


世界史 15 World history 15

2 Chapter 2


Establishment of ancient civilization

3節 Section Three


Roman Empire and

Establishment of Christianity

3 ローマ帝国の盛衰

Rise and fall of the Roman Empire


ユリウス・カエサル Julius Caesar

アウグストゥス Augustus オクタヴィアヌス Octavian

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

空母赤城(あかぎ) Aircraft carrier Akagi

ローマ帝国 Roman Empire

アウグストゥス Augustus オクタヴィアヌス Octavian

2 Chapter 2


Establishment of ancient civilization

3節 Section Three


Roman Empire and

Establishment of Christianity

3 ローマ帝国の盛衰

Rise and fall of the Roman Empire

前期帝政の時代Early imperial era


ローマRome平和peace秩序order回復restoringしたオクタヴィアヌスOctavianは、ローマRomeに帰国後upon his return自発的voluntarilyすべての命令権all powers of command元老院(げんろういん)the Senate返したreturned

After restoring peace and order in Rome, Octavian voluntarily returned all powers of command to the Senate upon his return to Rome.

しかし、すでに現実に対処する能力を失っていた元老院(げんろういん)the Senateは、2727 BC彼にアウグストゥスAugustus尊厳なるものthe Dignified One)の称号titleを与えて終身インペラトルImperator for lifeとし、軍隊指揮権command of armiesと重要な属州important provinces支配権rulershipとを委ねた。

But the Senate, already incapable of coping with reality, conferred on him the title of Augustus (the Dignified One) in 27 BC, making him imperator for life and entrusting him with command of armies and rulership of important provinces.

元老院(げんろういん) the Senate

キケロCiceroカティリンCatiline非難Denouncesカティリン演説the Catiline Orations

アウグストゥスAugustusはその後数年の間に文武の要職important posts in both the literary and military artsを一身に兼ねたが、自らはプリンケプスPrinceps第一人者leader)として、共和政期the republican period諸機関various institutions地方自治機関local autonomy institutionsをそのまま存続keepingさせて共和政the republic伝統the tradition尊重respectedした。

In the years that followed, he held important posts in both the literary and military arts, but he himself respected the tradition of the republic by keeping various institutions and local autonomy institutions of the republican period intact as Princeps (leader). did.

しかし、事実上アウグストゥスAugustus独裁君主政dictatorshipであったことは明らかであり、共和政the republic形式form保存preservedした帝政empireであった。

But it is clear that it was in fact his dictatorship, an empire that preserved the form of the republic.

このような政治形態form of governmentプリンキパトゥスthe Principate元首政(げんしゅせい)principal government)、または前期帝政early empireと呼ぶ。

Such a form of government is called a principate (principal government) or an early empire.

アウグストゥス Augustus オクタヴィアヌス Octavian

都市国家city-state的な共和政治republican governmentに代わって新しいnew帝国的組織imperial organizationの確立を必要としたアウグストゥスAugustus(在位前31年~後14年)は、エジプトEgyptなどの属州provinces直轄領under direct controlとし、その財力financial powerをもって皇帝直属under the direct control of the emperor傭兵軍mercenary armyを編成し、官僚組織the bureaucracyを整備した。

Augustus, who needed the establishment of a new imperial organization to replace the city-state republican government, put the provinces such as Egypt under direct control, organized a mercenary army under the direct control of the emperor with its financial power, and improved the bureaucracy.

このような財力financial power統治組織governance systemは、以後の帝政imperial government基礎foundationとなった。

This kind of financial power and governance system became the foundation of the subsequent imperial government.

徴税請負人 the tax collectors publican

アウグストゥスAugustus平和政策policy of peaceを進めて軍隊を整理organized the armyし、他民族other racesゲルマン人Germansなど)も軍隊armyに入ると市民権citizenshipを与えるようにするとともに、属州provincesにおける徴税請負制tax collection systemを廃止して公正な税額fair tax amountを査定し、その税の多くを属州の福祉provincial welfareに使った。

He pursued a policy of peace, organized the army, gave citizenship to other races (Germans, etc.) when they joined the army, abolished the tax collection system in the provinces, assessed a fair tax amount, Much of the tax money was spent on provincial welfare.

トイトブルク森の戦い Battle of the Teutoburg Forest 99 A.D.

ドナウ川the Danubeライン川the Rhine

トイトブルク森の戦い Battle of the Teutoburg Forest 99 A.D.

99 A.D.トイトブルク森の戦いthe Battle of the Teutoburg Forestで、ゲルマンthe Germansローマ軍the Roman armyを破ったため、ローマRomeゲルマニア経営management of Germaniaを断念、ドナウ川the Danubeライン川the Rhine国境borderに定めた。

After the Germans defeated the Roman army at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 A.D., Rome gave up its management of Germania and established the Danube Rhine as its border.

こののち対外的には守勢に転じ、in the eastユーフラテス川the Euphrates西in the west大西洋the Atlantic Oceanin the northドナウ・ライン川the Danube and Rhinein the southサハラ砂漠the Sahara Desertに至るすでに成立していた境界を維持maintaining the boundariesすることを主眼とした。

After this, he turned to the defensive externally and focused on maintaining the boundaries that had already been established, with the Euphrates in the east, the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Danube and Rhine in the north, and the Sahara Desert in the south.

このようにして、地中海世界the Mediterranean worldはいまやアウグストゥスAugustusのもとにローマの平和the peace of Romeを楽しみ、ローマ市the city of Romeも再び昔日の活気を取り戻した。

In this way the Mediterranean world now enjoyed with him the peace of Rome, and the city of Rome once again flourished.

アウグストゥス Augustus オクタヴィアヌス Octavian


在位Reign3131 B.C.1414 A.D.

ローマ帝国the Roman Empire初代の皇帝the first emperorアウグストゥスAugustusとなった人物。

The man who became the first emperor of the Roman Empire, Augustus.

ユリウス・カエサル Julius Caesar (前102年?~44年) 平民派(へいみんは)ポプラレスPopulares

父は騎士階級the knightly classエクイテスEquites)であったが、母がカエサルCaesarnieceカエサルCaesarolder sisterの子)であったので養子adoptedとなり、カエサルCaesarの死後、その部将generalであったアントニウスAntoniusなどとの2回三頭政治the Second Triumvirate4343 BCに成立させた後、エジプトの女王Egyptian queenクレオパトラCleopatraと結んだアントニウスAntoniusアクティウムの海戦the naval battle of Actiumで戦い、勝利して権力を確立し、プトレマイオス朝エジプトPtolemaic Egyptを滅ぼし地中海世界the Mediterranean worldを征服した。

His father was a knight (Equites), but his mother was Caesar's niece (a child of Caesar's older sister), so he was adopted, and after Caesar's death, he became the second Santo with Antonius, who was a general of Caesar. After establishing his government in 43 BC, he fought against Antoninus against the Egyptian queen Cleopatra in the naval battle of Actium.

Victorious and established power, destroyed Ptolemaic Egypt and conquered the Mediterranean world.

圧倒的な戦勝を背景に、2727 BCアウグストゥスAugustus称号titleを贈られ、ローマ帝国the Roman Empire初代皇帝the first emperorとなった。

In 27 BC, he was given the title of Augustus and became the first emperor of the Roman Empire.

ポンペイウス Pompey (前106年~前48年) 閥族派(ばつぞくは) オプティマテスoptimates


Caesar changed wives four times, but had no sons except Caesarion with Cleopatra, so he adopted Octavian.


When Caesar conquered the orphans of Pompey in Hispania, he accompanied the army and was recognized for his work.

マルクス・アントニウス Mark Antony

カエサルCaesar暗殺assassinatedされた時はわずか17歳であったが、ただちにローマRomeに駆けつけ、有力部将influential generalであったアントニウスAntoniusに面会した。

Caesar was only 17 years old when he was assassinated, but he immediately rushed to Rome and met Antonius, who was an influential general.


Antonius said "boy" and refused to take it.

フィリッピの戦いBattle of Philippi後のブルータスBrutusと彼の仲間 Brutus and his companions after the battle of Philippi


He went to Greece in pursuit of Caesar's assassin Brutus and others, but Antony's power was great in subjugating them.


However, senators such as Cicero, fearing that Antony would become the same dictator as Caesar, supported Octavian, and the two fought at Modena, with Octavian winning.

マルクス・アエミリウス・レピドゥス Marcus Aemilius Lepidus

レピドゥス()アントニーオクタヴィアンに眉をひそめた。 Lepidus (right) browbeaten by Antony and Octavian.

アントニウスAntony元老院the Senate保守派the conservativesを抑えるには対立を避けた方が良いと判断し、同じカエサルCaesar部将generalだったレピドゥスLepidusの仲介でオクタヴィアヌスOctavian講和made peaceし、4343 BC2回三頭政治the Second Triumvirate国家再建三人委員会state Reconstruction Three-person Committee)を成立させた。

Antony decided that it would be better to avoid confrontation in order to suppress the conservatives in the Senate, and through the mediation of Lepidus, who was also a general of Caesar, Antony made peace with Octavian, and in 43 BC the second triumvirate (state Reconstruction Three-person Committee) was established.

キケロ Cicero


Octavius' sister Octavia married Antony to strengthen their relationship.


At this time, Octavian agreed to remove Cicero, so Cicero was killed by Antony.

マルクス・ウィプサニウス・アグリッパ Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa

アントニウスAntonius東方の治安維持maintaining public order in the EastオクタヴィアヌスOctavianイタリア本土の復興the restoration of mainland Italyを分担することにしたが、まもなくレピドゥスLepidusを失脚させ、腹心confidantアグリッパAgrippaを用いてなおもシチリアSicilyなどで残るポンペイウス派the Pompeian faction残党the remnantsの討伐にあたった。

Antonius was responsible for maintaining public order in the East and Octavian was responsible for the restoration of mainland Italy, but they soon overthrew Lepidus and used his confidant Agrippa to subdue the remnants of the Pompeian faction, which still remained in Sicily and elsewhere.


アントニウスAntony東方遠征expedition to the eastで名声を挙げようとしてパルティアParthiaと戦ったが敗れ、プトレマイオス朝エジプトPtolemaic Egyptと結ぼうとして女王QueenクレオパトラCleopatraと会見、その魅力に溺れてアレクサンドリアAlexandriaに居着いてしまった。

Antony fought against Parthia in an attempt to gain fame in an expedition to the east, but was defeated. He met with Queen Cleopatra in an attempt to tie up with Ptolemaic Egypt, and fell in love with her and settled in Alexandria.

アクティウムの海戦 Battle of Actium

ローマの実権control of Romeを握ったオクタヴィアヌスOctavianは、アントニウスAntonyオクタヴィアOctavia離婚divorceしたことを期にクレオパトラCleopatra追討命令an order to search and killを発し、3131 BCアントニウスAntonyクレオパトラCleopatra連合軍allied forcesアクティウムの海戦the Battle of Actiumで破り、ついで翌年アレクサンドリアAlexandriaを攻略してアントニウスAntonyクレオパトラCleopatra自殺commit suicideに追い込み、プトレマイオス朝Ptolemaic dynastyを滅ぼした。

Octavian, who was in control of Rome, issued an order to search and kill Cleopatra, taking advantage of Antony's divorce from Octavia. In 31 BC, he defeated the allied forces of Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium, and in the following year captured Alexandria, forcing Antony and Cleopatra to commit suicide and overthrowing the Ptolemaic dynasty.

トイトブルク森の戦い Battle of the Teutoburg Forest 99 A.D.


Arminius fighting bravely at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (man in a red cloak on a central horse)

プブリウス・クィンクティリウス・ウァルスPublius Quinctilius Varusと会見するゲルマン部族Germanic leaders

トイトブルク森の戦いBattle of the Teutoburg Forest

紀元9 9 AD

トイトブルク森の戦いBattle of the Teutoburg Forestは、紀元99 ADゲルマン系ケルスキ族the Germanic Cherusci tribe族長chiefアルミニウスArminiusに率いられたゲルマン諸部族軍the Germanic tribal armiesローマ帝国the Roman Empireの間で行われた戦いである。

The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest was fought in 9 AD between the Germanic tribal armies led by the Germanic Cherscian chief Arminius and the Roman Empire.

ローマ軍Roman army総司令官commander-in-chiefプブリウス・クィンクティリウス・ウァルスPublius Quinctilius Varusであった。

The commander-in-chief of the Roman army was Publius Quinctilius Varus.

ゲルマン諸部族Germanic tribesゲルマニア総督the governor of Germaniaライン方面総司令官commander-in-chief of the Rhine)の配下のローマ軍団Roman legionsほぼ全滅させたalmost wiped out

The Germanic tribes almost wiped out the Roman legions under the governor of Germania (commander-in-chief of the Rhine).

ネロ Nero


ローマ帝国Roman Empire5代目皇帝the fifth emperorネロNero(在位5468年)は、カエサルCaesarアウグストゥスAugustusの血をひくユリウス=クラウディウス朝Julius-Claudian dynastyの最後のローマ皇帝。

Nero, the fifth emperor of the Roman Empire (54-68 years), was the last emperor of the Julius-Claudian dynasty, descended from Caesar and Augustus.

ストア哲学者 the Stoic philosopher セネカ Seneca ネロ Nero

はじめの5年間はhis teacherストア哲学者the Stoic philosopherセネカSenecaの補佐もあって善政good governmentをしいたが、次第に狂気insaneを発し、乱行promiscuousが多くなる。

For the first five years, with the help of Seneca, the Stoic philosopher who was his teacher, he managed good government, but he gradually became insane and became more promiscuous.

ローマの大火 the Great Fire of Rome

ローマの大火the Great Fire of RomeネロNero

クォ・ヴァディス Quo Vadis (主よ、どこに行かれるのですか)

647月、ローマの大火the Great Fire of Romeが起こり、ネロNero新しい都市計画new city planを思いついて自らに火をつけたとの風聞がたつと、ネロNeroはそれを打ち消すため、キリスト教徒Christians放火犯arsonistsにしあげて大迫害persecutedを行った。

In July 64, the Great Fire of Rome broke out, and it was rumored that Nero had set himself on fire with the idea of a new city plan.

To counteract this, Nero persecuted Christians by making them arsonists.


さらに陰謀conspiracyの疑いがあるとしてそのhis teacherであったセネカSenecaを捕らえに至らしめたput him to death

Suspected of a conspiracy, he captured his teacher, Seneca, and put him to death.

最後の数年はローマRomeを離れ、強い憧れを懐いたギリシアGreeceに渡り、アテネAthens演劇theater音楽musicに熱中、67年には自ら古代オリンピックancient Olympicsに参加した。

In the last few years, he left Rome and went to Greece, where he had a strong admiration, and in Athens he was enthusiastic about theater and music, and in 67 he participated in the ancient Olympics himself.

母を謀殺した後の皇帝ネロ The Remorse of the Emperor Nero after the Murder of his Mother.

このようなローマ皇帝Roman emperorらしからぬ行動から完全に皇帝emperorとしての人望popularityを無くし、元老院the Senate廃位abolish the throneを決定、ネロNeroは追いつめられて68自殺committed suicideした。

Due to such uncharacteristic behavior as a Roman emperor, he completely lost his popularity as an emperor, and the Senate decided to abolish the throne, and Nero was cornered and committed suicide in 68.

1世紀のパレスティナ Judaea and Galilee in the first century

ユダヤ戦争The Jewish War

ローマの属州Roman provinceユダヤJudeaで、独自の民族宗教ethnic religionであるユダヤ教Judaismの信仰を続けていたユダヤ人the Jewsは、ローマの支配Roman ruleに対する不満dissatisfiedをつのらせ、66年の春に反乱rebelledを起こし、ユダヤ戦争the Jewish Warsが始まった。

In the Roman province of Judea, the Jews, who had continued to follow their own ethnic religion, Judaism, grew dissatisfied with Roman rule and rebelled in the spring of 66, beginning the Jewish Wars.

時の皇帝ネロEmperor Nero将軍GeneralウェスパシアヌスVespasian反乱鎮圧suppress the rebellionのために派遣した。

Emperor Nero sent General Vespasian to suppress the rebellion.

ユダヤ戦争 the Jewish Wars


Vespasian recaptured Galilee from the rebels and approached Jerusalem.

その途中、本国で皇帝ネロEmperor Neroが失脚し、697月にウェスパシアヌスVespasian東方に駐在する軍隊the army stationed in the east支持supportを受けて皇帝emperorに就くこととなり、アレクサンドリアAlexandriaを経てローマRomeに帰った。

On the way, Emperor Nero was overthrown in his home country, and in July 69, Vespasian, with the support of the army stationed in the east, assumed the position of emperor and returned to Rome via Alexandria.

エルサレム神殿の破壊 Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem

ユダヤ戦争the Jewish Wars指揮commandを引き継いだその息子ティトウスTitusイェルサレムJerusalem7ヶ月にわたって包囲攻撃し、709月に陥落させた。

His son Titus, who took over command of the Jewish Wars, besieged Jerusalem for seven months and captured it in September 70.

反乱rebellionはその後も一部で続いたが、74春に死海Dead Sea南岸southern shoreに近いマサダMasada反乱軍要塞rebel fortress陥落fallし、終わりを告げた。

The rebellion continued in some parts, but ended in the spring of 1974 with the fall of the rebel fortress of Masada near the southern shore of the Dead Sea.

ヴィテリウスはローマの街を引きずった Vitellius dragged through the streets of Rome

ローマ内戦Civil War of the Roman Empire

ローマ内戦Civil War of the Roman Empireは、68から70の間に起きたローマ帝国Roman Empire内戦Civil War

The Roman Civil War was a civil war in the Roman Empire between 68-70.

なお、ローマ皇帝Roman emperorsとして4人が次々と擁立された69は特に「四皇帝の年Year of the Four Emperors」とも呼ぶ。

The year 69, when four Roman emperors were established one after another, is also called the 'Year of the Four Emperors'.

この内戦Civil Warを収めたウェスパシアヌスVespasianは、新たに皇帝new emperorとなった(フラウィウス朝the Flavian dynastyの始まり)。

After this civil war, Vespasian became the new emperor (beginning of the Flavian dynasty).

ウェスパシアヌス Vespasian


ローマ帝国Roman EmpireネロNero悪政misruleを行い、自殺suicideに追い込まれたあと、6869ローマ皇帝Roman emperorsを名のるものnamedが相次いで4four peopleも現れるという混乱confusionが起きたが、その最後in the end軍団兵士legionnaire推薦recommendationを受け、69元老院the Senate承認approvalを受けて皇帝emperorとなった。

After Nero's misrule in the Roman Empire and his suicide, From 68 to 69, four people named Roman emperors appeared one after another. but in the end, he received the recommendation of a legionnaire, and in 69 he received the approval of the Senate and became emperor.

在位6979年。 Reigned from 69 to 79 years.


He was already 60 years old when he became emperor.

ウェスパシアヌス Vespasian

ウェスパシアヌスVespasian騎士階級a knightly classの出身で、軍人soldierとして各地を転戦し、特に66にはパレスティナPalestineにおけるユダヤ人の反乱the Jewish rebellion、いわゆるユダヤ戦争the Jewish Warを鎮圧して名声を高めた。

Vespasian came from a knightly class and fought in various places as a soldier. In particular, in 66, he increased his fame by suppressing the Jewish rebellion in Palestine, the so-called Jewish War.

ネロNero自殺committed suicideし、カエサルCaesarおよびアウグストゥスAugustusの血をひくユリウス=クラウディウス朝the Julius-Claudian dynastyが断絶、ウェスパシアヌスVespasianと次に順次帝位についたティトウスTitusドミティアヌスDomitianの三代を、その出身氏族名からフラウィウス朝the Flavian dynastyという。

After Nero committed suicide, the Julius-Claudian dynasty, descended from Caesar and Augustus, ended, and the three generations of Vespasian, Titus and Domitian, who succeeded to the throne in succession, were called the Flavian dynasty after their clan names.

ウェスパシアヌス Vespasian ティトウス Titus

皇帝EmperorウェスパシアヌスVespasianの最大の課題は、ネロ帝Neroの時に破綻bankruptcyした財政再建financial reconstruction大火the Great Fire後のローマの再建reconstruction of Romeであった。

The greatest challenges of Emperor Vespasian were the financial reconstruction of the bankruptcy of Nero and the reconstruction of Rome after the Great Fire.

そのために莫大な財源enormous resourcesが必要なので、彼はさまざまな間接税indirect taxesを設け、戸口調査door-to-door surveysを行い、緊縮財政austerity measuresを実施した。

To do this he needed enormous resources, so he set up various indirect taxes, conducted door-to-door surveys, and implemented austerity measures.

コロッセウム Colosseum

しかし、市民の“パンと見世物bread and spectacles”の要求citizens' demandに応えることも、ムチに対するアメa carrot against the whipとして必要であったので、ローマRome剣闘士競技gladiatorial competitionsのための大競技場large arenaを建設することにした。

However, it was also necessary to meet the citizens' demand for "bread and spectacles" as a carrot against the whip, so they decided to build a large arena for gladiatorial competitions in Rome.

実はそれまでローマRomeには大規模な競技場large-scale stadiumsはなく、戦車競技用chariot races横長のトラックhorizontal tracksなどで代用していたので、これが本格的な円形競技場full-fledged amphitheaterの最初であった。

In fact, until then, there had been no large-scale stadiums in Rome, and they had used horizontal tracks for chariot races instead, so this was the first full-fledged amphitheater.

これが現存するローマのコロッセウムRoman Colosseumであり、大規模な工事major undertakingとなったため、完成したのは次のティトウス帝emperor Titusの時であった。

This was the Roman Colosseum in existence, and it was such a major undertaking that it was not completed until the next emperor Titus.

ドミティアヌス帝 Emperor Domitian (在位81年~96年)

ドミティアヌス帝Emperor Domitian

ドミティアヌス帝Emperor Domitianは、ローマ帝国Roman Empire11代皇帝the 11th emperorである。

Domitian was the 11th emperor of the Roman Empire.

在位81年~96年。 Reigned from 81 to 96.

フラウィウス朝the Flavian dynasty最後の皇帝last emperorであり、ウェスパシアヌスVespasian次男the second son先代皇帝previous emperorティトゥスTitusyounger brotherにあたる。

The last emperor of the Flavian dynasty, the second son of Vespasian, and the younger brother of the previous emperor Titus.

ユダヤ人the Jewsキリスト教徒the Christians迫害persecuting

最初は穏健に始まったその治世は次第に暴虐violentとなり、そのために死後、記憶の抹消condemnation of memoryダムナティオ・メモリアエDamnatio Memoriae)に処せられた。

His reign, which began moderately at first, gradually became violent, and for this reason he was sentenced to have his memory erased after his death.

ユダヤ人the Jewsキリスト教徒the Christians迫害persecutingしたことでも知られる。

He is also known for persecuting Jews and Christians.

ネルヴァ Nerva (在位96年~98年)


ローマ帝国Roman Empire全盛期the heydayとされる五賢帝the Five Good Emperorsの最初のローマ皇帝The first emperor

The first emperor of the Five Good Emperors during the heyday of the Roman Empire.

96前帝former emperorドミティアヌスDomitian暗殺assassinatedされ、継嗣がなかったので、元老院the Senateは議員の中からネルヴァNerva指名appointedした。

In 96, the former emperor Domitian was assassinated, leaving no heir, so the Senate appointed Nerva from among its members.

ネルヴァNerva元老院the Senateにはかりながら政治を行い、97トラヤヌスTrajan養子adoptedに選び、翌98に死去diedトラヤヌスTrajan帝位を継承succeeded to the throneした。

He ruled while serving in the Senate, In 97, he adopted Trajan as his son, and in 1998 he died, and Trajan succeeded to the throne.

これ以後、養子adopted son後継successorとした皇帝emperor交代replacedが行われる。

After this, the emperor will be replaced with the adopted son as successor.

ネルヴァNerva五賢帝the five good emperorsの最初とされるが、政治面in terms of politicsに特筆すべきことはなく、このトラヤヌスTrajan後継successor指名appointingしたことが功績creditedとされる。

Nerva is said to be the first of the five good emperors, but he did not deserve any special mention in terms of politics, and he was credited with appointing Trajan as his successor.

トラヤヌス Trajan (在位98年~117年)


ローマ帝国Roman Empire全盛期the heyday五賢帝the Five Good EmperorsネルヴァNervaに次ぐ二番目のローマ皇帝the second Roman emperor

During the heyday of the Roman Empire, he was the second Roman emperor after Nerva, one of the Five Good Emperors.

在位98117年。 Reigned from 98 to 117 years.

属州ヒスパニアprovince of Hispaniaで生まれ、軍人military manとして育ち、若くして軍団の指揮官commander of a corpsとなり、各地を転戦して人望popularがあった。

Born in the province of Hispania, he grew up as a military man, became the commander of a corps at a young age, and was popular as he fought in various places.

ダキア戦争 Trajan's Dacian Wars

先帝The previous emperorネルヴァNerva元老院議員a senatorを務め、老齢oldでもあって軍隊に人気がなかったunpopular with the armyので、後継者successor血縁blood relativeではないトラヤヌスTrajanを選んだ。

The previous emperor, Nerva, served as a senator, and because he was old and unpopular with the army, he chose Trajan, who was not a blood relative, as his successor.

トラヤヌスTrajan皇帝emperor指名namedされた時はガリアの戦線the Gallic frontにいた。

Trajan was on the Gallic front when he was named emperor.

属州生まれprovincial-bornでは初めてthe first皇帝emperorとなった。

He was the first provincial-born to become emperor.

パルティア戦争 Trajan's Parthian campaign

トラヤヌスTrajan内政domestic affairsでは独断的な行動dogmatic behaviorを慎み、イタリアItaly出身の旧来元老院議員the old senatorsも排除することなくその意を尊重し、一方でイタリアItaly以外の属州provinces出身の騎士階級the knight classから元老院議員senatorsとなった新興勢力new powers登用appointingするなど、新旧勢力the new and old powers均衡balanceを図った。

Trajan refrained from dogmatic behavior in domestic affairs, and respected the intentions of the old senators from Italy without excluding them. On the other hand, he tried to balance the new and old powers by appointing new powers who became senators from the knight class who came from provinces other than Italy.

パルティア遠征後のローマ帝国の最大版図117年) Largest map of the Roman Empire after the Parthian expedition (117 AD)

またその努力effortsをもっぱら外征expeditionsに向け、北方in the northドナウ川the Danube River以北northダキアDacia東方in the eastパルティアParthiaに対する征服活動conqueringを成功させ、帝国領土the empire's territory最大the maximum extent拡大expandedした。

In addition, he focused his efforts exclusively on expeditions, successfully conquering Dacia north of the Danube River in the north and Parthia in the east, and expanded the empire's territory to the maximum extent.

非公式ながら「最良の皇帝the best emperor」(ラテン語でオプティウム・プリンケプスOptium Princeps)とも呼ばれている。

Unofficially, he is also called "the best emperor" (Latin: Optium Princeps).

ハドリアヌス Hadrian (在位117年~138年)


ローマ帝国Roman Empire全盛期the heyday五賢帝the Five Good Emperors3番目のローマ皇帝。

During the heyday of the Roman Empire, he was the third of the Five Good Emperors.

在位117年~138年。 Reigned from 117 to 138 years.

先代のトラヤヌスTrajanと同じ、属州ヒスパニアthe province of Hispaniaの生まれ。

He was born in the province of Hispania, the same as his predecessor, Trajan.

軍人soldierとしてガリアGalliaシリアSyriaギリシアGreeceなどを転戦して戦功を上げ、またギリシア文化Greek cultureにも通じた文化人a man of cultureとしても知られていた。

As a soldier, he fought in Gallia, Syria, Greece, and other places, achieving distinguished military service.

He was also known as a man of culture who was well versed in Greek culture.

トラヤヌスTrajan急死sudden deathの際にその養子adopted sonに指名され、軍隊の支持the support of the armyによって推され、元老院the Senateが承認して皇帝emperorとなった。

Appointed as Trajan's adopted son at the sudden death of Trajan, pushed by the support of the army, and approved by the Senate to become emperor.

彼は無理な領土拡張策territorial expansion measuresは採らず、いわば“平和的手段による国家経営managed the state by peaceful means”にあたり、属州の経営the management of the provinces都市ローマの整備development of the city of Romeに努め、ローマ帝国の安定the stability of the Roman Empireをもたらした。

He did not adopt unreasonable territorial expansion measures, so to speak, managed the state by peaceful means, worked on the management of the provinces and the development of the city of Rome, and brought about the stability of the Roman Empire.

次の皇帝the next emperorとして元老院議員Senatorアントニヌス・ピウス Antoninus Piusを指名して病死died of illnessした。

He died of illness after appointing Senator Antoninus Pius as the next emperor.

ハドリアヌスによって縮小された版図(120年) Map reduced by Hadrian (120 AD)

皇帝emperorになるとまず東方in the eastパルティアParthiaとの戦争を中止stopped the warして兵を引き揚げwithdrew his armyアルメニアArmeniaメソポタミアMesopotamiaパルティアParthia返還returnedした。

When he became emperor, he first stopped the war with Parthia in the east, withdrew his army, and returned Armenia and Mesopotamia to Parthia.

これで建国the founding of the country以来続いた外征the expeditionはいったん終わることとなった。

With this, the expedition that had continued since the founding of the country came to an end.

これはローマ帝国Roman Empire膨張expansionが終わるという重要な転換を意味していた。

This marked an important turn, ending the expansion of the Roman Empire.

軍人soldierとして前線front linesにいた彼は、膨張しきった戦線swelled front維持maintainすることが非常に困難extremely difficultであることを理解し、特にアルメニアArmeniaメソポタミアMesopotamiaの維持は困難と現実的な判断したのだった。

Having been on the front lines as a soldier, he understood that it would be extremely difficult to maintain the swelled front, and he realistically determined that it would be particularly difficult to maintain Armenia and Mesopotamia.

ハドリアヌスの長城 Hadrian's Wall

ハドリアヌスの長城 Hadrian's Wall

その後、皇帝emperorとしての仕事his workはもっぱら残された広大な属州vast provinces維持maintenanceにつくし、彼自身が旺盛に帝国各地を巡回した。

After that, his work as emperor was devoted entirely to the maintenance of the remaining vast provinces, and he himself vigorously toured the various parts of the empire.

最も遠いブリタニアBritanniaでは北方のケルト人the Celtsに対して「ハドリアヌスの長城Hadrian's Wall」と言われる118キロに及ぶ防壁defensive wallを築いた。

In farthest Britannia, they built a 118-kilometre defensive wall called "Hadrian's Wall" against the Celts to the north.

それはイギリスEnglandに現存するローマ帝国時代の遺跡Roman siteであり、ローマ帝国Roman Empireブリテン島Britainにおける政治political軍事上の境界線military boundariesを示している。

It is a surviving Roman site in England that marks the political and military boundaries of the Roman Empire in Britain.


It also later served as the border between Scotland and England.

アントニヌス・ピウス Antoninus Pius (在位138年~161年)

アントニヌス・ピウスAntoninus Pius

ローマ帝国Roman Empire全盛期heyday五賢帝the Five Good Emperors4番目のローマ皇帝the fourth emperor

During the heyday of the Roman Empire, he was the fourth emperor of the Five Good Emperors.

在位138年~161年。 Reigned from 138 to 161 years.

南フランスthe south of FranceニームNîmes出身の名門貴族a noble familyの出で、彼自身はローマ近郊で生まれた。

Born in Nîmes in the south of France to a noble family, he himself was born near Rome.

執政官consulを経験し、元老院the Senate有力な議員influential memberであって温厚篤実(おんこうとくじつ)kindness and sincerityで知られていた。

He had experience as a consul, was an influential member of the Senate, and was known for his kindness and sincerity.

ハドリアヌス帝Emperor Hadrianの晩年に、後継者successorと目されていた人物が死んだため、50歳の彼にその椅子が廻ってきた。

In the final years of Emperor Hadrian's life, the supposed successor died, and the chair came to him at the age of fifty.

形式的にハドリアヌスHadrian養子adoptedとなった上で138年に即位ascended to the throneした。

He was formally adopted by Hadrian and ascended to the throne in 138.


It is said that nothing happened during his 23-year reign.

アントニヌスの長城 Antonine's Wall

ハドリアヌス帝Emperor Hadrianと異なり、皇帝emperorとしてはイタリアItalyを出ることはなかったので、領土拡張expanding his territoryには積極的ではなかったと見られるが、ブリテン島Britainではハドリアヌスの長城Hadrian's Wallの北のスコットランドScotland第二の防壁second defensive wallアントニヌスの長城Antonine's Wall」を築いているほか、北アフリカNorth Africa争乱conflictsユダヤ人the Jewishエジプト人the Egyptian反抗revoltsなどには対処した。

Unlike Emperor Hadrian, he never left Italy as emperor, so it is thought that he was not active in expanding his territory. In Britain, in addition to building a second defensive wall "Antonine's Wall" in Scotland north of Hadrian's Wall, He also dealt with the conflicts in North Africa, the Jewish and Egyptian revolts, and so on.

マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌス Marcus Aurelius (在位161年~180年)

マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌス Marcus Aurelius

ローマ帝国Roman Empire全盛期heyday五賢帝the Five Good Emperors最後のローマ皇帝The last Roman emperor

The last Roman emperor of the Five Good Emperors during the heyday of the Roman Empire.

スペイン生まれSpanish-bornストア派哲学者Stoic philosopherとして知られており、皇帝Emperorアントニヌス・ピウスAntoninus Pius養子adopted sonでその女婿son-in-lawとなった。

Known as a Spanish-born Stoic philosopher, he was the adopted son and son-in-law of Emperor Antoninus Pius.

個人名としては単にマルクス・アウレリウスMarcus Aureliusといわれる(皇帝としては省略してマルクス帝Emperor Marxということもある)。

His personal name is simply Marcus Aurelius (he is sometimes abbreviated as Emperor Marx).


In 161, at the age of 40, he succeeded to the throne (until 180).

ルキウス・ウェルス Lucius Verus

このとき、同じく先帝previous emperor養子adopted sonで弟にあたるルキウス・ウェルスLucius Verus皇帝emperor同じ権限same authorityを与えているので形の上ではローマRomeで最初の二人皇帝制two emperors systemであった。

At this time, Lucius Verus, who was also the adopted son of the previous emperor, was given the same authority as the emperor, so it was the first two emperors system in Rome.

ストア派の哲学者Stoic philosopher皇帝emperorになったと言うので「哲人皇帝Philosopher Emperor」といわれた。

It is said that a Stoic philosopher became emperor, so he was called the "Philosopher Emperor".


He himself wrote a book called "Self-Meditation Record".

同書は皇帝emperorとなってからも人間としての生き方how to live as a humanを忘れず、たえず自省reflect on himself(みずからをかえりみること)を続けた彼の思索his thoughtsのあとを読み取ることができる。

In this book, we can read the traces of his thoughts, who did not forget how to live as a human being even after he became emperor, and who continued to reflect on himself.

マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌス Marcus Aurelius (在位161年~180年)

マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌスMarcus Aurelius Antoninus五賢帝the Five Good Emperorsの最後の皇帝であるが、この頃から、in the eastパルティアの侵攻the invasion of Parthia、さらにin the northゲルマン人の侵攻the Germanic invasionsが激しくなり、その対応に追われ、彼自ら出征went to warを繰り返し、ドナウ川河畔the banks of the Danube river陣没diedした。

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was the last of the Five Good Emperors, but around this time, the invasion of Parthia in the east and the Germanic invasions in the north became more intense, and he was pressed to respond to them, and he himself repeatedly went to war and fought against the Danube. He died on the banks of the river.

また属州総督the provincial governors反乱rebellionsなども起こっており、決して何ごともなく安定した統治であったわけではなく、その死もゲルマン人the Germanic peopleとの戦いの戦場the battlefield of the battleにおける病死died of illnessであった。

In addition, there were rebellions by the provincial governors, and it was not a stable rule by any means, and he died of illness on the battlefield of the battle with the Germanic people.

皇帝マルクス・アウレリウスの最後の言葉 Last Words of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius

後継者successorとして実子own sonコンモドゥスCommodusを指名し、五賢帝the Five Good Emperors養子the adoptive sonに継承させる形態が終わりを告げ、世襲制hereditary succession systemとなった(従来も世襲が否定されていたわけではない)が、このコンモドゥス帝Emperor Commodusからはローマ帝国Roman Empire衰退declineに向かいはじめたことが明らかになっていく。

The system of appointing his own son, Commodus, as his successor, and having the adoptive son of the Five Good Emperors take over the position ended, and it became a hereditary system (hereditary succession was not denied in the past), but from this Emperor Commodus, the Roman Empire was established. It becomes clear that it has begun to decline.

想像通り、猿を解剖するガレノス Galen dissecting a monkey, as imagined

また同時代の人物としては、彼の侍医private physicianとして知られる著名な医師eminent physicianガレノスGalenがいる。

Also among his contemporaries was the eminent physician Galen, known as his private physician.

コンモドゥス Commodus (在位180年~192年)


剣闘士コンモドゥス帝Gladiator Emperor Commodus

在位180年~192年。 Reigned from 180 to 192 years.

五賢帝the Five Good Emperorsの最後のマルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌスMarcus Aurelius AntoninusEmperor息子Son

Son of Marcus-Aurelius-Antoninus, the last of the Five Good Emperors.

世襲heredityにより皇帝emperorとなり、旗色の悪かったゲルマン人the Germanic peopleとの戦争warを切り上げローマRomeに帰還。

He became emperor by heredity, and returned to Rome after ending the war with the Germanic people, who had a bad reputation.

しかし統治の任務ruling dutiesを放り出して、コロッセウムColosseumでの剣闘士試合gladiatorial matchesなどに興じ、自らも試合に出る。

However, he threw away his ruling duties and became involved in gladiatorial matches at the Colosseum, and even participated in the games himself.

また放蕩生活debaucheryが続いて政治が乱れpolitical turmoil陰謀事件conspiraciesが相次ぎ、最後は浴室bathroom剣闘士gladiator絞め殺されたstrangled

His debauchery led to political turmoil, a series of conspiracies, and he was finally strangled by a gladiator in his bathroom.

トラヤヌス Trajan (在位98年~117年)

ローマの平和Pax Romana


Prosperity of the Five Good Emperors

アウグストゥスAugustusののち、ネロNero(在位54年~68年)のような暴君tyrantsも出たappearedが、ネルヴァNerva(在位96年~98年)・トラヤヌスTrajan(在位98年~117年)・ハドリアヌスHadrian(在位117年~138年)・アントニヌス・ピウスAntoninus Pius(在位138年~161年)・マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌスMarcus Aurelius Antoninus(在位161年~180年)の五賢帝の時代the period of the "Five Good Emperors"ローマの最盛期the golden age of Romeで、ローマの平和the peace of Rome2世紀にわたって続いたlasted for about two centuries. continued

After Augustus, tyrants such as Nero appeared, but the five wise emperors of Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, Pius, Marcus, Aurelius, and Antoninus were the golden age of Rome, and the peace of Rome lasted for about two centuries. continued.

ローマ帝国 Roman Empire

ブリタニアBritannia43AD 43)・アラビアArabia68AD 68)・ダキアDacia107AD 107)が属州provincesに加わって、トラヤヌス帝Emperor Trajan(在位98年~117年)のときにはローマの領土Rome's territory最大the largestとなり、また経済活動Economic activity目覚しく発達developed remarkablyし、インドIndiaとの季節風貿易monsoon tradeも行われ、東洋oriental香料perfumessilkなどがローマRomeにもたらされた。

Britannia (AD 43), Arabia (AD 68), and Dacia (AD 107) joined the provinces, making Rome's territory the largest under Emperor Trajan.

Economic activity also developed remarkably, and monsoon trade with India was carried out, and oriental perfumes and silk were brought to Rome.

地中海The Mediterranean Seaローマの船舶Roman shipsにおおわれ、ローマRomeを中心centeringにして属州provincesのすみずみcornersにまでりっぱな道路excellent roadsが開通し、その沿線along the roadsには数百のローマ風都市hundreds of Roman-style citiesが建設builtされ、それらのなかにはロンドンLondonパリParisウィーンViennaなどのように今日まで栄えているcontinue to prosper to this dayものも少なくない。

The Mediterranean Sea was covered with Roman ships, and excellent roads were opened to the corners of the provinces centering on Rome, and hundreds of Roman-style cities were built along the roads, among them London, Paris, Vienna, etc. There are quite a few that continue to prosper to this day.

カラカラ帝 Emperor Caracalla (在位211年~217年)

このようにして、帝国全土the entire empireローマ化Romanizationは急速に進み、やがて212カラカラ帝Emperor Caracalla(在位211年~217年)のときローマ市民権Roman citizenship全属州自由民all provincial free peopleに拡大され、属州民the provincialsイタリア人Italiansとの政治上・法律上の差別political and legal discriminationがなくなり、彼らは等しくローマの公民equally citizens of Romeであるという意識awarenessのもとに全地中海The whole Mediterranean統一的世界unified worldとなった。

In this way, the Romanization of the entire empire progressed rapidly, and eventually, in 212, under the rule of Emperor Caracalla, Roman citizenship was extended to all provincial free people, and political and legal discrimination between the provincials and Italians began. The whole Mediterranean became a unified world, with the awareness that they were equally citizens of Rome.

セプティミウス・セウェルスの凱旋門 Arch of Septimius Severus


Arch of Septimius Severus

セプティミウス・セウェルスの凱旋門Arch of Septimius Severusフォロ・ロマーノthe Roman Forum北西端the northwestern endにある白い大理石製white marble凱旋門triumphal archで、皇帝emperorセプティミウス・セウェルスSeptimius Severusとその息子sonsカラカラCaracallaゲタGeta6次パルティア戦争the Sixth Parthian War194/195年と197年から199年までの遠征)での勝利victory記念commemorateして紀元203年に建設builtされた。

The Arch of Septimius Severus is a white marble triumphal arch at the northwestern end of the Roman Forum, built in 203 AD to commemorate the victory of the emperor Septimius Severus and his sons Caracalla and Geta in the Sixth Parthian War. rice field.

セプティミウス・セウェルスSeptimius SeverusカラカラCaracalla

セプティミウス・セウェルスSeptimius Severusの死後、カラカラCaracallaゲタGeta共同皇帝co-emperorsとして即位したが、212年にカラカラCaracallaゲタGeta暗殺assassinatedした。

After the death of Septimius Severus, Caracalla and Geta became co-emperors, but Caracalla assassinated Geta in 212.


As a result, all sculptures commemorating Geta have been removed from buildings and monuments.

当然ながらこの凱旋門triumphal archでもゲタGetaに関する部分は削り取られている。

Of course, even in this Arc de Triomphe, the parts related to geta have been scraped off.

カラカラ帝 Emperor Caracalla (在位211年~217年)

カラカラ帝Emperor Caracalla

ローマ帝国Roman Empire五賢帝the Five Good Emperors時代に続き、セウェルス朝the Severid dynastyを始めたセプティミウス・セウェルスSeptimius Severusson帝位を継承succeeded to the throne

He was the son of Septimius Severus, who started the Severid dynasty and succeeded to the throne following the five good emperors of the Roman Empire.

在位211年~217年。 Reigned from 211 to 217.

本名real nameマルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌスMarcus Aurelius Antoninus五賢帝the Five Good Emperorsの最後の皇帝と同じ名前だが関係はない)で、父の遠征先の属州ガリアprovince of GaulリヨンLyonで生まれた。

His real name was Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (same name as the last of the Five Good Emperors, but not related), and he was born in Lyon, the province of Gaul, where his father was on an expedition.

いつも着用していたガリア風の長い上着the long Gallic coatのことをカラカラCaracallaといったので、それが彼の呼び名になった。

He was called Caracalla because of the long Gallic coat he always wore.

カラカラ浴場 Baths of Caracalla 再建図 Reconstruction drawing

ローマ市民権を拡大extended Roman citizenshipしたアントニヌス勅令the Edict of Antoninusの制定や公共浴場public bathsの建設等で知られるが、歴代all generationsローマ皇帝Roman emperorsの中でも暴君the tyrantsの一人とされ、パルティア遠征expedition to Parthia中に部下の近衛兵royal guard殺害killedされた。

Known for enacting the Edict of Antoninus, which extended Roman citizenship, and for building public baths, he was regarded as one of the tyrants of the Roman emperors of all generations, and was killed by his royal guard during his expedition to Parthia.

マクシミヌス・トラクス Maximinus Thrax 最初の軍人皇帝 Barracks emperor

軍人皇帝時代the period of the "soldier-emperors"

3世紀の危機Crisis of the Third Century

マルクス・アウレリウス帝Emperor Marcus Aurelius(在位161年~180年)の治世の終わりごろthe end of the reignから、帝国the Roman Empire政治the politicsは乱れ始め、その上無力無能powerless and incompetent皇帝emperorが続いたので、3世紀 in the 3rd century各地various places軍隊armies皇帝emperor廃立deposeするようになった。

From the end of the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the politics of the empire began to be disturbed, and the emperor continued to be powerless and incompetent, so in the 3rd century, the armies of various places began to depose the emperor.

これを軍人皇帝時代the military emperor era235284)といい、この間に20人の皇帝about 20 emperorsが交替replacedした。

This period is called the military emperor era (235-284), during which about 20 emperors were replaced.

ササン朝ペルシア the Sassanid Persia

ゲルマン人の勢力圏の変遷とローマ帝国 Transition of the Germanic sphere of influence and the Roman Empire

これに加えて東方in the eastではササン朝ペルシアthe Sassanid Persiaローマ領the Roman territory進出advanced intoし、北方the northからはゲルマン民族the Germanic tribes侵入invadedするなど、騒乱disturbancesが相次ぎ、帝国の支配the empire's rule動揺shookした。

In addition to this, the Sassanid Persia advanced into the Roman territory in the east, and the Germanic tribes invaded from the north.

A series of disturbances shook the empire's rule.

ディオクレティアヌス帝 Emperor Diocletian (在位284年~305年)


the period of the “despotic monarchy”


the Roman Emperor Diocletian

軍人皇帝時代the period of the "soldier-emperors"混乱chaosを収めたのはディオクレティアヌス帝Emperor Diocletian(在位284年~305年)である。

It was Diocletian who put an end to the chaos of the military emperor.

彼は広大な帝国vast empire統治administration辺境frontiers防備defenseに力を注ぐため、286帝国the empire東西the east and the west2分してそれぞれに正帝the main emperor副帝the vice emperorを置いて帝国を4分統治したruled the empire for four parts293)。

In order to concentrate on the administration of his vast empire and the defense of its frontiers,

In 286, he divided the empire into two parts, the east and the west, and appointed the main emperor and the vice emperor respectively, and ruled the empire for four parts (293).

テトラルキア Tetrarchy (四分割統治、四分治制)

Map of the Roman Empire under the Tetrarchy, showing the dioceses and the four tetrarchs' zones of influence.

彼自身は東方の正帝Emperor of the East全ローマ皇帝Emperor of all Romeとして首都capital小アジアAsia MinorニコメディアNicomediaに定めた。

As Emperor of the East and Emperor of all Rome, he established his capital at Nicomedia in Asia Minor.

元老院the Senate機能functions全廃completely abolishedして、前期帝政early imperial government共和政的外被republican mantleを取り去り、皇帝崇拝emperor worshipを強行して東方的専制君主政Eastern despotismを樹立した。

He completely abolished the functions of the Senate, removed the republican mantle of the early imperial government, and established an Eastern despotism by forcing emperor worship.

これを後期帝政the Late EmpireまたはドミナトゥスDominatusドミヌスDominus政治politics)(専制君主政absolute monarchy)と呼ぶ。

This is called the Late Empire or Dominus (the politics of Dominus).

従来の弊害the evils of the pastを克服するため、政権government軍権military分離separate直属軍隊army under direct control強化strengthen官僚制bureaucratic system確立establishに努めたが、結局不成功unsuccessfulに終わった。

In order to overcome the evils of the past, efforts were made to separate the government from the military, to strengthen the army under direct control, and to establish a bureaucratic system, but in the end they were unsuccessful.

キリスト教徒大迫害 the Great Persecution of Christians 303

特に、その財政再建策financial reconstruction planキリスト教徒大迫害the Great Persecution of Christians303)は社会society混乱chaosさせた。

In particular, its financial reconstruction plan and the Great Persecution of Christians (303) threw society into chaos.

ドミティアヌス帝 Emperor Domitian (在位81年~96年)

補足supplementary explanation

ドミヌスDominus (主)

この語は、一般に家の主人the master of the houseを意味するが、政治的用語political termとして、共和政時代during the republicにもときどき用いられ、暴君的な権力者tyrannical rulerを指すことが多かった。

The term generally means the master of the house, but as a political term it was sometimes used during the republic, often referring to a tyrannical ruler.

そのためオクタヴィアヌスOctavianは、この語を嫌いプリンケプスPrincepsと称し、これが以後の皇帝の称号the title of the emperorとなっていた。

Octavian therefore disliked this word and called himself Princeps, which became the title of the emperor thereafter.

しかし、ドミティアヌス帝Domitianが自らドミヌスDominusと称し、更にディオクレティアヌス帝Diocletianがこの称号titleを用いてからは、これが代々の皇帝の称号the title of successive emperorsとなった。

However, after Domitian called himself Dominus and Diocletian used this title, it became the title of successive emperors.

コンスタンティウス1は、コンスタンティヌス1を後継者として任命する。Constantius appoints Constantine as his successor

ローマ教皇シルウェステル1コンスタンティヌス1 Pope Sylvester I and Emperor Constantine

コンスタンティヌス1Constantine I

コンスタンティヌス大帝Constantine the Great

ディオクレティアヌス帝Diocletian退位後After abdication帝国the empireはまたも内乱civil warに陥ったが、コンスタンティヌス1Constantine I(在位306年~337年)は再びこれを統一unifiedし、330ビザンティウムByzantium首都capital建設builtし自分の名をとってコンスタンティノープルConstantinopleコンスタンティノポリスConstantinopolis)と呼んだ。

After Diocletian's abdication, the empire fell into civil war again, but Constantine I unified it again, built the capital in Byzantium in 330, and named it Constantinople (Constantino). called Polis.

これ以後帝国the empire政治的中心the political center東に確定fixed in the eastし、帝国内within the empireにはギリシアthe Greek東部eastern)・ラテンLatin西部western両世界worlds分離separateの傾向tendencyが著しくなった。

After this, the political center of the empire was fixed in the east, and the tendency to separate the Greek (eastern) and Latin (western) worlds within the empire became remarkable.

コンスタンティノープル Constantinople

コンスタンティヌス1Constantine I宮廷the courtおよび官僚組織the bureaucratic organization東方化the easternizationを進めるとともに、当時中産市民the middle-class citizens没落declinedして職業occupations捨てるabandonedことが多かったので、身分social status職業occupation固定化fixing強行forciblyして税収tax revenue確保secureを図った。

Constantine I promoted the easternization of the court and the bureaucratic organization, and at the same time, since many of the middle-class citizens declined and abandoned their occupations, he tried to secure tax revenue by forcibly fixing their social status and occupation.

かくしてギリシア以来since Greece市民の自由civil liberties全く失われるcompletely lostに至ったが、これらの諸政策policiesも結局は帝国the empire解体dissolution防ぐpreventことはできなかった。

Thus, civil liberties that had existed since Greece were completely lost, but in the end these policies could not prevent the dissolution of the empire.

ミラノ勅令 the Edict of Milan

また、313ミラノ勅令the Edict of Milanにおいて、キリスト教Christianity公認legalizedし、ニケーア公(宗教)会議the Council of Nicaeareligious325)においてその教義Christianity統一unifiedし、帝国the empire精神的統一unified spirituallyを図った。

In 313, Christianity was legalized in the Edict of Milan, and in the Council of Nicaea (religious) (325), Christianity was unified, and the empire was unified spiritually.

ビザンティウム Byzantium

コンスタンティノープル Constantinople

コンスタンティノープル Constantinople

補足supplementary explanation


もともと660年ころaround 660 BC築かれたギリシア人の植民都市Greek colony

A Greek colony founded around 660 BC.

ボスフォラス海峡the Bosphorusマルマラ海the Sea of Marmara接点confluenceヨーロッパ側the European side位置Locatedし、漁業fishing貿易trading繁栄thrivingしていた。

Located on the European side of the confluence of the Bosphorus and the Sea of Marmara, it was a thriving fishing and trading area.

商業貿易commercial tradeの面で非常に有利な条件very advantageous conditionsを備えていたが、更に軍事的militarilyにも有利advantageouslandであることはコンスタンティヌス1Constantine I以後の歴史in the history明らかclearとなる。

It had very advantageous conditions in terms of commercial trade, but it became clear in the history after Constantine I that it was a land that was also advantageous militarily.

宗派会議を主宰する背教者ユリアヌス Julian the Apostate presiding at a conference of sectarians


ユリアヌスJulian4世紀中ごろthe middle of the 4th centuryローマ皇帝Roman emperorで、361年に即位ascended the throne在位reigned363年まで)、ローマ帝国Roman Empire歴史historyの中でキリスト教Christianity公認officially recognizedされた後、ローマRome多神教時代polytheistic age神々への信仰the belief in the gods復活revivedさせ、キリスト教Christianity公認official recognition否定denyingしたことで有名で、後にキリスト教教会Christian churchからは「背教者the Apostate」と言われた。

Julianus was a Roman emperor in the middle of the 4th century who ascended the throne in 361 (and reigned until 363). After Christianity was officially recognized in the history of the Roman Empire, he revived the belief in the gods of the polytheistic age of Rome and is famous for denying the official recognition of Christianity. and was later called an "apostate" by the Christian church.

ユリアヌスJulian宗教寛容令Edict of Religious Toleranceローマ帝国Roman emperorの本来のギリシア・ローマの文化伝統Greco-Roman cultural traditions復興restoreさせ、皇帝の権威emperor's authority回復restoreを図ったが、その一環としてのササン朝Sassanid dynastyペルシアPersia遠征expeditionに向かい、capitalクテシフォンCtesiphon近郊で戦死killed in battleした。

Julian attempted to restore the Roman Empire's original Greco-Roman cultural traditions with the Edict of Religious Tolerance and restore the emperor's authority, but as part of this, he headed for an expedition to Persia under the Sassanid dynasty and was killed in battle near the capital Ctesiphon.

テオドシウス1 Theodosius I (在位379年~395年)

テオドシウス大帝 Theodosius the Great

テオドシウス1Theodosius I

テオドシウス大帝Theodosius the Great

コンスタンティヌス1Constantine Iののち、再び異民族foreigners侵入incursions内乱civil warsが続き、帝国内within the empire生産力productivity国防力national defense衰えdeclineが著しくなったので、これを補うため辺境frontierゲルマン民族the Germanic tribes集団的en masse移住movedさせた。

After the reign of Constantine I, incursions by foreigners and civil wars continued, and the decline in productivity and national defense within the empire became remarkable.

To make up for this, the Germanic tribes were en masse moved to the frontier.

その後テオドシウス1Theodosius I(在位379年~395年)によって帝国the empire一時temporarily統一unity回復restoredした。

After that, the empire was temporarily restored to unity by Theodosius I.

西ゴート族 the Visigoths

しかし、375ゲルマン民族の一派a group of Germanic tribes西ゴート族the Visigoths帝国領the Empire's territory集団的en masse移住immigratedして帝国分裂the division of the Empire直接原因direct causeを作った。

However, in 375, the Visigoths, a group of Germanic tribes, immigrated en masse into the Empire's territory, creating a direct cause for the division of the Empire.

テッサロニカの虐殺 Massacre of Thessalonica


Ambrose blocking the cathedral door, refusing Theodosius' admittance

テオドシウス1 Pope Theodosius I

392キリスト教Christianity国教the state religionとしたテオドシウス1Pope Theodosius Iは、異教paganismを禁じ、またオリンピア競技the Olympic gamesを禁止した(393)。

In 392, Pope Theodosius I, who made Christianity the state religion, forbade paganism and banned the Olympic games (393).

ローマ帝国の分裂 Division of the Roman Empire 395

アルカディウス Arcadius

ホノリウス帝のお気に入り The Favourites of the Emperor Honorius

テオドシウス1Theodosius Ideathとともに帝国the empirehis sonアルカディウスArcadius東部the eastを、そのhis brotherホノリウスHonorius西部the westをと2分されdivided into two parts395)、以後二度と統一されることはなくなったnever to be united again

With the death of Theodosius I, the empire was divided into two parts: the east by his son Arcadius and the west by his brother Honorius (395), never to be united again.

オドアケル帝冠を渡すロムルス・アウグストゥルス Romulus Augustus resigns the Crown before Odoacer

コンスタンティノープルの陥落 Fall of Constantinople

ローマRomecapitalした西ローマ帝国the Western Roman Empireはやがてゲルマン民族の侵入the invasion of Germanic tribesのため476滅亡fellし、コンスタンティノープルConstantinoplecapitalした東ローマ帝国the Eastern Roman Empireビザンツ帝国Byzantine Empire)は1453オスマン帝国the Ottoman Empire滅ぼされるdestroyedまで続いて独自its ownキリスト教文化Christian culture築いたdevelop

The Western Roman Empire, which had its capital in Rome, eventually fell due to the invasion of Germanic tribes in 476, and the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire), which had its capital in Constantinople, continued to develop its own Christian culture until it was destroyed by the Ottoman Empire in 1453. built.

オドアケル帝冠を渡すロムルス・アウグストゥルス Romulus Augustus resigns the Crown before Odoacer


Fall of the Western Roman Empire

395年の東西分裂East-West division後も、西ローマ帝国Western Roman EmpireミラノMilan、次いでラヴェンナRavennacapitalに存続したが、4世紀 the 4th centuryに始まっていたゲルマン人の大移動Germanic migrationの波がその領内に及ぶようになり、5世紀 the 5th centuryにはいるとゲルマン人Germanic、さらにアジア系Asianフン人HunsローマRomeをたびたび掠奪し、大きな脅威major threatにさらされるようになった。

Even after the East-West division in 395, the Western Roman Empire continued to exist, with Milan and then Ravenna as the capital, but the wave of Germanic migration that had begun in the 4th century began to reach its territory, and it is said that it entered the territory in the 5th century. Germanic and Asian Huns sacked Rome frequently and became a major threat.

帝国の防衛defense of the empireゲルマン人傭兵部隊Germanic mercenariesに依存しなければならず、皇帝emperor傭兵部隊the mercenariesの意向でたびたび廃位deposedされた。

The defense of the empire also had to rely on Germanic mercenaries, and the emperor was often deposed at the request of the mercenaries.

475皇帝emperorの交代に際して、新皇帝new emperorロムルス・アウグストゥルス Romulus Augustus土地を要求demanded landしたが拒否refusedされたゲルマン人傭兵the Germanic mercenariesたちは、傭兵隊長the mercenary captainオドアケルOdoacerに迫り、翌476皇帝を追放exiled the emperorした。

In 475, when the emperor was replaced, the Germanic mercenaries who demanded land from the new emperor, but were refused, approached Odoacer, the mercenary captain, and exiled the emperor in 476.


すでに西ローマ皇帝Western Roman emperor統治能力ability to governを失っており、オドアケルOdoacerによる皇帝追放expulsion of the emperorは、形式的な西ローマ帝国Western Roman Empire滅亡formal downfallを意味するだけであった。

The Western Roman emperor had already lost his ability to govern, and Odoacer's expulsion of the emperor only meant the formal downfall of the Western Roman Empire.

オドアケルOdoacerイタリア王King of Italyを名のったが、東ローマ帝国Eastern Roman Empire宗主権suzeraintyを認めたので、西ローマ総督Governor of the Western Roman Empireの地位についた。

Odoacer claimed the title of King of Italy, but recognized the suzerainty of the Eastern Roman Empire, so he assumed the position of Governor of the Western Roman Empire.

オドアケルOdoacerラヴェンナRavennaイタリアItalyを統治したが、493東ローマ帝国Eastern Roman Empireから派遣sentされた東ゴートOstrogothicテオドリックTheodoricによって滅ぼされたdestroyed

Odoacer ruled Italy in Ravenna, but was destroyed in 493 by the Ostrogothic Theodoric sent by the Eastern Roman Empire.

コンスタンティノープルの陥落 Fall of Constantinople

コンスタンティノープルの陥落 Fall of Constantinople

スルタンSultanメフメト 2 Mehmed IIコンスタンティノープルConstantinople入城 The entry of Sultan Mehmed II into Constantinople

コンスタンティノープルの陥落Fall of Constantinople

1453529on May 29, 1453オスマン帝国the Ottoman Empireメフメト2Mehmed IIによって東ローマ帝国Eastern Roman Empire首都capitalコンスタンティノープルConstantinople(現在のイスタンブールIstanbul)が陥落fallした事件。

The fall of Constantinople (now Istanbul), the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, to Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire on May 29, 1453.

この事件により東ローマ帝国Eastern Roman Empire滅亡endedした。

This event ended the Eastern Roman Empire.

また、「ローマ帝国の滅亡the fall of the Roman Empire」は476西ローマ皇帝Western Roman emperor廃止abolitionとするのが一般的ではあるが、この東ローマ帝国Eastern Roman Empire滅亡fallローマ帝国Roman Empire滅亡fallであるとする識者も多い。

In addition, although ``the fall of the Roman Empire'' is generally considered to be the abolition of the Western Roman emperor in 476, there are many intellectuals who believe that the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire was the fall of the Roman Empire.






インデペンデンス・デイ Independence Day 第 3 章 パニック  Chapter 3   Panic インデペンデンス・デイ ( 独立 ( どくりつ ) 記念 ( きねん ) 日 ( び ) ) Independence Day 1996 年(平成 8...