


日本史34 Japanese history 34


New Trends in Academics

平賀源内(ひらが・げんない)Hiraga Gennai17281779

杉田玄白(すぎた・げんぱく)Sugita Genpaku17331817

百式司令部偵察機(ひゃくしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき) Type 100 Command Reconnaissance Aircraft

百式司令部偵察機(ひゃくしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき) Type 100 Command Reconnaissance Aircraft

百式司令部偵察機(ひゃくしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき)Type 100 Command Reconnaissance Aircraftは、第二次世界大戦World War II時の日本陸軍Imperial Japanese Army偵察機Reconnaissance Aircraft司令部偵察機Command Reconnaissance Aircraft)。

The Hyakushiki Headquarters Reconnaissance Aircraft (Hyakushiki, Shireibu, Teisatsuki) was a reconnaissance aircraft (headquarters reconnaissance aircraft) of the Japanese Army during World War II.

連合軍Allied forcesコードネームCode nameダイナDinah

The code name of the Allied Forces is Dyna.

百式司令部偵察機(ひゃくしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき) Type 100 Command Reconnaissance Aircraft

開発Development製造Manufacturing三菱重工業Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Developed and manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

設計主務者chief designer久保富夫(くぼ・とみお)Tomio Kubo

The chief designer was Tomio Kubo.

百式(ひゃくしき)Type 100」は1940年(昭和15年)(皇紀2600年)に仮採用provisional appointmentされたことから名づけられた。

The name ``Hyaku-shiki'' comes from the fact that it was provisionally adopted in 1940 (Showa 15) (2600 years of the Imperial era).

余談だが、この年に採用された兵器Weapons adopted the weapons adopted in this year呼称namingは、海軍Navyでは「零式(れいしき)Type 0」、陸軍Armyでは「百式(ひゃくしき)Type 100」、となっている。

As an aside, the names of the weapons adopted in this year were ``Type 0'' by the Navy and ``Type 100'' by the Army.

九七式司令部偵察機(きゅうななしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき) Type 97 Command Reconnaissance aircraft

九七式司令部偵察機(きゅうななしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき)Type 97 Command Reconnaissance aircraft後継機Successorとして1939年(昭和14年)に初飛行、太平洋戦争Pacific War大東亜戦争Greater East Asia War)開戦前の1941年(昭和16年)から配備が行われ、1945年(昭和20年)の敗戦に至るまで帝国陸軍Imperial Japanese Army主力戦略偵察機Main Strategic Reconnaissance aircraftとして使用された。

It first flew in 1939 (Showa 14) as a successor to the Type 97 headquarters reconnaissance aircraft, and was deployed in 1941 (Showa 16) before the outbreak of the Pacific War (Greater East Asia War), and in 1945 (Showa 20). It was used as the Imperial Army's main strategic reconnaissance aircraft until Defeat in 2010.

百式司令部偵察機(ひゃくしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき)Type 100 Command Reconnaissance Aircraftは画期的な開発思想や高性能をもつ後の「戦略偵察機Strategic Reconnaissance aircraft」の先駆的存在であり、また、そのスタイルの美しさから「第二次大戦で活躍した軍用機のうちで最も美しい機体の一つOne of the most elegant aircraft of World War Two」と評されている。

The Type 100 Headquarters Reconnaissance Aircraft was a pioneer of the later ``strategic reconnaissance aircraft'' with its revolutionary development concept and high performance, and due to its beautiful style, it was considered a ``military aircraft that was active in World War II.'' It has been described as one of the most beautiful aircraft in Japan.

百式司令部偵察機(ひゃくしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき) Type 100 Command Reconnaissance Aircraft

百式司令部偵察機(ひゃくしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき)Type 100 Command Reconnaissance Aircraftは、日中戦争Second Sino-Japanese Warを含む太平洋戦争Pacific War全戦線All frontsにおいて主力偵察機Main Reconnaissance aircraftとして投入され、北はアリューシャン列島Aleutian Islands、南はダーウィンDarwin、西はインドIndia、東はマーシャル諸島Marshall Islandsまで、連合軍勢力圏the areas of Allied influenceの奥深く数々の偵察飛行Reconnaissance Flightを敢行した。

The Type 100 headquarters reconnaissance aircraft was used as the main reconnaissance aircraft on all fronts in the Pacific War, including the Sino-Japanese War, and was used in all areas of Allied influence, from the Aleutian Islands in the north, Darwin in the south, India in the west, and the Marshall Islands in the east. He carried out numerous reconnaissance flights.

百式司令部偵察機(ひゃくしき・しれいぶ・ていさつき) Type 100 Command Reconnaissance Aircraft

マレー作戦Malayan campaign

フィリピンの戦いBattle of the Philippines

蘭印作戦Dutch East Indies campaign

ガダルカナル島の戦いBattle of Guadalcanal

ルンガ沖航空戦Battle of Lunga Point

ダーウィン空襲Bombing of Darwin

インパール作戦Battle of Imphal

沖縄戦Battle of Okinawa

解体新書(かいたい・しんしょ)Kaitai ShinshoNew Text on Anatomy)』

9 Chapter 9


Unrest in the Shogunate system

4 Section 4


New Trends in Academics


松平定信(まつだいら・さだのぶ)Matsudaira Sadanobu17581829

徳川吉宗(とくがわよしむね)Tokugawa Yoshimunegrandson


18世紀中頃the mid-18th centuryから、封建制の危機の深まりthe crisis of feudalism deepenedとともに、朱子学(しゅしがく)Neo-Confucianism停滞stagnatedした。

From the mid-18th century, Neo-Confucianism stagnated as the crisis of feudalism deepened.

林述斎(はやし・じゅっさい)Hayashi Jussai17681841

柴野栗山(しばの・りつざん)Shibano Ritsuzan17361807

尾藤二洲(びとう・じしゅう)Bito Jishu17471813

岡田寒泉(おかだ・かんせん)Okada Kansen17401816

古賀精里(こが・せいり)Koga Seiri17501817

松平定信(まつだいら・さだのぶ)Matsudaira Sadanobuは、寛政異学の禁(かんせい・いがく・の・きん)kansei igaku no kinを行って朱子学(しゅしがく)Neo-Confucianism立て直しreformed思想統制controlled its ideologyを行い、また林家(りんけ)the Rinke family林述斎(はやし・じゅっさい)Hayashi Jussai17681841)が再興revivedし、柴野栗山(しばの・りつざん)Shibano Ritsuzan17361807)・尾藤二洲(びとう・じしゅう)Bito Jishu17471813)・古賀精里(こが・せいり)Koga Seiri17501817)らが輩出して朱子学(しゅしがく)Neo-Confucianism維持maintainedされたが、その後見るべき人材worthy human resourcesもなく、また学問的・思想的発展academic or ideological developmentもなく衰えた。

Matsudaira Sadanobu banned Kansei studies and reformed Neo-Confucianism and controlled its ideology, and the Rinke also established the Hayashi Jusai (1768) -1841) was revived, and Shibano Ritsuzan (1736-1807), Bito Jishū (1747-1813), Koga Seiri (1750-1817) and others Neo-Confucianism was maintained through the production of these scholars, but thereafter it declined with no worthy human resources and no academic or ideological development.

伊藤仁斎(いとう・じんさい)Itō Jinsai16271705

荻生徂徠(おぎゅう・そらい)Ogyū Sorai16661728

伊藤仁斎(いとう・じんさい)Itō Jinsai堀川学派(ほりかわ・がくは)the Horikawa school荻生徂徠(おぎゅう・そらい)Ogyū Sorai蘐園学派(けんえん・がくは)the Kenen schoolなどの古学派(こがくは)Old schoolsも、18世紀中頃the mid-18th centuryにはふるわなくなった。

Old school schools such as Ito Jinsai's Horikawa school and Ogyu Sorai's Ken'engaku school also ceased to be active in the mid-18th century.

田沼(たぬま)時代the Tanuma periodに入ってから、儒学諸説various theories of Confucianism取捨選択selectedして教義doctrines折衷(せっちゅう)eclecticし、中庸(ちゅうよう)Doctrine of the Meanの説をたてる折衷学派(せっちゅう・がくは)the eclectic schoolが盛んとなり、井上金峨(いのうえ・きんが)Inoue Kinga片山兼山(かたやま・けんざん)Katayama Kenzanらが出た。

From the beginning of the Tanuma period, the eclectic school, which selected various theories of Confucianism, mixed doctrines, and established a theory of moderation, became popular, and was led by Inoue Kinga, Katayama Kaneyama, and others. came out.

戴震(たい・しん)Dai Zhen 考証学(こうしょうがく)evidential scholarship

狩谷棭斎(かりや・えきさい)Kariya Ekisai

松崎慊堂(まつざき・こうどう)Matsuzaki Kodo

安井息軒(やすい・そっけん)Yasui Sokken17991876

18世紀末the end of the 18th century頃になると、(しん)the Qing dynasty考証学(こうしょうがく)evidential scholarshipの影響を受けて、日本Japanese中国Chinese古典classics収集collectingし、整理sorting校勘(こうかん)proofreading編纂compilingを行う実証的態度empirical approachをとる考証学(こうしょうがく)evidential scholarshipが盛んとなり、大田錦城(おおた・きんじょう)ōta, kinjō狩谷棭斎(かりや・えきさい)Kariya Ekisai松崎慊堂(まつざき・こうどう)Matsuzaki Kodo安井息軒(やすい・そっけん)Yasui Sokken17991876)らが輩出した。

Toward the end of the 18th century, under the influence of Qing archaeology, archaeology, which took an empirical approach of collecting Japanese and Chinese classics and sorting, proofreading, and compiling them, became popular. They were produced by Kariya Ekisai, Matsuzaki Kodo, and Yasui Sokken (1799-1876).

池田光政(いけだ・みつまさ)Ikeda Mitsumasa16091682

花畠教場(はなばたけ・きょうじょう)Hanabatake Kyojo

教育の発達Development of Education

藩校(はんこう)domain schoolは、各藩each domain藩士の子弟the children of feudal samurai教育機関educational institutionとして設けた学校で、1641年(寛永18年)、岡山藩(おかやま・はん)the lord of the Okayama domain池田光政(いけだ・みつまさ)Ikeda Mitsumasa16091682)が創設した花畠教場(はなばたけ・きょうじょう)Hanabatake Kyojoが早い例で、18世紀後半the late 18th century以降、諸藩various domains財政窮乏financial poverty藩政の緩みthe laxity of domain administrationに対応する藩吏育成training feudal officialsを目的として、ほぼ全国的に設置された。

A domain school was a school established by each domain as an educational institution for the children of feudal samurai, and was founded in 1641 (Kanei 18) by Mitsumasa Ikeda (1609-1682), the lord of the Okayama domain. Take and Kyojo) are an early example, and from the late 18th century onwards, they were established almost nationwide for the purpose of training feudal officials to deal with the financial poverty of various domains and the laxity of domain administration.

閑谷学校(しずたに・がっこう)Shizutani School

また城下町castle towns以外の地に、武士・庶民の子弟the children of samurai and commoners教育educateするための郷学(ごうがく)gogakuが設けられたsome domainsもある。

In addition, some domains established gogaku in areas other than castle towns to educate the children of samurai and commoners.

中井甃庵(なかい・しゅうあん)Nakai Shuan


私塾(しじゅく)shijuku一人の学者a scholarを塾主とした私学校private schoolで、1724年(享保9年)、大坂町人Osaka townspeopleらの出資fundingにより、中井甃庵(なかい・しゅうあん)Nakai Shuanらが中心となって創立した懐徳堂(かいとく・どう)Kaitokudōが有名である(1726年に幕府(ばくふ)the shogunate官許granted official approval)。

A private school (shijuku) was a private school run by a scholar, and was founded in 1724 (Kyoho 9) with funding from Osaka townspeople and led by Nakai Shuan and others. Kaitokudo, which was founded, is famous (granted official approval from the Shogunate in 1726).

中井履軒(なかい・りけん)Nakai Riken

初代学主には三宅石庵(みやけ・せきあん)Miyake Sekianがなり、中井甃庵(なかい・しゅうあん)Nakai Shuanchildren中井竹山(なかい・ちくざん)Nakai Chikuzan中井履軒(なかい・りけん)Nakai Rikenらの努力によって繁栄した。

Sekian Miyake was the first head of the school, and the school prospered thanks to the efforts of Nakai Shuan's children Nakai Chikuzan and Nakai Riken.

富永仲基(とみなが・なかもと)Tominaga Nakamoto17151746

山片蟠桃(やまがた・ばんとう)Yamagata Bantō17481821

朱子学(しゅしがく)Neo-Confucianismを柱としながらも自由な学風free academic styleを持ち、門下his studentsから富永仲基(とみなが・なかもと)Tominaga Nakamoto17151746)・山片蟠桃(やまがた・ばんとう)Yamagata Bantō17481821)らの優れた町人学者townspeople and scholarsを輩出した。

Although centered on Neo-Confucianism, he had a free academic style, and his students included Tominaga Nakamoto (1715-1746) and Yamagata Banto (1748-1821). It produced excellent townspeople and scholars.

広瀬淡窓(ひろせ・たんそう)Hirose Tansō17821856


大分県(おおいたけん)Ōita Prefecture日田市(ひたし)Hita City

また1817年(文化14年)、豊後(ぶんご)Bungo Province日田(ひた)Hita(現、大分県(おおいたけん)Ōita Prefecture日田市(ひたし))の広瀬淡窓(ひろせ・たんそう)Hirose Tansō17821856)は咸宜園(かんぎえん)Kangienを開き多くの門人disciplesを育てた。

In 1817 (Bunka 14), Hirose Tanso (1782-1856) of Bungo-Hita (present-day Hita City, Oita Prefecture) opened Kangien and trained many disciples.

石田梅岩(いしだ・ばいがん)Ishida Baigan16851744

心学(しんがく)Shingakuは、享保年間during the Kyoho era京都(きょうと)Kyotoに出た石田梅岩(いしだ・ばいがん)Ishida Baigan16851744が、町人townspeople主な対象aimed primarilyとして始めたものである。

Shingaku was started by Baigan Ishida (1685-1744), who moved to Kyoto during the Kyoho era, and aimed primarily at townspeople.

GodConfucianismBuddhism諸説the theoriesをわかりやすく組み合わせ、日常に心がけるべき町人townspeople道徳moralsとして、特に倹約frugality堪忍patience正直honestyを説いた。

Combining the theories of God, Confucianism, and Buddhism in an easy-to-understand manner, he particularly preached frugality, patience, and honesty as morals that townspeople should keep in mind in their daily lives.


古代ancient times以来、商業営利行為commercial activities商人merchants卑しいものとして蔑視されてきたlooked down upon as lowly thingsのであるが心学(しんがく)Shingakuではそれを初めて是認approvedし、社会的social意義significanceづけたことは注目される。

Since ancient times, commercial activities and merchants have been looked down upon as lowly things, but it is noteworthy that Shingaku for the first time approved of such practices and gave them social significance.

そして、士農工商professionals, farmers, industry, and commerceともつまるところ道は一つonly one pathであって、それぞれが身分境遇に従って活動operate according to their social statusすべきであるとしたので、次第に封建領主feudal lords後援supportも得るようになり、急速に普及した。

In the end, there was only one path for professionals, farmers, industry, and commerce, and each should operate according to their social status, so they gradually gained the support of feudal lords and rapidly spread.

石田梅岩(いしだ・ばいがん)Ishida Baiganの著書に『都鄙問答(とひ・もんどう)Towns and Villages Questions and Answers』がある。

One of the books written by Ishida Baiyan (Ishida Baiyan) is ``Duyou Questions and Answers'' (Duyou Questions and Answers).

手島堵庵(てじま・とあん)Tejima Toan17181786

中沢道二(なかざわ・どうに)Nakazawa Doni

やがて弟子disciples手島堵庵(てじま・とあん)Tejima Toan17181786)は京都(きょうと)Kyotoで、中沢道二(なかざわ・どうに)Nakazawa Doni江戸Edoで活躍し、次いで柴田鳩翁(しばた・きゅうおう)Shibata Kyūō(著書『鳩翁道話(きゅうおう・どうわ)kyuuoudouwa』)が出て心学(しんがく)Shingaku西国(さいごく)the Western part of Japanまでひろめ、各地various places心学(しんがく)Shingaku講舎lecture halls心学舎(しんがくしゃ)Shingakusha)が設けられた。

Eventually, his disciples Toan Tejima (1718-1786) became active in Kyoto, Doni Nakazawa in Edo, and then Kyuou Shibata (who wrote With the publication of ``Hato Dowa'', Shingaku spread to the western regions, and Shingaku lecture halls (Shingakusha) were established in various places.


経済発展economic developmentに伴う庶民の生活向上the lives of the common people improvedによって、初等教育Elementary educationが盛んとなった。

Elementary education became popular as the lives of the common people improved due to economic development.

はじめは主として寺院temples僧侶monksが行っていたが、次第に儒者Confucian神官priests牢人浪人)(ろうにん)Rōnin村の中堅層middle-ranking villagersなども庶民教育educate the common peopleを行うようになった。

At first, it was mainly carried out by monks in temples, but gradually Confucian priests, priests, jailers, and middle-ranking villagers began to educate the common people.

教科内容は、読みreading書きwriting算盤(そろばん)abacusが中心で、職業的実用知識practical vocational knowledge儒学の道徳Confucian ethicsが教えられた。

Subjects focused on reading, writing, and the abacus, and taught practical vocational knowledge and Confucian ethics.





Oraimono (orai means letters) such as ``Jikkokyo'', ``Jinkōki'', and ``Teikinourai'' were used as textbooks.

菅江真澄(すがえ・ますみ)Sugae Masumi17541829

草莽の文化Culture of Humble subject

三河(みかわ)Mikawa Province愛知県(あいちけん)Aichi Prefecture東半部)菅江真澄(すがえ・ますみ)Sugae Masumi17541829)は遊歴の文人itinerant literary figureで、1783年から28年間奥羽Ou蝦夷地Ezoを巡り、秋田藩the Akita domainで『雪・月・花の出羽路(ゆき・つき・はな・の・でわじ)Dewaji of Snow, Moon, and Flowers』を著し、また辺境frontier伝承folklore生活life慣行customs習俗customsを図入りの『真澄遊覧記(ますみ・ゆうらんき)Masumi Yuranki』にまとめた。

Masumi Sugae (1754-1829) of Mikawa was an itinerant literary figure who traveled to Ou and Ezo for 28 years starting in 1783, writing ``Dewaji of Snow, Moon, and Flowers'' in the Akita domain. He also summarized the folklore, life, customs, and customs of the frontier in the illustrated ``Masumi Yuranki.''

鈴木牧之(すずき・ぼくし)Suzuki Bokushi17701842

北越雪譜(ほくえつ・せっぷ)Hokuetsu Seppu

越後(えちご)Echigo Province新潟県(にいがたけん)Niigata Prefecture)の在郷商人merchant living in鈴木牧之(すずき・ぼくし)Suzuki Bokushi17701842)は『北越雪譜(ほくえつ・せっぷ)Hokuetsu Seppu』で豪雪地の生活life in a region with heavy snowfallを詳述した。

Suzuki Bokushi (1770-1842), a merchant living in Echigo, described in detail life in a region with heavy snowfall in Hokuetsu Seppu.

戸田茂睡(とだ・もすい)Toda Mosui



国学(こくがく)Kokugakuは、日本の精神文化Japan's spiritual cultureの全般にわたる研究studyで、儒教Confucianism仏教Buddhismなど外来思想foreign ideasに影響される以前の日本古来の思想ancient Japanese thoughtを求めて、古典the classics有職故実the history of traditional Japanese occupationなどを研究studyingするものであるが、その源流Its origins元禄頃around the Genroku era下河辺長流(しもこうべ・ながる)Shimokobe Nagaru戸田茂睡(とだ・もすい)Toda Mosui契沖(けいちゅう)Keichūらによる和歌の革新運動the Waka innovation movementに見られる。

Kokugaku is the study of Japan's spiritual culture in general, and involves studying the classics and the history of traditional Japanese occupation in search of ancient Japanese thought before it was influenced by foreign ideas such as Confucianism and Buddhism. Its origins can be seen in the Waka innovation movement around the Genroku era, led by Nagaru Shimokobe, Mosui Toda, and Keichu.

18世紀 the 18th centuryに入って復古主義(ふっこ・しゅぎ)Reactionism傾向trendを示すようになり、やがて荷田春満(かだの・あずままろ)Kada no Azumamaro賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchi本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinagaらによって大成developedされた。

In the 18th century, a trend toward restorationism began to appear, and eventually Kadano Azumamaro, Kamo Mabuchi, and Motoori Norinaga. It was developed by

荷田春満(かだの・あずままろ)Kada no Azumamaro16691736


京都(きょうと)Kyoto伏見稲荷(ふしみ・いなり)Fushimi Inari神官priest荷田春満(かだの・あずままろ)Kada no Azumamaro16691736)は、神道思想Shinto philosophyと、『日本書紀(にほんしょき)Nihon ShokiThe Chronicles of Japan』・『万葉集(まんようしゅう)Man'yōshū』などの古典classical古語archaic languages研究researchに基づいて日本固有unique to Japan古道(こどう)ancient path究明investigatingし、儒教Confucianism仏教Buddhismなどの外来思想foreign ideas排斥rejectingすることを主張して、国学(こくがく)Kokugaku発展development基礎foundationを築いた。

Kadano Azumamaro (1669-1736), a priest at Fushimi Inari in Kyoto, created a system unique to Japan based on Shinto philosophy and research on classical and archaic languages such as Nihon Shoki and Manyoshu. He laid the foundation for the development of Japanese studies by investigating the ancient path and rejecting foreign ideas such as Confucianism and Buddhism.

創学校啓(そうがく・こうけい)Sogaku Kokei

1728年(享保13年)に、国学(こくがく)Japanese studies研究・普及the research and disseminationのための学校を創立することの必要the need to establish a schoolを説いた『創学校啓(そうがく・こうけい)Sogaku Kokei』を幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに提出したと言われる。

In 1728 (Kyoho 13), he is said to have submitted ``Sogaku Kokei'' to the shogunate, which advocated the need to establish a school for the research and dissemination of Japanese studies.

賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchi16971769


荷田春満(かだ・の・あずままろ)Kada no Azumamaro高弟senior discipleで、遠江(とおとうみ)Tōtōmi Province静岡県(しずおかけん)Shizuoka Prefecture西部)神職Shinto priestの出身である賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchi16971769)は、国学(こくがく)Japanese studiesの、学問studies思想thought両面を統一unified both sidesした。

Kamo Mabuchi (1697-1769), a senior disciple of Kadano Azumamaro and a Shinto priest from Totomi, was a scholar of Japanese studies and thought. unified both sides.

賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchiは特に『万葉集(まんようしゅう)Man'yōshū』の研究researchingに努め、日本古代の精神the spirit of ancient Japanすなわち、外来思想foreign ideasに歪(ゆが)められない「神代の道way of the gods」に復帰returnすることを理想idealとし、『万葉考(まんようこう)Manyoko』・『国意考(こくいこう)Kokuiko』・『冠辞考(かんじこう)Kanjiko』・『祝詞考(のりとこう)Noritoko』・『歌意考(かいこう)Kaiiko』の五意考(ごいこう)five worksを著して、復古思想Restoration thought真髄the essenceを説いた。

Kamo Mabuchi especially devoted himself to researching the Manyoshu, and his ideal was to return to the spirit of ancient Japan, that is, the ``way of the gods'' that was not distorted by foreign ideas. He preached the essence of Restoration thought by writing five works: ``Manyoko'', ``Kokuiko'', ``Kanjiko'', ``Norikyo'', and ``Kaiiko''.

田安宗武(たやす・むねたけ)Tayasu Munetake

加藤千蔭(かとう・ちかげ)Katō Chikage

村田春海(むらた・はるみ)Murata Harumi

荒木田久老(あらきだ・ひさおゆ)Arakida Hisaoyu

賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchi田安宗武(たやす・むねたけ)Tayasu Munetakeに仕え、その一門his family県居学派(あがたい・がくは)Agatai Gakuha schoolと呼ばれ、本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinaga加藤千蔭(かとう・ちかげ)Katō Chikage村田春海(むらた・はるみ)Murata Harumi荒木田久老(あらきだ・ひさおゆ)Arakida Hisaoyuらが輩出した。

Kamo Mabuchi served Tayasu Munetake, and his family was called the Agatai Gakuha school, and was founded by Norinaga Motoori. ), Chikage Kato, Harumi Murata, and Hisaoyu Arakida.

本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinaga17301801

本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinaga

伊勢(いせ)Ise Province松坂(まつさか)Matsusaka三重県(みえけん)Mie Prefecture松阪市(まつさかし)Matsusaka City)の木綿問屋cotton wholesalerに生まれた本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinaga17301801は、賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchi学問the learningを引き継ぎ国学(こくがく)the Japanese studies完成completedした。

Norinaga Motoori (1730-1801), born to a cotton wholesaler in Ise Matsuzaka (Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture), completed the Japanese studies by inheriting the learning of Kamo Mabuchi.


(きょう)Capital遊学studyingして医学medicine儒学Confucianismを修める間に、契沖(けいちゅう)Keichū研究researchに接して国学(こくがく)the Japanese studiesに志し、松坂(まつさか)Matsusakaに帰って医業medicineのかたわら日本古典Japanese classics研究studyに努めた。

While studying in Kyoto and studying medicine and Confucianism, he came into contact with the research of Keiichi and decided to pursue a career in Japanese studies.When he returned to Matsusaka, he endeavored to study Japanese classics while practicing medicine.

その研究researchは、古書の注釈annotations on old books古道論theories of ancient Buddhism文学論literary theory語学language歌文学song literatureなど各方面にわたり、著述は91266冊に及んでいる。

His research spans a wide range of fields, including annotations on old books, theories of ancient Buddhism, literary theory, language, and song literature, and he has written 266 books in 91 categories.



His representative work is the 44-volume Kojikiden, completed in 1798 (Kansei 10).

本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinagaは、『古事記(こじき)KojikiRecords of Ancient Matters』のなかに儒教Confucianism仏教Buddhismに影響されない純粋な日本固有の精神pure Japanese spiritがあるとして、その写本を集めて校訂し、古代の日本人本来の精神original spirit of the ancient Japanese people神の定めた道the path set by God直毘霊(なおびの・みたま)Naobi-no-mitama明くbrightness(きよ)purity直きstraightnessまことの心true heart)に復帰returnすべきだと、復古思想(ふっこ・しそう)Restoration thought体系systemを整えた。

Norinaga Motoori believed that the Kojiki contained a pure Japanese spirit that was not influenced by Confucianism or Buddhism, so he collected the manuscripts, revised them, and created an original spirit of the ancient Japanese people. He established a system of Restoration thought that calls for a return to the path set by God = Naobi-mitama (brightness, purity, straightness, and true heart).

源氏物語(げんじ・ものがたり)The Tale of Genji

また『源氏物語(げんじ・ものがたり)The Tale of Genji』の本質the essenceを「もののあわれMono no aware」にあるとして、文学literature儒仏の道徳的解釈Confucian and Buddhist moral interpretationsframeworkから解放freeingし、文学評論史上in the history of literary criticism画期的な見解groundbreaking viewを示した。

He also posited that the essence of The Tale of Genji lies in the ``awareness of things'', freeing literature from the framework of Confucian and Buddhist moral interpretations, and presenting a groundbreaking view in the history of literary criticism.

そのほか、『詞の玉緒(ことばの・たまのお)Tama-no-o of words』(国語学関係Japanese linguistics related)、『玉くしげ(たま・くしげ)Tamakushige』・『秘本玉くしげ(ひほん・たま・くしげ)Secret book Tamakushige』(古道論書Kodo-ronsho)、『源氏物語玉の小櫛(げんじ・ものがたり・たまの・おぐし)Tales of Genji Tama no Ogushi』・『万葉集玉の小琴(まんようしゅう・たまの・こごと)Manyoshu Tama no Kogoto』・『石上私淑言(いそのかみの・さざめ・ごと)Isonokami no Sazamegoto』(文学論literary theory)、『玉勝間(たま・かつま)Tamakatsuma』(随筆essay)などがある。

In addition, "Tama-no-o of words" (Japanese linguistics related), "Tama-kushige"/"Secret book Tamakushige" (Kodo-ronsho), "Tales of Genji Jade-no-kushi (Ogushi)" His works include ``Manyoshu Tama no Kogoto'', ``Isonokami no Sazamegoto'' (literary theory), and ``Tamakatsuma'' (essay).

その学派school鈴の屋門流(すずのや・もんりゅう)Suzunoya Monryuといい、多くの門弟disciplesを育てた。

This school was called Suzunoya Monryu, and he trained many disciples.

平田篤胤(ひらた・あつたね)Hirata Atsutane1776年~1843年)

平田篤胤(ひらた・あつたね)Hirata Atsutane

秋田藩士Akita Domain samuraiの出身で、のち松山藩士Matsuyama Domain samurai平田篤穏(ひらた・あつやす)Hirata Atsuyasu養子adoptedとなった。

He was a samurai of the Akita clan, and was later adopted by Atsuyasu Hirata, a samurai of the Matsuyama clan.

本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinagaの著作を読み、本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinaga没後の門人discipleとなった。

He read the works of Norinaga Motoori and became his disciple after his death.


His works include ``Koshiden'', ``Koshicho'', and ``Tamatasuki''.

賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchi16971769

その学風academic styleは、賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchi本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinaga学問the scholarshipから文献批判研究critical literature research考証的方面historical aspectsを捨てて、古道的方面the ancient pathを継承し、儒仏Confucianism and Buddhismを鋭く批判criticizedして宗教的国粋主義の傾向religious nationalist tendenciesを強め、賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchi本居宣長(もとおり・のりなが)Motoori Norinaga復古思想(ふっこ・しそう)Restoration thought神道(しんとう)Shintoとして大成し、復古神道(ふっこ・しんとう)restoration Shintoを発展させた。

Its academic style is based on the scholarship of Kamo Mabuchi and Motoori Norinaga, abandoning the historical aspects of critical literature research, inheriting the ancient path, and sharply focusing on Confucianism and Buddhism. He criticized them and strengthened his religious nationalist tendencies, and he established the restoration ideas of Mabuchi Kamo and Norinaga Motoori as Shinto, and developed restoration Shinto (Fukko Shinto).

生田万(いくた・よろず)Ikuta Yorozu

大国隆正(おおくに・たかまさ)Ōkuni Takamasa

平田銕ひらた・かねたね)Hirata Kanetane

門人disciplesには生田万(いくた・よろず)Ikuta Yorozu大国隆正(おおくに・たかまさ)Ōkuni Takamasa平田銕ひらた・かねたね)Hirata Kanetaneなどがあり、特に大国隆正(おおくに・たかまさ)Ōkuni Takamasaは、尊皇攘夷運動(そんのう・じょうい・うんどう)Sonnō jōi Movements理論的指導者theoretical leaderとなった。

His disciples include Yorozu Ikuta, Takamasa Okuni, and Kanetane Hirata, and Takamasa Okuni in particular was a leader in the Resonance of Emperors and Joi Movements. He became a theoretical leader.

神仏分離(しんぶつ・ぶんり)Shinbutsu bunrithe separation of Shinto and Buddhism

このように、平田派神道(ひらたは・しんとう)Hirata-ha Shinto尊皇攘夷運動(そんのう・じょうい・うんどう)Sonnō jōi Movements思想的支柱the ideological pillarとなるばかりでなく、明治維新政府the Meiji Restoration government神仏分離(しんぶつ・ぶんり)Shinbutsu bunrithe separation of Shinto and Buddhism)などの教学政策academic policiesに影響を及ぼした。

In this way, Hirata-ha Shinto not only became the ideological pillar of the movement to respect the Emperor and banish the foreigners, but also influenced the Meiji Restoration government's academic policies such as the separation of Shinto and Buddhism.

塙保己一(はなわ・ほきいち)Hanawa Hokiichi17461821

賀茂真淵(かもの・まぶち)Kamo no Mabuchi門人disciple塙保己一(はなわ・ほきいち)Hanawa Hokiichi17461821)は、国学(こくがく)Kokugaku文献学的方法philological methodによる古典研究classical researchの方向を継承し、考証風historical research styleの学問をもって知られた。

Hanawa Hokiichi (1746-1821), a disciple of Kamo Mabuchi, inherited the direction of classical research using the philological method of Japanese studies, and was known for his historical research style.

和学講談所(わがく・こうだんしょ)WagakukōdanshoInstitute of Lectures of Japanese classics

幕府(ばくふ)the shogunate援助support江戸Edo四ツ谷Yotsuya和学講談所(わがく・こうだんしょ)WagakukōdanshoInstitute of Lectures of Japanese classics)を設けて、多数の古書・古記録old books and records収集・校訂collected and revisedし、『群書類従(ぐんしょ・るいじゅう)Gunsho Ruijū』・『武家名目抄(ぶけ・みょうもくしょう)Buke Myomokusho』などを編纂した。

With the support of the shogunate, he established a Wagaku Kodansho in Yotsuya, Edo, where he collected and revised many old books and records, and compiled books such as ``Gunshoruju'' and ``Buke Meimokusho.''

群書類従(ぐんしょ・るいじゅう)Gunsho Ruijū』は正続あわせて1680巻、現在に至るまで利用されている。

``Gunsho Ruiju'' has a total of 1,680 volumes in total, and is still in use to this day.

伴信友(ばん・のぶとも)Ban Nobutomo

また伴信友(ばん・のぶとも)Ban Nobutomoは『長等山風(ながらの・やまかぜ)Nagara no Yamakaze』・『神名帳考証(じんみょう・ちょうこうしょう)Jinmyo Chōkōsho』などを著し、歴史の考証研究historical research古文書ancient documents古記録ancient recordsを採用して新生面new fieldを開いた。

In addition, Nobutomo Ban wrote books such as ``Nagara no Yamakaze'' and ``Jinmyo Chōkōsho'', and used ancient documents and ancient records for historical historical research. The company opened a new field by adopting the following.


His essays include ``Hikobae.''

オランダ風説書(ふうせつがき)Dutch-style treatise

洋学(ようがく)Western studies

鎖国(さこく)前の1世紀の間During the century before the national isolationは、キリスト教Christianityを通じて西洋科学Western scienceがもたらされていたが、鎖国(さこく)the national isolationのもとでは、オランダ商館長the head of the Dutch trading post幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateに提出する『オランダ風説書(ふうせつがき)Dutch-style treatise』以外は、海外事情を知る機会opportunities to learn about overseas affairsをもたなかった。

During the century before the national isolation, Western science was brought to Japan through Christianity, but under the national isolation, there were no opportunities to learn about overseas affairs, except for the ``Dutch-style treatise'' submitted by the head of the Dutch trading post to the shogunate. It didn't last.

西欧の学問・思想Western studies and ideasも、オランダthe Netherlandsを通じてのみ伝えられたことから、洋学(ようがく)Western studies蘭学(らんがく)Dutch studiesを中心としていた。

Since Western studies and ideas were only transmitted through the Netherlands, Western studies centered on Dutch studies.

西川如見(にしかわ・じょけん)Nishikawa Joken16481724

新井白石(あらい・はくせき)Arai Hakuseki1657年~1725年)

シドッチGiovanni Battista Sidotti

そのようななかでも、17世紀末the end of the 17th century西川如見(にしかわ・じょけん)Nishikawa Joken16481724)は『華夷通商考(かい・つうしょう・こう)Kai Tsushoko』を著して世界地理world geographyを紹介し、また新井白石(あらい・はくせき)Arai Hakuseki16571725)は、1708年(宝永5年)に屋久島(やくしま)Yakushima(鹿児島県(かごしまけん))に潜入infiltratedしたイタリア人宣教師Italian missionaryシドッチGiovanni Battista Sidotti審問investigatedし、西洋Western風俗customs歴史history地理geographyなどについて記した『采覧異言(さいらん・いげん)Sairan Igen』・『西洋紀聞(せいよう・きぶん)Seiyō Kibun』を著した。

At the end of the 17th century, Nishikawa Joken (1648-1724) introduced world geography with his book ``Kaitsu Shoko'', and Arai Shiraishi (1648-1724) introduced world geography. Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725) investigated Sidocchi, an Italian missionary who had infiltrated Yakushima in 1708, and wrote Sairan Tongues, a book about Western customs, history, geography, etc. He wrote ``Igen)'' and ``Western Kibun''.

徳川吉宗(とくがわ・よしむね)Tokugawa Yoshimune(在職1716年~1745年)

8代将軍the 8th shogun

青木昆陽(あおき・こんよう)Aoki Konyō16981769

野呂元丈(のろ・げんじょう)Noro Genjō16931761

8代将軍the 8th shogun徳川吉宗(とくがわ・よしむね)Tokugawa Yoshimune(在職1716年~1745年)は、実学の奨励encourage practical learningのため漢訳された洋書foreign books translated into Chinese輸入の禁prohibition on importing緩和relaxedするとともに、青木昆陽(あおき・こんよう)Aoki Konyō16981769)・野呂元丈(のろ・げんじょう)Noro Genjō16931761)らに蘭学(らんがく)Dutch studiesを修めさせ、蘭学興隆the rise of Dutch studiesfoundationを築いた。

The 8th Shogun Yoshimune Tokugawa (1716-1745) relaxed the prohibition on importing foreign books translated into Chinese in order to encourage practical learning, and he also encouraged Konyo Aoki (1698-1769). He helped Noro Genjo (1693-1761) and others to study Western studies, and laid the foundation for the rise of Western studies.

吉益東洞(よします・とうどう)Yoshimasu Tōdō

18世紀後半the latter half of the 18th century吉益東洞(よします・とうどう)Yoshimasu Tōdōらによって、臨床実験clinical experimentationを重視する古医方(こいほう)the Koiho method of medicineがおこされた。

In the latter half of the 18th century, Todo Yoshimasu and others established the Koiho method of medicine, which emphasized clinical experimentation.

後藤艮山(ごとう・こんざん)Goto Konzan

山脇東洋(やまわき・とうよう)Yamawaki Tōyō17051762


同派the same sect後藤艮山(ごとう・こんざん)Goto Konzan門弟disciple山脇東洋(やまわき・とうよう)Yamawaki Tōyō17051762)は、わが国最初の人体解剖Japan's first human dissectionを行って『蔵志(ぞうし)Zoshi』を出版し、実験的精神experimental spirit重要性importanceを強調した。

Toyo Yamawaki (1705-1762), a disciple of Goto Konzan, of the same sect, conducted Japan's first human dissection and published "Zoshi", an experimental book. He emphasized the importance of spirit.

He emphasized the importance of an experimental spirit.

前野良沢(まえの・りょうたく)Maeno Ryōtaku17231803

杉田玄白(すぎた・げんぱく)Sugita Genpaku17331817

中川淳庵(なかがわ・じゅんあん)Nakagawa Jun'an17391786

桂川甫周(かつらがわ・ほしゅう)Katsuragawa Hoshū17541809

ヨハン・アダム・クルムスJohann Adam Kulmus

ターヘル・アナトミアTāheru Anatomia

解体新書(かいたい・しんしょ)Kaitai ShinshoNew Text on Anatomy)』

豊前(ぶぜん)Buzen Province中津藩(なかつはん)a physician of the Nakatsu domain前野良沢(まえの・りょうたく)Maeno Ryōtaku17231803)は、若狭藩(わかさ・はん)a physician of the Wakasa domain杉田玄白(すぎた・げんぱく)Sugita Genpaku17331817)・中川淳庵(なかがわ・じゅんあん)Nakagawa Jun'an17391786)・桂川甫周(かつらがわ・ほしゅう)Katsuragawa Hoshū17511809)らとともに、ドイツ人the GermanクルムスKulmus解剖学書the German anatomical bookオランダ語訳the Dutch translation本『ターヘル・アナトミアTāheru Anatomia』を、4か年の歳月four yearsを費やして翻訳translatingし、1774年(安永3年)『解体新書(かいたい・しんしょ)Kaitai ShinshoNew Text on Anatomy)』として刊行publishedした。

Ryotaku Maeno (1723-1803), a physician of the Nakatsu domain in Buzen, Genpaku Sugita (1733-1817), and Junan Nakagawa (1739-1786), a physician of the Wakasa domain. ), Katsuragawa Hoshu (1751-1809), and others, he spent four years translating the Dutch translation of the German anatomical book Taher Anatomia. , published in 1774 (Kaitai Shinsho) as Kaitai Shinsho.

He spent four years translating the Dutch translation of the German anatomical book ``Taher Anatomia'' and published it as ``Kaitai Shinsho'' in 1774 (Yasunei 3).

これは西洋医学Western medicine最初の体系的研究the first systematic studyで、蘭学発展the development of Dutch studiesに一時期を画した。

This was the first systematic study of Western medicine and marked a period in the development of Dutch studies.

蘭学事始(らんがく・ことはじめ)Rangaku KotohajimeThe Beginning of Dutch Studies)』

杉田玄白(すぎた・げんぱく)Sugita Genpakuの『蘭学事始(らんがく・ことはじめ)Rangaku KotohajimeThe Beginning of Dutch Studies)』には、翻訳の苦心the hardships of translationとその後における蘭学興隆the rise of Dutch studiesの機運が書き残されている。

Genpaku Sugita's ``Rangaku Kotohajime'' (The Beginning of Dutch Studies) records the hardships of translation and the subsequent momentum for the rise of Dutch studies.

宇田川玄随(うだがわ・げんずい)Udagawa Genzui17551797

宇田川玄随(うだがわ・げんずい)Udagawa Genzui17551797)はオランダの内科医書Dutch manual on internal medicine翻訳translatedして、『西説内科撰要(せいせつ・ないか・せんよう)Seisetsu Naika Senyo』を刊行publishedするとともに、内科the Department of Internal Medicine創設foundedした。

Genzui Udagawa (1755-1797) translated a Dutch manual on internal medicine, published ``Sei Setsu Naika Senyo,'' and founded the Department of Internal Medicine. did.

大槻玄沢(おおつき・げんたく)Ōtsuki Gentaku17571827

大槻玄沢(おおつき・げんたく)Ōtsuki Gentaku17571827)は杉田玄白(すぎた・げんぱく)Sugita Genpaku前野良沢(まえの・りょうたく)Maeno Ryōtakuを師とし、1788年(天明8年)蘭学入門書introductory book on Dutch studiesである『蘭学階梯(らんがく・かいてい)Rangaku Kaitei』を著し、江戸Edoに開いた芝蘭堂(しらんどう)Shirandoとともに、蘭学勃興the rise of Dutch studiesに大きく貢献した。

Gentaku Otsuki (1757-1827), who studied under Genpaku Sugita and Ryotaku Maeno, wrote an introductory book on Western studies in 1788 (Tenmei 8). He wrote ``Kaitei'' and, along with Shirando, which he opened in Edo, greatly contributed to the rise of Dutch studies.

稲村三伯(いなむら・さんぱく)Inamura Sampaku17581811

大槻玄沢(おおつき・げんたく)Ōtsuki Gentaku門人student稲村三伯(いなむら・さんぱく)Inamura Sampaku17581811)は、オランダ人the DutchハルマHalmaの『蘭仏辞書(らんふつ・じしょ)Dutch-French Dictionary』をもとに最初の蘭日辞典(らんにち・じてん)Dutch-Japanese dictionaryハルマ和解(はるま・わげ)Halma's Dutch-Japanese dictionary』を刊行した。

Sanpaku Inamura (1758-1811), a student of Gentaku Otsuki, created the first Dutch-Japanese dictionary, Halma Reconciliation, based on Dutch Halma's Dutch-French Dictionary. ``Ge)'' was published.

カール・ツンベルクCarl Peter Thunberg

オランダの医官Dutch medical officerとして来日したスウェーデン人SwedeツンベルクCarl Peter Thunbergは、『日本植物誌(にほんしょくぶつし)Japanese Plant History』・『日本植物図譜(にほん・しょくぶつ・ずふ)Japanese Plant Illustrated Book』を著して西欧の植物学界Western botanical world日本の植物Japanese plants紹介introducedした。

Thunberg, a Swede who came to Japan as a Dutch medical officer, introduced Japanese plants to the Western botanical world by writing ``Japanese Plant History'' and ``Japanese Plant Illustrated Book.''

宇田川榕庵(うだがわ・ようあん)Udagawa Yōan17981846

宇田川榕庵(うだがわ・ようあん)Udagawa Yōan17981846)は、リンネの植物分類法Linnaeus' method of classifying plantsを紹介した『菩多尼訶経(ぼたにか・きょう)Botanikakyō』を刊行した。

Yoan Udagawa (1798-1846) published the Bodani Sutra, which introduced Linnaeus' method of classifying plants.

また『植学啓原(しょくがく・けいげん)Shokugaku Keigen』を著し、植物学の研究法research methods for botanyなどを述べた。

He also wrote ``Botany Keihara,'' in which he described research methods for botany.

舎密開宗(せいみ・かいそう)Seimi Kaisou

宇田川榕庵(うだがわ・ようあん)Udagawa Yōanイギリス人EnglishヘンリーHenryの『実験化学原理Principles of Experimental Chemistry』を翻訳translatedし、日本最初Japan's first化学体系書chemical system book舎密開宗(せいみ・かいそう)Seimi Kaisou』を刊行publishedした(舎密(せいみ)Seimiオランダ語the Dutch word Cheimie化学chemistry)のtranslation)。

Youan Udagawa translated English Henry Henry's Principles of Experimental Chemistry and published Japan's first chemical system book, Seimi Kaisou (Seimi Kaisou). (mi) is a translation of the Dutch word Cheimie (chemistry).

平賀源内(ひらが・げんない)Hiraga Gennai17281779

橋本宗吉(はしもと・そうきち)Hashimoto Sokichi

18世紀後半the latter half of the 18th century平賀源内(ひらが・げんない)Hiraga Gennai17281779)は寒暖計thermometerエレキテルelectric cellを作製し、橋本宗吉(はしもと・そうきち)Hashimoto Sokichi電気実験electrical experimentsを試みた。

In the latter half of the 18th century, Gennai Hiraga (1728-1779) created a thermometer and electric cell, and Sokichi Hashimoto attempted electrical experiments.

帆足万里(ほあし・ばんり)Hoashi Banri17781852

その後青地林宗(あおち・りんそう)Aochi Rinsoの『気海観瀾(きかい・かんらん)Kikai Kanran』や帆足万里(ほあし・ばんり)Hoashi Banri17781852)の『窮理通(きゅうり・つう)Kyuuritsu』が相次いで刊行された。

Afterwards, Rinso Aochi's ``Kikai Kanran'' and Banri Hoashi's ``Kyuuritsu'' (1778-1852) were published one after another.

本木良永(もとき・よしなが)Motoki Yoshinaga17351794

志筑忠雄(しづき・ただお)Shizuki Tadao17601806

長崎(ながさき)Nagasaki通詞(つうじ)(通訳interpreter通訳兼商務官interpreter and commercial official本木良永(もとき・よしなが)Motoki Yoshinaga17351794)は、『天地二球用法(てんち・にきゅう・ようほう)Usage of Heaven, Earth, and Two Spheres』を著してコペルニクスの地動説Copernicus's heliocentric theoryを紹介し、その門人disciple志筑忠雄(しづき・ただお)Shizuki Tadao17601806)は『暦象新書(れきしょう・しんしょ)Rekisho Shinsho』を著して、ニュートンの引力説Newton's theory of gravity地動説heliocentrismを紹介した。

Yoshinaga Motoki (1735-1794), a Nagasaki interpreter (interpreter and commercial official), introduced Copernicus's heliocentric theory in his book ``Usage of Heaven, Earth, and Two Spheres,'' and promoted his disciple Shizuku. Tadao Shizuki (1760-1806) wrote ``Rekisho Shinsho'' and introduced Newton's theory of gravity and heliocentrism.

高橋至時(たかはし・よしとき)Takahashi Yoshitoki17641804

伊能忠敬(いのう・ただたか)Inō Tadataka17451818

天文学者astronomer高橋至時(たかはし・よしとき)Takahashi Yoshitoki17641804)の門人disciple伊能忠敬(いのう・ただたか)Inō Tadataka17451818)は、1800年から17年間、蝦夷地(えぞち)Ezochiをはじめ全国沿岸the coasts of Japan実測actual measurementsし、『大日本沿海輿地全図(だいにほん・えんかいよち・ぜんず)Dainihon Enkaiyochi Zenzu』の作成に当たった。

Tadataka Ino (1745-1818), a disciple of astronomer Yoshitoki Takahashi (1764-1804), spent 17 years from 1800 making actual measurements along the coasts of Japan, including Ezochi. He created the ``Dainihon Enkaiyochi Zenzu''.

高橋景保(たかはし・かげやす)Takahashi Kageyasu17851829

しかし完成途中で没し、あとを高橋至時(たかはし・よしとき)Takahashi Yoshitokison高橋景保(たかはし・かげやす)Takahashi Kageyasu17851829)が引き継ぎ、3年後の1821年(文政4年)完成completedした。

However, he died midway through completion, and Takahashi Yoshitoki's son, Takahashi Kageyasu (1785-1829), took over the work and completed the work three years later, in 1821 (Bunsei 4).

シーボルトPhilipp Franz von Siebold17961866

鳴滝塾(なるたき・じゅく)Narutaki Juku

1823年(文政6年)、オランダ商館Dutch trading post医官medical officerとして着任したドイツ人GermanシーボルトPhilipp Franz von Siebold17961866)は、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunate許可permissionを得て、長崎(ながさき)郊外suburb of Nagasaki鳴滝(なるたき)Narutaki診療所clinic学塾cram school鳴滝塾(なるたき・じゅく)Narutaki Juku)を開いた。

In 1823, Siebold (1796-1866), a German who was appointed as a medical officer at a Dutch trading post, obtained permission from the shogunate to open a clinic and cram school (Narutaki Juku) in Narutaki, a suburb of Nagasaki. (Narutakijuku)) was opened.

日本植物誌(にほん・しょくぶつし)Japanese Botany

シーボルトPhilipp Franz von Sieboldは、医学medicineをはじめ天文学astronomy暦学calendrology地理学geography植物学botanyなどを教え、6年余の滞在中に『日本動物誌(にほん・どうぶつし)Japanese Zoology』・『日本植物誌(にほん・しょくぶつし)Japanese Botany』を完成した。

Siebold taught medicine as well as astronomy, calendrology, geography, and botany, and completed his ``Japanese Zoology'' and ``Japanese Botany'' during his six-year stay.

出島(でじま)Dejimaexit island

出島(でじま)Dejimaexit island

1828年(文政11年)、シーボルトPhilipp Franz von Siebold17961866)は、帰国に際して天文方(てんもん・がた)TenmongataAstronomical Department高橋景保(たかはし・かげやす)Takahashi Kageyasu17851829)から贈られた日本地図map of Japanを所持していることが発覚し、1年間出島(でじま)Dejimaexit island)に軟禁house arrestされたあと、国外追放deported再入国禁止banned from re-entering the countryの処分を受けた(シーボルト事件the Siebold Incident)。

In 1828 (Bunsei 11), Siebold (1796-1866) returned to Japan with a map of Japan given to him by Tenmongata Takahashi Kageyasu (1785-1829). After being placed under house arrest on Dejima for a year, he was deported and banned from re-entering the country.

関係者は処罰punishedされ、また高橋景保(たかはし・かげやす)Takahashi Kageyasu獄死died in prisonした。

Those involved were punished, and Kageyasu Takahashi died in prison.

伊東玄朴(いとう・げんぼく)Itō Genboku

小関三英(おぜき・さんえい)Ozeki Sanei17871839

高野長英(たかの・ちょうえい)Takano Chōei18041850

シーボルトPhilipp Franz von Siebold門下disciplesからは伊東玄朴(いとう・げんぼく)Itō Genboku小関三英(おぜき・さんえい)Ozeki Sanei17871839)・高野長英(たかの・ちょうえい)(18041850)ら数十人におよぶ俊英の学者brilliant scholarsが輩出した。

His disciples produced dozens of brilliant scholars, including Genboku Ito, Ozeki Sanei (1787-1839), and Takano Choei (1804-1850). did.


緒方洪庵(おがた・こうあん)Ogata Kōan18101863

橋本左内(はしもと・さない)Hashimoto Sanai18341859

大村益次郎(おおむら・ますじろう)Ōmura Masujirō村田蔵六(むらた・ぞうろく)Murata Zoroku)(18251869

福沢諭吉(ふくざわ・ゆきち)Fukuzawa Yukichi18341901

佐野常民(さの・つねたみ)Sano Tsunetami18221902

箕作秋坪(みつくり・しゅうへい)Mitsukuri Shuhei

また1838年(天保9年)、緒方洪庵(おがた・こうあん)Ogata Kōan18101863)が大坂Osaka開設establishedした適塾(てきじゅく)Tekijuku適々斎塾てきてきさい・じゅくTekitekisaijuku)からは、橋本左内(はしもと・さない)Hashimoto Sanai18341859)・大村益次郎(おおむら・ますじろう)Ōmura Masujirō村田蔵六(むらた・ぞうろく)Murata Zoroku)(18251869)・福沢諭吉(ふくざわ・ゆきち)Fukuzawa Yukichi18341901)・佐野常民(さの・つねたみ)Sano Tsunetami18221902)・箕作秋坪(みつくり・しゅうへい)Mitsukuri Shuheiら、各方面の指導者leaders in various fieldsが輩出した。

In addition, in 1838 (Tenpo 9), Ogata Koan (1810-1863) established Tekijuku (Tekiteki Saijuku) in Osaka. , Sanai Hashimoto (1834-1859), Zoroku Murata (Masjiro Omura) (1825-1869), Yukichi Fukuzawa (1834-1901), Tsunetami Sano It was produced by leaders in various fields, including Notsunetami (1822-1902) and Shuhei Mitsukuri.

高橋景保(たかはし・かげやす)Takahashi Kageyasu17851829

蛮(蕃)書和解御用掛(ばんしょ・わげ・ごよう)Bansho wage goyo 1811

大槻玄沢(おおつき・げんたく)Ōtsuki Gentaku17571827

厚生新編(こうせい・しんぺん)the Kosei Shinpen


Western Studies of the Shogunate

蘭学の実用性the practicality of Dutch studies欧米諸国の調査・研究investigation and research in Western countriesの必要から、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunate天文方(てんもん・がた)TenmongataAstronomical Department高橋景保(たかはし・かげやす)Takahashi Kageyasu建議proposalを入れて、1811年(文化8年)蛮(蕃)書和解御用(ばんしょ・わげ・ごよう)Bansho wage goyoを設置し、大槻玄沢(おおつき・げんたく)ら一流の蘭学者leading Dutch scholarsを集めて、フランスの百科辞典the French encyclopedia蘭訳本the Dutch translation翻訳translateし、『厚生新編(こうせい・しんぺん)the Kosei Shinpen』として完成させた。

In view of the practicality of Dutch studies and the need for investigation and research in Western countries, the shogunate adopted the proposal of Tenmongata Kageyasu Takahashi, and in 1811 (Bunka 8th year), banned A Banshowagegoyo desk was set up, and leading Dutch scholars such as Gentaku Otsuki were assembled to translate the Dutch translation of the French encyclopedia, which was completed as the Kosei Shinpen. I let it happen.

蛮(蕃)書和解御用掛(ばんしょ・わげ・ごよう)Bansho wage goyo 1811

洋学所(ようがく・しょ)Western school 1855年(安政2年)

蕃書調所(ばんしょ・しらべしょ)Bansho Shirabesho 1856

さらに1855年(安政2年)には、蛮(蕃)書和解御用(ばんしょ・わげ・ごよう)Bansho wage goyoを独立させて洋学所(ようがく・しょ)Western schoolとし、翌1856蕃書調所(ばんしょ・しらべしょ)Bansho ShirabeshoInstitute for the Study of Barbarian Books)と改称し、蘭学(らんがく)Dutch studiesばかりでなく、英語English仏語French地理学geography窮理学(きゅうりがく)(物理学physics)・化学chemistry兵学military tacticsなどの西洋諸科学various Western sciencesの教授が行われた。

Furthermore, in 1855 (2nd year of Ansei), the Banshogegoyo was made independent and became a Western school, and the following year, in 1856, it was renamed the Banshosho Research Institute. In addition to Dutch studies, various Western sciences such as English, French, geography, physics, chemistry, and military tactics were taught.

種痘館(しゅとう・かん)Vaccination museum

種痘所(しゅとう・しょ)Vaccination station 1860年(万延1年)

医学所(いがく・じょ)Medical School

種痘館(しゅとう・かん)Vaccination museum

種痘所(しゅとう・しょ)Vaccination station 1860年(万延1年)

また蘭学者Dutch scholar創立foundedした種痘館(しゅとう・かん)Vaccination museumは、1860年(万延1年)種痘所(しゅとう・しょ)Vaccination stationとなり、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunate直轄under the direct controlとなった。

In addition, the Shuto, which was founded by a Dutch scholar, became a vaccination center in 1860 and came under the direct control of the shogunate.

高島秋帆(たかしま・しゅうはん)Takashima Shūhan17981866

幕府(ばくふ)the shogunateは、長崎(ながさき)Nagasaki町年寄(まちどしより)Machidoshiyori高島秋帆(たかしま・しゅうはん)Takashima Shūhan17981866)を招いて洋式砲術Western-style gunnery教授を行わせた。

The shogunate invited Shuhan Takashima (1798-1866), an old man from Nagasaki Town, to teach Western-style gunnery.

江川英龍えがわ・ひでたつ)Egawa Hidetatsu坦庵(たんあん)Tanan)(太郎左衛門(たろうざえもん)Tarōzaemon)(18011855

反射炉(はんしゃろ)Reverberatory furnace

また、その門人disciple伊豆(いず)Izu Province静岡県Shizuoka Prefecture韮山(にらやま)Nirayama代官(だいかん)Daikan江川英龍えがわ・ひでたつ)Egawa Hidetatsu坦庵(たんあん)Tanan)(太郎左衛門(たろうざえもん))Tarōzaemon1801年~1855年)も韮山(にらやま)Nirayama反射炉(はんしゃろ)を築いてbuilt銃砲を鋳造cast gunsした。

Also, his disciple Hidetatsu Egawa (Tanan) (Tarozaemon) (1801-1855), the magistrate of Nirayama, Izu, also served as Nirayama. He built a reverberatory furnace in Nirayama and cast guns.

モリソン号事件the Morrison Incident

1837年(天保8年)、アメリカ商船the American merchant shipモリソン号the Morrison日本人漂流民Japanese drifters送還repatriatingしながら、幕府(ばくふ)the shogunate通商を求めてseek trade来航したが、異国船打払令(いこくせん・うちはらいれい)Edict to Repel Foreign Vessels無二念打払令(むにねん・うちはらいれい)Muninen Uchiharai Rei)(1825年(文政8年))が出ていたため砲撃にあい退去したattacked by artillery and evacuatedモリソン号事件the Morrison Incident)。

In 1837 (Tempo 8), the American merchant ship Morrison came to the shogunate to seek trade while repatriating Japanese drifters, but the order to destroy foreign ships was issued. (1825 (Bunsei 8)), the ship was attacked by artillery and evacuated (Morrison Incident).

渡辺崋山(わたなべ・かざん)Watanabe Kazan1793年~1841年)

高野長英(たかの・ちょうえい)Takano Chōei18041850

小関三英(おぜき・さんえい)Ozeki Sanei17871839

1838年(天保9年)、江戸Edo尚歯会(しょうし・かい)Shoshikaiという蘭学研究会Dutch studies research groupを作っていた渡辺崋山(わたなべ・かざん)Watanabe Kazan1793年~1841年)・高野長英(たかの・ちょうえい)Takano Chōei18041850)・小関三英(こせき・さんえい)Koseki Sanei17871839)らが、モリソン号事件the Morrison Incidentをめぐって幕政批判criticized the Shogunate governmentを行い、渡辺崋山(わたなべ・かざん)Watanabe Kazanは『慎機論(しんき・ろん)Shinkiron』を、高野長英(たかの・ちょうえい)Takano Chōei戊戌夢物語(ぼじゅつ・ゆめものがたり)`Bojutsu Yume Monogatari』を著して世界の情勢the state of the worldを説き、異国船打払令(いこくせん・うちはらいれい)orders to destroy foreign ships無謀さthe recklessness警告warnedした。

The following year, 1838, Watanabe Kazan (1793-1841) and Takano Choei (1793-1841), who had founded a Dutch studies research group called Shoshikai in Edo. (1804-1850), Koseki Sanei (1787-1839) and others criticized the Shogunate government regarding the Morrison Incident, Watanabe Kazan wrote "Shinkiron", Choei Takano wrote ``Bojutsu Yume Monogatari'' (Bojutsu Yume Monogatari), in which he explained the state of the world and warned of the recklessness of orders to destroy foreign ships.

蛮社の獄ばんしゃ・の・ごくBansha no gokuIndictment of the society for western (or barbarian) study

林述斎(はやし・じゅっさい)Hayashi Jussai17681841

鳥居耀蔵(とりい・ようぞう)Torii Yōzō鳥居忠耀(とりい・ただあき)Torii Tadaaki

しかし1839年(天保10年)、大学頭(だいがく・の・かみ)Daigaku no Kamihead of the university林述斎(はやし・じゅっさい)Hayashi Jussaisonでのち町奉行(まちぶぎょう)the town magistrate鳥居耀蔵(とりい・ようぞう)Torii Yōzō小笠原島渡航を企てたplotted to travel to Ogasawara Islandという讒訴(ざんそ)false accusationにより、渡辺崋山(わたなべ・かざん)Watanabe Kazan高野長英(たかの・ちょうえい)Takano Chōeiらは厳しく処罰severely punishedされた(蛮社の獄(ばんしゃ・の・ごく)Bansha no goku

However, in 1839 (Tenpo 10), a false accusation was made that Yozo Torii, the son of the head of the university, Jussai Hayashi, who later became the town magistrate, had plotted to travel to Ogasawara Island. , Watanabe Kazan, Takano Choei, and others were severely punished (Bansha no Goku).

荻生徂徠(おぎゅう・そらい)Ogyū Sorai16661728

太宰春台(だざい・しゅんだい)Dazai Shundai16801747


Development of Secular Thought

太宰春台(だざい・しゅんだい)Dazai Shundai

18世紀前期、荻生徂徠(おぎゅう・そらい)Ogyū Sorai門人discipleで、『経済録(けいざい・ろく)Keizai Roku』・『産語(さんご)Sango』を著し、武士の農耕への復帰the return of samurai to agricultureと、専売制the monopoly systemによる町人文化merchant culture重商主義(じゅうしょう・しゅぎ)Mercantilismを主張した。

In the early 18th century, he was a disciple of Ogyu Sorai and wrote ``Keizai Roku'' and ``Sango,'' which advocated the return of samurai to agriculture and the monopoly system of merchant culture = mercantilism.

安藤昌益(あんどう・しょうえき)Andō Shōeki17031762

安藤昌益(あんどう・しょうえき)Andō Shōeki

18世紀の中頃秋田Akitaに生まれ、陸奥国(むつのくに)Mutsu Province八戸(はちのへ)Hachinohe青森県Aomori Prefecture八戸市)で医業medicineにたずさわっていた安藤昌益(あんどう・しょうえき)Andō Shōeki17031762)は、『自然真営道(しぜん・しんえいどう)Shizen Shineido』・『統道真伝(とうどう・しんでん)Todo Shinden』を著し、徹底した反封建的思想anti-feudal ideologyを展開した。

Ando Shoueki, who was born in Akita in the mid-18th century and practiced medicine in Hachinohe, Mutsu Province (Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture), was the founder of the ``Shizen Shineido.'' )) and ``Todo Shinden'', and developed a thorough anti-feudal ideology.

海保青陵(かいほ・せいりょう)Kaiho Seiryō17551817

海保青陵(かいほ・せいりょう)Kaiho Seiryō

丹後(たんご)Tango Province宮津藩(みやづはん)Miyazu Domain家老(かろう)chief retainerであった海保青陵(かいほ・せいりょう)Kaiho Seiryō17551817)は、『稽古談(けいこ・だん)Keikodan』において、武士samurai商品経済commodity economy貨幣経済monetary economy蔑視contemptすることの誤りを指摘し、藩営専売制度domain-run monopoly systemの実施によって富国強兵enriching the country and strengthening the militaryを行い、積極的active封建制の再建reconstruction of the feudal systemを主唱した。

Kaiho Seiryo, a chief retainer of the Miyazu domain in Tango, pointed out the error of samurai's contempt for the commodity economy and monetary economy in his "Keikodan" and emphasized the importance of the domain-run monopoly system. By implementing this policy, he promoted the idea of enriching the country and strengthening the military, and advocated the active reconstruction of the feudal system.

本多利明(ほんだ・としあき)Honda Toshiaki17441821

本多利明(ほんだ・としあき)Honda Toshiaki

越後出身の本多利明(ほんだ・としあき)Honda Toshiakiは、『西域物語(せいいき・ものがたり)Seiiki Monogatari』・『経世秘策(けいせい・ひさく)Keisei Hisaku』を著して、開国Opening of the country海防論theory of coastal defenseを展開した。

Toshiaki Honda, a native of Echigo, wrote ``Seiki Monogatari'' and ``Keisei Hisaku,'' in which he developed a theory of opening up the country and coastal defense.

彼は、鎖国National Isolation国運衰退の原因the cause of the decline in national fortunesであるとして開国Opening of the country必要needを論じ、官営貿易government-managed tradeによる富国enriching the country策をとることや、北方の開発・防備the development and defense of the north重要性importanceを説いた。

He argued for the need to open up the country, arguing that isolation was the cause of the decline in national fortunes, and advocated the importance of enriching the country through government-managed trade and the development and defense of the north.

佐藤信淵(さとう・のぶひろ)Satō Nobuhiro17691850

佐藤信淵(さとう・のぶひろ)Satō Nobuhiro

出羽(でわ)Dewa Province山形県Yamagata Prefecture秋田県Akita Prefecture佐藤信淵(さとう・のぶひろ)Satō Nobuhiro17691850)は、農学agriculture蘭学Dutch studies兵学military tactics天文学astronomyなどの諸学various subjectsを修め、『農政本論(のうせい・ほんろん)Main Theory of Agricultural Policy』・『経済要録(けいざい・ようろく)Keizai Yoroku』・『宇内混同秘策(うだい・こんどう・ひさく)Udai's Secret Plan to Confuse Udai』などを著した。

Nobuhiro Sato of Dewa studied various subjects such as agriculture, Dutch studies, military tactics, and astronomy, and wrote books such as ``Main Theory of Agricultural Policy'', ``Keizai Yoroku'', and ``Udai's Secret Plan to Confuse Unai.''

彼は産業を国営化nationalize industryすること、貿易の振興のため海外に植民地を設営establish overseas coloniesすることなどの必要を説き、絶対主義的な統一国家absolutist unified state形成formation重商主義政策mercantilist policiesの採用を論じた。

He advocated the need to nationalize industry and establish overseas colonies to promote trade, and argued for the formation of an absolutist unified state and the adoption of mercantilist policies.

大蔵永常(おおくら・ながつね)Ōkura Nagatsune1768?

大蔵永常(おおくら・ながつね)Ōkura Nagatsune

豊後(ぶんご)Bungo Province大分県Ōita Prefecture大蔵永常(おおくら・ながつね)Ōkura Nagatsune1768?)は『広益国産考(こうえき・こくさん・こう)Koueki kokusan kou』・『農具便利論(のうぐ・べんり・ろん)Agricultural Tools Convenience Theory』を著し、民政の安定stable civil government国富の道the path to national wealthであると説き、各種の商品作物various commercial cropsの紹介や、施肥fertilization農具agricultural tools改良improvingに貢献した。

Okura Nagatsune of Bungo wrote ``Kouekikokusankou'' and ``Agricultural Tools Convenience Theory'' and preached that a stable civil government was the path to national wealth. He contributed to introducing various commercial crops and improving fertilization and agricultural tools.

二宮尊徳(にのみや・そんとく)Ninomiya Sontoku17871856

二宮尊徳(にのみやそんとく)Ninomiya Sontoku

相模(さがみ)Sagami Province神奈川県(かながわけん)Kanagawa Prefecture農家farming familyの出身で、荒廃した農村の復興rebuild devastated farming villagesに努め、領主the feudal lord農村の再建farming village is rebuiltが果たされるまで年貢を軽減reduce the annual taxし、農業施設の整備maintain agricultural facilities資金の蓄積accumulate fundsを農民に行わせることが得策とする独自の農学説unique agricultural scienceを説き、実際に農村rural villagesに入って指導guidanceに当たった。

He is from a farming family in Sagami and has a unique agricultural science that strives to rebuild devastated farming villages, and that it is a good idea for the feudal lord to reduce the annual tax until the farming village is rebuilt, and to let the farmers maintain agricultural facilities and accumulate funds. He preached his theory and actually went into rural villages to provide guidance.

大原幽学(おおはら・ゆうがく)Ōhara Yūgaku17971858

大原幽学(おおはら・ゆうがく)Ōhara Yūgaku

大原幽学(おおはら・ゆうがく)Ōhara Yūgaku17971858)も、勤倹貯蓄thrift savings生活の合理化rationalization of life農村復興restore rural villages唯一の道the only wayと主唱し、下総国(しもうさの・くに)Shimousa Province千葉県Chiba Prefecture北部)に住んで農業技術の改良improved agricultural technology耕地整理organized arable landを行い、信用組合credit union先駆pioneeringをなす先祖株組合(せんぞ・かぶくみあい)ancestral stock association結成formationを勧めた。

Yugaku Ohara also advocated that thrift savings and rationalization of life were the only way to restore rural villages.He lived in Shimousa Province, improved agricultural technology, organized arable land, and established a credit union. He recommended the formation of a pioneering ancestral stock association.


富永仲基(とみなが・なかもと)Tominaga Nakamoto17151746

富永仲基(とみなが・なかもと)Tominaga Nakamoto

懐徳堂(かいとく・どう)Kaitokudō school出身の富永仲基(とみなが・なかもと)Tominaga Nakamoto17151746は、儒教Confucianism仏教Buddhism神道Shinto教学teachingsを鋭く批判criticizedし、特に『出定後語(しゅつじょう・こうご)Shutsujokogo』で仏教Buddhismを批判し、仏教Buddhism本来の思想original thought展開developmentを記述した。

Tominaga Nakamoto, a member of the Kaitokudo school, sharply criticized the teachings of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Shinto, and particularly criticized Buddhism in Shutsujokogo. He criticized and described the original thought and development of Buddhism.

山片蟠桃(やまがた・ばんとう)Yamagata Bantō17481821

山片蟠桃(やまがた・ばんとう)Yamagata Bantō

同じく懐徳堂(かいとく・どう)Kaitokudōで学んだ山片蟠桃(やまがた・ばんとう)Yamagata Bantō17481821両替商money exchange business升屋(ますや)Masuya番頭head)は『夢の代(ゆめのしろ)Yume no Shiro』を著し、地動説heliocentrism theoryをとり、国学(こくがく)KokugakuJapanese studies)の神道説Shintoism仏教Buddhism須弥山(しゅみさん)the theory of Mt. Shumisan朱子学(しゅしがく)Neo-Confucianism鬼神論(きしんろん)the theory of demonsを否定し、唯物論的傾向materialistic tendencyを示す無神論(むしんろん)atheism無鬼論(むきろん)Mukiron)を主張した。

Yamagata Banto (head of a money exchange business, Masuya), who also studied at Kaitokudo, wrote ``Yume no Shiro'' (Yume no dai), adopted the heliocentrism theory, and established Shintoism in Japanese studies. He rejected the theory of Mt. Shumisan in Buddhism, the theory of demons in Neo-Confucianism, and advocated atheism (Mukiron), which shows a materialistic tendency.

また農民の負担を軽くし、農村産業rural industryの自由な発展と人間の平等human equalityを唱えた。

He also advocated lightening the burden on farmers, the free development of rural industry, and human equality.

三浦梅園(みうら・ばいえん)Miura Baien17231789

三浦梅園(みうら・ばいえん)Miura Baien

三浦梅園(みうら・ばいえん)Miura Baien17231789)は豊後国(ぶんごのくに)Bungo Province大分県Ōita Prefectureに生まれ、長崎(ながさき)Nagasakiに遊学した。

Miura Baien (1723-1789) was born in Bungo Province (Oita Prefecture) and went to Nagasaki to study.

梅園三語(ばいえん・さんご)the three Baien languagesと言われる『玄語(げんご)Gengo』・『贅語(ぜいご)Zeigo』・『敢語(かんご)Kango』を著し、宇宙論cosmology自然哲学論natural philosophy道徳論moralityなどを論じた。

He wrote ``Gengo,'' ``Zeigo,'' and ``Kango,'' which are said to be the three Umezono languages, and discussed cosmology, natural philosophy, and morality. .

また『価原(かげん)Kagen』では、貨幣・物価の原理the principles of money and pricesを論じ、弁証法的な思惟方法dialectical method of thinkingに立っていた。

In addition, in ``Karihara,'' he discussed the principles of money and prices, based on a dialectical method of thinking.




フィールド・オブ・ドリームス Field of Dreams 第 9 章  ジョン・キンセラ Chapter 9   John Kinsella   フィールド・オブ・ドリームス ( 夢 ( ゆめ ) の 球場 ( きゅうじょう ) ) Field of Dr...