


世界史 22 World history 22


Primitive Civilization in China


黄河文明(こうが(ホワンホーHuánghé)・ぶんめい) Yellow River civilization

(ぎょう) Emperor Yao

P-38ライトニング Lockheed P-38 Lightning

P-38ライトニング Lockheed P-38 Lightning

P-38ライトニング Lockheed P-38 Lightning

P-38ライトニング Lockheed P-38 Lightning

海軍甲事件(かいぐん・こうじけん) Navy A Incident

(ぎょう) Emperor Yao

(しゅん) Emperor Shun

(う) Yu the Great

(ぎょう) Emperor Yao (しゅん) Emperor Shun (う) Yu the Great

中国 China

中国 China

黄河(こうが) (ホワンホーHuánghé the Yellow River

Map of the Yellow River, whose watershed covers most of northern China and drains to the Yellow Sea

黄河文明(こうが(ホワンホーHuánghé)・ぶんめい) Yellow River civilization

黄河文明(こうが(ホワンホーHuánghé)・ぶんめい) Yellow River civilization

2 Chapter 2


Establishment of ancient civilization

6節 Section Six


Chinese Classical Civilization and

Ancient Empire

4000年ごろAround 4000 BCE中国Chinaでは黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghéYellow River中・下流域in the middle and lower reaches原始農耕文化Primitive agricultural cultureが起こった。

Around 4000 BC, a primitive agricultural culture arose in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in China.

中国古典文明Chinese Classical Civilization担い手bearersは、黄河(こうが(ホワンホーHuánghé)・ぶんめい)文明Yellow River civilizationを作りあげた人々the peopleと関係の深い現在の中国人the modern Chinese先祖ancestorsである。

The bearers of classical Chinese civilization are the ancestors of the modern Chinese, who are closely related to the people who created the Yellow River civilization.

西周(せいしゅう) Western Zhou

States of the Western Zhou dynasty

東アジアEast Asia最初の王朝the first dynastyである(いん)Yin dynastyでは甲骨文字Oracle bone scriptを含む青銅器文化Bronze age cultureが起こり、周王朝Zhou dynastyでは政治制度political systemとしての封建制度feudal systemが行われた。

The Yin dynasty, which was the first dynasty in East Asia, developed a bronze age culture including oracle bone script, and the Zhou dynasty adopted a feudal system as a political system.

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

Map of the Five Hegemons during the Spring and Autumn period of Zhou Dynasty

戦国の七雄the Seven Kings of the Warring States

戦国の七雄the Seven Kings of the Warring States

戦国の七雄the Seven Kings of the Warring States

春秋戦国時代Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periodsには政治的に混乱political turmoilしたが、鉄器の使用use of ironwareが起こって産業industry発達developmentし、諸子百家Hundred schools of thoughtが現れて思想の黄金時代golden age of thoughtを現出した。

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, there was political turmoil, but the use of ironware led to the development of industry, and the emergence of 100 schools of thought created a golden age of thought.

秦の統一 Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty

秦の統一 Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty

前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynasty西漢(せいかん)Western Han Dynasty

前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynasty西漢(せいかん)Western Han Dynasty

Thirteen direct-controlled commanderies including the capital region (yellow) and ten semi-autonomous kingdoms, 195 BC

前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynasty西漢(せいかん)Western Han Dynasty

前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynasty西漢(せいかん)Western Han Dynasty

次の秦漢統一帝国the unified empire of Qin and Han時代400年間 During the next 400 years中央集権的な官僚支配体制centralized bureaucratic rule systemが完成し、儒教Confucianismを中心とする中国文化の原型the prototype of Chinese cultureが形成された。

During the next 400 years of the unified empire of Qin and Han, a centralized bureaucratic rule system was completed, and the prototype of Chinese culture centered on Confucianism was formed.

黄河文明(こうが(ホワンホーHuánghé)・ぶんめい) Yellow River civilization

黄河文明(こうが(ホワンホーHuánghé)・ぶんめい) Yellow River civilization

1 中国の原始文明

Primitive Civilization in China

黄河文明Yellow River civilization

東アジアEast Asiaでは、黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghéthe Yellow River中・下流域the middle and lower reachesが最も早く開けた。

In East Asia, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River were the earliest to open.

現生人類modern humansが生存していた洪積世後期the late Pleistocene epochには、激しい嵐の吹きすさぶ時代があり、モンゴリアMongolia中央アジアCentral Asia砂漠地帯the desert regionsから黄色の土yellow soilが運ばれて黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghéthe Yellow River上・中流域the upper and middle reaches堆積depositedした。

During the late Pleistocene epoch, when modern humans lived, there was a period of violent storms, and yellow soil was transported from the desert regions of Mongolia and Central Asia and deposited in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River.

黄土高原(こうど・こうげん) Loess Plateau

黄土高原(こうど・こうげん) Loess Plateau 山西Shanxi省渾源(こんげん)Hunyuan付近

更に沖積世the Alluvial Eraの雨の多い時代に、西方の高地the highlands in the westから押し寄せた濁流turbid currentsによって東方の低い地方the lowlands in the eastに運ばれ、黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghéthe Yellow River氾濫Floodingによって下流に植物の生育に適した地域areas suitable for plant growthができた。

Furthermore, during the Alluvial Era, when there was a lot of rain, turbid currents rushed from the highlands in the west and were carried to the lowlands in the east.

Flooding of the Yellow River created areas suitable for plant growth downstream.

原始農耕文化 primitive agricultural culture

この黄土層(おうどそう)loess layerと豊かな黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghéthe Yellow Riverの水にはぐくまれて、4000年ごろから1600年ごろbetween 4000 BC and 1600 BC東アジアEast Asia最古の文明the oldest civilizationである原始農耕文化primitive agricultural culture新石器文化neolithic culture)が発展した。

Nurtured by this loess layer and the abundant water of the Yellow River, the primitive agricultural culture (neolithic culture), the oldest civilization in East Asia, developed between 4000 BC and 1600 BC.

粟畑(あわばたけ) Millet fields

当時の農業Agriculture石器stone tools木器wooden toolsを用いて(あわ)milletなどを生産した。

Agriculture at that time produced millet using stone tools and wooden tools.

これが黄河文明(こうが(ホワンホーHuánghé)・ぶんめい)Yellow River civilizationで、一般に彩陶文化(さいとう・ぶんか)the colored pottery culture黒陶文化(こくとう・ぶんか)the black pottery cultureに分けられる。

This is the Yellow River civilization, which is generally divided into the colored pottery culture and the black pottery culture.

仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか) Yangshao culture

竜山文化(りゅうざん(ロンシャン)・ぶんか) Longshan culture

仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか) Yangshao culture

竜山文化(りゅうざん(ロンシャン)・ぶんか) Longshan culture

彩陶(さいとう) colored pottery 彩文土器(さいもん・どき) colored pottery

彩陶文化(さいとう・ぶんか)Colored pottery culture

仰韶文化(ヤンシャオ・ぶんかYangshao culture

40002300年ごろAround 4000 to 2300 BC黄河(こうが)Huánghé, the Yellow River中・下流域the middle and lower reaches黄土地帯(おうど・ちたい)the yellow lands原始的な氏族共同体primitive tribal communitiesによる村落villagesを構成し、半地下式住居semi-underground dwellingsに住んで農耕farming牧畜livestock farmingを行い、土器pottery織物textile製作技術production techniquesをもった人々がいた。

Around 4000 to 2300 BC, villages were formed by primitive tribal communities in the yellow lands of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. They lived in semi-underground dwellings, engaged in farming and livestock farming, and developed pottery and textile production techniques. There were good people.

仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか) Yangshao culture

彼らは磨製石器polished stone tools新石器neolithic tools)を用いて、milletきびmilletなどの穀物grainsを栽培し、pigsdogsなどを飼育した。

They used polished stone tools (neolithic tools) to cultivate grains such as millet and millet, and raised pigs and dogs.

また、穀物grains蓄えたり蒸したりするstoring and steamingのに、罐(かめ)や甑(こしき)などと呼ばれる灰陶(かいとう)gray pottery灰色土器gray earthenware)を使用したほか、彩陶(さいとう)colored pottery彩文土器(さいもん・どき)colored earthenware)と呼ばれる美しい土器beautiful earthenwareも使用した。

In addition to using gray pottery (gray earthenware) called Kan or Koshiki for storing and steaming grains, beautiful earthenware called Saito (samon earthenware) was also used.

黄土地帯(おうど・ちたい) yellow lands

漢民族(かんみんぞく) Han Chinese

このような原始農耕民primitive farmers村落Villagesは、河南Henan山西Shanxi陝西(せんせい)Shaanxi黄土地帯(おうど・ちたい)yellow landsに散在し、その住民inhabitantsは体質的にも文化的にも現在の中国人modern Chineseと深い関係があり、原中国人primitive Chineseと呼ばれる。

Villages of such primitive farmers are scattered in the yellow lands of Henan, Shanxi, and Shaanxi, and their inhabitants are closely related to modern Chinese both physically and culturally, and are called primitive Chinese.

彩陶文化(さいとう・ぶんか)colored pottery cultureは、発見地の名をとって仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか)Yangshao cultureともいう。

The colored pottery culture is also called the Yangshao culture, named after the place where it was discovered.

竪穴住居(たてあな・じゅうきょ) pit dwellings

竪穴住居(たてあな・じゅうきょ) pit dwellings

補足supplementary explanation

半地下式住居semi-underground dwelling

半地下式住居semi-underground dwellingというのは、地面ground円形の浅い穴circular shallow holeを掘り、そのhole周壁surrounding wall家の壁wall of the houseとし、その上に木材を組み、茅葺(かやぶ)きの屋根thatched roofを架したもので、入口は坂や階段になっており、部屋の中央には炉穴(ろけつ)hearth holeが掘られている。

A semi-underground dwelling is one in which a circular shallow hole is dug in the ground, the surrounding wall of the hole is used as the wall of the house, and a thatched roof is built on top of it, and the entrance is sloped or staircased. A hearth hole is dug in the center of the room.

この他に方形square地上式住居above-ground dwellingsも用いられている。

In addition, square above-ground dwellings are also used.

仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか) Yangshao culture

ジョン・グナー・アンダーソン Johan Gunnar Andersson

補足supplementary explanation

仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか)Yangshao culture

1921年(大正10年)、スウェーデン地質学者Swedish geologistアンダーソンAnderson1874年~1939年)により初めて仰韶Yangshao Village遺跡ruinsが発見されてから、今日までに仰韶文化遺跡Yangshao Cultural Relics1000以上も発見されており、代表的な遺跡representative archaeological siteとしては陝西省(せんせいしょう)Shaanxi Province西安市Xi'an City半坡(はんぱ)Banpo Village河南省(かなんしょう)Henan Province陝県(せんけん)Shaan County廟底溝(びょうていこう)Miaodigouのそれが有名である。

In 1921, Swedish geologist Anderson (1874-1939) discovered the first archaeological site in Yangshao Village. Since then, more than 1,000 Yangshao cultural relics have been discovered to date, with Shaanxi Province being a representative archaeological site. Banpo Village in Xi'an City and Miaodigou in Shaan County, Henan Province are famous.

仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか) Yangshao culture

竜山文化(りゅうざん(ロンシャン)・ぶんか) Longshan culture

黒陶(こくとう) black pottery 黒色土器(こくしょく・どき) black earthenware

黒陶文化こくとう・ぶんか)Black Pottery Culture

竜山文化(りゅうざん・ぶんか)Longshan culture

23001600年ごろAround 2300 BC to 1600 BCになると、原始農耕民primitive farmersは経済的economically・文化的culturallyに発展して、大村落農耕文化large village farming cultureである黒陶文化(こくとう・ぶんか)Black Pottery Cultureを出現させた。

Around 2300 BC to 1600 BC, primitive farmers developed economically and culturally, giving rise to the black pottery culture of large village farming culture.

この文化は、彩陶文化(さいとう・ぶんか)Colored pottery cultureと後の都市文明urban civilizationである殷文化(いん・ぶんか)Yin cultureとの中間的なもので、文化圏cultural sphereは東east山東半島Shandong Peninsulaから河南Henan・山西南部southern Shanxiをへて、西west陝西省(せんせいしょう)Shaanxi Provinceに達し、北north遼東半島Liaodong Peninsulaから、南south浙江北部(せっこう・ほくぶ)northern Zhejiangに及んだが、その中心は下流域the lower reachesの山東方面Shandongにあった。

This culture is intermediate between the colored pottery culture and the later urban civilization of the Yin culture, and the cultural sphere extends from the Shandong Peninsula in the east through Henan and southern Shanxi to reach Shaanxi Province in the west and the Liaodong Peninsula in the north. From there, it reached northern Zhejiang in the south, but its center was in the lower reaches of Shandong.

製陶技術pottery technologyが発達して灰陶(かいとう)gray potteryのほかいわゆる黒陶(こくとう)black pottery黒色土器black earthenware)が盛行した。

With the development of pottery technology, so-called black pottery (black earthenware) became popular in addition to kaito pottery.

轆轤(ろくろ) potter's wheel

黒陶(こくとう)black pottery轆轤(ろくろ)potter's wheelを用いて作られた薄手で均斉がとれていて光沢のある黒色の精巧な土器glossy black exquisite earthenwareで、鼎(てい)・豆・鬲(れき)など十数種の器形分化を見せ、殷周時代Yin Zhou period青銅器bronze ware祖形original formをなすと見られる。

Black pottery is thin, well-proportioned, and glossy black exquisite earthenware made using a potter's wheel. It is considered to be the original form of bronze ware of the Yin Zhou period.


住民Residents半地下式住居semi-underground dwellings生活から地上の家屋houses on the ground生活に移り、土塁earthen wallsをめぐらした都市国家city-state(ゆう))を形成し、pigsdogsのほかcowshorsesを飼育し、一部には獣骨animal bonesによる占いfortune-tellingも行われた。

Residents moved from living in semi-underground dwellings to living in houses on the ground, forming a city-state (eup) with earthen walls, raising pigs, dogs, cows, and horses, and partly fortune-telling using animal bones. It was conducted.

更に発達して都邑(とゆう)Dūyìとなり、都邑(とゆう)Dūyìのうちに大小の国家large and small nationsと認められるものが生まれた。

It developed further and became Du-eup, and within the Do-eup, what could be recognized as large and small nations were born.

夏王朝(か・おうちょう) Xia Dynasty

夏王朝(か・おうちょう) Xia Dynasty

(う) Yu the Great

(う) Yu the Great

中国China伝説上legendary三皇五帝(さんこう・ごてい)Three August Ones and Five Emperors夏王朝(か・おうちょう)Xia Dynastyは、このような原始的な国家primitive state支配する王ruling kingsと考えられる。

The legendary Three Emperors and Five Emperors of China and the Xia Dynasty can be thought of as the ruling kings of such a primitive state.

殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty

殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty

その後、諸国家を制圧して優位を占めたのが、中国最初の確実な国家China's first established stateである殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)Yin Dynastyである。

After that, it was the Shang dynasty, China's first established state, that dominated the nations.

黒陶文化(こくとう・ぶんか)Black Pottery Cultureは、初め山東省(さんとうしょう)Shandong Province竜山鎮(りゅうざん・ちん)Longshan townで発見されたので、竜山文化(りゅうざん(ロンシャン)・ぶんか)Longshan cultureともいう。

Black pottery culture was first discovered in Longshan town in Shandong Province, so it is also called Longshan culture.

近年の中国考古学のすぐれた研究Excellent Chinese archaeological researchによって、粟作millet cultivationを中心とした黄河文明Yellow River civilizationが栄えていたころ、南方southern揚子江(ようすこう)Yangtze River長江(ちょうこう)long river流域basinでは、すでに水稲栽培paddy rice cultivationを中心とした新石器文化Neolithic cultureが栄えていたことが明らかになった。

Excellent Chinese archaeological research in recent years has shown that when the Yellow River civilization centered on millet cultivation flourished, the Neolithic culture centered on paddy rice cultivation had already flourished in the southern Yangtze (Yangtze) basin. It was revealed.

灰陶(かいとう) Gray Pottery



灰陶(かいとう)Gray Pottery

砂質のものsandy oneと泥質のものmuddy oneとあり、一般に粗製crudeであるところから粗陶(そとう)rough potteryとも呼ばれ、縄文straw-rope patternのついたものが多い。

There are sandy and muddy ones, and it is also called rough pottery because it is generally crude, and many of them have Jomon patterns.

新石器時代Neolithic periodの初めに彩陶文化(さいとう・ぶんか)colored pottery cultureとともに登場し、煮炊き用などの日常用器daily utensilとして用いられた。

Appeared at the beginning of the Neolithic period with the culture of colored pottery and was used as a daily utensil for cooking.

三足の鬲(れき)three-legged Chinese kettleなど、中国Chinaのみに見られるvesselsがあるところから、中国土着の土器native Chinese potteryと見られる。

From the fact that there are vessels found only in China, such as the three-legged rake, it is considered to be a native Chinese pottery.

殷代Yin dynasty以後にも製作され発達した。

It was also produced and developed after the Yin dynasty.

彩陶(さいとう) colored pottery 彩文土器(さいもん・どき) colored pottery

彩陶(さいとう)Colored Pottery

一般に紅陶(こうとう)red potteryでそれにblackbrownなどの彩文(さいもん)Colored patternsがある。

In general, it is red pottery, and there are black and brown patterns.

彩陶(さいとう)Colored Pottery祭祀rituals用など特殊の用special purposesにあてたとされる。

It is said that colored pottery was used for special purposes such as rituals.

オリエントOrientから伝わったと考えられるが、中国起源originated in Chinatheoryもある。

It is believed to have come from the Orient, but there is also a theory that it originated in China.

黒陶(こくとう) black pottery 黒色土器(こくしょく・どき) black earthenware

黒陶(こくとう)Black Pottery

彩陶(さいとう)Colored Potteryが衰えてからそれに代わって発達した土器earthenwareで、轆轤(ろくろ)potter's wheelを用いて、形を整え、高熱で焼成したもので技術的に一段と発達したことを示している。

This earthenware developed after the decline of colored pottery.

Using a potter's wheel (rokuro), the shape is adjusted and fired at high heat, showing that the technology has been further developed.



古代中国神話ancient Chinese mythologyに登場するgodまたは伝説上の帝王legendary emperor

A god or legendary emperor in ancient Chinese mythology.

三皇(さんこう)Three Sovereignsの一人に挙げられる事が多い。

He is often mentioned as one of the three emperors.

兄妹brothers and sistersまたは夫婦husband and wifeと目される女媧(じょか)Nüwaと共に、蛇身人首faces of human and bodies of snakesの姿で描かれることがある。

She is sometimes depicted with a serpentine human head, along with her brothers and sisters or her husband and wife, Joka.



古代中国神話ancient Chinese mythologyに登場する人類mankind創造createdしたとされる女神goddess

A goddess who is said to have created mankind in ancient Chinese mythology.

三皇(さんこう)Three Sovereignsの一人に挙げる説がある。

There is a theory that he is one of the three emperors.

伏羲(ふくぎ)Fuxiとは兄妹brother and sisterまたは夫婦husband and wifeとされている。

Fuxi is considered to be brother and sister or husband and wife.



古代中国の伝承ancient Chinese loreに登場する三皇(さんこう)Three Sovereigns五帝(ごてい)Five Emperorsの一人。

One of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors who appear in ancient Chinese lore.


It is said that he taught people the art of medicine and farming.

神農大帝Shennong great emperorと尊称されていて、医薬medicine農業agricultureを司るgodとされている。

He is honored as Shennong Tai, and is believed to be the god of medicine and agriculture.

2 殷・周時代Yin and Zhou dynasties

伝説上の中国Legendary China

中国China伝統的traditional歴史観view of historyによると、太古の世にin ancient times三皇(さんこう)Three Sovereigns五帝(ごてい)Five Emperorsと呼ばれる聖天子(せいてんし)the Holy Heavenly Sonsが現れ、いろいろな発明inventionsをして人々の生活the lives of the people豊かにしenriched世の中を太平に治めたruled the world peacefullyという。

According to the traditional Chinese view of history, in ancient times, the Holy Heavenly Sons, known as the Three Emperors (Three Emperors), appeared and created various inventions that enriched the lives of the people and ruled the world peacefully.

三皇(さんこう)Three Sovereigns伏羲(ふくぎ)Fuxi女媧(じょか)Nüwa神農(しんのう)Shennong五帝(ごてい)Five Emperors黄帝(こうてい)Yellow Emperor顓頊(せんぎょく)Zhuanxu帝嚳(ていこく)Emperor Ku(ぎょう)Emperor Yao(しゅん)Emperor Shunと数えるのが普通である。

The three emperors are Fukugi, Nüwa, and Shinnong, and the five emperors are Huangdi, Sengyoku, and Teikyou. It is common to count Teikoku, Gyo, and Shun.



補足supplementary explanation

天子(てんし)Son of Heaven, or Tianziとは、中国China日本JapanベトナムVietnamで用いられた君主Monarch称号title

Tenshi is a monarch's title used in China, Japan, and Vietnam.

天命(てんめい)Mandate of Heavenを受けて天下(てんか)Tianxia, all under Heaven治めるrules者の意。

The meaning of a person who receives a destiny and rules the world.

中国China周王King Zhou漢代Han Dynasty以降の皇帝emperors日本Japan大王great kings天皇emperors別号separate nameとして用いられた。

It was used as a separate name for King Zhou of China, emperors after the Han Dynasty, and great kings and emperors of Japan.

黄帝(こうてい)Yellow Emperor


黄帝(こうてい)Yellow Emperor

神話伝説myths and legends上では、三皇(さんこう)Three Sovereignsの治世を継ぎ、中国Chinaを統治した五帝(ごてい)Five Emperors最初の帝first emperorであるとされる。

According to myths and legends, he was the first of the five emperors who ruled China after the reign of the three emperors.

また、三皇(さんこう)Three Sovereignsのうちに数えられることもある。

It is also counted among the three emperors.




The emperor described in "History".

高陽Goyangcapitalして高陽氏Goyang clanと称したと言われている。

It is said that the capital was Goyang and was called the Goyang clan.

五帝(ごてい)Five Emperorsの一人で、黄帝(こうてい)Yellow Emperorの後を継いで帝位throneに就いた。

One of the Five Emperors who succeeded the Yellow Emperor to the throne.

帝嚳(ていこく)Emperor Ku

帝嚳(ていこく)Emperor Ku

上古中国神話上ancient Chinese mythical帝王emperor

An ancient Chinese mythical emperor.

五帝(ごてい)Five Emperorsの一人で、顓頊(せんぎょく)Zhuanxuの後を継いで、帝位throneに就いた。

He was one of the Five Emperors and succeeded Huan Ji to the throne.



黄帝(こうてい)Yellow Emperor悪者the villains討ち平らげdefeated黄河流域the Yellow River basin初めて建国established the first stateし、後世in later generations漢民族Han Chinese祖先the ancestor尊ばれているrevered

The Yellow Emperor defeated the villains and established the first state in the Yellow River basin, and is revered as the ancestor of the Han people in later generations.

(ぎょう)Emperor Yao

(ぎょう)Emperor Yao

中国神話Chinese mythologyに登場する君主monarch

A monarch in Chinese mythology.


He was considered sacred by Confucianism and revered as a saint.

本来は古代中国ancient China太陽神sun godだったと考えられている。

It is believed that he was originally the sun god of ancient China.

(しゅん)Emperor Shun

(しゅん)Emperor Shun

中国神話Chinese mythologyに登場する君主monarch

A monarch in Chinese mythology.

五帝(ごてい)Five Emperorsの一人。

One of the Five Emperors.

儒家Confucianismにより神聖視sacredされ、(ぎょう)Emperor Yaoと並んで堯舜(ぎょうしゅん)Yao Shunと呼ばれて聖人saintと崇められた。

Considered sacred by Confucianism, he was called Yao Shun alongside Yao and revered as a saint.



(ぎょう)Emperor Yao(しゅん)Emperor Shun聖天子(せいてんし)the Holy Heavenly Sonsの代表とされ、ことに(ぎょう)Emperor Yao帝位throne(しゅん)Emperor Shun譲ったhanded overことは禅譲ぜんじょうConcession伝説legendとして有名である。

Yao and Shun are considered to be the representatives of the Holy Heavenly Sons, and the fact that Yao handed over the throne to Shun is well known as the Zenjo legend.

(う)Yu the Great

(う)Yu the Great

中国古代ancient China伝説的な帝Legendary emperorで、夏王朝(か・おうちょう) Xia Dynasty創始者founder

Legendary emperor of ancient China and founder of the Xia dynasty.

黄河Yellow River治水flood controlを成功させたという伝説上の人物legendary figureである。

He is a legendary figure who succeeded in flood control of the Yellow River.



更に(しゅん)Emperor Shun黄河the Yellow River治水flood controlに功のあった(う)Yu the Great帝位を譲りhanded over the throne、以後帝位throne世襲hereditaryされた。

In addition, Shun handed over the throne to Yu, who was successful in flood control of the Yellow River, and the throne was hereditary thereafter.

(けつおう)King Jie

(けつおう)King Jie

夏王朝(か・おうちょう)Xia Dynasty最後の帝last emperor

The last emperor of summer.

殷墟(いん)Yin湯王(とうおう)King Tang of Shang dynasty夏王朝(か・おうちょう)Xia Dynastyの最後の(けつおう)King Jieを追放し夏王朝(か・おうちょう)Xia Dynastyを滅ぼした。

The King of Yu of Yin ruined Xia by banishing the last Jie of Xia.

(けつおう)King Jie暴虐な政治tyrannical politicsを行い、人心は夏王朝(か・おうちょう)Xia Dynastyから離れていた。

Jie practiced tyrannical politics, and people's hearts were far from Xia.

夏王朝(か・おうちょう)Xia Dynastyvassalであった湯王(とうおう)King Tang伊尹(いいん)Yi Yin補佐assistedを受け(けつおう)King Jieを攻め、これを滅ぼした(鳴条の戦い(めいじょうのたたかい)Battle of Mingtiao)。

Yuo, Natsu's vassal, was assisted by Koretada and attacked Kie, destroying it (Battle of Narujo).

夏王朝(か・おうちょう) Xia Dynasty

末帝the Last Emperor(けつおう)King Jieのとき(いん)Yinに滅ぼされた。

It was destroyed by the Yin during the reign of King Jie of the Last Emperor.

これが(か)王朝the Xia Dynastyとされる。

This is known as the Xia Dynasty.


しかし、夏王朝the Xia Dynastyのことは後の周代the Zhou dynasty文献documentsに記されているのみで、その存在existenceを示す確実な証拠definite evidence発見foundされていない。

However, the Xia Dynasty is only mentioned in later documents of the Zhou dynasty, and no definite evidence of its existence has been found.

殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty

殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty

現在のところ、中国China確実な王朝definite dynastyとしては殷王朝the Yin Dynasty最初the firstである。

At present, the Shang Dynasty is the first definite dynasty in China.

東アジア文化圏the East Asian cultural sphere

東アジア文化圏the East Asian cultural sphere

黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghéthe Yellow River

揚子江(ようす・こう)(ヤンツィー・チアン)the Yangtze River

長江(ちょう・こう)(チャン・チアン)the Chang River

黄河(こうが)(ホワンホーHuánghéthe Yellow River

仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか)Yangshao culture

竪穴住居(たてあな・じゅうきょ) pit dwellings

彩陶(さいとう) colored pottery 彩文土器(さいもん・どき) colored pottery

灰陶(かいとう) Gray Pottery

黒陶(こくとう) black pottery 黒色土器(こくしょく・どき) black earthenware

竜山文化(りゅうざん(ロンシャン)・ぶんか)Longshan culture

仰韶文化(ぎょうしょう(ヤンシャオ)・ぶんか)Yangshao culture


夏王朝(か・おうちょう) Xia Dynasty

(けつおう) King Jie

殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty

(いん)(イェン)王朝Yin Dynasty

(しょう)(シャン)王朝Shang Dynasty

湯王(とう・おう) King Tang of Shang dynasty

デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...