日本史11 Japanese history 11
武士の進出Advance of
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado(?~940)
藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no
(俵(田原)藤太(たわらの・とうた)Tawara no Tōta)(生没年不詳)
源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiie(1039~1106)
九九式艦上爆撃機(きゅうきゅうしき・かんじょう・ばくげきき) Type 99 Carrier Bomber
九九式艦上爆撃機(きゅうきゅうしき・かんじょう・ばくげきき) Type 99 Carrier Bomber
九九式艦上爆撃機(きゅうきゅうしき・かんじょう・ばくげきき)Type 99 carrier-based bomberは、1936年(昭和11年)、愛知航空機(あいち・こうくうき)Aichi Aircraft Corporationが受注ordered・生産producedを行い、太平洋戦争the Pacific War初期the early daysに活躍した、日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navyの艦上急降下爆撃機Carrier-borne dive bomber。
The Type 99 carrier-based
bomber was ordered and produced by Aichi Aircraft Corporation in 1936 (Showa
11), and was a Japanese Navy aircraft that was active in the early days of the
Pacific War. Carrier dive bomber.
九九式艦上爆撃機(きゅうきゅうしき・かんじょう・ばくげきき) Type 99 Carrier Bomber
九九式艦上爆撃機Type 99
carrier-based bomberは、零式艦上戦闘機Type 0 carrier-based fighter・九七式艦上攻撃機Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraftと共に、太平洋戦争the
Pacific War前期the first halfの日本海軍Imperial
Japanese Navyの快進撃successful advancesを支え、真珠湾攻撃Attack on Pearl Harborやセイロン沖海戦Indian Ocean raidなどで高い急降下爆撃命中率high dive bombing hit rateを示した。
The Type 99 carrier-based
bomber, along with the Type 0 carrier-based fighter and the Type 97 carrier-based
attack aircraft, supported the Japanese Navy's successful advances in the first
half of the Pacific War, and demonstrated a high dive bombing hit rate in
attacks such as the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Ceylon. Ta.
続いて、九九式艦上爆撃機Type 99 carrier-based bomberは南方攻略作戦southern invasion operationに投入される。
Next, the Type 99
carrier-based bomber was deployed in a southern invasion operation.
九九式艦上爆撃機(きゅうきゅうしき・かんじょう・ばくげきき) Type 99 Carrier Bomber
九九式艦上爆撃機Type 99
carrier-based bomberはこの後も戦場に投入used in the battlefieldされ続け、戦歴military historyは珊瑚海海戦Battle of the Coral Sea、ミッドウェー海戦Battle of Midway、ソロモン海戦Battle of the Solomon Sea、南太平洋海戦Battle of the South Pacific、マリアナ沖海戦Battle of the Philippine Sea、フィリピン島決戦Battle of the Philippines、沖縄決戦Battle of Okinawaに至る。
The Type 99 carrier-based
bomber continued to be used in the battlefield after this, and its military
history includes the Battle of the Coral Sea, Midway, Solomon, South Pacific,
Mariana Gulf, Philippine Islands, and Okinawa.
たま Tama she-cat
ぴょん Pyon she-cat
北の界王 North Kaiō ドラゴンボール Dragon Ball
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
藤原純友の乱(ふじわらの・すみともの・らん)Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomo
第4章 Chapter 4
of Aristocracy
第4節 Section 4
武士の進出Advance of
承平・天慶の乱The Jōhei-Tengyō Rebellion
そうした地方regionでの武力反乱armed rebellionとして、
As an armed rebellion in
such a region,
935年(承平5年)の私闘private struggleに端を発した平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Taira no Masakado's Rebellion、
no Masakado's Rebellion started in 935 (Johei 5) as a private struggle,
939年(天慶2年)に瀬戸内海the Seto Inland Seaで起きた海賊pirate藤原純友の乱(ふじわらの・すみともの・らん)Fujiwara no Sumitomo's Rebellion、
939 (Tengyo 2nd year), the rebellion of the pirate Fujiwara no Sumitomo occurred
in the Seto Inland Sea.
いわゆる承平・天慶の乱(しょうへい・てんぎょう・の・らん)The Jōhei-Tengyō Rebellionがその早い例である。
The so-called Shohei-Tengyo-Noran
War is an early example.
時を同じくしてsimultaneously東国と西国in the eastern and western parts of the countryに起こったこの反乱rebellionsは、質的には古い要素が濃いrich in old elementsとはいえ、新しい時代の前触れherald a new eraであったと言うことができる。
These rebellions, which
occurred simultaneously in the eastern and western parts of the country, were
qualitatively rich in old elements, but could be said to herald a new era.
桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmu(在位781年~806年)
第50代天皇the 50th Emperor(在位781年~806年)
Prince Yamabe
Shirakabe(後の光仁天皇(こうにん・てんのう)Emperor Kōnin)の長男Eldest son。
天智天皇(てんじ・てんのう)Emperor Tenjiの曾孫(ひまご)great-grandson。
motherは百済系渡来人氏族Baekje immigrant clanの和氏(やまとうじ)Yamato clanの出身である高野新笠(たかのの・にいがさ)Takano no Niigasa。
His biological mother was
Shinkasa Takano, who was from the Kazu clan of Baekje immigrant clan.
桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmuの第三皇子the Third
母motherは多治比真宗(たじひの・まむね)Tajihi no Mamune。
桓武平氏(かんむ・へいし)the Kanmu
Heishi clanの祖Ancestor。
高見王(たかみ・おう)Prince Takami
Kazurawaraの第三王子the Third son。
平高望(たいらの・たかもち)Taira no Takamochi
平安時代中期in the middle
of the Heian periodの賜姓皇族(しせい・こうぞく)Surname royal family。
高望王(たかもち・おう)Prince Takamochiとも。
高見王(たかみ・おう)Prince Takamiの子Son。
桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmuの孫grandson(もしくは曾孫great-grandson)にあたり、高望王流桓武平氏(たかもち・おう・りゅう・かんむ・へいし)the Kanmu-Heishi clan of the Takamochio lineageの祖founder。
高望王(たかもち・おう)Prince Takamochiは、平朝臣(たいらの・あそん)Taira no Asonを賜与(しよ)され臣籍降下(しんせき・こうか)Demotion to subject statusし、平高望(たいらの・たかもち)Taira no Takamochiを名乗った。
Prince Takamochi was
granted the title of TAIRA no Ason and demoted from subject status, and took
the name TAIRA no Takamochi.
昌泰(しょうたい)元年(898年)、平高望(たいらの・たかもち)Taira no Takamochiは上総介(かずさの・すけ)Kazusa-no-suke(千葉県Chiba Prefecture中央部の副長官deputy secretary)に任官appointedした。
In 898, TAIRA no
Takamochi was appointed Kazusa no suke.
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunika
平高望(たいらの・たかもち)Taira no Takamochiの長男eldest
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの伯父uncle。
平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no
平高望(たいらの・たかもち)Taira no Takamochiの次男second
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの伯父uncle。
平良将(たいらの・よしまさ)Taira no
平高望(たいらの・たかもち)Taira no Takamochiの三男third
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの父father。
長男eldest son平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunika、次男second son平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikane、三男third
son平良将(たいらの・よしまさ)Taira no
Accompanied by his eldest
son Kunika, his second son Yoshikane, and his third son Yoshimasa, he went to
the post.
在地勢力local powersとの関係relationshipsを深め常陸国(ひたちの・くに)Hitachi Province(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture)・下総国(しもうさの・くに)Shimousa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture北部)・上総国(かずさの・くに)Kazusa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture中央部)の未墾地uncultivated landを開発develop。
Deepen relationships with
local powers and develop uncultivated land in Hitachi, Shimousa, and Kazusa
自らが開発者developerとなり生産者producerとなることによって勢力を拡大Expand power。
Expand your power by
becoming a developer and a producer yourself.
その権利を守るprotect his rightsべく武士団を形成formed a samurai groupしてその後の高望王流桓武平氏(たかもち・おう・りゅう・かんむ・へいし)the Kanmu-Heishi clan of the Takamochio lineageの基盤foundationを固めた。
In order to protect his
rights, he formed a samurai group and solidified the foundation of the Kanmu
Heishi clan of the Takamo no Oh lineage.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado(?~940)
平良将(たいらの・よしまさ)Taira no
藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは地方より15~16歳のころ平安京(へいあんきょう)Heiankyoへ出て、
Masakado left for
Heiankyo when he was 15 or 16 years old.
藤原北家(ふじわら・ほっけ)Fujiwara Hokke(The Northern House of the Fujiwara clan)の氏長者(うじの・ちょうじゃ)Uji no Choja(The highest ranking
person in the clan)であった藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no Tadahiraを主君his lordとする(主従関係master-servant relationshipを結ぶ)。
He made FUJIWARA no
Tadahira, who was the head of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, his lord
(they formed a master-servant relationship).
藤原氏(ふじわらし)Fujiwara clanの政権下では滝口の衛士(えじ)a guard of Takiguchiでしかなく、
Under the Fujiwara clan,
he was only a guard of Takiguchi,
人柄を藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no Tadahiraに認められていたものの官位(かんい)official rankは低かった。
Although his personality
was recognized by Tadahira, his official rank was low.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは12年ほど在京stayed
in Kyoして、
Masakado stayed in Kyo for
about 12 years,
当時軍事警察military policeを管掌する検非違使(けびいし)Kebiishi(police and judicial chief)の佐(すけ)assistantや尉(じょう)lieutenantを望んだが入れられなかった。
At that time, he wanted
to be appointed as a kenbiishi (assistant officer) or a lieutenant in charge of
the military police, but he was not accepted.
この後平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは東下(あづまくだり)goes eastする。
After this, Masakado goes
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunika
この東下(あづまくだり)this trip to
the eastの際、伯父uncleの平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunika(平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamoriの父father)らが上野国(こうずけの・くに)Kōzuke Province花園村(はなぞのむら)Hanazono Village(現群馬県高崎市)の染谷川(そめやかわ)the Someya Riverで平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoを襲撃attackedしたが、
During this trip to the
east, his uncle Kunika TAIRA (Sadamori TAIRA no Sadamori's father) and others
attacked Masakado at the Someya River in Hanazono Village, Ueno Province (now
Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture).
叔父uncleで平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunikaの弟younger
brotherにあたる平良文(たいらの・よしふみ)Taira no Yoshifumiが平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoを援護supportedし、これを打ち破っている。
His uncle, Kunika's
younger brother, TAIRA no Yoshifumi, supported Masakado and defeated him.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado
以後「平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado」へつながる騒擾disturbanceがおこるのだが、
After that, there was a
disturbance leading to 'TAIRA no Masakado's Rebellion'.
それらの原因causesについていくつかの説several theoriesがあり、いまだ確定confirmedできていない。
There are several theories
about their causes, but they have not yet been confirmed.
systemの確立establishedしていない当時At the time、
At the time when the
primogeniture system had not yet been established,
平良将(たいらの・よしまさ)Taira no
平高望(たいらの・たかもち)Taira no Takamochiの三男third
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの父father。
平良将(たいらの・よしまさ)Taira no Yoshimasaの遺領inheritanceは伯父unclesの平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunikaや平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneに独断で分割arbitrarily dividedされていたため争いが始まったled to the conflict、という説。
The theory is that
Yoshimasa's inheritance was arbitrarily divided between his uncles Kunika and Yoshikane,
which led to the conflict.
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
源扶(みなもとの・たすく)Minamoto no Tasuku
承平5年(935年)2月に平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは源護(みなもとの・まもる)Minamoto no Mamoruの子sonの源扶(みなもとの・たすく)Minamoto no Tasukuらに常陸国(ひたちの・くに)Hitachi Province(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture)真壁郡(まかべぐん)Makabe District野本(のもと)Nomoto(筑西市(ちくせいし)Chikusei City)にて襲撃attackedされるが、
In February 935, Masakado
was attacked in Nomoto, Makabe County, Hitachi Province (Chikusei City) by
MINAMOTO no Mamoru's son MINAMOTO no Fu.
これらを撃退repelledし源扶(みなもとの・たすく)Minamoto no Tasukuらは討ち死にしたkilled in battle。
They were repelled and Fu
and others were killed in battle.
源護(みなもとの・まもる)Minamoto no Mamoru
そのまま平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは大串(おおぐし)Ogushi・取手(とりで)Toride(下妻(しもつま)Shimotsuma)から源護(みなもとの・まもる)Minamoto no Mamoruの本拠basedである真壁郡(まかべぐん)Makabe Districtへ進軍marchedして
As it was, Masakado
marched from Ogushi and Toride (Shimotsuma) to Makabe County, where Mamoru was based.
源護(みなもとの・まもる)Minamoto no Mamoruの本拠baseを焼き討ちset fireし、その際に伯父uncleの平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no
He set fire to Mamoru's
base and killed his uncle, Kunika.
鬼怒川(きぬがわ)the Kinugawa River
同年10月、源護(みなもとの・まもる)Minamoto no Mamoruと姻戚関係relativeにある一族の平良正(たいらの・よしまさ)Taira no Yoshimasaは軍勢を集めgathered an army
In October of the same
year, Taira no Yoshimasa, a relative of Minamoto no Mamoru, gathered an army.
鬼怒川(きぬがわ)the Kinugawa River沿いの新治郷(にいはりごう)Niiharigo川曲(かわまがり)gawamagari(八千代町(やちよまち)Yachiyo town)に陣を構えてset up camp平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoと対峙するconfrontedが、
He set up camp at
Niiharigogawamagari (Yachiyo-cho) along the Kinugawa River and confronted Masakado.
平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no
この軍armyも平将門(たいらのまさかど)Taira no Masakadoに撃破defeatedされ、平良正(たいらのよしまさ)Taira no Yoshimasaは平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneに救いhelpを求め、
This army was also defeated
by Masakado, and Yoshimasa asked Yoshikane for help.
静観watching quietlyしていた平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneも平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunika亡き後の一族の長the head of the clanとして放置できず
Yoshikane, who was
watching quietly, could not be left alone as the head of the clan after the
death of Kunika.
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori
平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunikaの子sonの平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamoriを誘って軍勢を集めgather
an army、
Inviting Taira no
Sadamori, the son of Kunika, to gather an army,
承平6年(936年)6月26日上総国(かずさの・くに)Kazusa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture中央部)を発ち平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoを攻めるattackedが、
On June 26, 936, he left
Kazusa Province and attacked Masakado.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの奇襲surprise attackを受けて敗走defeated、下野国(しもつけの・くに)Shimotsuke
Province(栃木県Tochigi Prefecture)の国衙(こくが)provincial government officeに保護protectionを求めた。
He was defeated by a
surprise attack by Masakado and sought protection from the provincial government
office in Shimotsuke Province.
平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは下野国(しもつけの・くに)Shimotsuke Province(栃木県Tochigi Prefecture)国府(こくふ)Kokufu(Capitals of Provinces)を包囲besiegedするが、一部の包囲を解いてあえて平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneを逃亡escapeさせ、
Masakado besieged Kokufu
in Shimotsuke Province, but partially lifted the siege and forced Yoshikane to
その後国衙(こくが)provincial government officeと交渉negotiated withして自らの正当性his legitimacyを認めさせて帰国returned to Provinceした。
After that, he negotiated
with the provincial government office to have him recognize his legitimacy and
returned to Province.
源護(みなもとの・まもる)Minamoto no Mamoru
同年、源護(みなもとの・まもる)Minamoto no Mamoruによって出された告状complaintによって朝廷imperial courtから平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoと平真樹(たいらの・まき)Taira no Makiに対する召喚命令an order to summonが出て、
In the same year, the imperial
court issued an order to summon Masakado and TAIRA no Maki based on a complaint
issued by MINAMOTO no Mamoru.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoらは平安京(へいあんきょう)Heiankyoに赴いて検非違使庁(けびいしの・ちょう)The Kenbiishi Officeで訊問を受けるinterrogatedが、
Masakado and others went
to Heian-kyo and were interrogated by Kenbiishicho,
承平(じょうへい)7年(937年)4月7日の朱雀天皇(すざく・てんのう)Emperor Suzaku元服coming of ageの大赦(たいしゃ)the general amnestyによって、全ての罪を赦されるAll sins were forgiven。
All sins were forgiven by
the general amnesty of Emperor Suzaku's coming of age on April 7, 937.
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no
帰国returned to Province後も、平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneを初め一族の大半most of the familyと対立at odds withし、
Even after returning to
Japan, Masakado was at odds with Yoshikane and most of the family.
8月6日には平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneは平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの常羽御厩(いくはの・おんまや)(茨城県(いばらきけん)Ibaraki Prefecture常総市(じょうそうし)Jōsō City)を攻めたattacked。
On August 6, Yoshikane
attacked Masakado's Tsuneha Mimaya.
この戦いthis battleで平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは敗走defeated、平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneは平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの妻子wife and children(平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneの娘daughterと孫grandsonとされる)を連れ帰る。
In this battle, Masakado
was defeated, and Yoshikane brought back Masakado's wife and children (a
daughter and grandson of Yoshikane).
だが弟たちyounger brothersの手助けhelpで9月10日に再び出奔ran awayし、平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの元に戻ってしまった。
However, with the help of
his younger brothers, he ran away again on September 10 and returned to Masakado.
妻子wife and
childrenが戻ったことに力を得た平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは、朝廷Imperial Courtに対して自らの正当性his legitimacyを訴えるappealという行動に出る。
Gaining strength from the
return of his wife and children, Masakado took action to appeal his legitimacy
to the Imperial Court.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado
これを機に平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneらの兵soldiersを筑波山(つくばさん)Mt. Tsukubaに駆逐droveし、
Taking this opportunity,
Masakado drove Yoshikane's soldiers to Mt. Tsukuba,
それから3年の間に平良兼(たいらの・よしかね)Taira no Yoshikaneは病死died of illnessし、平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの威勢powerと名声fameは関東一円throughout the Kanto regionに鳴り響いた。
Within three years,
Yoshikane died of illness, and Masakado's power and fame resounded throughout
the Kanto region.
興世王(おきよ・おう)King Okiyo
源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no
天慶(てんぎょう)2年(939年)2月、武蔵国(むさしのくに)Musashi Province(東京都Tokyo
Metropolis、埼玉県Saitama Prefecture、神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture)へ新たに赴任した権守(ごんのかみ)Gon no Kami、興世王(おきよ・おう)King Okiyo(出自不明)と介(すけ)Suke源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no
Tsunemoto(清和源氏(せいわ・げんじ)Seiwa Genjiの祖founder)が、
In February 939, newly
appointed governors of Musashi Province, King Okiyo (origin unknown) and Tsunemoto
Sukemoto (ancestor of the Seiwa-Genji clan),
足立郡(あだちぐん)Adachi Districtの郡司(ぐんじ)District governor武蔵武芝(むさしの・たけしば)Musashi no Takeshibaとの紛争disputeに陥った。
He fell into a dispute
with the Gunji Musashi Musashi of Adachi County.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoが両者の調停仲介mediationに乗り出し、
Masakado set out to
mediate mediation between the two,
興世王(おきよ・おう)King Okiyoと武蔵武芝(むさしの・たけしば)Musashi no Takeshibaを会見meetさせて和解reconcileさせたが、
He let King Okiyo and
Musashi Musashi meet and reconcile,
武蔵武芝(むさしの・たけしば)Musashi no Takeshibaの兵soldiersがにわかに源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemotoの陣営campを包囲surrounded(経緯は不明)し、
Takeshiba's soldiers
suddenly surrounded Tsunemoto's camp (details unknown),
源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no
驚いたSurprised源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemotoは京へ逃げ出してruns away to Kyoしまう。
Surprised, Tsunemoto runs
away to Kyoto.
京に到着arrived in
Kyoした源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemotoは平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado、興世王(おきよ・おう)King Okiyo、武蔵武芝(むさしの・たけしば)Musashi no Takeshibaの謀反rebelledを朝廷Imperial Courtに訴えた。
Tsunemoto, who arrived in
Kyoto, complained to the Imperial Court that Masakado, Prince Okiyo, and Takeshiba
had rebelled.
藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの主人masterの太政大臣(だいじょう・だいじん)Chancellor of the Realm藤原忠平(ふじわらの・ただひら)Fujiwara no Tadahiraが事の実否を調べるinvestigate the truth of the matterことにし、御教書(みぎょうしょ)migyoshoを下して使者messengerを東国(とうごく)Eastern Provincesへ送った。
Masakado's master,
FUJIWARA no Tadahira, decided to investigate the truth of the matter and sent a
messenger to the eastern part of Japan with a migyosho.
驚いた平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは上書を認め、同年5月2日付けで、
Surprised, Masakado accepted
the overwriting, and on May 2nd of the same year,
常陸(ひたち)Hitachi Province(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture)・下総(しもうさ)Shimousa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture北部)・下野(しもつけ)Shimotsuke Province(栃木県Tochigi Prefecture)・武蔵(むさし)Musashi Province(東京都Tokyo Metropolis、埼玉県Saitama Prefecture、神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture)・上野(こうづけ)Kōzuke
Province(群馬県Gunma Prefecture)5カ国の国府(こくふ)Kokufu(Capitals of Provinces)の「謀反は事実無根the rebellion was groundless」との証明書certificateをそえて送った。
It was sent along with a
certificate from the national governments of Hitachi, Shimousa, Shimotsuke, Musashi,
and Ueno, stating that ``the rebellion was groundless.''
源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no
これにより朝廷Imperial Courtは平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoへの疑いを解き、逆に源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemotoは誣告(ぶこく)false accusationの罪で罰せられた。
As a result, the Imperial
Court cleared Masakado's suspicion, and on the contrary, Tsunemoto was punished
for false accusation.
この時期には平将門(たいらのまさかど)Taira no Masakadoと敵対者opponentsの戦いbattlesはあくまでも私戦private battles(豪族間の個人的ないざこざindividual disputes between powerful clans)とみなされ、
During this period, battles
between Masakado and opponents were regarded as private battles (individual
disputes between powerful clans),
国家に対する反乱a rebellion
against the stateであるという認識recognizeは朝廷Imperial Court側にはなかったと考えられている。
It is believed that the
Imperial Court did not recognize that it was a rebellion against the state.
興世王(おきよ・おう)King Okiyo
この頃、武蔵(むさし)Musashi Province(東京都Tokyo Metropolis、埼玉県Saitama Prefecture、神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture)権守(ごんのかみ)Gon no Kamiとなった興世王(おきよ・おう)King Okiyoは、新たに受領(ずりょう)Zuryo(The
head of the local government who assumes administrative responsibility)として赴任してきた武蔵国守(むさしこくしゅ)the governor of Musashi Province百済王貞連(くだらの・こにきし・さだつら)と不和disagreementになり、
Around this time, Prince
Okiyo, who became the governor of Musashi Province, had a disagreement with
Prince Sadamune, the governor of Musashi Province, who was newly appointed as
the governor of Musashi Province.
興世王(おきよ・おう)King Okiyoは任地を離れてleft his post平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoを頼るrely onようになる。
King Okiyo left his post
and came to rely on Masakado.
藤原玄明(ふじわらの・はるあき)Fujiwara no Haruaki
また、常陸国(ひたちの・くに)Hitachi Province(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture)で不動倉(ふどうそう)Fudosouを破ったために追捕令(ついぶれい)arrest warrantが出ていた藤原玄明(ふじわらの・はるあき)Fujiwara no Haruakiが庇護(ひご)asylumを求めると、
Also, when FUJIWARA no
Genmei, who had been issued an arrest warrant for defeating Fudokura in Hitachi
Province, asked for asylum,
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは藤原玄明(ふじわらの・はるあき)Fujiwara no Haruakiを匿(かくま)い常陸(ひたち)Hitachi Province国府(こくふ)Kokufu(Capitals of Provinces)からの引渡し要求request
to hand him overを拒否refusedした。
Masakado hid Genmei and
refused Hitachi Kokufu's request to hand him over.
そのうえ天慶2年11月21日(940年1月3日)、軍兵を集めてgathered his army常陸(ひたち)Hitachi Province府中(ふちゅう)Fuchu(石岡(いしおか)Ishioka)へ赴き追捕(ついぶ)撤回the withdrawal of the captureを求める。
In addition, on November
21, 940 (January 3, 940), he gathered his army and went to Hitachi Fuchu
(Ishioka) to demand the withdrawal of the capture.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado
常陸(ひたち)Hitachi Province国府(こくふ)Kokufu(Capitals of Provinces)はこれを拒否refusedするとともに宣戦布告declared
warをしたため、平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoはやむなく戦うことforced to fightとなり、
Hitachi Kokufu refused
this and declared war, so Masakado was forced to fight.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは手勢1000人余1,000-strong forceながらも国府軍3000人3,000 Kokufu forcesをたちまち打ち破りdefeated、常陸(ひたち)Hitachi Province介(すけ)suke藤原維幾(ふじわら・これちか)Fujiwara no Korechikaはあっけなく降伏surrendered。
Despite Masakado's
1,000-strong force, he quickly defeated 3,000 Kokufu forces, and Hitachinosuke
FUJIWARA no Korechika surrendered abruptly.
国衙(こくが)provincial government officeは将門軍Masakado's armyの前に陥落fellし、平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは印綬(いんじゅ)sealを没収confiscatedした。
Kokuga fell before
Masakado's army, and Masakado confiscated the seal.
結局この事件this incidentによって、不本意ながらも朝廷に対して反旗を翻すrebellion against the Imperial Courtかたちになってしまう。
In the end, this incident
leads to rebellion against the Imperial Court, albeit unwillingly.
興世王(おきよ・おう)King Okiyo
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは側近close to himとなっていた興世王(おきよ・おう)King Okiyoの進言adviceを受け、同年12月11日に下野(しもつけ)Shimotsuke Province(栃木県Tochigi Prefecture)に出兵dispatched troops。
On December 11 of the
same year, Masakado dispatched troops to Shimotsuke on the advice of King
Okiyo, who was close to him.
続いて同月15日には上野(こうずけ)Kōzuke Province(群馬県Gunma Prefecture)に出兵dispatched troops、関東一円the entire Kanto regionを手中に収めたtook control of。
On the 15th of the same
month, he dispatched troops to Ueno and took control of the entire Kanto
八幡神(はちまんしん)Hachimanと菅原道真(すがわら・の・みちざね)Sugawara no Michizaneの霊の神託the oracle of the spiritsが降ったことにより、「新皇(しんのう)new emperor」を自称call himselfするようになり、
After the oracle of the
spirits of Hachiman and Sugawara no Michizane descended, he began to call
himself the 'new emperor'.
独自に除目(じもく)dedicationを行い岩井(いわい)Iwai(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture坂東市(ばんどうし)Bando City)に政庁(せいちょう)government officeを置いた。
He performed his own
dedication and set up a government office in Iwai (Bando City, Ibaraki
平将平(たいらの・まさひら)Taira no Masahira
即位enthronementについては舎弟disciple平将平(たいらの・まさひら)Taira no Masahiraや小姓page伊和員経(いわの・かずつね)Iwa no Kazatsuneらに反対opposedされたが、平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoはこれを退けたrejected。
Masahira's enthronement
was opposed by TAIRA no Shohei, his disciple, and Kazatsune IWA, a page, but
Masakado rejected them.
将門謀反(まさかど・むほん)Masakado's rebellionの報Newsはただちに京都にもたらされ、
News of Masakado's
rebellion was immediately brought to Kyoto,
藤原純友(ふじわらの・すみとも)Fujiwara no Sumitomo
また同時期Around the same timeに西国(さいごく)the Western part of Japanで藤原純友の乱(ふじわらの・すみともの・らん)Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomoの報告reportもあり、朝廷Imperial Courtは驚愕shockedする。
Around the same time, there
was a report of the rebellion of FUJIWARA no Sumitomo in Saigoku, which shocked
the Imperial Court.
翌天慶3年(940年)1月19日には参議(さんぎ)councilor藤原忠文(ふじわらの・ただぶみ)Fujiwara no
Tadabumiが征東大将軍(せいとう・たいしょうぐん)Commander-in-chief for the pacification of the Eastに任じられ、
On January 19, 940, Sangi
(councilor) FUJIWARA no Tadafumi was appointed Seito Taishogun.
藤原忠文(ふじわらの・ただぶみ)Fujiwara no
Tadabumiは屋敷に帰ることなく討伐軍長官chief of the punitive armyとして出立したという。
It is said that Tadafumi
departed as chief of the punitive army without returning to his residence.
regionでは、平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoが兵5000 5,000
soldiersを率いて常陸国(ひたちの・くに)Hitachi Province(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture)へ出陣して、
In mid-January of the
same year, in the Kanto region, Masakado led 5,000 soldiers to Hitachi
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamoriと藤原維幾(ふじわら・これちか)Fujiwara no Korechikaの子son藤原為憲(ふじわらの・ためのり)Fujiwara no Tamenoriの行方を捜索searching
for the whereaboutsしている。
He is searching for the
whereabouts of Tamenori, the son of Taira no Sadamori and Koreiku.
10日間に及び捜索searchingするも平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamoriらの行方whereaboutsは知れなかったが、平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamoriの妻wifeと源扶(みなもとの・たすく)Minamoto no Tasukuの妻wifeを捕らえたcaptured。
Despite searching for ten
days, Sadamori's whereabouts were not found, but Sadamori's wife and Minamoto
no Fu's wife were captured.
藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no
間もなく、平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamoriが下野国(しもつけの・くに)Shimotsuke Province(栃木県Tochigi Prefecture)押領使(おうりょうし)Oryoshi(Duties like local police)の藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no Hidesatoと力をあわせて兵4000を集めているgathering 4,000 soldiersとの報告reportが入る。
Soon, a report came in that
Sadamori was gathering 4,000 soldiers in cooperation with FUJIWARA no Hidesato,
who was the Shimotsuke Province envoy.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは諸国various countriesから召集summonedしていた軍兵のほとんどmost of the soldiersを帰国させていたこともあり
Masakado had sent back most
of the soldiers who had been summoned from various countries.
手許には1000人足らずless than 1000 menしか残っていなかったが、
There were less than 1000
men left at hand,
時を移しては不利disadvantageousになると考えて2月1日を期して出撃made a
Thinking that it would be
disadvantageous if the time was changed, he made a sortie on February 1.
藤原玄茂(ふじわらの・はるもち)Fujiwara no Harumochi
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの副将adjutant藤原玄茂(ふじわらの・はるもち)Fujiwara no Harumochiの武将military
commanders多治経明(たじの・つねあきら)Taji no Tsuneakiraと坂上遂高(さかのうえの・すいこう)Sakanoue no Suikoらは平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori・藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no Hidesato軍armyを発見discoveredすると
Masakado's adjutant
FUJIWARA no Genshige's military commanders Taji Tsuneaki and Sakanoue Suiko
discovered Sadamori and Hidesato's army.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoに報告reportingもせずに攻撃を開始するstarted attackingも、
Although he started
attacking without reporting to Masakado,
藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no
skilled in tactics藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no
Genshige's army was
defeated in the blink of an eye by Hidesato's army, which was originally skilled
in tactics.
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori・藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no Hidesato軍forcesはこれを追撃pursuedし、下総国(しもうさの・くに)Shimousa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture北部)川口(かわぐち)Kawaguchiにて平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado軍armyと合戦engaged in a battleとなる。
Sadamori and Hidesato's
forces pursued them and engaged in a battle with Masakado's army in Kawaguchi,
Shimousa Province.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado自ら陣頭に立って奮戦したために平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori・藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no Hidesatoらもたじろぐが、
Sadamori and Hidesato
hesitated because Masakado himself took the lead and fought bravely.
時が経つにつれ数に勝る官軍government armyに平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado軍armyは押されoverwhelmed、ついには退却を余儀なくされたforced to retreat。
As time passed,
Masakado's army was overwhelmed by the superior government army, and finally
forced to retreat.
この手痛い敗戦painful defeatにより追い詰められたcornered平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは、
Masakado, who was
cornered by this painful defeat,
geographical advantageのある本拠地home baseに敵を誘い込みlure the enemy起死回生の大勝負a big game of revivalを仕掛けるset upために幸島郡(こうじまぐん)Kozima District(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture)の広江(ひろえ)Hiroeに隠れるhides。
He hides in Hiroe in
Koshima-gun in order to lure the enemy to his home base, which has a geographical
advantage, and set up a big game of revival.
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori
藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no
しかし平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori・藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no Hidesatoらはこの策には乗らずdid not follow this plan、勝ち戦の勢いを民衆に呼びかけcalled on the people to win the battle更に兵を集めgathered more soldiers、藤原為憲(ふじわらの・ためのり)Fujiwara no Tamenoriも加わり、
However, Sadamori and
Hidesato did not follow this plan, and called on the people to win the battle
and gathered more soldiers, and FUJIWARA no Tamenori joined them.
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
2月13日平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの本拠home base岩井(いわい)Iwai(茨城県Ibaraki
Prefecture坂東市(ばんどうし)Bando City)に攻め寄せ焼き払うattack and burn down「焦土作戦scorched earth strategy」に出た。
On February 13, he
embarked on a ``scorched earth strategy'' to attack and burn down Masakado's
home base of Ishii.
これによって民衆the peopleは住処を失いlost their homes路頭に迷うlost on the streetsが、追討軍pursuit armyによる焼き討ちburningを恨むresentよりも、
As a result, the people
lost their homes and were lost on the streets. Rather than resent the burning
by the pursuit army,
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoらにより世が治まらないwould not rule the worldことを嘆いたlamentedという。
It is said that he
lamented that Masakado and others would not rule the world.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado
当のin question平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは身に甲冑をつけたまま平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamoriらの探索をかわしながらwhile dodging searches諸処を転々としflew from place to place、
Masakado in question flew
from place to place while dodging searches by Sadamori and others while wearing
his armor.
They mustered soldiers
for a counterattack, but the situation was so bad that they could not gather as
expected, so they could not turn to attack.
僅か手勢400を率いてLeading a small force of 400幸島郡(こうじまぐん)Kozima District(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture)の北山(きたやま)Kitayamaを背に陣をしいて味方の援軍reinforcements from his alliesを待つ。
Leading a small force of
400, he encamped with Kitayama in Koshima-gun as his back and waited for reinforcements
from his allies.
しかし、味方の来援allied aid arrivedよりも先にその所在が敵の知ることとなり
However, his whereabouts became
known to the enemy before allied aid arrived.
寡兵のままwith a small
number of soldiers最後の決戦the final
It was decided that the
time of the final battle would come with a small number of soldiers.
Allied Forcesと平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの合戦the battleが始まった。
At 3:00 pm on February
14, the battle between the Allied Forces and Masakado began.
北風が吹き荒れA raging
north wind blew、平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado軍armyは風を負って矢戦を優位に展開develop an arrow-fighting advantageし、連合軍the
Allied Forcesを攻め立てた。
A raging north wind blew,
and Masakado's army took advantage of the wind to develop an arrow-fighting
advantage and attack the Allied Forces.
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori方の中陣が奇襲をかけるも撃退され、
The middle team of
Sadamori made a surprise attack, but was repulsed.
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori
藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori・藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no Hidesato・藤原為憲(ふじわらの・ためのり)の軍armyは撃破defeatedされ軍兵2900人が逃げ出し2,900 soldiers
The army of Sadamori,
Hidesato, and Tamenori was defeated and 2,900 soldiers fled.
Only 300 elite will
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado
しかし勝ち誇ったtriumphant平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoが自陣に引き返す途中、急に風向きが変わり南風the south windになると、
However, when the
triumphant Masakado was on his way back to his own camp, the direction of the
wind suddenly changed to the south wind.
風を負って勢いを得たgained momentum連合軍The Allied Forcesはここぞとばかりに反撃に転じたturned to counterattack。
The Allied Forces, which
had gained momentum from the wind, turned to counterattack at this moment.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは自ら馬を駆って陣頭に立ち奮戦するが、
Masakado himself rode a
horse and took the lead in the battle, but
風のように駿足を飛ばしていた馬の歩みが乱れ、平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoも武勇の手だてを失い、
The horse, which had been
galloping like the wind, lost its stride, and Masakado lost all means of
飛んできた矢A flying arrowが平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの額foreheadに命中hitし、あえなく討死died in battleした。
A flying arrow hit
Masakado's forehead and died in battle.
朝廷Imperial Courtのさらなる追討further huntingにより平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの弟younger brothersや子childrenら近親者close relativesも皆殺しにされたall killed。
As a result of further
hunting and killing by the Imperial Court, Masakado's younger brothers,
children and other close relatives were all killed.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの首headは平安京(へいあんきょう)Heiankyoにて晒し首(さらしくび)beheaded headとなり、
Masakado's head was
exposed in Heiankyo,
獄門(ごくもん)(晒し首(さらしくび)beheaded head)が日本史上in
Japanese historyで確認confirmedされている最も古く記録された例the oldest recorded exampleが平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoである。
Masakado is the oldest
recorded example of a prison gate confirmed in Japanese history.
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori(生没年不詳)
平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunikaの長男eldest son。
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの従兄弟cousin。
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no
(俵(田原)藤太(たわらの・とうた)Tawara no Tōta)(生没年不詳)
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
Rebellion of Taira no
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado(?~940)は、下総(しもうさ)Shimousa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture北部)に土着indigenousした中央貴族central aristocracyの末裔descendantで、一門の所領the territory of the clanをめぐる勢力争いpower struggleから、
Taira no Masakado (?-940)
was a descendant of the central aristocracy indigenous to Shimosa.
From the power struggle
over the territory of the clan,
935年(承平5年)、伯父uncleの平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunikaを殺しkilled、一族の対立the clan's rivalryは武力抗争armed conflictとなった。
In 935, he killed his
uncle Taira no Kunika, and the clan's rivalry turned into an armed conflict.
さらに彼は、住人residentsの要請requestを受けて常陸(ひたち)Hitachi Province(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture)の国衙(こくが)provincial government officesを襲撃attackedし、国家の反乱者national rebelとなった。
Furthermore, at the
request of the residents, he attacked Hitachi's Kokuga and became a national
Province(栃木県Tochigi Prefecture)・上野(こうづけ)Kōzuke Province(群馬県Gunma Prefecture)の国衙(こくが)provincial
government officesを陥(おと)しdefeated、
Next, he defeated the
Kokuga of Shimotsuke and Kozuke,
939年(天慶2年)には関八州(かんはっしゅう)Kanhasshu(関東八か国Eight provinces of Kanto)を平定subjugatedして新皇(しんのう)new emperorと称し、地方武士local Bushi(Warrior)や農民farmersの支持supportを受けた。
In 939 (Tengyo 2nd year),
he subjugated the eight provinces of Kansai and called himself the new emperor,
gaining the support of local samurai and farmers.
しかし、その後平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori(生没年不詳)と下野(しもつけ)Shimotsuke Province(栃木県Tochigi Prefecture)の押領使(おうりょうし)Oryoshi(Duties like local police)藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no Hidesato(俵(田原)藤太(たわらの・とうた)Tawara no Tōta)(生没年不詳)に攻められて、940年(天慶3年)に敗死died
in defeatした。
However, after that,
Taira no Sadamori (date of birth and death unknown) and Shimotsuke's envoy
Fujiwara no Hidesato (Tawara Fujita) (birth and death) year unknown) and died
in defeat in 940.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの行動actionsを記したものthe recordsに、乱の直後に書かれた『将門記(しょうもんき)Shomonki』がある。
One of the records of
Taira no Masakado's actions is "Shomonki," written immediately after
the war.
Author unknown.
記述は難解な漢文in Chineseだが、なかに関東地方(かんとうちほう)Kantō regionの方言dialectsや俗語slangも含み、ユニークな戦記文学unique piece of war literatureとして注目される。
Although the description
is difficult to understand in Chinese, it also contains dialects and slang from
the Kanto region, and is attracting attention as a unique piece of war literature.
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
Characteristics of Taira
no Masakado's Rebellion
関東8国the eight Kanto provincesを抑えたcontrolled平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoは、自ら新皇(しんのう)the new emperorと称した。
Taira no Masakado, who
controlled the eight Kanto provinces, called himself the new emperor.
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoがたてた権力支配The rule of powerは、新しい封建的国家権力new feudal state powerというよりは、
rule of power established by Taira no Masakado is not a new feudal state power.
関東(かんとう)Kantō regionにおける地域的な小天皇制的権力small emperor-like regional powerを企てたに過ぎず、中央権力central powerと質的に異なったものではなかった。
was nothing more than an attempt to establish a small emperor-like regional
power in the Kanto region, and was not qualitatively different from the central
また、その武力military powerが多く農民peasantsに拠(よ)っていたことは、長期間の戦闘long-term combatを不可能にさせ、
addition, the fact that much of its military power depended on peasants made
long-term combat impossible,
そのため、最後に平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado方に参加した軍勢が400人only 400 men joined the
this reason, as shown by the fact that only 400 men joined the forces of Taira
no Masakado at the end,
Many peasants were disappointed
and defected, and were eventually defeated.
そこには、のちの武士団samurai groupsに見られるような主従関係master-servant relationshipは成立していない。
There is no
master-servant relationship that can be seen in later samurai groups.
藤原純友の乱(ふじわら・の・すみとも・の・らん)Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomo
藤原純友(ふじわらの・すみとも)Fujiwara no Sumitomo(?~941年)
Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomo
前(さきの)伊予(いよ)Iyo Province(愛媛県Ehime Prefecture)国司(こくし)Provincial governorsであった藤原純友(ふじわらの・すみとも)Fujiwara no Sumitomo(?~941年)は、
Fujiwara no Sumitomo
(?-941), who was the former Iyo provincial governor,
934年(承平(じょうへい)4年)に任期が切れても京(きょう)Capitalに帰らず土着settled downし、
In 934 (Johei 4), even
after his term of office expired, he did not return to Kyoto and settled down.
藤原純友の乱(ふじわら・の・すみとも・の・らん)Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomo
伊予(いよ)Iyo Province(愛媛県Ehime
Islandを根拠地baseとして海賊piratesを従えて、瀬戸内海沿岸the coast of the Seto Inland Seaを荒らしまわりraiding、官物government goodsを奪取lootingした。
Using Hiburijima in Iyo
as a base, he accompanied pirates, raiding the coast of the Seto Inland Sea and
looting government goods.
そして940年(天慶(てんぎょう)3年)には、伊予(いよ)Iyo Province(愛媛県Ehime Prefecture)・讃岐(さぬき)Sanuki
Province(香川県Kagawa Prefecture)の国府(こくふ)Kokufu(Capitals of Provinces)を襲撃attackedし、さらに大宰府(だざいふ)Dazaifu(筑前国(ちくぜんのくに)Chikuzen Province(福岡県Fukuoka Prefecture))に侵入invadedした。
Then, in 940 (Tengyo 3),
he attacked the Kokufu in Iyo and Sanuki, and further invaded Dazaifu.
小野好古(おのの・よしふる)Ono no Yoshifuru(884~968)
小野道風(おのの・とうふう)Ono no Tōfūの兄elder
藤原純友の乱(ふじわら・の・すみとも・の・らん)Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomo
源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no
源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemoto(?~961)
Prince Sadasumiの子Son。
清和源氏(せいわ・げんじ)Seiwa Genjiの祖founder。
平将門の乱(たいら・の・まさかど・の・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
藤原純友の乱(ふじわら・の・すみとも・の・らん)Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomo
政府governmentはこの鎮圧suppressingに大いに手を焼いたが、追捕使(ついぶし)Tsuibushi(chasing down and capturing a criminal)として小野好古(おのの・よしふる)Ono no Yoshifuru(884~968)・源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemoto(?~961)を派遣dispatchedして、941年(天慶(てんぎょう)4年)にようやく討滅destroyedした。
The government had a hard
time suppressing this, but Yoshifuru ONO (884-968) and Tsunemoto MINAMOTO
(?-961) were dispatched as envoys to capture. It was dispatched and finally
destroyed in 941 (Tengyo 4).
粉河寺縁起絵巻(こかわでら・えんぎえまき)Kokawa-dera Engi
(Illustrated handscroll of
Legends of Kokawa-dera Temple)
2 武士団の形成
Formation of a Samurai
Armament of Shoen and
このような地方政治local politicsの乱れturmoilとともに、国衙(こくが)provincial government
officesの在庁官人(ざいちょう・かんじん)Zaichokanjin(Local bureaucrats engaged
in the practical work of provincial government)や
Along with the turmoil in
local politics, local officials of the provincial government,
郡家(ぐうけ)Guke(郡衙(ぐんが)District government offices)の郡司(ぐんじ)District governors・有力influential名主(みょうしゅ)Myoshu・荘官(しょうかん)Shokan(Shoen manager)らは、
Gunji (gunji),
influential family head (myoshu), Shokan (shokan) of the county (gunga),
それぞれの利害interestsを守るprotectために一層武装化armedを進めて武士化transformed into samuraiし、農民peasantsらも、またこれに頼って土地を守るprotect their landようになった。
In order to protect their
own interests, they were further armed and transformed into samurai, and
peasants also began to rely on them to protect their land.
武士団Samurai Group
武士団Samurai Group
武士団Samurai Group
武士(ぶし)Bushi(Warrior)は、武装させた自分の一族の者own armed family membersを家子(いえのこ)Ienoko(Samurai clan and children)、
A samurai would call his
own armed family members their sons and daughters.
支配ruledする所領territoriesの名主(みょうしゅ)Myoshuたちのうちから取り立てた者を郎党(郎等)(ろうとう)Roto(郎従(ろうじゅう)Roju)(Follower of Bushi(Warrior))・家人(けにん)Kenin(house person)などに編成organized
Those selected from among
the village heads of the territories they ruled were organized into Roto, Roju,
kenin, and so on.
はじめ、彼らは国衙領(こくがりょう)provincial government
At first, they were
dispersed without distinguishing between kokuga ryo and manors, but
やがて11世紀頃around the 11th centuryには、有力な豪族・武士influential ruling families and samuraiを中心に同族的血縁的な結びつきkinship-related tiesによって統合unitedされた中小武士団small and medium-sized samurai groupsが成立formedし、
Before long, around the 11th
century, small and medium-sized samurai groups were formed, which were united
by kinship-related ties centering on the influential ruling families and samurai.
12世紀 In the 12th centuryには、さらに有力武士団influential
samurai groupsに統合integrated intoされていった。
In the 12th century, it
was further integrated into influential samurai groups.
groupsは、こうして全国各地all over the countryの農村farming villagesを基盤basisにして形成formedされていくが、
Samurai groups were formed
on the basis of farming villages all over the country.
これら小武士団small samurai groupsは、国司(こくし)Provincial governorsとして地方the provincesに下り、任期が過ぎても都へ帰還せずnot return to the capitalに、そのまま土着した貴族indigenous aristocratsらを統率者leadersとして武家の棟梁(とうりょう)leaders of the samurai familiesと仰ぎ、いっそう強大になっていった。
These small samurai
groups went to the provinces as provincial governors, did not return to the
capital even after their term of office expired, and continued to look up to
the indigenous aristocrats as leaders of the samurai
families, becoming even more powerful.
こうして成立establishedした武家の棟梁(とうりょう)leaders of
the samurai familiesのうち、特に有力particularly
influentialになったのが平氏(へいし)Heishi(Taira clan)と源氏(げんじ)Genji(Minamoto clan)である。
Among the chief builders of
samurai families established in this way, the Heishi and Genji clans became
particularly influential.
桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmuの第三皇子the Third
母motherは多治比真宗(たじひの・まむね)Tajihi no Mamune。
桓武平氏(かんむ・へいし)the Kanmu
Heishi clanの祖Ancestor。
高見王(たかみ・おう)Prince Takami
葛原親王(かずらわら・しんのう)Prince Kazurawaraの第三王子the Third
平高望(たいらの・たかもち)Taira no Takamochi
平安時代中期in the middle
of the Heian periodの賜姓皇族(しせい・こうぞく)Surname royal family。
高望王(たかもち・おう)Prince Takamochiとも。
高見王(たかみ・おう)Prince Takamiの子Son。
桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmuの孫grandson(もしくは曾孫great-grandson)にあたり、高望王流桓武平氏(たかもち・おう・りゅう・かんむ・へいし)the Kanmu-Heishi clan of the Takamochio lineageの祖founder。
①平氏(へいし)Heishi(Taira clan)
平氏(へいし)Heishi(Taira clan)は、桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmu(在位781~806)の孫grandson、高棟王(たかむね・おう)Prince Takamuneが平朝臣(たいらの・あそん)Taira no Asonの姓(かばね)Kabane(surname)を与えられたのが始めである。
The Taira clan began when
Takamuneo, the grandson of Emperor Kanmu (reigned 781-806), was given the
surname Taira no Ason.
次いで890年に、高望王(たかもち・おう)Prince Takamochi(桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmuの曾孫great-grandson)は平氏(へいし)Heishi(Taira clan)の姓(かばね)Kabane(family name)を与えられ上総介(かずさの・すけ)Kazusa-no-suke(上総国(かずさの・くに)Kazusa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture中央部))となった。
Then in 890, Prince
Takamochi (Emperor Kanmu's great-grandson) was given the family name of Heishi
and became Kazusanosuke.
この系統が、関東(かんとう)Kantō regionに根を張った桓武平氏(かんむ・へいし)Kanmu Heishiである。
This lineage is the Kanmu
Heishi clan, which took root in the Kanto region.
なお、この流れから伊賀平氏(いが・へいし)Iga Heishiや伊勢平氏(いせ・へいし)Ise Heishiなどが生まれた。
The Iga-Heishi clan and
the Ise-Heira clan were born from this lineage.
清和天皇(せいわ・てんのう)Emperor Seiwa(在位858年~876年)
第56代天皇the 56th Emperor(在位858年~876年)
文徳天皇(もんとく・てんのう)Emperor Montokuの第四皇子The fourth prince。
The fourth prince of Emperor
母motherは藤原良房(ふじわらの・よしふさ)Fujiwara no Yoshifusaの娘daughterの藤原明子(ふじわらの・あきらけいこ)Fujiwara no Akirakeiko。
His mother was Akiko, the
daughter of Yoshifusa FUJIWARA.
後世、武門の棟梁the leader of the militaryとなる清和源氏(せいわ・げんじ)the Seiwa-Genji clanの祖founder。
The founder of the Seiwa-Genji
clan, who later became the leader of the military.
Prince Sadasumi
清和天皇(せいわ・てんのう)Emperor Seiwaの第六皇子the Sixth
源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no
源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no
Prince Sadasumiの子Son。
清和源氏(せいわ・げんじ)Seiwa Genjiの祖founder。
平将門の乱(たいら・の・まさかど・の・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
藤原純友の乱(ふじわら・の・すみとも・の・らん)Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomo
源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunaka(912~997)
清和源氏(せいわ・げんじ)Seiwa Genji、六孫王(ろくそんのう)Rokusonnō源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemotoの嫡男the
eldest son。
多田源氏(ただ・げんじ)Tada Genjiの祖Ancestor。
安和の変(あんな・の・へん)Anna Incident (969年(安和2年))
②源氏(げんじ)Genji(Minamoto clan)
814年(弘仁5年)、嵯峨天皇(さが・てんのう)Emperor Saga(在位809~823)(桓武天皇(かんむ・てんのう)Emperor Kanmuの第二皇子the second son)の皇子(おうじ)the princesらに源朝臣(みなもとの・あそん)Minamoto no Asonの姓(かばね)Kabane(surname)を与えられて以後、諸天皇の皇子(おうじ)The Emperor's princesが相次いで源氏(げんじ)Genji(Minamoto clan)を与えられた。
In 814 (Konin 5), the
surname Minamoto no Ason was given to the princes of Emperor Saga (reigned
809-823) (son of Emperor Kanmu). The Emperor's princes were given the title of
Genji one after another.
それらのうち、武蔵介(むさしの・すけ)Musashi-no-suke(武蔵国(むさしの・くに)Musashi Province(東京都Tokyo Metropolis、埼玉県Saitama Prefecture、神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture))として平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Taira no Masakado's rebellionとも関わりinvolved
in、藤原純友(ふじわらの・すみとも)Fujiwara no Sumitomo追討hunting downに功のあった源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemoto(?~961)を始祖founderとする清和源氏(せいわ・げんじ)Seiwa Genjiが有力で、その流れdescendantsには摂津源氏(せっつ・げんじ)Settsu Genji・河内源氏(かわち・げんじ)Kawachi Genjiなどがある。
Among them, Minamoto no
Tsunemoto, who was involved in Taira no Masakado's rebellion as Musashi-no-suke
and was successful in hunting down Fujiwara no Sumitomo. (?~961) is the founder
of the Seiwa-Genji, and its descendants include the Settsu-Genji and the
侍(さぶらい)samurai(貴人のそばに仕えるserve one's master)
3 武士勢力の進出
Advance of Samurai forces
Social status of Bushi(Warrior)
武士団(ぶしだん)Group of Bushi(Warrior)は、強い軍事力strong military powerをもつ集団groupとして形成formedされたが、それは都capitalでは貴族nobilityに従属subordinateする「侍(さぶらい)samurai(貴人のそばに仕えるserve one's master)」に過ぎず、その社会的地位social statusは極めて低くextremely low見られていた。
Bushidan was formed as a
group with strong military power, but in the capital it was nothing more than a
samurai subordinate to the nobility, and its social status was seen as
extremely low.
そのため、武士(ぶし)Samuraiが社会的地位social statusを多くの人々に認められるgain recognitionまでには、長い年月を要した。
Therefore, it took many
years for the samurai to gain recognition of their social status.
検非違使(けびいし)Kebiishi(police and judicial chief)
Samurai and Sekkan
こうした武士(ぶし)Samuraiにとって、公的な権威のある地位position of public authorityに就(つ)くassumeことは、彼らの望むところであり、また在地支配local
For these samurai, it was
what they wanted, and what was necessary for local control, to assume a position
of public authority.
彼らは、地方rural areasで国衙(こくが)provincial government officesの下級官人lower-ranking officialsである在庁官人(ざいちょう・かんじん)Zaichokanjin(Local bureaucrats engaged
in the practical work of provincial government)や荘園(しょうえん)Shoen(Manor)の荘官(しょうかん)Shokan(Shoen manager)となったり、あるいは追捕使(ついぶし)Tsuibushi(chasing down and capturing a criminal)や押領使(おうりょうし)Oryoshi(Duties like local police)になったりした。
In rural areas, they
became zaichokanjin, lower-ranking officials of the provincial government, or
shokan of manors, or tsuibushi or envoys of imprisonment. Ryoshi).
中央でも、治安の乱れthe disturbance of public orderに伴って武士の実力the strength of the samuraiに依存rely onせざるを得なくなり、
Even in the center, due
to the disturbance of public order, they had to rely on the strength of the samurai.
9世紀末At the end of the 9th centuryには宮中護衛guard the imperial courtのために滝口の武士(たきぐち・の・ぶし)Takiguchi no Bushiを置き、
At the end of the 9th
century, the Takiguchi samurai were stationed to guard the imperial court.
また、武士(ぶし)Bushi(Warrior)を検非違使庁(けびいしの・ちょう)The Kenbiishi Officeの役人officialsに任命appointedして、京(きょう)Capital中の警戒guardに当たらせた。
In addition, samurai were
appointed as officials of the Kebiishi no cho (Kebiishi no cho), and they were
made to guard Kyoto.
また、貴族aristocratsや寺社temples and shrinesでも、武士(ぶし)Bushi(Warrior)を侍(さぶらい)Saburaiとしてその警備guardsに当たらせた。
In addition, aristocrats
and temples and shrines had samurai guards as samurai.
こうしたなかで、藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan familyと結んで進出advancedしたのが、源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemoto一族clanで摂津(せっつ)Settsu Province(大阪府Osaka Prefecture、兵庫県Hyōgo Prefecture)に土着していた源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunaka(912~997)(源経基(みなもとの・つねもと)Minamoto no Tsunemotoの子son)(安和の変(あんなの・へん)Anna Incident)らであった。
Under these
circumstances, MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka (912-997), who was a member of the
MINAMOTO no Tsunemoto clan and was a native of Settsu, and others, allied themselves
with the Sekkan family and advanced into the area.
滝口の武士(たきぐちの・ぶし)Takiguchi no
滝口の武士(たきぐち・の・ぶし)Takiguchi no
Uda(在位887~897)(醍醐天皇(だいご・てんのう)Emperor Daigoの父father)の時に、宮中警衛guarding the Imperial Courtのために設置establishedされたが、これが武士(ぶし)Bushi(Warrior)の中央進出advance
to the central governmentの大きな契機major opportunityとなった。
It was established during
the reign of Emperor Uda (reigned 887-897) (father of Emperor Daigo) for
guarding the Imperial Court, and this was a major opportunity for samurai to
advance to the central government.
滝口(たきぐち)Takiguchiの名称は、はじめ清涼殿(せいりょうでん)Seiryodenの東北in the northeastにある水の落口waterfall(滝口(たきぐち)Takiguchiと呼んだ)に詰めたところからおこった。
The name "Takiguchi"
originated from the fact that the waterfall (called "Takiguchi") in
the northeast of Seiryoden was filled with water.
源頼光(みなもとの・よりみつ)Minamoto no Yorimitsu(948~1021)
源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunakaの長子eldest
sonで清和源氏(せいわ・げんじ)Seiwa Genjiの三代目the third generation。
源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunakaが初めて武士団samurai
groupを形成した摂津国(せっつのくに)Settsu Province(大阪府Osaka
Prefecture、兵庫県Hyōgo Prefecture)多田(ただ)Tadaの地を相続し、その子孫descendantsは「摂津源氏(せっつ・げんじ)Settsu Genji」と呼ばれる。
MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka
inherited the land of Tada, Settsu Province, where the first samurai group was
formed, and his descendants are called 'Settsu Genji.'
異母弟half-brotherに大和源氏(やまと・げんじ)Yamato-Genjiの源頼親(みなもとの・よりちか)Minamoto no Yorichika、後に武家源氏samurai Genjiの主流mainstreamとなる河内源氏(かわち・げんじ)Kawachi Genjiの源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobuがいる。
His half-brother was
MINAMOTO no Yorichika of Yamato-Genji, and MINAMOTO no Yorinobu of Kawachi-Genji,
who later became the mainstream of samurai Genji.
源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobu(968~1048)
源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunakaの三男third
河内国(かわちのくに)Kawachi Province(大阪府Osaka
Prefecture東部)石川郡(いしかわぐん)Ishikawa-gun壺井(つぼい)Tsuboiを本拠地basedとする河内源氏(かわち・げんじ)the Kawachi-Genji clanの祖ancestor。
平忠常の乱(たいらの・ただつねの・らん)Taira no
Tadatsune disturbance
源頼義(みなもとの・よりよし)Minamoto no Yoriyoshi(988~1075)
Kawachi-Genji clan初代棟梁the first leader・源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobuの嫡男the
oldest legitimate sonで河内源氏(かわち・げんじ)the Kawachi-Genji clan二代目棟梁the second leader。
He is the eldest son of
Yorinobu Minamoto, the first master carpenter of the Kawachi-Genji clan, and
the second master carpenter of the Kawachi-Genji clan.
源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiieの父father
平忠常の乱(たいらの・ただつねの・らん)Taira no
Tadatsune disturbance
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War
源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiie(1039~1106)
源頼義(みなもとの・よりよし)Minamoto no Yoriyoshiの長男eldest
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War
後三年の役(ごさんねんの・えき)Later Three-Year War
Military Advance of Bushi(Warrior)
安和の変(あんな・の・へん)Anna Incident(969年(安和2年))で源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunaka(912~997)が活躍して以来、
Since Minamoto no
Mitsunaka played an active role in the Anwa Incident (969),
その子children源頼光(みなもとの・よりみつ)Minamoto no Yorimitsu(948~1021)・源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobu(968~1048)は藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan familyに近づき、源氏(げんじ)Genji(Minamoto clan)と藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan familyとの結びつきはいっそう強くなっていった。
His children Minamoto no
Yorimitsu (948-1021) and Minamoto no Yorinobu (968-1048) approached the Sekkan
family, and the relationship between Genji and the Sekkan family became even
stronger. rice field.
さらに11世紀 in the 11th centuryに入って、平忠常の乱(たいらの・ただつねの・らん)Taira no Tadatsune disturbance(1028年)、
Furthermore, in the 11th
century, Taira no Tadatsune no Ran (1028),
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War(1051年~1062年)、
no Eki (Zenkunen no Eki) (1051-1062),
後三年の役(ごさんねんの・えき)Later Three-Year War(1083年~1087年)など、
no Eki (Gosannen no Eki) (1083-1087), etc.
地方での反乱rebellionsをそれぞれ鎮圧suppressedし、その勢力powerは東国(とうごく)Eastern Provincesを基盤に強固strongerになっていった。
They suppressed the
rebellions in each region, and their power became stronger based on the eastern
平忠常の乱(たいらの・ただつねの・らん)Taira no
Tadatsune disturbance
平忠常(たいらの・ただつね)Taira no
平忠頼(たいらの・ただより)Taira no
grandfatherは平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakado。
Taira no Tadatsune
1028年(長元1年)、下総国(しもうさの・くに)Shimousa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture北部)の住人residentであった前(さきの)上総介(かずさの・すけ)Kazusa-no-suke(上総国(かずさの・くに)Kazusa
Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture中央部))(当時は下総権介(しもうさの・ごんのすけ)Shimousa-no-gon-no-suke)平忠常(たいらの・ただつね)Taira no Tadatsune(967年~1031年)(平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの孫grandson)が、安房守(あわの・かみ)Awa-no-kami(安房国(あわの・くに)Awa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture南部))を殺したkilledことに端を発した。
In 1028 (1st year of the
Chogen era), a resident of Shimosa Province, former Kazusa nosuke (at that time,
Shimosa no Gonnosuke) Taira no Tadatsune (967-1031) killed Awanokami.
Courtは度々追討使envoys to investigateを派遣dispatchedしたが成果はなく、1030年(長元3年)、甲斐守(かいの・かみ)Kai-no-kami(甲斐国(かいの・くに)Kai Province(山梨県Yamanashi Prefecture))源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobu(968~1048)(源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunakaの三男third
son)が派遣dispatchedされるに及んで、平忠常(たいらの・ただつね)Taira no Tadatsuneはほとんど戦うところなく降伏してしまったsurrendered almost without fighting。
The Imperial Court
repeatedly dispatched envoys to investigate and kill them, but they did not
produce any results, and in 1030, Kai no Kami Minamoto no Yorinobu (968-1048)
was dispatched, Taira no Tadatsune surrendered almost without fighting.
当時はまだ源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobu(源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunakaの三男third son)の武門の棟梁(とうりょう)leaders of the samurai familiesとしての地位positionは確立establishedしておらず、おそらく平忠常(たいらの・ただつね)Taira no Tadatsune側の事情circumstancesによるのであろう。
At that time, he had not
yet established his position as the chief builder of Minamoto no Yorinobu's
military discipline, and this was probably due to circumstances on Taira no
Tadatsune's side.
しかしこの後、源氏(げんじ)Genji(Minamoto clan)の勢力powerが東国(とうごく)Eastern Provincesに植えつけられたplanted in。
However, after this, the
power of the Genji was planted in the eastern part of Japan.
源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobu(968~1048)
源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunakaの三男third
Province(大阪府Osaka Prefecture東部)石川郡(いしかわぐん)Ishikawa-gun壺井(つぼい)Tsuboiを本拠地basedとする河内源氏(かわち・げんじ)the Kawachi-Genji clanの祖ancestor。
平忠常の乱(たいらの・ただつねの・らん)Taira no
Tadatsune disturbance
Surrender of Taira no
その理由reasonsは明らかではないが、乱前の上総国(かずさの・くに)Kazusa Province(千葉県Chiba Prefecture中央部)では2980町あった本田(ほんでん)Hondenが、乱後18町に過ぎなかったというように、長い戦乱the
long warにより耕地arable landが荒廃devastatedしたことや、
The reasons for this are
not clear, but there were 2,980 towns of Honda in Kazusa Province before the
war, but only 18 towns after the war. The arable land was devastated by the
long war,
以前、平忠常(たいらの・ただつね)Taira no Tadatsuneが源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobuの家人(けにん)Kenin(house person)であったことなどに起因causedするらしい。
It seems to be caused by
the fact that Taira Tadatsune used to be a retainer of Minamoto no Yorinobu.
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War(1051年~1062年)
安倍頼時(あべの・よりとき)Abe no
安倍忠良(あべの・ただよし)Abe no
孫grandsonに奥州藤原氏(おうしゅう・ふじわらし)Oshu Fujiwara clan(Northern Fujiwara)の初代founder藤原清衡(ふじわらの・きよひら)Fujiwara no Kiyohiraがいる。
安倍貞任(あべの・さだとう)Abe no Sadato(1019~1062)
安倍頼時(あべの・よりとき)Abe no
Yoritokiの次男second son。
Nine Years' War
また陸奥国(むつの・くに)Mutsu Province(福島県Fukushima Prefecture、宮城県Miyagi Prefecture、岩手県Iwate Prefecture、青森県Aomori Prefectureと秋田県Akita Prefectureの一部)では、11世紀の半ば頃around the middle of the 11th century、俘囚(ふしゅう)Fushu(律令国家Ritsuryo stateに服属subjectした蝦夷(えみし)Emishi)の長chiefsである安倍頼時(あべの・よりとき)Abe no Yoritoki(?~1057)・安倍貞任(あべの・さだとう)Abe no Sadato(1019~1062)の父子father and sonが勢力を振るいwielded power、
In Mutsu Province, around
the middle of the 11th century, Abe no Yoritoki (?-1057) and Abe Sadato, who
were the chiefs of Fushu (Ezo who were subject to the Ritsuryo system) (Sadato)
(1019-1062) father and son wielded power,
貢租(こうそ)tribute・徭役(ようえき)levyを納めず、国司(こくし)Provincial governorsもこれを制することができないほどであった。
He did not pay tribute
and levy, and even the provincial governor could not control it.
源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobu(968~1048)
源満仲(みなもとの・みつなか)Minamoto no Mitsunakaの三男third
河内国(かわちの・くに)Kawachi Province(大阪府Osaka
Prefecture東部)石川郡(いしかわぐん)Ishikawa-gun壺井(つぼい)Tsuboiを本拠地basedとする河内源氏(かわち・げんじ)the Kawachi-Genji clanの祖ancestor。
平忠常の乱(たいらの・ただつねの・らん)Taira no Tadatsune
源頼義(みなもとの・よりよし)Minamoto no Yoriyoshi(988~1075)
Kawachi-Genji clan初代棟梁the first leader・源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobuの嫡男the
oldest legitimate sonで河内源氏(かわち・げんじ)the Kawachi-Genji clan二代目棟梁the second leader。
He is the eldest son of
Yorinobu Minamoto, the first master carpenter of the Kawachi-Genji clan, and
the second master carpenter of the Kawachi-Genji clan.
平忠常の乱(たいらの・ただつねの・らん)Taira no
Tadatsune disturbance
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War
源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiie(1039~1106)
源頼義(みなもとの・よりよし)Minamoto no Yoriyoshiの長男eldest
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War
後三年の役(ごさんねんの・えき)Later Three-Year War
そこで1051年(永承6年)、源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobu(968~1048)の子son源頼義(みなもとの・よりよし)Minamoto no Yoriyoshi(988~1075)が陸奥守(むつの・かみ)Mutsu-no-kamiに任ぜられ、次いで鎮守府将軍(ちんじゅふ・しょうぐん)Chinjufu
of the central peacekeeping headquarters)を兼ね(1053年)、
In 1051 (Eisho 6),
Minamoto Yorinobu's son Minamoto Yoriyoshi (988-1075) was appointed Mutsunokami,
and then the Chinjufu Shogun (1053). Year),
子sonの源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiie(1039~1106)とともに入国enteredすると乱rebellionは一時治まったtemporarily subsided。
When he entered Japan
with his son Minamoto no Yoshiie (1039-1106), the rebellion temporarily subsided.
清原光頼(きよはらの・みつより)Kiyohara no Mitsuyori
清原武則(きよはらの・たけのり)Kiyohara no
Takenoriの兄elder brother。
清原武則(きよはらの・たけのり)Kiyohara no
清原光頼(きよはらの・みつより)Kiyohara no Mitsuyoriの弟younger brother。
しかし1056年(天喜4年)、再び反乱rebellionが起こり、苦戦の末after a bitter battle、出羽(でわ)Dewa Province(山形県Yamagata Prefectureと秋田県Akita Prefecture)の俘囚(ふしゅう)Fushuの長head清原光頼(きよはらの・みつより)Kiyohara no Mitsuyori・清原武則(きよはらの・たけのり)Kiyohara no Takenori兄弟brothersの援助assistanceを受けて、
However, in 1056, a rebellion
broke out again, and after a bitter battle, Kiyohara Mitsuyori, the head of
Dewa's prisoner, and Kiyohara Takenori brothers with assistance,
1062年(康平5年)安倍貞任(あべの・さだとう)Abe no Sadato(1019~1062)らを倒したdefeated。
In 1062 (Kohei 5), he defeated
Abe no Sadato and others.
これにより源氏(げんじ)Genji(Minamoto clan)の武名military
nameは東国(とうごく)Eastern Provincesにいっそう高まり、武士の棟梁(とうりょう)leaders of the samuraiの家familyとしての地位positionを築くestablishことができた。
As a result, the military
name of the Genji clan was further enhanced in the eastern part of the country,
and they were able to establish a position as the family of the chief builder
of the samurai.
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' Warの有様を描いた物語storyが『陸奥話記(むつわき)Mutsuwaki』で、戦記文学(せんき・ぶんがく)war literatureの先駆pioneerとされる。
The story depicting the
state of Zenkunen no Eki is called Mutsuwaki, and is considered to be the
pioneer of war literature.
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War
後三年の役(ごさんねんの・えき)Later Three-Year War
源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiie(1039~1106)
源頼義(みなもとの・よりよし)Minamoto no Yoriyoshiの長男eldest
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War
後三年の役(ごさんねんの・えき)Later Three-Year War
藤原経清(ふじわらの・つねきよ)Fujiwara no
藤原秀郷(ふじわらの・ひでさと)Fujiwara no
Hidesato(俵(田原)藤太(たわらの・とうた)Tawara no Tōta)の子孫descendant。
藤原清衡(ふじわらの・きよひら)Fujiwara no Kiyohiraの父father。
藤原清衡(ふじわらの・きよひら)Fujiwara no Kiyohira(1056~1128)
(清原清衡(きよはらの・きよひら)Kiyohara no Kiyohira)
藤原経清(ふじわらの・つねきよ)Fujiwara no
母motherは、安倍頼時(あべの・よりとき)Abe no Yoritokiの娘daughterの有加一乃末陪(ありかいちの・まえ)Arika Ichi no Mae。
奥州藤原氏(おうしゅう・ふじわらし)Oshu Fujiwara clan(Northern Fujiwara)の初代founder。
清原家衡(きよはらの・いえひら)Kiyohara no
(清原武則(きよはらの・たけのり)Kiyohara no Takenoriの孫grandson)
父fatherは清原武貞(きよはらの・たけさだ)Kiyohara no Takesada、母motherは、安倍頼時(あべの・よりとき)Abe no Yoritokiの娘daughterの有加一乃末陪(ありかいちの・まえ)Arika Ichi no Mae。
藤原清衡(ふじわらの・きよひら)Fujiwara no Kiyohiraの異父弟half-brother。
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War後、奥羽(おうう)Ou(東北地方(とうほくちほう)Tōhoku region)に勢力を伸ばした清原氏(きよはらし)一族the Kiyohara
After the Zenkunen no
Eki, the Kiyohara clan, which expanded its influence in Ou, started a conflict
within the Kiyohara clan.
1083年(永保3年)、源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiie(1039~1106)が陸奥守(むつの・かみ)Mutsu-no-kamiとなり、
In 1083 (3rd year of Eiho),
Minamoto no Yoshiie became Mutsunokami.
1086年(応徳3年)には藤原清衡(ふじわらの・きよひら)Fujiwara no Kiyohira(清原清衡(きよはらの・きよひら)Kiyohara no Kiyohira)(1056~1128)を助けて清原家衡(きよはらの・いえひら)Kiyohara no Iehiraを攻め、翌1087年(寛治1年)金沢柵(かねざわの・さく)Kanezawa no Saku(秋田県Akita Prefecture横手市Yokote City)を攻めてattacked内紛internal
In 1086 (Otoku 3), he
helped Fujiwara no Kiyohira (Kiyohara Kiyohira) (1056-1128) to attack Kiyohara
no Iehira, and in 1087 (Kanji 1). He attacked Kanazawa no Saku (Yokote City,
Akita Prefecture) and pacified the internal conflict.
Courtは私闘private battleとみなしたが、源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiieが私財personal propertyをもって武士に功賞を与えreward the samurai for meritorious service、武士たちの心をうる結果winning the hearts of the samuraiとなった。
The Imperial Court
regarded it as a private battle, but Minamoto no Yoshiie used his personal
property to reward the samurai for meritorious service, winning the hearts of
the samurai.
勝利victoryを得た藤原清衡(ふじわらの・きよひら)Fujiwara no Kiyohiraは畿内(きない)Capital Regionに匹敵する生産力productivityと、特産special
productsの金gold・馬horsesを中央の貴族central aristocrats(特に藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara Sekkan family)に貢納paid tributeして歓心を買い、京(きょう)Capitalの文化cultureを導入introducedした。
Having won the victory,
Fujiwara no Kiyohira paid tribute to the central aristocrats (especially the
Sekkan-ke) with a productivity comparable to that of the Kinai region, as well
as special products such as gold and horses, and introduced the culture of
また北方との交易trade with the northを通じて独自の文化its own cultureを育て、いわゆる平泉(ひらいずみ)Hiraizumi(岩手県Iwate Prefecture)の奥州藤原氏(おうしゅう・ふじわらし)Oshu Fujiwara clan(Northern Fujiwara)三代(さんだい)the three generationsの栄華(えいが)the prosperityの基the foundationをつくった。
In addition, through
trade with the north, it nurtured its own culture and laid the foundation for the
prosperity of the three generations of the so-called Oshu Fujiwara clan in Hiraizumi.
源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiie(1039~1106)
源頼義(みなもとの・よりよし)Minamoto no Yoriyoshiの長男eldest
前九年の役(ぜんくねんの・えき)Former Nine Years' War
後三年の役(ごさんねんの・えき)Later Three-Year War
no Yoshiie
源頼信(みなもとの・よりのぶ)Minamoto no Yorinobu・源頼義(みなもとの・よりよし)Minamoto no Yoriyoshiに次いで源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiieは、前九年の役(ぜんくねんのえき)Former Nine Years' War・後三年の役(ごさんねんのえき)Later Three-Year Warをへて、特に東国(とうごく)Eastern Provincesの在地の武士samurai
Following Minamoto no
Yorinobu and Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, Minamoto no Yoshiie passed the Zenkunen no
Eki and the Gosannen no Eki, was especially revered by samurai in Togoku.
It was especially revered
by samurai warriors living in the eastern part of Japan.
彼らは、源氏(げんじ)Genji(Minamoto clan)を貴族the
aristocratsに代わる時代の実力者a powerhouse of the timesとして認識し始めbegan to recognize、すすんで土地を寄進donated landした。
They began to recognize
the Genji as a powerhouse of the times to replace the aristocrats, and
willingly donated land.
このためついに1091年(寛治5年)には、源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiieが随兵with his troopsして入京entering Capitalすること、源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiieへの土地land(荘園(しょうえん)Shoen(Manor))の寄進donationが禁止prohibitedされたほどである(寛治五年の宣旨(かんじごねん・の・せんじ)Declaration of the 5th year of Kanji)。
For this reason, in 1091,
MINAMOTO no Yoshiie was prohibited from entering Kyoto with his troops, and the
donation of land (manor) to MINAMOTO no Yoshiie was prohibited. Declaration of
the 5th year of Kanji).
しかし、他方で源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiieの昇殿(しょうでん)Shoden(Ascending to the hall in
However, on the other
hand, as we had to allow Minamoto no Yoshiie to ascend to the palace (1098),
武士の棟梁(とうりょう)the leader of
the samuraiとしての地位His positionが確立establishedし、またそれに伴って武士団の組織the organization of the samurai corpsもようやく強固strongerなものとなっていった。
His position as the
leader of the samurai was established, and along with this, the organization of
the samurai corps finally became stronger.
平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori(生没年不詳)
平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunikaの長男eldest son。
平将門(たいらの・まさかど)Taira no Masakadoの従兄弟cousin。
平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado
平正盛(たいらの・まさもり)Taira no Masamori
平正衡(たいらの・まさひら)Taira no Masahiraの子son。
平清盛(たいらの・きよもり)Taira no
白河法皇(しらかわ・ほうおう)Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa
白河上皇(しらかわ・じょうこう)Retired Emperor
第72代天皇the 72nd Emperor(在位1073年~1087年)
Go-Sanjōの第一皇子the First son。
平忠盛(たいらの・ただもり)Taira no Tadamori(1096~1153)
平正盛(たいらの・まさもり)Taira no Masamoriの子son。
平清盛(たいらの・きよもり)Taira no
伊勢平氏(いせ・へいし)Ise Heishi
一方、平将門の乱(たいらの・まさかどの・らん)Rebellion of Taira no Masakado(935年)・平忠常の乱(たいらの・ただつねの・らん)Taira no Tadatsune disturbance(1028年)以来東国(とうごく)Eastern Provincesでの基盤を失ったlost its foundation平氏(へいし)Heishi(Taira clan)も、
On the other hand, the
Taira clan, which lost its foundation in the eastern part of Japan after the
Taira no Masakado Rebellion (935) and the Taira no Tadatsune Rebellion (1028),
のちに平貞盛(たいらの・さだもり)Taira no Sadamori(生没年不詳)(平国香(たいらの・くにか)Taira no Kunikaの子son)の子son平維衡(たいらの・これひら)Taira no Korehiraを祖ancestorとする伊勢平氏(いせ・へいし)Ise Heishiに平正盛(たいらの・まさもり)Taira no Masamori(平清盛(たいらの・きよもり)Taira no Kiyomoriの祖父grandfather)が出て、白河法皇(しらかわ・ほうおう)Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa(後三条天皇(ごさんじょう・てんのう)Emperor Go-Sanjōの第一皇子first prince)に登用promotedされた。
Later, TAIRA no Masamori
appeared in the Ise-Heishi clan whose ancestor was TAIRA no Korehira, the son
of TAIRA no Sadamori, and was promoted to Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa.
またその子son平忠盛(たいらの・ただもり)Taira no Tadamori(1096~1153)(平正盛(たいらの・まさもり)Taira no Masamoriの子son)も院政(いんせい)Cloistered rule(Cloistered
government)と結びつきconnected with、次第に中央政界the central political arenaに進出enteredしていった。
In addition, his son
TAIRA no Tadamori (1096-1153) also connected with the cloistered government and
gradually entered the central political arena.
北面の武士(ほくめん・の・ぶし)Hokumen no
中央への進出Advance to the
こうして、源氏(げんじ)Genji(Minamoto clan)は藤原摂関家(ふじわら・せっかんけ)Fujiwara
Sekkan familyと、平氏(へいし)Heishi(Taira clan)は院(いん)In(Cloistered government)と結びついてconnected with勢力を伸ばしexpanded their power、
In this way, the Genji
connected with the Sekkan family, and the Taira clan with the In, and expanded their
government periodには先の滝口の武士(たきぐち・の・ぶし)Takiguchi no Bushiに次いで、院(いん)In(Cloistered government)に北面の武士(ほくめん・の・ぶし)Hokumen no Bushiが置かれることとなり、
During the cloistered
government period, following Takiguchi no Bushi, Hokumen no Bushi was placed in
the cloister.
いよいよ武士の時代The age of samuraiがやってこようとするのである。
The age of samurai is
about to finally come.
平清盛(たいらの・きよもり)Taira no
平忠盛(たいらの・ただもり)Taira no Tadamoriの嫡男the
oldest legitimate son。
北面の武士(ほくめん・の・ぶし)Hokumen no
白河上皇(しらかわ・じょうこう)Retired Emperor
Shirakawa(後三条天皇(ごさんじょう・てんのう)Emperor Go-Sanjōの第一皇子first prince)が院(いん)In(Cloistered government)の警衛guardに当たらせるために、院(いん)In(Cloistered government)の御所Imperial Palaceの北面north faceに設けた。
The Retired Emperor Shirakawa
installed it on the north face of the Imperial Palace to guard the Imperial
とくに伊勢平氏(いせ・へいし)Ise Heishiのうちから平忠盛(たいらの・ただもり)Taira no Tadamori━平清盛(たいらの・きよもり)Taira no
Kiyomori系は、中央に進出advanced to the centerした。
In particular, the TAIRA
no Tadamori-TAIRA no Kiyomori lineage from the Ise-Heishi clan advanced to the center.