日本史25 Japanese history 25
桃山文化 Momoyama culture
姫路城(ひめじ・じょう)Himeji Castle
姫路城(ひめじ・じょう)Himeji Castle
三式戦闘機(さんしき・せんとうき)「飛燕(ひえん)」 Type 3 Fighter Hien (flying swallow)
三式戦闘機(さんしき・せんとうき)「飛燕(ひえん)」 Type 3 Fighter Hien (flying swallow)
三式戦闘機(さんしき・せんとうき)Type 3
Fighterは第二次世界大戦World War II時に日本陸軍Imperial Japanese Armyが開発Developmentし、1943年(昭和18年)に制式採用された戦闘機Fighter aircraftである。
The Type 3 fighter was
developed by the Japanese Army during World War II and was officially adopted in
愛称Nicknameは飛燕(ひえん)Hien(flying swallow)。
His nickname is Hien.
1945年(昭和20年)1月16日付の朝日新聞the Asahi Shimbunの記事An articleで「その軽妙俊敏さは、あたかも青空を截(た)って飛ぶ燕a swallowにも似ているところから「飛燕(ひえん)Hien(flying swallow)」と呼ぶことになった」としている。
An article in the Asahi
Shimbun dated January 16, 1945 states, ``The bird's nimbleness and agility
resembles that of a swallow that flies across the blue sky, which is why it
came to be called ``Hien.'' ``It was.''
連合軍Allied forcesのコードネームCode nameはトニーTony。
The Allied code name is
Aircraft Industriesにより行われた。
It was developed and
manufactured by Kawasaki Aircraft.
architectは土井武夫(どい・たけお)Takeo Doi、副主任deputy chief designerは大和田信(おおわだ・しん)Shin Owadaである。
The chief architect is
Takeo Doi, and the deputy chief designer is Shin Owada.
三式戦闘機(さんしき・せんとうき)「飛燕(ひえん)」 Type 3 Fighter Hien (flying swallow)
ドイツのGerman液冷航空エンジンLiquid-cooled Aircraft engine DB601 Daimler-Benz DB 601を国産化a domestically produced versionしたハ40 Kawasaki Ha40を搭載した、当時の日本唯一Japan's onlyの量産型mass-produced液冷戦闘機Liquid-cooled
Fighter aircraftである。
It was Japan's only
mass-produced liquid-cooled fighter at the time, equipped with the Ha-40, a
domestically produced version of the German liquid-cooled aircraft engine
防弾装備のない試作機The prototype aircraftは最高速度590km/hを発揮したが、防弾装備や燃料タンク等を追加した量産機mass-produced aircraftでは鈍重な戦闘機a sluggish fighter aircraftになり下がり、アメリカ軍US Armed Forcesに「もっとも食いやすい(つまりアメリカ軍US Armed Forcesにとっては攻撃し易いthe easiest to attack)戦闘機Fighter aircraft」という印象を与えている。
The prototype aircraft
without bulletproof equipment achieved maximum speed, but mass-produced
aircraft with additional bulletproof equipment, fuel tanks, etc. became
sluggish and slow, making it a sluggish fighter aircraft that was designated by
the U.S. military as "the easiest to attack" (in other words, it was
the easiest for the U.S. military to attack.) gives the impression of a fighter
三式戦闘機(さんしき・せんとうき)「飛燕(ひえん)」 Type 3 Fighter Hien (flying swallow)
industrial strengthの低かった当時の日本にとって不慣れな液冷航空エンジンLiquid-cooled Aircraft engineハ40 Kawasaki Ha40は生産・整備ともに苦労が多く、常に故障に悩まされたconstantly plagued by breakdowns戦闘機Fighter aircraftとしても知られる。
The Ha-40, a
liquid-cooled aero engine that was unfamiliar to Japan at the time, where basic
industrial strength was weak, was difficult to produce and maintain, and it was
also known as a fighter aircraft that was constantly plagued by breakdowns.
ハ40 Kawasaki Ha40の性能向上型であるハ140
Kawasaki Ha140のエンジン生産はさらに困難であり、これを装備する予定であった三式戦闘機二型Type 3 Fighter Model 2はわずか99機しかエンジンが搭載できず、工場内に首無しheadlessの三式戦闘機(さんしき・せんとうき)Type 3 Fighterが大量に並ぶ異常事態が発生した。
Production of the engine
for the Ha-140, an improved version of the Ha-40, was even more difficult, and
only 99 engines could be installed on the Type 2 Type 3 fighter jet that was
planned to be equipped with this engine, and there was a headless engine in the
factory. An abnormal situation occurs in which a large number of headless Type
3 fighter aircrafts are lined up inside the factory.
そこで星型空冷エンジンRadial Air-cooled Aircraft engineを急遽搭載した日本陸軍Imperial
Japanese Army最後の制式戦闘機、五式戦闘機(ごしき・せんとうき)Type 5 Fighterが生産された。
Therefore, the Japanese
Army's last standard fighter, the Type 5 fighter, was produced, which was
suddenly equipped with a radial air-cooled engine.
三式戦闘機(さんしき・せんとうき)「飛燕(ひえん)」 Type 3 Fighter Hien (flying swallow)
三式戦闘機(さんしき・せんとうき)「飛燕(ひえん)」 Type 3 Fighter Hien (flying swallow)はフィリピンPhilippinesやニューギニアNew
Guinea、そして本土防空戦air defense battles on the mainlandで戦果をあげている。
The Type 3 Hien fighter
has achieved success in air defense battles in the Philippines, New Guinea, and
on the mainland.
特に本土防空戦mainland air defense battlesでは、他の日本機に比べ高空性能が良かったため、対B-29スーパーフォートレスBoeing B-29 Superfortress戦闘に奮戦している。
In particular, in
mainland air defense battles, it had better high-altitude performance than
other Japanese aircraft, so it fought hard against the B-29 Superfortress.
織田信長(おだ・のぶなが)Oda Nobunaga(1534~1582)
安土城(あづち・じょう)Azuchi Castle
安土城(あづち・じょう)Azuchi Castle
豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi Hideyoshi
伏見城(ふしみ・じょう)Fushimi Castle
伏見城(ふしみ・じょう)Fushimi Castle
第7章 Chapter 7
Establishment of the
Shogunate system
第4節 Section 4
織田信長(おだ・のぶなが)Oda Nobunagaの安土城(あづち・じょう)Azuchi Castle、豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi Hideyoshiの伏見城(ふしみ・じょう)Fushimi Castleに因(ちな)んで、この時代を安土・桃山時代(あづち・ももやま・じだい)Azuchi–Momoyama period(1573年(天正元年)~1600年(慶長5年))と呼んでいる。
This period is called the
Azuchi-Momoyama period, named after Nobunaga Oda's Azuchi Castle and Hideyoshi
Toyotomi's Fushimi Castle. ) (1573 (Tensho 1) to 1600 (Keicho 5)).
それは豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi Hideyoshiの伏見城(ふしみ・じょう)跡the
Fushimi Castle ruinsがのち桃山(ももやま)Momoyamaと呼ばれたことと、その語感の良さthe pleasant feeling of the wordからきている。
This is because the
Fushimi Castle ruins of Hideyoshi Toyotomi was later called Momoyama, and
because of the pleasant feeling of the word.
しかし桃山文化(ももやま・ぶんか)the Momoyama cultureは織田信長(おだ・のぶなが)Oda Nobunaga・の時期the periodだけではなく、17世紀初頭the early 17th century、慶長期the Keicho eraをも含んでいるのが一般的である。
However, the Momoyama
culture generally includes not only the period of Nobunaga Oda and Hideyoshi
Toyotomi, but also the early 17th century and the Keicho era.
桃山文化(ももやま・ぶんか)the Momoyama
unificationを成し遂げ、権力と富を集中した権力者の出現The emergence of those in powerと、その統一戦や海外貿易によって富を蓄積した豪商the wealthy
merchantsが、桃山文化(ももやま・ぶんか)the Momoyama cultureを生み出した。
The emergence of those in
power who achieved domestic unification and concentrated their power and
wealth, and the wealthy merchants who accumulated wealth through unification wars
and overseas trade gave birth to the Momoyama culture.
従って、この文化は古典文化への憧憬an admiration for classical cultureを持ちつつも、新興の権力者emerging powersや豪商wealthy merchantsにふさわしい豪放(ごうほう)bold、絢爛(けんらん)gorgeousたるものであった。
Therefore, while this
culture had an admiration for classical culture, it was bold and gorgeous,
suitable for emerging powers and wealthy merchants.
Middle Agesの神秘的な宗教感The mystical religious feelingが薄れ、現実的色彩が強いa strong realistic colorのが特色characterizedである。
The mystical religious
feeling of the Middle Ages, centered on Buddhism, has faded, and it is
characterized by a strong realistic color.
南蛮文化(なんばん・ぶんか)Nanban culture
また、桃山文化(ももやま・ぶんか)the Momoyama cultureには、ポルトガル人Portugueseをはじめとするヨーロッパ人Europeansの渡来や、日本人の海外進出によって、キリスト教Christianity・ヨーロッパ風俗European manners and customsが伝わり大きな影響を残した。
In addition, Christianity
and European manners and customs were introduced to the Momoyama culture
through the arrival of Europeans, including Portuguese, and the expansion of
Japanese overseas, leaving a significant impact.
これを南蛮文化(なんばん・ぶんか)Nanban cultureと呼んでいる。
This is called Nanban
山城(やまじろ)yamajiro(Hill castle)(Mountain castle)
信貴山城(しぎさん・じょう)Shigisan Castle
山城(やまじろ)yamajiro(Hill castle)(Mountain castle)
桃山文化(ももやま・ぶんか)the Momoyama
Buildings, especially
castles, were representative of the Momoyama culture.
Warring States periodにあっては戦闘本位battle-orientedの山城(やまじろ)yamajiro(Hill castle)(Mountain castle)などが多かったが、やがて戦術の変化the change in tacticsとともに邸宅residencesを兼ねたものとなり、領国支配の拠点bases for territorial controlとして、平野の中心in the center of the plainsに威容を示すstood out平山城(ひらやま・じろ)Hirayamajiro・平城(ひらじろ)Hirajiroとなってきた。
During the Warring States
period, many castles were battle-oriented mountain castles (yamajiro), but with
the change in tactics, these castles also served as residences, and as bases
for territorial control, flat mountain castles (yamajiro) stood out in the center
of the plains. Hirayamajiro and Hirajiro.
天守閣(てんしゅかく)Tenshukaku(golden castle towers)
特に統一権力the unified powerのつくった城the castlesは、金色燦然(こんじき・さんぜん)たるsplendid with天守閣(てんしゅかく)Tenshukaku(golden castle towers)などを持つ壮麗なものであった。
In particular, the
castles built by the unified power were splendid with golden castle towers.
安土城(あづち・じょう)Azuchi Castle
大坂城(おおさか・じょう)Osaka Castle
伏見城(ふしみ・じょう)Fushimi Castle
織田信長(おだ・のぶなが)Oda Nobunagaの安土城(あづち・じょう)Azuchi Castle、豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi Hideyoshiの大坂城(おおさか・じょう)Osaka Castle・伏見城(ふしみ・じょう)Fushimi Castle・聚楽第(じゅらくだい)Jurakudaiなどは、その代表的なものである。
Azuchi Castle of Nobunaga
Oda, Osaka Castle, Fushimi Castle and Jurakudai of Hideyoshi Toyotomi are
representative examples. is.
姫路城(ひめじ・じょう)Himeji Castle
二条城(にじょう・じょう)Nijō Castle
妙喜庵待庵(みょうき・あんたいあん)Myoki Antaian
現存するものとしては、姫路城(ひめじ・じょう)Himeji Castle、二条城(にじょう・じょう)Nijō Castle、醍醐寺(だいごじ)Daigo-ji三宝院(さんぼういん)Sanbō-in表書院(おもて・しょいん)Omoteshoin、千利休(せんの・りきゅう)Sen no Rikyū作と伝えられる妙喜庵待庵(みょうき・あんたいあん)Myoki Antaianなどのほかに、
Existing buildings
include Himeji Castle, Nijo Castle, Daigoji Sanboin Omoteshoin, and Myoki
Antaian, which is said to have been built by Sen no Rikyu. In addition to
西本願寺(にし・ほんがんじ)Nishi Hongan-ji飛雲閣(ひうんかく)Hiunkaku
remainsと伝えられる大徳寺(だいとくじ)Daitoku-ji唐門(からもん)Karamonと西本願寺(にし・ほんがんじ)Nishi Hongan-ji飛雲閣(ひうんかく)Hiunkaku、
Daitokuji Karamon, which
is said to be the remains of Jurakudai, and Nishi Honganji Hiunkaku,
琵琶湖(びわこ)Lake Biwa 竹生島(ちくぶしま)Chikubu Island
琵琶湖(びわこ)Lake Biwa 竹生島(ちくぶしま)Chikubu Island
Shrine本殿(ほんでん)main hall
琵琶湖(びわこ)Lake Biwa 竹生島(ちくぶしま)Chikubu Island
伏見城(ふしみ・じょう)Fushimi Castleの遺構the
remainsと考えられる琵琶湖(びわこ)Lake Biwa 竹生島(ちくぶしま)Chikubu Islandの都久夫須麻神社(つくぶすま・じんじゃ)Tsukubusuma Shrine本殿(ほんでん)main hall・唐門(からもん)Karamonなどがある。
There is the main hall
and Karamon gate of Tsukubusuma Shrine on Chikubushima Island in Lake Biwa, which
is thought to be the remains of Fushimi Castle.
また、西本願寺(にし・ほんがんじ)Nishi Hongan-ji書院(しょいん)Shoin(鴻の間(こうのま)Kou-no-ma)は当時の風を伝えている。
In addition, Nishi
Honganji Shoin (Kou-no-ma) conveys the atmosphere of that time.
屏風(びょうぶ)Folding screen
建造物buildingsを飾った襖(ふすま)Fusumaや屏風(びょうぶ)Folding screenに描く絵画paintingsに、優れたものが出た。
Excellent paintings were drawn
on the fusuma (sliding doors) and folding screens that decorated the buildings.
This is called Shohekiga
or Shobyoga.
手法techniqueは、金箔(きんぱく)Gold leafや緑青(ろくしょう)Verdigrisを多く用い、大和絵(やまとえ)Yamato-e paintingsに漢画(かんが)Chinese paintingの手法を加えた金碧(きんぺき)Kinpeki(金色と青みどり色)の濃絵(だみえ)dark paintingが代表的なもので、題材も中国の賢人Chinese sages・仏教説話Buddhist talesからとったが、鷹hawks・獅子lionsなど勇壮なものが多かった。
The technique uses a lot
of gold leaf and rokusho, and the typical example is the dark painting of kinpeki,
which adds the technique of Chinese painting to Yamatoe, and the subject
matter. It was taken from Chinese sages and Buddhist tales, but there were many
brave things such as hawks and lions.
guardian lions
狩野永徳(かのう・えいとく)Kanō Eitoku
狩野派(かのうは)the Kano schoolでは狩野永徳(かのう・えいとく)Kanō Eitoku(1543~1590)(狩野元信(かのう・もとのぶ)Kano Motonobuの孫grandson)が出て、濃絵(だみえ)の画風the style of dark paintingを大成し、織田信長(おだ・のぶなが)Oda Nobunaga・豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi
Hideyoshiに仕え、安土城(あづち・じょう)Azuchi Castle・大坂城(おおさか・じょう)Osaka Castleなどに彩筆を振るった。
Kano Eitoku (1543-1590)
(grandson of Kano Motonobu) emerged from the Kano school, and perfected the
style of dark painting, Nobunaga Oda and Hideyoshi Toyotomi. He served Hideyoshi
and painted Azuchi Castle and Osaka Castle.
洛中洛外図屏風(らくちゅうらくがいず・びょうぶ)Rakuchu-rakugai-zu byobu
狩野永徳(かのう・えいとく)Kanō Eitoku
大徳寺(だいとくじ)Daitoku-ji聚光院(じゅこういん)Jukō-in襖絵(ふすまえ)fusuma paintings
狩野永徳(かのう・えいとく)Kanō Eitoku
狩野永徳(かのう・えいとく)Kanō Eitokuの作品としては、『唐獅子図屏風(からじしず・びょうぶ)Chinese guardian lions』・『洛中洛外図屏風(らくちゅうらくがいず・びょうぶ)Rakuchu-rakugai-zu byobu(上杉本)』や大徳寺(だいとくじ)Daitoku-ji聚光院(じゅこういん)Jukō-in襖絵(ふすまえ)fusuma paintingsが残っている。
Kano Eitoku's works
include "Karajishi-zu-byobu" and "Rakuchu-rakugai-zu byobu"
(Uesugi version), and the fusuma paintings of Jukoin at Daitokuji Temple. there
狩野山楽(かのう・さんらく)Kanō Sanraku
また狩野永徳(かのう・えいとく)Kanō Eitokuの養子adopted son狩野山楽(かのう・さんらく)Kanō Sanrakuも『松鷹図(しょうようず)Shoyozu』など優れた作品を残した。
Sanraku KANO, the adopted
son of Eitoku KANO, also left outstanding works such as "Shoyozu".
海北友松(かいほう・ゆうしょう)Kaihō Yūshō(1533~1615)
Tōhaku(1539~1610)や海北友松(かいほう・ゆうしょう)Kaihō Yūshō(1533~1615)は、水墨画(すいぼくが)Ink wash paintingに優れた作品があるが、金碧障壁画(きんぺき・しょうへきが)Kinpeki Shohekigaもよくした。
Tohaku Hasegawa (1539-1610)
and Yusho Kaihoku (1533-1615) had excellent ink paintings, but they Shoheki
also did well.
海北友松(かいほう・ゆうしょう)Kaihō Yūshō(1533~1615)
琴棋書画図(きんき・しょがず)Kinki Shogazu
海北友松(かいほう・ゆうしょう)Kaihō Yūshō(1533~1615)
智積院(ちしゃくいん)Chishaku-inの『桜楓図(おうふうず)Oufuuzu』は長谷川等伯(はせがわ・とうはく)Hasegawa Tōhakuの作品と伝えられ、海北友松(かいほうゆ・うしょう)には『山水図屏風(さんすいず・びょうぶ)Landscapes』・『琴棋書画図(きんき・しょがず)Kinki Shogazu』などがある。
Chishakuin's "Oufuuzu"
is said to be the work of Hasegawa Tohaku, and Kaiho Yusho has
"Landscapes" and "Koto". "Kinki Shogazu", etc.
洛中洛外図屏風(らくちゅうらくがいず・びょうぶ)Rakuchu-rakugai-zu byobu
狩野永徳(かのう・えいとく)Kanō Eitoku
paintingsの特徴の一つは、風俗画(ふうぞくが)genre paintingsの展開である。
One of the characteristics
of Momoyama paintings is the development of genre paintings.
戦乱の終息the end of
the warとともに都市の繁栄the city prosperedが著しくなったが、中世以来the Middle Agesの民衆の台頭the rise of the common peopleをも反映して、町衆(まちしゅう)the townspeopleの生活・風俗the lives and customsなどが絵画の題材となってきた。
With the end of the war,
the city prospered remarkably, but reflecting the rise of the common people
since the Middle Ages, the lives and customs of the townspeople became the
subject of paintings.
painting folding screens
花下遊楽図(かか・ゆうらく・ず)paintings under
the flowers
『豊国祭礼図屏風(ほうこく・さいれいず・びょうぶ)Hokoku festival folding screen』(狩野内膳(かのう・ないぜん)Kanō Naizen作・豊国神社(とよくに・じんじゃ)Toyokuni Shrine蔵)
洛中洛外図屏風(らくちゅうらくがいず・びょうぶ)Rakuchu-rakugai-zu byobu、南蛮屏風(なんばん・びょうぶ)nanban-byobu screens、職人尽絵屏風(しょくにん・づくしえ・びょうぶ)craftsman painting folding screens、花下遊楽図(かか・ゆうらく・ず)paintings under the flowersと題し、一定の規格性を持って幾人かの画家が描いたものや、『豊国祭礼図屏風(ほうこく・さいれいず・びょうぶ)Hokoku festival folding screen』(狩野内膳(かのう・ないぜん)Kanō Naizen作・豊国神社(とよくに・じんじゃ)Toyokuni Shrine蔵)などが知られる。
Rakuchū rakugai-zu
folding screens, Nanban folding screens, craftsman painting folding screens,
and paintings under the flowers (Kaka), which were drawn with a certain standard
by several artists, as well as the “Toyokuni festival folding screen” (Kano
Naizen-made, Toyokuni Shrine storehouse) and others are known.
彫刻sculptureでは、建築に伴う欄間(らんま)彫刻transom carvingが発達し、西本願寺(にし・ほんがんじ)Nishi Hongan-ji書院(しょいん)Shoinの欄間(らんま)ranmaなどが知られている。
In sculpture, transom
carving (ranma) that accompanies architecture was developed, and the transom
(ranma) of Nishi Honganji Shoin is well known.
北政所(きたの・まんどころ)Kita no
Hideyoshiと夫人wife北政所(きたの・まんどころ)Kita no Mandokoro(高台院(こうだい・いん)Kōdai-in)の調度品を残す高台寺蒔絵(こうだいじ・まきえ)Kodaijimakieなどが知られている。
In addition, the technique
of lacquer lacquer work to decorate the furnishings was also excellent, and
Kodaiji Temple retains the furnishings of Hideyoshi Toyotomi and his wife Kita
no Mandokoro (Kodai-in). Kodaijimakie is well known.
Hideyoshiの夫人wife北政所(きたの・まんどころ)Kita no
Mandokoroは、豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi Hideyoshiが死んだあと高台寺(こうだいじ)Kōdai-jiに隠棲retiredした。
豪華luxuriousななかにもしっとりとした気品eleganceがあり、のちには、これと同様式のものsimilar stylesも高台寺蒔絵(こうだいじ・まきえ)Kodaijimakieと総称されるようになった。
In addition to being
luxurious, there is also a gentle elegance, and later, similar styles came to
be collectively called Kodaiji Maki-e.
薩摩焼(さつま・やき)Satsuma ware
Domain(薩摩藩(さつま・はん)Satsuma Domain)
有田焼(ありた・やき)Arita ware
鍋島藩(なべしま・はん)Nabeshima Domain(佐賀藩(さが・はん)Saga Domain)
平戸焼(ひらど・やき)Hirado ware 松浦藩(まつら・はん)Matsura Domain
萩焼(はぎ・やき)Hagi ware 毛利藩(もうり・はん)Mōri Domain
高取焼(たかとり・やき)Takatori ware
Domain(福岡藩(ふくおか・はん)Fukuoka Domain)
上野焼(あがの・やき)Agano ware 細川藩(ほそかわ・はん)Hosokawa Domain
楽焼(らく・やき)Raku ware
織部焼(おりべ・やき)Oribe ware(古田織部(ふるた・おりべ)Furuta Oribe)
志野焼(しの・やき)Shino ware(志野宗信(しの・そうしん)Shino Soshin)
朝鮮出兵the dispatch
of troops to Koreaの際、日本へ連れ帰った朝鮮人陶工Korean pottersにより、陶器業the pottery industryは各地で盛んとなった。
During the dispatch of
troops to Korea, Korean potters were brought back to Japan, and the pottery
industry flourished in various places.
薩摩焼(さつま・やき)Satsuma ware(島津藩(しまづ・はん)Shimadzu Domain)、有田焼(ありた・やき)Arita ware(鍋島藩(なべしま・はん)Nabeshima Domain)、平戸焼(ひらど・やき)Hirado ware(松浦藩(まつら・はん)Matsura Domain)、萩焼(はぎ・やき)Hagi ware(毛利藩(もうり・はん)Mōri Domain)、高取焼(たかとり・やき)Takatori ware(黒田藩(くろだ・はん)Kuroda Domain)、上野焼(あがの・やき)Agano ware(細川藩(ほそかわ・はん)Hosokawa Domain)などがそれで、楽焼(らく・やき)Raku ware、織部焼(おりべ・やき)Oribe ware(古田織部(ふるた・おりべ)Furuta Oribe)、志野焼(しの・やき)Shino ware(志野宗信(しの・そうしん)Shino Soshin)なども優れたものが出た。
Satsuma ware (Shimadzu),
Arita ware (Nabeshima), Hirado ware (Matsuura), Hagi ware (Mori), Takatori ware
(Kuroda), Agano ware (Hosokawa), Raku ware, Oribe ware Oribeyaki and Shino ware
were also produced.
阿国歌舞伎(おくに・かぶき)Okuni Kabuki
中世the Middle
Ages以来の伝統芸能・芸術traditional performing arts and artsは、桃山時代(ももやま・じだい)the Momoyama periodに大成された。
The traditional
performing arts and arts that have existed since the Middle Ages were completed
in the Momoyama period.
それは、統一権力の成立the establishment of a unified powerと都市の繁栄the
prosperity of the cityを基盤に洗練され大成したが、一方では近世封建制の秩序the order of the early modern feudal systemのなかで、家元制度(いえもと・せいど)the Iemoto systemに見られる固定化の方向をたどった。
It was refined and
accomplished on the basis of the establishment of a unified power and the
prosperity of the city, but on the other hand, it followed the direction of the
fixation seen in the Iemoto system in the order of the early modern feudal system.
桃山文化(ももやま・ぶんか)the Momoyama
cultureはこの転換期turning pointに立ち、これらの芸能performing artsが生まれてきた民衆的活力the popular vitalityを維持していたと言ってよい。
It can be said that
Momoyama culture stood at this turning point and maintained the popular vitality
from which these performing arts were born.
阿国歌舞伎(おくに・かぶき)Okuni Kabuki
出雲阿国(いずもの・おくに)Izumo no
1603年(慶長8年)出雲大社(いずも・たいしゃ)Izumo-taishaの巫女(みこ)shrine maiden出雲阿国(いずもの・おくに)Izumo no
Okuniが、社殿修復the restoration of the shrine勧進promoteのため京都(きょうと)Kyoto四条河原Shijo Kawaraと北野社Kitano
Shrine頭で「ややこ踊りYayako Odori」・「念仏踊り(ねんぶつ・おどり)Nenbutsu Odori」を演じた(阿国歌舞伎(おくに・かぶき)Okuni Kabuki)。
In 1603 (Keicho 8), Okuni
Izumo, a shrine maiden of Izumo Taisha, performed the ``Yayako Odori'' at Kyoto
Shijo Kawara and Kitano Shrine to promote the restoration of the shrine. He
performed Nenbutsu Odori (Okuni Kabuki).
服装は塗り笠lacquer hatsに紅の腰蓑(こしみの)red loincloths、鉦(かね)bellsを首にかけ、笛flutes・太鼓(たいこ)taiko drums・鼓(つづみ)Tsuzumiにあわせ、時に男装dressing as a manするなどまさしく「傾(かぶ)き踊りkabuki
They wore lacquer hats,
red loincloths, bells hung around their necks, flutes, taiko drums, and drums,
and sometimes dressed up as men.
It was truly a 'kabuki
dance', such as sometimes dressing as a man.
女歌舞伎(おんな・かぶき)onna kabuki・傾城歌舞伎(けいせい・かぶき)keisei kabuki
Kabuki、野郎歌舞伎(やろう・かぶき)Yaro Kabuki
やがて江戸Edoに下り、浄瑠璃(じょうるり)Jōruriを加え、京都(きょうと)Kyotoの遊女courtesansが女歌舞伎(おんな・かぶき)onna kabuki・傾城歌舞伎(けいせい・かぶき)keisei kabukiを始めたが、幕府の風俗統制the shogunate's control of manners and customsから禁止Bannedされ、若衆歌舞伎(わかしゅ・かぶき)Wakashu Kabuki、野郎歌舞伎(やろう・かぶき)Yaro Kabukiと転じて元禄歌舞伎(げんろく・かぶき)Genroku Kabukiに発展する。
Eventually, they moved to
Edo and added joruri (joruri), and courtesans in Kyoto started onna kabuki and
keisei kabuki. , Transformed into Yaro Kabuki and developed into Genroku
Banned by the shogunate's
control of manners and customs, it evolved into Genroku Kabuki after being
transformed into Wakashu Kabuki and Yaro Kabuki.
Kabuki is derived from
the character for kabuki, but it originally meant slanted or slanted.
高三隆達(たかさぶ・りゅうたつ)Takasabu Ryutatsu
風流踊り(ふりゅう・おどり)Furyu Odori
堺Sakaiの商人merchant高三隆達(たかさぶ・りゅうたつ)Takasabu Ryutatsuが小歌(こうた)Koutaの一種である隆達節(りゅうたつ・ぶし)Ryutatsubushiをはじめ、風流踊り(ふりゅう・おどり)Furyu Odoriも盛んになった。
Ryutatsu Takasa, a
merchant in Sakai, began performing Ryutatsubushi, a type of kouta, and Furyu
Odori became popular.
村田珠光(むらた・じゅこう)Murata Jukō(1423~1502)
武野紹鴎(たけの・じょうおう)Takeno Jōō(1502~1555)
すでに村田珠光(むらた・じゅこう)Murata Jukōや武野紹鴎(たけの・じょうおう)Takeno Jōōによって生まれていた侘び茶(わびちゃ)wabichaの風styleは、堺町人Sakai merchant千利休(せんの・りきゅう)Sen no Rikyū(1521~1591)によって大成された。
The style of wabicha,
which was already invented by Murata Juko and Takeno Joo, was developed by
Sakai merchant Senno Rikyu (1521-1591). grown up.
この時代、織田信長(おだ・のぶなが)Oda Nobunaga・豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi Hideyoshiが茶の湯(ちゃのゆ)Chanoyuを好んだこともあって、ことに武人warriorsや豪商wealthy merchantsの間に茶の湯(ちゃのゆ)Chanoyuが流行した。
During this period, Nobunaga
Oda and Hideyoshi Toyotomi liked the tea ceremony, and it became popular among
warriors and wealthy merchants.
北野大茶湯(きたの・おお・ちゃのゆ)Grand Kitano
Tea Ceremony
Hideyoshiが1587年(天正15年)、貴賤を問わず招いて行った北野の大茶会(北野大茶湯(きたの・おお・ちゃのゆ)Grand Kitano Tea Ceremony)は有名である。
In 1587, Toyotomi
Hideyoshi invited people of all ranks to the Kitano Tea Ceremony (Kitano Grand
Tea Ceremony), which is famous.
千利休(せんの・りきゅう)(1521~1591)は、堺Sakaiの豪商wealthy merchantで、武野紹鴎(たけの・じょうおう)Takeno Jōōに茶the art of tea(ちゃ)を学んだ。
He was a wealthy merchant
in Sakai and learned the art of tea from Joo Takeno.
織田信長(おだ・のぶなが)Oda Nobunaga・豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi Hideyoshiに仕え、日本一の茶頭(さどう)Japan's greatest tea ceremony master(茶の湯の師匠)と言われた。
He served Nobunaga Oda
and Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and was said to be Japan's greatest tea ceremony
豊臣政権In the
Toyotomi governmentでは政治の中心the center of politicsにもいたが、のち豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi Hideyoshiの怒りに触れて切腹を命ぜられたordered to commit seppuku。
In the Toyotomi
government, he was at the center of politics, but later he was ordered to
commit seppuku after being angered by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
彼の茶(ちゃ)the art of teaは「和敬清寂(わけい・せいじゃく)harmony, respect, and purity」を心とした「侘び(わび)Wabi」・「寂び(さび)Sabi」の茶(ちゃ)the art of teaであった。
His tea was ``Wabi'' and
``Sabi,'' with a focus on ``harmony, respect, and purity.''
板葺(いた・ぶき)shingle roofs
瓦葺(かわら・ぶき)tiled roofs
中世末the end of
the Middle Agesの京都(きょうと)Kyotoの町屋townhousesは間口・奥行2間で平屋one-story
housesの板葺(いた・ぶき)shingle roofsがほとんどであったが、桃山期Momoyama periodには2階建two-story
houses・瓦葺(かわら・ぶき)tiled roofsに変わり、米食を中心とする1日3食Three meals a
day、魚fish・鳥poultryなどの副食side dishes、間食snacks・調味料seasoningsも豊富となった。
Most of the townhouses in
Kyoto at the end of the Middle Ages had a frontage and a depth of 2 ken, and
were one-story houses with tiled roofs. Three meals a day, side dishes such as
fish and poultry, snacks and seasonings became abundant.
衣服の変化change in
clothingは大きく、公家court nobles・武家samuraiの礼服ceremonial attireは別として小袖(こそで)Kosodeを中心に簡略化simplificationされた。
There was a great change
in clothing, and ceremonial attire for court nobles and samurai was aside, and
kosode was the main simplification.
里村紹巴(さとむら・じょうは)Satomura Jōha(1524~1602)
この時代にはあまり見るべきものはないが、和歌(わか)Waka(Japanese poem)では古今伝授(こきん・でんじゅ)Kokin Denjuを伝えた細川幽斎(ほそかわ・ゆうさい)Hosokawa Yūsai(藤孝(ふじたか)Fujitaka)(1534~1610)、連歌(れんが)Renga(linked poem)では里村紹巴(さとむら・じょうは)Satomura Jōha(1524~1602)が知られている。
There is not much to see
in this period, but in waka, Hosokawa Yusai (Fujitaka) (1534-1610), who
conveyed Kokin Denju, and Renga Satomura Joha (1524-1602) is known for bricks.
deputy)細川氏(ほそかわし)the Hosokawa clanの支族branchで、織田信長(おだ・のぶなが)Oda Nobunaga・豊臣秀吉(とよとみ・ひでよし)Toyotomi Hideyoshiに仕えた武将military
commanderであったが、武家故実(ぶけ・こじつ)samurai traditionsの学問studyingや和歌(わか)Waka(Japanese poem)をよくした。
A branch of the Kanrei
Hosokawa clan, he was a military commander who served Nobunaga Oda and Hideyoshi
Toyotomi. well done
飯尾宗祇(いいお・そうぎ)Iio Sōgi(1421~1502)
特に飯尾宗祇(いいお・そうぎ)Iio Sōgiから三条西実隆(さんじょうにし・さねたか)Sanjōnishi Sanetakaを経て古今伝授(こきん・でんじゅ)Kokin Denjuを受けたことが名高い。
In particular, he is
famous for receiving Kokindenju from Sogi through Sanetaka SANJONISHI.
のち徳川家康(とくがわ・いえやす)Tokugawa Ieyasuにも仕えて重く用いられた。
Later, he served Tokugawa
Ieyasu and was heavily used.
第107代天皇the 107th Emperor(在位1586年~1611年)
正親町天皇(おおぎまち・てんのう)Emperor Ōgimachiの皇子sonの誠仁親王(さねひと・しんのう)Prince Sanehitoの第一皇子the First son
慶長勅版(けいちょう・ちょくはん)the Keicho
Imperial Edition
また後陽成天皇(ごようぜい・てんのう)Emperor Go-Yōzei(在位1586~1611)が和漢の書Japanese and Chinese calligraphyを集めて出版collected
and publishedし、慶長勅版(けいちょう・ちょくはん)the Keicho Imperial Editionと言われた。
In addition, Emperor
Goyozei (reigned 1586-1611) collected and published Japanese and Chinese
calligraphy, which was called the Keicho Imperial Edition.
Go-Yōzeiの命により、朝鮮Koreaから伝わった活字印刷技術the type printing technologyによって出版publishedした、最初の木版活字wood block typeによる書物book。
It was the first book
printed with wood block type, and was published by the order of Emperor Goyozei
using the type printing technology introduced from Korea.
『勧学文(かんがくぶん)Kangakubun』・『日本書紀神代巻(にほんしょき・かみよのかん)Nihonshoki Kamiyonokan』・『職原抄(しょくげんしょう)Shokugensho』などがある。
There are "Kangakubun",
"Nihonshoki Kamidaimaki" and "Shokugensho".
曲直瀬道三(まなせ・どうさん)Manase Dōsan(1507~1594)
医学medicineでは曲直瀬道三(まなせ・どうさん)Manase Dōsan(1507~1594)が知られている。
In medicine, Manase Dosan
(1507-1594) is well known.
doctrines、一夫一婦制monogamyなどの倫理信条ethical beliefs、自殺禁止the prohibition of suicideなどは、神道Shintoism・仏教Buddhism・領主的権威feudal authorityと支配体制the ruling systemに対立conflictsしながらも普及spreadした。
Monotheistic doctrines, ethical
beliefs such as monogamy, and the prohibition of suicide spread in spite of
conflicts with Shintoism, Buddhism, feudal authority, and the ruling system.
edition『平家物語(へいけ・ものがたり)Heike Monogatari』
edition『イソップ物語Aesop's Tale』
キリスト教を平易に書いた教義書the Christian doctrine written in plain language(キリシタン教義書Christian doctrine)のほか、『平家物語(へいけ・ものがたり)Heike Monogatari』・『イソップ物語Aesop's Tale』などをローマ字Roman lettersで活字印刷Letterpress printingした。
In addition to the
Christian doctrine written in plain language (Christian doctrine), he printed
"Heike Monogatari" and "Aesop's Tale" in Roman letters.
editionとも、刊行地名the name of the place where it was publishedから天草版(あまくさ・ばん)Amakusa edition・長崎版(ながさき・ばん)Nagasaki editionとも言う。
It is also called the
Christian edition, or the Amakusa edition or the Nagasaki edition, based on the
name of the place where it was published.
『どちり・な・きりしたんDochiri na Kirishitan』
『妙貞問答(みょうてい・もんどう)Myotei Mondo』
この時代から江戸初期the early Edo periodにつくられたものが多く、問答形式in a question-and-answer formatでキリスト教の教義Christian doctrinesを説く『どちり・な・きりしたんDochiri na Kirishitan』や『妙貞問答(みょうてい・もんどう)Myotei Mondo』などが有名。
Many of them were created
from this period to the early Edo period, and famous examples include "Dochiri
na Kirishitan" and "Myosei Mondo," which preach Christian
doctrines in a question-and-answer format.
アレッサンドロ・ヴァリニャーノAlessandro Valignano
editionは、キリシタンChristiansによる活字印刷本A book printed。
missionaryヴァリニャーノValignanoが伝えた印刷機で印刷Printed on the press。
Printed on the press
introduced by the missionary Valignano in 1590.
doctrineが多いが、キリスト教文学Christian literature、日本語辞書Japanese dictionaries、日本古典Japanese classicsの出版publishedなども行われた。
Christian literature,
Japanese dictionaries, and Japanese classics were also published.
customsは禁教令the ban on Christianity後も流行popularし、日本人の生活the lives of Japanese peopleに今もなお影響を留めておりhave an impact、ポルトガル語Portugueseに由来する国語national languageが、日常広く用いられているwidely used in daily lifeことに驚くほどである。
Nanban customs became
popular even after the ban on Christianity, and still have an impact on the
lives of Japanese people.
It is surprising that a
language derived from Portuguese is widely used in daily life.
またその異国風俗the customs of foreign countriesは、南蛮屏風(なんばん・びょうぶ)nanban-byobu screensとして数多く描かれたdepicted in large numbers。
In addition, the customs
of foreign countries were depicted in large numbers as nanban-byobu screens.
Velvet, rasha, bubble,
kappa, castella, bread, carta, etc. are derived from Portuguese.
イエズス会修道士Jesuit monk
イエズス会修道士Jesuit monkが神学校(セミナリオseminary)で聖画像sacred imagesを制作するため日本人信徒Japanese congregationに洋(風)画Western style paintingの画技the art of paintingを伝えた。
A Jesuit monk taught the
art of painting to a Japanese congregation in order to create sacred images at
a seminary.
formatは日本画Japanese paintingsのそれであるが、陰影shadows・遠近の合理性the rationality of perspective・珍奇な西洋風俗strange Western customsなどによる装飾的エキゾティシズムdecorative exoticismを特徴characterizedとしている。
Although the materials
and screen format are those of Japanese paintings, they are characterized by decorative
exoticism due to shadows, the rationality of perspective, and strange Western
『マリア十五玄義図(じゅうご・げんぎず)Maria 15 Gengi-zu』
『ザヴィエル像Xavier Statue』
『泰西王侯騎馬図屏風(たいせい・おうこう・きばず・びょうぶ)Taisei King Equestrian Screen』
『レパント戦闘図屏風(せんとうず・びょうぶ)Lepanto Battle Screen』
天草四郎陣中旗 伝山田右衛門作(やまだ・えもさく)Yamada Emosaku
婦女弾琴図(ふじょ・だんきんず) 信方(のぶかた)Nobukata
宗教画Religious paintingsとして『マリア十五玄義図(じゅうご・げんぎず)Maria 15 Gengi-zu』・『ザヴィエル像Xavier Statue』など、世俗画secular paintingsとして『泰西王侯騎馬図屏風(たいせい・おうこう・きばず・びょうぶ)Taisei King Equestrian Screen』・『レパント戦闘図屏風(せんとうず・びょうぶ)Lepanto Battle Screen』などがあり、画家として山田右衛門作(やまだ・えもさく)Yamada Emosakuや信方(のぶかた)Nobukataがいた。
Religious paintings such
as "Maria 15 Gengi-zu" and "Xavier Statue", secular
paintings such as "Taisei King Equestrian Screen" and "Lepanto
Battle Screen", etc. There was Nobukata.
しかし、江戸幕府the Edo shogunateのキリスト教弾圧the suppression of Christianityでそのほとんどが破棄destroyed・処分disposedされた。
However, most of them
were destroyed or disposed of due to the suppression of Christianity by the Edo