世界史 6 World history 6
第2章 Chapter 2
Establishment of ancient civilization
第1節 Section 1
Ancient Orient World
4 古代オリエントの統一
Unification of the Ancient Orient
キュロス2世Cyrus II the Great
戦艦長門(ながと) Battleship Nagato
戦艦長門(ながと) Battleship Nagato
戦艦長門(ながと) Battleship Nagato
戦艦長門(ながと) Battleship Nagato
第2章 Chapter 2
Establishment of ancient
第1節 Section 1
Orient World
紀元前15世紀のオリエント諸国The Oriental nations in 15th century BC
4 古代オリエントの統一
Unification of the Ancient Orient
メソポタミアMesopotamiaでは、バビロニア第1王朝First Babylonian dynasty(古バビロニア王国Old Babylonian Empire)が衰退declinedしてから約1000年間 for about 1000 yearsは統一国家unified stateが成立せず、分裂の時代period of divisionであった。
In Mesopotamia, for about
1000 years after the Babylonian First Dynasty (Old Babylonian Kingdom)
declined, a unified state was not established and it was a period of division.
この分裂の時代period of divisionに終止符を打って西南アジアSouthwest AsiaからエジプトEgyptをも含めて、全オリエントthe entire Orientを統一unifiedしたのがアッシリア帝国the Assyrian Empireである。
The Assyrian Empire put
an end to this period of division and unified the entire Orient, from Southwest
Asia to Egypt.
descentを主とする混血民族mixed raceアッシリア人the Assyriansは、紀元前2500年ころaround 2500
BC~紀元前2000年ころaround 2000 BCにティグリス川中流域the middle Tigris basinに侵入invadedし、アッシュールAsshurやニネヴェNinevehなどの都市国家city-statesを建設establishedした。
The Assyrians, a mixed
race mainly of Semitic descent, invaded the middle Tigris basin around 2500-2000
BC and established city-states such as Ashur and Nineveh.
前15世紀 the 15th century BCミタンニ王国the Kingdom of Mitanniに服属subjugated、のちミタンニMitanniを滅ぼしたdestroyed(前14世紀中ごろmid-14th
century BC)。
In the 15th century BC,
it was subjugated to the Kingdom of Mitanni and later destroyed Mitanni
(mid-14th century BC).
アッシリア人the Assyriansの生活は、元来農業agricultureを主としていたが、南方の先進地帯the developed regions in the southとの接触contactにより中継貿易transit tradeに乗り出すようになった。
The Assyrians originally
lived mainly on agriculture, but they began to engage in transit trade due to
contact with the developed regions in the south.
アッシュール遺跡the ruins of
of Nineveh
補足 supplementary explanation
City-states such as Asshur
and Nineveh
これらの都市国家city-statesは、メソポタミア南部southern Mesopotamiaに、アッカド王朝the Akkadian dynasty・ウル第3王朝the Third dynasty of Ur・バビロニア第1王朝the First Babylonian dynasty(古バビロニア王国Old Babylonian Kingdom)が栄えていたflourished間periodは、その支配下に置かれunder the control of、更にバビロン第1王朝the First Babylonian dynastyに代わったミタンニ王国Kingdom of Mitanniにも臣従servedした。
These city-states were
under the control of the Akkadian dynasty, the 3rd dynasty of Ur, and the 1st
Babylonian dynasty (Old Babylonian Kingdom) during the period when they
flourished in southern Mesopotamia, and were later replaced by the 1st
Babylonian dynasty. served the kingdom.
ニネヴェNinevehは学術の都city of learningでもあり、粘土板の図書clay tablet booksが発掘excavatedされている。
Nineveh is also a city of
learning, and clay tablet books have been excavated.
中アッシリア帝国Middle Assyrian
ティグラト・ピレセル3世Tiglath-Pileser III
サルゴン2世Sargon II
前12世紀ごろaround the 12th century BCから周囲surrounding areaに進出expanded intoし、前8世紀後半the late 8th
century BCティグラト・ピレセル3世Tiglath-Pileser III(在位前744年~前727年)のときには、バビロニアBabyloniaやシリアSyriaを征服conqueredして肥沃な三日月地帯の全域the entire Fertile Crescentを支配ruled overし、次いでサルゴン2世Sargon II(在位前722年~前706年)の時代in the time ofには、世界帝国world empireとしてのアッシリア帝国the Assyrian Empireが確立establishedされた。
From around the 12th
century BC, it expanded into the surrounding area, and in the late 8th century
BC Tiglath-Pileser III conquered Babylonia and Syria and ruled over the entire
Fertile Crescent, and then in the time of Sargon II it became a world empire.
Assyria was established as
Sennacherib(在位前704年~前681年)のとき、全土の中心the center of the whole landたるニネヴェNinevehに首都capitalを移し、空前の世界帝国unprecedented world empireを形成formedした。
At the time of King
Sennacherib, he moved the capital to Nineveh, the center of the whole land, and
formed an unprecedented world empire.
Neo-Assyrian Empire
Esarhaddonは、エジプトEgypt(第25王朝25th dynasty)に遠征marched
intoして、首都capitalメンフィスMemphisを陥落capturedさせた(前671年671 BC)。
His son, King Esarhaddon,
marched into Egypt (25th dynasty) and captured the capital Memphis (671 BC).
of Nineveh
アッシュールバニパルの図書館Library of Ashurbanipal
末期の王the late kingアッシュールバニパルAshurbanipalはニネヴェNinevehに都capitalし、壮麗な王宮magnificent royal palaceを営んだ。
The late king
Ashurbanipal made Nineveh his capital and built a magnificent royal palace.
プサムテク1世Psamtik I エジプト第26王朝the Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egyptの初代ファラオthe first pharaoh
アッシリアの王the king of Assyriaは、神の名the
name of Godにおいて軍事military・政治political・宗教religious affairsを総覧surveyedし、全国the whole countryを若干の州several provincesに分け、各州each provinceに統治administrationと徴税tax collectionのための総督governorを置いた。
The king of Assyria, in
the name of God, surveyed military, political, and religious affairs, divided
the whole country into several provinces, and appointed a governor in each
province for administration and tax collection.
その支配ruleは、武力による野蛮なものbarbaric by forceで、大規模な強制移住large-scale forced migrationなど無理unreasonableが多かったため、エジプトの独立the independence of Egypt(プサムテク1世Psamtik I)(前663年663 BC)を手初めに各地in
various placesで反乱rebellionsや独立運動independence movementsが起こったoccurred。
Their rule was barbaric
by force, and large-scale forced migration was unreasonable, so rebellions and
independence movements occurred in various places, beginning with the
independence of Egypt (663 BC).
ニネヴェの陥落The Fall of
Nineveh (ニネヴェの戦いBattle of Nineveh)
そして東方イラン高原the eastern Iranian plateauに興起aroseしたメディア王国the Median Kingdomとバビロニア地方のカルデア人the
Babylonian Chaldeansの連合軍the combined forcesによって、首都capitalニネヴェNinevehは陥落fellし、アッシリア帝国the Assyrian Empireは滅亡fellした(ニネヴェの戦いBattle of Nineveh)(前612年612 BC)。
In 612 BC, the capital
Nineveh fell and the Assyrian Empire fell to the combined forces of the Median
Kingdom and the Babylonian Chaldeans, which arose on the eastern Iranian
紀元前600年頃のオリエントThe Orient around 600 BC
こうして、エジプトEgypt・リディアLydia・新バビロニアNeo-Babylonia・メディアMediaの4王国the four
Thus, the four kingdoms
of Egypt, Lydia, Neo-Babylonia, and Media were separated.
前6世紀半ばころin the middle of the 6th century BC、アケメネス朝ペルシアthe Achaemenid Empire of Persiaが再びオリエント世界Orient Worldを統一unitedするまで、1世紀足らずの間for less than
a century、オリエントOrientではこの4王国the four
For less than a century,
these four separate kingdoms continued in the Orient, until the Achaemenid
Empire of Persia united the Orient again in the middle of the 6th century BC.
紀元前600年頃のオリエントThe Orient around 600 BC
キュロス2世(大王)Cyrus II the Great
The world's oldest Lydian
coinage (circa 6th century BC)
補足 supplementary explanation
リディア王国the Lydian Kingdom
小アジアAsia Minorの一派リディア人the Lydiansが、前7世紀ごろaround the
7th century BC、小アジア西部the western part of Asia Minorに建てた国country。
A country founded by the
Lydians of Asia Minor in the western part of Asia Minor around the 7th century
nomadsとの交易tradeによって繁栄prosperedし、最後の王last kingクロイソスCroesusの富wealthはヘロドトスHerodotusによって伝えられる。
It prospered through
trade with the surrounding nomads, and the wealth of the last king, Croesus,
was told by Herodotus.
前546年546 BC、ペルシア王Persian kingキュロス2世(大王)Cyrus II the Greatによって滅ぼされた。
In 546 BC, it was
destroyed by the Persian king Cyrus the Great.
ヨーロッパEurope最古the oldestの鋳造貨幣minted coinsはリディア人the
The oldest minted coins
in Europe were invented by the Lydians.
紀元前600年頃のオリエントThe Orient around 600 BC
補足 supplementary explanation
メディア王国the Median Kingdom
アーリア系のメディア人Aryan Medesが、前9世紀ごろaround the
9th century BCイラン高原the Iranian
A country founded by
Aryan Medes in the Iranian plateau around the 9th century BC.
エクバタナEcbatanaを都capitalにして、前675年ごろaround 675 BCから約1世紀間 for
about a century繁栄prosperedしたが、前550年ごろaround 550 BCペルシア人the Persiansによって滅ぼされたdestroyed。
With Ecbatana as its
capital, it prospered for about a century from around 675 BC, but was destroyed
by the Persians around 550 BC.
ネブカドネザル2世Nebuchadnezzar II
カルケミシュの戦いBattle of
Carchemish about 605 BC
カルケミシュの戦いBattle of
about 605 BC
エジプト王国the Kingdom
of Egypt・アッシリア帝国亡命政権the Assyrian Empire in exileの同盟軍the allied forcesと、新バビロニア王国the Neo-Babylonian Kingdom、メディア王国the Kingdom of Media、スキタイthe Scythiansの連合軍the allied forcesの間の戦いbattleである。
It is a battle between
the allied forces of the Kingdom of Egypt and the Assyrian Empire in exile, and
the allied forces of the Neo-Babylonian Kingdom, the Kingdom of Media, and the
新バビロニア連合軍the Neo-Babylonian
allied forcesが大勝won a landslide victoryし、エジプト王国the Egyptian kingdomは近東the Near Eastへの足がかりfootholdを失った。
The Neo-Babylonian allied
forces won a landslide victory, and the Egyptian kingdom lost its foothold in
the Near East.
カルケミシュの戦いBattle of
Carchemish about 605 BC
Babylonian forces
the Babylonian forces
destroying Jerusalem
エルサレムJerusalemの破壊destructionとバビロンの捕囚the Babylonian captivityの始まりthe beginning
The destruction of
Jerusalem and the beginning of the Babylonian captivity
ジッグラト Ziggurat (聖塔sacred tower)
バベルの塔Tower of
新バビロニアthe Neo-Babylonia
これら4国four kingdomsのうち、カルデア人the Chaldeans(セム語族Semitic language family)の建てたbuilt新バビロニア王国the
Neo-Babylonian kingdom(前625年~前538年)が最も優勢the most dominantで、特にIn particular第2代the secondネブカドネザル2世Nebuchadnezzar II(在位前605年~前562年)は、エジプト勢力the
Egyptian powerをシリアSyriaから駆逐し、アッシリア時代the Assyrian eraの統治組織ruling organizationを復活して大帝国great empireを築いた。
Of these four kingdoms,
the Neo-Babylonian kingdom built by the Chaldeans (Semitic people) was the most
In particular, the second
Nebuchadnezzar II expelled the Egyptian power from Syria, restored the ruling
organization of the Assyrian era, and built a great empire.
アッシリアAssyriaの強制移住政策forced migration policyを踏襲して、多数のユダヤ人a large number of JewsをバビロンBabylonに捕虜captivesとして連れてきたのも(バビロンの捕囚Captivity of Babylon)、また首都capitalバビロンBabylonに大きな宮殿large palace・神殿temple・ジッグラトziggurat(聖塔sacred tower)などの大建設事業large-scale construction projectsを敢行したのもこの王this
Following the forced
migration policy of Assyria, he brought a large number of Jews as captives to
Babylon (Captivity of Babylon), and also carried out large-scale construction
projects such as a large palace, a temple, and a ziggurat (sacred tower) in the
capital Babylon. It was this king who did it.
バビロンBabylonには主神chief godマルドゥクMardukの神殿templeなど有力な神殿influential templesがあって、やがて王室royal familyと神殿templeとの間に抗争conflictが起こり、ペルシアPersiaに滅ぼされたdestroyed(前538年538 BC)。
Babylon had influential
temples such as the temple of Marduk, the chief god, and soon there was a
conflict between the royal family and the temple, and it was destroyed by
Persia (538 BC).
紀元前600年頃のオリエントThe Orient around 600 BC
キュロス2世Cyrus II the Great
the Achaemenid Empire of
インド・ヨーロッパ語族Indo-European language familyのアーリア系ペルシア人Aryan Persiansは、イラン高原the Iranian plateauに住み、メディア王国the Median kingdomに臣従servedしていた。
The Indo-European Aryan
Persians lived on the Iranian plateau and served the Median kingdom.
アケメネス朝the Achaemenid dynastyのキュロス2世Cyrus II the Great(在位前559年~前530年)のとき、エラム地方Elam regionのスサSusaを中心に興り、メディアMediaの首都capitalエクバタナEcbatanaを占領して、ペルシア王国the Persian Kingdomを樹立establishedした(前550年550 BC)。
During the reign of Cyrus
II of the Achaemenid dynasty (559-530 BC), he established the Persian kingdom
(550 BC) by occupying Ecbatana, the capital of Media, centering on Susa in the
Elam region.
Babylonian captivity
カンビセス2世Cambyses II
次いで小アジアAsia Minorのリディア王国the kingdom of Lydiaを征服conqueredし(前546年546 BC)、更に東へ転じてturned eastインドの境the border of
Indiaまで勢力を伸ばし、新バビロニア王国the Neo-Babylonian kingdomの首都capitalバビロンBabylonをも攻め落とし、そこに捕らえられていたユダヤ人the Jewsを釈放releasedした(前538年538 BC)。
He then conquered the
kingdom of Lydia in Asia Minor (546 BC), then turned east and extended his
power to the border of India. 538 BC).
He also captured Babylon,
the capital of the Neo-Babylonian kingdom, and released the Jews held captive
there (538 BC).
その子sonカンビセス2世Cambyses II(在位前530年~前522年)のときには、エジプトEgyptを征服conqueredした(前525年525 BC)。
Under his son Cambyses
II, he conquered Egypt (525 BC).
Achaemenid Empire of Persia
前7世紀 the 7th century BCからペルシア王Persian
kingsの居住地residenceとなり、キュロス2世Cyrus IIにより首都capitalと定められた。
It has been the residence
of the Persian kings since the 7th century BC and was made the capital by Cyrus
ダレイオス1世Darius IのときのペルセポリスPersepolisにも王宮royal palaceが造営builtされた。
A royal palace was also
built at Persepolis during the reign of Darius I.
ダレイオス1世Darius I (大王the Great)
第3代The thirdダレイオス1世Darius I(大王the Great)(在位前522年~前486年)は、東in the eastはインダス川the Indus Riverから西in the
westはエーゲ海the Aegean Sea北岸north coastに達し、南in the southはエジプトEgyptをも含む大帝国large empireを支配controlするため、アッシリアの制度Assyrian systemを継承し組織organizationを整備した。
The third Darius I (the
Great) inherited the Assyrian system and established an organization in order
to control a large empire that stretched from the Indus River in the east to
the north coast of the Aegean Sea in the west, and including Egypt in the south.
王の目King's Eyes・王の耳King's
王の道the Royal Road
駅伝制度post station system
全領土whole territoryを20の州twenty provincesに分け、その各々に知事governor(サトラップSatrap)を配置した。
He divided the whole
territory into 20 provinces, each with a governor (Satrap).
そして「王の目King's Eyes・王の耳King's Ears」と呼ばれる監察官Inspectorsを各州each provinceに派遣して、知事governorsの動静the movementsを探らせ、また貨幣を統一unify the currencyして経済活動economic activityの活発化を図り、首都capitalスサSusaから国境地帯border areasの要地サルデスSardisまで通じる道路road(王の道the Royal Road)を造り、駅伝制度post station systemを設けた。
Inspectors called 'King's
Eyes' and 'King's Ears' were dispatched to each province to investigate the
movements of the governors, and to unify the currency to stimulate economic
activity, from the capital Susa to the border areas. A road leading to Sardis
(Ou no Michi) was built, and a ekiden system was established.
キュロス2世Cyrus II the Great
ゾロアスター教Zoroastrianism (拝火教fire worship)
フェニキア人the Phoenicians フェニキア船Phoenician ship
こうして中央集権centralization of powerの強化strengthenに努めたが、その反面on the other
hand被支配民族the people
under controlの風習customs・宗教religionsなどには干渉interfereせず、独自の生活を送らせた。
In this way, they tried
to strengthen the centralization of power, but on the other hand, they did not
interfere with the customs and religions of the people under control, and let
them live their own lives.
たとえば、ユダヤ人the Jewsはペルシアの国教Persian state religionゾロアスター教Zoroastrianism(拝火教fire
worship)のもとでユダヤ教Judaismを維持し、フェニキア人the Phoeniciansは従来どおり海上貿易maritime tradeで活躍していた。
For example, the Jews
maintained Judaism under the Persian state religion of Zoroastrianism (fire
worship), and the Phoenicians continued to be active in maritime trade.
クセルクセス1世Xerxes I
イオニアの反乱Ionian Revolt 499–493 BC
Wars 499–449 BC
Achaemenid Empire of Persiaの支配下under the rule ofに統一unitedされたころ、西方in the westではギリシア人the Greeksが多くの都市国家city-statesを築いて繁栄prosperしようとしていた。
As the whole of the
Orient was united under the rule of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia, the Greeks
were trying to prosper in the west with many city-states.
ダレイオス1世Darius Iとその子sonクセルクセス1世Xerxes I(在位前486年~前465年)は、イオニア地方Ionian regionを中心に起こったギリシア人の反乱the Greek rebellion(イオニア反乱Ionian Rebellion)を鎮め、ギリシアへ遠征expedition to Greeceしてこれを属国vassal stateにしようとしたが、成功せず(ペルシア戦争Persian War)、その後もペルシアPersiaはギリシアGreeceと対抗関係in rivalryにあった。
Darius I and his son
Xerxes I tried to quell the Greek rebellion (Ionian Rebellion) that occurred
mainly in the Ionian region and made an expedition to Greece to make it a
vassal state, but it was not successful (Persian War). Persia was still in
rivalry with Greece.
Satraps' Revolt 366-360 BC
アレクサンドロス大王Alexander the Great
ガウガメラの戦いBattle of
Gaugamela 1 October 331
ガウガメラの戦いBattle of
Gaugamela 1 October 331
前4世紀 the 4th century BCには知事の反乱rebellion
of the governorsに悩み、やがてアレクサンドロス大王Alexander the Greatの率いるマケドニアMacedonとギリシアGreeceの連合軍combined forcesによって滅ぼされたdestroyed(前330年330 BC)。
In the 4th century BC, it
was plagued by a rebellion of the governors, and was eventually destroyed by
the combined forces of Macedon and Greece led by Alexander the Great (330 BC).