光る君へ Dear Radiance
光る君へ Dear Radiance 2024年(令和6年)
脚本 大石 静
光る君へ Dear Radiance 2024年(令和6年)
脚本 大石 静
まる Maru she-cat (2M)
はな Hana she-cat (2M)
New family
members Norimaki
Sisters (3M)
New family
members Norimaki
Sisters (3M)
まる Maru she-cat (3M)
はな Hana she-cat (3M)
まる Maru she-cat (6M)
はな Hana she-cat (6M)
紫式部 Murasaki
Shikibu (Lady Murasaki)
『源氏物語 Genji
monogatari (The Tale of Genji)』
『源氏物語 Genji
monogatari (The Tale of Genji)』
宇治十帖 the Uji Ten Chapters
『紫式部日記 Murasaki
Shikibu Nikki (The Diary of Lady Murasaki)』
光る君へ Dear Radiance
まひろ Mahiro (Murasaki Shikibu)
三郎(藤原道長) Saburo (Fujiwara Michinaga)
散楽 Sangaku (traditional Japanese entertainment)
In the third year of the Jogen era (978), Mahiro
(Murasaki Shikibu), the daughter of a poor lower-ranking aristocrat, became close friends
with Saburo (Fujiwara
Michinaga), the third son of the Minister of the
Right family, who had been attending Sangaku
(traditional Japanese entertainment) while hiding his identity as a child.
貧しい下級貴族 a poor lower-ranking aristocrat
右大臣家 the Minister of the Right family
身分を隠して hiding his identity
藤原道兼 Fujiwara no
Michikane 玉置玲央 Reo Tamaoki (39歳)
藤原兼家の次男。The second son of Fujiwara no Kaneie.
藤原道長の次兄。The second
elder brother of Fujiwara no Michinaga.
ちやは 国仲涼子 Ryōko Kuninaka (45歳)
However, one day, while rushing to meet Saburo,
Mahiro accidentally causes Saburo's older
brother, Fujiwara no Michikane, to fall off his
In a fit of rage, Michikane kills her
mother, Chiyaha.
まひろ Mahiro (Murasaki Shikibu)
藤原為時 Fujiwara no
Tametoki 岸谷五朗 Goro
KIshitani (60歳)
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneie 段田安則 Yasunori Danta (68歳)
藤原師輔 Fujiwara no
Morosukeの三男Third son。
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
藤原道兼 Fujiwara no
Michikane 玉置玲央 Reo Tamaoki (39歳)
東宮 Crown Prince・師貞親王 Morosada(花山天皇 Emperor Kazan・花山院 Kazan-in) 本郷奏多 Kanata Hongō (34歳)
Emperor Reizei's son
円融天皇の甥 Nephew
of Emperor En'yu
東宮 Togu
皇太子Crown Princeの居所、つまり住居する場所を意味し、転じて、皇太子Crown Princeそのものを意味する言葉にもなった。
It meant the Crown Prince's residence,
that is, the place where he lived, and by extension, it also came to mean the Crown Prince himself.
Mahiro filed a lawsuit against Mahiro’s father,
Fujiwara no Tametoki, for Michikane's actions,
but Tametoki had obtained a position as tutor
to the Crown Prince, Morosada
(Emperor Kazan, Kazan-in), through the mediation
of Michikane's father, Fujiwara no Kaneie, and
so he did not make this incident public.
まひろ Mahiro (紫式部 Murasaki
Shikibu) 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
乙丸 Otomaru 矢部太郎 Taro Yabe (47歳)
代書屋 scrivener
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga (966~1027) 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneieの五男the fifth son(または四男the fourth son)。
後一条天皇 Emperor
Goichijo・後朱雀天皇 Emperor
Gosuzaku・後冷泉天皇Emperor Goreizeiの外祖父 the maternal
裳着 Mogiは、平安時代から安土桃山時代にかけて、女子が成人したことを示すことを目的として行われた通過儀礼。
Mogi was a rite of passage held from the Heian period through the
Azuchi-Momoyama period for girls to show that
they had reached adulthood.
Genpuku is a ceremony held in Japan since the Nara period to mark the
coming of age of boys.
Since then, Mahiro has been carrying the feud with her father, and in the year
984, she had reached adulthood.
She behaves freely and leads her servant Otomaru
around, while she finds meaning in life by
writing novels as a scrivener in the city.
One day, she is reunited with Saburo, known as Michinaga,
who has just come of age.
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneie 段田安則 Yasunori Danta (68歳)
藤原道兼 Fujiwara no
Michikane 玉置玲央 Reo Tamaoki (39歳)
円融天皇 Emperor En'yū (在位969年~984年) 坂東巳之助 Bandō
Minosuke II (35歳)
村上天皇 Emperor Murakamiの第5皇子the fifth son。
母motherは藤原師輔 Fujiwara no
Morosukeの娘daughter・中宮 consort 藤原安子 Fujiwara no
冷泉天皇 Emperor
Reizei の同母弟 maternal
younger brother。
On the other hand, Fujiwara no Kaneie
put the prosperity of his clan above all else,
and after covering up the murder of Fujiwara no Michikane, he used
him as a pawn and secretly tried to
force Emperor En'yu to abdicate
for political gain.
藤原詮子 Fujiwara no Akiko 吉田羊 Yō Yoshida (51歳)
円融天皇 Emperor En'yūの女御Empress。
一条天皇 Emperor Ichijōの母mother。
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no Kaneieの次女second daughter。
藤原道長 Fujiwara no Michinagaの同母姉 maternal elder sister。
Emperor En'yu, whose health had
been damaged by being poisoned, accepted the abdication,
but mistakenly believed that the culprit was Empress Akiko, a descendant of the Minister of the Right family.
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneie 段田安則 Yasunori Danta (68歳)
Akiko, who was separated from her husband without knowing anything about it, was furious and broke off
relations with her father, Fujiwara no Kaneie,
and others.
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
花山天皇 Emperor Kazan 本郷奏多 Kanata Hongō (34歳)
五節の舞 Gosechi dance
藤原道兼 Fujiwara no
Michikane 玉置玲央 Reo Tamaoki (39歳)
Just as Mahiro and Michinaga were about to reveal their true identities to each other, she was chosen to be
one of the dancers for the Gosechi dance of the ceremonies
related to the enthronement of Emperor Kazan, and there she learned Michinaga's true identity
and that his older brother was none other than Michikane, her mother's
直秀 Naohide 毎熊克哉 Katsuya Maiguma (37歳)
散楽一座の座員 Member of
the Sangaku troupe
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
Michinaga is reunited with Mahiro through the arrangement of Naohide,
a member of the Sangaku troupe with whom he has
become close, and when he reveals his identity to Mahiro,
the incident is also confessed
to him, and he is confronted with the dark side of the clan.
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
源雅信 Minamoto no Masanobu 益岡徹 Masuoka toru (68歳)
宇多天皇 Emperor Udaの孫grandson
源倫子 Minamoto no
Tomoko 黒木華 Haru Kuroki (34歳)
源雅信 Minamoto no Masanobuの娘daughter
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinagaの嫡妻 official wife
After this incident, Mahiro decided to take an active role in attending a literary salon run by Minamoto
no Tomoko, the daughter of the Minister of the Left, Minamoto
no Masanobu, where she had been acting as a spy
for the Minister of the Right, and to deepen her
ties with upper class society outside of the Minister of the Right's family for the sake of her
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
散楽 Sangaku (traditional Japanese entertainment)
Although Michinaga sends Mahiro a love song,
she is troubled and wants
to let go of her feelings for him.
She pursues things that she can immerse herself in, such as proposing
a performance to the Sangaku troupe.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku
Emoto (38歳)
藤原公任 Fujiwara no
Kinto 町田啓太Keita Machida(34歳)
藤原斉信 Fujiwara no
Tadanobu 金田哲 Satoshi
道長 Michinagaの従弟cousin、同僚colleague
藤原行成 Fujiwara no
Yukinari 渡辺大知 Daichi
道長 Michinagaの同僚colleague 三跡 Sanseki or
"three [brush] traces"
源俊賢 Minamoto no
Toshikata 本田大輔 Daisuke Honda
安和の変Anna Incidentで大宰府Dazaifuに流されて没落した源高明Minamoto no Takaakiraの三男third son
源明子Minamoto no Akikoの異母兄half-brother。
道長 Michinagaの同僚colleague
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko
Yoshitaka (36歳)
At that time, by chance, she overheard
words from Michinaga's colleagues, Fujiwara no Kinto and others,
expressing contempt for lower-ranking women like Mahiro, and the emphasis
on family background when it came to marriage
partners, and was hurt.
花山天皇 Emperor Kazan 本郷奏多 Kanata Hongō (34歳)
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneie 段田安則 Yasunori
Danta (68歳)
Around that time, Kaneie, who was in conflict with Emperor Kazan,
suddenly collapsed and became
安倍晴明Abe no Haruakira ユースケ・サンタマリアYūsuke Santamaria(53歳)
陰陽師 Onmyōji (yin-and-yang master)
陰陽道 Onmyōdō (the Way of Yin and Yang)
藤原道兼 Fujiwara no
Michikane 玉置玲央 Reo Tamaoki (39歳)
花山天皇 Emperor Kazan 本郷奏多 Kanata Hongō (34歳)
藤原詮子 Fujiwara no Akiko 吉田羊 Yō Yoshida (51歳)
懐仁親王 Yasuhito-shinnō (一条天皇 Emperor Ichijō)
寛和の変 the Kanna Incident 寛和2年6月23日(986年7月31日)
However, this was a plan by Kaneie who conspired
with the onmyouji Abe
no Haruakira.
In reality, Kaneie, who had recovered, used Michikane
to curry favor with Emperor Kazan and gain his trust.
He encouraged his children to accept the throne, and further made
clear to them his plan (the Kanna Incident) to
force Akiko to abdicate
in favor of her son, Crown Prince Yasuhito (Emperor Ichijo).
直秀 Naohide 毎熊克哉 Katsuya Maiguma (37歳)
散楽一座の座員 Member of
the Sangaku troupe
義賊 Social banditry
Meanwhile, thieves who had broken
into the residence of the
Minister of the Right were captured, and it was discovered that they
were a group of righteous
thieves led by Naohide and his Sangaku troupe.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
Michinaga tried to arrange for their punishment to
be lighter, but his actions backfired
and Naohide and his men were killed.
鳥辺野 Toribeno
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
When Mahiro and Michinaga discovered their
bodies in Toribeno, they buried them and lamented
their loss.
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneie 段田安則 Yasunori Danta (68歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
直秀 Naohide 毎熊克哉 Katsuya Maiguma (37歳)
While Kaneie led the plan and the whole family got together to work on it,
Michinaga and Mahiro
exchanged letters and then had a secret meeting in an abandoned
house and made love for the first time.
Mahiro advises
Michinaga that his mission is not to be
linked to her, but to change the world through government as a man of noble
status and to eliminate the tragedy that happened to Naohide.
懐仁親王 Yasuhito-shinnō (一条天皇 Emperor Ichijō)
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneie 段田安則 Yasunori Danta (68歳)
The Kanna Incident was a success,
Emperor Ichijo ascended
to the throne, and Kaneie became regent for the young emperor.
藤原為時 Fujiwara no
Tametoki 岸谷五朗 Goro KIshitani (60歳)
As a result, Fujiwara no Tametoki loses his job.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku
Emoto (38歳)
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko
Yoshitaka (36歳)
As the family fell into financial
difficulty, Mahiro was once again invited by Michinaga,
who proposed to her on the condition that she become his concubine.
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneie 段田安則 Yasunori Danta (68歳)
源倫子 Minamoto no
Tomoko 黒木華 Haru Kuroki (34歳)
藤原詮子 Fujiwara
no Akiko 吉田羊 Yō
Yoshida (51歳)
源明子Minamoto no Akiko 瀧内公美(35歳)
安和の変Anna Incidentで大宰府Dazaifuに流されて没落した源高明Minamoto no Takaakiraの娘Daughter
源俊賢(みなもと の としかた)Minamoto
no Toshikataの異母妹half-sister
摂関家regent familyへの復讐revengeのため道長Michinagaの妻wifeとなり、兼家Kaneieを呪詛cursedする
However, at the same time, with the recommendation of Kaneie,
talks of marriage between Michinaga and Tomoko
were progressing, and in addition, with the recommendation
of Akiko, talks of
marriage between Michinaga and the noble princess Minamoto no
Akiko, who had a connection with Kaneie, were also progressing.
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原為時 Fujiwara no
Tametoki 岸谷五朗 Goro
KIshitani (60歳)
藤原宣孝Fujiwara no
Nobutaks 佐々木蔵之介Kuranosuke Sasaki(57歳)
After struggling with her father's attitude
towards concubines and the marriage proposal brought about by her relative Fujiwara Nobutaka,
Mahiro finally decides
to become a concubine.
However, when Michinaga announces his
intention to marry Tomoko,
she gives up on her relationship
with him, including the possibility of becoming his concubine.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
源倫子 Minamoto no Tomoko 黒木華 Haru
Kuroki (34歳)
源明子 Minamoto no
Akiko 瀧内公美(35歳)
Four years later, Michinaga married Tomoko and Akiko, and had a daughter,
Fujiwara no Akiko, with Tomoko.
藤原道隆 Fujiwara no
Michitaka 井浦新Arata Iura(50歳)
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no Kaneieの嫡男The eldest son
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinagaの長兄The eldest brother
中関白家 Nakanokanpaku familyの祖Founder
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
藤原道隆 Fujiwara no
Michitakaの長女eldest daughter
一条天皇 Emperor Ichijoの女御wife
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久Akihisa Shiono(30歳)
懐仁親王 Prince
円融天皇 Emperor En'yūの第1皇子the first prince
母motherは藤原詮子 Fujiwara no
花山天皇 Emperor Kazanの従弟cousin
入内 Entry into the Imperial Court
The person who will become the Empress, Chugu, or Nyogo formally
enters the Imperial Palace after going through all the necessary ceremonies.
Also, Fujiwara no Sadako, the daughter of Michinaga's
older brother Fujiwara
no Michitaka, became the consort of Emperor Ichijo.
源明子 Minamoto no
Akiko 瀧内公美(35歳)
安和の変Anna Incidentで大宰府Dazaifuに流されて没落した源高明Minamoto no Takaakiraの娘Daughter
源俊賢Minamoto no Toshikataの異母妹half-sister
摂関家regent familyへの復讐revengeのため道長Michinagaの妻wifeとなり、兼家Kaneieを呪詛cursedする
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneie 段田安則 Yasunori Danta (68歳)
While Akiko curses
Kaneie, the enemy of
her father, Kaneie gradually grows weaker and eventually passes away, appointing
Michitaka as his
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
Meanwhile, Mahiro remains unmarried and searches for
work to support her family.
Wanting to provide some relief for the poor,
she teaches a farmer's daughter, Tane, how to read and write, but is rejected by the daughter's
parents and feels bitter about it.
さわ Sawa 野村麻純 Masumi Nomura
『枕草子 Makura no
Sōshi (The Pillow
清少納言 Sei Shōnagon ファーストサマーウイカ First Summer
『枕草子 Makura no
Sōshi (The Pillow
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadakoの女房lady-in-waiting
『蜻蛉日記 Kagerō Nikki (The Mayfly Diary)』
藤原道綱母 Fujiwara no
Michitsuna no Haha (Michitsuna's mother)
藤原寧子 Fujiwara no Yasuko 財前直見 Naomi Zaizen (59歳)
藤原道綱母 Fujiwara no
Michitsuna no Haha (Michitsuna's mother)
『蜻蛉日記 Kagerō Nikki (The Mayfly Diary)』
藤原兼家 Fujiwara no
Kaneieの妾 concubine
藤原道綱Fujiwara no Michitsuna 上地雄輔Yusuke Kamiji(45歳)
In this environment, Mahiro interacts with female
aristocrats such as Sei Shonagon, also
known as Kikyo, a lady-in-waiting
to Sadako, Sawa,
and Fujiwara no Yasuko, a concubine of Kaneie.
疫病 epidemic 悲田院 Hiden-in
An epidemic is an infectious disease or epidemic
that occurs in large groups.
Hiden-in is a facility built to save the poor and orphans based on the Buddhist idea of compassion.
An epidemic begins
to rage in Kyoto, and Tane's parents, who
are taken to Hiden-in
Hospital, and then Tane herself lose their lives.
疫病 epidemic 悲田院 Hiden-in
Mahiro continues to care for the sick patients
at Hiden-in Hospital, but she herself becomes infected and falls ill.
藤原道隆 Fujiwara no
Michitaka 井浦新 Arata Iura(50歳)
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
中宮 Chugu
皇后Queen consort・皇太后Empress
dowager・太皇太后Grand empress
dowagerの総称generic term
On the other hand, Michitaka, with Sadako as the Empress,
enjoyed the height of his prosperity, but he
also became a dictator and remained indifferent to the people
suffering from epidemics.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
藤原道兼 Fujiwara no
Michikane 玉置玲央 Reo Tamaoki (39歳)
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
Michinaga was furious about this, but with his encouragement, Michikane,
who had recovered from the despair he had felt
after Kaneie's death,
went to inspect Hiden-in
together with him, and they found Mahiro, who had fallen ill.
藤原為時 Fujiwara no
Tametoki 岸谷五朗 Goro KIshitani (60歳)
Michinaga took Mahiro
back to Tametoki's
house and nursed her
back to health all night, and Mahiro managed to survive.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
源倫子 Minamoto no
Tomoko 黒木華 Haru Kuroki (34歳)
Michinaga then, with the cooperation of Tomoko, began to invest his
own money in measures to combat the epidemic.
藤原道隆 Fujiwara no
Michitaka 井浦新 Arata Iura(50歳)
藤原道兼 Fujiwara no
Michikane 玉置玲央 Reo Tamaoki (39歳)
関白 Kampaku (a regent of an adult emperor)
Eventually, Michitaka's illness worsened and he died, and Michikane, who succeeded him as Kampaku, also died of an epidemic.
藤原伊周 Fujiwara no Korechika 三浦翔平 Shohei Miura(36歳)
藤原道隆 Fujiwara no
Michitakaの嫡男heireldest son(三男the third son)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
藤原詮子 Fujiwara no Akiko 吉田羊 Yō Yoshida (51歳)
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久 Akihisa
Shiono (30歳)
女院 Nyoin
三后 Sango(太皇太后・皇太后・皇后)や、それに準ずる身位(准后、内親王 Princessなど)の女性に宣下された称号
A title given to women of the three empresses (Grand
Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, Empress) and those of a
similar rank (Jugo, Naishinno, etc.)
内覧 Nairan
The right to inspect all documents
presented to the Emperor or documents approved by the Emperor,
or the position of a non-official official.
内覧の宣旨 an imperial edict of inspection
宣旨 Senji
A document conveying orders from the
Emperor and the Dajokan.
太政官 Daijō-kan(the Great Council of State)
Emperor Ichijo, who was caught between Korechika's younger sister
Sadako and his mother
Akiko, who had become the Empress Dowager, as to whether to make Michitaka's son Fujiwara no Korechika or Michinaga
the successor, and with Akiko's strong persuasion, he
issued an imperial decree to Michinaga as an inspector,
and one month later appointed Michinaga as Minister of the
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
清少納言 Sei Shōnagon ファーストサマーウイカ First Summer
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久 Akihisa
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
藤原為時 Fujiwara no
Tametoki 岸谷五朗 Goro KIshitani (60歳)
Around this time, through Kikyo's introduction, Mahiro
had an audience with Sadako
and then Emperor Ichijo, where she made suggestions regarding the government.
Michinaga, who heard the story, appointed Tametoki as the provincial
governor of Echizen no Kuni (Fukui prefecture), and Tametoki
was able to return to his official position for
the first time in 10 years.
藤原伊周 Fujiwara no Korechika 三浦翔平 Shohei Miura(36歳)
Meanwhile, Korechika, who had been chased by Michinaga
and was in a dire situation, began to suspect
the infidelity of a woman who passed by him.
藤原隆家 Fujiwara no Takaie 竜星涼 Ryo Ryusei (31歳)
藤原道隆 Fujiwara no
Michitakaの四男fourth son
花山院 Kazan-In (Retired Emperor Kazan) 本郷奏多 Kanata Hongō (34歳)
長徳の変 the Chotoku Incident 長徳元年(995年)4月10日
Upon hearing this, Korechika's younger brother, Fujiwara no
Takaie, harassed the enemy by firing arrows at him,
but when he found out that the enemy was Kazan'in, a big commotion
ensued (the Chotoku Incident).
長徳の変 the Chotoku Incident 長徳元年(995年)4月10日
一条天皇Emperor Ichijō 塩野瑛久Akihisa Shiono(30歳)
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
Korechika and Takaie were
ordered to be demoted, Korechika resisted arrest by the Kebiishi and fled, and Sadako was so devastated
by her separation from Emperor
Ichijo and the decline of the Nakano Kanpaku family that she shaved her head.
清少納言 Sei
Shōnagon ファーストサマーウイカ First Summer Uika
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
Takahata (33歳)
『枕草子 Makura no
Sōshi (The Pillow
At Mahiro's urging,
Kikyou begins writing
"The Pillow Book" to encourage Sadako.
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
藤原為時 Fujiwara no
Tametoki 岸谷五朗 Goro KIshitani (60歳)
朱仁聡(ヂュ・レンツォンZhu Renzong) 浩歌 Hao Go (55歳)
After saying goodbye to Michinaga, Mahiro
travels to Echizen (Fukui
Prefecture) accompanied by Tametoki,
where she meets Zhu
Renzong, a merchant from Song, and others.
As conflicts over the interests of merchants seeking trade with Song
and those who would become subordinates to the provincial governor arose, Zhu
Renzong was suspected of murder.
周明(ヂョウ・ミン)Zhou Ming 松下洸平 Kouhei Matsushita (37歳)
Zhou Ming, an apprentice pharmacist working
for Zhu Renzong, defends
his master by revealing that he is from Japan and is fluent in
both Song and Japanese.
He also brings along witnesses, and Zhu Renzong's
suspicions are cleared.
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
Mahiro, who was interested in the Song Dynasty, began to be taught the Song language by Zhou Ming,
but Zhou Ming had plans
to use Mahiro, who was connected to Michinaga, who had become the Left Minister, to advance trade,
which was Zhu Renzong's
Mahiro sees through this and rejects him, and Zhou Ming
disappears off somewhere.
藤原詮子 Fujiwara no Akiko 吉田羊 Yō Yoshida (51歳)
藤原伊周 Fujiwara no
Korechika 三浦翔平 Shohei Miura(36歳)
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
Takahata (33歳)
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久Akihisa Shiono(30歳)
Around this time in Kyoto, Korechika and others returned to the capital as part of a pardon for Akiko, whose
health had deteriorated, to allow her to recover, and Princess
Nagako was born to Sadako and Emperor Ichijo.
職御曹司 Shiki no Mizoshi
中宮職 Chugu Officeの庁舎 Government building
中宮職 Chugu Office
Government office that handles affairs
related to the Empress and Consort
Emperor Ichijo overcame opposition
from those around him and admitted Sadako and Princess Nagako
to the Shiki no Mizoshi, and kept them company, but this soon began to cause problems in government affairs.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
安倍晴明Abe no Haruakira ユースケ・サンタマリアYūsuke Santamaria(53歳)
藤原彰子 Fujiwara no Akiko 見上愛 Ai Mikami (24歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinagaの長女eldest daughter
一条天皇 Emperor Ichijoの女御wife
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久 Akihisa
Shiono (30歳)
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
Takahata (33歳)
Michinaga, following the advice of Abe no Haruakira, had Akiko enter the Imperial Court as a
kind of sacrifice to return the Imperial Court
to normalcy, but Emperor Ichijo was not attracted to the young
Akiko on a human level
and continued to favor Sadako.
藤原詮子 Fujiwara no Akiko 吉田羊 Yō Yoshida (51歳)
Furthermore, Empress Akiko passed away
shortly after celebrating her 40th birthday.
藤原為時 Fujiwara no
Tametoki 岸谷五朗 Goro KIshitani (60歳)
藤原宣孝 Fujiwara no Nobutaks 佐々木蔵之介 Kuranosuke
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
While Tametoki was away at home due to a business trip, Nobutaka
suddenly came to Echizen (Fukui prefecture) and proposed
to Mahiro.
Mahiro accepted his proposal and returned to Kyoto.
However, a quarrel arose over Nobutaka's infidelity
and his showing off the letters they had exchanged
to those around him, and Nobutaka's kayoi came to an end.
石山寺 Ishiyama-dera (Stony Mountain Temple)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
Troubled, Mahiro goes
to visit Ishiyama Temple and by chance meets Michinaga.
Carried away by their passionate feelings, the two have a one-night stand and Mahiro
becomes pregnant with Michinaga's
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原宣孝 Fujiwara no Nobutaks 佐々木蔵之介Kuranosuke Sasaki(57歳)
Tormented by guilt, Mahiro asks Nobutaka for a divorce, but Nobutaka
accepts it, and soon they have a daughter, Fujiwara no Katako.
Mahiro and her family live happily together,
but some time later, Mahiro
receives news from Nobutaka's
legal wife that he has
died of an illness.
藤原為時 Fujiwara no
Tametoki 岸谷五朗 Goro KIshitani (60歳)
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
藤原頼通 Fujiwara no Yorimichi 渡邊圭祐 Keisuke Watanabe (31歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinagaの長男eldest son
藤原公任 Fujiwara no
Kinto 町田啓太Keita Machida(34歳)
Unfortunately, Tametoki was not reappointed as provincial
governor and returned to Kyoto, and Mahiro's family was
once again faced with the crisis of poverty;
however, Michinaga arranged for Tametoki
to be a Chinese poetry instructor for his eldest son, Tazu (Fujiwara no Yorimichi), and Mahiro
was also able to obtain a position as a waka poetry instructor at Fujiwara
no Kinto's residence (Shijo Palace), which allowed
the family to make a living.
During this time, Mahiro writes stories for her daughter,
which become popular in Shijo Palace.
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
Takahata (33歳)
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久 Akihisa
In the Imperial Court, Sadako gave
birth to three children in succession to Emperor Ichijo, but died during the birth of the third child.
藤原彰子 Fujiwara no Akiko 見上愛 Ai Mikami (24歳)
Of the remaining children, Prince Atsuyasu was placed
under the care of Akiko.
藤原伊周 Fujiwara no Korechika 三浦翔平 Shohei Miura(36歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
It was believed that Sadako had been driven to
death by Michinaga, and Korechika bore a grudge
against Michinaga and plotted
to overthrow him and restore
his own power.
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久 Akihisa
Shiono (30歳)
藤原定子 Fujiwara no Sadako 高畑充希 Mitsuki
Takahata (33歳)
藤原彰子 Fujiwara no Akiko 見上愛 Ai Mikami (24歳)
『枕草子 Makura no
Sōshi (The Pillow
And because he used "The Pillow Book" to make
Emperor Ichijo continually
obsessed with memories of the late Sadako,
Akiko continued to go
through days without Emperor Ichijo even after she grew up.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
藤原公任 Fujiwara no
Kinto 町田啓太 Keita Machida
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久 Akihisa
Shiono (30歳)
Michinaga, troubled by this problem, happened to hear from Fujiwara
no Kinto about the popularity of Mahiro's
story, so he made a gamble that he could use the power of Mahiro's
story to attract the
interest of Emperor Ichijo.
Mahiro begins writing a new story based on
her own experiences and the tales of the palace she has heard from Michinaga, and succeeds in attracting the interest of Emperor
藤原彰子 Fujiwara no Akiko 見上愛 Ai Mikami (24歳)
Emperor Ichijo also showed
interest in the author, and at Michinaga's
request, Mahiro
began serving as a
lady-in-waiting to Akiko.
『源氏物語 Genji
monogatari (The Tale of
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
Thus, Mahiro was given the court lady's name Toh Shikibu,
and although she struggled to be separated from her family and live in the unfamiliar Imperial Court environment, she continued writing The Tale of
the Shining Prince (The Tale of Genji).
藤原彰子 Fujiwara no Akiko 見上愛 Ai Mikami (24歳)
Akiko, who entered the Imperial Court as
a tool for her father's
political struggle and was troubled by her inability to express her own will, is
moved by the Tale of
Genji, and through her conversations with
Mahiro, she learns
to understand others and express her own opinions.
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久 Akihisa
Shiono (30歳)
Akiko confesses to Emperor Ichijo the feelings
she has kept secret for many years, and Emperor
Ichijo is so moved that he begins to love Akiko.
Thus, the long-awaited prince, Prince Atsuhira, was born, and the following year Prince Atsunaga
was born.
『和泉式部日記 The Diary of
Izumi Shikibu』
和泉式部 Izumi Shikibu 泉里香 Rika Izumi (36歳)
『和泉式部日記 The Diary of
Izumi Shikibu』
Through Mahiro's introduction, Akane (Izumi Shikibu) also begins serving,
and Akiko's salon
becomes even more lively.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
However, Michinaga began to change after giving birth to a grandson by marriage,
and based on his belief that "having Prince Atsuhira ascend the
throne and ruling the country stably as his guardian would be beneficial
for the country and would allow me to fulfill
my promise to Mahiro," he began to move towards having
Emperor Ichijo abdicate.
藤原行成 Fujiwara no
Yukinari 渡辺大知 Daichi
Watanabe (34歳)
敦康親王 Prince Atsuyasu
敦成親王 Prince Atsuhira
Michinaga, through Fujiwara no Yukinari, persuaded Emperor Ichijo
and succeeded in having
Prince Atsuhira appointed
as the next Crown Prince, removing Prince Atsuyasu
from the position.
藤原彰子 Fujiwara no Akiko 見上愛 Ai Mikami (24歳)
Akiko, who had treated Prince Atsyasu as if he were
her own son, was furious at this decision
and began to distance herself from her father.
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijō 塩野瑛久 Akihisa
Shiono (30歳)
三条天皇 Emperor Sanjō 木村達成 Tatsunari Kimura (31歳)
冷泉天皇 Emperor
Reizeiの第二皇子the second
花山天皇 Emperor Kazanの異母弟half-brother
一条天皇 Emperor
Emperor Ichijo, whose health had
deteriorated, passed away and Prince Iyasada (Emperor Sanjo)
ascended to the throne.
藤原妍子 Fujiwara no Kiyoko 倉沢杏菜 Anna Kurasawa (19歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinagaの次女the second daughter
三条天皇 Emperor Sanjōの女御wife
藤原威子 Fujiwara no Takeko 佐月絵美 Emi Satsuki (21歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinagaの四女fourth daughter
後一条天皇 Emperor
Emperor Sanjo married Michinaga's second daughter,
Fujiwara no Kiyoko, but he preferred his long-time
companion, Fujiwara no Takeko, and showed
an opposing stance to Michinaga
in politics as well.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
While he was struggling with how to respond,
Michinaga's health
deteriorated and he went to recuperate
at his residence in Uji.
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
宇治十帖 the Uji Ten Chapters
After finishing writing about Hikaru-kimi's later years,
Mahiro visits Michinaga and talks to him, and begins writing a story about
Hikaru-kimi's children (the
Uji Ten Chapters).
三条天皇 Emperor
Sanjō 木村達成 Tatsunari Kimura (31歳)
後一条天皇 Emperor
Go-Ichijō (在位1016~1036年)
敦成親王 Prince Atsuhira
一条天皇 Emperor
Ichijōの第二皇子the Second son
母motherは藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga の長女the eldest daughter藤原彰子 Fujiwara no
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinagaの外孫maternal grandson
Michinaga, who returned to politics, noticed something strange happening in Emperor Sanjo's health
and urged him to abdicate.
The conflict deepened further, but Emperor Sanjo eventually abdicated
and died, and Prince
Atsuhira (Emperor Go-Ichijo) ascended to the throne.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
藤原威子 Fujiwara no Takeko 佐月絵美 Emi Satsuki (21歳)
藤原彰子 Fujiwara no Akiko 見上愛 Ai Mikami (24歳)
藤原妍子 Fujiwara no Kiyoko 倉沢杏菜 Anna Kurasawa (19歳)
Michinaga became regent for the young emperor (Emperor
Go-Ichijo), and appointed his daughter Fujiwara no Takeko as Empress
to Emperor Go-Ichijo.
He also had his own daughters
appoint him as the three empress, namely Grand Empress Dowager Akiko
and Empress Dowager Kiyoko,
giving him unprecedented power.
However, his daughters, who had been used by their father,
were cold towards him.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
望月の歌 The Poem of the full moon
望月の歌 The Poem of the full moon
望月の歌 The Poem of the full moon
この慶事を祝う祝宴で、道長は「この世をば 我が世とぞ思ふ 望月の 欠けたることも 無しと思へば」と歌を詠む。
At the banquet celebrating this happy
occasion, Michinaga recites a song that goes, "I believe this world to be mine, just as if the full moon
were never missing."
藤原実資 Fujiwara no Sanesuke 秋山竜次 Ryuji Akiyama (46歳)
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
As Fujiwara no Sanesuke and other aristocrats recite this poem, Mahiro reminisces about the moon
she saw on the night Michinaga first embraced
藤原賢子 Fujiwara no Katako 南沙良 Sara Minami (22歳)
藤原彰子 Fujiwara
no Akiko 見上愛 Ai
Mikami (24歳)
藤原宣孝Fujiwara no Nobutaks 佐々木蔵之介Kuranosuke
As Katako grew
up, it was decided that she would serve Akiko, and after
finishing writing "The Tale of Genji," Mahiro felt that her role was over
and decided to resign
from her position as lady-in-waiting and travel to Dazaifu,
where Nobutaka was stationed,
fulfilling her long-held dream.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
Michinaga opposes the idea and tries to stop her from leaving, but when Mahiro tells him she is
leaving, she also reveals that Katako is Michinaga's daughter.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
藤原頼通 Fujiwara
no Yorimichi 渡邊圭祐 Keisuke
Watanabe (31歳)
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinagaの長男eldest son
Shocked by this, Michinaga became a monk, handed over the regent
position to Yorimichi, and became his guardian.
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
乙丸 Otomaru 矢部太郎 Taro Yabe (47歳)
周明(ヂョウ・ミン)Zhou Ming 松下洸平 Kouhei Matsushita (37歳)
Mahiro visits Dazaifu with Otomaru and is reunited
with Zhou Ming.
刀伊の入寇 Toi Invasion
刀伊の入寇 Toi Invasion
Through her conversation with Zhou Ming, Mahiro
discovers what she wants to do with her life after she finishes
writing the story;
however, bandits from abroad attack northern Kyushu, and Zhou
Ming is killed by a stray arrow.
藤原隆家 Fujiwara no Takaie 竜星涼 Ryo Ryusei (31歳)
藤原道隆 Fujiwara no
Michitakaの四男fourth son
双寿丸 Sojumaru 伊藤健太郎 Kentaro Ito (27歳)
藤原頼通 Fujiwara no Yorimichi 渡邊圭祐 Keisuke Watanabe (31歳)
藤原公任 Fujiwara no
Kinto 町田啓太Keita Machida(34歳)
Thanks to the efforts of samurai
such as Fujiwara no Takaie and Sojumaru, who had become Dazai
no Gon no sochi (Commander of the Dazai),
the rebels were driven back at great cost to their lives;
however, for nobles such as Fujiwara no Yorimichi and Fujiwara
no Kinto, this was a distant memory, and
the Imperial Court ended up not taking any significant action (the Toi Invasion).
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
藤原彰子 Fujiwara no Akiko 見上愛 Ai Mikami (24歳)
When Mahiro returns
to Kyoto, Akiko asks
her to return to her service, but she puts the
request on hold in order to get her mind in
源倫子 Minamoto no
Tomoko 黒木華 Haru Kuroki (34歳)
When Tomoko asks
Mahiro about her
relationship with Michinaga, she tells her about past events.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
At first, Tomoko showed a tolerant attitude and encouraged
Michinaga, whose health
was deteriorating, to become his concubine.
However, upon learning that the bond
between the two was deeper and more important
than she had imagined, she changed her mind and asked her
to keep their relationship a secret until she died.
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
From then on, Mahiro did not return to office and spent
the years quietly at home.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
源倫子 Minamoto no
Tomoko 黒木華 Haru Kuroki (34歳)
In 1127, realizing that Michinaga's death was near,
Tomoko called out
to Mahiro and asked her
to keep Michinaga alive.
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
As Michinaga lies
sick in bed, he laments that he has not been able to accomplish anything, so Mahiro tells him new "stories" every
night as a sign of hope for life.
藤原道長 Fujiwara no
Michinaga 柄本佑 Tasuku Emoto (38歳)
After a short but peaceful time, Michinaga dies.
乙丸 Otomaru 矢部太郎 Taro
Yabe (47歳)
まひろ Mahiro 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka (36歳)
双寿丸 Sojumaru 伊藤健太郎 Kentaro Ito (27歳)
The new year came and Mahiro set out on another journey with Otomaru.
As she saw off Sojumaru and the other
warriors who were taking part in the battle in
the eastern provinces, she murmured,
"Lord Michinaga, a storm is coming."
The End. 終わり
約1か月後に続く Continued in about a Month