世界史 23 World history 23
殷・周時代 Yin and Zhou dynasties
湯王(とう・おう) King
Tang of Shang dynasty
武王(ぶ・おう) King
Wu of Zhou
ベルP-39エアラコブラBell P-39 Airacobra
ベルP-39エアラコブラBell P-39 Airacobra
ベルP-39エアラコブラBell P-39 Airacobra
ベルP-39エアラコブラBell P-39 Airacobra
ベルP-39エアラコブラBell P-39 Airacobra
第2章 Chapter
Establishment of ancient civilization
第6節 Section Six
Chinese Classical Civilization and
Ancient Empire
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
黄河文明(こうが(ホワンホーHuánghé)・ぶんめい) Yellow River civilization
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
黄河文明(こうが(ホワンホーHuánghé)・ぶんめい) Yellow River civilization
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
2 殷・周時代Yin and Zhou dynasties
中国Chinaの伝統的traditionalな歴史観view of
historyによると、太古の世にin ancient
times三皇(さんこう)Three Sovereigns・五帝(ごてい)Five Emperorsと呼ばれる聖天子(せいてんし)the Holy Heavenly Sonsが現れ、いろいろな発明inventionsをして人々の生活the lives of the peopleを豊かにしenriched、世の中を太平に治めたruled the world peacefullyという。
According to the traditional Chinese view of
history, in ancient times, the Holy Heavenly Sons, known as the Three Emperors
(Three Emperors), appeared and created various inventions that enriched the
lives of the people and ruled the world peacefully.
三皇(さんこう)Three Sovereignsは伏羲(ふくぎ)Fuxi・女媧(じょか)Nüwa・神農(しんのう)Shennong、五帝(ごてい)Five Emperorsは黄帝(こうてい)Yellow
Emperor・顓頊(せんぎょく)Zhuanxu・帝嚳(ていこく)Emperor Ku・堯(ぎょう)Emperor Yao・舜(しゅん)Emperor Shunと数えるのが普通である。
The three emperors are
Fukugi, Nüwa, and Shinnong, and the five emperors are Huangdi, Sengyoku, and
Teikyou. It is common to count Teikoku, Gyo, and Shun.
天子(てんし)Son of Heaven, or Tianziとは、中国China・日本Japan・ベトナムVietnamで用いられた君主Monarchの称号title。
Tenshi is a monarch's
title used in China, Japan, and Vietnam.
天命(てんめい)Mandate of Heavenを受けて天下(てんか)Tianxia, all under Heavenを治めるrules者の意。
The meaning of a person
who receives a destiny and rules the world.
中国Chinaの周王King Zhouや漢代Han Dynasty以降の皇帝emperors、日本Japanの大王great kings・天皇emperorsの別号separate nameとして用いられた。
It was used as a
separate name for King Zhou of China, emperors after the Han Dynasty, and great
kings and emperors of Japan.
黄帝(こうてい)(Huangdi)Yellow Emperor
黄帝(こうてい)(Huangdi)Yellow Emperorは悪者the villainsを討ち平らげdefeated黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghé)流域the Yellow River basinに初めて建国established the first stateし、後世in later generations漢民族(かんみんぞく)Han Chineseの祖先the ancestorと尊ばれているrevered。
The Yellow Emperor
defeated the villains and established the first state in the Yellow River
basin, and is revered as the ancestor of the Han people in later generations.
堯(ぎょう) Emperor Yao
舜(しゅん) Emperor Shun
堯(ぎょう)Emperor Yao・舜(しゅん)Emperor Shunは聖天子(せいてんし)the Holy Heavenly Sonsの代表とされ、ことに堯(ぎょう)Emperor Yaoが帝位throneを舜(しゅん)Emperor Shunに譲ったhanded overことは禅譲(ぜんじょう)Concession伝説legendとして有名である。
Yao and Shun are considered to be the
representatives of the Holy Heavenly Sons, and the fact that Yao handed over
the throne to Shun is well known as the Zenjo legend.
禹(う) Yu the Great
更に舜(しゅん)Emperor Shunは黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghé)the Yellow Riverの治水flood controlに功のあった禹(う)Yu the Greatに帝位を譲りhanded over the throne、以後帝位throneは世襲hereditaryされた。
In addition, Shun
handed over the throne to Yu, who was successful in flood control of the Yellow
River, and the throne was hereditary thereafter.
桀王(けつおう) King Jie
夏王朝(か・おうちょう) Xia Dynasty
末帝the Last Emperor桀王(けつおう)King
It was destroyed by the Yin during the reign
of King Jie of the Last Emperor.
これが夏(か)(シャ)王朝the Xia Dynastyとされる。
This is known as the Xia Dynasty.
しかし、夏王朝(か・おうちょう)the Xia Dynastyのことは後の周(しゅう)(ジョウ)代the Zhou
However, the Xia Dynasty is only mentioned
in later documents of the Zhou dynasty, and no definite evidence of its
existence has been found.
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
現在のところ、中国Chinaの確実な王朝definite dynastyとしては殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynastyが最初the firstである。
At present, the Shang Dynasty is the first
definite dynasty in China.
漢民族(かんみんぞく) Han Chinese
補足supplementary explanation
漢民族(かんみんぞく) Han Chinese
現在の中国Chinaは多民族国家multi-ethnic countryで、それら多数の民族ethnic groupsはすべて中国の民族all Chinese ethnic groupsであるがその中心the center of the nationをなす最も有力な民族the most powerful ethnic groupが漢民族(かんみんぞく)Han Chineseである。
Present-day China is a
multi-ethnic country, and the majority of these ethnic groups are all Chinese
ethnic groups, but the most powerful ethnic group that forms the center of the
nation is the Han Chinese.
殷(いん)(イェン)・周(しゅう)(ジョウ)the Yin and Zhou dynasties以来黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghé)流域the Yellow River basinに住み、東アジアEast Asiaで最も早く文明を開花blossom into civilizationさせた民族ethnic groupがこの漢民族(かんみんぞく)Han Chineseである。
The Han people, who
lived in the Yellow River basin since the Yin and Zhou dynasties, were the
first ethnic group in East Asia to blossom into civilization.
前漢(ぜんかん)the Former Han Dynastyの歴史家historian司馬遷(しば・せん)Sima Qianの著した 『史記(しき)Shiji』 は中国の歴史History of
Chinaを黄帝(こうてい)(Huangdi)Yellow Emperorから始めている。
Historian Sima Qian of
the Former Han Dynasty wrote "Shiji", which begins the history of
China with the Yellow Emperor.
夏王朝(か・おうちょう) Xia Dynasty
夏王朝と考古学 Xia Dynasty and Archeology
伝説Legendによるとの夏王朝(か・おうちょう)the Xia Dynastyの首都capitalは山西(さんせい)(シャンシー)南部the south of Shanxiから河南省(かなん・しょう)(ホゥーナン・シュン)西部the west of
Legend has it that the capital of the Xia
Dynasty was located in the region from the south of Shanxi to the west of
この地方には彩陶文化(さいとう・ぶんか)the Colored Pottery Culture(仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか)Yangshao culture)や黒陶文化(こくとう・ぶんか)the Black Pottery Culture(龍山文化(りゅうざん(ロンシャン)・ぶんか)Longshan culture)の遺跡ruinsが多い。
In this region, there are many ruins of the
colored pottery culture (Yangshao culture) and the black pottery culture
(Longshan culture).
しかし文字writingの発見foundがないため、確実な遺跡the exact ruinsはなお不明still unknownである。
However, since no writing has been found,
the exact ruins are still unknown.
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝Shang Dynasty)
黄河下流域the Lower
Yellow Riverの黒陶文化(こくとう・ぶんか)black pottery cultureをもつ氏族集団Clan groupsは、しだいに大小の大邑large and small villagesを形成formedし、対立抗争conflictをへてやがて国家nationへと成長grew intoした。
Clan groups with black pottery culture in
the Lower Yellow River gradually formed large and small villages, and
eventually grew into a nation through conflict.
こうして優勢dominateとなったのが殷王朝(いん(イェン)・おうちょう)the Yin Dynastyである。
The Yin dynasty came to dominate.
この殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynastyの実在existenceは、殷墟(いんきょ)the Yin Ruinsで発見された文字の研究the research of charactersや遺跡の発掘the excavation of ruinsによって証明provedされ、中国最初の王朝the first dynastyと認められた(前1600年ごろaround 1600
BC~前1050年ごろaround 1050 BC)。
The existence of the Yin Dynasty was proved
by the research of characters discovered in the Yin Ruins and the excavation of
ruins, and it was recognized as the first dynasty in China (around 1600 to 1050
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷墟(いんきょ)の発掘Excavation of the Yin Ruins
1899年(明治32年)、河南省(かなん・しょう)(ホゥーナン・シュン)Henan Province安陽県(あんよう・けん)(アンヤン・シアン)Anyang Countyの小屯(しょうとん)村Xiaotun Villageで、表面に象形文字(しょうけいもじ)hieroglyphsを刻んだ多数の亀甲(きっこう)tortoise shellsや獣骨animal bonesが発見され(甲骨文字(こうこつもじ)bone inscriptions)、この地が 『史記(しき)Shiji』 に記されている殷墟(いんきょ)the Yin Ruinsすなわち殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruinsであることが確実certainとなった。
In 1899, in Xiaotun Village, Anyang County,
Henan Province, a large number of tortoise shells and animal bones with
hieroglyphs engraved on their surfaces were discovered (bone inscriptions), and
this place was recorded in the Shiji. It is certain that it is the ruins of the
Yin Ruins, that is, the last commercial town of the Yin Dynasty.
竪穴住居(たてあな・じゅうきょ) pit
竪穴住居(たてあな・じゅうきょ) pit
20世紀 the 20th centuryになって本格的な発掘Full-scale excavationsが行われ、宮殿跡ruins of palacesや半地下式住居semi-underground dwellings跡ruinsが多数発見された。
Full-scale excavations were carried out in
the 20th century, and many ruins of palaces and semi-underground dwellings were
またその近くには人畜people and animalsの殉葬martyrdomsを伴った王墓royal tombsらしい11の大墓11 large tombsもあった。
Nearby there were also 11 large tombs that
seemed to be royal tombs with martyrdoms of people and animals.
遺跡the ruinsからは青銅器bronze wareを初め、石器stoneware・玉器jade ware・陶器pottery・象牙製品ivory
A large number of cultural assets such as
bronze ware, stoneware, jade ware, pottery, and ivory products were excavated
from the ruins.
甲骨文字(こうこつ・もじ) Oracle
bone script
甲骨文字(こうこつ・もじ) Oracle bone script
plastron、牛の肩甲骨cow's scapulaの裏backに穴holeをあけ、そこを焼いてbaked表面surfaceにできる割れ目cracksによって吉凶を占いtell fortunes、占いfortune-tellingの内容contentと判断の語words of judgmentを刻んだcarved。
A hole was made in the back of the turtle's
plastron and cow's scapula, and the cracks that formed on the surface when the
holes were baked were used to tell fortunes, and the content of the
fortune-telling and words of judgment were carved.
その内容contentsは、多くは祭祀rituals・軍事military affairs・天文astronomy・狩猟hunting・穀物の豊凶crop yieldsなどに関するもので、中国China最初の文献資料the first
documentary materialである。
Most of the contents are related to rituals,
military affairs, astronomy, hunting, and crop yields, making it the first
documentary material in China.
charactersも多くあり、すでに漢字(かんじ)Chinese charactersとして一歩進んだone step aheadものである。
Although there are many hieroglyphs, there
are also many composite characters, and it is already one step ahead as kanji.
湯王(とう・おう)King Tang (紀元前1600年頃circa 1600 BC)
湯王(とう・おう) King Tang of Shang dynasty
湯王(とうおう)King Tang(紀元前1600年頃circa 1600 BC)は、古代中国ancient Chinaの殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the
Yin Dynastyの初代王the first king。
King Tang (circa 1600 BC) was the first king
of the Shang dynasty of ancient China.
それまでの勢力を制圧し中原(ちゅうげん)Zhongyuan(the Central Plain(s))の覇権(はけん)hegemonyを得て、亳(はく)Boに王都royal capitalを築営した。
He overcame the power that had existed up to
that point, gained hegemony over the central plains, and built the royal
capital in Ho.
桀王(けつ・おう) King Jie
湯王(とう・おう)King Tangは夏王朝(か・おうちょう)Xia Dynastyの最後の桀王(けつ・おう)King Jieを追放し夏王朝(か・おうちょう)Xia Dynastyを滅ぼした。
The King of Yu of Yin
ruined Xia by banishing the last Jie of Xia.
Tangは伊尹(い・いん)Yi Yinの補佐assistedを受け桀王(けつ・おう)King Jieを攻め、これを滅ぼした(鳴条の戦い(めいじょう・の・たたかい)Battle of Mingtiao)。
Yuo, Natsu's vassal,
was assisted by Koretada and attacked Kie, destroying it (Battle of Narujo).
夏王朝(か・おうちょう) Xia Dynasty
政治 politics
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin dynastyは夏王朝(か・おうちょう)the
Xia dynastyを滅ぼした後After defeating、しばしば都capitalを移動movedしたが、前1300年ごろaround 1300
communitiesの集落villages(邑(ゆう)yì)の連合coalitionの盟主leaderとして商邑(しょうゆう)(シャンユー)Shangyu(殷墟(いんきょ)the Yin Ruins)に都capitalし、長くここに定住remainedした。
After defeating the Xia dynasty, the Yin
dynasty moved the capital often, but around 1300 B.C., as the leader of a
coalition of many clan communities, Shangyu (Yinhu) became the capital and
remained here for a long time. settled in
殷(いん)(イェン)部族the Yin tribeの長headである王kingは、政治politics・軍事military affairs・経済economicsから王の日常生活the king's daily lifeに至る全てのことeverythingを、占いfortune-tellingに現れた祖先神ancestor godsの神意divine willに基づいてbased on決定decidesする、いわゆる祭政一致の政治governmental
unity politics(神権政治theocracy)を行った。
The king, who is the head of the Yin tribe,
decides everything from politics, military affairs, economics to the king's
daily life based on the divine will of the ancestor gods who appeared in
fortune-telling. He practiced the so-called governmental unity politics
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
占い fortune-telling
ことに農耕agricultureの指導instructionは、重要な責務important responsibilityであった。
In particular, instruction in agriculture
was an important responsibility.
王位の相続succession to
the throneは、最初は兄弟相続sibling successionが行われていたが、しだいに父子相続father-son successionに代わり、王kingは宗教的religious・世俗的権威secular authorityを世襲inheritして強大な権力great powerを一身one personに集中concentratingするようになった。
The succession to the throne was initially
based on sibling succession, but gradually changed to father-son succession,
and the king began to inherit religious and secular authority, concentrating
great power on one person.
殷(いん)(イェン)代Yin Dynastyは奴隷制の時代the age of slaveryといわれる。
The Yin Dynasty is known as the age of
多数の戦争捕虜prisoners of warを家内奴隷domestic slavesとして雑用miscellaneous workに用いるほか、農耕agricultureにも主たる労働力main labor forceとして使役usedしたといわれる。
In addition to using many prisoners of war
as domestic slaves for miscellaneous work, it is said that they also used them
as the main labor force for agriculture.
饕餮夔鳳文方尊(とうてつ・きほうもん・ほうそん) 殷の青銅器
経済 economics
殷(いん))(イェン)代During the Yin dynastyには、牧畜livestock farmingも行われていたが農業agricultureが基本産業basic industryで、木wood・石stone・貝製shellsなどの農具Farming toolsを使用して、きびmillet・粟millet・麦barleyなどを生産produceした。
During the Yin dynasty, livestock farming
was also practiced, but agriculture was the basic industry.
Farming tools made of wood, stone, and
shells were used to produce millet, millet, and barley.
また王墓royal tombsなどの副葬品Burial goodsには奇怪な動物文様bizarre animal patternsをもつみごとな青銅器bronze wareや象牙細工ivory work・白陶(はくとう)white potteryなどが含まれている。
Burial goods in royal tombs include splendid
bronze ware with bizarre animal patterns, ivory work, and white pottery.
これらは祭祀用の道具tools for ritualsであったらしいが、特に青銅器bronze wareは次の周(しゅう)(ジョウ)時代Zhou dynastyにも引き続き作られて、特色ある中国青銅器文明Chinese bronze ware civilizationを形成formingした。
It seems that these were tools for rituals,
and especially bronze ware continued to be made in the next Zhou dynasty,
forming a distinctive Chinese bronze ware civilization.
こうした奇怪な文様bizarre patternsや、殷墟(いんきょ)Yin ruinsの地下undergroundなどから発見された中央アジアの玉類Central Asian jade、南方産from the southの子安貝(こやすがい)cowry(装飾品ornaments)・象牙ivoryなどの存在は、殷(いん))(イェン)Yinが遠隔地remote areasと交易tradedしていたこと、特に南方太平洋沿岸地方the Southern Pacific Coast Regionと密接な交渉close negotiationsをもっていたことを示すindicationものとして注目される。
These bizarre patterns, the presence of
Central Asian jade found underground in Yin ruins, koyasu shells (ornaments)
and ivory from the south suggest that the Yin had traded with remote areas,
particularly in the southern Pacific Ocean.
In particular, it draws attention as an
indication that he had close negotiations with the Southern Pacific Coast
帝辛(ていしん) Di Xin 紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King Zhou
妲己(だっき) Daji
紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King
Zhou 妲己(だっき) Daji
紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King
Zhou 妲己(だっき) Daji
殷(いん)王朝の滅亡 Fall of the Yin Dynasty
前1050年ごろAround 1050 BC、殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin
Dynastyは末帝紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン)the last Emperor Zhouのとき、東方部族the eastern tribesの叛乱rebellionに苦しみ、西方the westに興った周(しゅう)(ジョウ)族Zhou tribesの攻撃を受けてattacks滅亡destroyedした。
Around 1050 BC, the Shang Dynasty suffered
from rebellion by the eastern tribes during the reign of the late Emperor Zhou,
and was destroyed by the attacks of the Zhou tribes who had risen to the west.
酒池肉林(しゅち・にくりん) Alcohol
Pool and Meat Forest
酒池肉林(しゅち・にくりん) Alcohol
Pool and Meat Forest
紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King
Zhou 妲己(だっき) Daji
伝説legendによると、紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン)King Zhouは人民の苦しみthe suffering of the peopleをよそに酒池肉林(しゅち・にくりん)Alcohol Pool and Meat Forestの宴feastsにふけり、政治を忘れたforgetting about politicsために国を滅ぼしたruining the countryといわれている。
According to legend, King Lao disregarded
the suffering of the people and indulged himself in feasts at the Sake Pond
Meat Forest, forgetting about politics and ruining the country.
西周(せい・しゅう) Western Zhou
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
西周(せい・しゅう) Western Zhou
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
西周(せい・しゅう) Western Zhou
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
周(しゅう)(ジョウ)の建国 Founding of
陝西省(せんせいしょう)Shaanxi Provinceの渭水(いすい)流域the Wei River Basinにあった周族(しゅうぞく)Zhou tribe(姫(き)Ji姓surname)は、最初殷(いん)the Yin Dynastyに服属subjugatedしていたが、豊かな農業地帯rich agricultural areaを基盤に、西北蛮族the northwestern barbarian tribesとの接触により高められた武力military strengthで、また西北方面the northwest areaと交易tradingして蓄えた財力financial powerにより、周囲の部族the surrounding tribesを従えて強大powerfulとなった。
The Zhou tribe (surname Ki) in the Wei River
Basin of Shaanxi Province was initially subjugated to the Yin Dynasty, but
based on its rich agricultural area, their military strength increased due to
contact with the northwestern barbarian tribes. In addition, with the financial
power accumulated by trading with the northwest area, the surrounding tribes
followed and became powerful.
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
前1050年ごろAround 1050 BC、武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン)King Wuが殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)Yin Dynastyを滅ぼし、鎬京(こうけい)(ホウイン)Hojing(陝西省(せんせいしょう)Shaanxi
Province西安(せいあん)Xi'an付近)を都the capitalとし、黄河中流域the middle
basin of the Yellow River(中原(ちゅうげん)Zhongyuan(Central Plain))を支配ruledした。
Around 1050 BC, King Wu overthrew the Shang
dynasty, made Hojing (near Xi'an, Shaanxi Province) the capital, and ruled the
middle basin of the Yellow River (Zhongyuan).
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン)King Wu of Zhou
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
Wu of Zhou
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King Wu of Zhou
姓(せい)family nameは姫(き)Ji、諱(いみな)personal nameは発(はつ)Fa。
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン)King Wuは、周王朝(しゅう・おうちょう)Zhou Dynastyの創始者founder。
Takeo is the founder of Zhou Dynasty.
殷(いん)(イェン)を滅ぼし、周(しゅう)(ジョウ)Zhouを立てた(殷周革命(いんしゅう・かくめい)the Yin and Zhou Revolution)(易姓革命(えきせい・かくめい)the change of dynasties)。
The Yin was destroyed and set up (Yin Zhou
文王(ぶん・おう)King Wenの次男second son。
The second son of King Wen.
呂尚(りょ・しょう) Lü
Shang (太公望(たい・こう・ぼう) Grand Duke Wang)
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
Wu of Zhou
呂尚(りょ・しょう) Lü
Shang (太公望(たい・こう・ぼう) Grand Duke Wang)
呂尚(りょ・しょう) Lü Shang
(太公望(たい・こう・ぼう) Grand Duke Wang)
呂尚(りょ・しょう)Lu Shangは、紀元前11世紀ごろaround the 11th century BCの古代中国ancient China・周(しゅう)(ジョウ)Zhou Dynastyの軍師strategist、後に斉(せい)Qi dynastyの始祖founder。
Lu Shang was a strategist of the Zhou
Dynasty in ancient China around the 11th century BC, and later the founder of
the Qi dynasty.
一般には太公望(たい・こう・ぼう)Grand Duke Wangという呼び名で知られ、釣りfishingをしていた逸話anecdoteから、日本Japanではしばしば釣り師fishermanの代名詞pronounとして使われる。
In general, he is known by the name Taikobo,
and is often used as a pronoun for a fisherman in Japan due to an anecdote
about him fishing.
紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King
Zhou 妲己(だっき) Daji
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
Wu of Zhou
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan,
Duke of Zhou
呂尚(りょ・しょう) Lü
Shang (太公望(たい・こう・ぼう) Grand Duke Wang)
殷周革命(いんしゅう・かくめい) the
Yin and Zhou Revolution(易姓革命(えきせい・かくめい) the change of dynasties)
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan,
Duke of Zhou
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan, Duke of Zhou
中国Chinese周王朝(しゅう・おうちょう)Zhou Dynastyの政治家politicianで且つ、周邑(しゅうゆう)Zhou Yuの君主the ruler。
A politician of the Chinese Zhou Dynasty and
the ruler of Zhou Yu.
姓(せい)family nameは姫(き)Ji、諱(いみな)personal nameは旦(たん)Dan。
Her family name is Hime, and her personal
name is Tan.
魯(ろ)Luの初代の公(こう)Dukeである伯禽(はく・きん)Bo Qinの父。
Father of Hakukin, the first Duke of Lu.
呂尚(りょ・しょう)Lu Shang(太公望(たい・こう・ぼう)Grand
Duke Wang)や召公奭(しょう・こう・せき)Shi, Duke of Shaoと並ぶ、周(しゅう)(ジョウ)建国Founding of Zhouの功臣meritorious retainersの一人である。
He was one of the meritorious retainers of
Zhou Jianguo, along with Lu Shang (Tai Gong Wang) and Zhou Gong Yi.
次兄second elder brotherにあたる初代武王(ぶおう)King Wu存命中は兄の補佐をして殷(いん)打倒に当たった。
While he was still alive, he assisted his
older brother in overthrowing the Yin dynasty.
武王(ぶおう)King Wuの死により、武王(ぶおう)King Wuの少子young son(年少の子)の成王(せいおう)King Chengが位に就いた。
Due to King Mu's death, King Sei, the young
son of King Mu, assumed the throne.
成王(せいおう)King Chengは未だ幼少であったため、周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん)Dan, Duke of Zhouは燕(えん)Yanの召公奭(しょう・こう・せき)Shi, Duke of Shaoと共に摂政regentsとなって建国直後の周(しゅう)(ジョウ)Zhouを安定させた。
Since King Cheng was still young, Dan and
Duke of Yan became regents and stabilized the Zhou immediately after the
founding of the state.
武王(ぶ・おう) King
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan,
Duke of Zhou
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
宗法(そうほう) Patriarchal
Clan System
宗法(そうほう)Patriarchal Clan Systemとは、大家族制extended
family systemを基本とした伝統中国traditional Chinaにおいて、大家族large familyを意味する宗族(そうぞく)the clan内の規律・規則discipline and rulesを指す言葉である。
Soho is a word that refers to the discipline
and rules within the clan that means a large family in traditional China, which
is based on the extended family system.
周(しゅう)の時代during the Zhou dynastyに成立した。
It was established during the Zhou dynasty.
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
周王(しゅうおう)King Zhouは、直轄領territory under his direct controlとして畿内(きない)Capital Region(天子(てんし)Son of Heaven, or Tianziの直轄地)を支配ruledしたが、その他の広大な土地other vast landsは一族clans・功臣meritorious retainersや土豪(どごう)local lordsに封土(ほうど)fiefsとして与え、彼らを世襲の諸侯(しょこう)hereditary lordsとし、平時in times of peaceには一定の貢物を収めるpaid a certain amount of tributeことと戦時During the warには軍隊を率いて出陣lead the armyする義務obligedおよび食糧を送るsend food義務obligedを負わせた。
King Zhou ruled Kinai as a territory under
his direct control, but other vast lands were given to clans, meritorious
retainers, and local lords as fiefs, making them hereditary lords, and in times
of peace, they paid a certain amount of tribute and fought. Sometimes he was
obliged to lead the army and send food.
During the war, he was obliged to lead the
army and send food.
しかし、殷(いん)代the Yin Dynastyからの地方諸国の首長local chiefsも依然として諸侯(しょこう)feudal lordsと認められ、周(しゅう)の統制Zhou's controlは比較的微弱relatively weakであった。
However, local chiefs from the Yin Dynasty
were still recognized as feudal lords, and Zhou's control was relatively weak.
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
王kingと諸侯(しょこう)feudal lordsの下には、卿(けい)qīng・大夫(たいふ)dàfū・士(し)shìと呼ばれる世襲の家臣hereditary vassalsがあり、一定の封土(ほうど)fiefs(采邑(さいゆう)cǎi yì)を分封(ぶんぽう)divided intoされて、階層的な治者階級hierarchical ruler classを構成formedした。
Below the king and the lords, there are
hereditary vassals called Kei, Taifu, and Shi, who are divided into certain
fiefs (saiyu), and are hierarchically governed. formed a class.
この政治制度political systemを中国Chinaでは封建制度(ほうけん・せいど)Fengjian systemというが、これは、従来の血縁的な氏姓制度clans and surnames systemを基礎basisとして成立establishedしたもので、中世ヨーロッパmedieval EuropeのフューダリズムFeudalismや日本Japanの封建制度(ほうけん・せいど)Feudal systemとは性格characterがちがう。
This political system is called the Fengjian
system in China, but it was established on the basis of the conventional clans
and surnames system, and is different in character from the Feudalism of
medieval Europe and the feudal system of Japan.
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
采邑(さいゆう) càiyì
卿(けい)qīng・大夫(たいふ)dàfūが軍役に従う義務duty to serve in the militaryの代償exchangeとして諸侯feudal lordsから与えられた領地territoriesを「采邑(さいゆう)càiyì」または「采地(さいち)càidì」という。
The territories given to Kei and Taifu by
feudal lords in exchange for their duty to serve in the military are called
'Saiyu' or 'Saichi.'
その邑(ゆう)yì(village)から租税を徴収collect taxesすることを認められたのである。
He was allowed to collect taxes from that
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
周の封建制度Zhou Fengjian
周王朝(しゅう・おうちょう)the Zhou dynastyが殷(いん)the Yin
dynastyを滅ぼしてdestroyed、その支配ruleが東方諸国the eastern
countriesに延びると、主として同族のものmembers of
the same familyを諸侯(しょこう)feudal
areas in the regionに配して支配ruled overさせた。
When the Zhou dynasty destroyed the Yin
dynasty and extended its rule to the eastern countries, they mainly assigned
members of the same family as feudal lords and ruled over important areas in
the region.
これを「周(しゅう)の封建制度(ほうけん・せいど)Zhou Fengjian
This is known as the Zhou feudal system.
これは血縁に基づくbased on blood ties団結力unityによって、周王室(しゅう・おうしつ)the
Zhou royal familyを中心centeredとする支配権controlの確立establishを図ったものである。
This was an attempt to establish control
centered on the Zhou royal family through unity based on blood ties.
従って周王(しゅう・おう)the King of Zhouと同姓諸侯feudal lords of the same surnameとの関係は君臣関係relationship between lords and vassalsというよりも、むしろ本家(ほんけ)the main familyと分家(ぶんけ)the
branch familyという関係に基づくものである。
Therefore, the relationship between the King
of Zhou and the feudal lords of the same surname is based on the relationship
between the main family and the branch family rather than the relationship
between the vassals.
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan,
Duke of Zhou
この封建(ほうけん)Fengjianという言葉wordは、ヨーロッパ中世the Middle Ages in Europeに行われたフューダリズムFeudalismの訳語translationとしても使われるから、その区別distinctionをはっきりさせておかなければならない。
The word feudalism is also used as a
translation of the fudarism practiced in the Middle Ages in Europe, so the
distinction must be made clear.
between lords and vassalsを結びつけるconnected媒介物mediumは土地the landであり、臣下the vassalsは主君the lordsに忠誠allegianceを誓い、奉仕servedするのに対して、主君the lordsは臣下the vassalsを保護protectedし封土(ほうど)fiefdomsを与えるという関係において両者は結びついた。
In medieval European fudalism, the land was
the medium that connected the relationship between lords and vassals, and the
vassals pledged allegiance to their lords and served them, while the lords
protected their vassals and gave them fiefdoms.
このような君臣関係relationship of rulers and vassalsは、周(しゅう)の封建制(ほうけん・せい)the
Zhou Fengjian systemの場合にもそのまま当てはまる。
This relationship of rulers and vassals also
applies to the Zhou feudal system.
呂尚(りょ・しょう) Lü
Shang (太公望(たい・こう・ぼう) Grand Duke Wang)
しかしフューダリズムFeudalismでは、君臣の関係relationship between a ruler and a subjectは個人individualsとの間に結ばれる契約contractであるのに対して、周(しゅう)の場合in the case of Zhouには君臣の関係relationship between a ruler and a subjectの根底the baseには氏族的血縁的clan-like
kinshipなものが紐帯(ちゅうたい)として強くはたらいているstrongly works as a tieので、この点で両者の間には大きな違いbig differenceがある。
However, in Fudarism, a relationship between
a ruler and a subject is a contract made between individuals, whereas in the
case of Zhou, at the base of the relationship between a ruler and a subject,
there is a clan-like kinship that strongly works as a tie. In this respect
there is a big difference between the two.
なお、以上述べたところは「封建制度(ほうけん・せいど)feudalism」という概念conceptを政治形態forms of governmentの一つとして見た場合the caseであって、これとは別に農奴経済serf economyを内容contentとする社会制度social systemを示す概念conceptとして見る立場standpointもある。
It should be noted that the above is the
case where the concept of ``feudalism'' is viewed as one of the forms of
government, and there is also a standpoint that views it as a concept that
indicates a social system with a serf economy as its content.
その場合には周(しゅう)の社会Zhou societyはまだ封建制(ほうけんせい)の社会feudal societyではないと見るseeのが普通commonである。
In that case, it is common to see Zhou
society as not yet a feudal society.
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian
周(しゅう)代the Zhou dynastyの政治politicsは、封建制度(ほうけん・せいど)Fengjian systemとともに道徳的実践moral practiceとして礼(れい)を重んじvalued etiquette、礼(れい)etiquetteによって政治を行うgovernedという礼政一致(れいせい・いっち)a unity of etiquette and politicsであったことに注意しなければならない。
It should be noted that the politics of the
Zhou dynasty, together with the feudal system, valued etiquette as a moral
practice and conducted politics according to etiquette.
It should be noted that it was a unity of
etiquette and politics that governed by etiquette.
殷(いん)代the Yin Dynastyの政治politicsが祭政一致(さいせい・いっち)the unity of ritual and governmentで原始宗教primitive religionsの色彩が濃かったのに対して、周(しゅう)Zhouは初めこれを受け継ぎinheritedながら次第に倫理的な観念ethical ideasを発達developedさせた。
While the politics of the Yin Dynasty was
strongly influenced by primitive religions, the Zhou inherited it and gradually
developed ethical ideas.
すなわち、天(てん)heavenとは単なる一部族のみonly one tribeを守護protectsする神godではなく、正義の味方ally of justiceとして人の行為people's actionsの善悪good and badによって賞罰rewards and punishmentsをくだす支配者rulerであり、この天(てん)heavenの人格化personificationしたものが王king=天子(てんし)heavenly sonであると考えられた。
In other words, heaven is not just a god who
protects only one tribe, but a ruler who gives rewards and punishments
according to the good and bad of people's actions as an ally of justice, and
the personification of this heaven is thought to be the king = heavenly son. .
こうして周(しゅう)人people of Zhouは倫理的行為ethical actionsによって天意(てんい)the will of heavenをも動かし得るとする新しい観念new notionを打ち立てestablished、道徳moralityの実践的表現practical expression=礼(れい)etiquetteを重んじrespect、政治を礼(れい)に一致させるmatch politics with etiquetteことを王king=天子(てんし)heavenly sonの理想the idealとしたのである。
In this way, Shujin established a new notion
that ethical actions could influence the will of heaven, and made it the ideal
of a king, the heavenly son, to respect the practical expression of morality,
i.e. etiquette, and to match politics with etiquette.
この観念ideaは、のちに孔子(こうし)Confuciusによって儒教(じゅきょう)Confucianismの根本精神fundamental spiritとされた。
This idea was later made into the
fundamental spirit of Confucianism by Confucius.
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
社会制度 Social System
周(しゅう)代the Zhou dynastyの王kings・諸侯(しょこう)feudal lordsなどの支配階級ruling classesは、姓(せい)surnamesと呼ばれる血縁団体blood-related groupsを形成し、同姓(どうせい)same surnameの男女men and womenの婚姻marriageは許されなかった(同姓不婚(どうせいふこん)same surname dismarriage)。
The ruling classes, such as kings and feudal
lords of the Zhou dynasty, formed blood-related groups called surnames, and
marriage between men and women with the same surname was not permitted (same
surname dismarriage).
しかし、同姓(どうせい)same surnameの者peopleが次第に各地throughout the countryに拡大expanded・分散dispersedするにつれて、姓(せい)の別れseparate surnameである氏(うじ)jiが実質上de factoの社会単位social unitとなった。
However, as people with the same surname
gradually expanded and dispersed throughout the country, the ji, which was a
separate surname, became a de facto social unit.
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
この姓(せい)surname・氏(うじ)clanを同じくする一族familiesは宗族(そうぞく)Chinese kinと呼ばれ、宗族(そうぞく)Chinese kinの規約rules(宗法(そうほう)Patriarchal Clan System)によって本家(ほんけ)main familyの家長(かちょう)headが祖先ancestorsの祭祀(さいし)ritualsを中心として、本家(ほんけ)main family・分家(ぶんけ)branch familiesの団結uniteを図った。
The families sharing the same surname and
clan were called sozoku, and according to the rules of the family (soho), the
head of the main family tried to unite the main family and branch families,
centering on rituals for ancestors.
宗法(そうほう)Patriarchal Clan Systemは周(しゅう)の封建制度(ほうけんせいど)Zhou Fengjian systemの基礎foundationとなった。
The Dharma became the foundation of the Zhou
feudal system.
一方、被支配者階級the ruled classでは、土地神land godsの「社(しゃ)shè」を中心centerとした村落共同体village communityによる結合unionが中心centerとなった。
On the other hand, in the ruled class, the
union by the village community centering on the 'sha' of the land gods was the
当時の一般庶民common peopleはほとんどが農民farmersで、青銅器の使用use of bronze toolsは支配者階級the ruling classに限られlimited、農民farmersはまだ石器stone tools・木器wooden tools・貝器shell toolsを使用usedしていたため、生産力productivityは低くlow、家族単位family basisでは生活livesが維持sustainできず、そのため社(しゃ)shèを中心centerとする村落共同体village communitiesを組織organizedして生産productionに従事engagedしたのである。
At that time, most of the common people were
farmers, and the use of bronze tools was limited to the ruling class, and the
farmers still used stone, wooden, and shell tools. For this reason, village
communities centered on the company were organized and engaged in production.
Their productivity was low, and they could
not maintain their livelihoods on a family basis.
As families could not sustain their lives,
they organized village communities centered on shrines and engaged in
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
したがって、領主the lords(王kings・諸侯(しょこう)feudal lords・卿(けい)qīng・大夫(たいふ)dàfūなど)も直接農民peasantsを支配controlせず、すべて村落共同体village communitiesを通じて行い、共同体communityに一定の土地を割り当ててa certain amount of land was allocated耕作cultivateさせ、その収穫の一部を納めさせるa part of the harvest was paid労働地代の方式method of labor rentがとられた。
Therefore, the lords (kings, lords, lords,
etc.) did not directly control the peasants, but did everything through the
village communities.
A method of labor rent was adopted, in which
a certain amount of land was allocated to the community to cultivate, and a
part of the harvest was paid.
これを井田法(せいでんほう)Well-field systemという。
This is called the Ida method.
農民Peasantsにはこの他に多くの徭役(ようえき)servitudeが課せられ、更に最下層the lowest
levelには奴隷slaves(奴婢(ぬひ)núbì)がおり、支配者階級the ruling
Peasants were also subjected to many other
forms of servitude, and at the lowest level, there were slaves, who were
subordinated to the ruling class and worked in handicrafts and agriculture.
この時代の主な作物main cropsは、粟millet・きびmillet・稲rice・麦wheatの類で、養蚕sericultureも行われた。
The main crops in this period were millet,
millet, rice and wheat, and sericulture was also practiced.
井田法(せいでんほう) Well-field system
井田法(せいでんほう) Well-field system
農場間の茶色の境界線は、井戸の文字に似ている (井)
The brown border between the farms resembles
the character for well (井)
井田法(せいでんほう) Well-field system
正方形900畝(ぽ)の土地A square of
900 ridgesを井字形the shape of a wellに9等分divided into 9 equal partsし、800畝(ぽ)800 ridgesを私田private fieldsとして8戸8 householdsに分与distributedし、中央centerの100畝(ぽ)100
ridgesを公田public fieldsとして共同耕作joint
cultivationさせ、その収穫を上納させるthe harvest is paid。
A square of 900 ridges is divided into 9
equal parts in the shape of a well, 800 ridges are distributed to 8 households
as private fields, and 100 ridges in the center are used as public fields for
joint cultivation, and the harvest is paid.
States Periodの著述work 『孟子(もうし)Mencius』 に伝えられるが、儒教(じゅきょう)Confucianism的に理想化idealizedされたもので、そのままの実在idealizedは疑問questionable。
It is reported in the Warring States Period
work "Mencius", but it is idealized in Confucianism, and its
existence as it is questionable.
武王(ぶおう) King
成王(せいおう) King
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan,
Duke of Zhou
武王(ぶおう)King Wuの死により、武王(ぶおう)King Wuの少子young son(年少の子)の成王(せいおう)King Chengが位に就いた。
Due to King Mu's death, King Sei, the young
son of King Mu, assumed the throne.
成王(せいおう)King Chengは未だ幼少であったため、周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん)Dan, Duke of Zhouは燕(えん)Yanの召公奭(しょう・こう・せき)Shi, Duke of Shaoと共に摂政regentsとなって建国直後の周(しゅう)Zhouを安定させた。
Since King Cheng was still young, Dan and
Duke of Yan became regents and stabilized the Zhou immediately after the
founding of the state.
西戎(せい・じゅう)(シロン) Xirong
(Western warlike people)
西戎(せい・じゅう)(シロン)Xirong(Western warlike people)あるいは戎(じゅう)Rong(warlike foreigners)および犬戎(けん・じゅう)Quanrongは、四夷(し・い)Four
West Ebisu, or Ebisu and Inu Ebisu, is one
of the Shii.
殷(いん)代Yin dynastyは西夷(せい・い)Western Barbariansと称されていたが、周(しゅう)代Zhou dynastyに西戎(せい・じゅう)Xirongと改称された。
During the Yin dynasty, it was called Xiyi,
but was renamed Xiyi during the Zhou dynasty.
かつては周(しゅう)Zhouの文王(ぶんおう)King Wenの討伐を受けたことがある。
In the past, it was subjugated by King Wen
of Zhou.
後に文王(ぶんおう)King Wenの太子princeである武王(ぶおう)King Wuと盟約pactを結んで共に殷(いん)Yin dynastyを滅ぼした諸侯(しょこう)feudal lords国の一つである羌(きょう)Qiang、ほかには葷粥(くんいく)Xunyuや氐(てい)Di、密須(みつす)Mitsushuなどが含まれた。
Qiang, one of the feudal lords who later
formed a pact with King Wu, the prince of King Wen, to destroy the commerce
together with him, as well as Kuniku, Tei, and Mitsushu. was
周(しゅう)代Zhou Dynastyには現在の陝西省(せんせい・しょう)(シャンシー・ション)Shaanxi
province・チベット自治区Tibet Autonomous Regionの付近にいた。
In the Zhou Dynasty, it was in the vicinity
of present-day Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces to Gansu and the Tibet Autonomous
周(しゅう)Zhou Dynastyの十二代王The twelfth king幽王(ゆう・おう)King Youは暴政を布いたので諸侯(しょこう)feudal lordsの恨みresentmentを買い、諸侯(しょこう)feudal lordsの一人申侯(しん・こう)Marquess of Shenの誘いを受けた犬戎(けん・じゅう)は紀元前770年770 B.C.に周(しゅう)Zhou Dynastyの首都capital鎬京(こうけい)Haojingを陥落させて西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhou時代の終わりを告げた。
The twelfth king of Zhou, You Wang, acted
tyrannically, earning the resentment of the feudal lords. In 770 B.C., Kenju,
who was invited by one of the feudal lords, captured Hojing, the capital of
Zhou, and conquered the West Zhou. marked the end of an era.
これ以降は春秋時代(しゅんじゅう・じだい)spring and autumn periodに入る。
After that, we enter the spring and autumn
華夏(かか) Huaxiaと四夷(しい) Four Barbarians
東夷(とうい)Dongyi 南蛮(なんばん)Nanman 西戎(せいじゅう)Xirong 北狄(ほくてき)Beidi
幽王(ゆう・おう) King
You of Zhou 褒姒(ほう・じ) Bao Si
幽王(ゆう・おう) King
You of Zhou 褒姒(ほう・じ) Bao Si
西戎(せい・じゅう)(シロン) Xirong
(Western warlike people) (犬戎(けん・じゅう))
幽王(ゆう・おう) King
You of Zhou 褒姒(ほう・じ) Bao Si
幽王(ゆう・おう)King Youは、周(しゅう)朝Zhou Dynastyの第12代の王The twelfth king。
Yuo was the 12th king of the Zhou Dynasty.
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhou最後の王The last kingである。
The last king of the Western Zhou.
褒姒(ほう・じ)Bao Siという女性を愛し、彼女の笑顔を見たさに王朝を滅亡destroyed a dynastyさせ、自らも反乱rebellionに遇い命を失った。
He fell in love with a woman named Hougi,
destroyed a dynasty because he wanted to see her smile, and lost his life in a
rebellion himself.
(申侯の乱(しんこう・の・らん)Battle of Mount Li)
幽王(ゆう・おう) King
You of Zhou
西戎(せい・じゅう)(シロン) Xirong
(Western warlike people) (犬戎(けん・じゅう))
申侯の乱(しんこう・の・らん) Battle
of Mount Li
平王(へい・おう) King
鎬京(こうけい)Haojing 洛邑(らくゆう) Luoyi (現在の洛陽(らくよう)Luoyang)
東周(とう・しゅう) Eastern
平王(へい・おう) King
Ping of Zhou
平王(へい・おう)King Pingは、周(しゅう)朝Zhou dynastyの第13代王the 13th king。
King Ping was the 13th king of the Zhou
平王(へい・おう)King Pingの時代より周(しゅう)Zhouは東周(とう・しゅう)Eastern Zhouと称されるようになる。
From the time of King Ping, Zhou came to be
called Eastern Zhou.
申侯(しん・こう)Marquess of Shenは、西方の犬戎(けん・じゅう)Quanrongと協力して幽王(ゆう・おう)King
Hou Shin cooperated with Inu Ebisu in the
west to attack King Yu.
前771年771 B.C.、幽王(ゆう・おう)King Youは驪山(りざん)Mount Liにおいて殺害され、褒姒(ほう・じ)Bao Siも犬戎(けん・じゅう)Quanrongにより連れ去られ、ここに西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouは滅亡した。
(申侯の乱(しんこう・の・らん)Battle of Mount Li)
In 771 B.C., King Yu was murdered at Mount
Li, and Hoyu was taken away by Inu Ebisu, and the Western Zhou was destroyed.
父幽王(ゆう・おう)King Youが非業の死を遂げた後、平王(へい・おう)King Pingは、即位させられた。
After the untimely death of his father Yuuo,
Heiou was enthroned.
しかし、都城capital cityである鎬京(こうけい)Haojingは戦乱で荒廃していたため、紀元前770年770 BCに洛邑(らくゆう)Luoyi(現在の洛陽(らくよう)Luoyang)の王城royal castleに遷都し、東周(とう・しゅう)Eastern
However, Hokyo, the capital city, was
devastated by war, so in 770 BC, the capital was moved to the royal castle of
Luoyu (now Luoyang), and the Eastern Zhou began.
西周(せい・しゅう) Western Zhou
東周(とう・しゅう)Eastern Zhou
西周(せい・しゅう) Western Zhou
周(しゅう)の東遷Eastward migration of Zhou
周(しゅう)の封建制度(ほうけん・せいど)Zhou Fengjian systemは、前11世紀 the 11th century BCから前8世紀ごろaround the 8th century BCまで続いたが、周王(しゅう・おう)king of Zhouと一族諸侯the lords of the clanとの血縁関係blood tiesが薄くなるにつれて王の統制力the control of the kingもゆるみ、諸侯(しょこう)the lords独立independentの傾向が強くなった。
The Zhou feudal system lasted from the 11th century BC to around the 8th century BC, but as the blood ties between the king of Zhou and the lords of the clan weakened, the control of the king weakened, and the tendency for the lords to become independent became stronger.
春秋時代(しゅんじゅう・じだい) Spring and Autumn Period
春秋時代(しゅんじゅう・じだい) Spring and Autumn Period
また、その間に諸侯(しょこう)the feudal lordsの国々では人口populationも増え、新しい土地new landsの開拓developmentが進んで、前8世紀ごろaround the
8th century B.C.には山西(さんせい)(シャンシー)Shanxiの晋(しん)(ジン)the Jin dynastyや山東(さんとう)(シャントン)Shandongの斉(せい)(チー)the Qi dynastyなどは周(しゅう)(ジョウ)王朝the Zhou dynastyをしのぐsurpassingほどの勢力powerをもつようになった。
In the meantime, the population of the
feudal lords increased and the development of new lands progressed,
Around the 8th century BC, the Jin dynasty
in Shanxi and the Qi dynasty in Shandong came to have power surpassing the Zhou
西戎(せい・じゅう)(シロン) Xirong
(Western warlike people) (犬戎(けん・じゅう))
華夏(かか)Huaxiaと四夷(しい)Four Barbarians 東夷(とうい)Dongyi 南蛮(なんばん)Nanman 西戎(せいじゅう)Xirong 北狄(ほくてき)Beidi
幽王(ゆう・おう) King You of Zhou 褒姒(ほう・じ) Bao Si
平王(へい・おう) King
Ping of Zhou
こうした時期に中国史Chinese historyの一特色one of the characteristicsである漢民族the Han peopleと異民族other ethnic groupsとの対立confrontation・抗争conflictが起こり、周(しゅう)(ジョウ)Zhouは山西(さんせい)(シャンシー)Shanxi・陝西(せんせい)(シャンシー)Shaanxiなどの北部the northから異民族foreignersの侵入invadedを受けて衰えdeclined、前770年770 B.C.ついに鎬京(こうけい)Haojingをすててabandoned東方in the eastの洛邑(らくゆう)Luoyi(河南省(かなんしょう)Henan Province洛陽(らくよう)Luoyang付近)に都を移したmoved the capital。
During this period, one of the
characteristics of Chinese history, the confrontation and conflict between the
Han people and other ethnic groups occurred. He abandoned Koukei and moved the
capital to Rakuyu (near Luoyang, Henan Province) in the east.
Zhou was invaded by foreigners from the
north such as Shanxi and Shaanxi and declined.
In 770 B.C., he finally abandoned Hojing and
moved the capital to Luoyi (near Luoyang, Henan Province) in the east.
これを周(しゅう)の東遷(とうせん)Zhou's eastward transferという。
This is known as Zhou's eastward transfer.
このときを境として、それ以前を西周(せいしゅう)Western Zhou、以後を東周(とう・しゅう)Eastern Zhouという。
With this time as the boundary, the area
before that time is called Seishu, and the area after that is called Toshu.
東周(とう・しゅう)the Eastern Zhou periodは、春秋時代(しゅんじゅう・じだい)the Spring and Autumn
Periodと戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)the Warring States Periodに分かれ、中国社会Chinese
societyの大きな変動期a period of
great changeとなった。
The Eastern Zhou period was divided into the
Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, and was a period of
great change in Chinese society.
孔子(こうし) Confucius
and Autumn and Warring States
and Autumn Periodは孔子(こうし)Confuciusが筆を加えたと伝えられる魯(ろ)Luの国史national history 『春秋(しゅんじゅう)Spring and Autumn Annals』 によって名付けられ、戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)Warring States Periodはこの時代this periodの策士strategistsや勇士warriorsの活躍activitiesを記した書物the book 『戦国策(せんごく・さく)Zhan Guo Ce』 によって名付けられた。
The Spring and Autumn period was named after
the "Shunju", a national history of Lu, which is said to have been
written by Confucius, and the Sengoku period was named after the book
"Sengokusaku", which describes the activities of the strategists and
warriors of this period.
黒陶(こくとう) black
pottery (黒色土器(こくしょく・どき) black earthenware)
竜山文化(りゅうざん(ロンシャン)・ぶんか)Longshan culture
仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか)Yangshao culture
邑(ゆう) yì
夏王朝(か・おうちょう) Xia Dynasty
桀王(けつおう) King Jie
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
湯王(とう・おう) King
Tang of Shang dynasty
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
占い fortune-telling
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
甲骨文字(こうこつ・もじ) Oracle
bone script
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
甲骨文字(こうこつ・もじ) Oracle
bone script
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
甲骨文字(こうこつ・もじ) Oracle
bone script
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
甲骨文字(こうこつ・もじ) Oracle
bone script
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
甲骨文字(こうこつ・もじ) Oracle
bone script
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
饕餮夔鳳文方尊(とうてつ・きほうもん・ほうそん) 殷の青銅器
帝辛(ていしん) Di Xin 紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King Zhou
帝辛(ていしん) Di Xin 紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King Zhou
妲己(だっき) Daji
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
酒池肉林(しゅち・にくりん) Alcohol
Pool and Meat Forest
帝辛(ていしん) Di Xin 紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King Zhou
妲己(だっき) Daji
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷墟(いんきょ) the
Yin Ruins
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyuの遺跡Ruins
西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouの都the capital
帝辛(ていしん) Di Xin 紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King Zhou
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
呂尚(りょ・しょう) Lü
Shang (太公望(たい・こう・ぼう) Grand Duke Wang)
帝辛(ていしん) Di Xin 紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King Zhou
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty
殷(いん)(イェン)王朝 Yin Dynasty
(商(しょう)(シャン)王朝 Shang Dynasty)
帝辛(ていしん) Di Xin 紂王(ちゅう・おう)(ジョウ・ワン) King Zhou
妲己(だっき) Daji
殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) the
Yin dynasty
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan,
Duke of Zhou
呂尚(りょ・しょう) Lü
Shang (太公望(たい・こう・ぼう) Grand Duke Wang)
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan,
Duke of Zhou
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan,
Duke of Zhou
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
武王(ぶ・おう)(ウ・ワン) King
周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan,
Duke of Zhou
成王(せいおう) King
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
封建制度(ほうけん・せいど) Fengjian system
四夷(し・い) Four
西戎(せい・じゅう)(シロン) Xirong
(Western warlike people)
戎(じゅう) Rong (warlike foreigners)
犬戎(けん・じゅう) Quanrong
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
幽王(ゆう・おう) King
You of Zhou 褒姒(ほう・じ) Bao Si
犬戎(けん・じゅう) Quanrong
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
幽王(ゆう・おう) King
You of Zhou 褒姒(ほう・じ) Bao Si
犬戎(けん・じゅう) Quanrong
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
幽王(ゆう・おう) King
You of Zhou 褒姒(ほう・じ) Bao Si
犬戎(けん・じゅう) Quanrong
平王(へい・おう) King
Ping of Zhou
東周(とう・しゅう) Eastern
洛邑(らくゆう) Luoyi (現在の洛陽(らくよう) Luoyang)
周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty
西周(せい・しゅう) West
東周(とう・しゅう) Eastern
春秋時代(しゅんじゅう・じだい) Spring and Autumn Period
戦国時代(せんごく・じだい) Warring States Period
秦の統一 Unification
of China by the Qin Dynasty