


世界史 24 World history 24


Spring and Autumn Warring States period


春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

戦国の七雄 the Seven Kings of the Warring States


P-40ウォーホーク Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

P-40ウォーホーク Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

P-40ウォーホーク Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

P-40ウォーホーク Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

P-40ウォーホーク Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

Map of the Five Hegemons during the Spring and Autumn period of Zhou Dynasty

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

桓公(かん・こう) Duke Huan

2 Chapter 2


Establishment of ancient civilization

6節 Section Six


Chinese Classical Civilization and

Ancient Empire

3 春秋戦国時代

Spring and Autumn Warring States period

春秋時代Spring and Autumn Period

770770 BC403403 BC

周王朝(しゅう・おうちょう)Zhou Dynasty東遷(とうせん)moved to the east以後その権威authority衰えていたdeclinedがまだ洛邑(らくゆう)Luoyi付近を領土territoryとして保ち、諸侯(しょこう)the lordsも初めは周室(しゅう・しつ)the Zhou family尊ぶrespect風を失わなかったので、(せい)(チー)Qi桓公(かん・こう)Duke Huanを中心に同盟allianceを結んで(会盟(かいめい)huìméng周室(しゅう・しつ)the Zhou family擁護protectし、異民族foreigners侵入invading防いだprevent尊王攘夷(そんのう・じょうい)zūnwángrǎngyí, Revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians)。

Although the Zhou dynasty's authority declined after it moved to the east, it still retained the area around Rakuyu as its territory, and since the lords did not lose their respect for the Zhou family at first, they appointed Duke Huan of Qi. They formed an alliance with the central government to protect the Zhoushitsu and prevent foreigners from invading (Sonno Joi).

この同盟allianceを率いた有力諸侯influential lords覇者(はしゃ)bàzhě,  hegemonsという。

The influential lords who led this alliance were called Hasha.

管仲(かん・ちゅう) Guan Zhong

文公(ぶん・こう) Duke Wen

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

Map of the Five Hegemons during the Spring and Autumn period of Zhou Dynasty

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

初め(せい)(チー)Qi桓公(かん・こう)Duke Huanが名臣管仲(かん・ちゅう)Guan Zhong政策policyを用いて覇者(はしゃ)hegemonとなり、次いで(しん)(ジン)Jin文公(ぶん・こう)Duke Wenが、やがて南方in the south揚子江(ようす・こう)(ヤンツィー・チアン)the Yangtze River長江(ちょう・こう)(チャン・チアン)Cháng Jiāng, long river中流the middle reaches(そ)(チュー)Chu荘王(そう・おう)King Zhuangが、更に下流further downstream(ご)(ウー)王Wu Wang夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chai(えつ)(ユー)王Yue Wang勾践(こう・せん)Gou Jianが興って覇者(はしゃ)hegemonsとなり、激しい戦いfierce battlesを繰り返した。

First, Duke Huan of Qi became the hegemon by using the policy of vassal kanzhong, followed by Duke Wen of Jin, who eventually became King Zhuang of Chu in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in the south. Wu Wang Fusa and Yue Wang Kosen arose further downstream and became the hegemons, repeatedly fighting fierce battles.

これを春秋の五覇(しゅんじゅう・の・ごは)The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Periodという。

This is called the Goha of Spring and Autumn.

孔子(こうし) Confucius

補足supplementary explanation

春秋と戦国Spring and Autumn and Warring States

春秋時代(しゅんじゅう・じだい)Spring and Autumn Period孔子(こうし)Confuciusが筆を加えたと伝えられる(ろ)(ルー)Lu国史national history 春秋(しゅんじゅう)Spring and Autumn Annals によって名付けられ、戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)Warring States Periodこの時代this period策士strategists勇士warriors活躍activitiesを記した書物the book 戦国策(せんごく・さく)Zhan Guo Ce によって名付けられた。

The Spring and Autumn period was named after the "Shunju", a national history of Lu, which is said to have been written by Confucius, and the Sengoku period was named after the book "Sengokusaku", which describes the activities of the strategists and warriors of this period.

(そ)(チュー)の荘王(そう・おう) King Zhuang of Chu

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

Map of the Five Hegemons during the Spring and Autumn period of Zhou Dynasty

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

補足supplementary explanation

楚の荘王(そう・おう) King Zhuang of Chu

(そ)(チュー)Chu中原(ちゅうげん)Zhongyuan, the Central Plainsの諸国と風俗customs言語languagesを異にする南方民族southern peoplescountryで、周王朝(しゅう・おうちょう)the Zhou dynasty権威authorityを認めず独立independence気概strong spiritが強かった。

Chu was a country of southern peoples whose customs and languages differed from those of the Central Plains, and it did not recognize the authority of the Zhou dynasty and had a strong spirit of independence.

荘王(そう・おう)King Zhuangと称したのもそのためである。

That is the reason why he was called Souou.

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu

(ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

Map of the Five Hegemons during the Spring and Autumn period of Zhou Dynasty

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

夫差(ふ・さ) Fu Chai

勾践(こう・せん) Gou Jian

補足supplementary explanation

(ウー)(ユー)の戦いBattle of Wuyue

(ウー)(ユー)戦争War between Wu and Yue

春秋末期the end of spring and autumn(ご)(ウー)Wu Wang夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chai闔閭(こう・りょ)Helü of Wuの仇his father's enemy(えつ)(ユー)Yue Wang勾践(こう・せん)Gou Jian会稽山(かいけいざん)Mount Xianglu降伏surrenderさせたが、のち(えつ)(ユー)Yue反撃counterattackedを受けて破れdestroyed滅んだperished473473 BC)。

At the end of spring and autumn, Wu Wang Fusa forced his father's enemy and Yue Wang Kousen to surrender at Mount Kaiji, but was later counterattacked by Yue. destroyed and perished (473 BC).

臥薪嘗胆(がしん・しょうたん) Lying on the firewood and Licking the gallbladder

闔閭(こう・りょ) Helü of Wu

補足supplementary explanation


Lying on the firewood and Licking the gallbladder

紀元前6世紀末the end of the 6th century B.C.呉王(ご)(ウー)Wu Wang闔閭(こう・りょ)Helü of Wuは先年攻撃を受けた復讐として(えつ)(ユー)Yueに侵攻したが敗れて自らも負傷し、まもなくその傷がもとで病死した。

At the end of the 6th century B.C., King Qian of Wu invaded Yue in revenge for the previous attack, but was defeated and injured himself. He soon died from his wounds.

夫差(ふ・さ) Fu Chai

闔閭(こう・りょ)Helü of Wuは後継者の夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chaiに「必ず仇を取るように」と言い残し、夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chaiは「三年以内に必ず」と答えた。

Kamen left a message to his successor husband, ``Be sure to take vengeance,'' and Hussa replied, ``Be sure within three years.''

夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chaiはその言葉通り国の軍備を充実させ、自らは(たきぎ)firewoodの上に臥(ふ)すことの痛みでその屈辱humiliationを思い出した(臥薪(が・しん)lying on the firewood)。

As he said, Husa improved the military preparations of the country, and he himself remembered the humiliation with the pain of lying on the firewood.

勾践(こう・せん) Gou Jian

まもなく夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chai(えつ)(ユー)Yueに攻め込み、越王(えつ)(ユー)Yue Wang勾践(こう・せん)Gou Jianの軍を破った。

Soon after, Huchai invaded Yue and defeated Yue Wang Gosen's army.

勾践(こう・せん)Gou Jianは部下の進言に従って降伏した。

Gohan surrendered according to the advice of his subordinates.

勾践(こう・せん)Gou Jian夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chaiの馬小屋の番人にされるなど苦労を重ねたが、許されて(えつ)(ユー)Yueに帰国した後も民衆と共に富国強兵(ふこくきょうへい)enrich the country and strengthen the armyに励み、その一方で苦い(きも)gallbladderを嘗(な)めることで屈辱humiliationを忘れないようにした(嘗胆(しょう・たん)licking the gallbladder)。

Gosen went through many hardships, such as being made the keeper of the stables of his husband, but even after he was forgiven and returned to Vietnam, he worked hard with the people to enrich the country and strengthen the army, while at the same time suffering from bitter feelings. I tried not to forget the humiliation by licking the bitter gallbladder.

伍子胥(ご・ししょ) Wu Zixu

その間、強大化したことに奢った(ご)(ウー)Wu Wang夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chai覇者(はしゃ)hegemonsを目指して各国に盛んに兵を送り込むなどして国力を疲弊させた上、先代の闔閭(こう・りょ)Helü of Wu以来尽くしてきた重臣の伍子胥(ご・ししょ)Wu Zixuを処刑するなどした。

During that time, Prince Wu, who was satisfied with his growing power, actively sent troops to various countries aiming for hegemony, exhausted the national power, and executed Wu Zixu, a senior vassal who had served since his predecessor's imprisonment.

ついに(ご)(ウー)Wuに敗れて20年後、(えつ)(ユー)Yue Wang勾践(こう・せん)Gou Jianは満を持して(ご)(ウー)Wuに攻め込み、夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chaiの軍を大破した。

Finally, 20 years after being defeated by Wu, the Emperor of Yue took the time to invade Wu and wrecked Huzashi's army.

夫差(ふ・さ)Fu Chaiは降伏しようとしたが、条件とした王への復帰を勾践(こう・せん)Gou Jianが認めなかったために自殺した。

Husa tried to surrender, but he committed suicide because he did not accept the condition that he would return to the throne.

呉越同舟(ごえつ・どうしゅう) Wu and Yue on the same boat

補足supplementary explanation

呉越同舟(ごえつ・どうしゅう) Wu and Yue on the same boat

春秋時代(しゅんじゅう・じだい)Spring and Autumn period(ご)(ウー)Wu(えつ)(ユー)Yueの国は戦争を繰り返すほど仲が悪ったが、もしも両国の人が同じ舟に乗り合わせていた時、暴風に襲われ舟が転覆しそうになれば、(ご)(ウー)Wuの人も(えつ)(ユー)Yueの人も普段の遺恨を忘れ、舟が沈まないよう互いに助け合ったに違いない。

During the Spring and Autumn period, the Wu and Yue countries were on bad terms, to the point of repeated wars. If people from both countries were on the same boat, and the boat was about to capsize in a storm, The people must have forgotten their usual grudges and helped each other to keep the boat from sinking.

敵同士であっても、同じ目的や共通の困難のために協力することを「呉越同舟(ごえつ・どうしゅう)Wu and Yue on the same boat」と言うようになった。

Even if they are enemies, they came to say that they cooperated for the same purpose and common difficulties as ``Goetsu doshu''.

戦国の七雄 the Seven Kings of the Warring States


戦国の七雄 the Seven Kings of the Warring States


戦国時代Warring States Period

403403 BC221221 BC

戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)Warring States Periodになると(しゅう)(ジョウ)王室Zhou royal familyはまったく無視ignoredされ、(しゅう)(ジョウ)Zhou単なる一諸侯a mere feudal lordの位置を保つにすぎなくなった。

During the Warring States period, the Zhou royal family was completely ignored, and the Zhou maintained its status as a mere feudal lord.

有力諸侯influential lordsは自らkingsを称し、激しい弱肉強食(じゃくにく・きょうしょく)の戦いbattles between the weak and the strongを繰り返した(下剋上(げこくじょう)retainer supplanting his lord)。

The influential lords called themselves kings and repeated fierce battles between the weak and the strong (Gekokujo).

その結果、(しゅう)(ジョウ)early Zhou Dynastyには800余、春秋初期early Spring and Autumn Period140余あった諸侯(しょこう)feudal lordsstatesは、次第に整理統合consolidated intoされて、戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)Warring States periodには(せい)(チー)Qi(そ)(チュー)Chu(しん)(チン)Qin(えん)(イェン)Yan(かん)(ハン)Han(ぎ)(ウェイ)Wei(ちょう)(ジャオゥ)Zhao七国対立seven nations confrontation形勢situationとなった。

As a result, over 800 feudal lords in the early Zhou Dynasty and over 140 in the early Spring and Autumn Period were gradually consolidated into Qi, Chu, Qin, and Yan during the Warring States period. ), Han, Wei, and Zhao.

これら七国seven countriesを、戦国の七雄(せんごく・の・しちゆう)the Seven Kings of the Warring Statesという。

These seven countries are known as the Seven Kings of the Warring States.

秦の統一 Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty

秦の統一 Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty


やがて陝西(せんせい)Shaanxiシャンシー省Shaanxi Province)に興った(しん)(チン)Qin強大powerfulとなり、他の六国the other six kingdoms蘇秦(そ・しん)Su Qin合従策(がっしょう・さく)HezongVertical Alliance systemによって対抗opposedしたが、(しん)(チン)Qin張儀(ちょう・ぎ)Zhang Yi連衡策(れんこう・さく)LianhengHorizontal Alliance systemによってこれを破ったdefeated

Before long, Qin, which arose in Shaanxi (Shaanxi Province), became powerful, and the other six kingdoms were opposed by Su Qin's coalition strategy, but Qin was Zhang Yi. This was defeated by the joint measures of (Chogi).

256256 B.C.(しん)(チン)Qin(しゅう)(ジョウ)Zhou滅ぼしdestroyed、次いで他の六国six other kingdomsを次々に滅ぼして、221221 B.C.天下を統一unified the worldした。

In 256 B.C., Qin destroyed Zhou, followed by six other kingdoms, and unified the world in 221 B.C.

合従策(がっしょう・さく)と連衡策(れんこう・さく) Hezong and Lianheng

秦の統一 Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty


蘇秦(そ・しん) Su Qin

補足supplementary explanation


Hezong and Lianheng

(しょう)Shovertical南北north and southをいい、(こう)Kohorizontal東西east and westをいう。

Sho is vertical and refers to north and south, and Ko is horizontal and refers to east and west.

蘇秦(そ・しん)Su Qin南北に連なる6Six countries in the north-south direction(えん)(イェン)Yan(せい)(チー)Qi(ちょう)(ジャオゥ)Zhao(かん)(ハン)Han(ぎ)(ウェイ)Wei(そ)(チュー)Chu)を連合combinedして西方in the west(しん)(チン)Qin当たる策plan to attackを立てた。

Su Qin united 6 countries (Yan, Qi, Zhao, Han, Wei, and Chu) from north to south to form Qin in the west. ) was taken.

これを合従策(がっしょう・さく)HezongVertical Alliance systemという。

張儀(ちょう・ぎ) Zhang Yi

このplanは間もなく破れfell apart、のち張儀(ちょう・ぎ)Zhang Yi西in the west(しん)(チン)Qin東の各国each country in the eastとの間にそれぞれ横の連合horizontal coalitionplottedした。

This plan soon fell apart, and later Zhang Yi plotted a horizontal coalition between Qin in the west and each country in the east.

これを連衡策(れんこう・さく)LianhengHorizontal Alliance systemという。

東方諸国eastern countries方針policies一定stableしないため、(しん)(チン)Qinに乗じられて併合annexedされた。

Because the policies of the eastern countries were not stable, they were annexed by Qin.

覇者(はしゃ) bàzhě, hegemons

諸侯(しょこう)feudal lords

覇者(はしゃ) bàzhě, hegemons

諸侯(しょこう)feudal lords


Society in the Spring and Autumn Warring States period

春秋戦国時代(しゅんじゅう・せんごく・じだい)の550年間The 550 years of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods社会・経済social and economicの面で大きな転換期major transitionsであり、次の(しん)(チン)・(かん)(ハン)帝国the Qin and Han empires隆盛next prosperity準備preparing forした時代periodである。

The 550 years of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods were a period of major social and economic transitions, preparing for the next prosperity of the Qin and Han empires.

諸侯(しょこう)the lords間の激しい争乱violent conflictsを通じて、各諸侯each lord富国強兵(ふこく・きょうへい)enrich the country and strengthen the militaryに努めたので、生産production高まりincreased商工業commerce and industry発達developmentした。

Through violent conflicts among the lords, each lord made efforts to enrich the country and strengthen the military, which led to increased production and the development of commerce and industry.

青銅器(せいどうき) Bronze

ことに農業agricultureでは、鉄製農具iron farming toolsが利用されるようになり、治水flood control灌漑事業irrigation projects発達developedして、農業生産力agricultural productivity急速に高まったincreased rapidly

Especially in agriculture, iron farming tools came to be used, flood control and irrigation projects developed, and agricultural productivity increased rapidly.

鉄製農具 iron farming tools

製鉄技術iron-manufacturing technologyは、銅を鋳造する技術copper-casting technologyと同じく西方the westから伝わったらしく、戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)the Warring States periodには鉄製農具iron farming toolsが一般に普及し、鉄製の犂(すき)iron plow牛に引かせるpulled by oxen耕作法farming method牛耕cow plowing)も生まれた。

It seems that iron-manufacturing technology came from the west, as did copper-casting technology. During the Sengoku period, iron farming tools became common, and a farming method in which an iron plow was pulled by oxen (cow plowing) was born.

春秋戦国時代(しゅんじゅう・せんごく・じだい)the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periodsをへて(しん)(チン)the Qin dynasty国家統一the unificationに至る発展developmentには、この生産力の増大increase in productivity基礎basisとなっている。

This increase in productivity was the basis for development from the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods to the unification of the Qin dynasty.

手工業Handicraftsの発達も目ざましく、ことに製鉄manufacture of iron製塩manufacture of salt巨利huge profitsを博する商工業者merchantsが現れた。

Handicrafts also developed remarkably, and in particular, there appeared merchants who made huge profits in the manufacture of iron and salt.

戦国の七雄 the Seven Kings of the Warring States


戦国の七雄 the Seven Kings of the Warring States


また、諸侯国each of the lordsがそれぞれ富国策(ふこくさく)policy of prosperityをとったため、商工業commerce and industry従来の束縛traditional restrictionsを脱して活発となり、(せい)(チー)Qi臨淄(りんし)(リンズー)Linzi(ちょう)(ジャオゥ)Zhao邯鄲(かんたん)(ハンダン)Handan(ぎ)(ウェイ)Wei大梁(だいりょう)(ダァーリィァン)Daliang開封(かいほう)(カイフォン)Kaifeng)などの諸侯(しょこう)feudal lordsの住む都市Cities経済の中心economic centersとして繁栄prosperedした。

In addition, as each of the lords adopted a policy of prosperity, commerce and industry became active free from the traditional restrictions, and Qi's Rinshi, Zhao's Handan, and Wei's Dalian. Cities where feudal lords lived, such as Dairyo (Kaifeng), prospered as economic centers.

青銅貨幣(せいどう・かへい) bronze coins

経済economy発達developmentによって、貝貨(ばいか)shell coinsに代わり(とう)swords(ふ)cloth環銭(かんせん)ring coins円銭round coins)・蟻鼻銭(ぎびせん)((どうばい)bronze shell)などの青銅貨幣(せいどう・かへい)bronze coinsが流通するようになり、王侯a princeにも劣らないwealthをもつ大商人large merchantが現れた。

With the development of the economy, bronze coins such as swords, cloth, kansen (yen coins), and gibisen (bronze shell) replaced shell coins. As a result, a large merchant with wealth comparable to that of a prince appeared.

鉄製農具 iron farming tools

周王室(しゅう・おうしつ)Zhou royal family衰微declineに伴ってその封建制度(ほうけん・せいど)Fengjian system崩れcollapsed諸侯国(しょこうこく)feudal lordsにおいて郡県制(ぐん・けん・せい)county-prefecture systemによる政治組織political organizationが次第に育った。

With the decline of the Zhou royal family, the feudal system collapsed, and the political organization based on the county-prefecture system gradually grew in the feudal lords.

諸侯(しょこう)feudal lordsは、付近の小国small neighboring countries滅ぼしdestroyedたり、水利灌漑工事irrigation worksにより未墾地uncultivated land開墾clearedしたさい、これらの土地these lands直轄地under their direct controlとして支配governするため役人officials派遣dispatchedして治めた。

When the feudal lords destroyed small neighboring countries or cleared uncultivated land for irrigation works, they dispatched officials to govern these lands under their direct control.

このような行政単位administrative units(けん)prefecturesと呼び、いくつかの(けん)prefecturesを集めて上級の行政区画higher administrative divisionsを作り、それを(ぐん)countiesと呼んだ。

Such administrative units were called prefectures, and several prefectures were grouped together to form higher administrative divisions, which were called counties.

こうして、従来traditional都邑(とゆう)Dūyì中心の国家city-centered stateは、次第に領域国家territorial stateへと形を変えていった。

In this way, the traditional city-centered state gradually changed its form into a territorial state.

またこの時代には、官職government posts身分social status世襲hereditaryした(しゅう)the Zhou Dynasty以来の制度system秩序order崩れcollapsed個人の実力individual ability重視emphasizingする風潮trendが盛んとなった。

In addition, during this period, the system and order that had existed since the Zhou Dynasty, in which government posts and social status were hereditary, collapsed, and the trend of emphasizing individual ability flourished.

従来traditional村落共同体village communitiesによる共同耕作communal farmingは、農業生産力agricultural productivity発展developmentにより家族単位での農耕family-based farmingに代わった。

The traditional communal farming by village communities has been replaced by family-based farming due to the development of agricultural productivity.

こうして、家父長制家族patriarchal familiesによる農家farmers自立independentし、村落共同体village communities崩れるcollapsedと、土地私有private ownership of land傾向trendが強くなり、貧富の差disparity between the rich and the poorが生まれ、土地the landは次第に商人the hands of merchantsなどに集中concentratedされて大土地所有者large landowners出現emergenceした。

In this way, when farmers with patriarchal families became independent and village communities collapsed, the trend toward private ownership of land became stronger, creating a disparity between the rich and the poor, and the land was gradually concentrated in the hands of merchants, leading to the emergence of large landowners.

一方、土地を失ったlost their land農民farmers小作民sharecroppersとなり、なかには流民exile債務奴隷debt slavery陥るbecameものもあった。

On the other hand, farmers who lost their land became sharecroppers, some of whom fell into exile or debt slavery.

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか) zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thought


Development of Chinese Thought

春秋戦国時代(しゅんじゅう・せんごく・じだい)the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periodsには各国countries富国強兵(ふこく・きょうへい)promote wealth and military strength競ってcompeted才能ある者talented individuals登用recruitしようとし、また古い身分制度old class system崩れcollapsed庶民階級commoner classにも立身出世succeed in life機会opportunityが与えられた。

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, countries competed to promote wealth and military strength, and recruit talented individuals.

In addition, the old class system collapsed, and the commoner class was given the opportunity to succeed in life.

この二つの理由から、人々the people学問に励みthrived in learningさまざまな思想家various thinkers策士strategistsたちが現れ、互いに論戦arguingし、自分の意見を採用adopt their viewsしてくれる君主a rulerを求めて各地various places遊説making campaignsした。

For these two reasons the people thrived in learning, and various thinkers and strategists appeared, arguing with each other and making campaigns in various places seeking a ruler who would adopt their views.

また、彼らを保護protect育成nurtureする君主a monarchも現れた。

Also, a monarch appeared to protect and nurture them.

こうして諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか)zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thoughtと呼ばれる思想家たちa group of thinkers現れemerged中国思想Chinese thought黄金時代the golden ageを迎えた。

In this way, a group of thinkers called Shoshihyakka emerged, ushering in the golden age of Chinese thought.

孔子(こうし) Confucius

儒家(じゅか) Confucianism

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか)Hundred Schools of Thoughtのうち最も早くから現れたのは孔子(こうし)Confucius(前551年ごろ~前479年ごろ)に始まる儒家(じゅか)Confucianismで、その教義doctrine儒教(じゅきょう)Confucianismという。

Confucianism, which began with Confucius, was the earliest to emerge among the 100 families of all children, and its doctrine is called Confucianism.

儒教(じゅきょう) Confucianism

春秋(しゅんじゅう)末期the late Spring and Autumn periodに出た孔子(こうし)Confuciusは、parentsに対する「(こう)filial piety」とolder brothersに対する「(てい)」という家族道徳family moralityから出発して、「(じん)Ren humaneness benevolence人倫愛human ethics)と(れい)courtesy人間の守るべき秩序order that people should follow)に基づいて身を修めcultivating家を斉(ととの)えるestablishing a familyことによって国を治めgovern the country天下の平和を実現できるachieve peace in the world」と主張した。

Confucius, who appeared in the late Spring and Autumn period, started from the family morality of 'filial piety' to parents and 'tei' to older brothers, and based on 'benevolence (human ethics) and courtesy (order that people should follow). By cultivating and establishing a family, one can govern the country and achieve peace in the world."


This is clearly a theory that correlates politics and ethics.

孔子(こうし) Confucius

彼は初め(ろ)(ルー)Luに使えて政治politics改革reformしようとしたが失敗failedし、諸国the countryを遊説したが用いられずnot used(ろ)(ルー)Lu帰りreturned to Lu古代の記録ancient recordsをテキストにして弟子の教育educating his disciplesに専念した。

At first, he was employed by Lu and tried to reform politics, but failed. He traveled around the country, but was not used and returned to Lu, where he devoted himself to educating his disciples by making texts from ancient records.

孔子(こうし)Confucius言行his words and deeds弟子His disciplesたちが記録recordedしたものが 論語(ろんご)the Analects である。

His disciples recorded his words and deeds in the Analects.




How pleasant it is to have a like-minded friend visit you from afar.

孟子(もうし) Mencius

子思(し・し) Zi si

孔子学派the Confucius schoolsのうち特に重要なのは、戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)Warring States periodに出た孟子(もうし)Mencius荀子(じゅんし)Xun Ziである。

Of the Confucius schools, the most important are Mencius and Xunzi, who emerged during the Warring States period.

孟子(もうし)Mencius(前372年ごろ~前289年ごろ)は孔子(こうし)Confuciusの孫grandsonである子思(し・し)Zi Shi門人に学びstudied under a disciple性善説(せいぜん・せつ)the theory of good natureを唱え、「仁義(じんぎ)Rényì, benevolenceによって社会秩序social orderを守り、virtueによって天下を治めるgoverns the world王道政治(おうどう・せいじ)royal politics」を主張した。

Mencius studied under a disciple of Confucius' grandson, Zi Shi, and advocated the theory of good nature, advocating ``royal politics that maintains social order through benevolence and righteousness, and governs the world through virtue.''

荀子(じゅん・し) Xun Zi (前298年?~235年?)

これに対し、戦国(せんごく)末期the end of the Warring States periodに出た荀子(じゅん・し)Xun Zi(前298年?~235年?)は性悪説(せいあく・せつ)the theory of Evil Natureを説き、「人の性people's natureevilであるから礼儀(れいぎ)courtesy社会秩序social order)によって人々を善に導くlead people to goodnessべきである」と主張し、覇者(はしゃ)の支配the rule of the hegemonic覇道政治(はどう・せいじ)hegemonic politics)を認めた。

In response to this, Junshi, who appeared at the end of the Sengoku period, preached the theory of sexual evil, arguing that ``people's sexuality is evil, so we should lead people to goodness through courtesy (social order).'' He recognized the rule of the hegemonic (hegemonic politics).

これは後の法家(ほうか)Legalismtheories大きな影響great influenceを与えた。

This had a great influence on later legal theories.

孔子(こうし) Confucius

補足supplementary explanation

古代の記録ancient records

四書五経(ししょ・ごきょう)Four Books and Five Classics

孔子(こうし)Confucius弟子たちを教えるteach his disciplesときに用いた古代の記録ancient recordsは、その後整理compiled intoされて中国最高の古典the finest Chinese classicsとなった。

The ancient records that Confucius used to teach his disciples have since been compiled into the finest Chinese classics.

易経(えききょう)Classic of Changes』・『詩経(しきょう)Classic of Poetry』・『書経(しょきょう)Classic of History』・『礼記(らいき)Classic of Rites』・『春秋(しゅんじゅう)Spring and Autumn Annals』の五つで、これを五経(ごきょう)Five Classicsという。

The five classics, "Ekikyo," "Shikyo," "Books," "Raiki," and "Shunju," are called the Five Classics.

なお(らい)の書物books on etiquetteには、ほかに『儀礼(ぎらい)Classic of Etiquette and Ceremonial』と『周礼(しゅらい)Rites of Zhou』があり、『春秋(しゅんじゅう)Spring and Autumn Annals』には、『公羊伝(くようでん)Gongyang Zhuan』・『穀梁伝(こくりょうでん)Guliang Zhuan』・『左氏伝(さしでん)Zuo Zhuan』の三つの注釈書three commentariesがある。

In addition, there are other books on etiquette, such as "Girei" and "Shurei". Annotated.

墨子(ぼく・し) Mo Zi

墨家(ぼっか) Mohism

孔子(こうし)Confuciusより少し遅れて現れた墨子(ぼく・し)Mo Ziは、初め儒家(じゅか)Confucianismに学んだが、儒家(じゅか)Confucianismの説く(じん)benevolence差別的な愛discriminatory love別愛separate love)であると否定して、平等無差別な博愛主義(はくあい・しゅぎ)equal and indiscriminate philanthropy兼愛(けんあい))を説き、貴族aristocrats中心の身分制度class systemを否定して賢者の登用promotion of sagesを説き、侵略戦争wars of aggression反対や勤労節約saving laborを主張して、庶民common peopleを中心に一時大いに流行した。

Mozi, who appeared a little later than Confucius, first studied under Confucianism, but denied that Confucianism preached benevolence as discriminatory love (separate love), and instead adopted equal and indiscriminate philanthropy (Kenai). He advocated the promotion of sages by denying the class system centered on aristocrats, advocating opposition to wars of aggression and saving labor, which became very popular among the common people for a while.

老子(ろう・し) Lao Zi

荘子(そう・し) Zhuang Zi

道家(どう・か) Taoism

戦国(せんごく)初期the early days of the Warring States periodに現れた老子(ろう・し)Lao Ziは、世の中が乱れるthe chaos of the worldのは、人々が知識knowledge欲望greedとを求めすぎるからであると考え、「人々が自我egoを捨てて、無為にしてdo nothing自然の道the way of natureに従えば、社会society平和peacefulとなり、人々people幸福happyになる」と説いた。

Lao Tzu, who appeared in the early days of the Warring States period, believed that the chaos of the world was caused by people seeking too much knowledge and greed. and people will be happy."

If people give up their ego, do nothing and follow the way of nature, the society will be peaceful and the people will be happy.

この老子(ろう・し)Lao Zi思想ideaは、やがて荘子(そう・し)Zhuang Ziらによって発展させられ、道家(どうか)Taoismまたは老荘思想(ろうそう・しそう)Laozhuang Thoughtと呼ばれる。

This idea of Laozi was eventually developed by Zhuangzi and others, and is called Taoism or Laozhuang Thought.

道家(どうか)Taoismは、儒家(じゅか)Confucianismと並び後世長く中国思想界the world of Chinese thought影響influenceを及ぼした。

Taoism, along with Confucianism, exerted a long-lasting influence on the world of Chinese thought.

商鞅(しょう・おう) Shang Yang

韓非(かん・ぴ) Han Fei

李斯(り・し) Li Si

法家(ほう・か) Legalism

以上の儒家(じゅか)Confucianism墨家(ぼっか)Mohism道家(どうか)Taoism3the three schools思想philosophiesは、いずれも永遠の真理eternal truthsを含む優れた思想excellent ideasであるが、しかし、現実の混乱した社会the actual chaotic societyを救うにはほとんど無力powerlessであった。

The philosophies of the three schools of Confucianism, Moism, and Taoism above are all excellent ideas that contain eternal truths, but they are almost powerless to save the actual chaotic society.

これに対し、君主の法the laws of the monarchを重んじ、絶対無上の君主権absolute monarchyを肯定する法家(ほうか)Legalismの説は、すこぶる現実的で富国強兵(ふこく・きょうへい)making the country richer and strongerに役立つところから諸国の君主the monarchs of various countriesに用いられた。

On the other hand, the theories of law scholars who valued the laws of the monarch and affirmed absolute monarchy were used by the monarchs of various countries because they were extremely realistic and useful for making the country richer and stronger.

彼らは厳しい法律strict lawsを作り、君主中心monarchistの極端な国家主義政策nationalist policiesを行うことを主張した。

They advocated for strict laws and extreme monarchist nationalist policies.

(しん)(チン) Qin孝公(こう・こう) Duke Xiao

戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)中ごろthe middle of the Warring States period商鞅(しょう・おう)Shang Yang(しん)(チン)Qin孝公(こう・こう)Duke Xiaoに仕えて実行し、富国強兵(ふこく・きょうへい)making the country rich and strongに成功したが、更に戦国(せんごく)末期the end of the Warring States periodには韓非(かん・ぴ)Han Feiが出て大成し、(しん)(チン)during the Qin dynastyには李斯(り・し)Li Si始皇帝(しこうてい)Shi Huangdi the first emperor宰相(さいしょう)Chancellorとしてこれを実行した。

In the middle of the Warring States period, Shang Yu served Duke Xiao of Qin and succeeded in making the country rich and strong. Furthermore, at the end of the Warring States period, Han Fei came out and achieved great success, and during the Qin dynasty, Li Si was the prime minister of the first emperor.

公孫竜(こうそん・りゅう) Gongsun Long

補足supplementary explanation

その他の学派Other schools

名家(めい・か)School of Names, Logicians

公孫竜(こうそん・りゅう)Gongsun Longらは、「白馬は馬にあらずa white horse is not a horse」といった、奇妙な論理(ろんり)strange logicによって人を驚かす詭弁(きべん)学派sophistry groupであるが、論理学(ろんりがく)Logic発達developmentを助けた。

Kosonryu and others were a sophistry group that surprised people with strange logic such as ``a white horse is not a horse,'' but they helped the development of logic.

鄒衍(すう・えん) Zou Yan

陰陽家(いんよう・か) School of Yin-Yang

鄒衍(すう・えん)Zou Yanらは、天地万物の根本the roots of all things in the universe(いん)Yin(よう)Yang二元two elementsと考え、更に、woodfireearthmetalwater五元素五行(ごぎょう)WuxingFive Elementsとを結びつけて陰陽五行説(いんよう・ごぎょう・せつ)Yin-Yang Five Elements Theoryを唱えた。

Zou En and others believed that the two elements of yin and yang are the roots of all things in the universe, and furthermore, linked the five elements (five elements) of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, and advocated the yin and yang gogyo theory.

許行(きょ・こう) Xu Xing

農家(のう・か) School of Agrarianism

許行(きょ・こう)Xu Xingらは、働く農民の立場standpoint of working farmersから農業の重要性importance of agricultureを説き、当時の農業政策agricultural policiesを批判した。

Xu Xing and others emphasized the importance of agriculture from the standpoint of working farmers and criticized the agricultural policies of the time.

呉子(ご・し) Wu zi

孫子(そん・し) Sun Tzu

兵家(へい・か) Strategist

呉子(ご・し)Wu zi孫子(そん・し)Sun Tzuらは、戦略strategy戦術tacticsを研究し兵法書books on the laws of warを著した。

Wu Tzu and Sun Tzu studied strategy and tactics and wrote books on the laws of war.

合従策(がっしょうさく)と連衡策(れんこうさく) Hezong and Lianheng

秦の統一 Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty


蘇秦(そ・しん) Su Qin

張儀(ちょう・ぎ) Zhang Yi


School of Vertical and Horizontal Alliances

戦国(せんごく)後半期the latter half of the Warring States periodに強大となった(しん)(チン)Qinに対抗して他の六国the other six countriesvertical南北north and south)に同盟allianceを結ぶ政策policy合従策(がっしょうさく)HezongVertical Alliance systemを主張した蘇秦(そ・しん)Su Qinや、horizontally東西east and west)に(しん)(チン)Qin同盟allianceを結ぶこと(連衡策(れんこうさく)LianhengHorizontal Alliance systemを主張した張儀(ちょう・ぎ)Zhang Yiらの策士schemerがある。

In the latter half of the Sengoku period, Su Qin advocated a policy of forming a vertical (north-south) alliance with the other six countries (joint policy) to oppose Qin, which became more powerful in the latter half of the Sengoku period, and forming an alliance with Qin horizontally (east-west) There is a schemer such as Zhang Yi who advocated the policy).

屈原(くつ・げん) Qu Yuan (前340年~前278年)

文学と芸術Literature and Art

詩文学の成立Establishment of poetry literature

中国最古の文学the oldest Chinese literatureである『詩経(しきょう)Shi Jing』に収められた300余の詩More than 300 poemsは、西周(せいしゅう)Western Zhouから春秋(しゅんじゅう)Spring and Autumn Annalsまでの北方の詩歌northern poetry宮廷の詩court poetry民間の歌謡folk songs)を集めたものである。

More than 300 poems in the Shijing, the oldest Chinese literature, are collections of northern poetry (court poetry and folk songs) from the Western Zhou to the Spring and Autumn period.

これに対して、戦国(せんごく)の末ごろTowards the end of the Warring States period(そ)(チュー)Chuに現れた憂国詩人patriotic poet屈原(くつ・げん)Qu Yuan(前340年~前278年)のpoetryを中心として、(かん)(ハン)the Han periodに至るまでの作品worksを集めて『楚辞(そじ)Chu Ci or Songs of Chu』が作られ、『詩経(しきょう)Shi Jing』とともに後の文学later literature大きな影響great influenceを与えた。

Towards the end of the Warring States period, the poetry of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who appeared in Chu, was compiled into "Chuji," which collected works from the Han period, and together with "Shijing," had a great influence on later literature.

金と銀の象眼(ぞうがん)細工gold and silver inlayDamascening)を備えた(かなえ)青銅器Ding bronze vessel


工芸の発達Development of Crafts

春秋戦国時代(しゅんじゅう・せんごく・じだい)the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periodsには、鉄製工具iron toolsにより手工業handicraftsが発達した。

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, handicrafts developed with iron tools.

特に青銅器の細工craftsmanship of bronze精巧elaborateとなり、金銀の象嵌(ぞうがん)gold and silver inlay鍍金(ときん)plating技術techniquesが発達した。

In particular, the craftsmanship of bronze ware became elaborate, and the techniques of gold and silver inlay and plating were developed.

また、青銅の鏡Bronze mirrorsや美しい彩色を施した陶器pottery漆器lacquerwareも作られるようになった。

Bronze mirrors and beautifully colored pottery and lacquerware were also produced.

周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty

幽王(ゆう・おう) King You of Zhou 褒姒(ほう・じ) Bao Si

犬戎(けん・じゅう) Quanrong

平王(へい・おう) King Ping of Zhou

東周(とう・しゅう) Eastern Zhou

洛邑(らくゆう) Luoyi (現在の洛陽(らくよう) Luoyang

周王朝(しゅう(ジョウ)・おうちょう) Zhou Dynasty

西周(せい・しゅう) West Zhou

東周(とう・しゅう) Eastern Zhou

春秋時代(しゅんじゅう・じだい) Spring and Autumn Period

戦国時代(せんごく・じだい) Warring States Period

秦の統一 Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty

春秋時代(しゅんじゅう・じだい) Spring and Autumn Period

諸侯(しょこう) the lords

覇者(はしゃ) bàzhě, hegemons

(せい)(チー)Qi桓公(かん・こう)Duke Huan

(そ)(チュー) Chu

(てい) Zheng

洛邑(らくゆう) Luoyi (現在の洛陽(らくよう) Luoyang

東周(とう・しゅう) Eastern Zhou

諸侯(しょこう) the lords

覇者(はしゃ) bàzhě, hegemons

(せい)(チー)Qi桓公(かん・こう)Duke Huan

覇者(はしゃ) bàzhě, hegemons

(しん)(ジン)Jin文公(ぶん・こう) Duke Wen

(ご)(ウー)王Wu Wang夫差(ふ・さ) Fu Chai

(えつ)(ユー)王Yue Wang勾践(こう・せん) Gou Jian

青銅器(せいどうき) Bronze

鉄製農具 iron farming tools

春秋時代末期(しゅんじゅう・じだい・まっき) the late Spring and Autumn period

(ろ)(ルー) Lu

孔子(こうし) Confucius

儒家(じゅか) Confucianism

儒教(じゅきょう) Confucianism

周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan, Duke of Zhou

孔子(こうし) Confucius

(れい) courtesy 人間の守るべき秩序order that people should follow

周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan, Duke of Zhou

孔子(こうし) Confucius

(れい) courtesy 人間の守るべき秩序order that people should follow

孔子(こうし) Confucius

(ろ)(ルー) Lu

洛邑(らくゆう) Luoyi (現在の洛陽(らくよう) Luoyang

孔子(こうし) Confucius

(ろ)(ルー) Lu

(じん) Ren humaneness benevolence 人倫愛human ethics

(じん) Ren humaneness benevolence 人倫愛human ethics

parentsに対する「(こう)filial piety」と

older brothersに対する「(てい)tei」という家族道徳family morality

(れい) courtesy 人間の守るべき秩序order that people should follow

孔子(こうし) Confucius

(ろ)(ルー) Lu

(じん) Ren humaneness benevolence 人倫愛human ethics

周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan, Duke of Zhou

(れい) courtesy 人間の守るべき秩序order that people should follow

孔子(こうし) Confucius

(ろ)(ルー) Lu

(じん) Ren humaneness benevolence 人倫愛human ethics

周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan, Duke of Zhou

(れい) courtesy 人間の守るべき秩序order that people should follow

孔子(こうし) Confucius

(ろ)(ルー) Lu

(じん) Ren humaneness benevolence 人倫愛human ethics

周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan, Duke of Zhou

(れい) courtesy 人間の守るべき秩序order that people should follow

孔子(こうし) Confucius

孔子(こうし) Confucius

(ろ)(ルー) Lu

五経(ごきょう) Five Classics

易経(えききょう)Classic of Changes』・『詩経(しきょう)Classic of Poetry』・『書経(しょきょう)Classic of History』・『礼記(らいき)Classic of Rites』・『春秋(しゅんじゅう)Spring and Autumn Annals

孔子(こうし) Confucius

周公旦(しゅう・こう・たん) Dan, Duke of Zhou

儒家(じゅか) Confucianism

孔子(こうし) Confucius

論語(ろんご) the Analects



How pleasant it is to have a like-minded friend visit you from afar.

春秋戦国時代(しゅんじゅう・せんごく・じだい) Spring and Autumn Warring States period

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか) zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thought

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか) zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thought

儒家(じゅか) Confucianism

孔子(こうし) Confucius

孟子(もうし) Mencius (前372年ごろ~前289年ごろ)

荀子(じゅん・し) Xun Zi (前298年?~235年?)

孟子(もうし) Mencius (前372年ごろ~前289年ごろ)

性善説(せいぜん・せつ) the theory of good nature

荀子(じゅん・し) Xun Zi (前298年?~235年?)

性悪説(せいあく・せつ) the theory of Evil Nature

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか) zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thought

墨家(ぼっか) Mohism

墨子(ぼく・し) Mo Zi

墨家(ぼっか) Mohism

儒家(じゅか)Confucianismの説く(じん)benevolence差別的な愛discriminatory love別愛separate love)であると否定して、平等無差別な博愛主義(はくあい・しゅぎ)equal and indiscriminate philanthropy兼愛(けんあい))を説いた。

墨家(ぼっか) Mohism

墨子(ぼく・し) Mo Zi

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか) zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thought

道家(どうか) Taoism

老荘思想(ろうそう・しそう) Laozhuang Thought

老子(ろう・し) Lao Zi

荘子(そう・し) Zhuang Zi

道家(どうか) Taoism

無為自然(むい・しぜん) abandoning artifice and just being oneself

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか) zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thought

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか) zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thought

陰陽家(いんよう・か) School of Yin-Yang

鄒衍(すう・えん) Zou Yan

縦横家(じゅうおう・か) School of Vertical and Horizontal Alliances

蘇秦(そ・しん) Su Qin

法家(ほう・か) Legalism

韓非(かん・ぴ) Han Fei

兵家(へい・か) Strategist

孫子(そん・し) Sun Tzu

名家(めい・か) School of Names, Logicians

公孫竜(こうそん・りゅう) Gongsun Long

農家(のう・か) School of Agrarianism

許行(きょ・こう) Xu Xing

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか) zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thought

(せい)(チー) Qi

威王(いおう) King Wei of Qi

宣王(せんおう) King Xuan of Qi

稷下の学士(しょくか・の・がくし) Academy of the Gate of Chi

臨淄(りんし)(リンズー) Linzi

臨淄(りんし)(リンズー) Linzi

孫臏(そん・ぴん) Sun Bin

孟子(もうし) Mencius (前372年ごろ~前289年ごろ)

鄒衍(すう・えん) Zou Yan

諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか) zhūzǐ bǎijiā, Hundred Schools of Thought

臨淄(りんし)(リンズー) Linzi

稷下の学士(しょくか・の・がくし) Academy of the Gate of Chi

戦国時代(せんごく・じだい) Warring States Period

(しゅう)(ジョウ)王室Zhou royal familyはまったく無視ignoredされ、(しゅう)(ジョウ)Zhou単なる一諸侯a mere feudal lordの位置を保つにすぎなくなった。

戦国の七雄 the Seven Kings of the Warring States


(しん)(チン) Qin

孝公(こう・こう) Xiao Gong, Duke Xiao 嬴渠梁(えい・きょりょう) Ying Quliang

商鞅(しょう・おう) Shang Yang

(しん)(チン) Qin

孝公(こう・こう) Xiao Gong, Duke Xiao 嬴渠梁(えい・きょりょう) Ying Quliang

商鞅(しょう・おう) Shang Yang

(しん)(チン) Qin

孝公(こう・こう) Xiao Gong, Duke Xiao 嬴渠梁(えい・きょりょう) Ying Quliang

商鞅(しょう・おう) Shang Yang

(しん)(チン) Qin

孝公(こう・こう) Xiao Gong, Duke Xiao 嬴渠梁(えい・きょりょう) Ying Quliang

商鞅(しょう・おう) Shang Yang

(しん)(チン) Qin

孝公(こう・こう) Xiao Gong, Duke Xiao 嬴渠梁(えい・きょりょう) Ying Quliang

商鞅(しょう・おう) Shang Yang

秦始皇帝(しん・し・こうてい)(チン・シ・ファンディ) Qin Shi Huangdithe first emperor of the Qin dynasty

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng



デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...