


世界史 25 World history 25


The Rise and Fall of Qin and the Han Empire

秦始皇帝(しん・し・こうてい)(チン・シ・ファンディ) Qin Shi Huangdi the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン) Qin Shi Huang the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

(せい)Ancestral name(えい)Ying(いみな)Given name(せい)Zheng

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang (前247年~前195年)

正式には廟号(びょうごう)Temple name太祖(たいそ)Taizu諡号(しごう)Posthumous name高皇帝(こうこうてい)Emperor Gaoであるが、通常は高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozuと呼ばれることが多い。

F2Aバッファロー Brewster F2A Buffalo

F2Aバッファロー Brewster F2A Buffalo

F2Aバッファロー Brewster F2A Buffalo

F2Aバッファロー Brewster F2A Buffalo

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

春秋の五覇 The Five Overlord States of the Spring and Autumn Period

Map of the Five Hegemons during the Spring and Autumn period of Zhou Dynasty

(せい)(チー)Qi (しん)(ジン)Jin (そ)(チュー)Chu (ご)(ウー)Wu (えつ)(ユー)Yue

戦国の七雄 the Seven Kings of the Warring States


戦国の七雄 the Seven Kings of the Warring States


2 Chapter 2


Establishment of ancient civilization

6節 Section Six


Chinese Classical Civilization and

Ancient Empire

4 秦の盛衰と漢帝国

The Rise and Fall of Qin and the Han Empire


Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty

(しん)(チン)Qinは、8世紀 the 8th century BC、今の陝西省(せんせい・しょう)(シャンシー・ション)Shaanxi provinceの地にあって、周王(しゅう・おう)King of Zhouから諸侯(しょこう)feudal lordsに封ぜられた。

In the 8th century BC, Qin was located in what is now Shaanxi Province and was conferred by the King of Zhou as a feudal lord.

孝公(こう・こう) Xiao Gong, Duke Xiao 嬴渠梁(えい・きょりょう) Ying Quliang

商鞅(しょう・おう) Shang Yang

戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)の初めthe beginning of the Warring States period孝公(こう・こう)Duke Xiaoのとき商鞅(しょう・おう)Shang Yangを用いて富国強兵(ふこく・きょうへい)a rich country and a strong armyを図り、中央集権を強化strengthened the centralization of powerした。

At the beginning of the Warring States period, when he was Koko, he used Shokan to promote a rich country and a strong army, and strengthened the centralization of power.

その後、戦国の七雄the Seven Kings of the Warring Statesのうちでも最も強大the most powerfulとなり、capital咸陽(かんよう)(シエンヤン)Xianyang陝西省(せんせい・しょう)Shaanxi Province西安市(せいあん・し)Xi'an City西北)に定めるとともに、256256 BCには(しゅう)(ジョウ)Zhouを滅ぼした。

After that, he became the most powerful of the Seven Warring States, established his capital in Xianyang (northwest of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province), and destroyed Zhou in 256 BC.

孝公(こう・こう) Xiao Gong, Duke Xiao 嬴渠梁(えい・きょりょう) Ying Quliang

商鞅(しょう・おう) Shang Yang

孝公(こう・こう) Xiao Gong, Duke Xiao 嬴渠梁(えい・きょりょう) Ying Quliang

補足supplementary explanation

孝公(こう・こう) Xiao Gong, Duke Xiao

嬴渠梁(えい・きょりょう) Ying Quliang

中国戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)the Warring States period of China(しん)(チン)Qin25(こう)The 25th Duke

The 25th Duke of Qin during the Warring States period of China.

献公(けん・こう)Duke Xian師隰(ししつ)Shixi嫡子legitimate child

The eldest son of Xian Gong Shi.

即位ascended the throneするや、国中に布告proclamationを出して国政の立て直しrestore the state administrationをはかり、(ぎ)(ウェイ)Weiからやってきた商鞅(しょう・おう)Shang Yangを起用して抜本的な国政の改革reform of the state administration商鞅の変法change of Shang Yan)を断行、穆公(ぼく・こう)Duke Mu亡き後の衰退declinedした(しん)(チン)Qinを強力な中央集権国家centralized stateとして生まれ変わらせた。

As soon as he ascended the throne, he issued a proclamation throughout the country to restore the state administration, appointed Shang Yan, who came from Wei, to carry out drastic reform of the state administration (change of Shang Yan), and strengthened Qin, which had declined after the death of Duke Mu. Reborn as a centralized state.


The capital was moved from Liyang to Xianyang.

対外的にも(ぎ)(ウェイ)Weiを破るなど、富国強兵(ふこく・きょうへい)enrich the country and strengthen the militaryに努めた中興の祖(ちゅうこう・の・そ)The founder of the Restoration

The founder of the Restoration who worked to enrich the country and strengthen the military, such as defeating Wei in foreign affairs.

恵文王(けいぶん・おう)King HuiwenFather

Father of King Ebun.

秦始皇帝(しん・し・こうてい)(チン・シ・ファンディ) Qin Shi Huangdi the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン) Qin Shi Huang the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

秦始皇帝(しん・し・こうてい)(チン・シ・ファンディ) Qin Shi Huangdi the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン) Qin Shi Huang the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

始皇帝(し・こうてい) Shi Huangdi, the First Emperor

中国China初代皇帝First emperor

First emperor of China.

古代中国ancient China戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)the Warring States period(しん)(チン)Qin31代君主The 31st ruler

The 31st ruler of Qin during the Warring States period of ancient China.

6代目の王6th king

(せい)Ancestral name(えい)Ying(いみな)Given name(せい)Zheng

現代中国語modern Chineseでは秦始皇帝(しん・し・こうてい)(チン・シ・ファンディ)Qin Shi Huangdithe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)または秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン) Qin Shi Huang the first emperor of the Qin dynasty)と表現する。

In modern Chinese, it is expressed as Qin Shi Huang or Qin Shi Huang.

李斯(り・し) Li Si

(しん)(チン)の統一 Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty

秦の統一 Unification of China by the Qin Dynasty


李斯(り・し) Li Si

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

秦始皇帝(しん・し・こうてい)(チン・シ・ファンディ) Qin Shi Huangdi the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン) Qin Shi Huang the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

秦始皇帝(しん・し・こうてい)(チン・シ・ファンディ) Qin Shi Huangdi the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン) Qin Shi Huang the first emperor of the Qin dynasty

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

統一政策Unification Policies

続いて秦王(しんおう)King of Qin(せい)Zhengは、221221 B.C.戦国(せんごく)の世the world of warring states統一unifiedし、自ら始皇帝(し・こうてい)(シ・ファンディ)Shi Huangdithe first emperor of a unified China)と号して、中央集権centralized power君主独裁monarchical dictatorship官僚支配体制bureaucratic systemを樹立するため、法家(ほう・か)Legalism李斯(り・し)Li Si建策plansに基づいて次のような厳しい統一政策unification policies実施implementedした。

In 221 B.C., the government of the Qin dynasty unified the world of warring states, proclaimed himself the first emperor, and established a bureaucratic system of centralized power and monarchical dictatorship. implemented a strict unification policy.

御史大夫(ぎょし・たいふ) Yù shǐ dàfū, Censorate chief 監察Inspector)(御史台(ぎょし・だい)Yù shǐ tái, Censorate長官chief

官制 Government system

中央centerには丞相(じょう・しょう)Chéngxiàng, Chancellor行政administration)、太尉(たい・い)dàwèi, Grand Commandant軍事military)、御史大夫(ぎょし・たいふ)Yù shǐ dàfū, Censorate chief監察Inspector)(御史台(ぎょし・だい)Yù shǐ tái, Censorate長官chief)を置いてそれぞれの権力の分立separate their powersの体制をとり、中央集権的官僚体制centralized bureaucratic systemを作った。

A centralized bureaucratic system was created by placing the Chancellor (administration), Taiyo (military), and Mishidayu (inspector) (chief of the Mishidai) in the center to separate their powers.

地方provincesには、(ぐん)county(しゅ)Shǒu行政administration)・(い、じょう)wèi, jo軍事military)・(かん)Jiān監察inspection)を、(けん)prefectureには(りょう)líng(ちょう)cháng, chiefを置いた。

In the provinces, shu (administration), jo (military), and kan (inspection) were placed in the county, and ryo and chief were placed in the prefecture.

郡県制(ぐん・けん・せい) county-prefecture system

郡県制(ぐん・けん・せい) County and Prefecture system

統一前Before the unificationから自国領内within the territory of the countryにおいて郡県制(ぐん・けん・せい)the county and prefecture system実施implementedしていたが、統一後after the unificationは全国を直轄地direct control areaとして支配するため、(しゅう)(ジョウ)の封建制度(ほうけん・せいど)Fengjian system of Zhouを廃し、全国を3636 counties(のち4848 counties)に分け、(ぐん)countiesの下に(けん)prefecturesを置き、中央the central governmentから官吏government officials派遣dispatchedして統治した。

Before the unification, the county and prefecture system was implemented within the territory of the country, but after the unification, in order to rule the whole country as a direct control area, the feudal system of Zhou was abolished, and the whole country was divided into 36 counties (later 48 counties) under the counties. Prefectures were placed in the provinces, and government officials were dispatched from the central government.

陳勝・呉広の乱(ちんしょう・ごこう・の・らん) Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising

反乱防止策Preventive measures of rebellion

反乱を防ぐprevent a rebellionため民間の兵器civilian weapons没収confiscatedし、全国の主な都邑(とゆう)dōu yì城壁the city wallsを破壊し、12万戸といわれる富豪wealthy families首都capital咸陽(かんよう)(シエンヤン)Xianyangに集めた。

In order to prevent a rebellion, they confiscated civilian weapons, destroyed the city walls of major towns across the country, and gathered 120,000 wealthy families in the capital Xianyang.

経済・文化の統一策 Unification of economy and culture

焚書坑儒(ふんしょ・こうじゅ) Burning of books and burying of scholars

経済・文化の統一策Unification of economy and culture

貨幣coinage半両銭half a coin)・度量衡weights and measures車の幅width of cars統一unifyingして経済の発達development of the economyを促した。

He promoted the development of the economy by unifying the width of money (half ryo sen), weights and measures, and cars.

また、文字characters篆書(てんしょ)Seal script(しゅう)金文(きんぶん)Chinese bronze inscriptionsを起源として、戦国時代(せんごくじだい)に発達して整理され、公式書体とされた書体を指す。)に一定するとともに、言論・思想の統一unify speech and thoughtを図るため儒家(じゅか)Confucianismを初め諸学派various schoolsを圧迫し、焚書坑儒(ふんしょ・こうじゅ)Burning of books and burying of Confucianismを行ったという。

In addition, it is said that, along with setting the characters to Tensho, he suppressed various schools including Confucianism in order to unify speech and thought, and carried out the burning of books and Confucianism.

天子の巡幸 Imperial tour

天子の巡幸 Imperial tour

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)はしばしば旧東方諸国the former eastern countries巡幸touredして、人心の統一unify people's mindsを図った。

Qin Shihuang often toured the former eastern countries to unify people's minds.

匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ) Xiongnu

匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ) Xiongnu

蒙恬(もう・てん) Meng Tian

万里の長城(ばんり・の・ちょうじょう) Great Wall of China

越族(えつぞく) Yue 百越(ひゃくえつ) Baiyue

桂林(けいりん)Kweilin象郡(しょうぐん)Xiang County南海(なんかい)Nanhai3three counties

対外政策 Foreign policy

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynastyは、内政domestic affairsを徹底的に改革reformedするとともに、対外政策foreign policyを積極的に行った。

Qin Shihuang thoroughly reformed domestic affairs and actively pursued foreign policy.

戦国(せんごく)the time of the Warring States periodのころからモンゴル高原Mongolian plateauにおいて遊牧民族the nomadic匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ)Xiongnuがしだいに強大となり、しきりに中国北辺northern part of Chinaに侵入していた。

From the time of the Warring States period, the nomadic Xiongnu gradually became powerful on the Mongolian plateau and invaded the northern part of China.

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)は将軍General蒙恬(もう・てん)Meng Tianを派遣して匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ)Xiongnuを討ちオルドス地方Ordos regionを奪い、また、戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)during the Warring States period北方in the north(ちょう)(ジャオゥ)Zhao(えん)(イェン)Yanなどが築いた長城(ちょうじょう)Great Wallを補修してその侵入invasion防いだprevent

The first Qin emperor dispatched General Meng Tung to defeat the Xiongnu and seize the Ordos region, and also repaired the Great Wall built by Zhao and Yan in the north during the Warring States period to prevent invasion.

これが万里の長城(ばんり・の・ちょうじょう)Great Wall of Chinaである。

This is the Great Wall of China.

更に秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)は、南方in the south越族(えつ・ぞく)Yue tribe百越(ひゃく・えつ)Bai yue)を討ち、今の広東(カントン)方面Guangdong areaからインドシナIndochinaの一部を征服して、桂林(けいりん)Kweilin象郡(しょうぐん)xiàng jùn南海(なんかい)Nanhai3three countiesを置いた。

In addition, Qin Shi Huang defeated the Yue tribe in the south (Mai Yue), conquered a part of Indochina from the present Guangdong area, and established three counties of Guilin, Elephant County, and Nanhai.

ここにin the north満州Manchuria東北northeast)・モンゴリアMongoliaに接し、in the southインドシナIndochinaヴェトナムVietnam東北部northeastern partに及ぶ大帝国large empireが建設された。

A large empire was built here, bordering on Manchuria (northeast) and Mongolia in the north, and extending to the northeastern part of Indochina (Vietnam) in the south.

こうして巨大な人口huge population広大な領土vast territory高い文化high cultureをもつ(しん)(チン)Qin威名(いめい)prestigeは内外に高まり、遠く西方まで伝わった。

In this way, the prestige of Qin, with its huge population, vast territory, and high culture, rose both at home and abroad, and spread far to the west.

阿房宮(あぼう・きゅう) Ēfánggōng, Epang Palace

陳勝・呉広の乱(ちんしょう・ごこう・の・らん) Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising

陳勝・呉広の乱(ちんしょう・ごこう・の・らん) Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising

陳勝・呉広の乱(ちんしょう・ごこう・の・らん) Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising

(しん)(チン)の滅亡 Fall of Qin

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)の創造した中央集権的な統一政策The centralized unification policyは長く中国の各王朝each Chinese dynastyに受け継がれた。

The centralized unification policy created by Qin Shi Huang was inherited by each Chinese dynasty for a long time.

しかし、改革reformsがあまりに急激すぎたうえ、厳格な法律主義strict legalismをもって民に臨んだので、民衆の反感people's antipathyは高まった。

However, the reforms were carried out too rapidly, and the government approached the people with strict legalism, so the people's antipathy increased.

そのうえ、外征expeditions長城the Great Wallの修築を初め、capitalを中心に多くの壮大な陵墓grand mausoleums王宮royal palaces阿房宮(あぼう・きゅう)Epang Palace)を建てるなど、各種の土木事業various civil engineering projectsを起こしたので、民衆の生活the lives of the peopleははなはだしく圧迫された。

In addition, he carried out various civil engineering projects, such as expeditions, the construction of the Great Wall, and the construction of many grand mausoleums and royal palaces (Abogu) around the capital, which put a great deal of pressure on the lives of the people.

こうして210210 BC秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)が東方巡幸tour of the Eastの途中で病死died of illnessし、2世皇帝the second emperor胡亥(こがい)Huhai)が立つと、陳勝・呉広の乱(ちんしょう・ごこう・の・らん)Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprisingを初めとして各地に反乱rebellionsが起こり、206206 BC(しん)Qin Dynasty滅亡overthrownした。

Thus, in 210 BC, the first Qin emperor died of illness during a tour of the East, and when the second emperor (Huhai) took office, rebellions broke out throughout the country, beginning with the Chen Sheng-Wu Guang Rebellion, and Qin was overthrown in 206 BC.

西周(せいしゅう) Western Zhou

西周(せい・しゅう) Western Zhou

殷王朝(いん・おうちょう) Yin Dynasty

殷墟(いんきょ) the Yin Ruins

殷王朝(いん・おうちょう)the Yin Dynasty最後の都Last capital商邑(しょうゆう)Shangyu遺跡Ruins

鎬京(こうけい)(ホウイン)Hojing陝西省(せんせいしょう)Shaanxi Province西安(せいあん)Xi'an付近)

西周(せい・しゅう)West Zhouthe capital



The Qin Empire in Chinese History

中国China古代王朝ancient dynastiesとしてはまず(いん)Yin(しゅう)Zhouが存在したが、その版図territory河南(かなん)Henan陝西(せんせい)Shaanxiを中心とする華北(かほく)Huáběi, North Chinaの地に限られていた。

The first ancient dynasties in China were the Yin and Zhou dynasties, but their territory was limited to northern China centering on Henan and Shaanxi.

のみならずその支配体制ruling systemはいわゆる封建制(ほうけんせい)Fengjian system(いん)Yinでもその末期the end of the periodには一部part封建制(ほうけんせい)Fengjian systemが行われたといわれる)で、それは各地方each region自治self-governingを許し、その上に立って緩やかな統制loosely controlled本家(ほんけ)main family分家(ぶんけ)branch family関係relationshipとして)を加えるにすぎないものであった。

Moreover, the ruling system was a so-called feudal system (it is said that even in Yin Yin, a feudal system was implemented in part at the end of the period), which allowed each region to be self-governing, and on top of that, it was loosely controlled. It was nothing more than adding (as the relationship between the main family and the branch family).

したがって(しん)(チン)Qin始皇帝(し・こうてい)(シ・ファンディ)Shi Huangdithe first emperor of a unified China)が封建諸国feudal nationsをことごとく滅ぼし全国に郡県制(ぐん・けん・せい)the county and prefecture systemをしき、中央集権的官僚支配体制centralized bureaucratic control systemを施行したことは、中国政治史上in the history of Chinese politics画期的な事件epoch-making eventで、これを成し遂げた秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)は中国最初の偉大な皇帝the first great emperor of Chinaというべきである。

Therefore, it was an epoch-making event in the history of Chinese politics that the first emperor of Qin destroyed all the feudal nations, established the county and prefecture system throughout the country, and implemented a centralized bureaucratic control system. Qin Shi Huang, who accomplished this, should be called the first great emperor of China.

にもかかわらず秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)は歴史上in history暴君tyrantとして、汚名を受けているstigmatizedが、それは極端な思想弾圧政策ideological suppression policyを行ったためである。

Nevertheless, Qin Shi Huang has been stigmatized in history as a tyrant, but that is because he carried out an extreme ideological suppression policy.

元来理想化idealizedされた(しゅう)(ジョウ)Zhou政治制度political systemにあこがれをもつ儒者Confucian scholarsたちのなかには(しん)(チン)Qin政治politics法による強制的な統治coercive rule by lawとして非難criticizedするものが少なくなかった。

Many Confucian scholars who longed for the idealized political system of the Zhou criticized Qin's politics as coercive rule by law.

焚書坑儒(ふんしょ・こうじゅ) Burning of books and burying of scholars

秦始皇帝(しん・し・こうてい)(チン・シ・ファンディ)Qin Shi Huangdithe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)は異論をなくすeliminate objectionsため、213213 B.C.挟書律(きょうしょりつ)Xieshulyuにより民間にある詩経(しきょう)Classic of Poetry書経(しょきょう)Classic of History諸子百家(しょし・ひゃっか)Hundred Schools of Thought書物books没収confiscateして焼き捨てburn儒教(じゅきょう)Confucianismの説や政治批判criticizes politicsを語るものを死刑put to deathにすると厳命strict orderを下したのである。

In 213 B.C., in order to eliminate objections, the first emperor of Qin issued a strict order to confiscate and burn the poetry, calligraphy, and books of the Hundred Houses of the People, and to put to death anyone who speaks of Confucianism or criticizes politics. I went down.

これが「焚書坑儒(ふんしょ・こうじゅ)fénshū kēngrú, Burning of books and burying of scholars」として後世の学者later generations of scholarsから非難criticizedされ、永く暴君tyrant汚名を受けるstigmatizedことになったのである。

This was criticized by later generations of scholars as 'a book-burning philosopher,' and he was stigmatized as a tyrant for a long time.

しかし「焚書(ふんしょ)Burning of books」については(しん)(チン)Qin記録recordsmedicinemedicine卜筮(ぼくぜい)Divination農業agriculturebooks除外excludedしたばかりでなく、朝廷imperial court博士doctorsの所蔵する古典類the classicsはそのまま保存preservedされたので、秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty儒家(じゅか)の学問Confucian learning全面的に否定completely rejectしたわけではない。

However, the ``burning of books'' excluded not only Qin's records and books on medicine, medicine, martial arts, and agriculture, but also the classics owned by the imperial court and doctors were preserved as they were. Qin Shi Huang did not completely reject Confucian learning.

また「坑儒(こうじゅ)Burying of scholars」についても、実はその前に不死の薬elixir of immortalityを求めるといって秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)をあざむいてdeceived万金の費用millions of dollarsむさぼったrobbed諸生(しよせい)people詐欺事件fraud caseがあり、秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)はこれに連座implicated in thisした430余人 more than 430諸生(しよせい)people捕らえてcaptured坑殺killed in a pitしたのである。

As for ``Confucians,'' before that, there was actually a fraud case in which people deceived Qin Shi Huang and robbed him of millions of dollars by claiming that he wanted an elixir of immortality. was captured and killed in a pit.

The first Qin emperor captured and killed more than 430 people who were implicated in this.

諸生(しよせい)various beingsあるいは儒生(じゅせい)Confucian studentsというけれども、そのなかには純粋genuine儒者(じゅしゃ)Confuciansはほとんど含まれていない。

Although we call them various beings or Confucian students, there are almost no genuine Confucians among them.

これに連座implicated in thisしたのは神仙道(しんせんどう)Shénxiān dàoを説く方士(ほうし)Fangshiという修行者ascetic practitionersたちであったのである。

Those who were implicated in this were ascetic practitioners known as Hoshi who preached Shinsendo.

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン)Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty)が民間の政治批判criticism of politicsを禁じ、思想統制control thoughtを図ったことは事実trueであるが、それは決して漢以後の学者scholars after the Han dynasty非難criticizedするほど暴虐violentなものではなかったようである。

It is true that Qin Shi Huang prohibited private criticism of politics and tried to control thought, but it seems that it was not as violent as scholars after the Han dynasty criticized.

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu

(しん)(チン)末期the late Qin period(そ)(チュー)Chu武将general

A general of Chu in the late Qin period.

(せい)Family name(こう)(シャン)Xiang(いみな)Given name(せき)Ji(あざな)Courtesy name(う)(ユー)Yuである。

(しん)Qinに対する造反軍の中核the core of the rebel armyとなり(しん)(チン)Qinを滅ぼし、一時“西楚の覇王(せいそのはおう)Hegemon-King of Western Chu”と号した。

He became the core of the rebel army against Qin and destroyed Qin, temporarily calling himself the 'Overlord of Western Chu'.

その後、天下を劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bangと争い(楚漢戦争(そかん・せんそう)Chu–Han Contention)、当初は圧倒的に優勢overwhelmingly superiorであったが、次第に劣勢gradually became inferiorとなって敗死died in defeatした。

After that, he fought with Liu Bang for control of the world (the Chu-Han War), and although he was overwhelmingly superior at first, he gradually became inferior and died in defeat.

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yu中国の歴史上in Chinese history最も勇猛といわれる将the most valiant generalで、「覇王(はおう)Hegemon-King」という言葉term通常usually項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuを指す。

Xiang Yu is said to be the most valiant general in Chinese history, and the term "overlord" usually refers to Xiang Yu.

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang (前247年~前195年)

正式には廟号(びょうごう)Temple name太祖(たいそ)Taizu諡号(しごう)Posthumous name高皇帝(こうこうてい)Emperor Gaoであるが、通常は高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozuと呼ばれることが多い。

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang (前247年~前195年)

正式には廟号(びょうごう)Temple name太祖(たいそ)Taizu諡号(しごう)Posthumous name高皇帝(こうこうてい)Emperor Gaoであるが、通常は高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozuと呼ばれることが多い。

関中(かんちゅう) Guanzhong 漢中(かんちゅう) Hanzhong

関中(かんちゅう) Guanzhong 漢中(かんちゅう) Hanzhong

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang

前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynasty西漢(せいかん)Western Han Dynasty)の初代皇帝First emperor

First emperor of the Former Han dynasty.

戦国時代(せんごくじだい)末期the end of the Warring States period(そ)(チュー)Chu領域domainだった泗水郡(しすいぐん)Sishui County沛県(はいけん)Peixianで、誕生した。

It was born at the end of the Warring States period in Pei County, Sishui County, which was the domain of Chu.

沛県(はいけん)Peixian亭長(ていちょう)tíng cháng, the chief of the pavilion(てい)tíng, pavilionとは当時一定距離ごとに置かれていた宿舎dormitoryのこと)であったが、反秦連合the anti-Qin coalitionに参加した後に(しん)(チン)Qincapital咸陽(かんよう)(シエンヤン)Xianyangを陥落させ、一時は関中(かんちゅう)Guanzhongを支配下に入れた。

He was the chief of the pavilion in Peixian (a pavilion was a dormitory placed at regular intervals at that time), but after participating in the anti-Qin coalition, he made the capital of Qin Xianyang fall, and temporarily took control of Guanzhong. I put it in.

沛県(はいけん) Peixian 垓下(がいか) Gaixia

その後項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuによって西方western漢中(かんちゅう)Hanzhong左遷relegatedされ漢王(かんおう)king of Hanとなるも、東進advanced eastwardして垓下(がいか)Gaixia項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuを討ち、前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynasty西漢(せいかん)Western Han Dynasty)を興した。

After that, he was relegated to western Hanzhong by Xiang Yu and became the king of Han, but he advanced eastward and defeated Xiang Yu under Geisha to restore the Former Han Dynasty.

正式には廟号(びょうごう)Temple name太祖(たいそ)Taizu諡号(しごう)Posthumous name高皇帝(こう・こうてい)Emperor Gaoであるが、通常は高祖(こう・そ)(ギャオズ)Gaozuと呼ばれることが多い。

Officially, the temple name is Taejo, and the posthumous name is Emperor Gao, but it is often called Gaozu.

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

背水の陣(はいすい・の・じん) burn one's boats

背水の陣(はいすい・の・じん) burn one's boats

前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynastyの時代、名将great general韓信(かんしん)Han Xin(ちょう)の軍the Zhao armyと戦ったときに、(退けば水に溺れることから)川を背に陣をしいてset up a camp with the river behind him、自軍の兵士を集めて、これ以上後ろには引けないという決死の覚悟をさせ、その結果見事に敵を破り大勝利をおさめた。

During the Former Han dynasty, when the great general Han Xin fought against the Zhao army, he set up a camp with the river behind him (because he would drown if he withdrew) and gathered his own soldiers. I made him prepare for death that he could not back down, and as a result, he defeated the enemy and won a great victory.

もうこれ以上一歩も退くことのできない絶体絶命の立場desperate position

It is a desperate position that can not retreat even one step anymore.

または、失敗の許されない中でwhile failure is not allowed全力を尽くすdoing your bestことのたとえ。

Or, a parable of doing your best while failure is not allowed.

鴻門の会(こうもん・の・かいFeast at Swan Goose Gate, Hongmen Feast

鴻門の会(こうもん・の・かいFeast at Swan Goose Gate, Hongmen Feast

鴻門の会(こうもん・の・かいFeast at Swan Goose Gate, Hongmen Feast

鴻門の会(こうもん・の・かいFeast at Swan Goose Gate

中国China(しん)(チン)(かん)(ハン)交代期during the changeover of Qin and Han覇権(はけん)hegemonyを争った項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yu劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang鴻門(こうもんHongmenに会して盟約made an allianceしたことをさす。

It refers to the fact that Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, who fought for hegemony during the changeover of Qin and Han in China, met in Hongmen and made an alliance.

(しん)(チン)末の反乱the rebellion at the end of the Qin Dynastyのとき,先に(しん)(チン)Qin本拠地stronghold関中(かんちゅう)Guanzhong陝西省(せんせいしょう)Shaanxi Province)に入った者がkingとなる約束であったが,劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bangが先に占領したので不満をもった項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yu函谷関(かんこく・かん)Hanguguan, Hangu Passから入って劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bangを撃破しようとした。

During the rebellion at the end of the Qin Dynasty, it was promised that the first person to enter Guanzhong (Shaanxi Province), the stronghold of Qin, would become king. I went in and tried to kill Liu Bang.

張良(ちょう・りょう) Zhang Liang

項伯(こう・はく) Xiang Bo

その衝突を心配した劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang将軍general張良(ちょう・りょう)Zhang Liang項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuの叔父の項伯(こう・はく)Xiang Boらが和睦をはかり,咸陽(かんよう)(シエンヤン)Xianyangの入口の鴻門(こうもんHongmenで両者を会合させた(紀元前206206 BC)。

Worried about the clash, Liu Bang's general Zhang Liang and Xiang Yu's uncle Xiang Bo tried to make peace and had the two meet at Hongmen, the entrance to Xianyang (206 BC).

この会合で劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yu忠誠を誓ったpledged allegiance

At this meeting, Liu Bang pledged allegiance to Xiang Yu.

范増(はん・ぞう) Fan Zeng

樊噲(はん・かい) Fan Kuai

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yu謀将(ぼうしょう)conspiracy general范増(はん・ぞう)Fan Zengは会合の機会を利用して劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bangを殺そうとしたが樊噲(はん・かい)Fan Kuaiらに妨げられて失敗し,劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang脱出に成功succeeded in escapingしたという。

Xiang Yu's conspiracy general Fan Zeng used the opportunity of the meeting to try to kill Liu Bang, but was prevented by Fan Cai and others, and Liu Bang succeeded in escaping.

阿房宮(あぼう・きゅう) Ēfánggōng, Epang Palace

虞美人(ぐ・びじん) Yu the Beauty, Yu Meiren

虞美人(ぐ・びじん) Yu the Beauty, Yu Meiren

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yu愛人mistress

Xiang Yu's mistress.

正確な名前exact nameははっきりしておらず、「美人Meiren」も後宮inner palaceでの役職名post nameであるともその容姿を表現expression of her appearanceしたものであるともいわれる。

The exact name is not clear, and it is said that 'beautiful woman' is a post name in the inner palace or an expression of her appearance.

小説やテレビドラマでは項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuwifeとして描かれ、(ぐ)Yusurnameとし「虞姫(ぐ・き)Yu Ji」と紹介されているものが多い。

In novels and TV dramas, she is portrayed as Xiang Yu's wife, and in many cases she is introduced as 'Yuhi' with Yu as her surname.

垓下の戦い(がいか・の・たたかい) Battle of Gaixia

垓下の戦い(がいか・の・たたかい) Battle of Gaixia

垓下の戦い(がいか・の・たたかい) Battle of Gaixia

中国China楚漢戦争(そかん・せんそう)Chu-Han War期の紀元前202202 BC項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yu(そ)(チュー)Chu army劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang(かん)(ハン)Han armyとの間の垓下(がいか)Gaixiaを中心に行われた戦い。

A battle that took place in 202 BC during the Chu-Han War in China, centering on the Gaoxia between the Chu army of Xiang Yu and the Han army of Liu Bang.

この戦いで項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuが死んだことによって劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bangの勝利が完全に決定し、楚漢戦争(そかん・せんそう)Chu-Han Warが終結した。

Xiang Yu's death in this battle completely sealed Liu Bang's victory and ended the Chu-Han War.

四面楚歌(しめん・そか) sì miàn chǔ gē, Songs of Chu from all directions

四面楚歌(しめん・そか) sì miàn chǔ gē, Songs of Chu from all directions

四面楚歌(しめん・そか) Songs of Chu from all directions

項羽(こうう)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuarmy垓下(がいか)Gaixia籠城besiegedしていた。

The army of King Xiang (King of Chu Xiangyu) was besieged at Yuxia.

number of soldiers減りdwindled兵糧supplies尽きようrun outとしていた。

The number of soldiers had dwindled and supplies were about to run out.

(かん)(ハン)Hanとその配下の軍his armyは、castleを幾重にも囲んでいた。

The Han and his army surrounded the castle in multiple layers.

ある夜、漢軍(かんぐん)the Han armyあらゆる方向all directionsから、(そ)(チュー)の国の歌the songs of the state of Chuが聞こえてきた。

One night, from all directions of the Han army, they heard the songs of the state of Chu.

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yu驚愕して言ったastonished and said、「(かん)(ハン)Han(そ)(チュー)Chuを攻め取ってしまったのか、なんと(敵方にon the enemy side楚人(そじん)Chu peopleの多いことだろう」。

King Xiang was astonished and said, "Han has invaded Chu, and there are many Chu people (on the enemy side)."

垓下の歌(がいか・の・うた) The song of Gaixia

垓下の歌(がいか・の・うた) The song of Gaixia

垓下の歌(がいか・の・うた)The song of Gaixiaは、中国China楚漢戦争(そかん・せんそう)Chu–Han Contention垓下の戦い(がいか・の・たたかい)Battle of Gaixiaで、(そ)(チュー)the Chu army指導者leaderである項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuが、愛馬his beloved horse(すい)zhuīに乗って敗走中in flightに、従者attendant愛妾mistressとも)の虞美人(ぐ・びじん)Yu the Beauty, Yu Meirenに贈ったpoem

The song of Gaoxia is a poem written by Xiang Yu, the leader of the Chu army, to his attendant (also known as his mistress) Gu Mei, during the battle of Gaoxia in the Chuhan War in China, while he was in flight on his beloved horse.

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuは、このpoemを詠った後、(かん)(ハン)the Han armyと自ら交戦し、自害committed suicideする。

After composing this poem, Xiang Yu fought against the Han army and committed suicide.

垓下の歌(がいか・の・うた) The song of Gaixia



I had the power to pull mountains and the spirit to cover the world.




Now I'm out of luck and my favorite horse won't even walk.




What did you do with the rice that did not move forward?




What should I do with you?

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang (前247年~前195年)

正式には廟号(びょうごう)Temple name太祖(たいそ)Taizu諡号(しごう)Posthumous name高皇帝(こうこうてい)Emperor Gaoであるが、通常は高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozuと呼ばれることが多い。

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang (前247年~前195年)

正式には廟号(びょうごう)Temple name太祖(たいそ)Taizu諡号(しごう)Posthumous name高皇帝(こうこうてい)Emperor Gaoであるが、通常は高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozuと呼ばれることが多い。

沛県(はいけん) Peixian 垓下(がいか) Gaixia

前漢(ぜんかん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せいかん) Western Han Dynasty

前漢(ぜんかん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せいかん) Western Han Dynasty

Thirteen direct-controlled commanderies including the capital region (yellow) and ten semi-autonomous kingdoms, 195 BC

前漢(ぜん・かん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せい・かん) Western Han Dynasty

前漢(ぜん・かん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せい・かん) Western Han Dynasty

前漢時代Former Han Dynasty


Establishment of the Former Han Dynasty

(しん)(チン)the end of Qinに起こった反乱の諸勢力rebellion forcesの中で最後まで残ったのは、旧貴族勢力the old aristocratic forcesを代表する(そ)(チュー)Chu貴族nobleman出身の項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yu(前232年~前202年)と新興勢力emerging forcesを代表する平民commoner出身の劉邦(りゅう・ほう)Liu Bang(前247年~前195年)である。

Among the rebellion forces that occurred at the end of Qin, the last ones to survive were Xiang Yu, a Chu nobleman who represented the old aristocratic forces, and Liu Bang, a commoner who represented the emerging forces.

202202 BCついに劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー)Xiang Yuを破って(垓下の戦い(がいか・の・たたかい)Battle of Gaixia)、天下を統一unified the worldし、長安(ちょうあん)(チャンアン)Chang'an(今の西安(せいあん)Xi'an)にcapitalを置いて(かん)(ハン)帝国Han Empireを開いた。

In 202 BC, Liu Bang finally defeated Xiang Yu (Battle of Yuxia), unified the world, and established the Han Empire with the capital in Chang'an (now Xi'an).

これが前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynasty西漢(せいかん)Western Han Dynasty)の高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozuである。

This is the ancestor of the Former Han (Western Han).

冒頓単于(ぼくとつ・ぜんう) Modu Chanyu (在位前209年~前174年)

冒頓単于(ぼくとつ・ぜんう) Modu Chanyu (在位前209年~前174年)

高祖の治世Reign of Gaozu

高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozu劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang)は戦乱に疲れた民衆the war-weary people生活を安定させるstabilize the livesために、(しん)Qin厳しい法律をゆるめるrelaxed the strict Qin lawsとともに租税を軽くしたlightened taxes

In order to stabilize the lives of the war-weary people, Gaozu relaxed the strict Qin laws and lightened taxes.

また、首都capital長安(ちょうあん)(チャンアン)Chang'anを中心とする地域を直轄地the area under direct controlとして郡県制(ぐんけんせい)jùnXiànzhì, county and prefecture systemをしいた他、それ以外の地には封建制(ほうけんせい)Fengjian systemを取り入れて戦功のあった一族families功臣meritorious vassals国王king封じたconferred

In addition, a county and prefecture system was established with the area centering on the capital Chang'an under direct control, and the feudal system was adopted in other lands, and meritorious vassals from families who had distinguished themselves in war were conferred on the king.

これを郡国制(ぐんこくせい)jùnguózhì, county and state systemという。

This is called the county system.

高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozu劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang)はやがて異姓different surnames功臣meritorious retainers諸王many kingsを次々に廃し、同族same family劉氏(りゅうし)the Liu clanに代えて国家state守りdefenseを固めようとした。

Gaozu eventually abolished many kings who had different surnames and meritorious retainers one after another, and tried to strengthen the defense of the state in place of the Liu clan of the same family.

2世紀the 2nd century B.C.冒頓単于(ぼくとつ・ぜんう)Modu Chanyu(在位前209年~前174年)が出て強大となった匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ)Xiongnuに対して、高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozu劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang)は屈辱的な講和humiliating treatyを結び(200200 B.C.)、毎年多額の金品a large amount of money and giftsを贈って消極的な和親策policy of peace and harmonyをとった。

In the 2nd century B.C., the Xiongnu, who had become powerful after the release of the Confucian Tanyu, made a humiliating treaty (200 B.C.) and offered a large amount of money and gifts every year as a passive policy of peace and harmony.

呉楚七国の乱(ごそ・しちこく・の・らん) Rebellion of the Seven States of Wu Chu

呉楚七国の乱(ごそ・しちこく・の・らん) Rebellion of the Seven States of Wu Chu


Rebellion of the Seven States of Wu Chu

ところがその後、同族same family諸王kings勢力power中央the centerをしのぐようになってきた。

However, after that, the power of the kings of the same family began to surpass the center.

そこで5the 5th文帝(ぶん・てい)Emperor Wen6the 6th景帝(けい・てい)Emperor Jingは彼らの封土(ほうど)fēngtǔ, fiefs削減reduceしようとした。

Therefore, the 5th Emperor Wen and the 6th Emperor Jing tried to reduce their fiefs.

そのため(ご)(ウー)Wu(そ)(チュー)Chuなど七国seven statesrebellionを起こしたが(呉楚七国の乱(ごそ・しちこく・の・らん)Rebellion of the Seven States of Wu Chu154154 B.C.)、(かん)(ハン)Hanはこれを平定pacifiedし、ついに諸王the kingsのほとんどを廃して郡県制(ぐん・けん・せい)jùnXiànzhì, the county and prefecture system確立establishmentへと向かったのである。

As a result, seven states such as Wu and Chu caused a rebellion (Wu Chu Seven Kingdoms Rebellion, 154 B.C.), but the Han pacified this, finally abolishing most of the kings and moving toward the establishment of the county and prefecture system.

前漢(ぜん・かん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せい・かん) Western Han Dynasty

前漢(ぜん・かん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せい・かん) Western Han Dynasty

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

武帝の治世 Emperor Wu's reign

7the 7th武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wu(在位前141年~前87年)のとき、推恩の令(すいおん・の・れい)the edict of Tui-en出してissued諸王の力the power of the kings弱めたweakened

When he was the 7th Emperor Wu, he issued a decree to encourage favors and weakened the power of the kings.

こうして全国的nationwide郡県制(ぐん・けん・せい)jùnXiànzhì, county-prefecture systemが確立し、郷挙里選(きょう・きょ・り・せん)Xiāng Jǔ Lǐ xuǎn, the election of the towns and villages(郷より挙げ、里から選ぶ)による中央集権的官僚支配体制centralized bureaucratic control systemが強化され、初めて年号era nameが制定されるなど(かん)(ハン)帝国Han Empire全盛期heydayが出現した。

In this way, the county and prefecture system was established nationwide, the centralized bureaucratic control system was strengthened through the election of the towns and villages, and the heyday of the Han Empire appeared, such as the establishment of the era name for the first time.

推恩の令(すいおん・の・れい) the edict of Tui-en

補足supplementary explanation

推恩の令(すいおん・の・れい)the edict of Su-en

127127 BC武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wuは従来嫡子legitimate childrenにのみ相続させていた諸王various kings領土territoriesを、多くの子弟many childrenにも分封divideすることを許した。

In 127 BC, Emperor Wu allowed many children to divide the territories of various kings, which had traditionally been inherited only by legitimate children.

これを推恩の令(すいおん・の・れい)the edict of Tui-enという。

This is called the edict of Su-en.

これによって、諸王the kings弱小化weakenedし、武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wu中央集権化centralization促進promotedした。

This weakened the kings and promoted the centralization of Emperor Wu.

孔子(こうし) Confucius

儒教の尊重 Respect for Confucianism

武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wu法家(ほう・か)Legalism思想thoughtに基づく政治politicsを行う一方、儒教(じゅきょう)Confucianismを尊重し国教the state religionとして思想の統一を図り、官吏government officialsを採用するにも儒学(じゅがく)Confucian educationの教養をもってその資格とした。

Emperor Wu carried out politics based on jurist thought, while respecting Confucianism as the state religion and seeking to unify his thoughts, and even when he hired government officials, he required them to have a Confucian education.

これより儒教(じゅきょう)Confucianism国家権力state powerと結合し、長く中国思想界の王座the throne of Chinese thoughtを占めた。

Since then, Confucianism has been combined with state power and has long occupied the throne of Chinese thought.

前漢(ぜん・かん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せい・かん) Western Han Dynasty

前漢(ぜん・かん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せい・かん) Western Han Dynasty

衛青(えい・せい) Wei Qing

霍去病(かく・きょへい) Huo Qubing

張騫(ちょう・けん) Zhang Qian (?~前114年)

前漢(ぜんかん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せいかん) Western Han Dynasty

前漢(ぜん・かん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せい・かん) Western Han Dynasty

匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ) Xiongnu

オアシス都市国家 oasis city-states 西域3636 countries in the western region

オアシス都市国家 oasis city-states 西域3636 countries in the western region

対外政策 Foreign policy

高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ)Gaozu劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン)Liu Bang)以来の消極的な対匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ)Xiongnu政策policyにあきたらず、武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wu将軍general衛青(えい・せい)Wei Qing霍去病(かく・きょへい)Huo Qubingらに命じ軍隊armyを送って匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ)Xiongnuを北方に追い、オルドスOrdosにも勢力を伸ばし、甘粛(かんしゅく)(カンスー)Gansuの他に敦煌(とんこう)(ドゥンファン)Dunhuangなどの諸郡other countiesを設け、軍隊troopsを駐屯させてその侵入invasionに備えた。

Unsatisfied with the passive policy against Xiongnu since Gaozu, Emperor Wu ordered the general Wei Qing and Huo Guo Hei to send an army to chase the Xiongnu northward, and also to Ordos. In addition to Kansu, Dunhuang and other counties were established, and troops were stationed there to prepare for the invasion.

更に西方west大月氏(だいげっし)Greater Yuezhi同盟allyして匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ)Xiongnu挟撃pincer attackするため張騫(ちょう・けん)Zhang Qian(?~前114年)を西域(せいいき)Western Regionsに派遣した。

In addition, he dispatched Zhang Qian to the western region in order to ally with the Otsuki clan in the west to attack the Xiongnu from the side.

その直接の目的は達せられなかったが、これを機に西域(せいいき)western regions事情situationが知られるようになった。

Although the direct purpose was not achieved, the situation in the western region came to be known through this.

張騫(ちょう・けん)Zhang Qianはその後、烏孫(うそん)Wusunにも派遣された。

Zhang Qian was later dispatched to Wusun.

武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wu服属submitを拒否した大宛(だいえん)DayuanフェルガナFergana)を討ち、匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ)Xiongnuの支配下にあった中央アジアCentral Asiaオアシス都市国家oasis city-states西域3636 countries in the western region)を服属subjugatedさせた。

Emperor Wu killed Fergana, who refused to submit, and subjugated the Central Asian oasis city-states (36 countries in the western region) under Xiongnu's control.

武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wu南方to the southにも軍隊troopsを送って南越(なんえつ)Nanyue征服conquerし、インドシナIndochinaヴェトナムVietnam東北部northeastern partまで領土territoryをひろげ、南海(なんかい)(ナンハイ)Nanhaiなどの9nine countiesを置いた(111111 BC)。

Emperor Wu also sent troops to the south to conquer Nanyue, expanding his territory to the northeastern part of Indochina (Vietnam) and establishing nine counties such as Nanhai (111 BC).

また、東方in the eastでは衛氏朝鮮(えいし・ちょうせん)Wiman Joseonを滅ぼして(108108 B.C.)、朝鮮北部northern Korea楽浪郡(らくろう・ぐん)Lelang Commanderyなどの4four countiesを置き直轄地areas under his direct controlとした。

In addition, in the east, he destroyed Waizi Joseon (108 B.C.), and placed four counties such as Nakrang County in northern Korea as areas under his direct control.

saltiron専売制(せんばいせい)Government monopoly

武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wuのうち続く外征expeditions土木事業civil engineering projects豪奢な生活extravagant lifestylesによる浪費extravaganceで、豊かであった国家財政national financesは困難となった。

The wealthy national finances became difficult due to the extravagance of the Wu Emperor's continuous expeditions, civil engineering projects, and extravagant lifestyles.

そこで武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wuは、人民に重税heavy taxesを課し、貨幣を改鋳し(五銖銭(ごしゅ・せん)Wu Zhu coins)、saltiron専売制(せんばいせい)Government monopolyにし、均輸法(きんゆほう)Equal Import Law平準法(へいじゅんほう)Equalization Lawによる商業統制control commerceを図るとともに、ranksofficialsを売り、罪人sinnersでも金銭taxを納める者はpunishment免除exemptingする(贖罪(しょくざい)atonement)などして、財政の危機financial crisisを救おうとした。

Therefore, Emperor Wu imposes heavy taxes on the people, re-mints coins (Wu Zhen coins), monopolizes salt and iron, tries to control commerce by means of the Equal Import Law and the Equalization Law, sells ranks and officials, and even sinners receive money. Those who paid the tax tried to save the financial crisis by exempting them from punishment (atonement).

均輸法と平準法 Equal Import Law and Equalization Law

補足supplementary explanation

均輸法と平準法Equal Import Law and Equalization Law

均輸法(きんゆ・ほう)The equal transportation method各地various placesから上納する現物actual goods輸送費transportation costsを合わせて負担を平均にする法method of averaging the burdenである。

The equal transportation method is a method of averaging the burden by combining the actual goods delivered from various places and the transportation costs.

政府governmentはこれらの物資goods不足short supplyしている地方the regions売ってselling国庫the revenue of the national treasury増収increaseを図った。

The government tried to increase the revenue of the national treasury by selling these goods to the regions in short supply.

平準法(へいじゅん・ほう)Equalization Lawは、均輸法(きんゆ・ほう)Equal Transportation Lawを発展させ、各地various places安いcheapときに物資goods購入purchasingして貯蔵storingし、高いexpensiveときに売り出しselling物価を調節control pricesするとともに国庫the revenue of the national treasury増収increaseを図ったものである。

The Equalization Law developed the Equal Transportation Law, purchasing and storing goods in various places when they were cheap and selling them when they were expensive to control prices and increase the revenue of the national treasury.


これらの新政策new policiesの結果、人民は重い負担heavy burdenに苦しみ、社会不安social unrestは激しくなった。

As a result of these new policies, the people suffered a heavy burden and social unrest increased.

晩年には農業増産increase in agricultural production奨励encouragedしたりしたが、社会不安social unrest解消alleviateすることはできなかった。

In his later years, he encouraged an increase in agricultural production, but he was unable to alleviate social unrest.

宣帝(せん・てい) Emperor Xuan


Power struggle between maternal relatives and eunuchs

武帝(ぶ・てい)Emperor Wuの死後、一時宣帝(せん・てい)Emperor Xuanによって国家財政national finances再建rebuildに努力が払われたが、なお十分な成果sufficient resultsはあげ得なかった。

After the death of Emperor Wu, Emperor Xuan made efforts to rebuild the national finances for a time, but still failed to achieve sufficient results.

その後宮廷内部within the courtでは、凡庸な皇帝mediocre emperorsが多く、皇帝emperorの擁立などをめぐり外戚(がいせき)maternal relatives宦官(かんがん)eunuchs権力powerを争い、地方rural areasでは大土地large landsを所有する豪族(ごうぞく)powerful clans地方政治local politicsを握るようになり、(かん)Han国力national powerは衰え、社会不安social unrestが激しくなった。

After that, within the court, there were many mediocre emperors, maternal relatives and eunuchs fought for power over the emperor, and in rural areas, the powerful clans who owned large lands began to control local politics, and the national power of Han declined, causing social unrest. became intense.

宦官(かんがん) Eunuch

補足supplementary explanation

外戚と宦官 Maternal Relatives and Eunuchs

外戚(がいせき)Maternal Relativesとは母方の親戚relative on the mother's sideのことで、一族familyがその地位position利用usedして高位高官high officeについた。

A maternal relative is a relative on the mother's side, whose position was used by the family to reach high office.

宦官(かんがん)Eunuchsとは去勢された男子castrated male宮廷の雑用court choresを行った。

A eunuch was a castrated male who performed court chores.

古代In ancient timesでは宮刑に処せられたimprisoned by the imperial court罪人sinnersをあてたが、the Sui dynasty以後宮刑imprisonmentが廃止され、異人種の俘虜imprisoned prisoners of different races外国よりの貢進者tributes from foreign countriesなどより補充した。

In ancient times, sinners who were imprisoned by the imperial court were selected, but imprisonment was abolished after the Sui dynasty, and imprisoned prisoners of different races and tributes from foreign countries were recruited.

ともに天子(てんし)Son of Heaven側近close associatesに仕えるところから、しばしば政治の実権power in politicsを握り、大きな弊害great harmを生んだ。

Since they both served the Tenshi's close associates, they often seized power in politics and caused great harm.

王莽(おう・もう)(ワン・メン) Wang Mang (在位8年~23年)

王莽(おう・もう)と新(しん) Wang Mang and Xin

(しん)(シン)の建国 Founding of Xin

(かん)(ハン)Han Dynasty宮廷内within the Han court権力争いpower struggleは、外戚(がいせき)maternal relative王莽(おう・もう)(ワン・メン)Wang Mang(在位8年~23年)が勝利victoryを占め、88 AD(かん)(ハン)Han Dynasty滅ぼしてoverthrew自らthroneにつき、国号(こくごう)state name(しん)(シン)Xin Dynastyと称した。

In the power struggle within the Han court, the maternal relative Wang Mang won the victory. Eight years later, he overthrew the Han dynasty and took the throne himself, calling himself the new state name.

王莽(おう・もう)(ワン・メン)Wang Mangは極端な復古主義者revivalistで、『周礼(しゅらい)Rites of Zhou』など儒教(じゅきょう)Confucianism古典classicsに基づいて官僚制度bureaucratic system貨幣currency改めたreformingほか、奴隷の売買sale and purchase of slavesを禁じ、全国の土地land all over the country国有nationalizingにし、商業を統制controlling commerceしたりした。

Wang Mang was an extreme revivalist, reforming the bureaucratic system and currency based on Confucian classics such as "Chou Rites", prohibiting the sale and purchase of slaves, nationalizing land all over the country, and controlling commerce.

赤眉の乱(せきびのらん) Red Eyebrows rebellions

赤眉の乱(せきびのらん) Red Eyebrows rebellions

(しん)(シン)の滅亡 Fall of Xin

このような政策policyは、社会の実状realities of societyに合わず、そのうえ王莽(おう・もう)(ワン・メン)Wang Mangにそれを強行するだけの実力strength to enforce itもなかったので、ただ社会を混乱social chaosさせ、農民peasants豪族ruling families反抗rebellionを招いたにすぎなかった。

Such a policy did not suit the realities of society, and Wang Mang did not have the strength to enforce it, so it only caused social chaos and led to the rebellion of the peasants and ruling families.

彼は対外政策foreign policyにおいても匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ)Xiongnu討伐subdueに失敗し、そのうえin the eastには高句麗(こうくり)Goguryeo侵入invasion西in the westには西域諸国(せいいき・しょこく)Xiyu Zhūguó, the countries of the Western Regions離反defectionin the southには雲南(うんなん)Yunnan反乱rebellionが続いた。

In terms of foreign policy, he failed to subdue the Xiongnu, followed by the invasion of Goguryeo in the east, the defection of the countries of the Western Regions in the west, and the Yunnan rebellion in the south.

このとき赤眉の乱(せきび・の・らん)Red Eyebrows rebellionsのような農民反乱peasant rebellionが起こり、これに乗じて豪族local ruling families蜂起rise upしたため、2323 AD(しん)(シン)Xin Dynastyはわずか15年で崩壊collapseした。

At this time, a peasant rebellion such as the Akabi Rebellion occurred, and local ruling families took advantage of this to rise up, resulting in the collapse of the new government in 15 years.

赤眉の乱(せきび・の・らん) Red Eyebrows rebellions

補足supplementary explanation

赤眉の乱(せきび・の・らん) Red Eyebrows rebellions

王莽(おう・もう)(ワン・メン)時代during the Wang Mang反乱rebelledを起こした農民peasantsたちが眉毛eyebrows赤く染めてdyed red標識as a signとしたので、こう呼ばれる。

It is so called because the peasants who rebelled during the Wang Mang era dyed their eyebrows red as a sign.

後漢(ごかん) Later Han Dynasty 東漢(とうかん) Eastern Han Dynasty

後漢(ごかん) Later Han Dynasty 東漢(とうかん) Eastern Han Dynasty

後漢(ごかん) Later Han Dynasty 東漢(とうかん) Eastern Han Dynasty

光武帝(こうぶ・てい) Emperor Guangwu 劉秀(りゅう・しゅう) Liu Xiu (在位25年~57年)

後漢(ごかん)時代 Later Han Dynasty

後漢の建国 Founding of the Later Han Dynasty

(しん)(シン)の滅亡the fall of Xin後も群雄dynasties争いconflictsは続いたが、やがて2525 AD河南(かなん)(ホゥーナン)Henan豪族local ruling family援助helpの下に、(かん)(ハン)の一族a member of the Han familyである劉秀(りゅう・しゅう)Liu Xiu全国を統一unified the whole countryして(かん)(ハン)Han Dynasty復興restoredした。

Even after the fall of Xin, the conflicts between the dynasties continued, but 25 years later, Liu Xiu, a member of the Han family, unified the whole country and restored the Han with the help of the local ruling family in Henan.

これが後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty東漢(とうかん)Eastern Han Dynasty)の光武帝(こうぶ・てい)Emperor Guangwu劉秀(りゅうしゅう)Liu Xiu(在位25年~57年)である。

光武帝(こうぶ・てい)Emperor Guangwu劉秀(りゅう・しゅう)Liu Xiuは、国都the capital of the country長安(ちょうあん)(チャンアン)Chang'anからin the east洛陽(らくよう)(ルオヤン)Luoyangに移し、対外的externallyには消極策passive measuresをとる一方、前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynasty諸制度various systems復活restoredし、儒教(じゅきょう)Confucianismを奨励して文治主義(ぶんち・しゅぎ)wénzhì zhǔyì, governing by law and reason rather than by military forceをとり、もっぱら内政domestic affairsの充実に努めた。

Emperor Guangwu (Liu Xiu) moved the capital of the country from Chang'an to Luoyang in the east, and while taking passive measures externally, he restored various systems of the Former Han dynasty, promoted Confucianism, adopted civil rule, and focused exclusively on improving domestic affairs. I tried.

班超(はん・ちょう) Ban Chao


one may not catch a tiger cub without entering a tiger's lair

班超(はん・ちょう) Ban Chao

西域経営 Management in the Western regions

後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty光武帝(こうぶ・てい)Emperor Guangwu劉秀(りゅう・しゅう)Liu Xiu以下数代several generations賢帝wise emperorsが続き、善政good governmentを行った。

In the Later Han Dynasty, following Emperor Guangwu (Liu Xiu), there were several generations of wise emperors, and they conducted good government.

こうして国力national powerを回復すると、積極外交active diplomacyに転じ、匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ)Xiongnu分裂divisionに乗じて南匈奴(みなみきょうど)Southern Xiongnu服属subjugateさせ、北匈奴(きたきょうど)Northern Xiongnuを北方to the northに追い払って、再び中央アジアCentral Asiaを支配した。

After recovering national power, he turned to active diplomacy, taking advantage of the Xiongnu division to subjugate the southern Xiongnu, drive the northern Xiongnu to the north, and regain control of Central Asia.

更に和帝(わ・てい)Emperor Heのとき西域都護(せいいき・とご)Xīyù Dūhù, Protectorate of the Western Regions班超(はん・ちょう)Ban Chao活躍activitiesによって西域経営management of the western regionは目ざましく発展し、1世紀後半In the second half of the 1st centuryにはカスピ海以東east of the Caspian Sea50余国more than 50 countries(かん)(ハン)Han Dynasty服属under the ruleするに至った。

Furthermore, during the reign of the Emperor of Wa, the management of the western region developed remarkably due to the activities of the governor of the western region.

In the second half of the 1st century, more than 50 countries east of the Caspian Sea came under the rule of Han.

オアシス都市国家 oasis city-states 西域36 36 countries in the western region

オアシス都市国家 oasis city-states 西域3636 countries in the western region

西域都護(せいいき・とご) Xīyù Dūhù, Protectorate of the Western Regions

補足supplementary explanation


Xīyù Dūhù, Protectorate of the Western Regions

(かん)(ハン)In the Han dynasty天山南路(てんざん・なんろ)Tianshan Nánlù, Tianshan South Roadに置かれた駐屯軍garrison長官chief

In the Han dynasty, the chief of the garrison stationed on Tianshan South Road.

都護(とご)Dūhù, Protectorateとは西域(せいいき)Xīyù, Western Regions南北道the north and south roads(す)べ護るprotect意味。

Togo means to protect the north and south roads in the western region.

前漢(ぜんかん)Former Han Dynasty宣帝(せん・てい)Emperor Xuanのとき初めて置かれ、後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynastyでは7474 AD復活revivedした。

It was first placed during Emperor Xuan of the Former Han Dynasty, and was revived in 74 AD in the Later Han Dynasty.

甘英(かん・えい) Gan Ying

マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌスMarcus Aurelius (在位161年~180年)

大秦王安敦(たいしん・おう・あんとん)Daqin wáng An-dun

更に班超(はん・ちょう)Ban Chao部下subordinate甘英(かん・えい)Gan Ying大秦国(たいしんこく)DaqinguóローマRomeあるいはその東方領eastern territories)に派遣しようとしたり、また2世紀中ごろthe middle of the 2nd centuryには大秦王安敦(たいしん・おう・あんとん)Daqin wáng An-dunマルクス・アウレリウスMarcus Aurelius)の使者messenger海路by sea中国Chinaにくるなど、東西交渉the East-West negotiationsも活発化した。

In addition, the East-West negotiations became more active, such as the attempt to dispatch Kan'ei, a subordinate of Ban Chao, to Daqin (Rome or its eastern territories), and a messenger from Marcus Aurelius, the king of Daqin, who came to China by sea in the middle of the 2nd century.


Negotiations with Wa (Japan) were also seen.

黄巾の乱(こうきん・の・らん) Yellow Turban Rebellion

後漢(ごかん)の滅亡 Fall of Later Han

その後、(かん)(ハン)Han Dynasty幼少の皇帝が続きthe Han emperor continued to be a child外戚(がいせき)maternal relatives宦官(かんがん)eunuchs政治を左右dominated politicsし、これと対立opposedする官僚勢力bureaucratic forces党人(とうじん)party members)は弾圧suppressedされ(党錮の禁(とうこ・の・きん)Disasters of the Partisan Prohibitions)、国政national politics乱れたdisrupted

After that, the Han emperor continued to be a child, and maternal relatives and eunuchs dominated politics, and the bureaucratic forces (party members) that opposed them were suppressed (banning the party), and national politics was disrupted.

一方、後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty建国founded the countryのさい、豪族(ごうぞく)local ruling familypower借りたborrowedため、豪族(ごうぞく)local ruling family抑えるhold backことができなかった。

On the other hand, the Later Han Dynasty borrowed the power of the local ruling family when it founded the country, and was unable to hold back the local ruling family.

そのため豪族(ごうぞく)local ruling families地方rural areasにあって勢力powerを振い、農民farmersはその圧迫oppression重税heavy taxesに苦しみ、各地に反乱rebellionsが絶えなかった。

As a result, local ruling families wielded their power in rural areas, farmers suffered from oppression and heavy taxes, and rebellions continued throughout the country.

特に184年、河北(かほく)(フーペイ)Hebei河南(かなん)(ホゥーナン)Henanにひろがった黄巾の乱(こうきん・の・らん)Yellow Turban Rebellionをきっかけとして、地方豪族local ruling families各地various places地方政権local governmentsを作って互いに争いfight each other(かん)(ハン)の支配力the Han ruling power完全に失われたcompletely lost

In particular, in 184, the Yellow Turban Rebellion that spread in Hebei and Henan triggered local ruling families to establish local governments in various places and fight each other, and the Han ruling power was completely lost.

曹丕(そう・ひ)(シャオ・ピー) Cao Pi (ぎ)(ウェイ) Wei文帝(ぶん・てい) Emperor Wen

こうして後漢(ごかん)Later Han混乱confusionのうちに220年、曹丕(そうひ)(シャオ・ピー)Cao Pi(ぎ)(ウェイ)Wei文帝(ぶん・てい)Emperor Wen)により滅ぼされたdestroyed

In this way, Later Han was destroyed by Cao Pi (Emperor Wen of Wei) in 220 in confusion.

張角(ちょう・かく) Zhang Jiao

補足supplementary explanation

黄巾の乱(こうきん・の・らん) Yellow Turban Rebellion

河北(フーペイ)Hebei張角(ちょう・かく)Zhang Jiao太平道(たいへいどう)Taiping dào, Way of the Taipingという一種の秘密宗教a kind of secret religionを唱えて農民peasant組織organizedし、頭にまいた黄色の布yellow cloth目印markにして起こした反乱rebellion

Zhang Jiao of Hebei advocated a kind of secret religion called Taiping Dao and organized a peasant rebellion with a yellow cloth wrapped around his head as a mark.


suppressed within a year.

戦国の七雄 the Seven Kings of the Warring States


(しん)(チン) Qin

商鞅(しょう・おう) Shang Yang

(しん)(チン) Qin

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

(しん)(チン) Qin

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

李斯(り・し) Li Si

李斯(り・し) Li Si

(しん)(チン) Qin

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

(しん)(チン) Qin

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

(しん)(チン) Qin

嬴政(えい・せい) Ying Zheng

秦始皇帝(しん・し・こうてい)(チン・シ・ファンディ) Qin Shi Huangdithe first emperor of the Qin dynasty

秦始皇(しん・し・こう)(チン・シ・ファン) Qin Shi Huangthe first emperor of the Qin dynasty

李斯(り・し) Li Si

李斯(り・し) Li Si

始皇帝(し・こうてい)(シ・ファンディ) Shi Huangdi the first emperor

郡県制(ぐん・けん・せい) county-prefecture system

経済・文化の統一策 Unification of economy and culture

匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ) Xiongnu

匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ) Xiongnu

万里の長城(ばんり・の・ちょうじょう) Great Wall of China

焚書坑儒(ふんしょ・こうじゅ) Burning of books and burying of scholars

陳勝・呉広の乱(ちんしょう・ごこう・の・らん) Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising

懐王(かいおう) King Huai

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang (前247年~前195年)

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

懐王(かいおう) King Huai

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang (前247年~前195年)

子嬰(しえい) Ziying

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang (前247年~前195年)

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

范増(はん・ぞう) Fan Zeng

鴻門の会(こうもん・の・かいFeast at Swan Goose Gate, Hongmen Feast

劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang (前247年~前195年)

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

范増(はん・ぞう) Fan Zeng

張良(ちょう・りょう) Zhang Liang

項伯(こう・はく) Xiang Bo

鴻門の会(こうもん・の・かいFeast at Swan Goose Gate, Hongmen Feast

張良(ちょう・りょう) Zhang Liang

樊噲(はん・かい) Fan Kuai

鴻門の会(こうもん・の・かいFeast at Swan Goose Gate, Hongmen Feast

樊噲(はん・かい) Fan Kuai

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

鴻門の会(こうもん・の・かいFeast at Swan Goose Gate, Hongmen Feast

范増(はん・ぞう) Fan Zeng

張良(ちょう・りょう) Zhang Liang

垓下の戦い(がいか・の・たたかい) Battle of Gaixia

項羽(こう・う)(シャン・ユー) Xiang Yu (前232年~前202年)

高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ) Gaozu 劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang

前漢(ぜん・かん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せい・かん) Western Han Dynasty

前漢(ぜん・かん) Former Han Dynasty 西漢(せい・かん) Western Han Dynasty

高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ) Gaozu 劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang

張良(ちょう・りょう) Zhang Liang

郡国制(ぐんこくせい) jùnguózhì, county and state system

呉楚七国の乱(ごそ・しちこく・の・らん) Rebellion of the Seven States of Wu Chu

景帝(けい・てい) Emperor Jing

郡県制(ぐん・けん・せい) jùnXiànzhì, the county and prefecture system

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

董仲舒(とう・ちゅうじょ) Dong Zhongshu

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ) Xiongnu

匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ) Xiongnu

高祖(こうそ)(ギャオズ) Gaozu 劉邦(りゅう・ほう)(ルー・ベン) Liu Bang

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

大月氏(だいげっし) Greater Yuezhi

張騫(ちょう・けん) Zhang Qian (?~前114年)

匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ) Xiongnu

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

衛青(えい・せい) Wei Qing

匈奴(きょうど)(ションヌゥ) Xiongnu

張騫(ちょう・けん) Zhang Qian (?~前114年)

大月氏(だいげっし) Greater Yuezhi

大月氏(だいげっし) Greater Yuezhi

張騫(ちょう・けん) Zhang Qian (?~前114年)

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

張騫(ちょう・けん) Zhang Qian (?~前114年)

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

武帝(ぶ・てい) Emperor Wu (在位前141年~前87年)

王莽(おう・もう)(ワン・メン) Wang Mang (在位8年~23年)

(しん)(シン) Xin Dynasty

王莽(おう・もう)(ワン・メン) Wang Mang (在位8年~23年)

(しん)(シン) Xin Dynasty

赤眉の乱(せきびのらん) Red Eyebrows rebellions

王莽(おう・もう)(ワン・メン) Wang Mang (在位8年~23年)

(しん)(シン) Xin Dynasty

赤眉の乱(せきびのらん) Red Eyebrows rebellions

光武帝(こうぶ・てい) Emperor Guangwu 劉秀(りゅう・しゅう) Liu Xiu (在位25年~57年)

後漢(ごかん) Later Han Dynasty 東漢(とうかん) Eastern Han Dynasty

王莽(おう・もう)(ワン・メン) Wang Mang (在位8年~23年)

(しん)(シン) Xin Dynasty

赤眉の乱(せきびのらん) Red Eyebrows rebellions

光武帝(こうぶ・てい) Emperor Guangwu 劉秀(りゅう・しゅう) Liu Xiu (在位25年~57年)

後漢(ごかん) Later Han Dynasty 東漢(とうかん) Eastern Han Dynasty

後漢(ごかん) Later Han Dynasty 東漢(とうかん) Eastern Han Dynasty

蔡倫(さい・りん) Cai Lun

後漢(ごかん)Later Han Dynasty和帝(わ・てい)Emperor He

外戚(がいせき)maternal relatives宦官(かんがん)eunuchs

党錮の禁(とうこ・の・きん) Disasters of the Partisan Prohibitions

鄭玄(じょう・げん) Zheng Xuan

馬融(ば・ゆう) Ma Rong

黄巾の乱(こうきん・の・らん) Yellow Turban Rebellion

劉備玄徳(りゅうび・げんとく)(リィゥ・ベイ) Liu Bei Xuande

曹操(そう・そう)(ツァオ・ツァオ)Cao Cao155年~220年)

曹丕(そう・ひ)(シャオ・ピー) Cao Pi (ぎ)(ウェイ)Wei文帝(ぶん・てい) Emperor Wen

孫権(そんけん)(スン・チュエン) Sun Quan 182年~252年)


インデペンデンス・デイ Independence Day 第 3 章 パニック  Chapter 3   Panic インデペンデンス・デイ ( 独立 ( どくりつ ) 記念 ( きねん ) 日 ( び ) ) Independence Day 1996 年(平成 8...