


日本史50 Japanese history 50

太平洋戦争the Pacific War

真珠湾攻撃(しんじゅわん・こうげき)Attack on Pearl Harbor

ミッドウェー海戦Battle of Midway

マレー沖海戦Naval Battle of Malaya

戦艦大和(やまと) Battleship Yamato

戦艦大和(やまと) Battleship Yamato

零戦五二型(ぜろせん・ごー・にー・がた) Zero fighter Model 52

零式艦上戦闘機(れいしき・かんじょう・せんとうき)The Type 0 carrier-based fighter零戦(ぜろせん)Zero Fighter

零戦五二型(ぜろせん・ごー・にー・がた) Zero fighter Model 52

零式艦上戦闘機(れいしき・かんじょう・せんとうき)The Type 0 carrier-based fighter零戦(ぜろせん)Zero Fighter

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

九七式艦上攻撃機(きゅうななしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft

九七式艦上攻撃機(きゅうななしき・かんじょう・こうげきき)Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft

九九式艦上爆撃機(きゅうきゅうしき・かんじょう・ばくげきき) Type 99 Carrier Bomber

九九式艦上爆撃機(きゅうきゅうしき・かんじょう・ばくげきき) Type 99 Carrier Bomber

零戦二一型(ぜろせん・にー・いち・がた)Zero fighter Model 21

零戦二一型(ぜろせん・にー・いち・がた)Zero fighter Model 21

零戦二一型(ぜろせん・にー・いち・がた)Zero fighter Model 21

一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft

一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft

戦艦長門(ながと) Battleship Nagato

戦艦長門(ながと) Battleship Nagato

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)三隈(みくま) Heavy cruiser Mikuma

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)三隈(みくま) Heavy cruiser Mikuma

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma

重巡洋艦(じゅう・じゅんようかん)筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma

零式水上観測機(れいしき・すいじょう・かんそくき) Type Zero Observation Seaplane

零式水上観測機(れいしき・すいじょう・かんそくき) Type Zero Observation Seaplane

二式飛行艇(にしき・ひこうてい)Type 2 Flying Boat

二式飛行艇(にしき・ひこうてい)Type 2 Flying Boat

天山(てんざん)TenzanHeavenly Mountain

三座艦上攻撃機Three-Seat Carrier-borne Attack Aircraft

天山(てんざん)TenzanHeavenly Mountain

三座艦上攻撃機Three-Seat Carrier-borne Attack Aircraft

流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star) 艦上攻撃機Carrier Attack Aircraft

流星(りゅうせい)RyuseiShooting Star) 艦上攻撃機Carrier Attack Aircraft

彩雲(さいうん)SaiunIridescent Cloud

艦上偵察機Carrier-based Reconnaissance Aircraft

彩雲(さいうん)SaiunIridescent Cloud

艦上偵察機Carrier-based Reconnaissance Aircraft

二式水上戦闘機(にしき・すいじょう・せんとうき)Type 2 Floatplane Fighter

二式水上戦闘機(にしき・すいじょう・せんとうき)Type 2 Floatplane Fighter

強風(きょうふう)KyofuStrong Wind) 水上戦闘機Floatplane Fighter

強風(きょうふう)KyofuStrong Wind 水上戦闘機Floatplane Fighter

紫電(しでん)ShidenViolet Lightning) 局地戦闘機Interceptor Aircraft

紫電(しでん)ShidenViolet Lightning) 局地戦闘機Interceptor Aircraft

紫電改(しでんかい)Shiden-KaiViolet Lightning improved version

局地戦闘機Interceptor Aircraft

紫電改(しでんかい)Shiden-KaiViolet Lightning improved version

局地戦闘機Interceptor Aircraft

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt) 局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptor

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt) 局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptor

太平洋戦争(たいへいよう・せんそう)the Pacific War

13 Chapter 13

ファシズムと戦争Fascism and War

5 Section 5

太平洋戦争the Pacific War


日独伊防共協定the Japan-German-Italy Anti-Comintern Pact


Outbreak of World War II

国際連盟the League of Nationsから脱退withdrawn孤立外交の道the path of isolated diplomacyを歩んでいた日本Japanは、ヨーロッパEuropeで同じようにヴェルサイユ体制the Versailles systemから離れ、国際連盟the League of Nationsから脱退withdrawnしていたドイツGermanyイタリアItalyに接近し始めた。

Japan, which had withdrawn from the League of Nations and followed the path of isolated diplomacy, began to approach Germany and Italy, which had also withdrawn from the Versailles system and had also withdrawn from the League of Nations in Europe.

その結果、1936年(昭和11年)、日独防共協定the Japan-Germany Anti-Comintern Pactが結ばれ、翌1937年(昭和12年)にはイタリアItalyが参加して日独伊防共協定the Japan-German-Italy Anti-Comintern Pactが成立した。

As a result, the Japan-Germany Anti-Comintern Pact was concluded in 1936 (Showa 11), and the following year, in 1937 (Showa 12), the Japan-German-Italy Anti-Comintern Pact was established with Italy's participation.

日独防共協定the Japan-Germany Anti-Comintern Pact

当時これを、東京=ベルリン=ローマの枢軸外交the Tokyo-Berlin-Rome axis diplomacyと呼んでいた。

At the time, this was called the Tokyo-Berlin-Rome axis diplomacy.

この防共協定(ぼうきょう・きょうてい)Anti-Comintern Pactは、ソ連の共産主義Soviet communismに対する共同防衛joint defenseを名目にしていたが、明らかにヴェルサイユ・ワシントン体制the Versailles-Washington systemに挑戦し、世界再分割redividing the worldを目指すファシズム三国three fascist powers同盟allianceであった。

Although the Anti-Comintern Pact purported to be a joint defense against Soviet communism, it was clearly an alliance of three fascist powers that challenged the Versailles-Washington system and aimed at redividing the world.

第二次世界大戦(だいにじ・せかいたいせん)World War II

この頃の世界は、周辺諸国へ侵略を重ねている日本JapanドイツGermanyイタリアItalyファシズム国家群the fascist statesと、イギリスBritainアメリカthe United StatesフランスFranceソ連the Soviet Union民主主義国家群the democratic states2つに分かれていた。

At this time, the world was divided into two groups: the fascist states of Japan, Germany, and Italy, which were repeatedly invading neighboring countries, and the democratic states of Britain, the United States, France, and the Soviet Union.

第二次世界大戦(だいにじ・せかいたいせん)World War II

しかし、イギリスBritainフランスFranceは、ドイツの侵略の鉾先direct Germany's invasionソ連the Soviet Unionに向けさせようとして、はっきりと対決する方向を示さなかった。

However, Britain and France tried to direct Germany's invasion toward the Soviet Union, but did not clearly indicate a direction for confrontation.

独ソ不可侵条約(どくそ・ふかしん・じょうやく)German-Soviet non-aggression pact

ドイツポーランド侵入German invasion of Poland

ドイツポーランド侵入German invasion of Poland

その弱腰を見たドイツGermanyは、1939年(昭和14年)8月、ソ連the Soviet Union独ソ不可侵条約(どくそ・ふかしん・じょうやく)the German-Soviet non-aggression pactを結んで翌9ポーランドに侵入invaded Polandし、ついにイギリスBritainフランスFranceドイツGermany宣戦を布告declared warした。

Seeing this weakness, Germany signed a German-Soviet nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union in August 1939, and invaded Poland the following September, and finally Britain and France also declared war on Germany.

ここに第二次世界大戦(だいにじ・せかいたいせん)World War IIが始まったのである。

This is where World War II began.

独ソ不可侵条約(どくそ・ふかしん・じょうやく)German-Soviet non-aggression pact


German-Soviet non-aggression pact

オーストリアを併合annexed Austriaし、さらに侵略を続けるドイツGermanyに対しイギリスBritainフランスFranceソ連the Soviet Unionの間で交渉が行われ、ソ連the Soviet Unionは軍事的支援を提案したがイギリスBritainフランスFranceの態度は冷たく、一致をみなかった。

Negotiations were held between Britain, France, and the Soviet Union against Germany, which had annexed Austria and continued to invade.The Soviet Union proposed military support, but Britain and France's attitude was cold and there was no consensus.

そこでソ連the Soviet Unionは、日本JapanドイツGermanyに東西から攻撃される危険を考えて国境警備を固め、ドイツGermanyと条約を結んだ。

Therefore, considering the danger of being attacked by Japan and Germany from the east and west, the Soviet Union tightened its border security and concluded a treaty with Germany.


Germany also signed this treaty as a way to gain leeway to attack Britain and France.

イタリアItalyエチオピアEthiopia侵略invasion 1935年(昭和10年))

第二次エチオピア戦争Second Italo-Ethiopian War 1935年(昭和10年))

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe



平沼騏一郎ひらぬま・きいちろうKiichiro Hiranuma


海南島(かいなん(ハイナン)とう)Hainan Island

1939年(昭和14年)1月、1次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the first Konoe Fumimaro cabinetのあとの平沼騏一郎ひらぬま・きいちろう内閣the Hiranuma Kiichiro cabinet19391月~8月)海南島(かいなん(ハイナン)とう)Hainan Islandを占領するなど南方進出の方向the direction of southern expansionを示したことから、これまで日本の軍事行動に非難はするが具体的な経済制裁などを行わなかったアメリカthe United Statesが、同1939年(昭和14年)7月に日米通商航海条約(にちべい・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)the Japan-U.S. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation破棄abrogationを通告してきた(6か月後の1940年(昭和15年)1月失効)。

In January 1939, the Hiranuma Kiichiro cabinet (January to August 1939), which followed the first Konoe Fumimaro cabinet, occupied Kainan Island, indicating the direction of southern expansion. As a result, in July 1939, the United States, which had condemned Japan's military actions but did not impose specific economic sanctions, announced the abrogation of the Japan-U.S. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation. (It expired six months later in January 1940).

他方、ドイツGermany陸軍the Armyの要望により、枢軸外交Axis diplomacyを強化して三国軍事同盟a trilateral military allianceの締結が審議されていた。

On the other hand, at the request of Germany and the Army, discussions were underway to strengthen Axis diplomacy and conclude a trilateral military alliance.

平沼騏一郎ひらぬま・きいちろうKiichiro Hiranuma


しかし、ノモンハンNomonhanソ連the Soviet Unionと戦っていた最中、独ソ不可侵条約(どくそ・ふかしん・じょうやく)German-Soviet non-aggression pactが結ばれたため、国際情勢への見通しits outlook on the international situationを失った平沼騏一郎ひらぬま・きいちろう内閣the Hiranuma Kiichiro Cabinetは、同盟交渉を打ち切り、「欧州情勢は複雑怪奇The situation in Europe is complex and mysterious」と声明して同1939年(昭和14年)8総辞職resigned en masseした。

However, during the battle against the Soviet Union at Nomonhan, the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was signed, and the Hiranuma Cabinet lost its outlook on the international situation. It ended alliance negotiations and declared, ``The situation in Europe is complex and mysterious.'' He resigned en masse in August 1939.

阿部信行あべ・のぶゆきNobuyuki Abe


そのあと阿部信行あべ・のぶゆきNobuyuki Abe陸軍大将Army General内閣cabinet1939(昭和14年)8月~1940(昭和15年)1月)を組織したが、組閣直後に第二次世界大戦(だいにじ・せかいたいせん)World War IIが始まった。

Army General Nobuyuki Abe then formed a cabinet (August 1939-January 1940), but World War II began immediately after the cabinet was formed.

阿部信行あべ・のぶゆき内閣Nobuyuki Abe's cabinetは、三国同盟the Triple Allianceの失敗やノモンハン事件the Nomonhan Incidentの敗北もあって、大戦不介入non-intervention in the Great War日中戦争(にっちゅう・せんそう)Second Sino-Japanese War解決resolutionの方針をとった。

Nobuyuki Abe's cabinet adopted a policy of non-intervention in the Great War and a resolution to the Sino-Japanese War, partly due to the failure of the Triple Alliance and the defeat in the Nomonhan Incident.

そして、アメリカthe United States日米通商航海条約(にちべい・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)the Japan-U.S. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation暫定協定締結the conclusion of a provisional agreementを提案したが拒否され、さらに陸海軍the support of the Armyの支持も失い、わずか4か月で1940年(昭和15年)1月に総辞職resigned en masseした。

He then proposed to the United States the conclusion of a provisional agreement on the Japan-U.S. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, but it was rejected, and he also lost the support of the Army and Navy, and resigned en masse in January 1940 after just four months.

米内光政よない・みつまさMitsumasa Yonai


後任には、重臣の推薦the recommendation of senior ministers親米派pro-Americanといわれる米内光政よない・みつまさMitsumasa Yonai海軍大将Admiral組閣formed a cabinet1940(昭和15年)1月~7月)した。

As his successor, Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai, who is said to be pro-American, formed a cabinet (January to July 1940) on the recommendation of senior ministers.


大東亜新秩序(だいとうあ・しんちつじょ)New Order in Greater East Asia


New System Movement

1940年(昭和15年)に入り、ドイツの電撃戦Germany's Blitzkriegによるヨーロッパ各地での優勢を見た日本の支配層の間に、ナチスthe Nazisの「ヨーロッパ新秩序New Order in Europe」に呼応する「大東亜新秩序(だいとうあ・しんちつじょ)New Order in Greater East Asia」建設を目指す南進論(なんしんろん)Nanshin-ronSouthern Expansion Doctrine)が唱えられた。

In 1940 (Showa 15), the Japanese ruling class, which saw dominance in various parts of Europe due to Germany's Blitzkrieg, aimed to build a ``New Order in Greater East Asia'' in response to the Nazis' ``New Order in Europe.'' The theory of advancing south was advocated.

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe



それにみあう強力な国内体制a strong domestic systemの確立を企図する新体制運動(しんたいせい・うんどう)New System Movementが起こってくると、近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe枢密院(すうみついん)Privy Council議長chairmanを辞して新体制確立establishing a new systemに力を尽くすと声明した。

When a movement for a new system to establish a strong domestic system to meet this demand arose, Fumimaro Konoe resigned as chairman of the Privy Council and announced that he would devote himself to establishing a new system.

米内光政よない・みつまさMitsumasa Yonai


斎藤隆夫(さいとう・たかお)Takao Saito

斎藤隆夫(さいとう・たかお)Takao Saito

親英米派的性格a pro-British and American characterをもつ米内光政よない・みつまさ内閣The Mitsumasa Yonai cabinetは、斎藤隆夫(さいとう・たかお)Takao Saito反軍演説anti-military speech新体制運動(しんたいせい・うんどう)New System Movementの善処を求めた陸相(りくしょう)(陸軍大臣Minister of the Army畑俊六(はた・しゅんろく)Shunroku Hata)を辞任させたため、陸軍the Army後任replace陸相(りくしょう)(陸軍大臣Minister of the Army推薦recommendationが得られず倒れた(軍部大臣現役武官制(ぐんぶだいじん・げんえきぶかん・せい)the system of military ministers serving as military attachésによる倒閣the overthrow of the governmentの実例)。

The Mitsumasa Yonai cabinet, which had a pro-British and American character, collapsed because it could not recommend a successor to the army because of Takao Saito's anti-military speech and the resignation of the army minister who called for better treatment of the new system movement (military minister active military attaché system) example of overthrowing the government).

He collapsed because he could not get a recommendation from the Army to replace him as the Minister of War (an example of the overthrow of the government due to the system of military ministers serving as military attachés).

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe



近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoeは、陸相(りくしょう)(陸軍大臣Minister of the Army)・海相(かいしょう)(海軍大臣Minister of the Navy外相(がいしょう)(外務大臣Minister for Foreign Affairs予定者the prospectiveと協議した上、1940年(昭和15年)7月に2次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the second Fumimaro Konoe Cabinetを成立させ、ドイツGermanyイタリアItalyとの結束強化、武力行使をも含む南方進出advance southward国内新体制a new domestic systemの確立を基本方針とした。

Fumimaro Konoe established the second Fumimaro Konoe Cabinet in July 1940 after consulting with the prospective ministers of Army, Navy, and Foreign Affairs, and strengthened ties with Germany and Italy, as well as a plan for the southern region, including the use of force. The basic policy was to expand into Japan and establish a new domestic system.

大政翼賛会(たいせい・よくさんかい)Imperial Rule Assistance Association

大政翼賛会(たいせい・よくさんかい)Imperial Rule Assistance Association

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoeを中心とした新体制運動(しんたいせい・うんどう)New System Movementが始まると、近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe既成政党the established political partiesのほかに、財界・文化人を含めた国民的基盤をもった新党a new partyの樹立を計画した。

When a new system movement centered around Fumimaro Konoe began, Fumimaro Konoe planned to establish a new party with a national base that included business and cultural figures in addition to the established political parties.

大政翼賛会(たいせい・よくさんかい)Imperial Rule Assistance Association

1940年(昭和15年)、2次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the second Fumimaro Konoe cabinet成立前後にすべての既成政党established political partiesは相次いで解散dissolvedし、1940年(昭和15年)10月に大政翼賛会(たいせい・よくさんかい)Imperial Rule Assistance Associationが結成されて、近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe自ら総裁presidentとなったが、最初予定していた政治結社political associationではなく、知事the governor各県支部長the head of each prefectural branchとなる政府中心の御用結社a government-centered official associationとなってしまった。

In 1940 (Showa 15), around the time the second Fumimaro Konoe cabinet was formed, all established political parties were dissolved one after another, and in October, the Taisei Yokusankai was formed and Fumimaro Konoe himself became the president. However, instead of being a political association as originally planned, it became a government-centered official association with the governor as the head of each prefectural branch.

大日本産業報国会(だいにっぽん・さんぎょう・ほうこくかい)Industrial patriotic league of Great Japan

大日本産業報国会(だいにっぽん・さんぎょう・ほうこくかい)Industrial patriotic league of Great Japan

また労働組合labor union解散disbandedして、1940年(昭和15年)11月に大日本産業報国会(だいにっぽん・さんぎょう・ほうこくかい)Dainippon Industrial Information Associationを結成した。

The labor union was also disbanded and the Dainippon Industrial Homokai was formed in November.

大政翼賛会(たいせい・よくさんかい)Imperial Rule Assistance Association

こののち大政翼賛会(たいせい・よくさんかい)Imperial Rule Assistance Associationは、大日本産業報国会(だいにっぽん・さんぎょう・ほうこくかい)Dainippon Industrial Information Association婦人会women's associations町内会Chōnaikai部落会hamlet associations隣組(となりぐみ)neighborhood associationsなどまでその指導下に入れ、太平洋戦争(たいへいよう・せんそう)the Pacific War下で国民の日常生活の隅々まで規制control every corner of the people's daily livesし、国民のすべてを戦争協力war cooperationに引きずり込む組織となった。

After this, the Taisei Yokusankai brought under its leadership the Dainippon Industrial Homokai, women's associations, neighborhood associations, buraku associations, and Tonarigumi (Toriyagumi), and during the Pacific War, the Taisei Yokusankai was able to control every corner of the people's daily lives. It became an organization that regulated and dragged all citizens into war cooperation.

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe



東条英機(とうじょう・ひでき)Hideki Tojo


翼賛選挙(よくさん・せんきょ)Assistance election

無政党party-free状態となった議会Dietでは、1942年(昭和17年)に3次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the third Fumimaro Konoe Cabinetに代わった東条英機(とうじょう・ひでき)内閣the Hideki Tojo Cabinetの下で総選挙general electionが行われ、翼賛政治体制協議会Yoku-San Political System Council推薦候補者recommended candidatesが、非推薦候補者non-recommended candidatesに対する政府の選挙干渉the government's interferenceなどもあって、多数当選electedした(翼賛選挙(よくさん・せんきょ)wing-supported elections)。

In the Diet, which had become party-free, a general election was held in 1942 (Showa 17) under the Hideki Tojo Cabinet, which replaced the third Fumimaro Konoe Cabinet. Thanks in part to the government's interference in the elections with recommended candidates, many were elected (wing-supported elections).

鳩山一郎(はとやま・いちろう)Ichiro Hatoyama


尾崎行雄(おざき・ゆきお)Yukio Ozaki

芦田均(あしだ・ひとし)Hitoshi Ashida


片山哲(かたやま・てつ)Tetsu Katayama


鳩山一郎(はとやま・いちろう)Ichiro Hatoyama尾崎行雄(おざき・ゆきお)Yukio Ozaki芦田均(あしだ・ひとし)Hitoshi Ashida片山哲(かたやま・てつ)Tetsu Katayamaなどが非推薦候補者non-recommended candidatesとして当選electedした。

Ichiro Hatoyama, Yukio Ozaki, Hitoshi Ashida, and Tetsu Katayama were elected as non-recommended candidates.

そして、両院の議員と各界代表を集めた新政治結社new political associationとして翼賛政治会The Yokusan Political Associationが作られた。

The Yokusan Political Association was then formed as a new political association, bringing together members of both houses of Congress and representatives from various fields.

政府もこれ以外の結社を解散させたこともあって、議会the parliamentは、単に政府the government軍部the military提案proposals承認approvedするだけの機関institutionとなってしまった。

As the government also dissolved other associations, the parliament became an institution that merely approved proposals from the government and the military.

統制会(とうせいかい)control committees

1940年(昭和15年)には、経済新体制New Economic System確立要領によって、経済団体economic organizations再編成reorganizedが進められた。

In 1940 (Showa 15), economic organizations were reorganized in accordance with the Guidelines for Establishing a New Economic System.

その結果、業種別・物資別に各種経済団体economic organizations統制会(とうせいかい)control committees)が組織され、この統制会(とうせいかい)control committees資材materials労働力laborから生産productionまですべてを統制した。

As a result, various economic organizations (control committees) were organized by industry and material, and these control committees controlled everything from materials and labor to production.

こうして国内産業Domestic industry軍事的統制下under military controlに置かれ、これによって独占資本monopoly capital利潤が確保securing profitsされ、国家独占資本主義体制a state monopoly capitalist systemが確立した。

Domestic industry was thus placed under military control, thereby securing profits for monopoly capital and establishing a state monopoly capitalist system.

援蒋(えんしょう)ルートSupply routes to Chiang Kai-shek's China

北部仏印進駐(ほくぶ・ふついん・しんちゅう)Japanese invasion of Northern French Indochina

北部仏印進駐(ほくぶ・ふついん・しんちゅう)Japanese invasion of Northern French Indochina


Southern expansion and Japan-US negotiations

ナチス・ドイツNazi Germany電撃戦Blitzkrieg Warに呼応した南進論(なんしんろん)Nanshin-ronSouthern Expansion Doctrine)は、仏印(ふついん)(フランス領インドシナFrench Indochina、現ベトナムVietnam)・ビルマBurma(現ミャンマーMyanmar)両援蒋(えんしょう)ルートSupply routes to Chiang Kai-shek's China遮断cutting offによって、重慶(じゅうけい)(チョンチン)Chongqing国民政府(こくみん・せいふ)the Nationalist Governmentを屈服させて日中戦争(にっちゅう・せんそう)Second Sino-Japanese Warを解決すること、および東南アジア進出expanding into Southeast Asiaによって戦略物資strategic suppliesを確保し、米英依存dependence on the United States and Britain経済状態economic state自給経済self-sufficient economyに転換させることなどを目指した。

In response to Nazi Germany's Blitzkrieg War, the idea of advancing southward resolved the Sino-Japanese War by cutting off the support routes for both French Indochina (French Indochina, present-day Vietnam) and Burma (present-day Myanmar), forcing the Nationalist government in Chongqing to submit. In addition, Japan aimed to secure strategic supplies by expanding into Southeast Asia, and to transform its economic state of dependence on the United States and Britain into a self-sufficient economy.

そして、南進(なんしん)Southern Expansion基本方針basic policyとした2次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the second Fumimaro Konoe cabinetの下で、1940年(昭和15年)9月、北部仏印(ほくぶ・ふついん)への進駐advance into northern French Indochinaを始め、南進(なんしん)Southern Expansion第一歩the first stepをしるした。

Under the second Fumimaro Konoe cabinet, whose basic policy was to advance southward, in September 1940, they began to advance into northern French Indochina, marking the first step in their southward advance.

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe



日独伊三国軍事同盟(にちどくい・さんごく・ぐんじ・どうめい)the Japan-German-Italy Tripartite Military Alliance 1940年(昭和15年)9月)

ドイツGermanyイタリアItalyとの結束強化をも国策の基本方針としていた2次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the second Fumimaro Konoe cabinetは、北部仏印進駐(ほくぶ・ふついん・しんちゅう)Japanese invasion of Northern French Indochinaのすぐあと、ベルリンBerlin日独伊三国軍事同盟(にちどくい・さんごく・ぐんじ・どうめい)the Japan-German-Italy Tripartite Military Allianceを締結した。

The second Fumimaro Konoe cabinet, whose basic national policy was to strengthen ties with Germany and Italy, concluded the Japan-German-Italy Tripartite Military Alliance in Berlin immediately after the invasion of northern French Indochina.

その内容は、三国the three countriesがそれぞれヨーロッパEuropeアジアAsiaで「新秩序new order」を建設すること、つまり領土再分割territorial redivisionを相互に認め、まだ参戦していない第三国a third country(つまりアメリカthe United States)から攻撃されたときは、あらゆる方法で相互援助provide mutual aidすることが約束された。

The content is that the three countries will each build a "new order" in Europe and Asia, that is, they will mutually recognize territorial redivision, and if attacked by a third country that has not yet entered the war (i.e. the United States), they will use every possible means to do so. They promised to provide mutual aid.

こうして、日独伊枢軸the Japan-German-Italian Axisと、米英中the United States, Britain, and Chinaなど反枢軸anti-Axis forcesとの世界的対立a global conflictが決定的となった。

Thus, a global conflict between the Japan-German-Italian Axis and anti-Axis forces such as the United States, Britain, and China became decisive.

日ソ中立条約(にっソ・ちゅうりつ・じょうやく)Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact


松岡洋右(まつおか・ようすけ)Yōsuke Matsuoka

南進政策(なんしん・せいさく)the policy of advancing southwardを進めるためには、北方の安全the security of the northを固める必要があった。

In order to advance the policy of advancing southward, it was necessary to solidify the security of the north.

そのため1941年(昭和16年)3月、ドイツGermanyイタリアItaly訪問visitに向かった松岡洋右(まつおか・ようすけ)Yōsuke Matsuoka外相(がいしょう)(外務大臣Minister for Foreign Affairsが、帰途モスクワで同1941年(昭和16年)4ソ連the Soviet Unionとの間に日ソ中立条約(にっソ・ちゅうりつ・じょうやく)Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pactを締結し、両国間の関係維持と相互不可侵mutual non-aggression、および一方が第三国の軍事行動の対象となる場合の中立neutralityを規定した。

For this reason, in March 1941 (Showa 16), Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka, who was on his way to visit Germany and Italy, arrived at Moscow on his way back and concluded the Japan-Soviet Neutrality Treaty with the Soviet Union in April 1941 (Showa 16). The agreement stipulated the maintenance of relations between the two countries, mutual non-aggression, and neutrality in the event that either country becomes the target of military action by a third country.

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe



野村吉三郎(のむら・きちさぶろう)Kichisaburo Nomura

コーデル・ハルCordell Hull

しかし、対米開戦war against the United Statesを避けようとする2次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the second Fumimaro Konoe cabinetは、日中戦争(にっちゅう・せんそう)Second Sino-Japanese Warの解決とアメリカthe United Statesからの軍需物資輸入import munitionsのために、1941年(昭和16年)4月から、駐米大使the Ambassador to the United States野村吉三郎(のむら・きちさぶろう)Kichisaburo Nomuraアメリカ国務長官U.S. Secretary of StateハルCordell Hullとの間で日米交渉the Japan-US negotiationsを行わせた。

However, the second Fumimaro Konoe cabinet, which sought to avoid war against the United States, appointed Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura to the United States from April 1941 in order to resolve the Sino-Japanese War and import munitions from the United States. Kisaburo) to conduct Japan-U.S. negotiations with U.S. Secretary of State Hull.

松岡洋右(まつおか・ようすけ)Yōsuke Matsuoka

しかし、日ソ中立条約(にっソ・ちゅうりつ・じょうやく)Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pactを締結して帰国した松岡洋右(まつおか・ようすけ)Yōsuke Matsuoka外相(がいしょう)(外務大臣Minister for Foreign Affairs)は、日米交渉the Japan-US negotiations独伊Germany and Italyに対する背信行為an act of betrayalとして反対opposedした。

However, Foreign Minister Hiroshi Matsuoka, who had returned to Japan after signing the Japan-Soviet Neutrality Pact, opposed the Japan-US negotiations as an act of betrayal to Germany and Italy.

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe首相Prime Minister松岡洋右(まつおか・ようすけ)Yōsuke Matsuoka外相(がいしょう)(外務大臣Minister for Foreign Affairs)を更迭replaceするために7月に内閣cabinet総辞職resigned en masseし、再び重臣会議a meeting of senior ministers推薦recommendedされて3次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the third Fumimaro Konoe Cabinetを組織した。

Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe resigned en masse from the cabinet in July in order to replace Foreign Minister Hiroshi Matsuoka, and the third Fumimaro Konoe Cabinet was formed after being recommended by a meeting of senior ministers.

バルバロッサ作戦Operation Barbarossa

独ソ戦(どくソ・せん)German-Soviet War

バルバロッサ作戦Operation Barbarossa

独ソ戦(どくソ・せん)German-Soviet War

これより先1941年(昭和16年)6月、ドイツGermany独ソ不可侵条約(どくそ・ふかしん・じょうやく)German-Soviet non-aggression pactを破って突如ソ連に進撃advancing on the Soviet Unionを開始した。

Earlier, in June 1941, Germany broke the German-Soviet non-aggression pact and suddenly began advancing on the Soviet Union.

大本営政府連絡会議(だいほんえい・せいふ・れんらく・かいぎ)Imperial General Headquarters Government Liaison Conference 御前会議(ごぜん・かいぎ)Imperial Conference

これに対して政府は、1941年(昭和16年)7天皇臨席in the presence of the Emperor大本営政府連絡会議(だいほんえい・せいふ・れんらく・かいぎ)Imperial General Headquarters Government Liaison Conference御前会議(ごぜん・かいぎ)Imperial Conference)で、南進(なんしん)NanshinSouthern Expansion)の態勢を強化して対英米戦wage war against Great Britain and the United Statesを辞さず、同時に情勢しだいでは対ソ戦wage war against the Soviet Unionを行うという、対米英戦・対ソ戦いずれでも開戦できるよう準備することになった。

In response, the government announced at the Imperial General Headquarters Government Liaison Conference (Gozen Conference) in the presence of the Emperor in July that it would strengthen its stance to advance southward and not hesitate to wage war against Great Britain and the United States, and at the same time, depending on the situation, it would also wage war against the Soviet Union. It was decided that preparations would be made to go to war against either the United States or Great Britain or the Soviet Union.

関東軍特種演習(かんとうぐん・とくしゅ・えんしゅう)Kwantung Army Special Maneuvers関特演(かんとくえん)Kantokuen

対ソ戦war against the Soviet Unionへの準備として、1941年(昭和16年)7月~9月にかけて、秘密保持のため関東軍特種演習(かんとうぐん・とくしゅ・えんしゅう)Kwantung Army Special Maneuvers関特演(かんとくえん)Kantokuen)と称して満州(まんしゅう)Manchuria兵力が大動員a large number of troops were mobilizedされた。

In preparation for war against the Soviet Union, a large number of troops were mobilized to Manchuria from July to September under the name Kwantung Army Special Exercises (Kwantung Army Special Exercises, Seki Tokuen) to maintain secrecy.

南部仏印進駐(なんぶ・ふついん・しんちゅう)Japanese invasion of Southern French Indochina

南部仏印進駐(なんぶ・ふついん・しんちゅう)Japanese invasion of Southern French Indochina

いっぽう南方作戦southern operationsのために、3次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the third Fumimaro Konoe cabinet成立後すぐに南部仏印進駐(なんぶ・ふついん・しんちゅう)Japanese invasion of Southern French Indochinaが行われた。

On the other hand, in order to carry out southern operations, the military occupied southern French Indochina immediately after the formation of the third Fumimaro Konoe cabinet.

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe



ABCD包囲陣(ほういじん)ABCD encirclement

3次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣the third Fumimaro Konoe cabinetは、日米交渉the Japan-US negotiationsを進めようとしながらも、軍部の南部仏印進駐(なんぶ・ふついん・しんちゅう)Japanese invasion of Southern French Indochinaを許したので、アメリカthe U.S.は態度を硬化させ、7月に在米の日本資産を凍結し、イギリスGreat Britainオランダthe Netherlandsアメリカthe U.S.に同調し、さらにアメリカthe United States8月、石油の対日禁輸oil embargo on Japanを断行した。

The third Fumimaro Konoe cabinet tried to advance Japan-U.S. negotiations, but allowed the military to enter southern French Indochina, so the U.S. hardened its stance and in July froze Japanese assets in the U.S. The Netherlands also agreed with the United States, and in August, the United States imposed an oil embargo on Japan.

ここに、いわゆるABCD包囲陣(ほういじん)ABCD encirclementアメリカthe United StatesイギリスGreat Britain中国Chinaオランダthe Netherlands)と呼ばれる対日経済封鎖economic blockade against Japanの体制が整えられた。

At this point, an economic blockade against Japan, the so-called ABCD encirclement (the United States, Great Britain, China, and the Netherlands), was put in place.

太平洋戦争(たいへいよう・せんそう)the Pacific War

太平洋戦争the Pacific War

日本の南部仏印進駐(なんぶ・ふついん・しんちゅう)Japanese invasion of Southern French Indochinaは、日米交渉the Japan-US negotiationsの事実上の決裂を意味したが、1941年(昭和16年)9月の御前会議(ごぜん・かいぎ)Imperial Conferenceでは、10月までに日米交渉the Japan-US negotiationsがまとまらないときには、対米英開戦wage war against Great Britain and the United Statesを決意すると決定した。

Japan's advance into southern French Indochina meant the de facto breakdown of Japan-U.S. negotiations, but the Imperial Conference in September 1941 stated that if Japan-U.S. negotiations could not be concluded by October, the U.S.-U.K. It was decided to go to war.

近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe



東条英機(とうじょう・ひでき)Hideki Tojo


ところが10月になっても、近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe首相Prime Minister日米交渉the Japan-US negotiationsの継続を主張し、対米開戦war against the United Statesを主張する東条英機とうじょう・ひでき陸相(りくしょう)(陸軍大臣Minister of the Army)と対立したため、同1941年(昭和16年)103次近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)内閣The third Fumimaro Konoe cabinetは総辞職した。

However, even in October, Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe insisted on continuing Japan-U.S. negotiations and was in conflict with War Minister Hideki Tojo, who advocated war against the United States. The third Fumimaro Konoe cabinet resigned en masse.

昭和天皇(しょうわ・てんのう)Emperor Shōwa

124代天皇the 124th Emperor(在位1926年~1989年)

大正天皇(たいしょう・てんのう)Emperor Taishō第一男子the First son


木戸幸一(きど・こういち)Koichi Kido

続いて天皇the Emperorは、内相(ないしょう)(内務大臣Ministers of Home Affairs木戸幸一(きど・こういち)Koichi Kidoの助言により、東条英機(とうじょう・ひでき)Hideki Tojo組閣form a cabinetを命じた。

The Emperor then ordered Hideki Tojo to form a cabinet on the advice of Koichi Kido, Minister of the Interior.

天皇the Emperor木戸幸一(きど・こういち)Koichi Kidoは、東条英機(とうじょう・ひでき)Hideki Tojo首相prime ministerという責任ある地位につければ、無謀な開戦論reckless talk of starting warを抑えるであろうと期待したという。

It is said that the Emperor and Koichi Kido hoped that by placing Hideki Tojo in the responsible position of prime minister, he would suppress reckless talk of starting war.

日米交渉the Japan-US negotiationsも一応続行したが、ついに1941年(昭和16年)11月の御前会議(ごぜん・かいぎ)Imperial Conference12月上旬の対米英開戦war against the United States and Britainを決定した。

Negotiations between Japan and the United States continued for a while, but the Imperial Conference in November finally decided to go to war against the United States and Britain in early December.

ハル・ノートHull note

アメリカも開戦は避けられないと考え、1941年(昭和16年)11月に日本の中国China仏印French Indochinaからの無条件即時撤兵the immediate and unconditional withdrawal三国同盟否認the repudiation of the Triple Alliance蒋介石(しょう・かいせき)(チアン・カイシェック)政権Chiang Kai-shek's government以外の否認などを内容とする要求を示し(ハル・ノートHull note)、交渉negotiations絶望的hopelessとなった。

The United States also believed that war was inevitable, and in November made demands such as the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Japan from China and French Indochina, the repudiation of the Triple Alliance, and the repudiation of all parties other than Chiang Kai-shek's government (Hull Note) and negotiations. became hopeless.

太平洋戦争(たいへいよう・せんそう)the Pacific War

真珠湾攻撃(しんじゅわん・こうげき)Attack on Pearl Harbor

真珠湾攻撃(しんじゅわん・こうげき)Attack on Pearl Harbor

マレー沖海戦Naval Battle of Malaya

マレー沖海戦Naval Battle of Malaya

マレー沖海戦Naval Battle of Malaya

1941年(昭和16年)121日の御前会議(ごぜん・かいぎ)Imperial Conference対米英開戦war against the United States and Britainが正式に決定した。

At a morning meeting on December 1, 1941, war against the United States and Britain was officially decided.

128海軍the Navyハワイ島the island of Hawaii真珠湾(しんじゅわん)Pearl Harbor奇襲攻撃a surprise attackし、また陸軍the Armyマレー半島the Malay Peninsula上陸landedして奇襲攻撃a surprise attackを行い、宣戦布告declaring warして太平洋戦争(たいへいよう・せんそう)the Pacific Warが開始された。

On December 8, the Navy conducted a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on the island of Hawaii, and the Army also landed on the Malay Peninsula and conducted a surprise attack, declaring war and starting the Pacific War.

これとともにドイツGermanyイタリアItaly三国同盟(さんごく・どうめい)the Triple Allianceによって対米宣戦declared war on the United Statesを行い、日独伊Japan, Germany, and Italy枢軸側the Axis forcesと、米英the United States and Britainなどの連合国側the Allied powersとの全面的な世界戦争a full-scale world warに発展した。

At the same time, Germany and Italy also declared war on the United States through the Triple Alliance, leading to a full-scale world war between the Axis forces of Japan, Germany, and Italy, and the Allied powers of the United States and Britain.

大東亜共栄圏(だいとうあ・きょうえいけん)Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

開戦直後に政府は、1937年(昭和12年)からの日中戦争(にっちゅう・せんそう)Second Sino-Japanese Warをも含めて「大東亜共栄圏(だいとうあ・きょうえいけん)Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere」の確立という意味で大東亜戦争(だいとうあ・せんそう)Greater East Asia Warと呼び、植民地解放を名目として掲げた。

Immediately after the outbreak of the war, the government called the war, including the Sino-Japanese War that began in 1937, the Greater East Asia War, meaning the establishment of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, under the guise of colonial liberation.

東南アジアSoutheast Asia

日本は開戦早々にイギリス極東艦隊the British Far East Fleetの主力を壊滅させ、香港Hong KongシンガポールSingaporeビルマBurma蘭領東インド諸島the Dutch East Indiesフィリピン諸島the Philippine Islandsを占領し、開戦半年にして東南アジアSoutheast Asiaをほぼ制圧した。

Immediately after the start of the war, Japan destroyed the main force of the British Far East Fleet, occupied Hong Kong, Singapore, Burma, the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippine Islands, and took control of most of Southeast Asia within six months of the start of the war.

ミッドウェー海戦Battle of Midway

ガダルカナル島の戦いBattle of Guadalcanal

しかし、戦線が太平洋全域に拡大expanded across the Pacificするにつれ、軍需物資munitions兵器weapons補給suppliesが困難になるとともに、アメリカAmerica巨大な生産力enormous production powerに圧倒され始めた。

However, as the war front expanded across the Pacific, supplies of munitions and weapons became difficult, and America began to be overwhelmed by its enormous production power.

戦局は、1942年(昭和17年)6月のミッドウェー海戦Battle of Midwayおよび翌1943年(昭和18年)2月のガダルカナル島Guadalcanal Islandでの陸軍の敗北以来、全戦線における日本軍の敗退the defeat of the Japanese armyが始まった。

The war situation began with the defeat of the Japanese army on all fronts following the defeat of the Army at the Battle of Midway in June 1942 and at Guadalcanal Island in February 1943.

ダグラス・マッカーサーDouglas MacArthur

太平洋戦争(たいへいよう・せんそう)the Pacific War

サイパンの戦いBattle of Saipan

マッカーサーDouglas MacArthurが率いるアメリカ軍は、圧倒的な軍事力をもって失地を回復し、1944年(昭和19年)7月には太平洋上の拠点であるサイパンSaipanも占領した。

The American army, led by MacArthur, used overwhelming military power to recover lost ground and in July 1944, occupied Saipan, a base in the Pacific Ocean.

日中戦争(にっちゅう・せんそう)Second Sino-Japanese War

いっぽう日本陸軍の主力the main force of the Japanese Army中国大陸mainland Chinaに釘付けされ、しかもその支配は点(都市)と線(鉄道)上にとどまっていた。

On the other hand, the main force of the Japanese Army was pinned to mainland China, and its control was limited to points (cities) and lines (railroads).

中国でも在中アメリカ空軍the U.S. Air Forceの支援と、米式装備をもつ国民党軍(こくみんとうぐん)the Nationalist Army共産党軍(きょうさんとうぐん)the Communist Armyを中心に反撃に転じ始めた。

China also began to counterattack, with support from the U.S. Air Force stationed in China and the Kuomintang and Communist forces equipped with U.S.-style equipment.

東条英機(とうじょう・ひでき)Hideki Tojo


小磯国昭こいそ・くにあきKuniaki Koiso


米内光政よない・みつまさMitsumasa Yonai


この結果1944年(昭和19年)7月、東条英機(とうじょう・ひでき)内閣Hideki Tojo's cabinet総辞職resigned en masseし、陸軍the Army小磯国昭こいそ・くにあきKuniaki Koisoおよび海軍the Navy米内光政よない・みつまさMitsumasa Yonaiを中心とする小磯国昭こいそ・くにあき内閣the Kuniaki Koiso cabinetが生まれた。

As a result, in July 1944, Hideki Tojo's cabinet resigned en masse, and the Kuniaki Koiso cabinet was established, led by Kuniaki Koiso of the Army and Mitsumasa Yonai of the Navy. Ta.

学徒出陣(がくと・しゅつじん)Student Deployment

1943年(昭和18年)には、20歳以上の理科系・教員養成学校science or teacher training schools以外の学生は徴兵猶予the deferral of conscriptionが撤廃されて召集draftedされ、戦場へ送り込まれた(学徒出陣(がくと・しゅつじん)Student Deployment)。

In 1943 (Showa 18), the deferral of conscription was abolished for students over the age of 20 who did not attend science or teacher training schools, and they were drafted and sent to the battlefield (Student Deployment).

学徒勤労動員(がくと・きんろう・どういん)Student labor mobilization

女子挺身隊(じょし・ていしんたい)Women's Volunteer Corps

徴用令(ちょうよう・れい)Requisition Ordinance

残った者は中学生junior high school studentsまでもが学徒勤労動員(がくと・きんろう・どういん)Student labor mobilizationとして工場などへ駆り出され、独身女性single women女子挺身隊(じょし・ていしんたい)Women's Volunteer Corpsとして軍需工場munitions factoriesへ動員された。

Those who remained, even junior high school students, were mobilized to work in factories as students, and single women were also mobilized to munitions factories as women's volunteer corps.

強制連行(きょうせい・れんこう)Forced entrainment

さらに労働力不足the labor shortageを補うために、朝鮮人Koreans中国人Chineseまでを強制的に日本へ連行してきて、労働環境の劣悪poor working conditions鉱山minesなどで働かせた。

Furthermore, to make up for the labor shortage, Koreans and even Chinese were forcibly brought to Japan and forced to work in mines and other locations with poor working conditions.

配給制度(はいきゅう・せいど)Rationing system

配給制度(はいきゅう・せいど)Rationing system

配給制度(はいきゅう・せいど)Rationing system

1939年(昭和14年)以後は配給制度(はいきゅう・せいど)Rationing systemが始まっていたが、特に1942年(昭和17年)10月からは、食糧品food衣料clothingその他のすべての生活必需品daily necessitiesが、町内会Chōnaikai部落会hamlet associations隣組neighborhood associationsを通じて配給(はいきゅう)Rationingされるようになった。

A rationing system began in 1939 (Showa 14), but especially from October 1942 (Showa 17), food, clothing, and all other daily necessities were distributed through neighborhood associations, buraku associations, and neighborhood associations. It began to be distributed.

しかし、それも戦局の悪化the war situation worsenedとともに次第に少なくなり、物資不足・食糧難the shortage of supplies and foodはいっそう深刻になった。

However, as the war situation worsened, this number gradually decreased, and the shortage of supplies and food became even more serious.

学童疎開(がくどう・そかい)Evacuation of school children

学童疎開(がくどう・そかい)Evacuation of school children

都市the city小学生Elementary school studentsたちは、空襲air raidsに備えて地方rural areasに強制的に疎開(そかい)Evacuationさせられ(学童疎開(がくどう・そかい)Evacuation of school children)、本土mainlandへの空襲air raidsが始まると、人々の間には急速に厭戦(えんせん)気分feeling of hatred for warがひろがっていった。

Elementary school students in the city were forcibly evacuated to rural areas in preparation for air raids (school child evacuation), and when the air raids on the mainland began, a feeling of hatred for war rapidly spread among the people. It was.

B29の空襲B-29 air raids

日本の敗戦Japan's defeat

1944年(昭和19年)6月のサイパン島の陥落the fall of Saipan以来、本土mainlandB29の空襲B-29 air raidsにさらされ始めた(本土空襲(ほんど・くうしゅう)Air raids on Japan)。

After the fall of Saipan in June 1944, the mainland began to be exposed to B-29 air raids (mainland air raids).

太平洋戦争(たいへいよう・せんそう)the Pacific War

1944年(昭和19年)末から1945年(昭和20年)前半にかけては太平洋各地域various parts of the Pacific region日本の陸海軍Japan's army and navy総崩れcollapsedとなり、中国戦線the Chinese frontでも劣勢は濃厚become increasingly inferior situationになり始め、困苦hardship窮乏poverty激しい爆撃intense bombingに悩む国民の戦意the fighting spirit of the peopleは急速に衰えていった。

From the end of 1944 (Showa 19) to the first half of 1945 (Showa 20), Japan's army and navy in various parts of the Pacific region collapsed, and even on the Chinese front, the situation began to become increasingly inferior, leaving the people suffering from hardship, poverty, and intense bombing. His fighting spirit rapidly waned.

沖縄本島上陸Landing on the main island of Okinawa

小磯国昭こいそ・くにあきKuniaki Koiso


鈴木貫太郎(すずき・かんたろう)Kantaro Suzuki


このような状況のもとで、翌1945年(昭和20年)4月、米軍the U.S. military沖縄本島上陸landed on the main island of Okinawaの直後に、小磯国昭こいそ・くにあき内閣the Koiso Kuniaki Cabinetに代わって海軍の長老a senior naval officer鈴木貫太郎(すずき・かんたろう)Kantaro Suzuki戦争の終結end to the warを任務として内閣を組織した。

Under these circumstances, in April 1945 (Showa 20), immediately after the U.S. military landed on the main island of Okinawa, Kantaro Suzuki, a senior naval officer on behalf of the Koiso Kuniaki Cabinet, called for an end to the war. As part of his mission, he formed a cabinet.

鈴木貫太郎(すずき・かんたろう)内閣Kantaro Suzuki's cabinetは、国民に「本土決戦(ほんど・けっせん)a decisive battle on the mainland」を唱える一方で終戦工作efforts to end the warを始め、戦後の米ソ対立conflict between the United States and the Soviet Unionを見越して、ソ連the Soviet Unionを仲介にしてアメリカthe United StatesイギリスGreat Britainとの和平make peaceに当たろうとした。

Kantaro Suzuki's cabinet began efforts to end the war while advocating for the people to fight a decisive battle on the mainland. Anticipating postwar conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, it attempted to use the Soviet Union as an intermediary to make peace with the United States and Great Britain.

ヤルタ会談Yalta Conference

しかしソ連the Soviet Unionは、すでに1945年(昭和20年)2月のヤルタ会談the Yalta Conferenceにおいて、対日参戦participate in the war against Japan密約secretly agreedしていたのである。

However, the Soviet Union had already secretly agreed to participate in the war against Japan at the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

イタリアの降伏Surrender of Italy 1943年(昭和18年)9

いっぽう枢軸の一翼であったイタリアItalyは、1943年(昭和18年)9無条件降伏(むじょうけん・こうふく)Unconditional surrenderした。

Italy, which was part of the Axis, surrendered unconditionally in September 1943.

カイロ宣言Cairo Declaration

カイロ宣言Cairo Declaration

1943年(昭和18年)11月、エジプトEgyptカイロCairoに、米大統領U.S. PresidentローズヴェルトRoosevelt英首相British Prime MinisterチャーチルChurchill中国総統Chinese President蒋介石(しょう・かいせき)(チアン・カイシェック)Chiang Kai-shekが会談し、日本Japan無条件降伏(むじょうけん・こうふく)Unconditional surrenderに対する連合国の基本方針を含む宣言を発表した(カイロ宣言Cairo Declaration)。

In November 1943, U.S. President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Churchill, and Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek met in Cairo, Egypt, and announced a declaration that included the Allies' basic policy toward Japan's unconditional surrender. Cairo Declaration).

ヤルタ会談Yalta Conference

ヤルタ会談Yalta Conference

さらに、ドイツの敗北Germany's defeatが決定的となった1945年(昭和20年)2月、クリミヤ半島the Crimean PeninsulaヤルタYalta米大統領U.S. PresidentローズヴェルトRoosevelt英首相British Prime MinisterチャーチルChurchillソ連首相Soviet Union Prime MinisterスターリンStalinが会談し(ヤルタ会談Yalta Conference)、

Furthermore, in February 1945, when Germany's defeat became decisive, U.S. President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Churchill, and Soviet Union Prime Minister Stalin met at Yalta on the Crimean Peninsula (Yalta Conference).

ドイツの降伏Surrender of Germany 1945年(昭和20年)57

ポツダム宣言Potsdam Declaration 1945年(昭和20年)7

ついでドイツ降伏Germany surrendered後の7米大統領U.S. PresidentトルーマンTruman英首相British Prime MinisterチャーチルChurchill(のちアトリーAttleeソ連首相Soviet Prime MinisterスターリンStalinベルリン郊外the outskirts of BerlinポツダムPotsdamに集まり、対日戦争終結ending the war against Japanのための条件を決定した(ポツダム宣言Potsdam Declaration)。

Then, in July after Germany surrendered, U.S. President Truman, British Prime Minister Churchill (later Attlee), and Soviet Prime Minister Stalin met in Potsdam on the outskirts of Berlin and decided on conditions for ending the war against Japan (the Potsdam Declaration).

鈴木貫太郎(すずき・かんたろう)Kantaro Suzuki


和平工作の基本方針が定まらないまま、ポツダム宣言Potsdam Declarationが発表され、交渉のきっかけをつかむのに失敗した鈴木貫太郎(すずき・かんたろう)内閣Kantaro Suzuki's cabinetは、ポツダム宣言黙殺ignored the Potsdam Declaration戦争完遂brought the war to an end首相談話a statement by the prime ministerを発表した。

The Potsdam Declaration was announced without a basic policy for peacemaking being determined, and Kantaro Suzuki's cabinet, which failed to seize an opportunity for negotiations, issued a statement by the prime minister that ignored the Potsdam Declaration and brought the war to an end.

広島市への原子爆弾投下Atomic bombings of Hiroshima


連合国The Allied Powers鈴木貫太郎(すずき・かんたろう)Kantaro Suzuki首相Prime Minister談話statement降伏拒否a refusal to surrenderと受け取ったが、すでに1945年(昭和20年)7月に原子爆弾実験tested an atomic bombに成功したアメリカthe United Statesは、ヤルタ協定the Yalta Agreementにおいて約束したソ連の対日参戦the Soviet Union to enter the war against Japanを待たなくても日本を屈服させる自信を強め、イギリス首相British Prime MinisterチャーチルChurchillと原子爆弾使用を協議した。

The Allied Powers took Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki's statement as a refusal to surrender, but the United States, which had already successfully tested an atomic bomb in July 1945, realized that Japan would not have to wait for the Soviet Union to enter the war against Japan, as promised in the Yalta Agreement. Increasingly confident that he could bring the United States to its knees, he discussed the use of the atomic bomb with British Prime Minister Churchill.

こうして、ソ連の対日参戦the Soviet Union to participate in the war against Japanの約束の期限の直前、86広島に原子爆弾an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshimaが投下され、20余万の人々が一瞬のうちに死んだ。

Thus, on August 6, just before the deadline for the Soviet Union's promise to participate in the war against Japan, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing more than 200,000 people in an instant.

ソ連の対日参戦the Soviet Union to enter the war against Japan

シベリア抑留The internment in Siberia

これをみて88日夜に、ソ連the Soviet Unionもすかさず対日宣戦declared war on Japanを行い、翌日から満州(まんしゅう)Manchuriaへ進撃を開始して関東軍(かんとうぐん)Kwantung Army潰滅annihilatedさせた。

Seeing this, the Soviet Union immediately declared war on Japan on the night of August 8, and the next day they began advancing into Manchuria and annihilated the Kwantung Army.

長崎市への原子爆弾投下Atomic bombings of Nagasaki


さらに89日には、アメリカは、長崎Nagasaki原子爆弾第2second atomic bombを投じた。

Furthermore, on August 9, the United States dropped its second atomic bomb on Nagasaki.

玉音放送(ぎょくおん・ほうそう)Jewel Voice Broadcast


ここに至って政府は、同89日の夜の御前会議(ごぜん・かいぎ)Imperial Conferenceの結果、810日に、天皇の地位保障the Emperor's status would be guaranteedを条件に降伏を申し入れたが、これは連合国に拒否され、ついに814日の御前会議(ごぜん・かいぎ)Imperial Conferenceで、ポツダム宣言受諾accept the Potsdam Declaration無条件降伏(むじょうけん・こうふく)Unconditional surrenderが決定され、その詔勅が815日正午、国民に放送された(「玉音放送(ぎょくおん・ほうそう)Jewel Voice Broadcast」)。

As a result of the Imperial Conference on the night of August 9th, the government proposed surrender on August 10th on the condition that the Emperor's status would be guaranteed, but this was rejected by the Allied Powers, and finally on August 14th. At the Japanese Imperial Conference, it was decided to accept the Potsdam Declaration, which meant unconditional surrender, and the imperial edict was broadcast to the nation at noon on August 15 ('Gyokuon Broadcasting').

太平洋戦争(たいへいよう・せんそう)the Pacific War

ポツダム宣言受諾accept the Potsdam Declaration無条件降伏(むじょうけん・こうふく)Unconditional surrenderによって、日本の領土Japan's territory本州Honshu北海道Hokkaido四国Shikoku九州Kyushuおよび付属の小島に限局されて連合国の管理下に置かれ、沖縄Okinawa小笠原諸島the Ogasawara Islandsアメリカの軍政下under American military administrationに置かれることになった。

Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration = With unconditional surrender, Japan's territory is limited to Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu, and attached small islands and placed under the control of the Allied Powers, and Okinawa and the Ogasawara Islands are placed under American military administration. Became.

そして朝鮮Koreaは独立し、台湾Taiwanは中国に返され、千島the Kuril Islands樺太Sakhalinはソ連の支配下に入り、南洋委任領the South Seas Mandateアメリカの信託統治American trusteeshipに属することになった。

Korea became independent, Taiwan was returned to China, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin came under Soviet control, and the South Seas Mandate came under American trusteeship.


デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...