日本史51 Japanese history 51
戦後の民主化 Postwar democratization
降伏文書の調印signed the
instrument of surrender
戦艦ミズーリ Battleship
Missouri BB-63
日本国憲法第9条Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution
英国郵便船タイタニック Royal Mail
Ship Titanic
英国郵便船タイタニック Royal Mail Ship
英国郵便船タイタニック Royal Mail Ship Titanic
貨客船氷川丸(ひかわまる) Passenger-cargo
ship Hikawa Maru
貨客船氷川丸(ひかわまる) Passenger-cargo
ship Hikawa Maru
宗谷(そうや) Souya
宗谷(そうや) Antarctic
research vessel Soya
第14章 Chapter
Modern Japan and the world
第1節 Section
Postwar democratization
surrendered後の7月米大統領U.S. PresidentトルーマンTruman・英首相British Prime
MinisterチャーチルChurchill(のちアトリーAttlee)ソ連首相Soviet Prime MinisterスターリンStalinがベルリン郊外the outskirts of BerlinのポツダムPotsdamに集まり、対日戦争終結ending the war against Japanのための条件を決定した(ポツダム宣言Potsdam Declaration)。
In July after Germany surrendered, U.S.
President Truman, British Prime Minister Churchill (later Attlee), and Soviet
Prime Minister Stalin met in Potsdam on the outskirts of Berlin and decided on conditions
for ending the war against Japan (the Potsdam Declaration).
ポツダム宣言the Potsdam
Declarationの受諾によって、日本は連合国軍Allied forcesに占領occupiedされた。
With the acceptance of the Potsdam
Declaration, Japan was occupied by Allied forces.
ダグラス・マッカーサーDouglas MacArthur
厚木(あつぎ)(神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture)飛行場Atsugi Air
戦艦ミズーリ Battleship
Missouri BB-63
降伏文書の調印signed the
instrument of surrender
戦艦ミズーリ Battleship
Missouri BB-63
重光葵(しげみつ・まもる)Mamoru Shigemitsu
梅津美治郎(うめづ・よしじろう)Yoshijirō Umezu
1945年(昭和20年)8月30日、連合国軍最高司令官Supreme Commander of the Allied ForcesマッカーサーDouglas MacArthurが厚木(あつぎ)(神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture)飛行場Atsugi Air Baseに着き、9月2日、東京湾Tokyo Bay上のアメリカ戦艦ミズーリ号the
USS Missouriの艦上でマッカーサーDouglas MacArthur司令官General・連合国各代表representatives
of the Allied Powersと日本全権Japanese plenipotentiary重光葵(しげみつ・まもる)Mamoru
Shigemitsu・梅津美治郎(うめづ・よしじろう)Yoshijirō Umezuは降伏文書の調印signed the instrument of surrenderを行った。
On August 30, 1945, Supreme Commander of the
Allied Forces, MacArthur, arrived at Atsugi Air Base, and on September 2, he
met with General MacArthur and representatives of the Allied Powers on board
the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
Japanese plenipotentiary Mamoru Shigemitsu
and Yoshijiro Umezu signed the instrument of surrender.
ハリー・S・トルーマンHarry S. Truman
連合国軍最高司令官Supreme Commander
of Allied Forces
元formerアメリカ極東軍司令官the U.S. Far East Command・西南太平洋連合軍最高司令官supreme commander of the Allied Forces in the Southwest PacificであったマッカーサーDouglas MacArthurが任じられたが、1951年(昭和26年)4月、米大統領U.S.
PresidentトルーマンHarry S. Trumanと衝突して解任、ついでリッジウェイMatthew Ridgwayが就任した。
MacArthur, former commander of the U.S. Far
East Command and supreme commander of the Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific,
was appointed, but in April 1951, he was dismissed after clashing with U.S.
President Truman, and Ridgway took over.
鈴木貫太郎(すずき・かんたろう)Kantaro Suzuki (1945年(昭和20年)4月7日~8月17日)
東久邇宮稔彦(ひがしくにのみや・なるひこ)Higashikuninomiya Naruhiko(1945年(昭和20年)8月17日~10月9日)
無条件降伏the unconditional
surrenderと同時に総辞職した鈴木貫太郎(すずき・かんたろう)内閣the Suzuki Kantaro Cabinetのあとを継いだ東久邇宮稔彦(ひがしくにのみや・なるひこ)の皇族内閣The Imperial Family Cabinet(1945年8~10月)は、本土防衛陸海軍330万人・海外派遣軍375万人の武装解除や、大東亜省・軍需省など戦時行政機関の廃止などを行ったが、一方では、なお旧勢力の温存をはかろうとする動きも示した。
The Imperial Family Cabinet (August-October
1945) of Higashikuninomiya Naruhiko, who succeeded the Suzuki Kantaro Cabinet
who resigned en masse at the same time as the unconditional surrender,
consisted of 3.3 million people from the mainland defense army and navy, and
from overseas. Although it disarmed 3.75 million troops and abolished wartime
administrative institutions such as the Ministry of Greater East Asia and the
Ministry of Munitions, it also showed moves to preserve the old forces.
これに対し、進駐したマッカーサーDouglas MacArthur司令部headquartersは、戦犯容疑者の逮捕・裁判the arrest and trial of suspected war criminals、政治犯の釈放the release of political prisoners、特別高等警察の廃止the abolition
of the Special High Police、治安維持法の廃止the abolition of the Peace Preservation Lawなどを次々と指令した。
In response, MacArthur's headquarters issued
a series of orders, including the arrest and trial of suspected war criminals,
the release of political prisoners, the abolition of the Special High Police,
and the abolition of the Peace Preservation Law.
日本の占領occupation of
Japanの実質はアメリカthe United
Statesが握ったが、占領形式は連合国the Allied
Although the United States was in charge of
the actual occupation of Japan, the form of occupation was controlled by the
Allied Powers.
Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
GHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)
そのため、占領政策決定の最高機関として、ワシントンWashingtonに日本と交戦した11か国代表で構成された極東委員会(FEC)the Far East Commissionが、最高司令官の諮問機関として、東京Tokyoに米英ソ中の4か国代表で構成された対日理事会(ACJ)The Council for Japanが置かれ、実際の日本管理には連合国軍最高司令官総司令部General
Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers(GHQ(総司令部General Headquarters))が当たり、GHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)の指令を日本国政府に実施させる間接統治の形をとった。
For this reason, the Far East Commission (FEC),
which is composed of representatives from 11 countries that engaged in war with
Japan, is located in Washington as the supreme body for determining occupation
policy, and the Far East Commission (FEC), which is made up of representatives
from 11 countries that engaged in war with Japan, is based in Tokyo as an
advisory body to the supreme commander. The Council for Japan (ACJ) was
established, consisting of representatives, and the General Headquarters (GHQ)
of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces was in charge of actual
management of Japan, and the Japanese government was responsible for
implementing the orders of the General Headquarters (GHQ). It took the form of
indirect rule.
International Military Tribunal for the Far East(東京裁判Tokyo Trial)
International Military Tribunal for the Far East(東京裁判Tokyo Trial)
1946年(昭和21年)5月3日、「極東における重大戦争犯罪人serious war criminalsの公正かつ迅速なる審理及び処罰」のため、米英ソ中をはじめ11か国が原告となって、東京Tokyo市ヶ谷(いちがや)Ichigayaで軍事裁判所military courtが開廷された。
On May 3, 1946, 11 countries, including the
United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, and China, became plaintiffs and
carried out military operations in Ichigaya, Tokyo, in order to ``fair and
speedy trial and punishment of serious war criminals in the Far East.'' The
court was opened.
東条英機(とうじょう・ひでき)Hideki Tojo (1941年(昭和16年)10月18日~1944年(昭和19年)7月22日)
Tojoをはじめ、A級戦犯28名の被告28 class A war criminal defendantsに、2年半にわたる審理が行われた。
A two-and-a-half-year trial was held for 28 class
A war criminal defendants, including Hideki Tojo, who was seen as the supreme
leader of the war of aggression since the Manchurian Incident.
Tojoら7名が絞首刑death by hanging、16名が終身禁錮、1名が禁錮20年、1名が禁錮7年に処せられた。
As a result, all defendants except for the
three responsible for death and insanity were found guilty, seven including
Hideki Tojo were sentenced to death by hanging, 16 were sentenced to life in
prison, one was sentenced to 20 years in prison, and one was sentenced to seven
years in prison. Ta.
昭和天皇(しょうわ・てんのう)Emperor Shōwa
第124代天皇the 124th Emperor(在位1926年~1989年)
大正天皇(たいしょう・てんのう)Emperor Taishōの第一男子the First son
demandした天皇the Emperorと財閥関係者those involved
in the zaibatsuの戦争責任responsible for the warは、アメリカの意向によって不起訴となった。
China's demand that the Emperor and those involved
in the zaibatsu be held responsible for the war was not prosecuted at the
request of the United States.
B級戦犯B-class war criminalsは通例の戦争犯罪、C級戦犯C-class war criminalsは人道に対する犯罪を対象とし、アメリカ・イギリスなどで裁判が行われ、B級戦犯5416名中937名が死刑sentenced to
B-class war criminals were considered
ordinary war crimes, and C-class war criminals were crimes against humanity.
Trials were held in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries,
and 937 of the 5,416 B-class war criminals were sentenced to death.
東久邇宮稔彦(ひがしくにのみや・なるひこ)Higashikuninomiya Naruhiko
1945年(昭和20年)10月、終戦処理について一応の任務を終えた東久邇宮稔彦(ひがしくにのみや・なるひこ)内閣the Toshihiko Higashikuninomiya Cabinetは、GHQ(総司令部General
In October 1945 (Showa 20), the Toshihiko
Higashikuninomiya Cabinet, which had completed its duties regarding the end of
the war, decided to implement the ``Restrictions on Political, Civil, and Religious
Freedom'' issued by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General
Headquarters (GHQ). It collapsed 49 days after receiving the Memorandum of
Abolition (Human Rights Directive), and a cabinet was formed by Kijuro
Shidehara, a prewar promoter of cooperative diplomacy between Britain and the
United States.
of women
五大改革Five Major Reforms
労働組合の助長promotion of
labor unions
五大改革Five Major Reforms
of education
五大改革Five Major Reforms
圧制的諸制度の撤廃abolition of
oppressive systems
五大改革Five Major Reforms
of the economy
五大改革Five Major Reforms
MacArthurは幣原喜重郎(しではら・きじゅうろう)Kijūrō Shidehara首相Prime Ministerと会談して、婦人の解放emancipation of women・労働組合の助長promotion of labor unions・教育の自由主義化liberalization of education・圧制的諸制度の撤廃abolition of oppressive systems・経済の民主化democratization of the economyの五大改革Five Major Reformsを指令した。
MacArthur met with Prime Minister Kijuro
Shidehara and ordered Five Major Reforms: emancipation of women, promotion of
labor unions, liberalization of education, abolition of oppressive systems, and
democratization of the economy.
人権指令The Human
Rights Directive
人権指令The Human
Rights Directiveは治安維持法の廃止the abolition of the Peace Preservation Law、政治犯の即時解放the immediate release of political prisoners、特別高等警察の解体the dissolution of the Special High Policeなどを内容とする。
The Human Rights Directive includes the
abolition of the Peace Preservation Law, the immediate release of political
prisoners, and the dissolution of the Special High Police.
衆議院議員選挙法the House of
Representatives Election Lawの改正The revision
GHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)は、五大改革指令Five Major Reform Directivesの趣旨に基づいていろいろな新措置をとったが、特に満20歳以上の男子ばかりでなく、女子にも参政権が与えられた衆議院議員選挙法the House of Representatives Election Lawの改正The revision(1945年(昭和20年)12月)が注目される。
The Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces
General Headquarters (GHQ) took various new measures based on the purpose of
the Five Major Reform Directives, and in particular, the right to vote was
given to not only boys but also girls over the age of 20. The revision of the
House of Representatives Election Law (December 1945) is attracting attention.
また、五大改革Five Major Reformsのほかにも、幣原喜重郎(しではら・きじゅうろう)内閣the Kijuro Shidehara cabinetにいくつかの重要な指令を出した。
In addition to the five major reforms, he
also issued several important directives to the Kijuro Shidehara cabinet.
公職追放(こうしょく・ついほう)Expulsion from Public Office
なかでも、軍国主義教員militaristic teachersの追放expulsion(1945年(昭和20年)10月)、
Among these, the expulsion of militaristic
teachers (October 1945);
国家と神道の分離指令Directive for
the separation of the state and Shinto(1945年(昭和20年)12月)、
Directive for the separation of the state
and Shinto (December 1945),
history・地理geographyの授業停止Suspension of
Suspension of classes on self-improvement,
national history, and geography (December 1945);
軍国主義者militaristsの公職追放(こうしょく・ついほう)Expulsion from Public Office、超国家主義団体ultra-nationalist organizationsの解散dissolution(1946年(昭和21年)1月)などが注目される。
The expulsion of militarists from public
office and the dissolution of ultra-nationalist organizations (January 1946)
are attracting attention.
公職追放(こうしょく・ついほう)Expulsion from Public Office
公職追放(こうしょく・ついほう)Expulsion from Public Office
追放措置の対象subject to
expulsion measuresとなったのは、戦争犯罪人war criminals・職業軍人professional soldiers・極端な国家主義者extreme nationalistsなど約21万名であった。
Approximately 210,000 people were subject to
expulsion measures, including war criminals, professional soldiers, and extreme
重光葵(しげみつ・まもる)Mamoru Shigemitsu
石橋湛山(いしばし・たんざん)Tanzan Ishibashi
鳩山一郎(はとやま・いちろう)Ichiro Hatoyama
しかしその後、国内外の情勢変化にともなって、1950年(昭和25年)にはA級戦犯a class A war criminal重光葵(しげみつ・まもる)Mamoru
Shigemitsuを含む13000余名が、1951年(昭和26年)には石橋湛山(いしばし・たんざん)Tanzan Ishibashi・鳩山一郎(はとやま・いちろう)Ichiro Hatoyamaら82000余名が追放を解除lifted from exileされ、公職に復帰returned to public officeした。
However, as the situation changed both domestically
and internationally, in 1950 (Showa 25), more than 13,000 people, including Aoi
Shigemitsu, a class A war criminal, and in 1951 (Showa 26), more than 82,000
people, including Ishibashi Tanzan and Hatoyama Ichiro, died. His name was
lifted from exile and returned to public office.
Korean Warの直前には、日本共産党幹部Japanese Communist Party officialsがGHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)によって公職追放(こうしょく・ついほう)Expulsion from Public Officeの指令を受けた。
Conversely, just before the Korean War in
1950, Japanese Communist Party officials were ordered to be expelled from
public office by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Headquarters
Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
GHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)
農地改革(のうち・かいかく)Land reform
農地改革(のうち・かいかく)Land reform
Headquarters)から農地改革指令the Agrarian Reform Directiveが提出されてこの農地調整法案the Agrarian Adjustment Billは成立し、第1次農地改革The first
land reformが実施された。
In December 1945, the Agrarian Reform
Directive was submitted by the General Headquarters (GHQ) of the Supreme
Commander of the Allied Forces, with the aim of liberating farmers from
feudalism and democratic reconstruction, and the Agrarian Adjustment Bill was
enacted. The first land reform was implemented.
各市町村に農地委員会Agricultural land committeesが設置されて農地の売買譲渡に当たったが、在村地主には5町歩以下の私有を認め、小作料の物納も認めるなど地主に有利な面が多く、農民の多くを納得させることができなかったので、さらにGHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)の指令によって、翌1946年(昭和21年)10月に、より徹底した第2次農地改革の諸法令laws and
regulations for the second agrarian reformが公布された。
Agricultural land committees were
established in each municipality to buy and sell farmland, but there were many
advantages for landowners, such as allowing landowners in villages to own
private land of less than 5 hamlets and payment of rent in kind. However, in
October 1946, the General Headquarters (GHQ), Supreme Commander of the Allied
Forces, enacted more thorough laws and regulations for the second agrarian
reform. Promulgated.
agrarian reformでは、在村地主の小作保有地は1町歩以下(
Under this second agrarian reform,
landowners living in villages were allowed to hold tenancy land of less than
one town block (4 town blocks in Hokkaido), and rents were to be paid in cash.
この改革によって、地租改正the land tax reform以来の寄生地主制the parasitic landlord systemと半封建的高率小作料semi-feudal high rentsは否定され、多くの自作農independent farmersが生まれ、農村の民主化the democratization of rural areasが大きく進んだ。
This reform abolished the parasitic landlord
system and semi-feudal high rents that had existed since the land tax reform,
created many independent farmers, and greatly advanced the democratization of rural
近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoe
憲法改正(けんぽう・かいせい)Constitutional amendmentの意見は、すでに敗戦の直後から、天皇の戦争責任を免れる方向で近衛文麿(このえ・ふみまろ)Fumimaro Konoeらによって出されていたが、GHQ(総司令部General
Headquarters)は憲法改正(けんぽう・かいせい)Constitutional amendmentを民主化の方向で考え、1945年(昭和20年)10月、マッカーサーDouglas
MacArthurは幣原喜重郎(しではら・きじゅうろう)Kijūrō Shidehara首相Prime Ministerに憲法改正(けんぽう・かいせい)Constitutional amendmentを示唆した。
Immediately after Japan's defeat in the war,
Fumimaro Konoe and others had expressed the opinion that the Constitution
should be revised in the direction of absolving the Emperor of war
responsibility, but the General Headquarters (GHQ), the Supreme Commander of
the Allied Forces, considered the constitutional amendment to be in the
direction of democratization. In October 1945, MacArthur suggested
constitutional revision to Prime Minister Kijuro Shidehara.
昭和天皇(しょうわ・てんのう)Emperor Shōwa
第124代天皇the 124th Emperor(在位1926年~1989年)
大正天皇(たいしょう・てんのう)Emperor Taishōの第一男子the First son
人間宣言(にんげん・せんげん)Humanity Declaration
松本烝治(まつもと・じょうじ)Jōji Matsumoto
幣原喜重郎(しではら・きじゅうろう)内閣The Kijuro Shidehara Cabinetは、大日本帝国憲法The Constitution of the Empire of Japanの改正に積極的でなかったが、同1945年(昭和20年)12月に設置が決定された極東委員会の構成国には、天皇の地位を否定する国も多く、憲法改正(けんぽう・かいせい)Constitutional amendmentは避けられない情勢が強まり、1946年(昭和21年)1月の天皇の人間宣言(にんげん・せんげん)Humanity Declarationのあと、松本烝治(まつもと・じょうじ)Jōji Matsumoto国務相Minister of State(憲法問題調査委員会)案をGHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)に提出した。
The Kijuro Shidehara Cabinet was not
proactive in amending the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, but it denied
the status of Emperor to the member countries of the Far East Commission, which
was established in December 1945. In many countries, constitutional revision
became inevitable, and after the Emperor's Declaration of Humanity in January
1946, Minister of State Matsumoto Koji (Constitutional Problems Investigation
Committee) proposed a proposal to the Allied Forces' highest authority.
Submitted to General Headquarters (GHQ).
憲法改正(けんぽう・かいせい)Constitutional amendment
GHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)は、政府の憲法改正案を拒否し、象徴天皇制the symbolic emperor systemと戦争放棄the renunciation of warを含む3原則に基づくGHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)案を提示した。
The Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces,
General Headquarters (GHQ), rejected the government's proposed constitutional
amendment and proposed a General Headquarters (GHQ) proposal based on three
principles, including the symbolic emperor system and the renunciation of war.
日本国憲法(にほんこく・けんぽう)The Constitution of Japan
新しい日本国憲法(にほんこく・けんぽう)The Constitution of Japanは1946年(昭和21年)11月3日公布、翌1947年(昭和22年)5月3日から施行された。
The new Japanese Constitution was
promulgated on November 3, 1946 (Showa 21), and went into effect the following
year on May 3, 1947 (Showa 22).
新憲法は、国民主権(こくみんしゅけん)Popular sovereignty・基本的人権の保障guaranteeing fundamental human rights・平和主義(へいわしゅぎ)Pacifismを三大特色とする。
The new constitution has three main
characteristics: popular sovereignty, guaranteeing fundamental human rights,
and pacifism.
日本国憲法(にほんこく・けんぽう)The Constitution of Japan
つまり主権sovereigntyは国民the peopleにあり、天皇the Emperorは旧憲法のような国政に関する権能を持たず、日本国Japanおよび日本国民統合the unity of the Japanese peopleの象徴a symbolとなった。
In other words, sovereignty rests with the
people, and the Emperor does not have authority over national affairs as under
the old constitution, making it a symbol of Japan and the unity of the Japanese
さらに国民の代表者からなる国会the National Dietは、国権の最高機関the highest organ of state powerとなった。
Furthermore, the National Diet, made up of
representatives of the people, became the highest organ of state power.
国民の基本的人権The fundamental human rightsは、侵すことのできない永久の権利として保障されることとなった。
The fundamental human rights of the people
were guaranteed as permanent, inalienable rights.
日本国憲法第9条Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution
また、第9条(だい9じょう)Article 9 of
the Japanese Constitutionにおいて、国際紛争解決の手段としての戦争を永久に放棄permanently renounce warし、戦力を保持しないwill not retain military powerことを宣言declareしたことは、世界史上においても画期的な意味を持つものと言えるのである。
In addition, Article 9, in which Japan's
decision to permanently renounce war as a means of resolving international
disputes and declare that it will not retain military power can be said to be
of epoch-making significance in world history.
鳩山一郎(はとやま・いちろう)Ichiro Hatoyama
片山哲(かたやま・てつ)Tetsu Katayama
徳田球一(とくだ・きゅういち)Kyuichi Tokuda
1945年(昭和20年)10月から年末にかけて、諸政党も続々と復活し、旧政友会系の日本自由党Japan Liberal Party(総裁President鳩山一郎(はとやま・いちろう)Ichiro Hatoyama)、旧民政党系の日本進歩党Japan
Progressive Party(総裁President幣原喜重郎(しではら・きじゅうろう)Kijūrō
Shidehara)などの保守政党Conservative partiesや、革新政党progressive partyとして日本社会党the Japan Socialist Party(書記長general secretary片山哲(かたやま・てつ)Tetsu Katayama)、および合法活動legal
activitiesが認められた日本共産党the Japan Communist Party(書記長general secretary徳田球一(とくだ・きゅういち)Kyuichi Tokuda)も活動を始めた。
From October 1945 to the end of the year,
political parties were revived one after another, with the former
Seiyukai-affiliated Japan Liberal Party (President Ichiro Hatoyama) and the former
Democratic Party-affiliated Japan Progressive Party (President Shidehara)
Conservative parties such as Kijuro), the Japan Socialist Party (general
secretary Tetsu Katayama) as a progressive party, and the Japan Communist Party
(general secretary Kyuichi Tokuda) whose activities were recognized as legal
were also active. started.
衆議院議員選挙法the House of
Representatives Election Lawの改正The revision
そしてGHQ(総司令部General Headquarters)の指令に基づいて、1945年(昭和20年)12月には衆議院議員選挙法the House of Representatives Election Lawが改正amendedされ、満20歳以上の男女に選挙権が、25歳以上の男女に被選挙権が与えられ(都道府県知事(のち参議院も)は30歳)、初めて婦人参政権Women's suffrageが実現した。
Based on the directives of the Supreme
Commander of the Allied Forces, General Headquarters (GHQ), the House of
Representatives Election Law was amended in December 1945, giving voting rights
to men and women aged 20 and over, and These men and women were given the right
to vote (prefectural governors (and later the House of Councilors) were 30
years old), and women's suffrage was achieved for the first time.
この新選挙法による初めての衆議院総選挙The first general election for the House of Representativesが、1946年(昭和21年)4月10日に実施された。
The first general election for the House of
Representatives under this new election law was held on April 10, 1946.
吉田茂(よしだ・しげる)Shigeru Yoshida
そして第1党となった日本自由党が、日本進歩党の協力を得て、第1次吉田茂(よしだ・しげる)内閣the first Shigeru Yoshida Cabinet(1946年(昭和21年)5月~1947年(昭和22年)5月)を成立させ、ここに、五・一五事件(ご・いちご・じけん)May 15 Incidentで犬養毅(いぬかい・つよし)内閣the Inukai Tsuyoshi cabinetが倒れて終わった政党政治(せいとう・せいじ)party politicsが14年ぶりに復活した。
The Japan Liberal Party, which became the
largest party, established the first Shigeru Yoshida Cabinet (May 1946 to May
1947) with the cooperation of the Japan Progressive Party. Here, party
politics, which ended with the collapse of the Inukai Tsuyoshi cabinet due to
the May 15 Incident, has been revived for the first time in 14 years.
この窮状を前にして幣原喜重郎内閣(しではら・きじゅうろう)the Kijuro Shidehara Cabinetは、インフレーションを通貨・金融の面から抑制するため、1946年(昭和21年)2月、金融緊急措置令(きんゆう・きんきゅう・そちれい)the Financial Emergency Measures Orderを発して預金封鎖(よきん・ふうさ)blockading depositsや一定額の新円切替えswitching over to the new yenなどを行ったが、効果は一時的なものでしかなかった。
Faced with this predicament, the Kijuro
Shidehara Cabinet issued the Financial Emergency Measures Order in February
1946 in order to curb inflation from the monetary and financial aspects, blockading
deposits and switching over to the new yen for a certain amount. I tried that,
but the effect was only temporary.
吉田茂(よしだ・しげる)Shigeru Yoshida
政府(第1次吉田(よしだ)内閣first Yoshida Cabinet)は、1946年(昭和21年)12月、石炭・鉄鋼などの重要産業部門に、資材や資金を集中させる傾斜生産方式(けいしゃ・せいさん・ほうしき)priority production systemの採用に踏み切り、翌1947年(昭和22年)に復興金融金庫(ふっこう・きんゆう・きんこ)the Reconstruction Financial Bankを設立して、重要産業への融資と補給金交付を重点的に行った。
In December 1946, the government (first
Yoshida Cabinet) decided to adopt a lean production system that concentrated
materials and funds on important industrial sectors such as coal and steel. In
2010, the Reconstruction Financial Bank was established and focused on providing
loans and subsidies to important industries.
食糧メーデーFood May Day
この間、労働運動と農民運動も急速な発展を示し、インフレ下の低賃金・食糧難に悩む民衆は、1946年(昭和21年)5月1日の戦後初のメーデーthe first postwar May Dayに東京で50万人、全国で200万人が参加し、さらに5月19日には食糧メーデーFood May Dayとして「米よこせGive Me Rice」デモdemonstrationを行った。
During this period, labor movements and peasant
movements also showed rapid development, and on May 1, 1946, the first postwar
May Day, people suffering from low wages and food shortages due to inflation
reached 500,000 people in Tokyo and across the country. Two million people
participated in the event, and on May 19th, a ``Give Me Rice'' demonstration
was held as Food May Day.
Yashiro Ii explaining the reasons of the
cancellation of the February 1 General Strike under preparation
二・一ゼネスト(に・いち・ゼネスト)The February 1 General
industriesのゼネラル・ストライキgeneral strike(二・一ゼネストThe February 1 General Strike)への突入を宣言したが、その直前の1月31日になって、マッカーサーMacArthurはこれに直接禁止命令direct injunction againstを出した。
The workers then declared a general strike
in all industries (February 1st General Strike) on February 1, 1947, demanding
wage increases and the establishment of a democratic people's government. Just
before that, on January 31st, MacArthur issued a direct injunction against it.