日本史36 Japanese history 36
The opening of the country and the upheaval at the end of the Edo
黒船来航(くろふね・らいこう)Arrival of the Black Ships
坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōma
第10章 Chapter 10
Formation of a Modern Nation
第1節 Section 1
The opening of the country and the upheaval at the end of the Edo
フェートン号事件the Phaeton Incident(Nagasaki Harbour Incident)
Advancement of Western countries
18世紀 the
18th centuryに産業革命(さんぎょう・かくめい)the Industrial Revolutionを遂行したイギリスBritainは、インド経営India managementと中国貿易China tradeに力を入れていたが、日本近海in the waters near Japanにも現れ、フェートン号事件the Phaeton Incident(Nagasaki Harbour Incident)(1808年(文化(ぶんか)5年))などを起こした。
Britain, which carried out the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, was focusing on India management and China trade, but it also appeared in the waters near Japan and caused the Phaeton Incident (1808 (Bunka 5)).
アヘン戦争the First Opium War(1840年~1842年)
しかし、その後は中国貿易trade with Chinaの拡大expansionに力を注ぎfocused on、1840年(天保(てんぽう)11年)には清(しん)(ching)the Qing
Dynastyとの間にアヘン戦争the First Opium Warを起こして勝利wonし、不平等なUnequal南京条約(ナンキン・じょうやく)the Treaty of Nankingを結ばせた。
However, after that, he focused on expanding trade with China, and
in 1840 (Tenpo 11), he waged an opium war with Qing and won, leading to the
unequal treaty of Nanjing.
of Western countries
いっぽうフランスFranceも、イギリスthe United Kingdomに対抗しながら中国China・日本Japanへ進出advance intoし始め、両国の軍艦warshipsが琉球(りゅうきゅう)Ryukyuへ来航visitedして通商tradeを求めてきた。
On the other hand, France also began to advance into China and Japan
while competing against Britain, and warships from both countries visited
Ryukyu to seek trade.
モリソン号事件the Morrison Incident
モリソン号事件the Morrison Incident(1837年(天保(てんぽう)8年))で撃退repelledされはしたが、アメリカthe United StatesはサンフランシスコSan Francisco~広東(カントン)Canton間の航路sea routeを開くopen upため日本Japanに寄港地port of callを求めるようになり、
The Morrison Incident (1837) was repelled, but the United States
sought a port of call in Japan in order to open up a sea route between San
Francisco and Canton.
ビッドルJames Biddle
1846年(弘化(こうか)3年)に東インド艦隊the East India Fleet司令長官Commander-in-ChiefビッドルJames Biddleを派遣dispatchしたが、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは受け入れなかった。
In 1846 (Kouka 3rd year), Biddle, Commander-in-Chief of the East
India Fleet, was dispatched, but the shogunate did not accept it.
Gold Rush
しかし、1848年(嘉永(かえい)1年)にカリフォルニアCaliforniaで金鉱gold mineが発見discoveredされ、新たに合衆国領土a new territory of the United Statesとなった西部地方the western
regionが開けるopened upと、
However, when a gold mine was discovered in California in 1848 (1st
year of Kaei), the western region, which became a new territory of the United
States, opened up.
アメリカthe United Statesは太平洋航路the Pacific sea routeの開拓open upのために、日本の開国the opening of Japanをいっそう望むようになってきた。
The United States has come to desire the opening of Japan more and
more in order to open up the Pacific sea route.
オランダ国王の親書a personal
letter from the king of the Netherlands
relationsのあったオランダthe Netherlandsは、1844年(弘化(こうか)1年)に国王の親書a personal
letter from the kingを幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに送り、
On the other
hand, the Netherlands, which had the only formal diplomatic relations with
Japan, sent a personal letter from the king to the shogunate in 1844.
世界の情勢the state of
the worldを説いて開国the opening of the countryの必要necessityを勧告recommendedしてきたが、幕府the shogunateは拒絶refuseした。
He explained the state of the world and recommended the opening of
the country, but the shogunate refused.
徳川家慶(とくがわ・いえよし)Tokugawa Ieyoshi(在職1837年~1853年)
12代将軍the 12th shogun
世界情勢the world situationの認識knowledgeに乏しい幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは、このような欧米諸国Western countriesの進出advanceにもかかわらず、あくまで鎖国(さこく)Sakoku(National
The shogunate, which had little knowledge of the world situation,
tried to maintain isolation despite the advance of Western countries.
高島秋帆(たかしま・しゅうはん)Takashima Shūhan(1798~1866)
しかし、アヘン戦争the First Opium Warの結果the resultsが伝わると、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは洋式兵学者a Western-style military strategist・高島秋帆(たかしま・しゅうはん)Takashima Shūhanを招き洋式砲術Western-style
artilleryの採用adopt・軍制改革reform the military systemを図り、
However, when the results of the Opium War were reported, the
shogunate invited Shuhan Takashima, a Western-style military strategist, to
adopt Western-style artillery and reform the military system.
天保の薪水給与令(てんぽう・の・しんすい・きゅうよ・れい)the Tenpo no
Shinsui Kyuyo Rei Order
1842年(天保(てんぽう)13年)天保の薪水給与令(てんぽう・の・しんすい・きゅうよ・れい)the Tenpo no
Shinsui Kyuyo Rei Orderを出して、外国船foreign shipsに燃料fuel・食糧foodを供与supplyして退去させる策measures to force them to leaveをとった。
In 1842 (Tempo 13), the government issued the Tenpo no Shinsui Kyuyo Rei Order to supply fuel and food to foreign ships and take measures to force them to leave.
4隻の軍艦four warships(黒船(くろふね)Black Ships)
神奈川県(かながわけん)Kanagawa Prefecture横須賀市(よこすかし)Yokosuka City浦賀(うらが)Uraga
開国(かいこく)Opening of the country
アメリカthe United Statesの東インド艦隊the East India Fleet司令長官commander-in-chiefペリー提督Commodore Perryは、1853年(嘉永6年)6月、4隻の軍艦four warships(黒船(くろふね)Black Ships)を率いて浦賀(うらが)Uragaに入った。
In June 1853, Commodore Perry, commander-in-chief of the American
East India Fleet, entered Uraga with four warships (Black Ships).
大統領PresidentフィルモアMillard Fillmore
ペリーMatthew Perryは大統領PresidentフィルモアMillard Fillmoreの国書a national
letterを持参して、日本Japanに開国(かいこく)Opening of the countryを強く求めた。
Perry brought a national letter from President Fillmore and strongly
urged Japan to open up the country.
幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateはいったん拒絶refusedしたが、その強硬な態度hard-line attitudeを恐れて国書the national letterを受け取り、翌年the following year返書を渡すreturn the
letterことを約束promisedして退去forced him to leaveさせた。
The shogunate once refused, but fearing his hard-line attitude, they
accepted the national letter and promised to return the letter the following
year and forced him to leave.
プチャーチンの来航(らいこう)Arrival of Putyatin
ロシアの使節The Russian
envoy・プチャーチンPutyatinは、ペリーMatthew Perryより1か月遅れて長崎Nagasakiに入り、千島(ちしま)Chishima・樺太(からふと)Sakhalinの国境画定demarcation of the bordersと通商commerce開始commencementを求める国書a national letterを呈した。
The Russian envoy Putyatin arrived in Nagasaki one month later than
Perry and presented a national letter demanding the demarcation of the Chishima
and Karafuto borders and the commencement of commerce.
幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは国書the national letterを受け取りreceivedはしたが、返事replyingをすることなくいったん退去forced to leaveさせた。
The Bakufu received the national letter, but they were forced to
leave without replying.
Japan-U.S. Treaty of Peace and Amity
the Japan-US Treaty of Amity and Friendship
プチャーチンPutyatinの来日arrival in Japanを知ったペリーPerryは、1854年(安政1年)1月、急いで引き返し、7隻の黒船seven black
ships(軍艦warships)の圧力pressureの下で、日米和親条約(にちべい・わしん・じょうやく)the Japan-US Treaty of Amity
and Friendship(神奈川条約(かながわ・じょうやく)the
Treaty of Kanagawa)を幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに締結conclusionさせた。
Upon learning of Putyatin's arrival in Japan, Perry hurriedly
returned in January 1854 (Ansei 1). ・Joyaku
(Kanagawa Treaty) was signed by the shogunate.
Under the pressure of seven black ships (warships), he forced the
shogunate to conclude the Treaty of Peace and Amity between the United States
and Japan (Kanagawa Treaty). .
イギリスthe United
Kingdom・ロシアRussia・オランダthe Netherlandsとの間でほぼ同内容the same contentsの和親条約(わしん・じょうやく)the Treaty of Peace and Amityが結ばれたが、
A treaty of peace and amity with almost the same contents was
concluded with England, Russia, and the Netherlands.
千島列島(ちしま・れっとう)the Kuril Islands
日露間between Japan
and Russiaには、千島列島(ちしま・れっとう)the Kuril Islandsの択捉島(えとろふ・とう)Etorofu
Islandと得撫島(うるっぷ・とう)Uruppu Islandとの間を国境the borderとし、樺太(からふと)Sakhalinを両国雑居a mixed residence between the two countriesとする国境問題a border issueが含まれていた。
There was a border issue between Japan and Russia, with the border
between Etorofu Island and Uruppu Island in the Kuril Islands, and Karafuto as
a mixed residence between the two countries.
ハリスTownsend Harris
静岡県(しずおかけん)Shizuoka Prefecture下田市(しもだし)Shimoda City
アメリカthe United Statesは、ハリスTownsend Harrisを下田(しもだ)Shimoda駐在stationedの総領事consul generalとして日本Japanに派遣dispatchし、領事裁判権(りょうじ・さいばんけん)consular jurisdictionなどを内容contentsとする下田条約(しもだ・じょうやく)the Treaty of Shimodaを締結conclusionさせ(1857年(安政(あんせい)4年))、
The United States dispatched Harris to Japan as consul general
stationed in Shimoda, and had him conclude the Shimoda Treaty, which included
consular jurisdiction. 1857 (Ansei 4),
アロー号事件the Arrow Incident
堀田正睦(ほった・まさよし)Hotta Masayoshi(1810年~1864年)
さらにイギリス・フランスの中国侵略the invasion of China by Britain and France(アロー号事件the Arrow Incident)を背景backgroundにしながら、老中(ろうじゅう)Rōjū(Elder)・堀田正睦(ほった・まさよし)Hotta Masayoshi(1810年~1864年)などに通商条約Commercial treatyの締結conclusionを強要forcedした。
Furthermore, against the background of the invasion of China by
Britain and France (the Arrow Incident), he forced roju Masayoshi Hotta
(1810-1864) and others to conclude a trade treaty.
井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosuke(1815年~1860年)
孝明天皇(こうめい・てんのう)Emperor Kōmei
大老(たいろう)Tairō(great elder)・井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosuke(1815年~1860年)は、孝明天皇(こうめい・てんのう)Emperor Kōmeiはじめ多くの攘夷論者(じょういろんしゃ)advocates of expulsion of foreignersの反対the oppositionにもかかわらず、ハリスHarrisに迫られて1858年(安政(あんせい)5年)6月、日米修好通商条約(にちべい・しゅうこう・つうしょう・じょうやく)the Japan-US Treaty of Amity and Commerceに調印signedした。
Tairo Ii Naosuke (1815-1860), despite the opposition of Emperor
Komei and many other advocates of expulsion of foreigners, was pressed by
Harris in 1858 (Ansei In June 1955, the Japan-U.S. Treaty of Amity and Commerce
was signed.
新見正興(しんみ・まさおき)Shinmi Masaoki
万延元年遣米使節(まんえん・がんねん・けんべいしせつ)an envoy to the United States in 1860
米艦U.S. Navy ship・ポーハタン号the US ship Powhatan
この条約批准ratify a treatyのため、1860年(万延(まんえん)元年)遣米使節an envoy to
the United States・新見正興(しんみ・まさおき)Shinmi Masaokiらは米艦U.S. Navy ship・ポーハタン号the US ship Powhatanで渡米traveled to the United Statesした(万延元年遣米使節(まんえん・がんねん・けんべいしせつ)an envoy to
the United States in 1860)。
In order to ratify this treaty, Masaoki Shinmi, an envoy to the
United States in 1860, traveled to the United States on the US ship Powhatan.
Nnnen, Kenbeishisetsu)).
(Manen 1st Year Mission to the United States (Kenbei Shisetsu)).
咸臨丸(かんりん・まる)the Japanese warship Kanrin Maru
勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう)Katsu Kaishū
幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateの咸臨丸(かんりん・まる)the Japanese warship
Kanrin Maruが随行Accompaniedし、勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう)Katsu Kaishūらが日本人初の太平洋横断cross the Pacific Oceanを成し遂げた。
Accompanied by the Shogunate's Kanrin Maru, Katsu Kaishu and others
became the first Japanese to cross the Pacific Ocean.
安政の五カ国条約(あんせい・の・ごかこく・じょうやく)the Ansei Five-Power Treaties
引き続きイギリスthe United Kingdom・オランダthe Netherlands・ロシアRussia・フランスFranceとも、ほぼ同様の条約almost
similar treatiesが結ばれたconcluded(安政の五カ国条約(あんせい・の・ごかこく・じょうやく)the Ansei Five-Power Treaties)。
Subsequently, almost similar treaties were concluded with Great Britain,
the Netherlands, Russia and France (Ansei no Gokakoku Joyaku).
水野忠邦(みずの・ただくに)Mizuno Tadakuni
阿部正弘(あべ・まさひろ)Abe Masahiro
徳川斉昭(とくがわ・なりあき)Tokugawa Nariaki
雄藩連合(ゆうはん・れんごう)Yuhan Rengo
水野忠邦(みずの・ただくに)Mizuno Tadakuniが失脚overthrownしたあと、幕府政治politics of the shogunateの中心the centerになった阿部正弘(あべ・まさひろ)Abe Masahiroは、前水戸藩主the former lord of the Mito domain・徳川斉昭(とくがわ・なりあき)Tokugawa Nariakiを幕政the shogunate administrationに参与participateさせるなど、
After Tadakuni Mizuno was overthrown, Masahiro Abe, who became the
center of politics of the shogunate, made Nariaki Tokugawa, the former lord of
the Mito domain, participate in the shogunate administration.
daimyoとの協調cooperationを通じて幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateの立て直しrebuildを図ろうと努力し、他方では、家柄family backgroundにこだわらない人材personnelの抜擢selectingを行って、有能な幕吏(ばくり)capable bakuriの養成trainに努めた。
He tried to rebuild the shogunate through cooperation with
influential daimyo, and on the other hand, he tried to train capable bakuri by
selecting personnel regardless of family background.
岩瀬忠震(いわせ・ただなり)Iwase Tadanari
川路聖謨(かわじ・としあきら)Kawaji Toshiakira
永井尚志(ながい・なおゆき)Nagai Naoyuki
大久保忠寛(おおくぼ・ただひろ)Okubo Tadahiro
井上清直(いのうえ・きよなり)Inoue Kiyonari
阿部正弘(あべ・まさひろ)Abe Masahiroに抜擢された幕吏(ばくり)bakuriには岩瀬忠震(いわせ・ただなり)Iwase Tadanari・川路聖謨(かわじ・としあきら)Kawaji Toshiakira・永井尚志(ながい・なおゆき)Nagai Naoyuki・勝海舟(かつ・かいしゅう)Katsu Kaishū・大久保忠寛(おおくぼ・ただひろ)Okubo Tadahiro・井上清直(いのうえ・きよなり)Inoue Kiyonariなどがあげられる。
The bakuri selected by Masahiro Abe include Tadanari Iwase,
Toshiakira Kawaji, Naoyuki Nagai, and Katsu. Kaishu, Tadahiro Okubo, Kiyonari
Inoue, etc.
いずれも低い身分low social backgroundsの出身でありながら、幕末the end of the Edo periodの政局the political situationにおいて重要な働きan important roleを示している。
Although they were all from low social backgrounds, they played an
important role in the political situation at the end of the Edo period.
阿部正弘(あべ・まさひろ)Abe Masahiro
阿部正弘(あべ・まさひろ)Abe Masahiroは、ペリーMatthew Perryが要求した開国問題the issue of opening the countryについても、朝廷the Imperial Courtに報告するとともに、前例を破って諸大名various feudal lordsにその意見opinionsを求めた。
Masahiro ABE reported to the Imperial Court on the issue of opening
the country requested by Perry Matthew Perry, and broke the precedent by
requesting opinions from various feudal lords.
このことは、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateが事態the situationを重視したことのあらわれであるとともに、幕府権力弱体化the weakening of the bakufu's powerのきざしでもあった。
This was a manifestation of the bakufu's emphasis on the situation
and a sign of the weakening of the bakufu's power.
さらにこうした措置は、朝廷the Imperial Courtの政治的発言political statements、あるいは諸大名various feudal lordsの幕政the shogunate government関与the
involvementという従来みられなかった事態を引き起こし、幕政the shogunate governmentを転換changeさせる契機となった。
Furthermore, these measures caused political statements by the
Imperial Court and the involvement of various feudal lords in the shogunate
government, which had never been seen before, and served as an opportunity to
change the shogunate government.
徳川慶勝(とくがわ・よしかつ)Tokugawa Yoshikatsu
尾張藩主Lord of the Owari domain
松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが)Matsudaira Yoshinaga(松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく)Matsudaira Shungaku)
越前藩主Echizen feudal lord
島津斉彬(しまづ・なりあきら)Shimazu Nariakira
薩摩藩主Lord of the Satsuma domain
山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ)Yamauchi Toyoshige(山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう)Yamauchi Yōdō)
土佐藩主The lord of the Tosa domain
このような動きのなかから、これまで譜代(ふだい)譜代大名(ふだい・だいみょう)Fudai daimyōの小藩the small clansによる幕政(ばくせい)the shogunate
governmentの独裁的な運営the dictatorial managementに反対して、
In the midst of these movements, I opposed the dictatorial
management of the shogunate government by the small clans of successive
親藩(しんぱん)Shinpanや外様(とざま)Tozamaの雄藩(ゆうはん)Yuhanから幕政改革(ばくせい・かいかく)reforming the shogunate governmentの意見opinionsが出されるようになった。
Shinpan and Tozama's Yuhan began to offer opinions on reforming the
shogunate government.
前水戸藩主the former lord of the
Mito domain・徳川斉昭(とくがわ・なりあき)Tokugawa Nariakiのほかに、
In addition to Nariaki Tokugawa, the former
lord of the Mito domain,
尾張藩主Lord of the Owari domain・徳川慶勝(とくがわ・よしかつ)Tokugawa Yoshikatsu・
Lord of the Owari domain, Yoshikatsu Tokugawa,
越前藩主Echizen feudal lord・松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが)Matsudaira
Yoshinaga(松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく)Matsudaira Shungaku)・
Echizen feudal lord, Matsudaira Yoshinaga (Matsudaira Shungaku),
薩摩藩主Lord of the Satsuma domain・島津斉彬(しまづ・なりあきら)Shimazu Nariakira・
Lord of the Satsuma domain, Nariakira Shimazu,
土佐藩主The lord of the Tosa domain・山内豊信(やまうち・とよしげ)Yamauchi Toyoshige(山内容堂(やまうち・ようどう)Yamauchi Yōdō)などが、
The lord of the Tosa domain, Toyoshige Yamauchi (Yodo Yamauchi),
相互に連絡をとり幕政(ばくせい)the shogunate administrationに発言speakするようになった。
They communicated with each other and began to speak to the shogunate
いわゆる雄藩連合(ゆうはん・れんごう)Yuhan Rengoの動きである。
This was the movement of the so-called Yuhan Rengo.
橋本左内(はしもと・さない)Hashimoto Sanai
この際、松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが)Matsudaira Yoshinagaの家臣a retainer・橋本左内(はしもと・さない)Hashimoto Sanaiや、島津斉彬(しまづ・なりあきら)Shimazu Nariakiraの家臣a retainer・西郷隆盛(さいごう・たかもり)Saigō Takamoriが活躍played an active roleしたことは注目される。
At this time, Sanai Hashimoto, a retainer of
Yoshinaga Matsudaira, and Takamori Saigo, a retainer of Nariakira Shimazu, played
an active role. It is noted that
安政の改革(あんせい・の・かいかく)Ansei Reform
ペリーの来航Perry's arrivalに前後して、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは人材登用recruiting personnelのほかに、国防を充実enhance
national defenseする必要から大船建造の禁the ban on building large shipsを解き、
Around the time of Perry's arrival, the shogunate lifted the ban on
building large ships in order to enhance national defense in addition to
recruiting personnel.
静岡県(しずおかけん)Shizuoka Prefecture田方郡(たがたぐん)Tagata District韮山町(にらやまちょう)Nirayama-chō
反射炉(はんしゃろ)Reverberatory furnace
伊豆(いず)Izu Province(静岡県Shizuoka
Prefecture)の韮山(にらやま)Nirayamaに反射炉(はんしゃろ)Reverberatory furnaceを建設し、江戸湾Edo Bayに台場daiba(だいば)(砲台(ほうだい)Artillery battery)を設けたりした。
He built a reverberatory furnace in Nirayama, Izu, and a daiba
(battery) in Edo Bay.
洋学所(ようがくしょ)Yōsho shirabesho(institute for
the study of Western books)(のち蕃書調所(ばんしょ・しらべしょ)Bansho Shirabesho(Institute for the Study of Barbarian Books))
講武所(こうぶしょ)Kōbusho(a military
training center)
さらに、江戸Edoに洋学所(ようがくしょ)Yōsho shirabesho(institute for the study of Western books)(のち蕃書調所(ばんしょ・しらべしょ)Bansho
Shirabesho(Institute for
the Study of Barbarian Books))と洋式砲術Western artilleryなどを訓練trainingするための講武所(こうぶしょ)Kōbusho(a military
training center)、
Furthermore, in Edo, there was a Western school (later called Bansho
Shirabesho) and a military training center for training in Western artillery,
長崎海軍伝習所(ながさき・かいぐん・でんしゅうじょ)Nagasaki Naval Training Center
長崎Nagasakiに海軍技術naval technologyを修得するための長崎海軍伝習所(ながさき・かいぐん・でんしゅうじょ)Nagasaki Naval
Training Centerを設けるなど、近代的軍備modern armamentsを整えるための改革reformsを行った。
He carried out reforms to prepare modern armaments, such as
establishing the Naval Training Institute in Nagasaki to acquire naval
諸藩domainsでも、水戸Mito・薩摩Satsuma・長州Choshu・肥前Hizenなどでは、反射炉(はんしゃろ)Reverberatory furnaceの建設built・鉄砲gunsの製造manufacturedなどが行われた。
Among domains, Mito, Satsuma, Choshu, and Hizen built reverberatory
furnaces and manufactured guns.
徳川家定(とくがわ・いえさだ)Tokugawa Iesada(在位1853年~1858年)
13代将軍the 13th shogun
The problem of the succession of the shogun
ハリスHarrisから日米修好通商条約(にちべい・しゅうこう・つうしょう・じょうやく)the Japan-US Treaty of Amity and Commerce締結conclusionを迫られるという非常事態an emergency situationのなかで、病弱sicklyな13代将軍the 13th shogun徳川家定(とくがわ・いえさだ)Tokugawa Iesada(在位1853年~1858年)のあとつぎthe successorを早く決定しようとする動きa movement to quickly determineが出てきた。
In the midst of an emergency situation in which
Harris was forced to conclude a trade treaty, there was a movement to quickly
determine the successor to the sickly 13th shogun
Tokugawa Iesada (reigned from 1853 to 1858). came out.
松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが)Matsudaira Yoshinaga(松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく)Matsudaira Shungaku) 越前藩主Echizen feudal lord
徳川斉昭(とくがわ・なりあき)Tokugawa Nariaki
徳川慶喜(とくがわよしのぶ)Tokugawa Yoshinobu
松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが)Matsudaira Yoshinagaら雄藩諸侯other feudal lordsは、年長olderで能力capableのある一橋慶喜(ひとつばし・よしのぶ)Hitotsubashi
Yoshinobu(徳川斉昭(とくがわ・なりあき)Tokugawa Nariakiの子son)を推し、一橋慶喜(ひとつばし・よしのぶ)Hitotsubashi
Yoshinobuを中心に幕政を改革reformed the shogunate governmentし、幕府を強化strengthen the shogunateしようと考えた。
Matsudaira Yoshinaga and other feudal lords pushed Yoshinobu
Hitotsubashi (son of Nariaki Tokugawa), who was older and capable, and
Yoshinobu Hitotsubashi. Hitotsubashi and Yoshinobu) reformed the shogunate
government and tried to strengthen the shogunate.
井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosuke(1815年~1860年)
徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa Iemochi
徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ)Tokugawa Yoshitomi
ところが幕政the shogunate governmentの中心centerにあった譜代小藩fudai small domainsの諸侯feudal lordsは、彦根(ひこね)藩主the lord of the
Hikone domain・井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosukeを中心centeredにして、幼少youngだがもっとも血筋が将軍に近いthe closest blood line to the shogun紀伊(きい)藩主the lord of the
Kii domain・徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ)Tokugawa Yoshitomiを推して対立conflictした。
However, the feudal feudal lords who were at the center of the
shogunate government centered on Naosuke Ii, the lord of the Hikone domain, and
Yoshitomi Tokugawa, the lord of the Kii domain who was young but had the
closest blood line to the shogun. ) and opposed it.
こうして幕府内部within the shogunateが、一橋慶喜(ひとつばし・よしのぶ)Hitotsubashi
Yoshinobuを推す一橋派(ひとつばしは)the Hitotsubashi factionと徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ)Tokugawa Yoshitomiを推す紀州派(きしゅうは)the Kishu faction(南紀派(なんきは)the Nanki faction)とに分かれたが、
Thus, within the shogunate, the Hitotsubashi faction, which advocates
Yoshinobu Hitotsubashi, and the Kishu faction (Nanki faction), which advocates
Yoshitomi Tokugawa. was divided into )) and
この対立conflictは、実は将軍継嗣(しょうぐん・けいし)the succession of the shogunだけの問題ではなく、幕政改革派the shogunate
reform group(雄藩連合Yuhan Rengo)と幕府独裁派the shogunate dictatorship group(譜代小藩fudai small domains)の対立でもあった。
In fact, this conflict was not only about the succession of the
shogun, but also between the shogunate reform group (Yuhan Rengo) and the
shogunate dictatorship group (fudai small domains).
阿部正弘(あべ・まさひろ)Abe Masahiro
Treaty and charter issues
雄藩諸侯Yuhan feudal
lordsとの協調策measures to
cooperate withをとっていた阿部正弘(あべ・まさひろ)Abe Masahiroは、一橋派(ひとつばしは)the Hitotsubashi factionに好意的favorable toであったが、
ABE Masahiro, who had taken measures to cooperate with the feudal
lords, was favorable to the Hitotsubashi faction.
堀田正睦(ほった・まさよし)Hotta Masayoshi(1810年~1864年)
そのあとを受けた老中(ろうじゅう)Rōjū(Elder)・堀田正睦(ほった・まさよし)Hotta Masayoshiは、日米修好通商条約(にちべい・しゅうこう・つうしょう・じょうやく)the Japan-US Treaty of Amity and Commerceの締結conclusionはやむをえないunavoidableと考えた。
Masayoshi Hotta, a roju (senior councilor of state) who took over
after that, thought that the conclusion of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce
between the United States and Japan was unavoidable.
徳川斉昭(とくがわ・なりあき)Tokugawa Nariaki(1800~1860)
その際彼は、朝廷the Imperial Courtの承認the approvalを得て徳川斉昭(とくがわ・なりあき)Tokugawa Nariakiらの攘夷論者the anti-foreigner advocatesを抑えようとしたが(京都手入れ(きょうと・ていれ)Kyoto Teire)、
At that time, he tried to suppress the anti-foreigner
advocates such as Nariaki TOKUGAWA with the approval of the Imperial Court
(Kyoto Teire),
朝廷内部within the Imperial Courtにも攘夷(じょうい)expulsion of foreignersの空気が強く、堀田正睦(ほった・まさよし)Hotta Masayoshiの意図intentionsは失敗failureに終わった。
Even within the Imperial Court, there was a strong atmosphere of
expulsion of foreigners, and Masayoshi Hotta's intentions ended in failure.
井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosuke(1815年~1860年)
徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa Iemochi(在位1858~1865)
徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ)Tokugawa Yoshitomi
14代将軍the 14th Shogun
その後、大老(たいろう)Tairō(great elder)に就任した井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosukeは、将軍継嗣(しょうぐん・けいし)the successor to the shogunを徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ)Tokugawa Yoshitomi(14代将軍the 14th Shogun・徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa
After that, Naosuke Ii, who assumed the position of Tairo, appointed
Yoshitomi Tokugawa (14th Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi) as the successor to the
shogun. Wa Iemochi (reigned 1858-1865)),
さらに勅許(ちょっきょ)Royal charterを得ないまま日米修好通商条約(にちべい・しゅうこう・つうしょう・じょうやく)the Japan-US Treaty of Amity and Commerceに調印signedした。
Furthermore, he signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between
Japan and the United States without obtaining imperial permission.
安政の大獄(あんせい・の・たいごく)Ansei Purge
安政の大獄(あんせい・の・たいごく)Ansei Purge
大老(たいろう)Tairō(great elder)・井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosukeの日米修好通商条約(にちべい・しゅうこう・つうしょう・じょうやく)the Japan-US Treaty of Amity and Commerce調印signingおよび将軍継嗣(しょうぐん・けいし)the Shogun successorの決定decisionは、
The signing of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Japan and
the United States by Tairo Naosuke Ii and the decision on the Shogun successor
一橋派(ひとつばしは)諸侯the feudal
lords of the Hitotsubashi factionとそれを支持する幕府役人the shogunate officialsの反対opposedを受けただけでなく、ひろく尊王論(そんのう・ろん)Sonnō Ron(reverence for
the emperor)および攘夷論(じょうい・ろん)jōi Ron(the expulsion
of foreigners)の浪士roshi・学者scholarsの強い反感strong antipathyを呼び起こした。
Not only was the Hitotsubashi faction opposed by the feudal lords of
the Hitotsubashi faction and the shogunate officials who supported it, but it
also aroused strong antipathy from roshi and scholars who widely advocated reverence
for the emperor and the expulsion of foreigners. rice field.
ところが、その動きが朝廷the Imperial Courtにまで影響し始めたbegan to affectので、大老(たいろう)Tairō(great elder)・井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosukeは幕政を批判する諸勢力the forces that criticized the shogunate
However, this movement began to affect even the Imperial Court, and Tairo
Naosuke Ii came to suppress the forces that criticized the shogunate
これが、1858年(安政(あんせい)5年)から1859年(安政(あんせい)6年)にかけての安政の大獄(あんせい・の・たいごく)the Ansei Purgeである。
This is the Ansei Purge from 1858 (Ansei 5) to 1859 (Ansei 6).
was punished by
①一橋派(ひとつばしは)the Hitotsubashi factionの諸侯lordsおよび幕臣retainers、
橋本左内(はしもと・さない)Hashimoto Sanai
吉田松陰(よしだ・しょういん)Yoshida Shōin
頼三樹三郎(らい・みきさぶろう)Rai Mikisaburo
頼山陽(らい・さんよう)Rai San'yō
梅田雲浜(うめだ・うんぴん)Umeda Unpin
②福井藩士Fukui Domain samurai・橋本左内(はしもと・さない)Hashimoto Sanai・長州藩士Choshu Domain samurai・吉田松陰(よしだ・しょういん)Yoshida Shōin・頼三樹三郎(らい・みきさぶろう)Rai Mikisaburo(頼山陽(らい・さんよう)Rai San'yōの子son)・小浜(おばま)藩浪士Obama Domain masterless
samurai・梅田雲浜(うめだ・うんぴん)Umeda Unpinなどの志士(しし)Shishi(a group of
Japanese political activists)、
Fukui clan samurai, Hashimoto Sanai, Choshu clan samurai, Yoshida Shoin,
Rai Mikisaburo (son of Yo Raisan), Obama clan masterless samurai, patriots such
as Umeda Unpin,
③攘夷派(じょういは)the Joi
factionの公卿court noblesおよびその関係者associatesなどであった。
They were court nobles of the Joi faction and their associates.
しかし結果的には、この大獄(たいごく)imprisonmentは幕府独裁の強化strengthen the bakufu's dictatorshipにならず、むしろ幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateを中心とする佐幕開国派(さばく・かいこくは)the Sabaku
Kaikoku factionと朝廷the Imperial Courtを中心とする尊王攘夷派(そんのう・じょういは)the Sonno Joi factionとの対立confrontationを深めただけであった。
However, in the end, this imprisonment did not strengthen the
bakufu's dictatorship, but rather, it was the Sabaku Kaikoku faction centered
on the bakufu and the Sonno Joi faction centered on the Imperial Court. It only
deepened the confrontation with Joiha).
桜田門外の変(さくらだもんがい・の・へん)the Sakuradamon
桜田門外の変the Incident at outside of the
Sakurada gate
井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosuke(1815年~1860年)
公武合体(こうぶ・がったい)Kōbu gattai
Union of the Imperial
Court and the Shogunate
the Sakuradamon
大老(たいろう)Tairō(great elder)・井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosukeの弾圧政策the oppressive policy(安政の大獄(あんせい・の・たいごく)Ansei Purge)に強い反感をもった水戸藩(みと・はん)の浪士The roshi of
the Mito Domainたちは、薩摩藩(さつま・はん)the Satsuma Domainの同志comradesと連絡をとり、井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)暗殺計画a plan to
assassinate Naosuke Iiをすすめた。
The roshi of the Mito clan, who were strongly opposed to the
oppressive policy of Naosuke Ii, the chief minister, contacted their comrades
in the Satsuma clan and proceeded with a plan to assassinate Naosuke Ii.
江戸城(えど・じょう)Edo Castle桜田門(さくらだ・もん)the Sakuradamon Gate
1860年(万延元年)3月、彼らは、江戸城(えど・じょう)Edo Castle桜田門(さくらだ・もん)the Sakuradamon
Gateの近くで井伊直弼(いい・なおすけ)Ii Naosukeを襲撃attackedし殺害killedした(桜田門外の変(さくらだ・もんがい・の・へん)the Sakuradamon Incident)。
In March 1860, they attacked and killed Naosuke Ii near the Sakuradamon
Gate of Edo Castle (Sakuradamongai Incident).
このことは、安政の大獄(あんせい・の・たいごく)Ansei Purgeが反幕運動(はんばく・うんどう)the anti-Shogunate movementを激化intensifyさせる原因causedとなったことを示すものである。
This shows that Ansei no Taigoku caused the anti-bakufu movement to
安藤信正(あんどう・のぶまさ)Andō Nobumasa
久世広周(くぜ・ひろちか)Kuze Hirochika
大老暗殺the assassination
of Tairoという異常な情勢extraordinary situationのなかで、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは朝廷Imperial Courtとの協調cooperationを深め、朝廷Imperial Courtの権威authorityを利用して反幕勢力anti-Shogunate forcesを抑えるcurbことを考えた。
In the extraordinary situation of the assassination of Tairo, the
bakufu tried to deepen cooperation with the Imperial Court and use the
authority of the Imperial Court to curb anti-bakufu forces.
そのため老中(ろうじゅう)Rōjū(Elder)・安藤信正(あんどう・のぶまさ)Andō Nobumasaは、久世広周(くぜ・ひろちか)Kuze Hirochikaとともに公武合体(こうぶ・がったい)政策the Kobu Gattai policyをすすめ、
For this reason, Nobumasa Ando, a senior councilor, and Hirochika
Kuze recommended the Kobu Gattai policy.
孝明天皇(こうめい・てんのう)Emperor Kōmei
Princess Kazu
徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa Iemochi(在位1858~1865)
徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ)Tokugawa Yoshitomi
14代将軍the 14th Shogun
孝明天皇(こうめい・てんのう)Emperor Kōmeiの妹younger sister・和宮親子内親王(かずのみや・ちかこ・ないしんのう)Chikako, Princess Kazuを14代将軍the 14th Shogun・徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa
Emperor Komei's younger sister, Imperial Princess Kazunomiya
Chikako, was asked to be the wife of the 14th shogun Tokugawa Iemochi.
Kazunomiyaは江戸Edoに下り、翌年the following year結婚got marriedした(和宮降嫁(かずのみや・こうか)the
Kazunomiya Marriage)。
Thus, in 1861, Kazunomiya went down to Edo and got married the
following year.
大橋訥庵(おおはし・とつあん)Ohashi Totsuan
しかし、この公武合体(こうぶ・がったい)Kobu Gattaiに反対した尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo factionの志士(しし)Shishi(a group of
Japanese political activists)たちは、宇都宮藩the Utsunomiya domainの儒者a Confucian・大橋訥庵(おおはし・とつあん)Ohashi Totsuan(事前に逮捕)らが中心になり、
However, the patriots of the Sonjo faction who opposed this kobu
gattai were Totsuan Ohashi, a Confucian of the Utsunomiya domain (arrested in advance).
be the center,
江戸城(えど・じょう)Edo Castle坂下門(さかした・もん)the Sakashita Gate
坂下門外の変(さかした・もんがい・の・へん)Incident outside the Sakashita
1862年(文久2年)1月老中(ろうじゅう)Rōjū(Elder)・安藤信正(あんどう・のぶまさ)Andō Nobumasaを坂下門外outside the Sakashita gateに襲撃attackedした(坂下門外の変(さかした・もんがい・の・へん)Incident outside the Sakashita Gate)。
In January 1862 (Bunkyu 2nd year), he attacked Nobumasa Ando, a
roju, outside the Sakashita gate (Sakashita Mongai no Hen).
この事件により安藤信正(あんどう・のぶまさ)Andō Nobumasaは失脚した。
Nobumasa Ando was overthrown because of this incident.
島津斉彬(しまづ・なりあきら)Shimazu Nariakira
薩摩藩主Lord of the Satsuma domain
島津忠義(しまづ・ただよし)Shimazu Tadayoshi
島津斉彬(しまづ・なりあきら)Shimazu Nariakiraは実子biological childrenが相次いで病没died of illnessしたので、弟younger brother・島津久光(しまづ・ひさみつ)Shimazu
Hisamitsuの実子the biological child・島津忠義(しまづ・ただよし)Shimazu Tadayoshiを養子adoptedにし、次の藩主the next lord of the domainとした。
Since Nariakira Shimazu's biological children died of illness one after another, he adopted Tadayoshi Shimazu, the biological child of his younger brother Hisamitsu Shimazu, and made him the next lord of the domain.
大久保利通(おおくぼ・としみち)Ōkubo Toshimichi
小松帯刀(こまつ・たてわき)Komatsu Tatewaki
実権the real
Toshimichi・小松帯刀(こまつ・たてわき)Komatsu Tatewakiを登用appointedし、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateにはその独裁dictatorshipを改めさせ、尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo factionに対してはその急進化radicalizationを抑圧suppressedした。
Hisamitsu Shimazu, who held the real power, appointed Toshimichi Okubo
and Tatewaki Komatsu to persuade the shogunate to change its dictatorship and
to join the Sonjo faction. Sonjo) suppressed its radicalization.
孝明天皇(こうめい・てんのう)Emperor Kōmei
このような尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo factionの動きに対処して、薩摩藩(さつまはん)the Satsuma
Hisamitsuは大兵a large armyを率いて京都(きょうと)Kyotoに入り、
In response to such movements of the Sonjoha, Hisamitsu Shimazu
(father of the lord of the Satsuma domain (Tadayoshi Shimazu)) led a large army.
Enter Kyoto,
孝明天皇(こうめい・てんのう)に尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo
factionの急進的な行動the radical actionsを抑えrestrain、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateと協調cooperateすべきことを訴えた。
He appealed to Emperor Komei to restrain the radical actions of the sonjo
faction and cooperate with the shogunate.
寺田屋(てらだや)the Teradaya
寺田屋事件(てらだや・じけん)the Teradaya Incident
島津久光(しまづ・ひさみつ)Shimazu Hisamitsuは伏見(ふしみ)Fushimiの寺田屋(てらだや)the Teradayaに集まった自藩の急進派the radicals of his domainを弾圧suppressed(寺田屋事件(てらだや・じけん)the Teradaya Incident)する一方、
Shimazu Hisamitsu suppressed the radicals of his domain who gathered
at the Teradaya in Fushimi (the Teradaya Incident).
大原重徳(おおはら・しげとみ)Ohara Shigetomi
勅使(ちょくし)an imperial envoy・大原重徳(おおはら・しげとみ)Ohara Shigetomiを擁して江戸Edoに下り、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに対して幕政改革(ばくせい・かいかく)the reformation of shogunate administrationの勅命(ちょくめい)an imperial
He went down to Edo with an imperial envoy, Shigetomi OHARA, and
delivered an imperial decree to reform the government of the shogunate.
Hisamitsuらによって伝えられた勅命(ちょくめい)an imperial decreeにそって、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは改革reformsに乗り出した(文久の幕政改革(ぶんきゅう・の・ばくせい・かいかく)the reformation of shogunate administration in the Bunkyu era)。
The shogunate embarked on reforms in line with the imperial decree
handed down by Hisamitsu Shimazu and others.
徳川慶喜(とくがわよしのぶ)Tokugawa Yoshinobu
松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが)Matsudaira Yoshinaga(松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく)Matsudaira Shungaku) 越前藩主Echizen feudal lord
松平容保(まつだいら・かたもり)Matsudaira Katamori
その内容は、Its contents
①御三卿(ごさんきょう)Gosankyō(the Three Lords)の一橋慶喜(ひとつばし・よしのぶ)Hitotsubashi
Yoshinobuの将軍後見職(しょうぐん・こうけん・しょく)guardian of the shogun、
Yoshinobu Hitotsubashi, one of the Gosankyo (three nobles), was
appointed Shogun's guardian,
親藩(しんぱん)Shinpanの松平慶永(まつだいら・よしなが)Matsudaira Yoshinaga(松平春嶽(まつだいら・しゅんがく)Matsudaira
Shungaku)の政事総裁職(せいじ・そうさい・しょく)the post of president of political affairs、
Yoshinaga MATSUDAIRA, the parent clan, held the post of president of
political affairs,
親藩(しんぱん)Shinpanの松平容保(まつだいら・かたもり)Matsudaira Katamori(会津藩主(あいづ・はんしゅ)the lord of
the Aizu Domain)の京都守護職(きょうと・しゅご・しょく)Kyoto Shugoshoku(The Military Commissioner of Kyoto)任命appointed、
Matsudaira Katamori (the lord of the Aizu Domain) was appointed
Kyoto Shugoshoku (military governor of Kyoto).
②洋式兵制Western-style military systemの採用、
Adoption of Western-style military system,
This included the easing of the attendance system.
安政の大獄(あんせい・の・たいごく)the Ansei Purge
Intensification of the reverence for the king and the expulsion of foreigners
尊王(そんのう)sonnō(reverence for
the king)と攘夷(じょうい)jōi(the expulsion
of foreigners)を主張advocatedする志士(しし)Shishi(a group of
Japanese political activists)は、安政の大獄(あんせい・の・たいごく)the Ansei Purgeまでの段階においては、雄藩諸侯Yuhan feudal
lordsの家臣vassalsあるいは京都京都(きょうと)Kyotoに集まる浪人学者ronin scholarsが中心であったが、
The patriots who advocated reverence for the king and the expulsion
of foreigners were mainly vassals of the major feudal lords or ronin scholars
who gathered in Kyoto until the Ansei Purge.
安政の大獄(あんせい・の・たいごく)the Ansei Purge後になると、地方の豪農wealthy rural farmers・豪商出身wealthy merchantsの者まで含めて、広い範囲から輩出a wide range of peopleするようになってきた(草莽の志士(そうもう・の・しし)Soumo no
Shishi(patriot of humble subject))。
After the Ansei Purge, a wide range of people came to come out,
including those from wealthy rural farmers and wealthy merchants.
真木和泉(まき・いずみ)Maki Izumi
坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōma
中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう)Nakaoka Shintarō
Prefectureの南部)の神官Shinto priest・真木和泉(まき・いずみ)Maki Izumi、土佐(とさ)Tosa Province(高知県(こうちけん)Kōchi
Prefecture)の町人郷士townsman・坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōmaおよび豪農wealthy farmer・中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう)Nakaoka
Kurume's Shinto priest Izumi Maki, Tosa's townsman Ryoma Sakamoto,
and wealthy farmer Shintaro Nakaoka are among the representatives.
生麦村(なまむぎ・むら)Namamugi village
神奈川県(かながわけん)Kanagawa Prefecture横浜市(よこはまし)Yokohama City鶴見区(つるみく)Tsurumi-ku
生麦事件(なまむぎ・じけん)the Namamugi Incident
(the Kanagawa Incident)(the Richardson Affair)
Hisamitsuが江戸から引き上げてくる途中・横浜(よこはま)郊外the outskirts
of Yokohamaの生麦村(なまむぎむら)Namamugi villageにおいて
August 1862 (Bunkyu 2), in Namamugi village on the outskirts of
Yokohama, on the way Hisamitsu Shimazu withdraws from Edo.
イギリス商人a British
merchantが行列processionを妨げたobstructedということで、薩摩藩士(さつま・はんし)Satsuma Domain
samuraiがこれを殺傷killed and woundedする事件An incidentが起こった(生麦事件(なまむぎ・じけん)the Namamugi Incident)。
An incident occurred in which a feudal retainer of the Satsuma clan
killed and wounded a British merchant who obstructed the procession (Namamugi
このような外人殺傷事件Incidents of killing and wounding foreignersが、尊王攘夷運動(そんのう・じょうい・うんどう)the Sonnō Jōi movementの激化intensificationとともに頻発occurred frequentlyした。
Incidents of killing and wounding foreigners like this occurred
frequently with the intensification of the Sonnō Joi Undo movement.
ヒュースケン(オランダ人Dutchman)殺害事件the murder of Heusken
生麦事件(なまむぎ・じけん)the Namamugi Incident以前には、1860年(万延(まんえん)元年)12月のアメリカ通訳官an American interpreter・ヒュースケン(オランダ人Dutchman)殺害事件the murder of Heusken、
Before the Namamugi Incident, there was the murder of Heusken (Dutchman),
an American interpreter in December 1860.
東禅寺事件(とうぜんじ・じけん)the Tōzen-ji Tozenji Incident
1861年(文久(ぶんきゅう)1年)5月の、水戸(みと)浪士Mito Roshiによる江戸Edoの東禅寺(とうぜんじ)Tōzen-jiにおかれた仮イギリス公使館襲撃事件an attack on the temporary British legation(東禅寺事件(とうぜんじ・じけん)the Tōzen-ji Tozenji
In May 1861 (Bunkyu 1), there was an attack on the temporary British
legation (Tozenji Incident) at Tozenji in Edo by Mito Roshi.
高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsaku
イギリス公使館焼き打ち事件(こうしかん・やきうち・じけん)the Incident of burned down the British legation
生麦事件(なまむぎ・じけん)the Namamugi Incident以後には、1862年(文久(ぶんきゅう)2年)12月の、高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsakuらによる品川(しながわ)Shinagawa御殿山(ごてんやま)Gotenyamaに建設中under constructionのイギリス公使館焼き打ち事件(こうしかん・やきうち・じけん)the Incident of burned down the British legationがある。
After the Namamugi Incident, in December 1862, Takasugi Shinsaku and
others burned down the British legation under construction in Shinagawa Gotenyama.
(Koushikan, Yakiuchi, Jiken).
松下村塾(しょうかそん・じゅく)Shōkasonjuku Academy
Kogorō(木戸孝允(きど・たかよし)Kido Takayoshi)
高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsaku
久坂玄瑞(くさか・げんずい)Kusaka Genzui
尊王攘夷運動(そんのう・じょうい・うんどう)the Sonnō Jōi movementの中心であった長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the Choshu Domainでは、
In the Choshu Domain, which was the center of the Sonno Joi
Kogorō(木戸孝允(きど・たかよし)Kido Takayoshi)と高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsaku・久坂玄瑞(くさか・げんずい)Kusaka Genzuiら松下村塾(しょうかそん・じゅく)Shōkasonjuku Academy出身者の活躍で、尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo
factionが藩の主導権the lead in the Domainをとるようになり、
Kogoro Katsura (Takayoshi Kido) and Shinsaku Takasugi, Genzui Kusaka
and others from Shoka Sonjuku Thanks to the success of those who were born
there, the Sonjo faction came to take the lead in the clan.
武市瑞山(たけち・ずいざん)Takechi Zuizan(武市半平太(たけち・はんぺいた)Takechi Hanpeita)
土佐藩(とさ・はん)the Tosa Domainでも、武市瑞山(たけち・ずいざん)Takechi Zuizan(武市半平太(たけち・はんぺいた)Takechi Hanpeita)らの尊王攘夷派(そんのう・じょういは)the Sonnō Jōi factionが進出してきた。
In the Tosa Domain as well, Zuizan Takechi (Hanpeita Takechi) and
other members of the Sonnō Joi faction advanced into the domain.
そして、両藩both domainsの尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo factionたちは、薩摩藩(さつま・はん)the Satsuma
domainの政治的進出the political
advanceに対抗opposedして攘夷派公卿the court nobles of the Joi factionと結びつき、朝廷the Imperial Courtを動かすまでになった。
The sonjoha faction of both domains opposed the political advance of
the Satsuma domain, and allied themselves with the court nobles of the Joi
faction, to the point of influencing the Imperial Court.
三条実美(さんじょう・さねとみ)Sanjō Sanetomi
その結果、開国政策the policy of opening the countryをとっていた幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに対して、1862年(文久(ぶんきゅう)2年)10月、破約攘夷(はやく・じょうい)break the
treaty and expel foreignersの勅命(ちょくめい)an imperial orderを伝える勅使(ちょくし)an imperial messenger・三条実美(さんじょう・さねとみ)Sanjō
As a result, in October 1862 (Bunkyu 2nd year), an imperial messenger,
Sanjo Sane, delivered an imperial order to break the treaty and expel
foreigners to the shogunate, which had taken the policy of opening the country.
Tomi) was dispatched.
幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは攘夷(じょうい)expel the foreignersの不可能impossibleを知りつつも、勅命(ちょくめい)imperial ordersを受けざるを得なかった。
Although the shogunate knew that it was impossible to expel the
foreigners, they had no choice but to accept imperial orders.
徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa Iemochi(在位1858~1865)
徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ)Tokugawa Yoshitomi
14代将軍the 14th Shogun
Iemochiは、勅命(ちょくめい)an imperial orderを受けて1863年(文久3年)になって上洛(じょうらく)came to Kyotoしてきた。
Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi came to Kyoto in 1863 (Bunkyu 3) after
receiving an imperial order.
このことによって尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo factionの勢いがますます高まり、朝廷the Imperial
Courtは幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに命じて、
As a result, the sonjo faction gained momentum, and the Imperial
Court ordered the shogunate to
攘夷実行の勅命(じょうい・じっこう・の・ちょくめい)The Order to
expel barbarians(攘夷勅命(じょうい・ちょくめい)The Order to
expel barbarians)
同1863年(文久(ぶんきゅう)3年)5月10日を期して攘夷実行の期日the date for expulsion of foreignersと定めさせた(攘夷実行の勅命(じょうい・じっこう・の・ちょくめい)The Order to
expel barbarians(攘夷勅命(じょうい・ちょくめい)The Order to
expel barbarians))。
In 1863 (Bunkyu 3rd year), May 10 was set as the date for expulsion
of foreigners (Imperial order to expel foreigners).
下関事件(しものせき・じけん)the Shimonoseki Incident
その結果、長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the Choshu Domainは、この日(1863年(文久(ぶんきゅう)3年)5月10日)下関(しものせき)沖合いを通過passed off
the coast of Shimonosekiしたアメリカの商船American merchant shipsを砲撃shelledするに至った(下関事件(しものせき・じけん)the Shimonoseki Incident)。
As a result, the Choshu clan shelled American merchant ships that had passed off the coast of Shimonoseki on May 10, 1863 (Shimonoseki Incident).
孝明天皇(こうめい・てんのう)Emperor Kōmei
また京都(きょうと)Kyotoにあった尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo
factionは、孝明天皇(こうめい・てんのう)Emperor Kōmeiの大和行幸(やまと・ぎょうこう)visit to Yamatoを機会occasionに討幕挙兵raise an army to defeat the shogunateに踏み切る計画まで立てつつあった。
In addition, the sonjo faction in Kyoto was planning to raise an
army to defeat the shogunate on the occasion of Emperor Komei's visit to
尊王攘夷運動の転回Revelation of
the Sonnō Jōi movement
八月十八日の政変(はちがつ・じゅうはちにち・の・せいへん)Coup of August 18th
松平容保(まつだいら・かたもり)Matsudaira Katamori
Revelation of the Sonnō Jōi movement
八月十八日の政変Coup of August
このような動きに対して、京都守護職(きょうと・しゅご・しょく)Kyoto Shugoshoku(The Military Commissioner of Kyoto)の地位positionにあった松平容保(まつだいら・かたもり)Matsudaira Katamoriの会津藩(あいづ・はん)the Aizu Domainは、薩摩藩(さつま・はん)the Satsuma Domainと連絡をとり急進的な尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo
In response to this movement, the Aizu clan led by Matsudaira
Katamori, who was in the position of Kyoto Shugoshoku (military governor of
Kyoto), made contact with the Satsuma clan and became a radical supporter of
the sect. established a system to suppress the
彼らは公武合体派(こうぶ・がったい・は)the Kōbu gattai political
partyの公卿court noblesと連絡をとり、1863年(文久(ぶんきゅう)3年)8月18日早朝in the early morning、薩摩(さつま)・会津(あいづ)両藩both Domainの藩兵soldiersで京都御所(きょうと・ごしょ)the Kyoto Imperial Palaceの宮門を固めFortifying the palace gates、大和行幸(やまと・ぎょうこう)Yamato visitを中止cancelingさせ、
They made contact with court nobles of the Kobu Gattaiha group, and
in the early morning of August 18, 1863 (Bunkyu 3rd year), clan soldiers from
both the Satsuma and Aizu clans arrived at the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
Fortifying the palace gates, canceling the Yamato visit,
三条実美(さんじょう・さねとみ)Sanjō Sanetomi
三条実美(さんじょう・さねとみ)Sanjō Sanetomiらの尊攘派公卿imperial officials of the sonnō jōi factionを追放exiledするとともに、長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the
Chōshū Domainの宮門警備guarding the palace gatesを罷免dismissedした(八月十八日の政変(はちがつ・じゅうはちにち・の・せいへん)Coup of August
Sanjo Sanetomi and other court nobles of the Sonjo faction were
exiled, and the Choshu domain guarding the palace gates was dismissed (Coup of
August 18).
七卿落ち(しちきょう・おち)Shichikyo Ochi
東久世通禧(ひがしくぜ・みちとみ)Higashikuze Michitomi
沢宣嘉(さわ・のぶよし)Sawa Nobuyoshi
そのため尊攘派公卿7名seven court
nobles of the Sonjo faction(三条実美(さんじょう・さねとみ)Sanjō Sanetomi・東久世通禧(ひがしくぜ・みちとみ)Higashikuze
Michitomi・沢宣嘉(さわ・のぶよし)Sawa Nobuyoshiら)は、長州藩士the
Chōshū Domain retainersらとともに長州藩(ちょうしゅうはん)the
Chōshū Domainに落ち延びるexiledこととなった(七卿落ち(しちきょう・おち)Shichikyo Ochi)。
Therefore, seven court nobles of the Sonjo faction (Sanjo Sanetomi,
Higashikuze Michitomi, Sawa Nobuyoshi, etc.), together with Choshu clan retainers,
He was exiled to Choshu (Shichikyo Ochi).
それ以後京都(きょうと)Kyotoは、政局の主導権the leadership of the political situationが尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo
factionから公武合体派the Kōbu gattai political partyに移った感があった。
After that, in Kyoto, there was a feeling that the leadership of the
political situation had shifted from the sonjo faction to the kobu gattai
天誅組の変(てんちゅうぐみ・の・へん)The Tenchūgumi incident
中山忠光(なかやま・ただみつ)Nakayama Tadamitsu(公卿(くぎょう)Kugyō(court noble))
吉村虎太郎(よしむら・とらたろう)Yoshimura Torataro(土佐藩(とさはん)the Tosa domain庄屋(しょうや)shōya)
The Tenchūgumi incident
大和行幸(やまと・ぎょうこう)Yamato visitを迎えて、挙兵すべく大和(やまと)Yamato Province(奈良県Nara Prefecture)に入っていた中山忠光(なかやま・ただみつ)Nakayama Tadamitsu(公卿(くぎょう)Kugyō(court noble))・吉村虎太郎(よしむら・とらたろう)Yoshimura Torataro(土佐藩(とさ・はん)the Tosa
Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA (court noble) and Torataro YOSHIMURA (headman of
the Tosa clan) and others who entered Yamato to welcome the Yamato Gyoko.
(Tenchuugumi) is
天誅組の変(てんちゅうぐみ・の・へん)The Tenchūgumi incident
1863年(文久(ぶんきゅう)3年)8月京都(きょうと)Kyotoの政局転換the political
changeにもかかわらず、大和五条(やまとごじょう)の代官所(だいかんしょ)the magistrate's officeを襲撃attackedして挙兵raised an armyした。
In August 1863, despite the political change in Kyoto, he attacked
the magistrate's office in Yamato Gojo and raised an army.
しかし諸藩兵the soldiers of various domainsに討伐subjugatedされて十津川(とつがわ)郷Totsugawa
However, he was subjugated by the soldiers of various domains and
barricaded himself in Totsugawa Village, but was eventually defeated.
平野国臣(ひらの・くにおみ)Hirano Kuniomi
生野の変(いくの・の・へん)The Ikuno incident
生野の変(いくの・の・へん)The Ikuno incident
いっぽう但馬(たじま)Tajima Province(兵庫県Hyōgo
Prefecture)では、討幕挙兵aise an army to overthrow the shogunateのため農民組織a farmer's organizationまですすめていた平野国臣(ひらの・くにおみ)Hirano Kuniomi(福岡藩(ふくおか・はん)the Fukuoka domain浪士roshi)が、
On the other hand, in Tajima, Hirano Kunio (Fukuoka clan roshi), who
had even formed a farmer's organization to raise an army to overthrow the
沢宣嘉(さわ・のぶよし)Sawa Nobuyoshi
京都(きょうと)Kyotoを追放expelledされた尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo faction公卿court noblesの一人である沢宣嘉(さわ・のぶよし)Sawa Nobuyoshiを首領として1863年(文久(ぶんきゅう)3年)10月生野(いくの)Ikuno(兵庫県朝来市(あさごし))代官所(だいかんしょ)the magistrate's officeを襲撃attackedして挙兵raised an armyした。
In October 1863, Nobuyoshi Sawa, one of the court nobles of the
sonjo faction who was expelled from Kyoto, attacked the Ikuno magistrate's
office and raised an army. bottom.
しかし、これも諸藩兵the soldiers of various domainsに攻められて敗退defeatedし、平野国臣(ひらの・くにおみ)Hirano Kuniomiは捕らえられたcaptured。
However, they were also defeated by the soldiers of various domains,
and Hirano Kunio was captured.
天狗党の乱(てんぐとう・の・らん)the Tengutō Rebellion
武田耕雲斎(たけだ・こううんさい)Takeda Kōunsai
藤田小四郎(ふじた・こしろう)Fujita Koshiro
藤田東湖(ふじた・とうこ)Fujita Touko(1806~1855)
the Tengutō Rebellion
水戸藩(みと・はん)the Mito domainの尊王攘夷派(そんのう・じょうい・は)the Sonnō Jōi factionは、1864年(元治(げんじ)元年)3月になって、武田耕雲斎(たけだ・こううんさい)Takeda Kōunsai・藤田小四郎(ふじた・こしろう)Fujita
Koshiro(藤田東湖(ふじた・とうこ)Fujita Toukoの子son)らが中心になって常陸(ひたち)Hitachi Province(茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture)の筑波山(つくばさん)Mt. Tsukubaに挙兵raised an armyした。
In March
1864, Kounsai Takeda, Koshiro Fujita (Touko Fujita), and the sonnojoi faction
of the Mito clan, The children of ) raised an army on Mt. Tsukuba in Hitachi.
その目的は、入洛(じゅらく)し幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに攘夷の実行expel the foreignersをうながすためであったが、諸藩兵the soldiers of various domainsに討伐subjugatedされて敗退defeatedした。
The purpose
was to enter Kyoto and persuade the shogunate to expel the foreigners, but they
were subjugated by the soldiers of various domains and were defeated.
このように藩権力domain powerを背景にしない局地的な尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo factionの挙兵raise an armyは、いずれも失敗failureに終わった。
All of these local attempts to raise an army against the Sonjo
faction that were not based on clan power ended in failure.
池田屋事件(いけだや・じけん)the Ikedaya Incident
池田屋事件(いけだや・じけん)the Ikedaya Incident
the Ikedaya Incident
八月十八日の政変(はちがつ・じゅうはちにち・の・せいへん)Coup of August 18th後も京都(きょうと)Kyotoに残っていた尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo
factionの志士(しし)Shishi(a group of
Japanese political activists)たちは、挙兵計画plans to raise an armyを固めつつあった。
The patriots of the Sonjo faction who remained in Kyoto after the
coup of August 18 were making plans to raise an army.
近藤勇(こんどう・いさみ)Kondō Isami
ところが1864年(元治(げんじ)元年)6月、旅館inn池田屋(いけだや)Ikedayaに会合中while meeting、京都守護職(きょうと・しゅご・しょく)Kyoto Shugoshoku(The Military Commissioner of Kyoto)の支配下under the controlにあった近藤勇(こんどう・いさみ)Kondō Isamiらの新撰組(しんせんぐみ)Shinsengumi(Newly
Selected Corps)に襲撃attackedされ、多くの犠牲者casualtiesをだした。
However, in June 1864, while meeting at the inn Ikedaya, Isami Kondo
and others were under the control of Kyoto Shugoshoku. was attacked by the
Shinsengumi, and caused many casualties.
禁門の変(きんもん・の・へん)the Kinmon Incident(Forbidden Gate Incident)(蛤御門の変(はまぐりごもん・の・へん)the Hamaguri Gate Rebellion)
禁門の変(きんもん・の・へん)the Kinmon Incident(Forbidden Gate Incident)(蛤御門の変(はまぐりごもん・の・へん)the Hamaguri Gate Rebellion)
禁門の変(きんもん・の・へん)Kinmon Incident
Chōshū Domainの尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo factionは、池田屋事件(いけだや・じけん)the Ikedaya Incidentのあと、1864年(元治(げんじ)元年)7月、再びその勢力を盛り返そうとして、藩兵the soldiers of
various domainsおよび各地various placesの志士(しし)Shishi(a group of
Japanese political activists)たちを率いて上京してきた。
After the Ikedaya Incident, the sonjo faction of the Choshu clan,
which had been expelled from Kyoto, tried to regain its power in July 1864 (the
first year of the Genji era) by sending clan soldiers and He came to Tokyo with
patriots from various places.
しかし、御所警備guarding the Imperial Palaceの任にあった薩摩(さつま)Satsuma・会津(あいづ)Aizu・桑名(くわな)Kuwanaなどの諸藩兵the soldiers of various domainsが迎え討ち、激しい戦闘the fierce battleの結果、長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the
Chōshū Domainが敗退defeatedし朝敵(ちょうてき)an enemy of the Imperial Courtとされた。
However, soldiers from various domains, such as Satsuma, Aizu, and
Kuwana, who were in charge of guarding the Imperial Palace, attacked them, and
as a result of the fierce battle, the Choshu Domain was defeated and made an
enemy of the Imperial Court.
この禁門の変(きんもん・の・へん)the Kinmon Incident(Forbidden
Gate Incident)(蛤御門の変(はまぐりごもん・の・へん)the Hamaguri Gate Rebellionの結果、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは勅命(ちょくめい)an imperial orderによる長州征伐(ちょうしゅう・せいばつ)the Chōshū expeditionの大義名分(たいぎ・めいぶん)a pretextを得たのである。
As a result of the Kinmon Incident (Hamaguri Gomon Incident), the shogunate
was given a pretext for the Choshu Conquest by imperial order. be.
薩英戦争(さつえい・せんそう)the Anglo-Satsuma War
the Anglo-Satsuma War
生麦事件(なまむぎ・じけん)the Namamugi Incidentによって、イギリスBritainは犯人処罰punishment of
the criminalsと賠償金支払いpayment of compensationを要求してきたが、薩摩藩(さつま・はん)the Satsuma domainはそれに応じようとしなかった。
After the Namamugi Incident, Britain demanded punishment of the criminals
and payment of compensation, but the Satsuma Domain refused to comply.
そのためイギリスBritainは、1863年(文久(ぶんきゅう)3年)7月、7隻の艦隊a fleet of
seven shipsをもって鹿児島湾(かごしま・わん)Kagoshima Bayに侵入し激しい戦闘a fierce battleとなった(薩英戦争(さつえい・せんそう)the Anglo-Satsuma War)。
As a result, Britain invaded Kagoshima Bay with a fleet of seven
ships in July 1863 (Bunkyu 3rd year), and a fierce battle ensued (the Anglo-Satsute
この戦闘in this
Part of the city of Kagoshima was also burned in this battle, but
the British warships suffered considerable damage and were forced to withdraw.
これ以後薩摩藩(さつま・はん)the Satsuma domainでは、単純な攘夷(じょうい)expulsion of
foreignersが無謀recklessなことを認識し、イギリスEnglandも薩摩藩(さつま・はん)the Satsuma domainを見直すこととなった。
After this, the Satsuma domain realized that a simple expulsion of
foreigners was reckless, and England decided to reconsider the Satsuma domain.
Shikoku Fleet Shimonoseki Bombardment Incident
(下関戦争(しものせき・せんそう)the Battles for
(馬関戦争(ばかん・せんそう)the Battles for Bakan)
Shikoku Fleet Shimonoseki Bombardment Incident
攘夷(じょうい)実行expel the foreignersということで外国船foreign shipsを相次いで砲撃bombardedした長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the
Chōshū Domainに対し、その報復retaliationのためイギリスBritain・フランスFrance・アメリカthe United States・オランダthe Netherlands 4国の連合艦隊the combined fleetは、1864年(元治(げんじ)元年)8月、17隻の軍艦17 warships・5000余の兵員over 5,000 soldiersでもって攻撃attackedしてきた。
In August 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), the combined fleet
of Britain, France, the United States, and the Netherlands launched a fleet of
17 ships in retaliation against the Choshu Domain, which bombarded foreign
ships one after another in order to expel the foreigners. attacked with
warships and over 5,000 soldiers.
下関(しものせき)Shimonosekiの砲台batteriesは砲撃artillery fireによって破壊destroyedされ、陸戦隊the land forceによって占領occupiedされた。
The batteries at Shimonoseki were destroyed by artillery fire and occupied
by the land force.
Chōshū Domainは近代的軍備の優秀さthe superiority of modern armamentsを認識させられた。
This made the Choshu clan recognize the superiority of modern armaments.
高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsaku
奇兵隊(きへいたい)Kiheitai(Irregular Militia)
なおこれに先立って、長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the Chōshū Domainでは、高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsakuなど尊攘派(そんじょうは)指導者leaders of the Sonjo factionたちが、奇兵隊(きへいたい)Kiheitai(Irregular Militia)など武士以外の身分members of the ranks other than samuraiをも含んだ軍隊an armyを編成formedしていた。
Prior to this, Shinsaku TAKASUGI and other leaders of the Sonjo
faction in the Choshu clan formed an army that included members of the ranks
other than samurai, such as Kiheitai.
第一次長州征討(だいいちじ・ちょうしゅう・せいとう)First Chōshū expedition
第一次長州征討the First Chōshū expedition
禁門の変(きんもん・の・へん)the Kinmon Incident(Forbidden
Gate Incident)(蛤御門の変(はまぐりごもん・の・へん)the Hamaguri Gate Rebellion)の結果、長州征討(ちょうしゅう・せいとう)the Chōshū expeditionの勅命(ちょくめい)an imperial commandを受けることに成功した幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは、
As a result of the Kinmon Incident (Hamaguri Gomon Incident), the
shogunate succeeded in receiving an imperial command to expedite Choshu.
徳川慶勝(とくがわ・よしかつ)Tokugawa Yoshikatsu
尾張藩主Lord of the Owari domain
徳川慶勝(とくがわ・よしかつ)Tokugawa Yoshikatsu(前尾張(おわり)藩主former lord of the Owari domain)を征長(せいちょう)the Chōshū expedition総督Governor-generalに任命し、1864年(元治(げんじ)元年)10月、諸藩の軍事力the military power of various domainsを動員mobilizedして長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the
Chōshū Domainを完全に包囲besiegedした。
Yoshikatsu Tokugawa (former lord of the Owari domain) was appointed
as Seicho-goku, and in October 1864 (the first year of the Genji era), he mobilized
the military power of various domains to complete the Choshu domain. besieged.
幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは、これを機会に反幕運動(はんばく・うんどう)anti-Shogunate movementの中心となる長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the Chōshū Domainを徹底的に弾圧suppressしようとしていたのである。
The shogunate was trying to use this as an opportunity to thoroughly
suppress the Choshu clan, which was the center of the anti-bakufu movement.
Chōshū Domainの方は、連合艦隊the Combined Fleetの攻撃attackedを受けたばかりであったので、藩内within the domainでは保守派the conservativesが主導権initiativeを握り、戦わずして幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに恭順の意を表すshowed their allegiance toこととなった。
Moreover, the Choshu Domain had just been attacked by the Combined
Fleet, so the conservatives took the initiative within the domain and showed
their allegiance to the Shogunate without a fight.
高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsaku
そのため高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsakuら尊攘派(そんじょうは)の指導者leaders of
the Sonjo factionたちは弾圧oppressedを受け、藩外に落ち延びるescaped outside the domainか捕らえられるcapturedに至った。
As a result, Shinsaku Takasugi and other leaders of the sonjo faction
were oppressed and either escaped outside the clan or were captured.
ハリー・パークスHarry Parkes
the Movement to Overthrow
the Shogunate
このころから、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateの雄藩(ゆうはん)Yuhanに対する統制力の不足lacked control overを知ったイギリスBritainは、従来からの対日外交の方針diplomatic policy toward Japanを改めて、むしろ薩長両藩both the
Satsuma and Choshu domainsとの接近approachを図りはじめた。
From around this time, Britain, knowing that the shogunate lacked
control over the male domains, changed its conventional diplomatic policy
toward Japan and began to approach both the Satsuma and Choshu domains.
1865年(慶応(けいおう)元年)、オールコックAllcockのあとに来日したイギリス公使British MinisterパークスParkesは、列国公使the
In 1865 (first year of Keio), British Minister Parkes, who came to Japan
after Allcock with the ambassadors,
兵庫開港要求事件(ひょうご・かいこう・ようきゅう・じけん)Hyogo Port
Opening Demand Incident
兵庫(ひょうご)Hyōgo(神戸(こうべ)Kobe)沖にアメリカthe United States・イギリスGreat Britain・フランスFrance・オランダthe Netherlands 4国の艦隊the fleets of
four nationsを集め、その圧力下under their pressureに幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに条約勅許accept the imperial treatyを強要し、関税率の低減a reduction in the tariff ratesを求めた(兵庫開港要求事件(ひょうご・かいこう・ようきゅう・じけん)Hyogo Port
Opening Demand Incident)。
He gathered the fleets of four nations, the United States, Great
Britain, France, and the Netherlands, and under their pressure, forced the
shogunate to accept the imperial treaty, and demanded a reduction in the tariff
rates (Hyogo Port Opening Demand Incident). matter)).
その結果、同1865年(慶応(けいおう)元年)10月、朝廷the Imperial Courtは幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateの要求を入れて条約を勅許approved the treatyしたが(兵庫開港(ひょうご・かいこう)は保留with the opening of Hyogo Port suspended)、このことは天皇the emperorが最高権威者the supreme authorityであることを示すこととなった。
As a result, in October 1865, the Imperial Court accepted the bakufu's
request and approved the treaty (with the opening of Hyogo Port suspended),
which meant that the emperor was the supreme authority. It was decided to show
改税約書(かいぜい・やくしょ)a tax reform agreement
また幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは、1866年(慶応(けいおう)2年)になって、関税を従価5%以下set tariffs
at 5% or less ad valoremという改税約書(かいぜい・やくしょ)a tax reform agreementを列国the nationsと結び、近代日本modern Japanに経済上多くの損害a great deal of economic damageを与えてしまった。
In 1866 (Keio 2nd year), the shogunate concluded a tax reform
agreement with the nations that set tariffs at 5% or less ad valorem, which caused
a great deal of economic damage to modern Japan. I gave
この間、パークスParkesは朝廷the Imperial Courtと雄藩(ゆうはん)Yuhanによる雄藩連合政権(ゆうはん・れんごう・せいけん)a coalition government between the Imperial
Court and the Yuhanを期待expectするようになり、イギリスEnglandと薩摩藩(さつまはん)the Satsuma domainとの結びつきはより密接となって、留学生foreign
studentsを受け入れ、近代工場建設the construction of modern factoriesの経済的・技術的援助economic and technical assistanceをしている。
During this time, Parkes came to expect a coalition government
between the Imperial Court and the Yuhan clan, and the ties between England and
the Satsuma clan became closer, and foreign students were accepted. It accepts
foreign workers and provides economic and technical assistance for the
construction of modern factories.
レオン・ロッシュLéon Roches
ところがフランスFranceは、イギリスBritainが幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateから離れたのに対して幕府支持support the shogunateの立場を続け、フランス公使French envoyロッシュLéon Rochesは、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに経済的・軍事的援助economic and military assistanceを与えて幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateによる全国統一unify the countryに期待hopedをよせた。
However, France continued to support the bakufu against Britain's
departure from the bakufu, and French envoy Roche gave economic and military assistance
to the bakufu and hoped that the bakufu would unify the country.
功山寺(こうざんじ)Kōzan-ji 山口県(やまぐちけん)Yamaguchi Prefecture下関市(しものせきし)Shimonoseki City
raised an army
Kozanji raised an army
Chōshū Domainの急進的な尊攘派(そんじょうは)the Sonjo factionは大きな打撃heavy blowを受けたが、
Attacks from both inside and outside the Choshu clan dealt a heavy
blow to the radical Sonjo faction.
幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateの征長軍conquest armyが撤兵withdrewするや否や、ただちに奇兵隊(きへいたい)Kiheitai(Irregular Militia)などの勢力を背景にして再起revivedし、藩内within the domainの保守派the conservativesと武力で争い、
As soon as the shogunate's conquest army withdrew, it immediately
revived against the background of Kiheitai and other forces, and fought with
the conservatives within the domain by force.
1865年(慶応(けいおう)元年)には藩政の主導権initiative in the administration of the domainを回復した(功山寺挙兵(こうざんじ・きょへい)Kozanji raised an army)。
In 1865 (the first year of the Keio era), he regained the initiative
in the administration of the domain (Kozanji raised an army).
高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsaku
Kogorō(木戸孝允(きど・たかよし)Kido Takayoshi)
井上聞多(いのうえ・もんた)Inoue Monta(井上馨(いのうえ・かおる)Inoue Kaoru)
伊藤俊輔(いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke(伊藤博文(いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi)
中心になったのは、高杉晋作(たかすぎ・しんさく)Takasugi Shinsaku・桂小五郎(かつら・こごろう)Katsura
Kogorō(木戸孝允(きど・たかよし)Kido Takayoshi)・井上聞多(いのうえ・もんた)Inoue Monta(井上馨(いのうえ・かおる)Inoue Kaoru)・伊藤俊輔(いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke(伊藤博文(いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi)らであった。
The main characters were Shinsaku Takasugi, Kogoro Katsura (Takayoshi
Kido), and Monta Inoue (Kaoru Inoue). (Kaoru Inoue), Shunsuke Ito (Hirobumi
Ito) and others.
Chōshū Domainは、富国強兵a wealthy country with a strong armyを実現させ、武力討幕の方針a policy of overthrowing the Shogunate by forceを確定していった。
In this way, the Choshu clan realized a wealthy country with a
strong army, and decided on a policy of overthrowing the Shogunate by force.
薩長同盟(さっちょう・どうめい)the Satchō Alliance
坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōma
Kogorō(木戸孝允(きど・たかよし)Kido Takayoshi)
大久保利通(おおくぼ・としみち)Ōkubo Toshimichi
薩長同盟(さっちょう・どうめい)Satchō Alliance
長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the Chōshū Domainにおいて討幕方針the policy of overthrowing the shogunateを確定しつつあった時期に、薩摩藩(さつま・はん)the Satsuma
Toshimichiらの下級武士出身者low-ranking samuraiが藩政の主導権the initiative in the administration of the
During the period when the policy of overthrowing the shogunate was
being finalized in the Choshu Domain, in the Satsuma Domain as well, Takamori
Saigo and Toshimichi Okubo, who were low-ranking samurai, took the initiative
in the administration of the domain ,
従来の公武合体(こうぶ・がったい)Kōbu gattai(Union of the Imperial Court and the Shogunate)の方針policyから幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateの独裁的なやり方dictatorial methodsに反対して討幕(とうばく)Overthrow the Shogunateの方針policyに転換し始めた。
It began to shift from the conventional policy of the Kobu Gattai to
the anti-shogunate policy in opposition to the bakufu's dictatorial methods.
中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう)Nakaoka Shintarō
そのころ土佐の坂本龍馬(さかもと・りょうま)Sakamoto Ryōmaと中岡慎太郎(なかおか・しんたろう)Nakaoka
Shintarōが、従来から対立していた薩長両藩both the Satsuma and Choshu domainsを、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateと対決confrontするために同盟formed an allianceさせるに至った。
Around that time, Ryoma Sakamoto and Shintaro Nakaoka of Tosa formed
an alliance between the Satsuma and Choshu clans, which had been at odds with
each other, to confront the shogunate.
こうして1866年(慶応(けいおう)2年)1月、薩長同盟の密約(さっちょう・どうめい・の・みつやく)a secret pact
of the Satsuma-Choshu allianceが交わされたが、この二大雄藩two major domainsによる軍事同盟the military allianceの成立は討幕運動(とうばく・うんどう)the
Movement to Overthrow the Shogunateにとって画期的な意義epoch-making
significanceをもった(薩長同盟(さっちょう・どうめい)the Satchō Alliance)。
In January 1866 (Keio 2nd year), a secret pact of the Satsuma-Choshu
alliance was exchanged, but the formation of the military alliance between the
two major domains was not for the anti-shogunate movement. of epoch-making significance.
第二次長州征討(だいにじ・ちょうしゅう・せいとう)Second Chōshū expedition
徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa Iemochi(在位1858~1865)
徳川慶福(とくがわ・よしとみ)Tokugawa Yoshitomi
14代将軍the 14th Shogun
the Second Chōshū expedition
長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the Chōshū Domainの状況変化the changing situationに対して幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは、再度征長軍the Chōshū expeditionary forceを進めることを決定し、将軍Shogun・徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa
Iemochi自ら大坂城(おおさか・じょう)Osaka Castleにまで出張してきた。
In response to the changing situation in the Choshu Domain, the
shogunate decided to proceed with the expeditionary force again, and Shogun
Tokugawa Iemochi personally went on a business trip to Osaka Castle.
1866年(慶応(けいおう)2年)6月戦端が開かれたWar broke outが、近代的な軍備と兵力modern armaments and military strengthをもった長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the Chōshū Domainに幕府(ばくふ)the shogunate側は連戦連敗suffered successive defeatsであった。
War broke out in June 1866 (Keio 2), but the shogunate suffered
successive defeats against the Choshu clan, which had modern armaments and
military strength.
これは、this is,
①幕府側諸藩the feudal domains on the side of the shogunateの軍備armamentsが旧式outdatedであったこと、
The armaments of the feudal domains on the side of the shogunate
were outdated,
薩長同盟(さっちょう・どうめい)the Satchō Alliance
②薩摩藩(さつま・はん)the Satsuma
domainがすでに長州藩(ちょうしゅう・はん)the Chōshū Domainと軍事同盟a military allianceを結んでいたため参戦を拒んだrefused to participate in the warこと、
The fact that the Satsuma clan refused to participate in the war
because it already had a military alliance with the Choshu clan,
③生活難financial difficultiesによる百姓一揆(ひゃくしょう・いっき)peasant
uprisingsや打ちこわしbreakdownsが深刻な社会不安serious social unrestとなっていたため幕府(ばくふ)the shogunate側の士気が振るわなかったmorale was
The reason was that the bakufu's morale was sluggish due to serious
social unrest caused by peasant uprisings and breakdowns due to financial
しかも、第二次長州征討(だいにじ・ちょうしゅう・せいとう)the Second Chōshū expeditionの最中に将軍shogun・徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa Iemochiは病死died of illnessし、その死のなかでの敗戦the defeat in
his deathは幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateの権威the authorityを大きく失墜greatly underminedさせた。
Moreover, the shogun Tokugawa Iemochi died of illness during the
Second War of Conquest, and the defeat in his death greatly undermined the authority
of the shogunate. rice field.
(世直し一揆(よなおし・いっき)Yonaoshi Ikki(世直し騒動(よなおし・そうどう)"World renewal" movement))
1866年(慶応(けいおう)2年)は、江戸時代the Edo
The year 1866 (Keio 2) was the year in which there were the most
peasant uprisings and breakdowns throughout the Edo period.
とくに大坂Osakaで起こった打ちこわしUchikowashi(breakdowns)は、将軍shogun・徳川家茂(とくがわ・いえもち)Tokugawa Iemochiが在城しているときでもあり、第二次長州征討(だいにじ・ちょうしゅう・せいとう)the Second Chōshū expeditionに大きな影響great impactを与えた。
In particular, the Uchikowashi that occurred in Osaka had a great
impact on the Second War of Conquest, even when Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi was in
the castle.
この民衆の動向This movement
of the peopleは、支配者the rulersとしても無視ignoreできないまでになっていた。
This movement of the people had reached a point where even the
rulers could not ignore it.
(世直し一揆(よなおし・いっき)Yonaoshi Ikki(世直し騒動(よなおし・そうどう)"World renewal" movement))
ええじゃないかEejanaika Why
ええじゃないかEejanaika Why
幕末期At the end of
the Tokugawa shogunateには、有名神社a famous shrineのお札an amuletが天から降ってきたfallen from the heavensと称して、群衆the crowdが「ええじゃないかEejanaika Why Not?」とはやしshoutingながら狂乱went wildすることが起こった。
At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, it was said that an amulet
from a famous shrine had fallen from the heavens, and the crowd went wild while
shouting, "Eejanaika!"
そのときは、群集the crowdsは生活も仕事もほうりだしabandoned their lives and jobs、治安は完全に乱れたthe public
order was completely disturbed。
At that time, the crowds abandoned their lives and jobs, and the
public order was completely disturbed.
1867年(慶応(けいおう)3年)の場合が有名famousであるが、これは江戸時代the Edo periodに数回several timesみられたお蔭参り(おかげ・まいり)Okage-mairiの変型a variantである。
The case of 1867 (Keio 3rd year) is famous, and this is a variant of
Okage-mairi that was seen several times during the Edo period.
お蔭参り(おかげ・まいり)Okage-mairiもお札amuletsが降るfallという噂rumoredをきっかけに、群集the crowdsが生活をほうりだしabandoned their lives、道中on the way宿泊や食物の施与(せよ)receiving lodging and foodを受けて伊勢参詣(いせ・さんけい)pilgrimages to Iseをしたものである。
It was rumored that amulets would also fall on Okage-mairi, so the
crowds abandoned their lives and made pilgrimages to Ise, receiving lodging and
food on the way.