held at Hibiya Park in Tokyo.

大会に参加した民衆は、解散後、警察署police stations交番police boxes市電streetcars内相官邸the Home Minister's official residence政府系新聞社government-affiliated newspapersなどを襲い、焼き払ってattacking and burning down暴動riotedを起こした(日比谷焼打ち事件(ひびや・やきうち・じけん)Hibiya Incendiary Incident)。

After disbanding, the people who participated in the rally rioted by attacking and burning down police stations, police boxes, streetcars, the Home Minister's official residence, and government-affiliated newspapers (the Hibiya burning incident).

日比谷焼打ち事件(ひびや・やきうち・じけん)Hibiya Incendiary Incident

このため、軍隊が出動し東京Tokyo戒厳令martial lawがしかれたが、騒ぎは全国に波及し、横浜Yokohama神戸Kobe講和反対の暴動riots in opposition to peaceが起こった。

As a result, the military was dispatched and martial law was imposed in Tokyo, but the unrest spread throughout the country, and riots in opposition to peace broke out in Yokohama and Kobe.

これは、国力が限界に来ていたことを知らされず、多くの犠牲を払った国民の不満が爆発an explosion of dissatisfaction among the peopleしたものであった。

This was an explosion of dissatisfaction among the people who had not been made aware that their national power was reaching its limits and had made many sacrifices.

日韓議定書(にっかん・ぎていしょ)Japan–Korea Treaty of 1904

韓国併合Annexation of Korea

日本は日露開戦の直後、韓国政府に韓国の独立と領土保全を口実に、韓国の事実上の政治的・軍事的支配political and military controlを認めさせる日韓議定書(にっかん・ぎていしょ)Japan–Korea Treaty of 1904に調印させ(1904年(明治37年)2月)、次いで韓国の外交権を制限し、財政に対する日本の指導権を確保する1次日韓協約Japan–Korea Agreement of August 1904を締結した(1904年(明治37年)8月)。

Immediately after the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war, Japan forced the Korean government to sign the Japan-Korea Protocol (1904), which recognized Korea's de facto political and military control under the pretext of Korean independence and territorial integrity. In August 1904, Japan concluded the First Japan-Korea Treaty, which limited South Korea's diplomatic rights and ensured Japan's financial control.

しかし、日本が韓国を植民地として支配rule Korea as a colonyするためには、欧米列強の承認approval of the Western powers必要neededとした。

However, in order for Japan to rule Korea as a colony, it needed the approval of the Western powers.

桂太郎(かつら・たろう)Katsura Tarō

ウィリアム・タフトWilliam Howard Taft

そこで、桂・タフト密約Taft–Katsura agreement1905年(明治38年)7月)によってアメリカthe United Statesフィリピン支配domination of the Philippinesを認めるかわりにアメリカに、また2次日英同盟the Second Anglo-Japanese Alliance1905年(明治38年)8月)で同盟の対象地域をインドIndiaに拡大するかわりにイギリスBritainに、それぞれ日本の韓国支配Japan's control over Koreaを認めさせた。

Therefore, in exchange for recognizing American domination of the Philippines through the Katsura-Taft Secret Treaty (July 1905), the Second Anglo-Japanese Alliance (August 1905) allowed the United States to control the Philippines. In exchange for expanding the target area to India, they forced Britain to recognize Japan's control over Korea.

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi伊藤俊輔いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke


こうして列国に韓国の支配control over Koreaを認めさせた日本は、公然と保護国化protectorateに着手した。

In this way, Japan, which had the powers to recognize its control over Korea, openly began to make Korea a protectorate.

1905年(明治38年)11月、日本全権伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumiは、韓国に2次日韓協約Japan–Korea Treaty of 1905韓国保護条約Korean Protectorate Treaty)を押し付け、韓国の外交自主権diplomatic autonomyを奪い保護国化protectorateした。

In November 1905, Japanese plenipotentiary Ito Hirobumi imposed the Second Japan-Korea Treaty (Korean Protectorate Treaty) on Korea, depriving Korea of its diplomatic autonomy and turning it into a protectorate.

統監府(とうかんふ)the Superintendent Office

その結果、翌12漢城(かんじょう)Hanseong(現ソウルSeoul)に統監府(とうかんふ)the Superintendent Officeが設置され、伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi初代統監(とうかん)the first Superintendentとなった。

As a result, the Superintendent Office was established in Hanseong in December of the following year, and Hirobumi Ito became the first Superintendent.

ハーグ密使事件(ハーグ・みっし・じけん)Hague Secret Emissary Affair

このような日本の動きに対して、反対闘争Struggles againstが韓国全土にひろがり、韓国皇帝the Emperor of Koreaはこの闘争を背景に、1907年(明治40年)オランダNetherlandsハーグThe Hagueで開かれていた万国平和会議the Universal Peace Conference密使を派遣dispatched a secret envoyし、韓国の独立維持maintain Korea's independenceを列国に訴えた(ハーグ密使事件(ハーグ・みっし・じけん)Hague Secret Emissary Affair)。

Struggles against these Japanese moves spread throughout Korea, and against the backdrop of this struggle, the Emperor of Korea dispatched a secret envoy to the Universal Peace Conference being held in The Hague, Netherlands in 1907 (Meiji 40). , appealed to the powers to maintain Korea's independence (The Hague Emissary Incident).

しかし、列国は日本の韓国支配Japan's domination of Koreaを承認していたので、これを黙殺してしまった。

However, since the powers recognized Japan's domination of Korea, they turned a blind eye to this.

3次日韓協約Japan–Korea Treaty of 1907

この事件をきっかけに、日本は3次日韓協約Japan–Korea Treaty of 19071907年(明治40年)7月)を押し付け、内政domestic affairsをも指揮command監督supervision下に置き、韓国軍隊Korean military解散disbandedさせた。

In the wake of this incident, Japan imposed the Third Japan-Korea Treaty (July 1907), placed the domestic affairs under its command and supervision, and disbanded the South Korean military.

この日本の帝国主義的侵略imperialist aggressionへの反対運動movement to oppose義兵運動(ぎへい・うんどう)the Volunteer Movement)のなかで、1909年(明治42年)、前統監(とうかん)former Superintendent伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi暗殺assassinatedされた。

In 1909 (Meiji 42), former Superintendent Hirobumi Ito was assassinated during this movement to oppose Japan's imperialist aggression (the Volunteer Movement).

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi伊藤俊輔いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke


安重根(あん・じゅうこん)(アン・ジュングン)An Jung-geun

その後、枢密院議長Chairman of the Privy Councilに転じていた伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumiが、ロシアRussiaに赴く途中、ハルビン(哈爾浜)(ハーアルビン)Harbin駅頭Station韓国人Korean national安重根(あん・じゅうこん)(アン・ジュングン)An Jung-geun暗殺assassinatedされた。

Afterwards, Ito, who had become Chairman of the Privy Council, was assassinated by a Korean national, Ahn Jung-geun, at Harbin Station on his way to Russia.

朝鮮総督府(ちょうせん・そうとくふ)Governor-General of Chōsen

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi暗殺assassination後、急速に韓国併合(かんこく・へいごう)Annexation of Koreaが進められ、1910年(明治43年)8月、ついに韓国併合条約(かんこく・へいごう・じょうやく)Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty調印signedされた。

After Ito's assassination, the annexation of Korea proceeded rapidly, and the Treaty of Annexation of Korea was finally signed in August 1910 (Meiji 43).

日本は韓国Korea朝鮮Joseonと名称変更させ、統監府(とうかんふ)the Superintendent Office朝鮮総督府(ちょうせん・そうとくふ)Governor-General of Chōsenとし、陸海軍大将the army and navy admiralsから総督(そうとく)Governor-generalを選んだ。

Japan changed the name of Korea to Joseon, changed the government office to the Governor-General of Korea, and selected the governor from among the army and navy admirals.

総督(そうとく)Governor-general天皇the emperorに直属し、陸海軍the army and navy統率commandedし、立法legislative司法judicial行政administrativeの一切の権力powersを握った。

The governor-general reported directly to the emperor, commanded the army and navy, and held all legislative, judicial, and administrative powers.

寺内正毅(てらうち・まさたけ)Terauchi Masatake

初代総督(そうとく)には陸軍大将Army General寺内正毅(てらうち・まさたけ)Terauchi Masatakeが任命され、その下でいわゆる憲兵政治(けんぺい・せいじ)military police politicsが行われた。

Army General Masatake Terauchi was appointed as the first governor-general, and under him, so-called military police politics were carried out.

しかし併合annexation後も、朝鮮民衆the Korean people弾圧oppressionに抗して、国の内外で反日闘争anti-Japanese struggleを続けた。

However, even after the annexation, the Korean people continued their anti-Japanese struggle both inside and outside the country, resisting oppression.

南満州鉄道(みなみまんしゅう・てつどう)South Manchuria Railway

南満州鉄道(みなみまんしゅう・てつどう)South Manchuria Railway

大陸への侵略Invasion of the Continent

1905年(明治38年)、ポーツマス条約the Treaty of Portsmouthによって南満州(みなみ・まんしゅう)South Manchuriaにおける諸権利various rightsロシアRussiaから譲渡transferredさせた日本は、同1905年(明治38年)、清国(しんこく)The Qing dynastyとの間にも条約treatyを結んでこれを承認recognizedさせ、同時に満鉄並行線parallel lines for the Manchuria Railway建設禁止ban on the constructionなどの新たな利権new concessionsも獲得した。

In 1905 (Meiji 38), Japan transferred various rights in South Manchuria from Russia through the Treaty of Portsmouth, and in the same year, in 1905 (Meiji 38), Japan also signed a treaty with Qing to have it recognized, and at the same time It also acquired new concessions, including a ban on the construction of parallel lines for the Manchuria Railway.

エドワード・ヘンリー・ハリマンEdward Henry Harriman

桂太郎(かつら・たろう)Katsura Tarō

そして、アメリカの鉄道王American railroad magnateハリマンEdward Henry Harrimanの申し入れた満鉄共同経営案the Manchurian joint management planをいったん受け入れた(桂・ハリマン覚書(おぼえがき)Katsura-Harriman memorandum)が、すぐこれを破棄abandonedし、翌1906年(明治39年)、満州経営Manchurian management中核coreとして南満州鉄道(みなみまんしゅう・てつどう)株式会社The South Manchuria Railway Company創設establishedし、次いで在満軍隊the troops in Manchuriaの統率・関東州(かんとうしゅう)Kanto Provinceの統治・満鉄(まんてつ)Manchuria Railwayの保護監督などを目的に、関東都督府(かんとう・ととくふ)the Kanto Governor's Office旅順(りょじゅん)(リューシュン)Lüshunに設置し、現役陸軍中将active army lieutenant general都督(ととく)the governorとした(1919年(大正8年)に関東軍司令部(かんとうぐん・しれいぶ)Kwantung Army Headquarters関東庁(かんとうちょう)Kanto Agencyに分離)。

Although the company once accepted the Manchurian joint management plan proposed by American railroad magnate Harriman (Katsura-Harriman memorandum), it was quickly abandoned, and the following year, in 1906, South Manchuria Railway became the core of Manchurian management. A joint-stock company was established, and the Kanto Governor's Office (Totokufu) was established in Port Arthur for the purpose of commanding the troops in Manchuria, governing the Kanto Province, and protecting and supervising the Manchurian Railway, with an active army lieutenant general appointed as the governor. (Separated into Kwantung Army Headquarters and Kanto Agency in 1919).

日本人移民排斥運動movement to exclude Japanese immigrants

日本の南満州(みなみ・まんしゅう)South Manchuria独占的支配exclusive controlは、満州(まんしゅう)Manchuria門戸開放open to the worldを願う英米Britain and the United Statesとの対立conflictを激しくさせ、アメリカ西部the western United Statesでは日本人移民排斥運動movement to exclude Japanese immigrantsも起こった。

Japan's exclusive control of southern Manchuria intensified the conflict with Britain and the United States, which wanted Manchuria to be open to the world, and a movement to exclude Japanese immigrants arose in the western United States.

1次日露協約(にちろ・きょうやく)the First Japan–Russia Secret Agreements

これに対し日本は、1907年(明治40年)、1次日露協約(にちろ・きょうやく)the First Japan–Russia Secret Agreementsを締結して相互に特殊利益special interestsを認め合い、中国・満州への進出expanding into China and Manchuria協力cooperatingし合った。

In response, Japan concluded the First Japan-Russia Treaty in 1907 (Meiji 40), recognizing each other's special interests and cooperating in expanding into China and Manchuria.

アメリカThe United Statesは、鉄道建設railway construction銀行設立bank establishmentなどの清国(しんこく)The Qing dynastyへの資金供給supplying fundsによって満州(まんしゅう)進出advance into Manchuriaを企て、イギリス資本British capitalもこれに参加して日本との対立the conflict with Japanを深めた。

The United States attempted to advance into Manchuria by supplying funds to the Qing Dynasty for railway construction and bank establishment, and British capital also participated in this plan, deepening the conflict with Japan.

ウィリアム・タフトWilliam Howard Taft

1909年(明治42年)には、アメリカ国務長官US Secretary of StateノックスKnox満州鉄道(まんしゅう・てつどう)the Manchuria Railway中立化案plan to neutralizeを提案したが、翌1910年(明治43年)日本は反対し、次いで2次日露協約(にちろ・きょうやく)the Second Japan–Russia Secret Agreementsの締結によって対抗した。

In 1909 (Meiji 42), US Secretary of State Knox proposed a plan to neutralize the Manchuria Railway, but the following year in 1910 (Meiji 43) Japan opposed it and countered by concluding the Second Japan-Russia Treaty. .

さらにアメリカthe United Statesは、イギリスBritainドイツGermanyフランスFranceとともに四国借款団(しこく・しゃっかんだん)Quadruple Loan Association結成formedして、日露の満州(まんしゅう)独占対抗counterした。

Furthermore, the United States formed the Shikoku Loan Association with Britain, Germany, and France to counter Japan and Russia's monopoly on Manchuria.

こうして日露戦争(にちろ・せんそう)the Russo-Japanese War後の満州(まんしゅう)Manchuriaでは、アメリカAmericaドル外交(ドルがいこう)Dollar diplomacy日露協約(にちろ・きょうやく)Japan–Russia Secret Agreementsによる勢力範囲協定the scope of influence agreementとが対立conflictした。

Thus, in Manchuria after the Russo-Japanese War, America's dollar diplomacy and the scope of influence agreement based on the Russo-Japanese Treaty came into conflict.

このような情勢下で改定revisedされた日英同盟(にちえい・どうめい)the Anglo-Japanese Alliance1911年(明治44年))では、アメリカthe United States同盟the allianceの対象からはずされた。

Under these circumstances, the Anglo-Japanese Alliance was revised in 1911 (Meiji 44), and the United States was excluded from the alliance.


樺山資紀(かばやま・すけのり)Kabayama Sukenori

日本は日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War台湾(タイワン)Taiwan領有took possessionして以来、総督(そうとく)Governor-general陸海軍大将army and navy admiralを任命し(初代総督(そうとく)the first governor-general樺山資紀(かばやま・すけのり)Kabayama Sukenori)、その指揮下に台湾軍the Taiwanese militaryをおいて、中国人the Chinese people台湾先住民the indigenous people反抗the rebellion鎮圧suppressingしつつ支配ruleを固めた。

Since Japan took possession of Taiwan in the Sino-Japanese War, Japan appointed an army and navy admiral as its governor-general (the first governor-general, Mokenori Kabayama), placed the Taiwanese military under his command, and established an alliance with the Chinese people and Taiwan. He solidified his rule while suppressing the rebellion of the indigenous people.

この台湾(タイワン)支配domination of Taiwanは、日本の中国南部southern China南洋the South Seas侵略invasionと結びついて行われた。

This domination of Taiwan was carried out in conjunction with Japan's invasion of southern China and the South Seas.

また、こうした軍事的支配military controlと結合して、財閥(ざいばつ)資本the zaibatsu capitalは、精糖refined sugarsalt樟脳camphor煙草tobaccoアヘンopiumなどで巨大な利益huge profitsを得た。

In addition, in conjunction with this military control, the zaibatsu capital earned huge profits from refined sugar, salt, camphor, tobacco, opium, and other products.

ポーツマス条約the Treaty of Portsmouth

日露戦争(にちろ・せんそう)the Russo-Japanese Warの結果日本の領有地Japanese territoryとなった樺太(からふと)Sakhalinでも、先住民the indigenous people圧迫putting pressureしつつ、パルプ産業pulp industry北洋漁業northern sea fishing基地baseとして鉄道railroads港湾ports整備builtされ、独占資本monopoly capital利益profits保障guaranteeingした。

Even in Sakhalin, which became Japanese territory as a result of the Russo-Japanese War, railroads and ports were built as a base for the pulp industry and northern sea fishing, guaranteeing profits for monopoly capital, while putting pressure on the indigenous people.

また、南樺太(みなみ・からふと)South Sakhalin北樺太(きた・からふと)northern SakhalinシベリアSiberia方面に対する帝国主義的進出imperialist expansion軍事基地military baseでもあった。

South Sakhalin was also a military base for imperialist expansion into northern Sakhalin and Siberia.

孫文(そん・ぶん)Sun Wen孫逸仙(そん・いっせん)Sun Yat-sen

いっぽう中国Chinaにおいては、1905年(明治38年)、東京Tokyo孫文(そん・ぶん)Sun Wen孫逸仙(そん・いっせん)Sun Yat-sen)の三民主義(さんみん・しゅぎ)Three Principles of the People綱領doctrineに掲げて中国革命同盟会the Chinese Revolutionary Union結成formedされ、中国各地throughout China反清朝勢力anti-Qing Dynasty groups大きな影響a huge impact on the powerを与えた。

On the other hand, in China, in 1905 (Meiji 38), the Chinese Revolutionary Union was formed in Tokyo under the platform of Sun Yat-sen's (Sun Yat-sen's) doctrine of the Three Peoples, and it led anti-Qing Dynasty groups throughout China. It had a huge impact on the power.

次いで1911年(明治44年)1010日、武昌(ぶしょう)(ウーチャン)Wuchangにおける武装蜂起armed uprisingが成功し、革命運動the revolutionary movementは各地にひろがり、翌1912年(明治45年)1月、孫文(そん・ぶん)Sun Wen孫逸仙(そん・いっせん)Sun Yat-sen)が南京(ナンキン)(ナンチン)Nanjing中華民国(ちゅうかみんこく)the Republic of China成立the establishment宣言declaredした。

Next, on October 10, 1911 (Meiji 44), an armed uprising in Wuchang was successful, and the revolutionary movement spread to various places, and in January 1912 (Meiji 45), Sun Yat-sen ( Sun Yat-sen declared the establishment of the Republic of China in Nanjing.

袁世凱えん・せいがい)(ユエン・シーカイ)Yuan Shikai

宣統帝(せんとうてい)Xuantong Emperor溥儀(ふぎ)(プーイー)Puyi

これに対し清朝(しんちょう)政府the Qing Dynasty governmentは、北洋軍閥(ほくよう・ぐんばつ)Beiyang military faction袁世凱えん・せいがい)(ユエン・シーカイ)Yuan Shikaiを起用して事態の収拾settle the situationを図ったが、袁世凱えん・せいがい)(ユエン・シーカイ)Yuan Shikai革命軍revolutionary army妥協compromisedして中華民国(ちゅうかみんこく)the Republic of China認めrecognized宣統帝(せんとうてい)Xuantong Emperor溥儀(ふぎ)(プーイー)Puyi)を退位abdicatedさせて、自ら臨時大総統provisional presidentに就任した(1912年(明治45年)310日)。

In response, the Qing Dynasty government appointed Yuan Shikai, a member of the Beiyang military faction, to try to settle the situation, but Yuan Shikai compromised with the revolutionary army, recognized the Republic of China, and established Emperor Xuantong. (March 10, 1912).

He abdicated Emperor Xuantong (Puyi) and assumed the position of provisional president (March 10, 1912).

辛亥革命(しんがい・かくめい)Xinhai Revolution

この辛亥革命(しんがい・かくめい)Xinhai Revolutionによって、300年近く中国Chinaを支配した清朝(しんちょう)the Qing Dynasty滅亡fallし、アジアAsiaで最初の民主共和国democratic republic誕生birthした。

The Xinhai Revolution brought about the fall of the Qing Dynasty, which had ruled China for nearly 300 years, and the birth of Asia's first democratic republic.

その後、孫文(そん・ぶん)Sun Wen孫逸仙(そん・いっせん)Sun Yat-sen)は袁世凱えん・せいがい)(ユエン・シーカイ)Yuan Shikai対立conflictし、1913年(大正2年)に日本に亡命defected to Japanした。

Afterwards, Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yat-sen) came into conflict with Yuan Shikai and defected to Japan in 1913 (Taisho 2).

3次日露協約(にちろ・きょうやく)the Third Japan–Russia Secret Agreements

また日露両国は、辛亥革命(しんがい・かくめい)Xinhai Revolutionを機に、1912年(明治45年)7月、3次日露協約(にちろ・きょうやく)the Third Japan–Russia Secret Agreementsを結んで勢力範囲expanding their sphere of influence内蒙古(うちもうこ)(ネイモンクー)Inner Mongoliaまで拡大expandingした。

In July 1912 (Meiji 45), Japan and Russia signed the Third Japan-Russia Treaty in the wake of the Xinhai Revolution, expanding their sphere of influence to include Inner Mongolia.


デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...