日本史7 Japanese history 7
天平文化Tenpyo Culture
missions to Tang China
阿倍仲麻呂(あべの・なかまろ)Abe no
古事記(こじき)Kojiki(Records of Ancient Matters)
日本書紀(にほん・しょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)
零式水上観測機 Type Zero Observation
零式水上観測機(れいしき・すいじょう・かんそくき)Type Zero
Observation Seaplaneは、日本海軍Japanese Navyで偵察reconnaissance・弾着確認bombardment confirmation用として採用され使われた、複葉biplane複座two-seatの水上機seaplaneである。
The Type 0 surface
observation aircraft (Reishiki, Suijo, Kansokuki) is a biplane, two-seat
seaplane that was adopted and used by the Japanese Navy for reconnaissance and
bombardment confirmation.
It is sometimes called
``Zerokan'' for short.
日本の軍事組織が採用した複葉機(ふくようき)Biplaneとしては最後の機種the last biplane modelになる。
It was the last biplane
model used by the Japanese military.
多くの戦艦battleships・重巡洋艦heavy cruisersに搭載installedされ、有名な戦艦大和(やまと)Battleship Yamatoにも搭載installedされていた。
It was installed on many
battleships and heavy cruisers, including the famous battleship Yamato.
零式水上観測機 Type Zero
Observation Seaplane
既に全金属製単葉機all-metal monoplanesが主流となった時期に、あえて制作された複葉機(ふくようき)Biplaneであり、当時の先端技術で設計されているため、従来の複葉機conventional biplanesとは一線を画す性能を与えられている。
This biplane was
deliberately created at a time when all-metal monoplanes had already become mainstream,
and because it was designed using the most advanced technology of the time, it
had performance that set it apart from conventional biplanes.
本来の任務である着弾観測observing bombardmentsに使われることはほとんどなく、もっぱら偵察機reconnaissance aircraftとして運用された。
It was rarely used for
its original mission of observing bombardments, and was used exclusively as a
reconnaissance aircraft.
aircraftながら空戦性能air combat performanceにもある程度高い水準を求められた結果、運動性の高い設計となっており、F6FヘルキャットF6F Hellcatを撃墜shot
Although it was an
observation aircraft, it was required to have a certain high level of air
combat performance, and as a result, it was designed to be highly maneuverable,
and there is a record of it having shot down an F6F Hellcat.
零式水上観測機 Type Zero
Observation Seaplane
しかし、本機は複葉機(ふくようき)Biplaneながら補助翼の一部を除き全金属製made entirely of metalの近代的な機体modern aircraftで、無類の安定性unparalleled stabilityと高い格闘性能high fighting performanceを持っており、単葉monoplaneで優速な二式水上戦闘機(にしき・すいじょう・せんとうき)Type 2 Floatplane Fighterよりも軽快lightheartedだったという。
However, although this
aircraft is a biplane, it is a modern aircraft made entirely of metal except
for part of the ailerons, and has unparalleled stability and high fighting
performance, and is superior to the monoplane type 2 surface fighter. He said
it was lighthearted.
ソロモン諸島 Solomon
零式水上観測機 Type Zero
Observation Seaplane
アリューシャン方面in the
Aleutiansやソロモン方面in the SolomonsショートランドShortland areasなどに配備された。
It was deployed in the
Aleutians and Shortland areas in the Solomons.
convoys、対潜哨戒anti-submarine patrols、敵施設の爆撃bombing enemy facilities、さらにはその卓越した空戦性能を生かしての離島の基地bases on remote islandsにおける防空defend airなど、時として二式水戦(にしき・すいせん)Type 2 Floatplane Fighterと肩を並べ、様々な任務で幅広く活躍した。
It was active in a wide
range of missions, sometimes rivaling Type 2 naval warfare, such as escorting
convoys, anti-submarine patrols, bombing enemy facilities, and even taking
advantage of its outstanding air combat performance to defend air bases on
remote islands.
In addition, they have
expanded to Balikpapan and Ambon.
零式水上観測機 Type Zero
Observation Seaplane
太平洋戦争the Pacific
Warの中期までは戦闘機fighter aircraftの代わりとして米戦闘機American fightersや爆撃機bombersと空中戦aerial battlesを行うこともしばしばあり、複葉biplane複座two-seatの水上観測機surface
observation aircraftながら敢闘、零戦隊the Zero Squadronと協力してのP-38ライトニングP-38 Lightningの撃墜報告や、P-39エアラコブラP-39 Airacobra、F4FワイルドキャットF4F Wildcatの撃墜報告などを行っている。
Until the middle of the
Pacific War, he often engaged in aerial battles with American fighters and
bombers as a substitute for fighter aircraft, and fought bravely while using a
biplane two-seat surface observation aircraft, shooting down a P-38 Lightning
in cooperation with the Zero Squadron. Reports and shoot downs of P-39
Airacobra and F4F Wildcat.
零式水上観測機 Type Zero
Observation Seaplane
駆逐艦destroyersによるガダルカナル島Guadalcanal Islandへの強行輸送作戦forced transport operation「鼠輸送(ねずみゆそう)Tokyo Express」の援護supportingをしている。
She is supporting the
"Rat Transport" operation, a forced transport operation by destroyers
to Guadalcanal Island.
1943年(昭和18年)以降は船団護衛convoy escortや対潜哨戒anti-submarine patrolが主務となり、第一線からは退いたが終戦まで活動を続け、一部の機体は特攻機kamikaze
aircraftとして沖縄戦the Battle of Okinawaで使用された。
From 1943 onwards, its
main duties were convoy escort and anti-submarine patrol, and although it retired
from the front lines, it continued to operate until the end of the war, with
some aircraft being used as kamikaze aircraft in the Battle of Okinawa.
第3章 Chapter
Establishment and Development of the Ritsuryo State
第5節 Section 5
天平文化Tenpyo Culture
1 天平文化の背景としての外交関係
Diplomatic Relations as a
Background of Tenpyo Culture
Japanし、その後日本Japanからも遣新羅使(けんしらぎし)Japanese missions to Sillaが派遣dispatchedされるなど、日本と新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaの通交exchangesが繰り返された。
Silla, which realized the
unification of the Korean peninsula (668), visited Japan in 668, and after
that, Japan dispatched envoys to Silla, and exchanges between Japan and Silla
were repeated.
しかし、唐(とう)Tang Dynastyを意識consciousしたこの新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaの親日政策pro-Japanese policyは、8世紀の初めin the beginning
of the 8th centuryに唐(とう)Tang Dynastyと新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaの親密さfriendshipが増すincreasedと次第に悪化gradually deterioratedし、8世紀後半the latter
half of the 8th centuryには遣使(けんし)envoysがほとんど行われなくなった。
However, this
pro-Japanese policy of Shiragi, which was conscious of Tang, gradually deteriorated
as the friendship between Tang and Shiragi increased in the beginning of the
8th century, and by the latter half of the 8th century, almost no envoys were
sent. lost.
藤原仲麻呂(ふじわらの・なかまろ)Fujiwara no
恵美押勝(えみの・おしかつ)Emi no Oshikatsu
藤原南家(ふじわら・なんけ)Fujiwara Nanke(southern house of Fujiwara)の祖founderである藤原武智麻呂(ふじわらの・むちまろ)Fujiwara no Muchimaroの次男the second sonとして生まれる。
Born as the second son of
FUJIWARA no Takechimaro, the founder of the Fujiwara Minami family.
生まれつき聡明鋭敏intelligent and keenであり、大抵の書物は読破read most of the booksしていた。
He was born intelligent
and keen, and read most of the books.
また、大納言(だいなごん)Dainagon(Major counselor)・阿倍宿奈麻呂(あべの・すくなまろ)Abe no Sukunamaroに算術arithmeticを学び、優れた学才excellent academic talentを示した。
In addition, he learned
arithmetic from Dainagon Abe no Tsukunamaro, and showed excellent academic
そして759年(天平宝字3年)からは、藤原仲麻呂(ふじわらの・なかまろ)Fujiwara no Nakamaro政権governmentのもとで新羅征討(しらぎせいとう)conquer Sillaが計画plansされるに至り、奈良時代Nara periodが終わるとともに、日本Japanと新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaの公的関係public relationshipは終わった。
From 759 (Tenpyo Hoji 3rd
year), under the government of Fujiwara no Nakamaro, plans were made to conquer
Silla. 's public relationship ended.
With the end of the Nara
period, official relations between Japan and Silla ended.
大祚栄(だい・そえい)Da Zuorong
大祚栄(だい・そえい)Dae Joyeongは、渤海(ぼっかい)Balhaeの初代王the first king。
Dae Jo Rong was the first
king of Balhae.
靺鞨族(まっかつぞく)Mohe tribe。
Goguryeo refugeesと靺鞨族(まっかつぞく)Mohe tribeとを統合し、高句麗(こうくり)(コグリョ)Goguryeoの故地に渤海(ぼっかい)Balhaeを建国した。
Taking advantage of
Khitan's anti-Tang activism, the Goguryeo refugees and the Mogal tribe were united,
and Balhae was established in the homeland of Goguryeo.
一方、中国東北部northeastern part of Chinaにおこった靺鞨族(まっかつぞく)Mohe tribeから出て震国(しんこく)Jin Stateを興した大祚栄(だい・そえい)Dae Joyeong(?~719)は、713年に渤海国(ぼっかいこく)Balhae Stateと称した。
On the other hand,
Daisoei (?~719), who came out of the Makkatsu tribe in the northeastern part of
China and founded Shinkoku, called it Bokaikoku in 713. .
やがて、唐(とう)Tang Dynastyと新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaが結ぶconnectようになると渤海(ぼっかい)Balhaeは孤立isolatedし、日本Japanに通交tradeを求め、727年(神亀4年)から926年(延長4年)に渤海(ぼっかい)Balhaeが滅びるまでの約200年間、36回の使節envoysを送った(渤海使(ぼっかいし)Japanese missions to Balhae)。
Before long, when Tang and
Shiragi began to connect, Balhae became isolated and asked Japan for trade. For
about 200 years until the destruction of the Kai), he sent envoys 36 times
その目的も次第に貿易tradeに重点が移ったが、唐(とう)Tang Dynastyとの連絡liaisingや遣唐使(けんとうし)Japanese missions to Tang Chinaの通交transportationなどで果たした役割も重要played an important roleであった。
Its purpose gradually
shifted to trade, but it also played an important role in liaising with Tang
and in the transportation of envoys to Tang.
with Balhae
補足supplementary explanation
with Balhae
渤海(ぼっかい)Balhaeからは豹(ひょう)leopards・羆(ひぐま)brown bearsなどの皮skinsや人参carrots・蜜honeyなどの珍物rare itemsが献上され、日本Japanからは絹silk・綿cotton・糸threadなどが与えられた。
From Bokai, the skins of leopards
and brown bears, as well as rare items such as carrots and honey, were
presented, while from Japan silk, cotton, and thread were given.
また、日本海を横断する航路route across the Sea of Japanは、新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaの脅威threatenedを受けることなく便利convenientであった。
In addition, the route
across the Sea of Japan was convenient without being threatened by Shiragi.
missions to Tang China
犬上御田鍬(いぬがみの・みたすき)Inugami no Mitasuki
Japanese missions to Tang
中国Chinaに対しては、隋(ずい)Sui Dynastyが滅び唐(とう)Tang Dynastyとなってからも引き続き使節Envoysが送られた。
Envoys continued to be
sent to China even after the Sui dynasty fell and the Tang dynasty began.
missions to Tang Chinaで、630年(舒明2年)の犬上御田鍬(いぬがみの・みたすき)Inugami no Mitasukiを最初に、894年(寛平6年)に菅原道真(すがわら・の・みちざね)Sugawara no Michizane(845~903)の建議proposalで廃止abolishedされるまでの約260年間、18回計画され、そのうち15回が派遣dispatchedされた。
The so-called envoys to
the Tang Dynasty, Inugami no Mitasuki in 630 (Jomei 2), followed by Sugawara no
Michizane in 894 (Kampei 6). (845-903), 18 times were planned for about 260
years until it was abolished by a proposal, 15 times of which were dispatched.
missions to Tang China
missions to Tang Chinaは、大使ambassadors・副使deputy envoysをはじめ留学生foreign students・学問僧scholarly monksなど約400人~500人が、一般には4隻の船four shipsに分乗した。
About 400 to 500 people,
including ambassadors, deputy envoys, foreign students, and scholarly monks,
generally boarded four ships.
East China Seaを横断crossすることは極めて危険extremely dangerousで、前期early periodには朝鮮半島Korean Peninsula沿いに行く北路northern routeがとられた。
In those days when
shipbuilding and navigation were inexperienced, it was extremely dangerous to
cross the East China Sea, so the northern route along the Korean Peninsula was
taken in the early period.
of relationsにより、やむをえず遭難の危険性の多いhigh risk of shipwreck東シナ海the East China Seaを横断acrossする南路southern routeをとらざるを得なかった。
After that, due to the
deterioration of relations with Silla, they had no choice but to take the
southern route across the East China Sea, where there was a high risk of
しかし留学生foreign studentsたちは、こうした危険も顧みず大陸continentに渡り、唐(とう)Tang Dynastyの学問learning・文化cultureを取り入れ、律令国家Ritsuryo stateの整備developmentに貢献した。
However, the foreign
students went to the continent regardless of such dangers, adopted the learning
and culture of the Tang dynasty, and contributed to the development of the
Ritsuryo nation.
吉備真備(きびの・まきび)Kibi no
mission to Tang Chinaとして、阿倍仲麻呂(あべの・なかまろ)Abe no Nakamaro・玄昉(げんぼう)Genboらと共に入唐entered Tang Chinaする。
In 717, he entered China
as an envoy to China together with ABE no Nakamaro and Genbo.
伊吉博徳(いきの・はかとこ)Iki no
多くの漢籍Chinese classicsをもたらした吉備真備(きびの・まきび)Kibi no Makibi(695~775)、
Kibi no Makibi (695-775),
who brought many Chinese classics,
法相宗(ほっそうしゅう)Hosso schoolを伝えた道昭(どうしょう)Dosho(629~700)、
Dosho (629-700), who
introduced the Hosso sect of Buddhism,
三論宗(さんろんしゅう)Sanron schoolを伝えた道慈(どうじ)Doji(?~744年)をはじめとして、
Beginning with Doji
(?-744), who introduced the Sanron sect,
伊吉博徳(いきの・はかとこ)Iki no
Hakatoko・山上憶良(やまのうえの・おくら)Yamanoue no Okura(660?~733?)、
Hironori Ikino and Okura
Yamanoue (660?-733?),
やや遅れては橘逸勢(たちばなの・はやなり)Tachibana no Hayanari(?~842)・空海(くうかい)Kukai(774~835)・最澄(さいちょう)Saicho(767~822)・円仁(えんにん)Ennin(794~864)などが有名である。
Somewhat later, Tachibana
no Yanari (?~842), Kukai (774~835), Saicho (767~822), Ennin (794~) 864) are
well known.
阿倍仲麻呂(あべの・なかまろ)Abe no
なかには唐朝(とうちょう)Tang Dynastyに仕え、ついに中国Chinaで没した阿倍仲麻呂(あべの・なかまろ)Abe no Nakamaro(698~770)、
Among them is Abeno
Nakamaro (698-770), who served the Tang Dynasty and finally died in China.
苦難の末盲目blinded after
hardshipsとなりながら渡来して(754年)、律宗(りっしゅう)Ritsu schoolを伝え、唐招提寺(とうしょうだいじ)Toshodai-jiを建立した唐僧Tang priest鑑真(がんじん)Jianzhen(688~763)などもいた。
There was also a Tang
priest, Ganjin (688-763), who came to Japan (754) after being blinded after
hardships, taught Risshu, and built Toshodai-ji Temple.
ただし、そこから得られた新文化new cultureは、すべて支配のための手段means of dominationとして、限られたごくわずかの支配者very limited number of rulersたちの所有ownedに帰するものであった。
However, the new culture
obtained from it was all owned by a very limited number of rulers as a means of
都capitalに堂塔伽藍(どうとうがらん)Buildings lined up in a templeが甍(いらか)thatched roofs(かわらぶきの屋根。また、その屋根がわら。)をならべて華麗を極めたとしても、それは一般人民の生活lives of ordinary peopleからはかけ離れた別世界world far removedであった。
Even if the temples and
temples in the capital were lined with iraka (thatched roofs) and their roofs
were straw, it was a world far removed from the lives of ordinary people.
そこに、11世紀後半in the latter half of the 11th centuryからおこってくる日宋貿易the
Japan-Song tradeなどと、質的な差異qualitative differenceがあることにも注意しておかなくてはならない。
It should also be noted
that there is a qualitative difference from the Japan-Song trade that began in
the latter half of the 11th century.
天平の甍(てんぴょう・の・いらか)The Roof Tile
of Tempyō
天平の甍(てんぴょう・の・いらか)The Roof Tile
of Tempyō
井上靖(いのうえ・やすし)Yasushi Inoueの長編小説long
A novel by Yasushi Inoue.
Announced in 1957 (Showa
to Japanという歴史の事実historical factに取材した雄大な歴史小説majestic historical novel。
A majestic historical
novel that covers the historical fact of Ganjin's visit to Japan.
唐(とう)Tang Dynastyから学徳のすぐれた僧highly virtuous monkをまねくという重要な任important missionをおびて、
With the important
mission of inviting a highly virtuous monk from Tang,
はるばる海をわたった日本の5人の留学僧Five Japanese
study-abroad monksが、数々の困難や苦しみmany difficulties and sufferingsとたたかって、
Five Japanese study-abroad
monks who crossed the sea all the way struggled with many difficulties and
ついに鑑真(がんじん)Jianzhenをまねくまでの姿The figure until finally invitingが感動的にえがかれている。
The figure until finally
inviting Ganjin is impressively drawn.
2 天平文化の特色
Characteristics of Tenpyo
cultureは、聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomu(在位724~749)の天平年間Tenpyo era(729~749)を中心にした奈良時代Nara periodの文化cultureをいう。
Tenpyo culture refers to
the culture of the Nara period centered on the Tenpyo era (729-749) of Emperor
Shomu (reigned 724-749).
この文化cultureの担い手bearersは貴族nobilityであり、都capitalの平城京(へいじょう・きょう)Heijō-kyōを中心にした貴族生活life of the aristocracyが基盤foundationになっていた。
The bearers of this
culture were the nobility, and the life of the aristocracy centered on
Heijo-kyo, the capital, was the foundation.
それは、豪族local ruling familyや地方民衆local peopleから見れば異国風な世界exotic worldであった。
From the point of view of
the local ruling family and local people, it was an exotic world.
The Development of Foreign
Relations and
the Influence of Tang
日本Japanは当時、新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Sillaと渤海(ぼっかい)Balhaeとも外交交渉diplomatic negotiationsを持っていた。
At that time, Japan also
had diplomatic negotiations with Silla and Balhae.
しかし、日本Japanと新羅(しらぎ)(シルラ)Silla・渤海(ぼっかい)Balhaeとのこのような外交関係diplomatic relationsの推移transitionも、
However, the transition
of diplomatic relations between Japan and Silla and Balhae also
つまるところは唐(とう)Tang Dynastyとの関係relationshipに規定determinedされていたのであり、
In the end, it was
determined by the relationship with Tang,
relationsを持ち、その強い文化的影響strong cultural influenceを受けたのは遣唐使(けんとうし)Japanese missions to Tang Chinaによる唐文化(とうぶんか)Tang cultureであった。
Japan has consistently
maintained diplomatic relations, and it was the Tang culture by envoys to Tang
Dynasty (Kentoshi) that had a strong cultural influence.
唐(とう)the Tang Dynasty
of Culture
cultureの担い手bearersであった古代貴族ancient aristocratsは、唐(とう)the Tang Dynastyへの傾倒devotionを深め、その文化cultureを積極的にとり入れた。
The ancient aristocrats,
who were the bearers of the Tenpyo culture, deepened their devotion to the Tang
Dynasty and actively adopted its culture.
This was true not only in
law, scholarship, religion, etc., but also in plastic arts.
それは盛唐prosperous Tang Dynastyの美術様式art styleだけでなく、唐(とう)Tang Dynastyを通じてペルシアPersiaやインドIndia、さらに遠くヘレニズム文化Hellenistic cultureの影響influenceが指摘されている。
It is pointed out that
not only the art style of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but also the influence
of Persia, India, and farther Hellenistic culture through the Tang Dynasty.
古事記(こじき)Kojiki(Records of Ancient Matters)
3 史書・地誌の編纂
Compilation of historical
books and geographies
史書の編纂compilation of History books
generation以来の国史national historyの編纂事業compilationは、8世紀 the 8th centuryに入って、支配体制ruling
The compilation of
national history since the previous generation came to fruition in the 8th century
with the establishment of the ruling system.
太安万侶(おおの・やすまろ)O no Yasumaro(安麻呂(やすまろ)Yasumaro)
『古事記(こじき)Kojiki(Records of Ancient
712(和銅(わどう)5年Wadō 5))
(和銅(わどう)Japanese copper)
太安万侶(おおの・やすまろ)O no Yasumaro(安麻呂(やすまろ)Yasumaro)が稗田阿礼(ひえだの・あれ)Hieda no Areの誦習(しょうしゅう)learning by memorizationした「帝紀(ていき)Teiki」「旧辞(きゅうじ)Kyuji」を筆録written recordしたもので、神代(かみよ)Age of the Godsから推古天皇(すいこ・てんのう)Empress Suikoまでの伝承traditionsを3巻three volumesにまとめたものである。
It is a written record of
'Teiki' and 'Kyuji' that O no Yasumaro recited from Hieda Are, and it is a
compilation of three volumes of traditions passed down from the age of the gods
to Emperor Suiko.
稗田阿礼(ひえだの・あれ)Hieda no Are
補足 supplementary explanation
「帝紀(ていき)Teiki」は、天皇の系譜Genealogy of the emperorsを記したもので、「旧辞(きゅうじ)Kyuji」は、神話mythology・伝承Tradition・歌物語poem-taleの類である。
'Teiki' describes the
genealogy of the emperors, and 'Kuji' is a kind of myth, tradition, and poetry.
ともに6世紀中頃以後After the middle of the 6th centuryに書かれたもので、『古事記(こじき)Kojiki(Records of Ancient Matters)』・『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』の原史料Original historical materials。
Both were written after the
middle of the 6th century, and are the original historical materials of
"Kojiki" and "Nihon Shoki."
内容contentは文学的色彩が強いstrong literary colorが、史実として確かなものhistorically accurateも少なくなく、漢字の音訓kanji pronunciationを一定の原則で用いて日本語Japaneseを表記writeしようとしている点が注目され、日本文化の形成formation of Japanese cultureを考える上で重要である。
Although the content has a strong literary color, there are not a few things that are historically accurate, and it is noted that it tries to write Japanese using the kanji pronunciation according to a certain principle, and it is important when considering the formation of Japanese culture.
日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)
2)『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』(720年(養老4年))
舎人親王(とねり・しんのう)Imperial Prince Toneri(676?~735)(天武天皇(てんむ・てんのう)Emperor Tenmuの皇子son)(淳仁天皇(じゅんにん・てんのう)Emperor
Junninの父father)らによって撰修editedされた、漢文(かんぶん)Chineseによる編年体(へんねんたい)Annalsの史書History booksが『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』である。
"Nihon Shoki" is a chronological history book written in
Chinese that was edited by Imperial Prince Toneri (the son of Emperor Tenmu)
and the father of Emperor Junnin.
神代(かみよ)Age of the Godsから持統天皇(じとう・てんのう)Empress Jitō(在位686年~697年)(天智天皇(てんじ・てんのう)Emperor Tenjiの娘daughter)(天武天皇(てんむ・てんのう)Emperor Tenmuの皇后empress)までが記され、本文30巻、系図1巻からなるが、系図genealogyは現存していない。
It records from the age of the gods to Emperor Jito (reigned from
686 to 697) (daughter of Emperor Tenji) (empress of Emperor Tenmu), and consists
of 30 volumes of text and 1 volume of genealogy, but the genealogy still exists
today. not
舎人親王(とねり・しんのう)Prince Toneri
天武天皇(てんむ・てんのう)Emperor Tenmuの第六皇子the
sixth princeで、淳仁天皇(じゅんにん・てんのう)Emperor Junnin(淡路廃帝(あわじ・はいたい)Awaji no Haitai)の父father。
He was the sixth prince
of Emperor Tenmu, and the father of Emperor Junnin (Awaji no Tei).
『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』は、「帝紀(ていき)Teiki」「旧辞(きゅうじ)Kyuji」をはじめ、朝鮮の記録Korean records(たとえば『百済記(くだらき)Baekjeki』など)や、寺院temples・諸氏clansの記録recordsなどにも素材materialを求めている。
"Nihon Shoki"
seeks material from 'Teiki' and 'Kyuji,' as well as Korean records (such as
'Baekjeki') and records of temples and clans.
また、『古事記(こじき)Kojiki(Records of Ancient
Matters)』と同じように国家意識の高まりrise of national consciousnessから生まれたものであるが、対外的意味external meaningもあったらしく、純粋な漢文Chineseで中国史書Chinese history booksの体裁formatを学んでおり、書名the title of the bookに「日本Japan」という字を使用the use of the characterしたのもその現われとされている。
Like "Kojiki"
(Records of Ancient Matters), it was born from the rise of national consciousness,
It seems that there was
also an external meaning, and he learned the format of Chinese history books
purely in Chinese, and it is said that the use of the character 'Japan' in the
title of the book is a manifestation.
日本書紀(にほん・しょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)
日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki
(The Chronicles of Japan)
720年(養老4年)に撰進compiledされたのは『日本紀(にほんぎ)Nihongi(Japanese Chronicles)』(30巻、系図1巻)であり、六国史(りっこくし)Rikkokushi(Six National Histories)などの多くの用例には『日本紀(にほんぎ)Nihongi(Japanese Chronicles)』とあって『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』とは記されていない。
"Nihongi" (30
volumes, 1 volume of genealogy) was compiled in 720 (4th year of Yoro), and
many examples such as Rikkokushi include "Nihongi". It says
"Nihongi" but not "Nihonshoki".
『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』の名は早い例でも738年(天平10年)で、しかも『日本書(にほんしょ)Nihonsho』を作る動きもあったらしい。
738 (Tenpyo 10) is the
earliest example of the name of "Nihonshoki", and there seems to have
been a movement to create "Nihonsho".
現在の『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』は、元来の『日本紀(にほんぎ)Nihongi(Japanese Chronicles)』に補記supplementedや追記addedをしていったものらしい。
The current "Nihonshoki" seems to have been supplemented
and added to the original "Nihongi."
事実、現『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』の記事some articlesのなかには720年(養老4年)以後の知識knowledgeに基づくと考えられる部分もある。
In fact, some articles in
the current "Nihonshoki" are thought to be based on knowledge after
『風土記(ふどき)Fudoki』 Ancient reports on provincial culture
Ancient reports on
provincial culture
713年(和銅6年)、全国の郡郷名names of counties and townshipsに好字(よきじ)yokiji(positive characters)をつけ、その郡内in the
countyの特産物名names of special productsや地名の由来origin of place names・古老の話stories of old peopleなどを収録recordして提出submitするように命じられ、各国each provinceの『風土記(ふどき)Fudoki(Ancient reports on provincial culture)』が作られた。
In 713 (6th year of
Wado), he was ordered to add positive characters (yokiji) to the names of
counties and townships throughout the country, and to record and submit the
names of special products in the county, the origin of place names, stories of
old people, etc. "Fudoki" of each country was created.
現存still extantしているのは、
『常陸国風土記(ひたちのくに・ふどき)Hitachi-no-kuni Fudoki』・
『出雲国風土記(いずものくに・ふどき)Izumo-no-kuni Fudoki』・
『播磨国風土記(はりまのくに・ふどき)Harima-no-kuni Fudoki』・
『肥前国風土記(ひぜんのくに・ふどき)Hizen-no-kuni Fudoki』・
『豊後国風土記(ぶんごのくに・ふどき)Bungo-no-kuni Fudoki』
の5風土記(ふどき)Five fudokiで、他は逸文lost writingsとして見られるにすぎない。
Five fudoki,
"Hitachi-no-kuni Fudoki," "Izumo-no-kuni Fudoki,"
"Harima-no-kuni Fudoki," "Hizen-no-kuni Fudoki," and
"Bungo-no-kuni Fudoki," are still extant; It is only possible.
これも中央政府central governmentが地方local areasの実情actual situationを知るために提出submittedさせたものであり、中央集権化の意図intention of centralizationの表れmanifestationと見ることができる。
This was also submitted
by the central government in order to know the actual situation in the local
areas, and it can be seen as a manifestation of the intention of
参考 reference
日本神話(にほん・しんわ)Japanese mythology
日本神話(にほん・しんわ)Japanese mythologyと呼ばれる伝承traditionsはほとんどが、『古事記(こじき)Kojiki(Records of Ancient
Matters)』、『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』、および、各『風土記(ふどき)Fudoki(Ancient reports on
provincial culture)』の記述descriptionsによる。
Most of the traditions
called Japanese myths are based on descriptions in "Kojiki", "Nihonshoki"
and each "Fudoki".
そのため、高天原(たかまがはら)Takamagaharaの神々the godsが中心となっている。
Therefore, the gods of
Takamagahara are the center.
記紀(きき)Kikiなどにおいて神代(かみよ)Kamiyo(神の時代Age of the
Gods、神話時代age of myths)として記された神話mythology。
A myth recorded as the Kamiyo (age of the gods, age of myths) in the
Kojiki and other sources.
神代(かみよ)Age of the Godsは、神武天皇(じんむ・てんのう)Emperor Jimmu以前の時代periodを指す。
The age of the gods refers to the period before Emperor Jimmu.
Kaibyaku(Creation of Heaven and Earth)とは天地heaven
and earthに代表される世界the worldが初めて生まれたborn for the first timeときのことを示す。
Tenchi Kaibyaku refers to
the time when the world represented by heaven and earth was born for the first
Kaibyaku(Creation of Heaven and Earth)ののち、高天原(たかまがはら)Takamagaharaに別天津神(ことあまつかみ)Kotoamatsukami(distinguishing
heavenly gods)と神世七代(かみのよななよ)Kamiyonanayo(Seven Generations of the
Age of the Gods)の神々the godsが誕生born。
After the opening of the
heavens and earth, Betsutenjin and seven generations of gods were born in
これらの神々の最後に生まれてきたborn at the end of these godsのが伊邪那岐(イザナギ)Izanagi・伊邪那美(イザナミ)Izanamiの二神two godsである。
The two gods, Izanagi
Izanagi and Izanami Izanami, were born at the end of these gods.
Ōmikamiを主宰神presiding deityとした天津神(あまつかみ)Amatsukamiが住んでいるとされた場所のことで、有名な岩戸の段famous Iwato
Takamanohara is the place
where Amatsukami, whose presiding deity was Amaterasu Omikami, lived, and the
famous Iwato stage is also set in Takamagahara.
4 漢文(かんぶん)と和歌(わか)
Classical Chinese and Japanese
Since the principle of
Ritsuryo politics was Confucianism,
officials養成機関training institutionsである大学(だいがく)universitiesや国学(こくがく)national studiesでは、儒学(じゅがく)Confucianismを中心centeredとする教育Educationが行われたが、
Education centered on Confucianism
was provided at universities and national studies, which were training
institutions for government officials.
これらはもちろん漢文(かんぶん)Chineseで書かれており、官人(かんじん)government officialsはまず漢文(かんぶん)Chineseに熟達proficientすることが要請requiredされた。
These were, of course, written
in Chinese, and government officials were first required to be proficient in
淡海三船(おうみの・みふね)Ōmi no Mifune(722~785)
従って漢文学(かんぶんがく)Chinese literatureに優れたexcelled学者scholarsも多かった。
Therefore, there were
many scholars who excelled in Chinese literature.
missions to Tang Chinaとして入唐entered Tang Chinaして多くの漢籍Chinese classicsを持ち帰り、軍学military scienceにも通じた吉備真備(きびの・まきび)Kibi no Makibi(695~775)、
Kibi no Makibi, who
entered Tang China as an envoy to Tang Dynasty and brought back many Chinese
classics and was well versed in military science,
鑑真(がんじん)Jianzhen(688~763)の伝記biographyである『唐大和上東征伝(とうだいわじょう・とうせいでん)The Sea Journey to the East of a Great Bonze from the Tang Dynasty』を著し、天皇emperorの漢風諡号(かんぷう・しごう)Chinese-style Posthumous nameの撰進者selectedでもある淡海三船(おうみの・みふね)Ōmi no Mifune(722~785)、
Mifune Omi, who authored
the biography of Ganjin, Todaiwa Joutouseiden, and who selected Kanpu-shigo for
the emperor. Mifune),
石上宅嗣(いそのかみの・やかつぐ)Isonokami no
first private library in Japanと言われる芸亭(うんてい)Unteiを設けた石上宅嗣(いそのかみの・やかつぐ)Isonokami no Yakatsugu(729~781)をはじめ、阿倍仲麻呂(あべの・なかまろ)Abe no Nakamaroなどが有名。
Famous examples include
Yakatsugu Isonokami, who established Untei, which is said to be the first
private library in Japan, and Nakamaro Abeno.
また751年(天平勝宝3年)には、天智天皇(てんじ・てんのう)Emperor Tenjiから奈良時代Nara periodにかけての、皇族imperial family・貴族aristocrats・僧侶priestsなどの作品the worksを集めた最古の漢詩集the oldest collection of Chinese poetryである『懐風藻(かいふうそう)Kaifuso(Florilegium of Cherished
In 751 (Tenpyo Shoho 3rd
year), "Kaifuso", the oldest collection of Chinese poetry collected
from the Emperor Tenchi to the Nara period, including the works of the imperial
family, aristocrats, and priests, was published. was selected.
大伴家持(おおともの・やかもち)Otomo no
Collection of Ten Thousand
こうした唐文化Tang cultureの影響influencedを強く受けた反面、日本固有の文学literature unique to Japanとして和歌(わか)waka poetryも盛んとなり、それら約4500首を集めた『万葉集(まんようしゅう)Manyoshu(Collection of Ten Thousand
Leaves)』が大伴家持(おおともの・やかもち)Otomo no Yakamochi(716?~785)を中心に編集された。
While strongly influenced
by the Tang culture, waka poetry also flourished as a form of literature unique
to Japan. ) was edited around Otomo no Yakamochi.
It is written in
長歌(ちょうか)choka(long poem)・短歌(たんか)tanka(short poem)・旋頭歌(せどうか)sedouka(memorized poem)など形式forms・内容contentsは多彩variousであり、
There are various forms
and contents, such as choka, tanka, and sedouka.
family・僧侶priestsから東国(とうごく)Eastern Provincesの農民farmersに至るまで、あらゆる階層social strataと地域regionsに渡っている。
The authors span all social
strata and regions, from emperors, members of the imperial family, and priests
to farmers in the eastern part of Japan.
languageの音soundを、漢字Chinese charactersの音(おん)Chinese readingや訓(くん)Japanese readingを用いて一字一音word-and-sound notationで表したrepresentedもの。
The sound of the national
language is represented by one sound using the sound of kanji and kun.
奈良時代Nara periodを通じて用いられ、平安時代Heian periodにこれから、平仮名(ひらがな)Hiragana(part of the Japanese
writing system)が生まれた。
It was used throughout
the Nara period, and from this, Hiragana was born in the Heian period.
山部赤人(やまべの・あかひと)Yamabe no
poetsとしては、長歌(ちょうか)choka(long poem)に優れた宮廷歌人court
poet・柿本人麻呂(かきのもとの・ひとまろ)Kakinomoto no Hitomaro(生没年不詳)、
Representative poets
include Kakinomoto no Hitomaro, a court poet who excelled in long poems,
natural sceneryに優れた山部赤人(やまべの・あかひと)Yamabe no Akahito(生没年不詳)、
Akahito Yamabe, who
excels at depicting natural scenery,
山上憶良(やまのうえの・おくら)Yamanoue no
儒教・仏教的観念Confucian and
Buddhist ideasの強い社会・人生society and lifeを主題とした山上憶良(やまのうえの・おくら)Yamanoue no Okura(660?~733?)、
Yamanoue no Okura, whose
theme is society and life with strong Confucian and Buddhist ideas,
大伴旅人(おおともの・たびと)Ōtomo no
philosophyの強い大伴旅人(おおともの・たびと)Otomo no Tabito(665~731)、
Otomo no Tabito, who had
a strong sense of old man's thought,
clanを背負って苦悩する大伴家持(おおともの・やかもち)Ōtomo no Yakamochi(716?~785)などのほか、
In addition to Otomo
Yakamochi, who learns from Yamagaki no Mon (Yamabe no Akahito (or Yamanoue
Okura) and Kakinomoto Hitomaro) and suffers with the declining Otomo clan on
his back,
大伴坂上郎女(おおともの・さかのうえの・いらつめ)Ōtomo no
Sakanoue no Iratsume(生没年不詳)
女流歌人Female poetsとして額田王(ぬかたの・おおきみ)Nukata no Ōkimi(生没年不詳)・大伴坂上郎女(おおともの・さかのうえの・いらつめ)Ōtomo no Sakanoue no Iratsume(生没年不詳)などがあげられる。
Female poets include Nukatano
Okimi and Otomo Sakanoue no Iratsume.
全体として技巧的な要素technical elementsが少なく、万葉調(まんようちょう)Manyo styleと言われるような、率直な魂frank soulを歌い上げたものが多い。
As a whole, there are few
technical elements, and there are many songs that sing a frank soul, which is
said to be the Manyo style.
荘重な詩句solemn poetryで皇統の神威dignity
of the imperial lineを歌った柿本人麻呂(かきのもとの・ひとまろ)Kakimoto no Hitomaroの歌がある一方で、
While there is a poem by
Kakimoto no Hitomaro, who sang the dignity of the imperial line with solemn
防人(さきもり)Sakimori(Soldiers involved in frontier defense)に駆り出される夫を思う妻a wife
who thinks of her husbandの素朴な歌simple songがあり、
There is a simple song of
a wife who thinks of her husband who is sent by Sakimori,
また山上憶良(やまのうえの・おくら)Yamanoue no Okuraの『貧窮問答歌(ひんきゅう・もんどうか)Hinkyu Mondouka』は特に有名である。
Yamanoue no Okura's "Hinkyu
Mondouka" is particularly famous.
5 国家仏教National Buddhism
Buddhism in the
protection state
律令制下Under the Ritsuryo
systemにおける仏教Buddhismは、僧尼令(そうにりょう)Monk decreeに規制regulatedされていた。
Buddhism under the Ritsuryo
system was regulated by the Soniryo.
そこでは、所定の寺院Prescribed temple以外での僧尼(そうに)monks and nunsの宗教活動Religious activitiesはまったく認められず、僧尼(そうに)monks and nunsは、寺に居して国家の安穏(あんのん)を祈祷(きとう)するStay in the temple and pray for the peace of the nation官僧(かんそう)Public monksに限られていた。
There, monks and nuns are
not allowed to engage in religious activities outside of the designated temples,
and monks and nuns are the officials who stay at temples and pray for the peace
of the nation. It was limited to monks.
従って、病気を治療Treat illnessしたり、罪福(ざいふく)Sin and good fortuneを説くpreachことなどは厳しく禁止されていた。
Therefore, it was strictly
prohibited to treat illnesses or preach guilt.
いわゆる鎮護国家(ちんごこっか)の仏教Buddhism of the guardian stateであり、そのため金光明最勝王経(こんこうみょう・さいしょうおう・きょう)Konkomyo Saishoou kyo(The
Sovereign King of Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light)などが護国(ごこく)guardian stateの経典(きょうてん)sutraとして重視された。
It was a so-called Buddhism
to protect the nation, and for that reason, Konkomyo Saisho Oukyo and other
sutras were valued as sutras for protecting the country.
讃岐国分尼寺(さぬき・こくぶん・にじ)Sanuki Kokubunni-ji
また741年(天平13年)の国分寺建立(こくぶんじ・こんりゅう)の詔(みことのり)Imperial edict for the construction of Kokubun-jiも鎮護国家(ちんご・こっか)spiritual protection of the state(国家のわざわいnation's troublesをしずめ、安泰にするmake it safeこと)の思想ideaに基づくもので、この結果、国ごとに、
In 741 (Tenpyo 13), the
imperial edict for the construction of Kokubunji Konryu was also based on the
idea of Chingokokka (to calm the nation's troubles and make it safe). As a
result, for each country,
僧寺(そうじ)temple with a resident
priestとして金光明四天王護国之寺(こんこうみょう・してんのう・ごこく・の・てら)Konkomyo Shitenno Gokoku
no Tera(the Temple for Protection
of the State by the Four Heavenly Kings Golden Light Sutra)(国分寺(こくぶんじ)Kokubunji)、
Konkomyo Shitenno Gokoku
no Tera (Kokubunji) as a monk temple,
尼寺(にじ)nunneryとして法華滅罪之寺(ほっけ・めつざい・の・てら)Hokke Metsuzai no Tera(国分尼寺(こくぶん・にじ)Kokubunniji)が建てられた。
Hokke Metsuzai no Tera
(Kokubunniji) was built as a nunnery.
ceremony to open the eyes of the Great Buddha
大仏造立Great Buddha
743年(天平15年)には盧舎那大仏造立(るしゃな・だいぶつ・ぞうりゅう)の詔(みことのり)Imperial edict for the construction of the Great Buddha of Rushanaが出され、近江(おうみ)Omi紫香楽宮(しがらきの・みや)Shigaraki
In 743 (Tenpyo 15), an
imperial edict was issued to build the Great Buddha of Rushana (Rushana
Daibutsu Zoryu) at Omi Shigaraki Palace. Construction began,
国中連公麻呂(くになかの・むらじ・きみまろ)Kuninaka no muraji
のち東大寺(とうだいじ)Tōdai-ji(Eastern Great Temple)で大仏師(だいぶっし)great Buddha sculptor国中連公麻呂(くになかの・むらじ・きみまろ)Kuninaka no muraji Kimimaroの指揮directionで造立(ぞうりゅう)construction workが続けられ、
Later, construction work
continued at Todaiji Temple under the direction of the great Buddha sculptor
Kimimaro Kuninakanomuraji.
752年(天平勝宝4年)にインドの僧Indian monk菩提遷那(ぼだいせんな)Bodhisenaの導師により、盛大な大仏開眼供養(だいぶつ・かいげん・くよう)grand ceremony to open the eyes of the Great Buddhaが行われた。
In 752 (the 4th year of
Tenpyo Shoho), a grand ceremony to open the eyes of the Great Buddha was held
by the Indian monk Bodaisenna.
聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomu(在位724~749)
聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomu(在位724~749)(文武天皇(もんむ・てんのう)Emperor Monmuの子child)(孝謙天皇(こうけん・てんのう)Empress Kōkenの父father)が異常なまでにこれに熱中したのは、それだけ政治状況political situationが厳しかったからである。
Emperor Shomu (reigned
724-749) (son of Emperor Monmu) (father of Emperor Koken) was unusually
enthusiastic about this because the political situation was so severe.
この東大寺(とうだいじ)Tōdai-ji(Eastern Great Temple)などで行われた写経(しゃきょう)事業sutra-copying businessや、
The sutra-copying
business at Todaiji Temple, etc.
first woodblock print in Japanと言われる百万塔陀羅尼(ひゃくまんとう・だらに)Hyakumantō Darani(One
Million Pagodas and Dharani Prayers)も、結局は国家安寧national peaceを願ってのことであった。
The Hyakumanto Daranikyo
Sutra, which is said to be the first woodblock print in Japan, was ultimately a
wish for national peace.
盧舎那大仏(るしゃな・だいぶつ)the Great
Buddha of Rushana
東大寺の大仏Great Buddha
of Todaiji Temple
東大寺(とうだいじ)Tōdai-ji(Eastern Great Temple)は二度に渡って戦火にあい、その多くは焼失してしまった。
Todai-ji Temple was
destroyed twice during the war, and most of it was destroyed by fire.
今の大仏Great Buddhaや大仏殿Great Buddha Hallは、江戸時代Edo periodに再建rebuiltされたものであり、奈良時代当初in the early Nara periodの大仏Great Buddhaの姿appearanceは、僅かに『信貴山縁起絵巻(しぎさん・えんぎ・えまき)Shigisan Engi Emaki』によって推測されるに過ぎない。
The current Great Buddha
and Great Buddha Hall were rebuilt in the Edo period, and the appearance of the
Great Buddha in the early Nara period can only be guessed from the
"Shigisan Engi Emaki".
台座pedestalの蓮弁(れんべん)lotus petalsの一部に、当時のものが残っている。
Some of the lotus petals
on the pedestal still remain from that time.
Darani(One Million Pagodas and
Dharani Prayers)
(One Million Pagodas and
Dharani Prayers)
孝謙上皇(こうけん・じょうこう)Emperor Emeritus Kokenが、恵美押勝の乱(えみの・おしかつの・らん)Emi no Oshikatsu Rebellion(藤原仲麻呂の乱(ふじわらの・なかまろの・らん)Fujiwara no Nakamaro Rebellion)(764年)後、戦没者the war deadの冥福the repose of the soulsを祈願pray forするために発願requestしたもので、
After the Rebellion of
Emi Oshikatsu (Fujiwara no Nakamaro's Rebellion) (764), the Retired Emperor
Koken made a request to pray for the repose of the souls of the war dead.
small pagodas 100万基 One millionを造り、大和十大寺(やまと・じゅうだいじ)Yamato Ju Daiji (the Ten great temples of the Yamato province)に10万基ずつ分納100,000 of
them were donatedした。
One million three-storied
small pagodas were built, and 100,000 of them were donated to Yamato Judaiji
一基毎each unitのなかに納められた陀羅尼経(だらにきょう)Dharani Sutraは、現在世界in the world最古の木版印刷物the oldest
woodblock printである。
The Dharani Sutra
contained in each unit is currently the oldest woodblock print in the world.
百万塔(ひゃくまんとう)One Million
Pagodasは現在、法隆寺(ほうりゅうじ)Horyuji Templeに一部が残っている。
Part of the Hyakumanto
Pagoda remains today at Horyuji Temple.
南都七大寺(なんと・しちだいじ)Nanto Shichi Daiji
(the Seven
great temples of the Southern capital)
興福寺(こうふくじ)Kofuku-jiは、奈良県(ならけん)Nara Prefecture奈良市(ならし)Nara City登大路町(のぼりおおじちょう)Noborioji-choにある法相宗(ほっそうしゅう)Hossō-shū(Dharma Characteristics'
school)の大本山(だいほんざん)the head templeの寺院(じいん)Buddhist temple。
Kofuku-ji Temple is the
head temple of the Hosso sect of Buddhism located in Noborioji-cho, Nara City,
Nara Prefecture.
本尊(ほんぞん)Honzon(The principal object of worship)は中金堂(ちゅうこんどう)Chukondoの釈迦如来(しゃかにょらい)Shaka Nyorai。
The principal object of
worship is the Shaka Nyorai of Chukondo.
南都七大寺(なんと・しちだいじ)the Seven Great
Temples of the Southern Capitalの一つ。
One of the Seven Great
Temples of Nanto.
藤原氏(ふじわらし)the Fujiwara
clanの祖founder・藤原鎌足(ふじわらの・かまたり)Fujiwara no Kamatariとその子息・藤原不比等(ふじわらの・ふひと)Fujiwara no Fuhitoゆかりの寺院(じいん)Buddhist templeで藤原氏(ふじわらし)the Fujiwara clanの氏寺(うじでら)Ujidera(clan temple)であり、古代ancient
timesから中世the Middle Agesにかけて強大な勢力powerful influenceを誇った。
The temple is associated
with Fujiwara no Kamatari, the founder of the Fujiwara clan, and his son,
Fujiwara no Fuhito, and was the temple of the Fujiwara clan, boasting a
powerful influence from ancient times to the Middle Ages.
元興寺(がんごうじ)Gango-jiは、奈良県(ならけん)Nara Prefecture奈良市(ならし)Nara Cityにある寺院(じいん)Buddhist temple。
Gangoji Temple is a
temple located in Nara City, Nara Prefecture.
南都七大寺(なんと・しちだいじ)the Seven Great
Temples of the Southern Capitalの一つ。
One of the Seven Great
Temples of Nanto.
蘇我馬子(そがの・うまこ)Soga no Umakoが飛鳥(あすか)Asukaに建立builtした日本最古の本格的仏教寺院Japan's oldest full-scale Buddhist templeである法興寺(ほうこうじ)Hōkō-ji(飛鳥寺(あすかでら)Asuka-dera)が、平城京遷都(へいじょうきょう・せんと)Heijokyo capital transferに伴って平城京(へいじょう・きょう)Heijō-kyō内に移転relocatedした寺院(じいん)Buddhist templeである。
Hoko-ji Temple
(Asuka-dera Temple), Japan's oldest full-scale Buddhist temple built by SOGA no
Umako in Asuka, was relocated to Heijo-kyo when the capital was relocated to
東大寺(とうだいじ)Tōdai-jiは、奈良県(ならけん)Nara Prefecture奈良市(ならし)Nara City雑司町(ぞうしちょう)Zoshi-choにある華厳宗(けごんしゅう)Kegon schoolの大本山(だいほんざん)the head templeの寺院(じいん)Buddhist temple。
Todaiji Temple is the
head temple of the Kegon sect located in Zoshi-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture.
本尊(ほんぞん)Honzon(The principal object of worship)は奈良大仏(ならだいぶつ)the Great Buddha of Naraとして知られる盧舎那仏(るしゃなぶつ)the Buddha of Rushana。
The main object of
worship is Rushanabutsu, known as the Great Buddha of Nara.
Kaizan (first betto)
speaks well.
唐招提寺(とうしょうだいじ)Tōshōdai-jiは、奈良県(ならけん)Nara Prefecture奈良市(ならし)Nara City五条町(ごじょうちょう)Gojo-choにある律宗(りっしゅう)Risshūの総本山(そうほんざん)the head templeの寺院(じいん)Buddhist temple。
Toshodai-ji Temple is the
head temple of the Risshu sect located in Gojo-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture.
本尊(ほんぞん)Honzon(The principal object of worship)は盧舎那仏(るしゃなぶつ)the Buddha of Rushana。
The principal object of
worship is Rushanabutsu.
The founder (founder) was
Jianzhen, a monk from Tang.
Shichi Daiji and Six Schools
このような国家仏教national Buddhismの中心となったのが、南都七大寺(なんと・しちだいじ)Nanto Shichi Daiji (the Seven great temples of the Southern capital)と呼ばれた
The center of national
Buddhism was called Nanto Shichidaiji.
Yakushiji, Daianji, Kofukuji,
Gangoji, and Todaiji, Saidaiji and Horyuji (or It was Toshodaiji.
これらの官寺(かんじ)official templesを中心として仏教教理Buddhist doctrinesの研究Researchが進められ、大仏開眼供養(だいぶつ・かいげん・くよう)grand ceremony to open the eyes of the Great Buddhaの頃には、
Research into Buddhist
doctrines was promoted centering on these official temples, and around the time
of the Great Buddha's consecration (Dabutsu Kaigen),
三論宗(さんろんしゅう)Sanron-shū・法相宗(ほっそうしゅう)Hossō-shū・律宗(りっしゅう)Risshū・華厳宗(けごんしゅう)Kegon-shū・倶舎宗(くしゃしゅう)Kusha-shū・成実宗(じょうじつしゅう)Jōjitsu-shūのいわゆる南都六宗(なんと・ろくしゅう)The Six Schools of Nara Buddhismが整備された。
The so-called Sanron
sect, Hosso sect, Risshu, Kegon sect, Kusha sect, and Jojitsu sect Nanto Rokushu
was developed.
筑紫(つくし)Tsukushi Province観世音寺(かんぜおんじ)Kanzeon-ji
下野(しもつけ)Shimotsuke Province薬師寺(やくしじ)Yakushi-ji
特に鑑真(がんじん)Jianzhen(688~763)によってもたらされた律宗(りっしゅう)Risshūは、東大寺(とうだいじ)Todaiji戒壇院(かいだんいん)Kaidan-in・筑紫(つくし)Tsukushi Province観世音寺(かんぜおんじ)Kanzeon-ji・下野(しもつけ)Shimotsuke Province薬師寺(やくしじ)Yakushi-jiに三戒壇(さんかいだん)Three official ordination hallsが設けられて広められた。
In particular, Risshu,
which was brought in by Ganjin, was spread by setting up three kaidans at
Todai-ji Kaidan-in, Tsukushi Kanzeon-ji, and Shimotsuke Yakushi-ji.
しかし、これらの宗派(しゅうは)Schools of Buddhismは研学(けんがく)studyの内容contentsを示すものに過ぎず、1人で複数の兼学(けんがく)concurrent schoolが可能であった(六宗兼学(ろくしゅう・けんがく)concurrent Six Schools)
However, these sects only
showed the contents of kengaku, and it was possible for one person to study more
than one (Rokushu Kengaku).
道慈(どうじ)Dojiは、702年(大宝2年)第八次遣唐使船the eighth envoy to Tangで唐(とう)Tangへ渡り、西明寺(さいみょうじ)Ximing Templeに住した三論宗(さんろんしゅう)Sanron-shūの僧priest。
Doji was a priest of the
Sanron sect who traveled to Tang on the eighth envoy to Tang in 702 (Taiho 2)
and lived at Saimyoji.
学僧(がくそう)Learned monks
当時の著名な僧侶Famous monksとしては、国分寺建立(こくぶんじ・こんりゅう)construction
of Kokubun-jiを献策proposedし、『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon Shoki(The Chronicles of Japan)』の編纂compilationにも携わったといわれる道慈(どうじ)Doji(?~744年)、
Famous monks of the time were Doji, who is said to have proposed the
construction of Kokubunji Temple and was involved in the compilation of
"Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan).
経典scripturesを舶載importedし橘諸兄(たちばなの・もろえ)Tachibana no
Genbo, who imported the scriptures and wielded power under Tachibana
no Moroe's government,
Ganjin (688-763), who introduced Risshu,
There was Rouben who
devoted himself to the construction of Todaiji Temple.
しかし、こうした官寺(かんじ)government temples中心の国家仏教state Buddhismの一方では、社会事業social projectsに尽くした僧侶monksもあった。
However, on the one hand,
there were monks who devoted themselves to social projects, while the state
Buddhism centered on government temples.
宇治橋(うじばし)Uji Bridgeを造ったと言われる道昭(どうしょう)Dōshō(629~700)(法相宗(ほっそうしゅう)Hossō-shūの祖founder)や、
Dosho (founder of the
Hosso sect), who is said to have built Uji Bridge,
政府governmentの弾圧oppressedを受けながら、池溝(ちこう)開発develop the pond groove・布施屋(ふせや)Fuseya(無料宿泊所free lodging facility)設置establishなどに尽力した行基(ぎょうき)Gyōki(668~749)はその代表的なものである。
A representative example
of this is Gyoki, who worked hard to develop the pond groove and establish
Fuseya (a free lodging facility) while being oppressed by the government.
光明皇后(こうみょう・こうごう)Empress Komyo(光明子(こうみょうし)Komyoshi)
聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomuの皇后Empressで孝謙天皇(こうけん・てんのう)Empress Kōken(称徳天皇(しょうとく・てんのう)Empress Shōtoku)の生母biological mother。
藤原不比等(ふじわらの・ふひと)Fujiwara no
Fuhitoと県犬養橘三千代(あがたのいぬかいの・みちよ)Agata no Inukai no Michiyoの子daughter。
また光明皇后(こうみょう・こうごう)Empress Kōmyō(光明子(こうみょうし)Kōmyōshi)(701~760)(聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomuの皇后empress)(藤原不比等(ふじわらの・ふひと)Fujiwara no Fuhitoの娘daughter)は、貧窮民the poorを救済するため悲田院(ひでんいん)Hiden-in(A facility built to help
the poor and orphans)・施薬院(せやくいん)Seyaku-in(Facilities that
protected, treated, and administered sick people and orphans)を設けたし、
In addition, Empress
Komyo (Komyoko) (empress of Emperor Shomu) (daughter of FUJIWARA no Fuhito)
established Hiden-in and Seyaku-in to help the poor. death,
和気広虫(わけの・ひろむし)Wake no Hiromushi(法均尼(ほうきんに)Hokinni)(730年~799年)
和気清麻呂(わけの・きよまろ)Wake no
Kiyomaroの姉elder sister。
和気広虫(わけの・ひろむし)Wake no
Hiromushi(法均尼(ほうきんに)Hokinni)(730年~799年)は多数の孤児a large number of orphansを収容したという。
Wake no Hiromushi (Hokinni)
is said to have taken in a large number of orphans.
現在の大阪府Osaka Prefecture堺市Sakai City(当時河内国(かわちのくに)Kawachi Province大鳥郡(おおとりぐん)Otori District)の文氏(ふみうじ)Humi clanの一族memberである高志氏(こしのうじ)Koshi clanの生まれで、
Born to the Takashi clan,
a member of the Bun clan in what is now Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture (Otori
District, Kawachi Province at that time).
studying the Hosso sect under the guidance of Dosho,
the countryに池堤(ちてい)pond embankmentsを築き、橋bridgesを架け、
Like his teacher, he
built pond embankments and bridges across the country,
lodging facility)を設けるestablishingなどして民衆the peopleの慈善事業charity workを行った。
He carried out charity
work for the people by establishing Fuseya (free accommodation).
過重な徭役(ようえき)servitudeに苦しむ民衆the peopleに、罪福sin and happinessの因果cause and effectを説いた彼の行為は、僧尼令(そうにりょう)Monk decreeの規定regulationsに背くviolationものであったが、
His act of preaching the
cause and effect of sin and happiness to the people who were suffering from
excessive servitude was in violation of the regulations of priests and nuns.
しかし、政府からの抑圧the repression from the governmentとは反対contraryに、彼のもとには数千から数万人の人々が集まったという。
However, contrary to the
repression from the government, he is said to have attracted thousands to tens
of thousands of people.
やがて聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomuが大仏造立(だいぶつ・ぞうりゅう)build the Great Buddhaを計画plannedすると、
Before long, when Emperor
Shomu planned to build the Great Buddha,
それまで行基(ぎょうき)Gyōkiを「小僧(こぞう)Kozou(つまらない僧boring monk)」と嘲(あざけ)ってridiculedいた国家stateは、
Until then, the state had
ridiculed Gyoki as a "boring monk".
新たに大僧正(だいそうじょう)high priestの位new rankを設けて、彼をその地位につけた(745年)。
created a new rank of
high priest and placed him in that position (745).
こうした勢力forcesを抜きにしては、大仏造立(だいぶつ・ぞうりゅう)the construction of the Great Buddhaは不可能impossibleだったからである。
Without these forces, the
construction of the Great Buddha would have been impossible.
しかし行基(ぎょうき)Gyōkiは、749年(天平感宝1年)に大仏の完成the completion of the Great Buddhaを見ることなく没した。
However, he died in 749
without seeing the completion of the Great Buddha.
the countryにあることも、その果たした役割the role he playedを物語るものであろう。
The fact that there are
legends about Gyoki throughout the country also speaks to the role he played.
新薬師寺(しんやくしじ)Shin-Yakushi-ji本堂(ほんどう)Main Hall
1 天平美術Tempyo art
architectureとしては、東大寺Todai-ji法華堂(ほっけどう)Hokkedo(三月堂(さんがつどう)Sangatsu-do)・法隆寺Horyu-ji夢殿(ゆめどの)Yumedono・唐招提寺(とうしょうだいじ)Toshodai-ji金堂(こんどう)Kondo・栄山寺(えいさんじ)Eisan-ji八角堂(はっかくどう)Hakkaku-do・新薬師寺(しんやくしじ)Shin-Yakushi-ji本堂(ほんどう)Main Hallなどがある。
Temple architecture includes
Todai-ji Hokkedo (Sangatsu-do), Horyu-ji Yumedo, Toshodai-ji Kondo, Eizan-ji
Hakkaku-do, and Shin-yakushi-ji Main Hall.
また唐招提寺(とうしょうだいじ)Toshodai-ji講堂(こうどう)Kodoは、平城宮(へいじょうきゅう)Heijō Palaceの朝堂院(ちょうどういん)Chōdō-in(Official Compound)内の建物building(朝集殿(ちょうしゅうでん)Choshuden)を移したものであり、法隆寺Horyuji伝法堂(でんぽうどう)Denpo-doは橘夫人(たちばな・ふじん)The Lady Tachibana(県犬養三千代(あがたのいぬかいのみちよ)Agata no Inukai no Michiyo)の旧宅former residenceであると言われている。
Toshodai-ji Kodo is said
to have been moved from the Chodo-in building (Choshuden) of Heijo Palace, and
Horyuji Denpo-do is said to be the former residence of Mrs. Tachibana.
また天平文化Tenpyo cultureの宝庫treasure troveと言われる東大寺(とうだいじ)Todaiji Templeの正倉院(しょうそういん)Shosoin(treasure house)は、校倉造(あぜくらづくり)Azekura-zukuriの代表的建築である。
Todaiji Temple's Shosoin,
which is said to be a treasure trove of Tenpyo culture, is a typical example of
Azekura-zukuri architecture.
八部衆像(はちぶしゅうぞう)Eight Legions
Kannon Statue
十二神将立像(じゅうにしんしょうりゅうぞう)Standing Statue
of Twelve Divine Generals
statuesでは、従来からの金銅gilt-bronze・木造wooden Buddha statuesのほかに、加工が自由easy to processで写実に適したsuitable for realism塑像(そぞう)plastic figure・乾漆像(かんしつぞう)dry lacquer statuesも作られた。
In addition to
traditional gilt-bronze and wooden Buddha statues, sozo and dry lacquer statues,
which are easy to process and suitable for realism, were also made.
興福寺(こうふくじ)Kōfuku-ji「八部衆像(はちぶしゅうぞう)Eight Legions Statue」、
Kofuku-ji Temple
"Hachibushu Statue",
東大寺Todai-ji法華堂(ほっけどう)Hokkedo(三月堂(さんがつどう)Sangatsu-do)の「不空羂索観音像(ふくうけんじゃく・かんのんぞう)Fukukenjaku Kannon Statue」・「日光菩薩像(にっこうぼさつぞう)」・「月光菩薩像(がっこうぼさつぞう)」・「執金剛神像(しつこんごうしんぞう)」、
"Fukukenjaku Kannon
Statue", "Nikko Bodhisattva Statue", "Moonlight Bodhisattva
Statue", and "Shitsukongo Shinzo" at Todaiji Hokke-do Hall ,
東大寺(とうだいじ)Todaiji戒壇院(かいだんいん)Kaidan-inの「四天王像(してんのうぞう)Four Heavenly Kings Statues」、
"Four Heavenly Kings
Statues" at Kaidan-in of Todaiji Temple,
「十二神将立像(じゅうにしんしょうりゅうぞう)Standing Statue of Twelve Divine Generals」などの仏像Buddhist
Along with Buddhist
statues such as Shinyakushiji Temple's Twelve Divine Generals,
「鑑真像(がんじんぞう)Ganjin statue」は肖像彫刻portrait sculptureの現存最古のものとして有名である。
The Ganjin statue is
famous as the oldest surviving portrait sculpture.
四天王像(してんのうぞう)Four Heavenly
Kings Statues
塑像(そぞう)Plastic figure
木woodで芯(しん)coreをつくり、その上に粘土を重ねるlayering clay方法。
A method of making a core
out of wood and layering clay on top of it.
表面は雲母(うんも)micaを混ぜた精土fine clayで仕上げる。
The surface is finished
with fine clay mixed with mica.
戒壇院(かいだんいん)Kaidan-inの「四天王像(してんのうぞう)Four Heavenly Kings Statues」など。
Nikko and Gekko
Bodhisattva statues in Todaiji Hokke-do (Sangatsu-do),
鑑真像(がんじんぞう)Ganjin statue
乾漆像(かんしつぞう)Dry lacquer
木芯(もくしん)wood coreの上に麻布(あさぬの)hemp clothと漆(うるし)lacquerで肉付けした木芯乾漆(もくしんかんしつ)Wood core dry lacquerと、
Wood core dry lacquer
that is fleshed out with hemp cloth and lacquer on the wood core,
粘土clayで像statueを造り、その上に麻布(あさぬの)linen clothを漆(うるし)lacquerで重ね、乾燥dryingしたあと、なかの粘土clayを取り除く脱乾漆(だっかんしつ)de-drying lacquerの二種がある。
There are two types of
de-drying lacquer, in which a statue is made from clay, a linen cloth is layered
on top of it with lacquer, and after drying, the clay inside is removed.
鑑真像(がんじんぞう)Ganjin statueは、脱乾漆(だっかんしつ)de-dried lacquerの代表である。
Ganjin is a representative
of de-dried lacquer.
『過去現在因果経(かこげんざい・いんがきょう)Past Present Sutra of Cause and Effect』
樹下美人図(じゅか・びじんず)The beautiful
woman under the tree
絵巻物(えまきもの)picture scrollsの一つの源流originsと考えられる『過去現在因果経(かこげんざい・いんがきょう)Past Present Sutra of Cause and Effect』(『絵因果経(え・いんがきょう)Illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect』)のほか、
In addition to "Past
Present Ingakyo" ("Eingakyo"), which is considered to be one of
the origins of picture scrolls,
唐美人Tang beautyそのままである薬師寺(やくしじ)Yakushiji Templeの「吉祥天・画像(きちじょうてんがぞう)Kichijoten image」がある。
There is a
"Kichijoten image" of Yakushiji Temple, which is the same as a Tang
有名な正倉院(しょうそういん)Shosoin(treasure house)の「鳥毛立女(とりげりつじょ)Ladies under the Trees, Decorated with bird feathers屏風(びょうぶ)folding screen」に描かれた樹下美人図(じゅか・びじんず)The beautiful woman under the treeは、
The beautiful woman under
the tree drawn on the famous Shosoin "Torige Tatejo folding screen"
わが国の画工司(がこうし)painter's officeの画人(がじん)painterの作と言われ、わが国の絵画技術painting techniquesの発展developmentを見ることができる。
Said to have been made by
a painter of a Japanese painter's office, you can see the development of
painting techniques in Japan.
その他正倉院(しょうそういん)Shosoin(treasure house)内の箱boxes・琵琶(びわ)biwa・阮咸(げんかん)Ruan(弦楽器stringed instruments)などには、遠く西南アジアSouthwest Asiaの影響influencedの強い絵paintingsが描かれている。
In addition, the boxes,
biwa, and genkan (stringed instruments) in the Shosoin have paintings that are
strongly influenced by far-off Southwest Asia.
螺鈿紫檀五弦琵琶(らでん・したん・ごげんのびわ)Raden Shidan five-stringed biwa
紺瑠璃坏(こんるりの・つき)Konruri no
聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomuの遺品Relics、大仏開眼(だいぶつかいげん)の儀式the ceremony of consecrating the eyes of the Great Buddhaに用いられたものなど、
Relics of Emperor Shomu,
items used in the ceremony of consecrating the eyes of the Great Buddha, etc.
1万点近くを納める正倉院宝物(しょうそういん・ほうもつ)Shosoin Treasuresの工芸品craftsは、いずれも高度な水準high standardを示し、
Nearly 10,000 pieces of
crafts in the Shosoin Treasures are of a high standard.
国内で作られたものと同時に、中国製products made in Chinaや遠く東ローマeastern Rome・イスラムIslam・インドIndiaの意匠designsも伝えており、
At the same time as those
made in Japan, there are also products made in China and designs from eastern Rome,
Islam, and India.
螺鈿紫檀五弦琵琶(らでん・したん・ごげんのびわ)Raden Shidan five-stringed biwaや紺瑠璃坏(こんるりの・つき)Konruri no Tsukiなどは有名である。
Raden Shidan
five-stringed biwa and Konruri no Tsuki are famous.
正倉院(しょうそういん)Shosoin(treasure house)
正倉(しょうそう)Shoso(A warehouse for storing grain and goods)とは元来は主要な倉庫major
warehouseを指し、その一画の地a plot of landを意味する正倉院(しょうそういん)Shosoin(treasure house)は寺院templesや国衙(こくが)provincial officesなどに多数あった。
Shoso originally meant a
major warehouse, and Shosoin, which meant a plot of land, was found in many
temples and provincial offices.
Among them, only the
Shoso-in of Todai-ji Temple became famous, and it became like a proper noun.
正倉院(しょうそういん)Shosoin(treasure house)
東大寺(とうだいじ)Todaiji正倉院(しょうそういん)Shosoinは、南倉(なんそう)south storehouse・中倉(ちゅうそう)middle
storehouse・北倉(ほくそう)north storehouseの三室three roomsからできており、南倉(なんそう)south storehouse・北倉(ほくそう)north
storehouseは三角材triangular timbersを井桁(いげた)に組んだinterlaced in
wells校倉造(あぜくらづくり)Azekura-zukuri styleで有名である(中倉(ちゅうそう)middle
storehouseは板倉式(いたくらしき)Itakura style)。
The Todai-ji Shosoin
consists of three rooms, the south storehouse, the middle storehouse, and the
north storehouse.
Minamikura and Kitakura
are famous for the Azekura-zukuri style, in which triangular timbers are
interlaced in wells (the Nakakura style is the Itakura style).
聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomu(在位724~749)
内容物contentsとしては、聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomuの死後の冥福を祈るpray for the repose of the soulために献ぜられたものが中心であり、
The contents are mainly
those dedicated to pray for the repose of the soul of Emperor Shomu after his death.
聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomuの御物belongings・大仏開眼供養(だいぶつかいげんくよう)の関係品items related・聖武天皇(しょうむ・てんのう)Emperor Shomu一周忌法要the memorial service
for the first anniversary of Emperor Shomu's deathの調度品furnishings・古文書ancient
There are about 9,000
items such as Emperor Shomu's belongings, items related to the memorial service
for consecrating the Great Buddha, furnishings for the memorial service for the
first anniversary of Emperor Shomu's death, and ancient documents.
cultureのみならず、当時at that timeの東アジア文化圏the East Asian cultural sphereの性格characteristicsを考える上にも貴重な宝庫valuable treasure troveである。
It is a valuable treasure
trove not only for Tenpyo culture, but also for considering the characteristics
of the East Asian cultural sphere at that time.
毎年一回once a year曝涼(ばくりょう)airing of clothes, hanging scrolls(虫干しprevent
damage from insects and mould)が行われ、その間に調査surveyedされ、またその一部part of itは公開open to the publicされる。
A bakuryo (drying of insects)
is held once a year, during which it is surveyed and part of it is open to the