


日本史19 Japanese history 19

室町幕府 Muromachi shogunate

足利義教(あしかが・よしのり)Ashikaga Yoshinori(在職14291441

足利義政(あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa(在職14491473

戦艦扶桑(ふそう) Battleship Fuso

戦艦扶桑(ふそう) Battleship Fuso

戦艦扶桑(ふそう)Battleship Fusoは、日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navy戦艦Battleship

Battleship Fuso is a battleship of the Japanese Navy.

扶桑型戦艦(ふそうがた・せんかん)Fuso-class battleships1番艦Lead ship

The first of the Fuso-class battleships.

日本独自の設計Japan's original designによる初の超弩級戦艦(ちょう・どきゅう・せんかん)Super-dreadnought battleship である。

It is the first super-dreadnought battleship of Japan's original design.

扶桑(ふそう)Fusoname由来origin日本国(にほんこく)Japanの古い異名(いみょう)old nicknames(本名、本来の名称以外の名)の一つである。

The origin of the name Fuso is one of Japan's old nicknames (real name, name other than the original name).

戦艦扶桑(ふそう) Battleship Fuso

日露戦争Russo-Japanese War後の1906年(明治39年)、イギリスBritish Empire弩級戦艦(どきゅう・せんかん)Dreadnought battleshipドレッドノートBattleship Dreadnought就役commissionedさせると、列強各国の間で建艦競争war to build ships勃発outbreakした。

In 1906 (Meiji 39) after the Russo-Japanese War, Britain commissioned the dreadnought battleship Dreadnought, and a war between the great powers broke out to build ships.

弩級戦艦(どきゅう・せんかん)Dreadnought battleshipはすぐに超弩級戦艦(ちょう・どきゅう・せんかん)Super-dreadnought battleshipへ進化し、日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navy金剛型巡洋戦艦(こんごうがた・じゅんよう・せんかん)Kongo-class battlecruiser 1番艦Lead ship戦艦金剛(こんごう)Battlecruiser KongoイギリスBritish Empireに発注し、ヴィッカース社Vickers Shipbuilding Companyの指導・支援の下その同型艦Same type ship国産domestic production建造builtすることでイギリスBritish Empireより新たな技術new techniqueを学ぶ事に成功した。

Dreadnought battleships quickly evolved into super-dreadnought battleships, and the Japanese Navy ordered the first Kongo-class battlecruiser, Kongo, from Britain, and under the guidance and support of Vickers, built the same type of ships domestically. I succeeded in learning a new technique.

戦艦扶桑(ふそう) Battleship Fuso

扶桑型戦艦(ふそうがた・せんかん)Fuso-class battleships日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navy最初の超弩級戦艦(ちょう・どきゅう・せんかん)Super-dreadnought battleshipである。

The Fuso-class battleships were the Japanese Navy's first super-dreadnought battleships.

扶桑(ふそう)は第三号戦艦the third battleshipとして1912年(明治45年)311日に呉海軍工廠(くれ・かいぐん・こうしょう)Kure Naval Arsenal起工laid downされた。

Fuso was laid down at the Kure Naval Arsenal on March 11, 1912 as the third battleship.

1914年(大正3年)328日に第三号戦艦the third battleship扶桑(ふそう)Fuso命名name

On March 28, 1914, the third battleship was named Fuso.


It was completed on November 8, 1915 (Taisho 4).

スリガオ海峡海戦 Battle of Surigao Strait

扶桑型戦艦(ふそうがた・せんかん)Fuso-class battleships

1番艦First ship戦艦扶桑(ふそう)Battleship Fuso

2番艦Second ship戦艦山城(やましろ)Battleship Yamashiro


艦歴Ship history

1941年(昭和16年)128日 真珠湾攻撃Attack on Pearl Harbor

1942年(昭和17年)65日~7日 ミッドウェー海戦Battle of Midway

1944年(昭和19年)6月初旬 渾作戦(こんさくせん)Operation Konビアク島の戦いBattle of Biak)(ニューギニアの戦いNew Guinea Campaign

1944年(昭和19年)1023日~25日 レイテ沖海戦Battle of Leyte Gulf

1944年(昭和19年)1025日のスリガオ海峡海戦Battle of Surigao Straitで、戦艦扶桑(ふそう)Battleship Fuso雷撃torpedoされ沈没sunkした。

During the Battle of Surigao Strait on October 25, 1944, Fuso was torpedoed and sunk.

足利尊氏(あしかが・たかうじ)Ashikaga Takauji1305年~1358年)(53歳)

源尊氏(みなもとの・たかうじ)Minamoto no Takauji

室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate初代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the first Sei-i Taishōgun(在職:1338年~1358年)

足利貞氏(あしかが・さだうじ)Ashikaga Sadauji次男Second son

足利氏(あしかがし)the Ashikaga clanは、源義家(みなもとの・よしいえ)Minamoto no Yoshiiegrandson源義康(みなもとの・よしやす)Minamoto no Yoshiyasu下野国(しもつけの・くに)Shimotsuke Province栃木県Tochigi Prefecture足利荘(あしかがの・しょう)Ashikaga no Shoに住して足利(あしかが)を称したのに始まる。

足利義詮(あしかが・よしあきら)Ashikaga Yoshiakira(在職13581367

室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate第二代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the second Sei-i Taishōgun

足利尊氏(あしかが・たかうじ)Ashikaga Takauji三男the Third son

足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsu(在職13681394

室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate第三代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the third Sei-i Taishōgun

足利義詮(あしかが・よしあきら)Ashikaga Yoshiakira長男the First son

6 Chapter 6


Formation of the Feudal lord system

3 Section 3

室町幕府Muromachi shogunate

足利尊氏(あしかが・たかうじ)Ashikaga Takauji(在職13381358)の時代era戦乱の最中(さなか)in the midst of warであり、支配権his power全国entire countryに及ばず、政治の組織political organization法制legal systemも十分には整っていなかった。

The era of Ashikaga Takauji (1338-1358) was in the midst of war, and his power did not extend to the entire country, and neither the political organization nor the legal system was fully developed.

幕府(ばくふ)Shogunate確立establishedは、2代将軍the second shogun足利義詮(あしかが・よしあきら)Ashikaga Yoshiakira(在職13581367)(足利尊氏(あしかが・たかうじ)Ashikaga Takaujison)を経て3代将軍the third shogun足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsu(在職13681394)(足利義詮(あしかが・よしあきら)Ashikaga Yoshiakirason)の代に至ってからであり、それは将軍(しょうぐん)shōgun守護大名(しゅご・だいみょう)Shugo-daimyō妥協compromise均衡balanceの上に成立しており、言わば幕府(ばくふ)Shogunateは両者の連合政権coalition governmentとも言える。

The shogunate was established by the second shogun, Yoshiakira Ashikaga (1358-1367) (son of Takauji Ashikaga), and then the third shogun, Yoshimitsu Ashikaga (1368-1394). ) (the son of Yoshiakira Ashikaga), and it was established on the basis of compromise and balance between the shogun and the shugo daimyo, and the bakufu can be said to be a coalition government between the two.

花の御所(はな・の・ごしょ)Hana no Gosho

その後、足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsu京都(きょうと)Kyoto室町(むろまち)Muromachi(京都府京都市上京区)に「花の御所(はな・の・ごしょ)Hana no Gosho」と呼ばれた華麗な新邸a splendid new residence造営builtし、ここに移ったので、のちに足利氏(あしかがし)the Ashikaga clan幕府(ばくふ)Shogunate足利幕府(あしかが・ばくふ)Ashikaga shogunate)を「室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate」と言うようになった。

After that, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu built a splendid new residence called "Hana no Gosho" in Muromachi, Kyoto, and moved here. Later, the Ashikaga clan's shogunate (Ashikaga Bakufu) came to be called 'Muromachi Bakufu.'


室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate京都(きょうと)Kyoto本拠basedとしたのは、政治politics・経済economy・文化cultureに関わる封建領主feudal lordsとしての性格natureが、鎌倉時代(かまくら・じだい)Kamakura period質的に大きく変化changed significantlyしたことによる。

The reason why the Muromachi bakufu (the Muromachi bakufu) was based in Kyoto was that the nature of feudal lords involved in politics, economy, and culture changed significantly from the Kamakura period.

持明院統(じみょういん・とう)Jimyōin-tō朝廷Imperial Court維持maintain全国の武士支配samurai rule over the country上の地理的優位性geographical advantage多くの商工人many merchants and craftsmenが集住し貨幣経済の中枢the center of the monetary economyである京都を掌握take control of Kyotoする必要necessaryがあったと考えられる。

It is thought that it was necessary to maintain the Jimyoin Imperial Court, to take control of Kyoto, which was the center of the monetary economy and where many merchants and craftsmen resided, as well as the geographical advantage of samurai rule over the country.


足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsu将軍の権威the authority of the shogunを高めて次第に専制体制autocratic systemを固め、政治機構political systemを整えた。

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu raised the authority of the shogun, gradually solidified the autocratic system, and established a political system.

将軍shogun補佐assistantとしてこれまでの執事(しつじ)ShitsujiShōgun's Deputyを改めて管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy)とし、そのもとに政所(まんどころ)Mandokorothe chief governing body)・問注所(もんちゅうじょ)monchujo侍所(さむらいどころ)Samurai-dokoroBoard of Retainers)を置いたが、いずれも鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunateよりも職務は縮小されていた。

As an assistant to the shogun, the former Shitsuji was redesignated as Kanrei, and under them Mandokoro, Monchujo, and Samuraidokoro were established. However, their duties were reduced compared to the Kamakura Shogunate.


In addition, Hyojoshu and Hikitsukeshu were established, but the actual clerical work was handled by Bugyo, and they had little ability.

細川頼之(ほそかわ・よりゆき)Hosokawa Yoriyuki13291392


管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy

管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy)は、足利氏(あしかがし)the Ashikaga clanの一族で有力守護大名(しゅご・だいみょう)influential shugo daimyo細川氏(ほそかわし)Hosokawa clan畠山氏(はたけやまし)Hatakeyama clan斯波氏(しばし)Shiba clanから交替で任命されたので三管領(さんかんれい)Sankanreiと言った。

The kanrei (kanrei) takes turns from the Hosokawa, Hatakeyama, and Shiba clans of the Ashikaga clan, who are influential shugo daimyo. Since he was appointed, he was called Sankanrei.


管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy)は将軍shogun補佐assistedし、政務を総轄oversaw government affairsし、幕臣では最高位の職the highest-ranking vassal of the shogunateであった。

Kanrei assisted the shogun and oversaw government affairs, and was the highest-ranking vassal of the shogunate.

この点、鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate執権(しっけん)Shikkena regent of the shogunate)に当たるが、執権(しっけん)Shikken幕府(ばくふ)shogunate実権者the real power北条氏the Hojo clan独占monopolizedであったのに対し、管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy)は三家交替in rotation among the three familiesでしかも将軍shogun任命appointedによった。

In this respect, he was the regent of the Kamakura bakufu. by appointment.

In this respect, it corresponds to the regent of the Kamakura bakufu, but while the regent was the real power of the bakufu and was monopolized by the Hojo clan,

Kanrei was appointed by the shogun in rotation among the three families.

畠山基国(はたけやま・もとくに)Hatakeyama Motokuni


管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy

将軍(しょうぐん)shogun鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate将軍(しょうぐん)shogun執権(しっけん)Shikkena regent of the shogunate)両者の地位を兼ね、管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy)は北条氏the Hojo clan内管領(ないかんれい)Naikanreiに当たると考えた方がよい。

It is better to think that the shogun has the position of both the shogun and the regent of the Kamakura bakufu, and the kanrei corresponds to the inner kanrei of the Hojo clan.

この点、室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate職制organizational structureにならいながら、より強固な将軍専制体制shogunal despotism systemを目指したことがわかる。

In this respect, it can be seen that the Muromachi bakufu aimed at a stronger shogunal despotism system while following the Kamakura bakufu's organizational structure.

管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy)ははじめ執事(しつじ)ShitsujiShōgun's Deputy)と言われ、将軍家the shogun family家宰(かさい)(家長に代わって家政を取りしきる職責)的地位the position of a vassalを占めたが、足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsuの代、細川頼之(ほそかわ・よりゆき)Hosokawa Yoriyuki13291392)によって整備establishedされ、管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy名実the name and reality整ったestablished

Kanrei was initially called a butler and held the position of a vassal of the shogun family. 1329-1392), and the name and reality of Kanrei were established.


斯波義将(しば・よしゆき)Shiba Yoshiyuki


管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy

三管領家(さん・かんれい・け)Three Kanrei Familiesはその領国their territory守護代(しゅごだい)Shugodaiを置いて、四職家(ししき・け)Shishiki Familiesとともに、京都(きょうと)Kyoto在住lived inすることが多かった。

The sankanreike (three Kanreike) usually appointed shugodai in their territory and often lived in Kyoto together with the four shishikike.

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War後は勢力が衰えits power declined室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)滅亡the fall of the Muromachi Shogunateとともに消滅disappearedした。

After the Onin War, its power declined and it disappeared with the fall of the Kamakura Shogunate.

山名宗全(やまな・そうぜん)Yamana Sōzen山名持豊(やまな・もちとよ)Yamana Mochitoyo)(14041473


応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

侍所(さむらいどころ)Samurai-dokoroBoard of Retainers)の長官the headである所司(しょし)shoshi山城国(やましろの・くに)Yamashiro Province京都府Kyoto Prefecture南部)の守護(しゅご)Shugo(military) governor)(protector)(constableを兼ねたので、管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy)に次ぐ重職an important positionとされた。

Shoshi, the head of the samurai dokoro, also served as the shugo of Yamashiro Province, so it was regarded as an important position next to kanrei.

所司(しょし)shoshiには山名氏(やまなし)Yamana clan赤松氏(あかまつし)Akamatsu clan一色氏(いっしきし)Isshiki clan京極氏(きょうごくし)Kyōgoku clan四氏the four clans守護大名(しゅご・だいみょう)Shugo-daimyōが交替で当たり、これを四職(ししき)Shishikiと言った。

Shugo Daimyo of the four clans, Yamana, Akamatsu, Isshiki, and Kyogoku, take turns to serve as Shoshi. and this was called Shishiki.

足利基氏(あしかが・もとうじ)Ashikaga Motouji13401367

初代鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)the first Kamakura kubō

足利尊氏(あしかが・たかうじ)Ashikaga Takauji四男the fourth son

地方機関a local institutionとしては特に鎌倉(かまくら)Kamakuraを重視し、ここに鎌倉府(かまくらふ)Kamakura-fuKamakura government)(関東府(かんとうふ)Kantō-fuKantō government))を置いて関東(かんとう)Kantō八か国8 provinces伊豆(いず)Izu Province静岡県Shizuoka Prefecture甲斐(かい)Kai Province山梨県Yamanashi Prefectureを加えた10か国10 provinces(のち12か国12 provinces)を管轄controlさせ、足利尊氏(あしかが・たかうじ)Ashikaga Takaujison足利基氏(あしかが・もとうじ)Ashikaga Motouji13401367)が初代の長官the first governor鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)Kamakura kubō鎌倉御所(かまくら・ごしょ)Kamakura gosho)(関東公方(かんとう・くぼう)Kantō kubō)につき、以後は足利基氏(あしかが・もとうじ)Ashikaga Motouji子孫descendants世襲inheritedした。

As a local institution, Kamakura was particularly important, and Kamakura Prefecture (Kanto Prefecture) was established here to control 10 provinces (later 12 provinces) including Izu and Kai in addition to 8 provinces in the Kanto region. Ashikaga Motouji (1340-1367), the son of Takauji, was the first governor of Kamakura (Kamakura Imperial Palace) (Kanto Kokubo). After that, it was inherited by the descendants of Motouji Ashikaga.

上杉憲顕(うえすぎ・のりあき)Uesugi Noriaki

初代関東管領(かんとう・かんれい)the first Kantō Kanrei

山内上杉家(やまのうち・うえすぎけ)Yamanouchi Uesugi Familyの始祖

足利尊氏(あしかが・たかうじ)Ashikaga Takauji従兄弟cousin

鎌倉府(かまくらふ)Kamakura-fuKamakura government)の組織organization幕府(ばくふ)shogunate機構organizationに準じており、公方(くぼう)Kubō補佐assistsする関東管領(かんとう・かんれい)Kantō Kanrei(初期に関東執事(かんとう・しつじ)Kantō Shitsuji)に上杉憲顕(うえすぎ・のりあき)Uesugi Noriakiが就き、以来上杉氏(うえすぎし)the Uesugi clan世襲inheritedした。

The organization of the Kamakura government conforms to that of the shogunate, with Noriaki Uesugi acting as Kanto Kanrei (early Shitsuji), who assists the Kubo. Noriaki Sugi took over the position, and since then the Uesugi clan has inherited the position.

応永(おうえい)年間以後には、東国幕府(とうごく・ばくふEastern Shogunateあるいは東国政権(とうごく・せいけん)Eastern governmentとしての実体the substanceを示した。

After the Ouei era, it showed the substance of the Togoku Shogunate or the Togoku government.

九州(きゅうしゅう)KyushuNine Provincesには九州探題(きゅうしゅう・たんだい)Kyushu Tandaiが置かれて武士の統制control samurai外交関係diplomatic relationsに当たり、奥羽(おうう)Ouには奥羽探題(おうう・たんだい)Ou Tandai羽州探題(うしゅう・たんだい)Ushu Tandaiが置かれ、また諸国each provinceには守護(しゅご)Shugo地頭(じとう)Jito補任(ぶにん)appointedされた。

Kyusyu Tandai was established in Kyushu to control samurai and diplomatic relations, while Ou Tandai and Ushu Tandai were established in Ou. In addition, Shugo and Jito were appointed to each province.

足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsu(在職13681394

足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsu将軍(しょうぐん)shogunとなった当初は、将軍(しょうぐん)shogun権威authority守護大名(しゅご・だいみょう)Shugo-daimyōに対しては絶対的なものではなく、その地位positionは有力な守護大名(しゅご・だいみょう)Shugo-daimyō勢力均衡the balance of powerの上に保たれるmaintained有様であった。

When Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (3rd shogun) (1368-1394) became shogun, the authority of the shogun was not absolute over the shugo daimyo. Instead, its position was maintained on the balance of power of the influential shugo daimyo.

そこで足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsuは、あらゆる口実pretextをとらえて守護大名(しゅご・だいみょう)Shugo-daimyō抑圧suppressに努めた。

Therefore, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu used every pretext to suppress the Shugo Daimyo.

土岐康行(とき・やすゆき)Toki Yasuyuki(?~1390

土岐頼康(とき・よりやす)Toki Yoriyasuyounger brother

1390明徳(めいとく)元年)足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsu美濃(みの)Mino Province岐阜県(ぎふけん)Gifu Prefecture南部)尾張(おわり)Owari Province愛知県(あいちけん)Aichi Prefecture西部)伊勢(いせ)Ise Province三重県(みえけん)Mie Prefectureの北中部)3か国の守護(しゅご)Shugo(military) governor)(protector)(constableを兼ねる土岐氏(ときし)the Toki clan内紛internal strifeに乗じてこれを討ち、土岐康行(とき・やすゆき)Toki Yasuyuki(?~1390)を滅亡destroyedさせた。

In 1390 (the first year of Meitoku), Ashikaga Yoshimitsu took advantage of the internal strife of the Toki clan, who also served as the governors of Mino, Owari, and Ise provinces. and destroyed Toki Yasuyuki (?-1390).

山名氏(やまなし)the Yamana clanは、山陽(さんよう)San'yō region山陰(さんいん)San'in regionを中心に11か国 eleven provinces守護(しゅご)Shugoを一族で兼ねて、日本全体66か国の6分の1 one-sixth of Japan's 66 countriesに相当したので、六分一殿(ろくぶんのいち・どの)Rokubun no Ichi Dono六分一衆(ろくぶんのいち・しゅう)Rokubun no Ichi Shu)と呼ばれていた。

山名氏清(やまな・うじきよ)Yamana Ujikiyo13441391

明徳の乱(めいとく・の・らん)Meitoku Rebellion

1391年(明徳(めいとく)2年)には、一族で山陽(さんよう)San'yō region山陰(さんいん)San'in region 11か国 eleven provinces守護(しゅご)Shugoを兼ねた山名氏(やまなし)the Yamana clan相続inheritanceをめぐる内紛internal dispute介入intervenedして山名氏清(やまな・うじきよ)Yamana Ujikiyo13441391)を倒したdefeated明徳の乱(めいとく・の・らん)Meitoku Rebellion)。

In the following year, 1391 (the second year of Meitoku), Ujikiyo Yamana intervened in an internal dispute over the inheritance of the Yamanashi clan, who also served as the guardians of the eleven provinces of Sanyo and Sanin. Yamana Ujikiyo (1344-1391) defeated (Meitoku no Ran).

足利満兼(あしかが・みつかね)Ashikaga Mitsukane13781409

鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)Kamakura kubō

足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiujifather

応永の乱(おうえい・の・らん)Ōei Rebellion

大内義弘(おおうち・よしひろ)Ōuchi Yoshihiro13561399

応永の乱(おうえい・の・らん)Ōei Rebellion

大内氏(おおうちし)the Ouchi clan6か国 six provinces守護(しゅご)Shugoを兼ねていた。

また1399年(応永(おうえい)6年)、中国地方(ちゅうごくちほう)Chūgoku region6か国 six provinces守護(しゅご)Shugoを兼ね、鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)Kamakura kubō足利満兼(あしかが・みつかね)Ashikaga Mitsukane13781409)(足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiujifather)と呼応in responseして挙兵raised an armyした大内義弘(おおうち・よしひろ)Ōuchi Yoshihiro13561399)を和泉(いずみ)Izumi Province大阪府(おおさかふ)Osaka Prefecture南西部)の(さかい)Sakai攻め滅ぼしたattacked and destroyed応永の乱(おうえい・の・らん)Ōei Rebellion)。

In 1399 (Ouei 6), Kamakura Kumakura Ashikaga Mitsukane (1378-1409) also served as the guardian of six provinces in the Chugoku region. Ouchi Yoshihiro (1356-1399), who raised an army in response to Ashikaga Mochiuji (father of Ashikaga Mochiuji), attacked and destroyed Sakai in Izumi (Ouei War). No Ran)).


この間、足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsu従一位(じゅいちい)Junior First Rank太政大臣(だいじょう・だいじん)Chancellor of the Realmとなり(1394年)、将軍権威shogun's authorityは高まった。

During this period, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu became Juichii Daijodaijin (Junior First Rank) in 1394, increasing the shogun's authority.

足利義持あしかが・よしもち)Ashikaga Yoshimochi(在職13941423

室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate第四代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the fourth Sei-i Taishōgun

足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsuson

足利義量(あしかが・よしかず)Ashikaga Yoshikazu(在職14231425

室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate第五代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the fifth Sei-i Taishōgun

第四代将軍the fourth shogun足利義持あしかが・よしもち)Ashikaga Yoshimochi長男the First son

足利義量(あしかが・よしかず)Ashikaga Yoshikazuは生来病弱であり、満17歳で急死した。

Yoshikazu ASHIKAGA was born with a weak disease and died suddenly at the age of 17.

第四代将軍the fourth shogun足利義持あしかが・よしもち)Ashikaga Yoshimochi(在職13941423)も、father足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsu政策the policies受け継いだinherited

The fourth shogun, Yoshimochi Ashikaga (1394-1423), inherited the policies of his father, Yoshimitsu Ashikaga.

足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiuji13981439

第四代鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)the fourth Kamakura kubō

足利満兼(あしかが・みつかね)Ashikaga Mitsukaneson

永享の乱(えいきょう・の・らん)Eikyo Rebellion

足利義嗣(あしかが・よしつぐ)Ashikaga Yoshitsugu

足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsuson

第四代将軍(しょうぐん)the fourth shōgun足利義持あしかが・よしもち)Ashikaga Yoshimochi異母弟half-brother

上杉禅秀の乱(うえすぎ・ぜんしゅう・の・らん)Uesugi Zenshū's Rebellion

上杉氏憲(うえすぎ・うじのり)Uesugi Ujinori上杉禅秀(うえすぎ・ぜんしゅう)Uesugi Zenshū

上杉禅秀の乱(うえすぎ・ぜんしゅう・の・らん)Uesugi Zenshū's Rebellion

鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)Kamakura kubō足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiuji13981439)(足利満兼(あしかが・みつかね)Ashikaga Mitsukaneson)の執事(しつじ)Shitsuji上杉氏憲(うえすぎ・うじのり)Uesugi Ujinori上杉禅秀(うえすぎ・ぜんしゅう)Uesugi Zenshū)は足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiuji不和fell out withになり、管領(かんれい)Kanrei辞してresigned将軍(しょうぐん)shogun足利義持あしかが・よしもち)Ashikaga Yoshimochi異母弟half-brother足利義嗣(あしかが・よしつぐ)Ashikaga Yoshitsugu誘いinvited1416年(応永(おうえい)23年)鎌倉(かまくら)Kamakura兵を挙げたraise an armyが、やがて平定されたeventually subjugated上杉禅秀の乱(うえすぎ・ぜんしゅう・の・らん)Uesugi Zenshū's Rebellion)。

Uesugi Uesugi, butler of Ashikaga Mochiuji (1398-1439) (son of Ashikaga Mitsukane), Kamakura Kubo Ujinori (Zenshu Uesugi) fell out with Mochiuji Ashikaga and resigned as Kanrei to become Shogun Yoshimochi Ashikaga. In 1416 (Ouei 23), he invited Yoshitsugu Ashikaga, his half-brother, to raise an army in Kamakura. Shuu no Ran)).

足利義教(あしかが・よしのり)Ashikaga Yoshinori(在職14291441

室町幕府(むろまちばくふ)Muromachi shogunate第六代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the sixth Sei-i Taishōgun

足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsuson

第四代将軍the fourth shogun足利義持あしかが・よしもち)Ashikaga Yoshimochi同母弟maternal younger brother

石清水八幡宮(いわしみずはちまんぐう)Iwashimizu Hachimangū(くじ)lotteryが引かれ、後継者the successorに定まった。

A lottery was drawn at Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine, and he was chosen as the successor.

永享の乱(えいきょう・の・らん)Eikyo Rebellion

結城合戦(ゆうき・かっせん)Yūki Kassen

嘉吉の乱(かきつ・の・らん)Kakitsu Rebellion

第六代将軍(しょうぐん)the sixth shōgun足利義教(あしかが・よしのり)Ashikaga Yoshinori(在職14291441)(足利義満(あしかが・よしみつ)Ashikaga Yoshimitsuson)も幕府権力the power of the shogunate拡大expandに努めた。

The 6th shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori (1429-1441) (son of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu) also worked to expand the power of the shogunate.

足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiuji13981439

第四代鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)the fourth Kamakura kubō

足利満兼(あしかが・みつかね)Ashikaga Mitsukaneson

永享の乱(えいきょう・の・らん)Eikyo Rebellion

上杉憲実(うえすぎ・のりざね)Uesugi Norizane14101466

関東管領(かんとう・かんれい)Kantō Kanrei

永享の乱(えいきょう・の・らん)Eikyo Rebellion

結城合戦(ゆうき・かっせん)Yūki Kassen

鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)Kamakura kubō足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiuji13981439)(足利満兼(あしかが・みつかね)Ashikaga Mitsukaneson)は執事(しつじ)Shitsuji上杉憲実(うえすぎ・のりざね)Uesugi Norizane14101466)と争いfought against、やがて将軍(しょうぐん)shōgun反抗する勢いthe momentum to rebel againstを示したので、足利義教(あしかが・よしのり)Ashikaga Yoshinori1439年(永享(えいきょう)11年)、足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiuji攻め滅ぼしたattacked and destroyed永享の乱(えいきょう・の・らん)Eikyo Rebellion)。

Ashikaga Mochiuji (1398-1439) (son of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu), Kamakura Kubo, was a butler, Uesugi Norizane. Ashikaga Yoshinori (1410-1466) fought against Norizane (1410-1466), and eventually showed the momentum to rebel against the shogunate. Mochiuji) was destroyed (Eikyou no Ran).

結城氏朝(ゆうき・うじとも)Yūki Ujitomo

結城合戦(ゆうき・かっせん)Yūki Kassen

結城合戦(ゆうき・かっせん)Yūki Kassen

1441嘉吉(かきつ)元年)足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiuji遺子the bereaved sons春王丸(はるおうまる)Haruomaru安王丸(やすおうまる)Yasuomaru保護protectedした下総国(しもうさの・くに)Shimousa Province千葉県Chiba Prefecture北部)結城氏朝(ゆうき・うじとも)Yūki Ujitomo関東諸豪族other powerful clans in the Kanto regionが、足利義教(あしかが・よしのり)Ashikaga Yoshinori派遣dispatchedした上杉憲実(うえすぎ・のりざね)Uesugi Norizane平定subjugatedされた(結城合戦(ゆうき・かっせん)Yūki Kassen)。

In 1441 (the first year of the Kakitsu era) Shimosa Province protected the bereaved sons of Mochiuji Ashikaga, Haruomaru and Yasuomaru. Ujitomo Yuki and other powerful clans in the Kanto region were subjugated by Norizane Uesugi dispatched by Yoshinori Ashikaga (Yuki Kassen).

赤松満祐(あかまつ・みつすけ)Akamatsu Mitsusuke13811441

しかし、このような守護(しゅご)Shugo勢力forceに対する歴代将軍successive shogun強圧策coercive measures守護(しゅご)Shugoのなかに不安anxietyを生み、1441嘉吉(かきつ)元年)播磨(はりま)Harima Province兵庫県(ひょうごけん)Hyōgo Prefecture南西部)の守護(しゅご)Shugo赤松満祐(あかまつ・みつすけ)Akamatsu Mitsusuke13811441)のため、かえって足利義教(あしかが・よしのり)Ashikaga Yoshinori謀殺murderedされた(嘉吉の乱(かきつ・の・らん)Kakitsu Rebellion)。

However, successive shoguns' coercive measures against the protective force caused anxiety among the protective forces, and in 1441 (the first year of Kakitsu), Harima's protective force Mitsusuke Akamatsu Because of Akamatsu Mitsusuke (1381-1441), Yoshinori Ashikaga was murdered (Kakitsu no Ran).

6 Chapter 6


Formation of the Feudal lord system

4 Section 4

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War


足利義勝(あしかが・よしかつ)Ashikaga Yoshikatsu(在職14421443

室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate第七代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the seventh Sei-i Taishōgun

第六代将軍the sixth shogun足利義教(あしかが・よしのり)Ashikaga Yoshinori長男the First son

足利義勝(あしかが・よしかつ)Ashikaga Yoshikatsuは満9歳で死去した。

Ashikaga Yoshikatsu died at the age of nine.


He had only been in office for eight months.

足利義政(あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa(在職14491473

室町幕府(むろまちばくふ)Muromachi shogunate第八代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the eighth Sei-i Taishōgun

第六代将軍the sixth shogun足利義教(あしかが・よしのり)Ashikaga Yoshinori五男the fifth son

第七代将軍the seventh shogun足利義勝(あしかが・よしかつ)Ashikaga Yoshikatsu同母弟maternal younger brother

幼くして兄の跡elder brother's footstepsを継ぎ、成長後は近習や近臣close associates and vassalsとともに親政direct the governmentに取り組むが、有力守護the influential shugo圧力pressureに抗することはできなかった。

He followed in his brother's footsteps at an early age, and when he grew up, he worked with his close associates and vassals to direct the government, but he was unable to resist the pressure of the influential shugo.

守護大名(しゅご・だいみょう)Shugo-daimyō対立confrontationはやがて応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin Warを引き起こすこととなる。

The confrontation between the shugo daimyo eventually caused the Onin War.

足利義尚(あしかが・よしひさ)Ashikaga Yoshihisa(在職14731489

室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate第九代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the Ninth Sei-i Taishōgun

第八代将軍the eighth shogun足利義政(あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa日野富子(ひの・とみこ)Hino Tomiko次男the Second son

足利義稙(あしかが・よしたね)Ashikaga Yoshitane(在職14901493(在職15081521

室町幕府(むろまち・ばくふ)Muromachi shogunate第十代征夷大将軍(せいい・たいしょうぐん)the Tenth Sei-i Taishōgun

足利義視(あしか・がよしみ)Ashikaga Yoshimison

mother日野良子(ひの・よしこ)Hino Yoshiko日野富子(ひの・とみこ)Hino Tomikoyounger sister

足利義政(あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa(在職14491473

足利義政Ashikaga Yoshimasa

幕府(ばくふ)Shogunate守護(しゅご)Shugo対立confrontation、頻発する土一揆(どいっき)Do Ikkiuprising、これに嘉吉の乱(かきつ・の・らん)Kakitsu Rebellionが重なって、将軍(しょうぐん)shōgun権威the powerは地に堕ちた。

The confrontation between the shogunate and the shugo, the frequent uprisings of the earth, and the Kakitsu Rebellion combined to bring down the power of the shogun to the ground.

こうしたなかで、第八代将軍(しょうぐん)the eighth shogun足利義政あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa(在職14491473)(足利義教(あしかが・よしのり)Ashikaga Yoshinorison)は政務government affairsを避け、贅沢な生活a luxurious lifeを好んで土木工事civil engineering workを重ねて、幕府財政the finances of the shogunateはいっそう窮迫した。

Under these circumstances, the 8th shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa (1449-1473) (son of Ashikaga Yoshinori) avoided government affairs, preferring a luxurious life and engaging in civil engineering work. In addition, the finances of the shogunate became even more dire.

細川勝元(ほそかわ・かつもと)Hosokawa Katsumoto14301473


管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

山名宗全(やまな・そうぜん)Yamana Sōzen山名持豊(やまな・もちとよ)Yamana Mochitoyo)(14041473


応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

幕府の実権The real power of the Shogunate管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy細川勝元(ほそかわ・かつもと)Hosokawa Katsumoto14301473)や山名持豊(やまな・もちとよ)Yamana Mochitoyo山名宗全(やまな・そうぜん)Yamana Sōzen)(14041473)らが握り、両者が対立confrontするようになった。

The real power of the Shogunate was Kanrei Hosokawa Katsumoto (1430-1473) and Yamana Mochitoyo (Yamana Sozen) (1404-). 1473) and others, and the two began to confront each other.

さらに足利義政(あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa酒屋役(さかや・やく)Sakaya yaku酒屋に課された税tax on liquor stores)・倉役(くら・やく)Kura yaku土倉(どそう)に対して行われた課税Taxes imposed on soil warehouses)をしきりにかけてこの危機を乗り切ろうとし、

In addition, Yoshimasa Ashikaga tried to overcome this crisis by playing the role of liquor store and storehouse.

しかも他方で土一揆(ど・いっき)Do Ikkiuprising)の要求demandsを容れて、一代のうちに13回も徳政令(とくせいれい)Tokuseireiを出した。

On the other hand, he accepted the demands of the tsuchi ikki, and issued 13 Toku Seirei orders during his lifetime.

日野富子(ひの・とみこ)Hino Tomiko14401496

足利義政(あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa正室(せいしつ)Seishitsu御台所(みだいどころ)Midaidokorothe official wife of the shōgun))

足利義尚(あしかが・よしひさ)Ashikaga Yoshihisamother

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

このほか公卿(くぎょう)Kugyōcourt nobles)や禅僧(ぜんそう)Zen priests女性womenも、幕府の政治the politics of the shogunateに口を出すようになった。

In addition, court nobles, Zen priests, and women began to interfere in the politics of the shogunate.

なかでも足利義政(あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa夫人wife日野富子(ひの・とみこ)Hino Tomiko14401496)は、賄賂(わいろ)bribesを取って政治に介入intervened in politicsし、

Among them, Ashikaga Yoshimasa's wife Tomiko Hino (1440-1496) took bribes and intervened in politics.

米相場(こめそうば)the rice marketに手を出し、高利貸(こうりがし)Usuryを行い、京都(きょうと)Kyoto七つの入口seven entrances関所(せきしょ)checkpointsを設けて関銭(せきせん)Checkpoint Toll Taxを取るなど、幕府政治The politics of the shogunate極度に退廃extremely degenerateした。

The politics of the shogunate was extremely degenerate, such as interfering with the rice market, lending money at high interest rates, and setting up checkpoints at seven entrances to Kyoto to collect money.

足利成氏(あしかが・しげうじ)Ashikaga Shigeuji14341497

第五代鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)the fifth Kamakura kubō

初代古河公方(こが・くぼう)the first Koga Kubo

第四代鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)the fourth Kamakura kubō足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiujison

享徳の乱(きょうとく・の・らん)Kyōtoku incident

この頃東国(とうごく)Eastern Provincesでは、鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)Kamakura kubō足利成氏(あしかが・しげうじ)Ashikaga Shigeuji14341497)が、関東管領(かんとう・かんれい)Kantō Kanrei上杉氏(うえすぎし)the Uesugi clanと対立して関東各地で合戦fought in various parts of the Kanto regionし、

Around this time, Kamakura Kubo Ashikaga Shigeuji (1434-1497) was in conflict with the Kanto Kanrei Uesugi clan. fighting in various places,

下総(しもうさ)Shimousa Province古河(こが)Koga茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture古河市Koga City)に移って古河公方(こが・くぼう)Koga Kuboと称し、

He moved to Koga (Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture) in Shimosa and called himself Koga Kubo.

足利政知(あしかが・まさとも)Ashikaga Masatomo14351491

初代堀越公方(ほりごえ・くぼう)the first Horigoe Kubo

第八代将軍the eighth shogun足利義政(あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasayounger brother

上杉氏(うえすぎし)the Uesugi clan幕府(ばくふ)Shogunateと結んで足利義政あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasayounger brother足利政知(あしかが・まさとも)Ashikaga Masatomo14351491)を迎えたが鎌倉(かまくら)Kamakuraに入れず、

The Uesugi clan allied with the shogunate and welcomed Ashikaga Masatomo (1435-1491), the younger brother of Ashikaga Yoshimasa, but he was unable to enter Kamakura.

伊豆(いず)Izu Province堀越(ほりごえ)Horigoe静岡県Shizuoka Prefecture韮山町Nirayama-cho)にとどまって堀越公方(ほりごえ・くぼう)Horigoe Kuboと称し、関東(かんとう)Kantō region足利氏(あしかがし)the Ashikaga clanは二分した。

He stayed in Horigoe (Nirayama-cho, Shizuoka Prefecture) in Izu and called himself Horikoshi Kubo, splitting the Ashikaga clan in Kanto into two.

そのうえ上杉氏(うえすぎし)the Uesugi clan山内上杉氏(やまのうち・うえすぎし)the Yamanouchi Uesugi clan扇谷上杉氏(おうぎがやつ・うえすぎし)the Ougigayatsu Uesugi clan両家two familiesに分かれ、対立抗争fought against each otherを繰り返した。

Moreover, the Uesugi clan was divided into two families, the Yamanouchi Uesugi clan and the Ougigayatsu Uesugi clan, and they repeatedly fought against each other.

足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiuji13981439

第四代鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)the fourth Kamakura kubō

足利満兼(あしかが・みつかね)Ashikaga Mitsukaneson

永享の乱(えいきょう・の・らん)Eikyo Rebellion

足利成氏(あしかが・しげうじ)Ashikaga Shigeuji14341497

足利成氏(あしかが・しげうじ)Ashikaga Shigeuji永享の乱(えいきょう・の・らん)Eikyo Rebellion1439年(永享(えいきょう)11年))で滅んだ足利持氏(あしかが・もちうじ)Ashikaga Mochiujisonで、

Ashikaga Shigeuji was the son of Ashikaga Mochiuji, who was defeated in the Eikyo Rebellion (1439). child,

足利義政あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa許されて鎌倉公方家(かまくら・くぼう・け)Kamakura kubo family復興reviveしたが、やがて幕府(ばくふ)Shogunate執事(しつじ)ShitsujiShōgun's Deputy)の上杉氏(うえすぎし)the Uesugi clan対立conflict withし、鎌倉(かまくら)Kamakuraを追われて、

Yoshimasa Ashikaga allowed Yoshimasa Ashikaga to revive the Kamakura kubo family, but before long, he came into conflict with the shogunate and the Uesugi clan, the stewards of the Kamakura clan. chased by

下総(しもうさ)Shimousa Province古河城(こがじょう)Koga Castle茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture古河市Koga City)に拠(よ)って古河公方(こが・くぼう)Koga Kuboと称した。

Based in Shimosa Koga Castle, he called himself Koga Kubo.

足利政知(あしかが・まさとも)Ashikaga Masatomo14351491

代わって足利義政あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasayounger brother足利政知(あしかが・まさとも)Ashikaga Masatomo鎌倉公方(かまくら・くぼう)Kamakura kuboに任ぜられたが、無力で鎌倉(かまくら)Kamakuraに入れず、伊豆(いず)Izu Province堀越(ほりごえ)Horigoe静岡県Shizuoka Prefecture韮山町Nirayama-cho)に住んで堀越公方(ほりごえ・くぼう)Horigoe Kuboと称した。

In his place, Masatomo Ashikaga, the younger brother of Yoshimasa Ashikaga, was appointed Kamakura Kubo, but he was powerless and could not enter Kamakura. He lived in E) and called himself Horikoshi Kubo.

ここに関東一帯In the Kanto regionは、豪族the powerful clans二分されてdivided into two戦乱となったwar broke out

In the Kanto region, the powerful clans were divided into two, and war broke out.

北条早雲(ほうじょう・そううん)Hōjō Sōun伊勢宗瑞(いせ・そうずい)Ise Sōzui

戦国大名(せんごく・だいみょう)Sengoku-Daimyōとなった後北条氏(ごほうじょうし)Later Hōjō clanfounder初代first generation

足利茶々丸(あしかが・ちゃちゃまる)Ashikaga Chachamaru

初代堀越公方(ほりごえ・くぼう)the first Horigoe Kubo足利政知(あしかが・まさとも)Ashikaga Masatomoson

やがて上杉氏(うえすぎし)the Uesugi clan内紛internal strifeに乗じて北条早雲(ほうじょう・そううん)Hōjō Sōun伊勢宗瑞(いせ・そうずい)Ise Sōzui)が進出advanced intoし、

Before long, Hojo Soun (Ise Sozui) took advantage of the Uesugi clan's internal strife and advanced into the area.

足利政知(あしかが・まさとも)Ashikaga Masatomoson茶々丸(ちゃちゃまる)Chachamaru北条早雲(ほうじょう・そううん)Hōjō Sōun討たれ、堀越公方(ほりごえ・くぼう)Horigoe Kubo滅んだdestroyed

Ashikaga Masatomo's son, Chachamaru, was killed by Hojo Soun, and Horikoshi Kubo was destroyed.

北条氏綱(ほうじょう・うじつな)Hōjō Ujitsuna

後北条氏(ごほうじょうし)Later Hōjō clan第二代当主the Second head

北条早雲(ほうじょう・そううん)Hōjō Sōunson

古河公方(こが・くぼう)Koga Kubo足利成氏(あしかが・しげうじ)Ashikaga Shigeuji後も続いたが、

Koga Kubo continued after Ashikaga Shigeuji,

北条氏綱(ほうじょう・うじつな)Hōjō Ujitsuna以下の後北条氏(ごうほうじょうし)Later Hōjō clan東国統一unify the eastern provincesが進むと、その存在existence有名無実namelessとなった。

As the Gohojo clan under Hojo Ujitsuna proceeded to unify the eastern provinces, their existence became nameless.

畠山義就(はたけやま・よしなり)Hatakeyama Yoshinari(?~1490

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

山城の国一揆(やましろ・の・くに・いっき)Kuni Ikki in Yamashiro Province

斯波義廉(しば・よしかど)Shiba Yoshikado

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

山名宗全(やまな・そうぜん)Yamana Sōzen山名持豊(やまな・もちとよ)Yamana Mochitoyo)(14041473


応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

畠山政長(はたけやま・まさなが)Hatakeyama Masanaga14421493

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

山城の国一揆(やましろ・の・くに・いっき)Kuni Ikki in Yamashiro Province

斯波義敏(しば・よしとし)Shiba Yoshitoshi

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

細川勝元(ほそかわ・かつもと)Hosokawa Katsumoto14301473


管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

同じ頃畠山家(はたけやまけ)the Hatakeyama familyでは畠山義就(はたけやま・よしなり)Hatakeyama Yoshinari(?~1490)と畠山政長(はたけやま・まさなが)Hatakeyama Masanaga14421493)が対立conflictし、

At the same time, Yoshinari Hatakeyama (?-1490) and Masanaga Hatakeyama (1442-1493) were in conflict in the Hatakeyama family.

斯波家(しばけ)the Shiba family斯波義廉(しば・よしかど)Shiba Yoshikado斯波義敏(しば・よしとし)Shiba Yoshitoshi二分divided into two groupsし、家臣the vassals二派に分かれてdivided into two factions家督the headship of the familyを争っていた。

The Shiba family was divided into two groups, Yoshikado SHIBA and Yoshitoshi SHIBA, and the vassals were also divided into two factions, competing for the headship of the family.

幕府の実力者an influential figure in the shogunateである細川勝元(ほそかわ・かつもと)Hosokawa Katsumoto畠山政長(はたけやま・まさなが)Hatakeyama Masanaga斯波義敏(しば・よしとし)Shiba Yoshitoshi支援supportedし、

Katsumoto Hosokawa, an influential figure in the shogunate, supported Masanaga Hatakeyama and Yoshitoshi Shiba,

山名持豊(やまな・もちとよ)Yamana Mochitoyo山名宗全(やまな・そうぜん)Yamana Sōzen)は畠山義就(はたけやま・よしなり)Hatakeyama Yoshinari斯波義廉(しば・よしかど)Shiba Yoshikado助けてhelped両家の家督相続inherit the headship of both families介入intervenedしたので、

Mochitoyo Yamana (Sozen Yamana) helped Yoshinari Hatakeyama and Yoshikado Shiba to inherit the headship of both families. because I intervened in

内紛internal strife細川(ほそかわ)Hosokawa山名(やまな)Yamana対立the rivalryをますます激化intensifiedさせた。

The internal strife intensified the rivalry between Hosokawa and Yamana.

足利義視(あしかが・よしみ)Ashikaga Yoshimi14391491

第八代将軍(しょうぐん)the eighth shogun足利義政あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa異母弟half-brother

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

細川勝元(ほそかわ・かつもと)Hosokawa Katsumoto14301473

日野富子(ひの・とみこ)Hino Tomiko14401496

山名宗全(やまな・そうぜん)Yamana Sōzen山名持豊(やまな・もちとよ)

しかも第八代将軍(しょうぐん)the eighth shogun足利義政あしかが・よしまさ)にはchildrenがなく、younger brother足利義視(あしかが・よしみ)Ashikaga Yoshimi14391491)を後継者successorに定めていたが、

Moreover, the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa had no children and appointed his younger brother Ashikaga Yoshimi (1439-1491) as his successor.

のちに夫人wife日野富子(ひの・とみこ)Hino Tomiko足利義尚あしかが・よしひさ)Ashikaga Yoshihisa(在職14731489)を生むと、

Later, when his wife, Tomiko Hino, gave birth to Ashikaga Yoshihisa (1473-1489),

日野富子(ひの・とみこ)Hino Tomiko足利義尚(よしひさ)Ashikaga Yoshihisa将軍継嗣the successor to the Shogunにしようと山名持豊(やまな・もちとよ)Yamana Mochitoyo山名宗全(やまな・そうぜん)Yamana Sōzen)に頼りrelied on

Tomiko Hino relied on Mochitoyo Yamana (Sozen Yamana) to make Ashikaga Yoshihisa the successor to the Shogun.

そのため足利義視(あしかが・よしみ)Ashikaga Yoshimi細川勝元(ほそかわ・かつもと)Hosokawa Katsumotoと結んだ。

Therefore Yoshimi Ashikaga married Katsumoto Hosokawa.

ここに細川氏(ほそかわし)the Hosokawa clan山名氏(やまなし)the Yamana clanは、将軍継嗣問題the Shogun succession issueという公然たる名目the open pretextを得て戦うこととなった。

Here, the Hosokawa clan and the Yamanashi clan decided to fight under the open pretext of the Shogun succession issue.

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

1467(応仁(おうにん)元両者the two sides京都(きょうと)Kyoto戦端を開いたopened a war

In 1467 (the first year of Onin), the two sides opened a war in Kyoto.

守護大名(しゅご・だいみょう)Shugo-daimyō細川(ほそかわ)Hosokawa東軍(とうぐん)Eastern Army)・山名(やまな)Yamana西軍(せいぐん)Western Army)のいずれかに参加joinsし、東軍(とうぐん)Eastern Army細川(ほそかわ)Hosokawa)は24か国16万人160,000 soldiers from 24 countries西軍(せいぐん)Western Army山名(やまな)Yamana)は20か国11万人110,000 people from 20 countries戦ったfought

Shugo Daimyo joins either Hosokawa (Eastern Army) or Yamana (Western Army). The Eastern Army (Hosokawa) has 160,000 soldiers from 24 countries, and the Western Army. (Yamana) was fought by 110,000 people from 20 countries.

これが応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin Warである。

This was the Onin War.

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

細川勝元(ほそかわ・かつもと)Hosokawa Katsumoto14301473

山名宗全(やまな・そうぜん)Yamana Sōzen山名持豊(やまな・もちとよ)

戦乱は長引きThe war dragged on、勝敗がつかぬままに細川勝元(ほそかわ・かつもと)Hosokawa Katsumoto山名持豊(やまな・もちとよ)Yamana Mochitoyo山名宗全(やまな・そうぜん)Yamana Sōzen)は病死died of illnessし、

The war dragged on, and Katsumoto Hosokawa and Mochitoyo Yamana (Sozen Yamana) died of illness before the outcome was decided.

これを契機にtook advantage of this opportunity在京の諸将の多くMany of the generals in Kyoto帰国return to the provincesしたが、戦乱the warはかえって地方に拡大spread to the provincesすることになった。

Many of the generals in Kyoto took advantage of this opportunity to return to Japan, but the war actually spread to the provinces.

1477年(文明(ぶんめい)9年)、両軍the two armiesの間に和議a peace treatyが結ばれ、諸勢力various powers京都(きょうと)Kyotoから引き上げ、

In 1477 (9th year of Bunmei), a peace treaty was concluded between the two armies, and various powers withdrew from Kyoto.

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin Warは一応終結したが、主戦場the main battlefieldとなった京都(きょうと)Kyoto11年に及ぶ戦乱11 years of war焦土reduced to ashesとなった。

The Onin War ended for the time being, but Kyoto, the main battlefield, was reduced to ashes after 11 years of war.

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

京都(きょうと)Kyotoとその周辺は焦土scorched earthとなって公武の邸宅Court nobles and samurai residences有力寺社influential temples and shrinesはことごとく焼失destroyed by fireし、

Kyoto and its surroundings were reduced to scorched earth, and Komu's mansion, influential temples and shrines were all destroyed by fire.


It was sung, ``The tears that fall when you see skylarks rising in the fields in the evening.'' ("Oninki").


将軍の権威the authority of the shogunは全く地に堕ち、その命令が及ぶsubject to his ordersのは山城国(やましろの・くに)Yamashiro Province京都府Kyoto Prefecture南部)一国のみonly one countryと言われ、

It is said that the authority of the shogun has completely fallen to the ground, and that only one country, Yamashiro Province, is subject to his orders.

全国政権a national governmentとしての幕府(ばくふ)Shogunate歴史的な生命historic lifeを失った。

The bakufu as a national government lost its historic life.


地方の荘園Provincial manors致命的打撃fatal blowを受け、荘園領主the lords of the manors収入の道を閉ざされcut off from their sources of income天皇the emperor公家court nobles寺社temples and shrines衰微the declineは甚(はなは)だしく、公家court nobles僧侶priestsのなかには地方へ下るleft for the countryside者も多くあった。

Provincial manors suffered a fatal blow, the lords of the manors were cut off from their sources of income, the decline of the emperor, court nobles, temples and shrines was horrific, and many court nobles and priests left for the countryside.


管領(かんれい)Kanreishōgun's deputy)や有力influential守護大名(しゅご・だいみょう)Shugo-daimyō勢力を失いloses power

Kanrei loses power of influential shugo daimyo (shugo daimyo),

守護代(しゅごだい)Shugodai以下の在地の武士Local samurai領国支配の実権the real power to rule the territoryを握り、新興の戦国大名(せんごく・だいみょう)Sengoku-Daimyōとして台頭emergeしてくる契機an opportunityとなった。

Local samurai under the rank of Shugodai seized the real power to rule the territory, and became an opportunity to emerge as the emerging Sengoku daimyo.


守護代(しゅごだい)Shugodai守護(しゅご)Shugo有力な家来an influential retainer守護(しゅご)Shugo代官local magistrateとして任国assignment Provinceにいる。

He is an influential retainer of the Shugo and is in his post as Shugo's governor.


三管領(さんかんれい)Sankanrei四職(ししき)Shishikiなどの有力守護(しゅご)influential shugoは多く京都(きょうと)Kyoto在任stayed inしたので、守護代家(しゅごだいけ)the shugodai familyが次第に主家the master's familyを圧倒して、任国appointed province領国化made into a territoryした。

Since many influential shugo such as Sankanrei and Shishoku stayed in Kyoto, the shugodai family gradually overwhelmed the master's family and made the appointed province into a territory.

斯波氏(しばし)the Shiba clan越前守護代(えちぜん・しゅごだい)Echizen Shugodai朝倉氏(あさくらし)the Asakura clanなどは、主家the master's familyを越えて越前守護(えちぜん・しゅご)Echizen Shugoになった。

The Asakura clan, who was the Echizen Shugodai of the Shiba clan, surpassed their masters and became Echizen Shugo.

下剋上(げこくじょう)Gekokujōthe lower rules the higher)(the low overcomes the high

足軽(あしがる)Ashigaruinfantry of Muromachi period

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin Warののち、時代は戦国時代(せんごく・じだい)Sengoku periodと呼ばれる1世紀 for about a century戦乱時代(せんらん・じだい)a period of warを迎えることとなった。

After the Onin War, Japan entered a period of war for about a century called the Sengoku period.


社会societyでは、下から盛り上がる力power rising from below既存の権力を打ち倒すoverthrows existing authority、いわゆる下剋上(げこくじょう)Gekokujōthe lower rules the higher)(the low overcomes the high)の風潮the trendが高まった。

In society, the trend of so-called gekokujo, in which power rising from below overthrows existing authority, has increased.

国人(こくじん)Kokujininhabitants of the provinces)・地侍(じざむらい)Jizamuraipeasant-warriors)が台頭rose to prominenceし、土一揆(どいっき)Do Ikkiuprising)が盛んに起こりflourished足軽(あしがる)Ashigaruinfantry of Muromachi period)が横行rampantしたのが、

Kokujin (local samurai) and Jizamurai (local samurai) rose to prominence, tsuchiikki flourished, and foot soldiers became rampant.

支配者の眼In the eyes of the rulersには下剋上(げこくじょう)Gekokujō典型的現象a typical phenomenonとして映った。

In the eyes of the rulers, this was seen as a typical phenomenon of the rise of the ranks.

東山山荘(ひがしやま・さんそう)Higashiyama mountain villa

慈照寺(じしょうじ)Jishō-ji 銀閣寺(ぎんかくじ)Ginkaku-ji

いっぽう文化の面では、足利義政あしかが・よしまさ)Ashikaga Yoshimasa東山山荘(ひがしやま・さんそう)Higashiyama mountain villa生活lifeを中心にいわゆる東山文化(ひがしやま・ぶんか)Higashiyama culture展開developedした。

On the other hand, in terms of culture, the so-called Higashiyama culture developed around Yoshimasa Ashikaga's life at Higashiyama Sanso.

また、戦乱warsを避けてthe capital公家court nobles五山僧(ござんそう)Gozan priests地方the provincesに下ったことは、中央文化central culture地方the provincesへの伝播the diffusionをもたらした。

In addition, the fact that court nobles and Gozan priests from the capital went to the provinces to avoid wars contributed to the diffusion of central culture to the provinces.

畠山義就(はたけやま・よしなり)Hatakeyama Yoshinari(?~1490

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

山城の国一揆(やましろ・の・くに・いっき)Kuni Ikki in Yamashiro Province

畠山政長(はたけやま・まさなが)Hatakeyama Masanaga14421493

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin War

山城の国一揆(やましろ・の・くに・いっき)Kuni Ikki in Yamashiro Province

一揆(いっき)Ikkiuprising)も各地で頻発frequent in various placesしていた。

Uprisings were also frequent in various places.

特に地方の国人(こくじん)Kokujininhabitants of the provinces)たちは、自分たちの権益を守るprotect their interestsために国一揆(くに・いっき)Kuni-ikkinational uprising)を起こしていたが、

In particular, local people (kokujin) caused a national uprising to protect their interests.

応仁の乱(おうにん・の・らん)Ōnin Warを契機に国一揆(くに・いっき)Kuni-ikkinational uprising)はますます強くなった。

With the Onin War as a turning point, the Kuni Ikki became even stronger.

1485年(文明(ぶんめい)17年)、南山城(みなみ・やましろ)Southern Yamashiro Province国人(こくじん)Kokujininhabitants of the provinces)は宇治(うじ)Uji平等院(びょうどういん)Byōdō-inで集会し、

In 1485 (the 17th year of Bunmei), the people of Minamiyamashiro gathered at Byodo-in Temple in Uji.

その頃山城国(やましろの・くに)Yamashiro Province京都府Kyoto Prefecture南部)対陣facing each otherしていた畠山義就(はたけやま・よしなり)Hatakeyama Yoshinari畠山政長(はたけやま・まさなが)Hatakeyama Masanaga両軍the two armies戦いをやめてstopped fighting山城国(やましろの・くに)Yamashiro Province内から退去するよう要求demanding to leaveし、

At that time, the two armies of Yoshinari Hatakeyama and Masanaga Hatakeyama, who were facing each other in Yamashiro Province, stopped fighting and started fighting in Yamashiro Province. ) demanding to leave the

以後8年間に渡ってFor the next eight years36人衆36 peopleと呼ばれる国人(こくじん)Kokujininhabitants of the provinces)たちが協議held discussionsして南山城(みなみ・やましろ)Southern Yamashiro Province自治的autonomously支配ruledした。

For the next eight years, local people called 36 people held discussions and ruled Minamiyamashiro autonomously.


デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...