世界史 13 World history 13
第2章 Chapter 2
Establishment of ancient
第3節 Section Three
1 ローマの共和政時代Roman Republic
アイネイアス Aeneas
エトルリア人 the Etruscans
重巡洋艦筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma
重巡洋艦筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma
重巡洋艦筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma
重巡洋艦筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma
重巡洋艦筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma
重巡洋艦筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma
重巡洋艦筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma
重巡洋艦筑摩(ちくま) Heavy cruiser Chikuma
たま Tama she-cat
ぴょん Pyon she-cat
北の界王 North Kaiō ドラゴンボール Dragon Ball
ローマ帝国 Roman Empire
第2章 Chapter 2
Establishment of ancient
第3節 Section Three
Roman Empire and Establishment
of Christianity
ギリシア世界Greek worldは、最後まで多くのポリスの対立する世界a world of many polisesであった。
The Greek world was,
until the very end, a world of many polises.
これに対してローマRomeはポリスpolisに似た都市国家city-stateから出発しながら、全地中海世界the entire Mediterranean worldを征服conqueredし、大帝国great empireを建設builtした。
Rome, on the other hand,
conquered the entire Mediterranean world and built a great empire, starting
from a city-state resembling a polis.
ローマ帝国 Roman Empire
そして東方the East(いわゆる古代オリエントancient Orient、および特にギリシアGreece)の先進文化advanced culturesを吸収したから、政治史political history的にも文明史civilizational history的にも、ローマ帝国Roman Empireは西洋古代史Western ancient historyの最後の総括final roundupの段階である。
And having absorbed the
advanced cultures of the East (the so-called ancient Orient, and especially
Greece), the Roman Empire is the final roundup of Western ancient history, both
in terms of political and civilizational history.
それと同時にローマ人the Romansは、西方in the westの後進的な地域backward regions(特にアルプス以北のヨーロッパEurope north of the Alps)に対しては、征服conqueredと同時にローマ風の都市Roman-style citiesを建設builtし、後世のヨーロッパ文化European cultureの基礎foundationを置いた。
At the same time, the
Romans built Roman-style cities at the same time as they conquered backward
regions in the west (Europe north of the Alps in particular), laying the
foundation for later European culture.
最後の晩餐 The Last Supper
民族宗教ethnic religionの枠内に留まっていたユダヤ教Judaismから起源Originatingしたキリスト教Christianityは、普遍的な人間愛universal humanityの宗教religionであった。
Originating from Judaism,
which remained within the framework of an ethnic religion, Christianity was a
religion of universal humanity.
最初は特に下層民the lower classesの間で有力となったが、ヘレニズム文化Hellenistic cultureおよびローマ帝国Roman Empireを背景として、急速に世界宗教world religionに発展した。
At first it was especially
influential among the lower classes, but against the backdrop of Hellenistic
culture and the Roman Empire, it rapidly developed into a world religion.
ヨーロッパ Europe
1 ローマの共和政時代Roman Republic
初期イタリアEarly Italy
地理的条件Geographical Conditions
peninsulaは、ヨーロッパ大陸European continentから地中海Mediterranean Sea上を東南southeastへと長く突き出した全長約960kmにおよぶ半島peninsulaで、北部north・中部middle・南部southに大別される。
The Italian peninsula is
a peninsula with a total length of about 960 km that protrudes from the European
continent to the southeast on the Mediterranean Sea, and is roughly divided
into the north, middle, and south.
イタリア Italy
北部地域northern regionは、東西the
eastern and westernに連なるアルプス山脈the AlpsがイタリアItalyをヨーロッパ大陸continental Europeから区別する自然の障壁natural barrierであり、その南側the southに広がるポー川流域the Po River basinは、イタリア唯一の大平原Italy's only great plainで、穀物生産の主要地域major grain-producing regionとなっている。
In the northern region,
the eastern and western Alps are the natural barrier that separates Italy from
continental Europe, while the Po River basin to the south is Italy's only great
plain and a major grain-producing region.
イタリア Italy
regionでは、アペニン山脈the Apennine Mountainsが背骨the spineのように半島peninsulaを縦貫し、そこから流れ出てティレニア海the Tyrrhenian Seaに注ぐティベリス川the Tiber River(ティベル川Tiber)の流域basinに、都市国家ローマthe city-state of Romeが発生aroseした。
In the central region,
the city-state of Rome arose in the basin of the Tiber River (Tiber), which ran
through the peninsula like the spine of the Apennine Mountains and emptied into
the Tyrrhenian Sea.
イタリア Italy
regionでは、その西南端southwestern endで狭い海峡narrow straitを越えると、将来ローマの穀倉Roman granaryとなるシチリア島Sicilyがあり、そこから対岸opposite shoreのアフリカAfricaに接近している。
In the southern region,
crossing a narrow strait at its southwestern end, there is Sicily, the future
Roman granary, and from there it approaches Africa on the opposite shore.
一般的に、イタリアItalyは山地と丘陵が多くmountainous and hilly、平野plainsは全土the countryの5分の1にすぎない。
In general, Italy is
mountainous and hilly, with plains covering only one-fifth of the country.
ギリシアGreeceに比べると、海岸線が単調coastline is monotonousで良港good portsが少なく、海上交通sea transportationでは劣っているが、平野は広くplains are wide、オリーブolives・葡萄grapesなどの果樹fruit treesや穀物grainの栽培cultivation、牧畜livestockには恵まれていた。
Compared to Greece, the
coastline is monotonous, there are few good ports, and the sea transportation is
inferior, but the plains are wide, and fruit trees such as olives and grapes,
grain cultivation, and livestock are blessed.
したがって、農業agricultureはローマの各時代Roman periodにわたって主要な産業major industryとなっていた。
Agriculture was therefore
a major industry throughout the Roman period.
インド=ヨーロッパ語族のイタリア人 Indo-European Italians
Ethnic groups of the
Italian peninsula
ドーリア人the DoriansがギリシアGreece一帯に南下moved southしたころ(前1100年ごろaround 1100 B.C.)より少し遅れて、前1000年ごろaround 1000 B.C.に、インド=ヨーロッパ語族Indo-European language familyのイタリア人the
Italiansがイタリア半島the Italian peninsulaに南下定住したが、前900年前後around 900
B.C.には小アジアAsia Minor方面からエトルリア人the Etruscansが来住し、また前8世紀 the 8th
century BC以降にはギリシア人の植民活動Greek colonizationが進んだ。
Indo-European Italians
settled down in the Italian peninsula around 1000 B.C., a little after the
Dorians moved south into Greece (around 1100 B.C.), but around 900 B.C.
Etruscans came from all over the country, and from the 8th century BC onwards,
Greek colonization progressed.
エトルリア人 the Etruscans
このようにして、イタリア半島the Italian peninsulaには、イタリア北部から中部northern and central Italyにかけてエトルリア人the Etruscans、中部イタリアcentral Italyにはイタリア語族the Italian language family(ラテン人the Latinsのほか、ウンブリア人the Umbrians、サヴィニ人the Savinians、サムニウム人the Samnitesなど)、南イタリアsouthern Italyとシチリア島Sicilyにはギリシア人the Greeksが分布していたが、その南方the southではフェニキア系Phoenician originのカルタゴ人the CarthaginiansがアフリカAfricaを本拠にシチリア進出aiming to advance into Sicilyを目指していた。
Thus, the Italian
peninsula had Etruscans in northern and central Italy, Italians in central
Italy (Latins as well as Umbrians, Savinians, Samnites, etc.), and Greeks in
southern Italy and Sicily. To the south of it, the Carthaginians of Phoenician
origin were based in Africa and were aiming to advance into Sicily.
このうち半島主要部the main part of the peninsulaに初めて高度な文化advanced cultureを展開したのはエトルリア人the Etruscansである。
Among them, the Etruscans
were the first to develop an advanced culture in the main part of the
ラテン人 the Latins
ラテン人the Latinsの都市国家ローマthe city-state of Romeも、前500年ごろabout 500 BCまではエトルリア人the Etruscansの支配下under the ruleにあって、政治的politicallyにも文化的culturallyにも絶大な影響greatly influencedを受けている。
The Latin city-state of
Rome was also under the rule of the Etruscans until about 500 BC, and was
greatly influenced both politically and culturally.
エトルリア文明Etruscan civilizationの範囲と12のエトルリア同盟都市Etruscan League cities。
Extent of Etruscan civilization
and the twelve Etruscan League cities.
エトルリアの戦士 Etruscan warrior
補足supplementary explanation
エトルリア人the Etruscans
エトルリア人the Etruscansは、ギリシア文化Greek cultureの影響influencedを強く受け、その文字writingもギリシア文字Greekであったが、印欧語Indo-Europeanではなく、未解読not
The Etruscans were
strongly influenced by Greek culture, and their writing was also in Greek, but
it was not Indo-European and was not deciphered.
前6世紀 the 6th century BCが、その最盛期heydayで、12の主要な都市12 major citiesがあって、それぞれ富裕な貴族wealthy aristocratたちが支配していた。
The 6th century BC was
its heyday, with 12 major cities, each ruled by a wealthy aristocrat.
エトルリア文明 Etruscan civilization
その都市cityの遺跡ruinsはほとんど残っていないが、多数の墳墓many tombsが保存preservedされており、墓室tomb chambersの壁画wall paintingsや副葬品burial goodsは、博物館museumのように豊かである。
Although few ruins remain
from the city, many tombs have been preserved, and the wall paintings and
burial goods in the tomb chambers are as rich as a museum.
しかし12都市間の団結が弱かったためdue to the weak unity of the twelve cities、前4世紀 the 4th
century BCには南隣のローマ人the Romansに次々に征服conqueredされてしまった。
However, due to the weak
unity of the twelve cities, they were conquered one after another by the Romans
in the 4th century BC.
マルスMarsとレア・シルウィアRhea Silvia
イタリア Italy
カエニナ王の鎧を神に捧げるロムルス Romulus offering the
armor of King Caenina to the gods
共和政ローマRoman Republic
Establishment of the
Roman Republic
伝説legendによれば、ローマRomeは前753年753 BCにロムルスRomulusがティベリス川河畔the Tiber Riverに建設foundedしたラテン人the Latinsの都市国家city-stateであり、最初initiallyは王政monarchyであった。
According to legend, Rome
was a Latin city-state founded by Romulus on the Tiber River in 753 BC, and was
initially a monarchy.
王政ローマ Roman Kingdom
タルクィニウス・スペルブス Tarquinius Superbus
共和政ローマ Roman Republic
そして、少なくとも王政時代the monarchyの末期the endにはエトルリア人the Etruscansの王kingをいただいていたが、前509年ごろaround 509 BC、ラテン人the Latinsがこの王this kingを追放expelledして独立independentし、共和政republicanismを樹立establishingしてローマ発展the
development of Romeの基礎foundationを築いた。
At least at the end of
the monarchy, it had an Etruscan king, but around 509 BC, the Latins expelled
this king and became independent, establishing a republic and laying the
foundation for the development of Rome.
狼の乳を飲むロムルスとレムスの銅像 Statue of Romulus and
Remus suckling the wolf
貴族aristocrats (パトリキThe
平民commoners (プレブスthe
このころすでにローマRomeでは、貴族aristocratと平民common peopleの分裂divisionが起こっており、社会構成social structureは自由民free peopleである貴族aristocratsと平民commoners、非自由民non-free peopleである奴隷slavesからなり、このうち大土地所有者owned large landholdingsである貴族aristocratic patriciansだけが完全な市民権full citizenshipをもち支配階級the ruling classとなった。
Around this time, there
was already a division between the aristocracy and the common people in Rome,
and the social structure consisted of free aristocrats and commoners, and
non-free slaves.
Of these, only the
aristocratic patricians, who owned large landholdings, had full citizenship and
became the ruling class.
したがって実際の政治actual politicsは、これら貴族aristocratsに左右され、共和政republicといっても事実上in factは貴族政aristocracyであった。
Therefore, actual
politics was influenced by these aristocrats, and even though it was called a
republic, it was in fact an aristocracy.
双子を拾う羊飼い shepherd picking up twins
ロムルスとレムスRomulus and Remus
lineageに生まれたロムルスRomulusとレムスRemusの双生児の兄弟twin brothersは、祖父の王位grandfather's throneを横取りusurpedした祖父の弟grandfather's brotherのために捨て児にされた。
According to legend, twin
brothers Romulus and Remus, born into the royal lineage of Latium, were abandoned
for their grandfather's brother who usurped the throne.
しかし、狼の乳で育てられraised by a wolf's milk、次いで牧人shepherdの手元で成人して、仇を討ちtook revenge、新都市を建設built a new cityしたという。
However, it is said that
he was raised by a wolf's milk, then grew up under the care of a shepherd, took
revenge, and built a new city.
Romulus then killed Remus
and named the city Rome.
カエニナ王の鎧を神に捧げるロムルス Romulus offering the
armor of King Caenina to the gods
ローマ共和政期Roman Republicの政治機構political structure
Republicの政治機構political structureは、元老院(げんろういん)the Senateと役人officials(執政官consulsなど)と民会the assembly(Comitia)とからなっていた。
The political structure
of the Roman Republic consisted of the senate, officials (such as consuls), and
the assembly.
元老院(げんろういん) the Senate
特に最高決議機関supreme legislative bodyとして重要な地位を占めていたのは、有力貴族300人300 powerful noblesからなる元老院(げんろういん)the Senateであり、その議員は終身であった。
Of particular importance
as the supreme legislative body was the Senate, made up of 300 powerful nobles,
whose members were for life.
ユリウス・カエサル Julius Caesar (前102年?~前44年)
bodiesとして実際の行政actual administration・軍事military affairs・司法judiciaryを担当したのは、貴族the nobilityより選出された任期1年の2人のコンスル(執政官・統領)consulsであったが、非常時In times of emergencyには任期半年のディクタトル(独裁官)dictator 1人を選んで、これに全権を委ねるentrusted with full powersこともあった。
Two consuls (consuls and
consuls) elected from the nobility who served as executive bodies in place of
the king for a term of one year were in charge of the actual administration,
military affairs, and judiciary.
In times of emergency, a
single dictator (dictator) with a term of six months was elected and entrusted
with full powers.
貴族aristocrats (パトリキThe
平民commoners (プレブスthe
その他あらゆる官職All other government
postsも貴族the aristocratsに独占され、平民commonersの参加し得る機関organizationsとしてクリア会clear associations(Comitia Curiata)・兵員会troop
associations(Comitia Centuriata)・平民会commoners' associations(Concilium Plebis)(Comitia Populi
Tributa)などの民会the assembly(Comitia)があったが、平民の権限commoners' authorityは弱かった。
All other government
posts were monopolized by the aristocrats, and there were minkai (clear
associations), troop associations, and commoners' associations as organizations
in which commoners could participate, but commoners' authority was weak.
共和政ローマ Roman Republic
ローマの民会Roman Assembly
associations(Comitia Curiata)が最も古くからのもので、氏族制的組織clan-based organizationであるクリアCuriaに基づいて構成された。
The Clear Society is the
oldest and was based on a clan-based organization, the Clear.
したがって古来の貴族the ancient nobilityの勢力が強かった。
Therefore, the power of
the ancient nobility was strong.
associations(Comitia Centuriata)は、古くからの軍隊集会ancient military assembliesに起源するものであるが、武装自弁の原則the principle of self-sufficiencyに基づき、富裕者the
wealthyに重い役割heavy roleが与えられた。
The corps had its origins
in ancient military assemblies, but based on the principle of self-sufficiency,
a heavy role was given to the wealthy.
wealthに応じて5級に分けて組織organized into five classesし、投票方法voting methodは最高階級the highest classに有利となっていた。
Citizens, regardless of
whether they were nobles or commoners, were organized into five classes
according to their wealth, and the voting method was favorable to the highest class.
コンスル(執政官・統領) consul
選挙 Election
選挙 Election
コンスル(執政官・統領)consulなど高官high-ranking officialsの選挙Election、和戦の決定decision of warなど。
Election of high-ranking
officials such as consul (consul), decision of war, etc.
associations(Concilium Plebis)(Comitia Populi Tributa)は、元来、平民commonersのみで構成し、その議決their decisionsも平民のみを拘束restricted only commonersしたが、ホルテンシウス法the Law of Hortensius(前287年287 B.C.)により、議決decisionsは全市民を拘束binding on all citizens、貴族noblesも構成員membersに加えられた。
Originally, commoners'
associations consisted only of commoners, and their decisions restricted only
commoners, but the Law of Hortensius (287 B.C.) made decisions binding on all
citizens, and included nobles as members.
護民官tribunesその他の役人other officialsの選挙Electionなど。
Election of tribunes and
other officials, etc.
貴族aristocrats (パトリキThe
平民commoners (プレブスthe
ローマの共和政時代 Roman Republic
Social Organization of
the Roman Republic
ローマRomeでは共和政期the republican periodを通じて、貴族the nobility(名門prestigious families)の勢力the powerが非常に強く、ギリシアのポリスthe Greek polisのような民主化democratizationの過程processは最後まで起こらなかった。
In Rome, the power of the
nobility (prestigious families) was very strong throughout the republican
period, and the process of democratization like the Greek polis did not occur
until the end.
ローマ市民団Roman civicsは、貴族noblesと平民commonersとの二つの身分に明確に区別されdivided into two classes、前445年445 BCまでは両身分間between the two classesの結婚marriageは許されなかった。
Roman civics were clearly
divided into two classes, nobles and commoners, and marriage between the two
classes was not permitted until 445 BC.
ローマの共和政時代 Roman Republic
「貴族aristocracy」という身分の成立the establishment of the statusについては、確実なことは一つもない。
There is nothing certain
about the establishment of the status of "aristocracy".
patriciansという名称nameも、「良き父祖をもつ名門prestigious family with good ancestors」という意味か、「元老院議員(げんろういんぎいん)を出す名門prestigious family that produces senators」という意味か、説は二つに分かれている。
As for the name
Patricius, there are two theories about whether it means 'a prestigious family
with good ancestors' or 'a prestigious family that produces senators'.
彼らは政治の面では元老院議員(げんろういんぎいん)senatorsや重要な役人important officialsの地位を独占し、経済的には、大地主landlordsとして富裕wealthyであり、氏族clans(Gens)(複数の家族の集合体groups of families)を形成formedし、被護民subjects(Clientes)を従えていた。
Politically they
monopolized the positions of senators and important officials, and economically
they were wealthy landlords, formed clans (groups of families), and served
their subjects.
被護民the protected
classの自由民free peopleであって、広義での平民commonersであるか、貴族the nobilityの保護protectionを受ける立場positionにあったので、貴族the nobilityに対して忠実loyalであった。
The protected people were
free people of the lower class, and they were either commoners in the broad
sense, or were in a position to receive the protection of the nobility, so they
were loyal to the nobility.
ローマ市民権 Roman citizenship
「平民Commoners」は、中小の農民small and medium-sized farmersや商人merchantsや職人craftsmenを含んでいたと考えられ、軍隊in the militaryでは主力部隊the main forceを構成したが、政治的には完全な市民権full political citizenship(特に被選挙権the right to be elected)をもたなかった。
"Commoners" are
thought to have included small and medium-sized farmers, merchants, and
craftsmen, who formed the main force in the military but lacked full political
citizenship (especially the right to be elected).
最下層の身分the lowest
classとして奴隷slavesがあったが、その数はローマRomeの対外的発展external developmentと関係して、しだいに増加した。
Slaves were the lowest
class, but their numbers gradually increased in connection with Rome's external
貴族aristocrats (パトリキThe
平民commoners (プレブスthe
貴族aristocrats (パトリキThe
patricians) 平民commoners (プレブスthe plebeians)
Conflict of the Orders
between aristocrats and
しかし貴族the nobilityの優勢the superiorityに対する平民commonersの不満dissatisfactionは、共和政the republicの成立establishment直後の前494年494 B.C.E.には早くも爆発し、政治上political・経済上economic・社会上socialの平等権equalityを要求する平民の身分闘争communal status struggleが始まり、約200年間 for about 200 yearsも続いた。
However, commoners'
dissatisfaction with the superiority of the nobility exploded as early as 494
B.C.E., immediately after the establishment of the republic.
The communal status
struggle for political, economic and social equality began and lasted for about
200 years.
平民の不満 commoners' dissatisfaction
dissatisfactionの理由reasonsとしては、本来国有地national landであるべき征服地conquered landを貴族aristocratsが勝手に占有occupationすることに対する反感antipathy、
The reasons for the
commoners' dissatisfaction were their antipathy to the aristocrats' occupation
of the conquered land, which should have been national land.
ローマRomeの発展developmentに伴って平民the commonersの人口populationが増加し、また平民the commonersのなかには商工業commerce and industryの発達developmentにより富裕化became wealthyして、貴族the nobilityに比肩する経済力economic powerをもつ者が現れたこと、
With the development of
Rome, the population of commoners increased, and some of the commoners became
wealthy due to the development of commerce and industry, and some of them had
economic power comparable to that of the nobility.
重装歩兵Heavy infantry
平民the commonersの編成formedする重装歩兵Heavy infantryがしだいに戦場battlefieldにおいて重要な地位important
Heavy infantry formed by
commoners gradually came to occupy an important position on the battlefield.
十二表法the Law of the Twelve Tables
Law of Licinius Sextius
ホルテンシウス法the Law of
グラックス兄弟 Gracchi brothers 護民官(ごみんかん) Tribune
護民官(ごみんかん) Tribune
この闘争の過程In the course
of this struggleで、伝えによれば早くも前5世紀初めthe early 5th
century BC(前494年494 BC)に、平民の権利the rights of the common peopleを守るprotect護民官(ごみんかん)tribunesが設置establishedされた。
In the course of this
struggle, reportedly as early as the early 5th century BC (494 BC), a tribunal
was established to protect the rights of the common people.
12表Twelve Tablesが最初に実施された後、それらを調査するローマの民間人Roman civilians。 Roman civilians examining the Twelve Tables after they were first
次いで前5世紀半ばthe middle of
the 5th century BC(前451年451 BC)にはローマ最古の成文法Rome's oldest written lawである十二表法the Law of the Twelve Tablesが制定enactedされ、貴族the
nobilityの慣習法common law悪用abuseが制限restrictingされた。
Then, in the middle of
the 5th century BC (451 BC), Rome's oldest written law, the Twelve Tables, was
enacted, restricting the abuse of common law by the nobility.
コンスル(執政官・統領) consul
前4世紀the 4th century BCにはいると貴族the nobilityの国有地占有the possession of state landを制限restrictedしコンスル(執政官・統領)consulの1名を平民the commonersから選出electionすることを認めたリキニウス・セクスティウス法the Law of Licinius Sextiusが制定enactedされ(前367年367 BC)、平民the commonersの勢力the powerはしだいに伸展expandedした。
In the 4th century BC, the Law of Licinius Sextius was enacted (367 BC), which restricted the possession of state land by the nobility and permitted the election of one consul from among the commoners, and the power of the commoners gradually expanded.
元老院(げんろういん) the Senate
最後に前287年287 BCのホルテンシウス法the Law of Hortensiusによって、あらゆる官職all government officesが平民the common peopleに開かれ、また平民会the Common People's Assemblyの決議resolutionsが元老院(げんろういん)the Senateの承認approvalを要せず国法national lawと認められるrecognizedことになったので、平民the common peopleは貴族the nobilityと全く同等の権利exactly the same rightsを行使exerciseすることとなった。
Finally, the Law of
Hortensius of 287 BC opened all government offices to the common people, and
since resolutions of the Common People's Assembly were recognized as national
law without the approval of the Senate, the common people were treated as
equals to the nobility.
Commoners were to
exercise exactly the same rights as aristocrats.
元老院(げんろういん) the Senate
このような貴族the nobilityと平民commonersの法制上の平等legal equalityを前提として、重装歩兵民主政治the hoplite
democracyが成立establishedしたが、しかし最高の主権the supreme sovereigntyはあくまでも元老院(げんろういん)the Senateにあり、これが市民the citizensに対して大きな権威great authorityをもち国政national affairsを指導directsしていた。
hoplite democracy was established on the premise of legal equality between the
nobility and commoners, but the supreme sovereignty rests with the Senate,
which has great authority over the citizens and directs national affairs. rice
しかも、共和政末期the end of the republicに近づくにつれて、市民権所有者citizenship holdersが増加increasedしたが、その大部分はローマ市the city of Romeの外に住んでいたlived outsideので、民会the Assemblyに参加participate inできず、したがって民会the Assemblyは有効effectivelyに機能functionしなくなった。
as the Republic approached the end of the republic, the number of citizenship
holders increased, but most of them lived outside the city of Rome, so they
could not participate in the Assembly, and therefore the Assembly did not
function effectively.
In this way Rome did not
have a democracy like Athens.