


日本史53 Japanese history 53


Changes in the World situation and Japan

東海道新幹線(とうかいどう・しんかんせん)Tokaido Shinkansen


1964年(昭和39年)東京オリンピック1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo

日本万国博覧会The Japan World Exposition, Osaka, 1970


ヴェトナム戦争Vietnam War 1965年(昭和40年)

文化大革命(ぶんか・だいかくめい)Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 1965年(昭和40年)末

石油危機(せきゆ・きき)Oil crisisオイル・ショックOil shock) 1965年(昭和40年)末

ロッキード L-1011 トライスターLockheed L-1011 TriStar

ロッキード事件Lockheed bribery scandals 1976年(昭和51年)

田中角栄(たなか・かくえい)Kakuei Tanaka

ソ連・アフガン戦争Soviet–Afghan War 1978年(昭和53年)4月~1992(平成4年)年4

E-2ホークアイNorthrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye

1979年(昭和54年)1米証券取引委員会the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissionで、防衛庁Defense Agency導入決定の米グラマン社Grumman早期警戒機E2C E2C early warning device売込みで、日本高官4four high-ranking Japanese officialsが関与し、成功報酬success feesを受けたと告発されたが、訴追には至らなかった。

In January 1979, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission accused four high-ranking Japanese officials of being involved in promoting Grumman's E2C early warning device, which the Defense Agency decided to introduce, and of receiving success fees. , but no charges were filed.

イラン・イラク戦争Iran–Iraq War


日米自動車摩擦Japan-US automobile friction 1980年(昭和55年)度

三公社民営化Privatization of three public corporations


ドイツ再統一German reunification 1990年(平成2年)10

独立国家共同体CISCommonwealth of Independent States


バブル景気Japanese asset price bubble 1986年(昭和61年)~1991年(平成3年)

消費税(しょうひぜい)Consumption tax 1989年(平成1年)4

14 Chapter 14


Modern Japan and the world

4 Section 4


Changes in the World situation and Japan


岸信介(きし・のぶすけ)Nobusuke Kishi


池田勇人(いけだ・はやと)Hayato Ikeda


高度経済成長(こうど・けいざい・せいちょう)Japanese economic miracle

所得倍増計画(しょとく・ばいぞう・けいかく)Income Doubling Plan

岸信介(きし・のぶすけ)内閣the Shinsuke Kishi Cabinetの次の池田勇人(いけだ・はやと)内閣The Hayato Ikeda Cabinet1960年(昭和35年)7月~1964年(昭和39年)11月)は、安保闘争the security struggleによる国論分裂the division in national opinionの修復を図って、高度経済成長(こうど・けいざい・せいちょう)high economic growth国民所得倍増(しょとく・ばいぞう)double the national incomeの政策を掲げた。

The Hayato Ikeda Cabinet (July 1960 to November 1964), which followed the Shinsuke Kishi Cabinet, aimed to repair the division in national opinion caused by the security struggle and achieve high economic growth and double the national income. The policy of

1955年(昭和30年)以来、日本は高度経済成長期period of high economic growthに入ったが、それをいっそう促進し、10年間で実質国民総生産the real gross national productGNP)の倍増、月給monthly wages2倍にするという計画で、そのため、社会資本の充実the enhancement of social capital産業構造の高度化sophistication of industrial structureの促進・貿易と国際協力trade and international cooperationの促進・人的能力の向上improvement of human ability科学技術の振興promotion of science and technologyなどを課題とした。

Since 1955, Japan has entered a period of high economic growth, and the plan is to further promote this, doubling the real gross national product (GNP) and doubling monthly wages in 10 years. The issues included the enhancement of social capital, promotion of sophistication of industrial structure, promotion of trade and international cooperation, improvement of human ability, and promotion of science and technology.

岩戸景気(いわと・けいき)Iwato boom

その結果は計画を上回る成果をあげ、日本は重化学工業heavy and chemical industriesの先進国としての地位を確立した(岩戸景気(いわと・けいき)Iwato boom)。

The results were better than planned, and Japan established itself as a country with advanced heavy and chemical industries (Iwato boom).

国際通貨基金(こくさい・つうか・ききん)(IMFInternational Monetary Fund

1回日米貿易経済委員会以来、対米依存を深めながら、1964年(昭和39年)4月にはIMF国際通貨基金International Monetary Fund8条国Article 8 countryとなり、OECD経済協力開発機構Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)に正式に加盟して積極的な国際経済競争international economic competitionに入り、1960年代末からは貿易収支trade balance輸出超過excess of exportsを続けることになった。

Since the first Japan-U.S. Trade and Economic Commission, we have become increasingly dependent on the United States, and in April 1964 we became an IMF (International Monetary Fund) Article 8 country and officially joined the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). After becoming a member, the country entered into active international economic competition, and from the end of the 1960s its trade balance remained in excess of exports.

農業基本法(のうぎょう・きほんほう)the Basic Agricultural Law

1961年(昭和36年)6月、池田勇人(いけだ・はやと)内閣the Hayato Ikeda Cabinet農業基本法(のうぎょう・きほんほう)the Basic Agricultural Lawを公布した。

In June 1961, the Hayato Ikeda Cabinet promulgated the Basic Agricultural Law.

東海道新幹線(とうかいどう・しんかんせん)Tokaido Shinkansen 1964年(昭和39年)101

交通機関の電化Electrification of transportationが進み、1964年(昭和39年)には東海道新幹線(とうかいどう・しんかんせん)the Tokaido Shinkansenが開通した。

Electrification of transportation progressed, and the Tokaido Shinkansen opened in 1964.


また自動車産業the automobile industryの発達とともにトラックtrucks乗用車passenger carsが普及し、1965年(昭和40年)からは名神Meishin東名Tomeiなどの高速道路(こうそく・どうろ)expresswaysが開通した。

Additionally, with the development of the automobile industry, trucks and passenger cars became popular, and from 1965 (Showa 40), expressways such as Meishin and Tomei were opened.

朝永振一郎(ともなが・しんいちろう)Shin'ichirō Tomonaga

江崎玲於奈(えさき・れおな)Reona Esaki

1965年(昭和40年)には朝永振一郎(ともなが・しんいちろう)Shin'ichirō Tomonagaが、1973年(昭和48年)には江崎玲於奈(えさき・れおな)Reona Esakiノーベル物理学賞the Nobel Prize in Physicsを受賞した。

In 1965 (Showa 40), Shinichiro Tomonaga won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and in 1973 (Showa 48), Reona Ezaki won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

白黒テレビ(しろくろ・テレビ)black and white television

三種の神器(さんしゅ・の・じんぎ)Three Sacred Treasures

洗濯機(せんたくき)Washing machine

三種の神器(さんしゅ・の・じんぎ)Three Sacred Treasures


三種の神器(さんしゅ・の・じんぎ)Three Sacred Treasures

1950年代の中頃からテレビ放送Television broadcastingが開始され、冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ)Refrigerator洗濯機(せんたくき)Washing machineテレビtelevision三種の神器(さんしゅ・の・じんぎ)Three Sacred Treasures)などの電化製品electrical appliancesがブームとなり、農村rural areasにも普及した。

Television broadcasting began in the mid-1950s, and electrical appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and televisions (the three sacred treasures) became popular, even in rural areas.

松本清張(まつもと・せいちょう)Seichō Matsumoto

司馬遼󠄁太郎(しば・りょうたろう)Ryōtarō Shiba

三島由紀夫(みしま・ゆきお)Yukio Mishima

大江健三郎(おおえ・けんざぶろう)Kenzaburō Ōe

新聞newspapers雑誌magazinesでは松本清張(まつもと・せいちょう)Seichō Matsumoto司馬遼󠄁太郎(しば・りょうたろう)Ryōtarō Shibaらが、純文学pure literatureでは三島由紀夫(みしま・ゆきお)Yukio Mishima大江健三郎(おおえ・けんざぶろう)Kenzaburō Ōeらが活躍した。

Seicho Matsumoto and Ryotaro Shiba were active in newspapers and magazines, while Yukio Mishima and Kenzaburo Oe were active in pure literature.

1964年(昭和39年)東京オリンピック1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo

1964年(昭和39年)1010日~24日、アジアで開かれた初の大会The first tournament was held in Asia

The first tournament was held in Asia from October 10th to 24th, 1964.

大会のため各種の競技場stadiumsの建設、東海道新幹線the Tokaido Shinkansenや都内の地下鉄subways高速道路expresswaysを開いたが、それら建設ラッシュthe constructionに伴う歪(ひずみ)が、住民生活を圧迫した。

Various stadiums were constructed for the Games, and the Tokaido Shinkansen, metropolitan subways, and expressways were opened, but the strain caused by the construction rush put pressure on residents' lives.

また1970年(昭和45年)には大阪Osakaで、日本万国博覧会the Japan World Expositionが開かれた。

In 1970 (Showa 45), the Japan World Exposition was held in Osaka.

ヴェトナム戦争Vietnam War

この間アメリカAmericaは、ヴェトナム戦争the Vietnam Warへの介入involvementを拡大していった。

During this time, America expanded its involvement in the Vietnam War.

1965年(昭和40年)からは、南ヴェトナム民族解放戦線the Southern Vietnam National Liberation Frontを支援する北ヴェトナムNorth Vietnamに対して爆撃bombing raidsを加えたが(北爆ほくばくNorthern Bombing)、ヴェトナム戦争the Vietnam Warに勝利を得ることはできなかった。

From 1965 (Showa 40), Japan carried out bombing raids on North Vietnam that supported the Southern Vietnam National Liberation Front (Northern Bombing), but was unable to achieve victory in the Vietnam War.

また、この介入interventionをはじめとして、反共的世界戦略the anti-communist global strategyを遂行するための莫大な資金の投入the injection of huge sums of moneyは、潜在していたいわゆるドル危機dollar crisisをいよいよ表面化させ、さらに内政面での矛盾も激化していった。

In addition, this intervention and the injection of huge sums of money to carry out the anti-communist global strategy brought the latent so-called dollar crisis to the surface, and further intensified contradictions in domestic politics.

こうして、資本主義陣営the capitalist campの中でのアメリカの指導性America's leadershipは、次第に動揺falteredしていった。

In this way, America's leadership within the capitalist camp gradually faltered.

欧州経済共同体EECEuropean Economic Community

これに対してヨーロッパ諸国European countriesでは、米ソthe United States and the Soviet Unionに対抗しうる3の経済圏a third economic blocを目指して、1958年(昭和33年)にヨーロッパ経済共同体the European Economic CommunityEECを発足させ、関税の統一unifying tariffs資本・労働力移動の自由freeing the movement of capital and laborなどを行って、次第にその勢力を強めていった。

In response, European countries launched the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1958 (Showa 33) with the aim of becoming a third economic bloc capable of competing with the United States and the Soviet Union. It gradually strengthened its power by unifying tariffs and freeing the movement of capital and labor.

ヨシフ・スターリンJoseph Stalin

いっぽうソ連the Soviet Unionでは、スターリンJoseph Stalinの死んだ1953年(昭和28年)以後、内政・外交上に大きな変化が現れ始めていたが、さらに共産主義建設building communism世界政策the world policyを巡る中国Chinaとの論争などが1962年(昭和37年)末から表面化し(中ソ論争The Sino-Soviet dispute)、共産主義陣営the communist camp内でのソ連の指導性the Soviet Union's leadershipも著しく後退deterioratedした。

On the other hand, in the Soviet Union, after Stalin's death in 1953 (Showa 28), major changes began to appear in domestic politics and diplomacy, and disputes with China over the world policy of building communism began in 1962 (Showa 37). The Sino-Soviet dispute came to the fore at the end of 2017, and the Soviet Union's leadership within the communist camp significantly deteriorated.

文化大革命(ぶんか・だいかくめい)Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

また、中国Chinaでは1965年(昭和40年)末に文化大革命(ぶんか・だいかくめい)the Great Cultural Revolutionが本格化した。

Furthermore, in China, the Cultural Revolution began in earnest at the end of 1965 (Showa 40).

佐藤栄作(さとう・えいさく)Eisaku Satō


佐藤栄作(さとう・えいさく)内閣Eisaku Sato Cabinet

また1965年(昭和40年)12月に国連総会で、日本は安保理事会非常任理事国a non-permanent member of the Security Councilに選出された。

Furthermore, in December 1965 (Showa 40), Japan was elected as a non-permanent member of the Security Council at the United Nations General Assembly.

1967年(昭和42年)12月に佐藤栄作(さとう・えいさく)Eisaku Satō首相Prime Ministerは衆議院予算委員会で、非核三原則the three non-nuclear principlesつくらずdon't createもたずdon't bringもちこませずdon't bring in」と言明しながら、米原子力空母a U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier寄港the port callを了承するなど、対米従属the country's subordination to the United Statesを背景に3次防衛整備計画the Third Defense Development Planを遂行して、アジアでも有数の軍事力military forcesを持つに至った。

In December 1967, Prime Minister Eisaku Sato declared at the House of Representatives Budget Committee the three non-nuclear principles of "don't create, don't bring, and don't bring in," and approved the port call of a U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. With the country's subordination to the United States, it implemented the Third Defense Development Plan and became one of the leading military forces in Asia.

小笠原諸島の復帰Return of the Ogasawara Islands

1968年(昭和43年)4小笠原諸島返還the Return of the Ogasawara Islands日米協定the Japan-U.S. Agreement調印式signing ceremonyを行い、626日同島は正式復帰となり、東京都Tokyo小笠原村Ogasawara Villageとなった。

In April 1968, a signing ceremony was held for the Japan-U.S. Agreement on the Return of the Ogasawara Islands, and on June 26, the islands were officially returned to Japan and became Ogasawara Village, Tokyo.

沖縄返還協定the Okinawa Reversion Agreement

しかし、安保条約the Security Treatyそのものは、1970年(昭和45年)6月の固定期限後も自動延長され、そのもとで1971年(昭和46年)沖縄返還協定the Okinawa Reversion Agreementが成立し、翌1972年(昭和47年)沖縄Okinawaの施政権が返還され、ここに本土復帰the return to the mainlandが実現した。

However, the Security Treaty itself was automatically extended even after the fixed deadline of June 1970 (Showa 45), and the Okinawa Reversion Agreement was concluded in 1971 (Showa 46) and the following year in 1972 (Showa 47). ) Administrative authority over Okinawa was returned, and the return to the mainland was realized.

水俣病(みなまたびょう)Minamata disease

イタイイタイ病Itai-Itai disease

1967年(昭和42年)の新潟県Niigata Prefecture阿賀野(あがの)川流域the Agano River basin新潟水俣病Niigata Minamata disease三重県Mie Prefecture四日市市Yokkaichi City四日市喘息Yokkaichi asthma1968年(昭和43年)の富山県Toyama Prefecture神通(じんづう)川流域the Jinzu River basinイタイイタイ病Itai-Itai disease1969年(昭和44年)の熊本県Kumamoto Prefecture水俣湾周辺the vicinity of Minamata Bay水俣病Minamata disease四大公害訴訟the four major pollution lawsuitsと言われ、いずれも原告側の全面勝訴になっている。

Niigata Minamata disease in the Agano River basin in Niigata Prefecture in 1967, Yokkaichi asthma in Yokkaichi City in Mie Prefecture, and Itai-Itai disease in the Jinzu River basin in Toyama Prefecture in 1968. , Minamata disease in the vicinity of Minamata Bay in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1969 (Showa 44) is said to be one of the four major pollution lawsuits, and in all cases the plaintiffs ended up winning the case.

第四次中東戦争(だいよじ・ちゅうとう・せんそう)Fourth Arab–Israeli War

石油危機(せきゆ・きき)Oil crisisオイル・ショックOil shock) 1965年(昭和40年)末

追い討ちをかけるように、1965年(昭和40年)末アラブ諸国Arab countriesイスラエルIsraelの間に4次中東戦争(だいよじ・ちゅうとう・せんそう)the Yom Kippur Warが起こると、石油供給の制限oil supply restrictions大幅な価格引き上げsignificant price increasesのため、エネルギー資源の大部分をそれら産油国に依存している日本は大打撃を受け、いわゆる「石油危機(せきゆ・きき)Oil crisis」(オイル・ショックOil shock)に陥った。

As if to add insult to injury, in 1973 (Showa 48), when the Yom Kippur War broke out between Arab countries and Israel, most of the energy resources were diverted from oil production due to oil supply restrictions and significant price increases. Japan, which is dependent on the state, was hit hard and fell into the so-called ``oil crisis.''

ヴェトナム和平協定the Vietnam Peace Agreement

1973年(昭和48年)ヴェトナム和平協定the Vietnam Peace Agreement成立のあと、1974年(昭和49年)にアメリカthe United StatesヴェトナムVietnamから撤退withdrewし、1975年(昭和50年)4南ヴェトナムSouth Vietnam臨時革命政府provisional revolutionary governmentのもとに統一unifiedされた。

After the Vietnam Peace Agreement was established in 1973, the United States withdrew from Vietnam in 1974, and in April 1975, South Vietnam was unified under a provisional revolutionary government. Ta.

リチャード・ニクソンRichard Nixon

中国Chinaでは、1960年代の文化大革命(ぶんか・だいかくめい)the Great Cultural Revolutionを終息させ、1971年(昭和46年)には国際連合the United Nationsにおける代表権representationを獲得し、翌1972年(昭和47年)のニクソンRichard Nixon米大統領US Presidentの訪中を契機として、アメリカと中国との直接的な接触が始まった。

China brought an end to the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, gained representation in the United Nations in 1971 (Showa 46), and the following year, in 1972 (Showa 47), with US President Nixon's visit to China, China began to cooperate with the United States. Direct contact with China began.

田中角栄(たなか・かくえい)Kakuei Tanaka


1972年(昭和47年)7月に成立した田中角栄(たなか・かくえい)内閣The Kakuei Tanaka Cabinetは、同1972年(昭和47年)2ニクソンRichard Nixon米大統領U.S. Presidentの訪中に見られる米中の接近rapprochement between the United States and Chinaに関連して、9中国を訪問visited Chinaし、北京(ペキン)(ペイチン)Beijing国交正常化the normalization of diplomatic relationsを表明する日中共同声明a Japan-China joint statementを発表した。

The Kakuei Tanaka Cabinet, which was established in July 1972, visited China in September 1972 in connection with the growing rapprochement between the United States and China, which was seen in the visit of U.S. President Richard Nixon in February 1972. In Beijing, a Japan-China joint statement was announced announcing the normalization of diplomatic relations.

金大中(きん・だいちゅう)(キム・デジュン)Kim Dae-jung

金鐘泌(きん・しょうひつ)(キム・ジョンビル)Kim Jong-pil

この間、1973年(昭和48年)8韓国South Korean新民党New Democratic Partyformer大統領候補presidential candidate金大中(きん・だいちゅう)(キム・デジュン)Kim Dae-jung東京のホテルa hotel in Tokyoから本国に強制連行forcibly takenされた事件で、日韓両国間に緊張が生じたが、11金鐘泌(きん・しょうひつ)(キム・ジョンビル)Kim Jong-pil韓国首相South Korean Prime Ministerの来日で修復された。

During this period, in August 1973, tensions arose between Japan and South Korea due to the incident in which former South Korean New Democratic Party presidential candidate Kim Dae-jung was forcibly taken from a hotel in Tokyo to his home country. However, it was repaired in November when South Korean Prime Minister Kim Jong-bil visited Japan.

石油危機(せきゆ・きき)Oil crisisオイル・ショックOil shock

石油危機(せきゆ・きき)Oil crisisオイル・ショックOil shock

三木武夫(みき・たけお)Takeo Miki


その結果、1次石油危機the first oil crisisが起こり、政府は三木武夫(みき・たけお)Takeo Miki副総理Deputy Prime Ministerにその打開のため中東8か国 eight countries in the Middle Eastを歴訪させた。

As a result, the first oil crisis occurred, and the government ordered Deputy Prime Minister Takeo Miki to visit eight countries in the Middle East in order to resolve the crisis.

全国でトイレットペーパーの買い占めPanic buying of toilet paperが起こり、また消費財3050%物価上昇prices of consumer goods roseとなった。

Panic buying of toilet paper occurred across the country, and prices of consumer goods rose by 30-50%.

田中角栄(たなか・かくえい)Kakuei Tanaka


この頃、田中角栄(たなか・かくえい)Kakuei Tanaka首相Prime Minister政治資金political fundsに関して、田中金脈問題the issue of Tanaka's financial connectionsが起こり、1974年(昭和49年)1025日の参議院決算委員会the House of Councilors' Settlement Committeeで追及され、世論は厳しい批判を加えた。

Around this time, the issue of Tanaka's financial connections arose regarding Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka's political funds, which was investigated at the House of Councilors' Settlement Committee on October 25, 1974, and public opinion harshly criticized the matter.

立花隆(たちばな・たかし)Takashi Tachibana

雑誌magazine文藝春秋(ぶんげいしゅんじゅう)Bungeishunjū1974年(昭和49年)11月に掲載された立花隆(たちばな・たかし)Takashi Tachibanaの記事article田中角栄研究その金脈と人脈Research on Kakuei Tanaka - His financial connections and network of personal connections」が大きく世論に訴え、国会で追及された。

Takashi Tachibana's article ``Research on Kakuei Tanaka - His financial connections and connections'' published in the magazine ``Bungei Shunju'' in November 1974 appealed greatly to public opinion and was pursued in the Diet.

田中角栄(たなか・かくえい)Kakuei Tanaka首相Prime Minister11月末、政局混迷への責任を理由に辞職resignedした。

Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka resigned at the end of November, citing responsibility for the political turmoil.

三木武夫(みき・たけお)Takeo Miki


自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Party最大派閥largest faction田中角栄(たなか・かくえい)Kakuei Tanaka首相Prime Minister金脈問題financial disputeで挫折したことから、派閥間の思惑(おもわく)の渦巻く中で、少数派閥minority faction三木武夫(みき・たけお)Takeo Miki首相Prime Ministerとする政権が成立した。

After Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, the Liberal Democratic Party's largest faction, failed due to a financial dispute, a government was established with Takeo Miki, a minority faction, as prime minister amid a whirlwind of speculation among the factions.

従って不安定unstable暫定政権the interim governmentであった。

Therefore, the interim government was unstable.

ジェラルド・フォードGerald Ford

1975年(昭和50年)8月、訪米した三木武夫(みき・たけお)Takeo Miki首相Prime MinisterフォードGerald Ford大統領Presidentと、韓国の安全の緊張性の強調emphasizing the security tensions in South Korea日米安保堅持adhering to the Japan-U.S. Security Treatyの共同声明を発表し、対米政策の継続the continuation of the country's policy toward the United Statesを表明した。

In August 1975, Prime Minister Takeo Miki visited the United States and issued a joint statement with President Ford emphasizing the security tensions in South Korea and adhering to the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, announcing the continuation of the country's policy toward the United States.

1回先進国首脳会議the First G6 summit

主要先進国首脳会議Summit of major developed countriesサミットSummit

1975年(昭和50年)11月、第1主要先進国首脳会議Summit of major developed countriesサミットSummit)がパリ郊外the outskirts of Parisランブイエ城the Chateau de Rambouilletで開かれ、三木武夫(みき・たけお)Takeo Miki首相Prime Ministerが出席した。

In November 1975 (Showa 50), the first summit of major developed countries was held at the Chateau de Rambouillet on the outskirts of Paris, with Prime Minister Takeo Miki in attendance.


この頃の経済不況The economic recession深刻severeで、1974年(昭和49年)度の国民総生産the gross national productGNP)は前年比0.6%減で、戦後the postwar period初のマイナス成長the first negative growthとなった。

The economic recession around this time was severe, and the gross national product (GNP) in 1974 (Showa 49) decreased by 0.6% from the previous year, marking the first negative growth in the postwar period.

ロッキード L-1011 トライスターLockheed L-1011 TriStar

田中角栄(たなか・かくえい)Kakuei Tanaka


ロッキード事件Lockheed bribery scandals

1976年(昭和51年)、米国ロッキード社の航空機売り込みLockheed's aircraft sales協力helpingへの報酬金5億円500 million yen in compensationを受け取ったとして、田中角栄(たなか・かくえい)Kakuei Tanaka前首相former Prime Minister受託収賄罪bribery外為法違反violation of the Foreign Exchange Actの罪名で逮捕・起訴され、一審で有罪判決を受けた大疑獄事件A case of grand suspicionが起こった。

In 1976 (Showa 51), former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka was arrested and charged with bribery and violation of the Foreign Exchange Act for accepting 500 million yen in compensation for helping Lockheed's aircraft sales, and was found guilty in the first instance. A case of grand suspicion occurred that resulted in a verdict.

河野洋平(こうの・ようへい)Yōhei Kōno

疑獄を招いた自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Partyの体質を批判する河野洋平(こうの・ようへい)Yōhei Kōnoら議員6人は、新しい保守政党a new conservative partyの創造を唱えて離党left the partyし、新自由クラブthe New Freedom Clubを結成した。

Six lawmaker Yohei Kono, who criticized the constitution of the Liberal Democratic Party that had brought it under suspicion, left the party and formed the New Freedom Club, advocating the creation of a new conservative party.

三木武夫(みき・たけお)Takeo Miki


そのため1976年(昭和51年)12月、戦後初の任期満了による34回衆議院総選挙the 34th general election for the House of Representativesで、自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Partyは保守合同後初めて過半数を割るfalling short of a majority大敗crushing defeatを喫し、三木武夫(みき・たけお)内閣the Takeo Miki Cabinetは倒れた。

As a result, in December 1976, in the 34th general election for the House of Representatives, the first term to expire after the war, the Liberal Democratic Party suffered a crushing defeat, falling short of a majority for the first time since the conservative coalition, and the Takeo Miki Cabinet collapsed.

江田五月(えだ・さつき)Satsuki Eda

その情勢の中で社会党(しゃかいとう)the Socialist Party江田五月(えだ・さつき)Satsuki Eda副委員長Vice Chairman離党left the partyして、社会市民連合(しゃかい・しみん・れんごう)the Social Citizen Unionを結成した。

In this situation, Vice Chairman Eda of the Socialist Party left the party and formed the Social Citizen Union.

福田赳夫(ふくだ・たけお)Takeo Fukuda


代わって成立した福田赳夫(ふくだ・たけお)内閣The Takeo Fukuda Cabinet1976年(昭和51年)12月~1978年(昭和53年)12月)は、領海を3海里(かいり)から12海里に拡大する領海法the Territorial Sea Actと、200海里の漁業水域暫定措置法the Act on Temporary Measuresを内容とする海洋二法two maritime lawsを公布するとともに、日ソ漁業暫定協定the Japan-Soviet Interim Fisheries Agreementに調印した。

The Takeo Fukuda Cabinet (December 1976-December 1978), which replaced it, enacted the Territorial Sea Act, which expanded the territorial sea from 3 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles, and expanded the territorial sea to 200 nautical miles. In addition to promulgating two maritime laws, including the Act on Temporary Measures for Fishing Zones, the Japan-Soviet Interim Fisheries Agreement was signed.

鄧小平(とう・しょうへい)(ドン・シャオピン)Deng Xiaoping

1978年(昭和53年)に北京(ペキン)(ペイチン)Beijing日中平和友好条約Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and Chinaに調印し、その批准書交換のため鄧小平(とう・しょうへい)(ドン・シャオピン)Deng Xiaoping中国副首相Chinese Vice Premierが来日した。

The following year, in 1978, the Japan-China Treaty of Peace and Friendship was signed in Beijing, and Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping visited Japan to exchange instruments of ratification.


石油危機(せきゆ・きき)Oil crisisオイル・ショックOil shock)への対処・円高による不況の克服overcome the recession caused by the strong yen欧米列国との摩擦解消resolve friction with Western countriesのための貿易黒字減らしreduce the trade surplusを課題としたが、成果をあげないままに福田赳夫(ふくだ・たけお)内閣the Takeo Fukuda cabinet2年足らずで総辞職となった。

The agenda was to deal with the oil crisis, overcome the recession caused by the strong yen, and reduce the trade surplus in order to resolve friction with Western countries, but the Takeo Fukuda cabinet resigned en masse in less than two years without achieving any results.

ジミー・カーターJimmy Carter

カーターJimmy Carter米大統領U.S. Presidentは、中東和平三国首脳会議a trilateral summit for peace in the Middle Eastを開き、エジプトEgyptイスラエルIsrael間で単独平和条約a unilateral peace treaty締結の合意に至らせ(キャンプ・デービッド合意Camp David Accords)、4次中東戦争the Yom Kippur Warに終止符を打つとともに、石油危機(せきゆ・きき)Oil crisisオイル・ショックOil shock)の緩和を図った。

U.S. President Carter held a trilateral summit for peace in the Middle East and reached an agreement on a unilateral peace treaty between Egypt and Israel (Camp David Accords), ending the Yom Kippur War and alleviating the oil crisis. planned.

また台湾Taiwanと断行してまで中国との国交回復restore diplomatic relations with Chinaを図ったのは、債務国a debtor countryに転落したアメリカthe United States窮余の策a desperate measureであった。

Furthermore, the United States' desperate attempt to restore diplomatic relations with China, even going so far as to go all the way with Taiwan, was a desperate measure by the United States, which had fallen into a debtor country.

朴正熙(ぼく・せいき)(パク・チョンヒ)Park Chung Hee

韓国South Koreaでは軍事政権the military government朴正熙(ぼく・せいき)(パク・チョンヒ)Park Chung Hee大統領President暗殺assassinatedされ、翌年光州事件the Gwangju Incidentが起こった。

In South Korea, President Park Chung-hee of the military government was assassinated, and the Gwangju Incident occurred the following year.

ソ連・アフガン戦争Soviet–Afghan War


また、アフガニスタンのクーデタa coup in Afghanistanソ連軍が介入the intervention of the Soviet militaryするなど、国際的紛争・対立international conflicts and confrontationsが続いた。

In addition, international conflicts and confrontations continued, including the intervention of the Soviet military in a coup in Afghanistan.

大平正芳(おおひら・まさよし)Masayoshi Ōhira


大平正芳(おおひら・まさよし)内閣Masayoshi Ohira Cabinet

就任早々、一般消費税a general consumption taxの導入と、赤字国債the national debt deficit解消eliminatingを目標に増税raising taxesすることを強調し、野党・世論の反発を招いた。

Immediately after taking office, he emphasized the introduction of a general consumption tax and raising taxes with the goal of eliminating the national debt deficit, which provoked a backlash from opposition parties and public opinion.

E-2ホークアイNorthrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye

また1979年(昭和54年)1米証券取引委員会the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissionで、防衛庁Defense Agency導入決定の米グラマン社Grumman早期警戒機E2C E2C early warning device売込みで、日本高官4four high-ranking Japanese officialsが関与し、成功報酬success feesを受けたと告発されたが、訴追には至らなかった。

In January 1979, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission accused four high-ranking Japanese officials of being involved in promoting Grumman's E2C early warning device, which the Defense Agency decided to introduce, and of receiving success fees. , but no charges were filed.

福田赳夫(ふくだ・たけお)Takeo Fukuda


2次大平正芳内閣Second Masayoshi Ohira Cabinet

1979年(昭和54年)10月の第35回総選挙で自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Party敗北defeatedし、公明・共産両党の進出と新自由クラブの激減が目立った。

The Liberal Democratic Party was defeated in the 35th general election held in October 1979, with the advance of both the Komeito and Communist parties and the sharp decline of the New Liberal Club.

その責任を巡って自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Party分裂の様相を見せたが、大平正芳(おおひら・まさよし)Masayoshi Ōhira首相指名選挙the prime minister nomination election対立候補his opponent福田赳夫(ふくだ・たけお)Takeo Fukudaを抑えて組閣した。

Although there appeared to be a split in the Liberal Democratic Party over this responsibility, Masayoshi Ohira was able to form a government by defeating his opponent Takeo Fukuda in the prime minister nomination election.

しかし社会党(しゃかいとう)the Socialist Party提出の内閣不信任案the motion of no confidence in the cabinetが、自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Party反主流派the anti-mainstreamが欠席したため可決された。

However, the motion of no confidence in the cabinet submitted by the Socialist Party was passed because the anti-mainstream Liberal Democratic Party was absent.

大平正芳(おおひら・まさよし)Masayoshi Ōhira


大平正芳(おおひら・まさよし)Masayoshi Ōhira首相Prime Minister衆議院the House of Representatives解散dissolvedし、1980年(昭和55年)6月に衆参同日選挙Same-day election for the House of Representatives and the House of Councilorsとして対応したが、選挙運動期間during the campaign period急死suddenly diedした。

Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira dissolved the House of Representatives and held a same-day election for the House of Representatives in June 1980, but he suddenly died during the campaign period.

(とむらい)選挙a funeral electionとして、またソ連脅威論the theory of the threat of the Soviet Unionも有利に作用して、自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Party両院both houses of Congress安定多数を確保secured stable majoritiesした。

As it was a funeral election, and the theory of the threat of the Soviet Union also worked in its favor, the Liberal Democratic Party secured stable majorities in both houses of Congress.

イラン・イラク戦争Iran–Iraq War


1980年~1982年の国際情勢International situation 1980-1982

イラン・イラク戦争Iran–Iraq Warの勃発、レバノンLebanonシリアSyria衝突clashesエジプト大統領Egyptian PresidentサダトSadat銃撃されて死亡shot and killedイスラエル軍Israeli troopsベイルート突入entering Beirutなど、全面戦争All-out warの様相を見せた。

All-out war appeared, with the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war, clashes between Lebanon and Syria, Egyptian President Sadat being shot and killed, and Israeli troops entering Beirut.

1980年モスクワオリンピックMoscow Olympics 1980

鈴木善幸(すずき・ぜんこう)Zenkō Suzuki


鈴木善幸(すずき・ぜんこう)内閣Yoshiyuki Suzuki Cabinet

ソ連軍のアフガン侵攻the Soviet invasion of Afghanistanを理由に、日本はモスクワオリンピックthe Moscow Olympicsにアメリカとともに不参加とした。

Due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Japan decided not to participate in the Moscow Olympics along with the United States.

ロナルド・レーガンRonald Reagan

1981年(昭和56年)ワシントンWashingtonレーガンRonald Reagan米大統領U.S. Presidentとの共同声明joint statementに、日米「同盟関係」the Japan-U.S. "alliance"を明記(国会で軍事的側面を含まずと弁明)し、アメリカの要請the request of the U.S.を受けて1000海里シーレーン防衛a 1,000 nautical mile sea lane defense分担を表明した。

1981 (Showa 56) A joint statement with U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington states the Japan-U.S. "alliance" (explained in Congress that it does not include military aspects), and at the request of the U.S., a 1,000 nautical mile sea lane defense is established. announced their share.

F-16 ファイティング・ファルコンGeneral Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon

また、日米防衛技術協議では対米技術の提供推進を合意し、日米防衛首脳協議the Japan-U.S. Defense Summit Meeting米空軍U.S. Air Force F16戦闘爆撃機F-16 fighter-bombers青森県Aomori Prefecture三沢基地Misawa Air Base配備the deploymentの受け入れを表明した。

Furthermore, at the Japan-U.S. Defense Technology Talks, they agreed to promote the provision of technology to the United States, and at the Japan-U.S. Defense Summit Meeting, they announced their acceptance of the deployment of U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter-bombers to Misawa Air Base in Aomori Prefecture.

日米自動車摩擦Japan-US automobile friction 1980年(昭和55年)度

日米自動車摩擦Japan-US automobile friction

ジャパン・バッシングJapan bashing

日米自動車摩擦Japan-US automobile friction

1980年(昭和55年)1月~11月の自動車生産automobile production台数Novemberは、アメリカthe United Statesを抜いて世界第1the world's number oneに急伸した。

From January to November 1980 (Showa 55), automobile production rapidly increased to become the world's number one, overtaking the United States.

1980年(昭和55年)度の日本の生産台数1104万台、対米輸出は182万台、その市場占有率a market share21.3%

In 1980, Japan's production volume was 11.04 million units, and exports to the US were 1.82 million units, with a market share of 21.3%.

そのため米国ビッグスリーthe Big Three in the United StatesGMフォードFordクライスラーChrysler)は赤字に転落fell into the redし、工場閉鎖factory closures失業問題unemployment problemsを続発させた。

As a result, the Big Three in the United States (GM, Ford, and Chrysler) fell into the red, causing a series of factory closures and unemployment problems.

米議会の激しい批判intense criticism from the U.S. Congressに、日本は年間168万台の輸出の自己規制self-imposed restrictions on exportsを発表した。

In response to intense criticism from the U.S. Congress, Japan announced self-imposed restrictions on exports of 1.68 million vehicles per year.

中曽根康弘(なかそね・やすひろ)Yasuhiro Nakasone


ロナルド・レーガンRonald Reagan

その直後に訪米した中曽根康弘(なかそね・やすひろ)Yasuhiro Nakasone首相Prime MinisterレーガンRonald Reagan米大統領US Presidentとの会談では、両国の運命共同体としての同盟関係the allianceが強調された。

Immediately after that, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone visited the United States and met with US President Ronald Reagan, emphasizing the alliance between the two countries as a shared shared destiny.

さらに滞米中に、日本列島the Japanese archipelagoは「不沈空母unsinkable aircraft carrier」であり対ソ四海峡the four straits from the Soviet Union封鎖blockadeすると発現し、その同盟関係the alliance軍事the militaryに及ぶことを明らかにした。

Furthermore, during his stay in the United States, he announced that the Japanese archipelago was an "unsinkable aircraft carrier" and would blockade the four straits from the Soviet Union, making it clear that the alliance extended to the military.

それは1984年(昭和59年)11月にレーガンRonald Reagan米大統領U.S. Presidentが来日したときにも、日本が米戦略U.S. strategyを補完する西側の一員a member of the Westとして積極的な役割を果たすことを表明し、日本が武力攻撃を受けた場合の日米共同作戦joint operations between Japan and the United States計画案a draft planを了承したことで、いっそう明らかとなった。

When U.S. President Ronald Reagan visited Japan in November 1984, he announced that Japan would play an active role as a member of the West that complemented U.S. strategy, and that Japan was under armed attack. This became even clearer with the approval of a draft plan for joint operations between Japan and the United States in the event of an emergency.

三公社民営化Privatization of three public corporations


1985年(昭和60年)には日本電信電話株式会社Nippon Telegraph and Telephone CorporationNTT旧電電公社former Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation)・日本たばこ産業株式会社Japan Tobacco Inc.JT旧専売公社former Monopoly Public Corporation)を発足させ、翌1986年(昭和61年)国鉄分割・民営化Japanese National Railways was split up and privatized関連8法を成立させた。

In 1985 (Showa 60), Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT, former Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation) and Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT, former Monopoly Public Corporation) were established, and the following year, in 1986 (Showa 61), JNR was split up and privatized. enacted eight laws related to

中曽根康弘(なかそね・やすひろ)Yasuhiro Nakasone


37回衆議院総選挙the 37th House of Representatives general electionで、自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Party過半数を割ったlost a majority

In the 37th House of Representatives general election, the Liberal Democratic Party lost a majority.

そこで結党以来初めて、新自由クラブNew Liberal Club連立内閣a coalition cabinetを組織したが、1986年(昭和61年)の衆参同日選挙Same-day election for the House of Representatives and the House of Councilorsで、衆議院the House of Representatives最多の議席the largest number of seatsを得て連立the coalitionを解いた。

Therefore, for the first time since the party was formed, it formed a coalition cabinet with the New Freedom Club, but in the same-day elections for the House of Representatives in 1986, the coalition was broken by winning the largest number of seats in the House of Representatives.

土井たか子(どい・たかこ)Takako Doi

その際、社会党(しゃかいとう)the Socialist Party執行部executive committee選挙the defeatでの敗北the election責任responsibilityをとって辞職し、日本初の女性党首Japan's first female leaderとして土井たか子(どい・たかこ)Takako Doiを選んだ。

At that time, the Socialist Party's executive committee took responsibility for the defeat in the election and resigned, choosing Takako Doi as Japan's first female leader.

暗黒の月曜日Black Monday

1987年(昭和62年)10月週明けの世界主要株式市場the world's major stock marketsでは連鎖的な大幅下げa chain reaction of large declinesを記録した(暗黒の月曜日Black Monday)。

At the beginning of October 1987, the world's major stock markets recorded a chain reaction of large declines.

ミハイル・ゴルバチョフMikhail Gorbachev

1985年(昭和60年)にソ連共産党the Communist Party of the Soviet Union書記長General SecretaryとなったゴルバチョフMikhail Gorbachevは、ペレストロイカperestroika再建reconstruction改革reform)を掲げ、市場原理の導入introduction of market principles情報公開information disclosureアメリカとの協調cooperation with the United Statesを推進した。

Gorbachev, who became General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985, advocated perestroika (reconstruction and reform) and promoted the introduction of market principles, information disclosure, and cooperation with the United States.

さらに1988年(昭和63年)、アフガニスタン和平協定the Afghanistan peace agreementに基づき駐留ソ連軍the Soviet military stationed in Afghanistan全面撤退a complete withdrawalを開始し、イラン・イラク戦争Iran–Iraq War8年ぶりに停戦した。

Furthermore, in 1988 (Showa 63), based on the Afghanistan peace agreement, the Soviet military stationed in Afghanistan began a complete withdrawal, and the Iran-Iraq war ceased for the first time in eight years.

ドイツ再統一German reunification 1990年(平成2年)10

1989年(平成1年)以降は、社会主義国socialist countries民主化運動democratization movementsが高まり、東欧Eastern EuropeではポーランドPolandハンガリーHungaryチェコスロヴァキアCzechoslovakia東ドイツEast GermanyルーマニアRomania共産党独裁政権communist dictatorships崩壊collapsedした。

After 1989, democratization movements increased in socialist countries, and in Eastern Europe, communist dictatorships collapsed in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Romania.

ベルリンの壁The Berlin Wallは崩され、東西ドイツの統一East and West Germany were reunifiedが実現し、戦後のポツダム体制Potsdam systemは消滅した。

The Berlin Wall came down, East and West Germany were reunified, and the postwar Potsdam system disappeared.

マルタ会談Malta Summit

1989年(平成1年)、マルタ沖off the coast of Malta米ソ首脳会議the US-Soviet summitで「冷戦の終結the end of the Cold War」が宣言された。

In 1989, the end of the Cold War was declared at the US-Soviet summit off the coast of Malta.

独立国家共同体CISCommonwealth of Independent States


なお、1991年(平成3年)にはソ連邦が解体the Soviet Union disbandedし、ロシア連邦the Russian Federationなどに分かれた。

Furthermore, in 1991 (Heisei 3), the Soviet Union disbanded and was divided into the Russian Federation and other countries.

竹下登(たけした・のぼる)Noboru Takeshita


奥野誠亮(おくの・せいすけ)Okuno Seisuke

1988年(昭和63年)2月訪韓した竹下登(たけした・のぼる)Noboru Takeshita首相は、日韓関係の緊密化closer ties between Japan and South Koreaの促進を強調したが、5奥野誠亮(おくの・せいすけ)Okuno Seisuke国土庁長官National Land Agency Director日中戦争(にっちゅう・せんそう)Second Sino-Japanese Warに関する発言が中国・韓国の抗議protests from China and South Koreaするところとなって辞任させた。

Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita, who visited South Korea in February 1988, emphasized the promotion of closer ties between Japan and South Korea, but in May, National Land Agency Director Okuno's remarks regarding the Sino-Japanese War prompted protests from China and South Korea. I was forced to resign.

牛肉・オレンジの自由化liberalization of beef and oranges

1988年(昭和63年)6トロント・サミットthe Toronto Summitに出席した竹下登(たけした・のぼる)Noboru Takeshita首相Prime Ministerは、後発開発途上国(LLDC)債務の救済措置拡大を表明し、また、日米農産物交渉the Japan-US agricultural negotiationsを事実上決着させた(牛肉・オレンジの自由化liberalization of beef and oranges)。

Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita, who attended the Toronto Summit in June, announced the expansion of debt relief measures for least developed countries (LLDCs), and also effectively concluded the Japan-US agricultural negotiations (liberalization of beef and oranges).

バブル景気Japanese asset price bubble 1986年(昭和61年)~1991年(平成3年)

バブル景気Japanese asset price bubble 1986年(昭和61年)~1991年(平成3年)

土地価格の高騰The soaring land prices投機熱a fever of speculationを煽り、それにまつわる政界・経済界の癒着と汚職collusion and corruption in the political and economic circlesが発生した。

The soaring land prices fueled a fever of speculation, which led to collusion and corruption in the political and economic circles.

江副浩正(えぞえ・ひろまさ)Ezoe Hiromasa

リクルート事件the Recruit Incident 1988年(昭和63年)618

1988年(昭和63年)7月、リクルート・コスモス社Recruit Cosmos未公開株unlisted shares政府高官a high-ranking government official秘書the secretary譲渡transferredされた疑惑suspicionsが表面化した(リクルート事件Recruit scandal)。

In July 1988, suspicions surfaced that unlisted shares of Recruit Cosmos had been transferred to the secretary of a high-ranking government official.

消費税(しょうひぜい)Consumption tax 1989年(平成1年)4

1988年(昭和63年)12月に税制改革関連6six laws related to tax reformが可決、成立した。

In December 1988, six laws related to tax reform were passed and enacted.

税率3% a tax rate of 3%間接税indirect tax消費税(しょうひぜい)Consumption tax)を課すもので、戦後the post-warシャウプ勧告Shoup Recommendation以来の大改革the biggest reformであり、翌1989年(平成1年)4月から実施imposedされた(1997年(平成9年)より税率tax rate5%に上げた)。

It imposed an indirect tax (consumption tax) at a tax rate of 3%, and was the biggest reform since the post-war Scheip Recommendation. (increased to 5%).

竹下登(たけした・のぼる)Noboru Takeshita


竹下登内閣the Noboru Takeshita Cabinetは、この消費税(しょうひぜい)Consumption tax強行導入the forced introductionリクルート事件the Recruit Incidentで、支持率が10%前後と低迷し、世論の批判public criticismの中で総辞職した(1989年(平成1年)6月)。

Due to the forced introduction of the consumption tax and the Recruit Incident, the Noboru Takeshita Cabinet's approval rating dropped to around 10%, and it resigned en masse amid public criticism (June 1989).


デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...