世界史 3 World history 3
第2章 Chapter 2
Establishment of ancient
第1節 Section 1
Orient World
1 メソポタミアMesopotamia
古代オリエント世界 Ancient Orient World
メソポタミア Mesopotamia
街角のカフェ Cafe Corner 2007年(平成19年)
街角のカフェ Cafe Corner 2007年(平成19年)
世界四大文明 Four great civilizations of the world
古代オリエント世界 Ancient Orient World
第2章 Chapter 2
Establishment of ancient
ナイル川流域the Nile
Basinの細長い地帯narrow stripとデルタ地域deltaは、エジプト史Egyptian historyの舞台stageとなり、連綿と続く独特の文明civilizationを生み出した。
The narrow strip and
delta of the Nile Basin set the stage for Egyptian history, giving birth to a
unique and unbroken civilization.
メソポタミアMesopotamiaでは、文明civilizationはティグリス・ユーフラテス両川the Tigris and Euphrates riversの中流域Middle basin・下流域lower basinの肥沃な三日月地帯Fertile Crescentで栄えた。
In Mesopotamia,
civilization flourished in the fertile crescents of the middle and lower
reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
これらは、開放的な地形open topographyのため外部からの侵入invaded by outsidersも多く、国家の興亡the rise and fall of nationsも激しかったが、文化の交流Cultural exchangesも盛んでオリエント世界Oriental worldの中心centerとなった。
Due to their open
topography, they were often invaded by outsiders, and the rise and fall of
nations were rapid.
Cultural exchanges were
also thriving, and it became the center of the oriental world.
古代ギリシア世界 Ancient Greek world
西方Occidentでは、紀元前3000年ごろc.3000BCから、ギリシアの青銅器文明Greek Bronze Age Civilizationが栄え、ヘレニズム文化Hellenistic cultureを作り出した。
In the west, from around
3000 BC, the Greek Bronze Age civilization flourished and created the Hellenistic
ローマ帝国 Roman Empire
またローマRomeは、地中海世界Mediterranean worldを征服して大帝国Great empireを建設し、キリスト教Christianityは世界宗教World religionへと発展した。
Rome conquered the
Mediterranean world and built a great empire, and Christianity developed into a
world religion.
世界四大文明 Four great civilizations of the world
インドIndiaでは、インダス川流域Indus River basinに青銅器文化Bronze Age cultureをもつ都市文明Urban civilizationが興り、黄河Yellow Riverの中流域Middle basin・下流域lower basinは早くから開けていた。
In India, an urban
civilization with a Bronze Age culture arose in the Indus River basin, and the
middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River were opened early on.
ここに、古代国家Ancient nationが盛衰する。
Here the ancient nation
rises and falls.
古代オリエント世界 Ancient Orient World
古代オリエント Ancient Orient
第1節 Section 1
Orient World
ナイル川流域the Nile basinに発生したエジプト文明Egyptian civilization、ティグリス・ユーフラテス川の流域Tigris-Euphrates basinに発達したメソポタミア文明Mesopotamian civilizationは、前5000年ごろc.5000BC~前 4000年ごろc.4000BCの新石器文化Neolithic cultureを基礎として金属器の使用Use of metal toolsによって栄えた。
The Egyptian civilization that arose in the
Nile basin and the Mesopotamian civilization that developed in the
Tigris-Euphrates basin prospered through the use of metal tools based on the
Neolithic culture of 5000-4000 BC.
この両文明two civilizationsは、互いに影響し合いながら、周辺諸民族surrounding peoplesにも大きな刺激great stimulusを与え、しだいに統一的unifiedな古代オリエント世界Ancient Orient worldを形成formするようになった。
These two civilizations,
while influencing each other, gave great stimulus to the surrounding peoples,
and gradually came to form a unified ancient Orient world.
この世界のほぼ全域most of this worldを政治的に統合politically unitedしたのはペルシア帝国Persian Empireである。
It was the Persian Empire that politically united
most of this world.
古代オリエント世界 Ancient Orient World
肥沃な三日月地帯 Fertile Crescent
1 メソポタミアMesopotamia
wordで、「両河の間の国land between the rivers」という意味meaningであり、ティグリス川とユーフラテス川Tigris
and Euphrates riversの間betweenの地域regionを指す。
is a Greek word meaning "land between the rivers", referring to the
region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
この両川two riversは、東南の方向the direction of the southeastに流れてペルシア湾Persian Gulfに注ぎ、両川two riversの周辺には完新層Holoceneの沃地(よくち)fertile landsが発達した。
These two rivers flowed
in the direction of the southeast and emptied into the Persian Gulf, and
fertile lands of Holocene developed around the two rivers.
肥沃な三日月地帯 Fertile Crescent
このメソポタミアMesopotamiaから地中海沿岸Mediterranean coastのシリアSyriaにかけて肥沃な地帯Fertile zonesが連なっており、その形状shapeからして肥沃な三日月地帯Fertile Crescentと呼ばれている。
this Mesopotamia to Syria on the Mediterranean coast, there is a series of
fertile zones, and because of its shape, it is called the Fertile Crescent.
halfが肥沃Fertileであり、バビロニアBabyloniaと呼ばれて古代文明ancient civilizationの一大中心地centerとなった。
The southern half of
Mesopotamia was particularly fertile, and was called Babylonia and became the
center of ancient civilization.
「肥沃な三日月地帯Fertile Crescent」の西端western
edgeから少し南西Southwestへ進めば、もう一つの古代文明ancient civilizationの中心地centerエジプトEgyptに達する。
If you go a little southwest
from the western edge of the Fertile Crescent, you will reach Egypt, the center
of another ancient civilization.
世界の砂漠 world desert
モンゴル高原Mongolian Plateauのゴビ砂漠Gobi DesertからアフリカAfricaのサハラ砂漠Sahara Desertに至るまで、世界最大の乾燥地帯The world's largest arid zoneが横たわっているが、メソポタミアMesopotamiaやエジプトEgyptは、この砂漠Desertのなかにある比較的大きなオアシスoasesである。
From the Gobi Desert on
the Mongolian Plateau to the Sahara Desert in Africa, the world's largest arid
zone lies, but Mesopotamia and Egypt are relatively large oases in this desert.
タウルス山脈 Taurus Mountains
sideや東側East sideは、タウルス山脈Taurus Mountains、ザグロス山脈Zagros Mountainsなどで囲まれており、海上からの湿気を帯びた風humid winds
from the seaはこれらの山々mountainsに捕えられ、大河great riversの水源Water sourcesとなっている。
The north and east sides of Mesopotamia are surrounded by the Taurus
Mountains and the Zagros Mountains, and the humid winds from the sea are
captured by these mountains and become the water sources of the great rivers.
この山岳mountainsや高原plateausには精悍な山岳民hill tribesが住み、メソポタミアMesopotamiaを襲撃raidedしたり征服conqueredしたりすることが珍しくなかった。
These mountains and
plateaus were inhabited by fearless hill tribes who often raided and conquered
また南側South sideには広大なアラビアの砂漠Arabian Desertがあり、そこには活発な遊牧民nomadic
Also to the south was the
vast Arabian desert, which was home to active nomadic tribes.
ザグロス山脈 Zagros Mountains
メソポタミアの歴史History of Mesopotamiaで最も重要な役割Most important roleを演じるセム語族Semitic language familyも、故郷originatedはアラビアの砂漠Arabian Desertであったらしい。
The Semitic people, who
played the most important role in the history of Mesopotamia, also seem to have
originated in the Arabian desert.
メソポタミアMesopotamiaは、このように山脈Mountains・高原Plateaus・砂漠Desertsに囲まれ、周囲との交渉も激しかったintense negotiations with the surroundingsため、民族や国家の興亡The rise and fall of ethnic groups and nationsが目まぐるしく複雑であったdizzying and complicated。
Mesopotamia was thus
surrounded by mountains, plateaus, and deserts, and because of the intense
negotiations with the surroundings, the rise and fall of nations and nations
were dizzying and complicated.
しかし、このことは、同時に文化交流の活発さActive cultural exchangeを意味meansし、最古の文明the oldest civilizationが成立establishmentしたのもそれと関係がある。
However, at the same
time, this means active cultural exchange, and the establishment of the oldest
civilization is also related to this.
セム語族 Semitic language family
補足 supplementary explanation
セム語族 Semitic language family
言語languageによる人種区分racial divisionsでセム語Semitic languageで話す民族people。
Semitic-speaking people
in linguistic racial divisions.
『旧約聖書Old Testament』に見えるセムShemの子孫descendantsの意meaningで、アーリア人Aryans・ハム語族Hamitic language familyとともにヨーロッパEuropeやオリエントOrientの主要人種main racesを形成formする。
Descendants of the Semites
seen in the Old Testament, along with the Aryans and Hamitics, form the main
races of Europe and the Orient.
The Phoenicians,
Canaanites, and Israelites belong to this category.
肥沃な三日月地帯 Fertile Crescent
シュメール人の都市国家 City-State of the Sumerians
City-State of the
肥沃な三日月地帯Fertile Crescentの周辺部Peripheral areaには前6500年ごろAround 6500 BCEから、すでにジャルモJarmo・イェリコJerichoなどの集落settlementsが発達developmentしていた。
Around 6500 BC, settlements
such as Jarmo Jericho had already developed around the fertile crescent.
このような新石器時代Neolithic periodの文化cultureを背景backgroundとして、最も早く都市文明Urban civilizationを築いたのは、民族系統不明Ethnic origin unknownのシュメール人the Sumeriansである。
Against this background
of Neolithic culture, the earliest urban civilization was built by the
Sumerians, whose ancestry is unknown.
かれらは、ティグリス川・ユーフラテス川Tigris and Euphrates
riversの両川口付近near the mouths(シュメール地方Sumerian region)に定着Settlementし、前3000年ごろAround 3000 BCEには神殿templeを中心に都市citiesを造りBuild a city
around the temple、青銅器文明Bronze Age civilizationを開花flourishedさせた。
They settled near the
mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Sumerian region), built cities around
the temple around 3000 BC, and flourished the Bronze Age civilization.
楔形文字(くさびがた・もじ) Cuneiform
特に重要なのは文字の発明invention of writingで、最初は絵文字pictographsを用いたが、やがて表音文字phonetic writingも加わり、文字の形shape of lettersも単純な楔形(くさびがた)cuneiform(楔形文字(くさびがた・もじ)cuneiform writing)に発達developedし、粘土板clay tabletsに刻みこまれた。
Of particular importance was
the invention of writing. At first pictographs were used, but soon phonetic
writing was added, and the shape of letters developed into simple cuneiform
(cuneiform writing), which was carved into clay tablets.
文書の内容content of
the documentsは、都市国家city-statesの経済economy・行政administrationに関するものが多く、当時の生活の具体的な様相specific aspects of life at that timeが知られる。
Many of the documents
deal with the economy and administration of city-states, and the specific
aspects of life at that time are known.
灌漑農耕 irrigation agriculture
灌漑農耕irrigation agricultureが行われ、また、天文astronomy・暦学calendar studiesなど実用の学問practical studiesも盛んであった。
Irrigated agriculture was
practiced, and practical studies such as astronomy and calendar studies were
also popular.
ウルの遺跡 Ruins in the Town of Ur 背景にウルのジッグラト Ziggurat of Urが見える
ウル Ur・ウルク Uruk・ラガシュ Lagash
As city-states, Ur, Uruk,
Lagash, and others were powerful, competing with each other for supremacy.
各々の都市国家city-stateには守護神guardian deityがあり、王kingは神意divine willを受けて行動していたが、やがて王権sovereigntyが強化されて王kingは最高の神官the highest priestとなり、神殿templeもその支配下に置かれるようになった。
Each city-state had its
own guardian deity, and the king acted according to divine will, but eventually
the sovereignty was strengthened, the king became the highest priest, and the
temple came to be under his control.
また早くから通商commerceが盛んで、各地の商人merchants from all over the countryが神殿templeに集まり、インドIndiaとも交易関係trade relationsを結んでいた。
In addition, commerce flourished
from early on, and merchants from all over the country gathered at the temple
and established trade relations with India.
ナンナ Nanna ウル Ur の守護神 guardian deity
イナンナ Inanna (イシュタル Ishtar) ウルク Uruk の守護神 guardian deity
ニンギルス Ninĝirsu ラガシュ Lagash の守護神 guardian deity
アッカド王国 Akkadian Empire
シュメール人the Sumerians(左)とサルゴンSargonが率いるセム人the
Battle between the
Sumerians (left) and the Semites led by Sargon, armed with bows and arrows.
シュメール人the Sumeriansより少し遅れて、アラビアArabia方面からセム語族Semitic language familyの一部a partが移動してきて、前3000年ごろaround 3000
BCアッカド地方Akkad region(シュメールSumerの北側north)に定着settledし、シュメール文化Sumerian cultureを吸収して文明化civilizedした。
A little later than the
Sumerians, a part of the Semitic peoples migrated from Arabia and settled in
the Akkad region (north of Sumer) around 3000 BC, absorbing the Sumerian
culture and becoming civilized.
サルゴン Sargon
The young Sargon, working
as a gardener, is visited by Ishtar "surrounded by a cloud of doves".
前2400年ごろAround 2400 BCサルゴンSargonがシュメール・アッカド地方Sumerian and Akkadian regionを統一unitedし、更に北西northwest方に大遠征great expeditionを行った。
Around 2400 BC, Sargon united
Sumer and Akkad and made a great expedition to the northwest.
サルゴンSargonの開いた王朝dynastyは、シュメール・アッカド王朝Sumerian and Akkadian dynastyと呼ばれ、5代140年five generations and 140 years続いた。
The dynasty founded by
Sargon was called the Sumerian-Akkadian dynasty and lasted for five generations
and 140 years.
イシュタル Ishtar
補足 supplementary explanation
イシュタルIshtarは、シュメール神話Sumerian mythologyに登場する豊穣神fertility goddessイナンナInannaの系譜lineageと地母神mother
goddessの血を引く、メソポタミア神話Mesopotamian mythologyにおいて広く尊崇された愛と美の女神goddess of love and beauty。
Ishtar is the goddess of
love and beauty widely revered in Mesopotamian mythology, descending from the
lineage of Inanna, the fertility goddess of Sumerian mythology, and the blood
of the mother goddess.
It governs many divinities
such as war, fertility, Venus, and sovereignty.
ナラーム=シン Naram-Sin
第4代the 4thのナラーム=シンNaram-Sinの治世reignが特に帝国主義的imperialisticに発展した時代で、この王は生存中during his lifetimeから神格化deifiedされ、「四方世界の王King of the Four Worlds」という称号titleを用いた。
The reign of the 4th
Naram-Sin was particularly imperialistic, and he was deified during his
lifetime, using the title 'King of the Four Worlds'.
グティ人 Gutian people
The Gutians capturing a
Babylonian city
しかし、その子(シャル・カリ・シャッリShar-Kali-Sharri)の治世reignには帝国empireは分裂splitし、蛮族barbarianグティ人Gutian peopleに前2250年ごろabout 2250 BCから前2120年ごろabout 2120 BCまで支配ruledされたが、その期間の後半には、南方のシュメール人の都市Sumerian cityウルUr・ウルクUruk・ラガシュLagashが復興revivedした。
However, during his son's
reign the empire was split and ruled by the barbarian Gutians from about 2250
BC to about 2120 BC, during which time the Sumerian city of Ur-uruk Lagash to
the south was established. revived.
アッカド王国 Akkadian Empire
補足 supplementary explanation
グティ人Gutian people
グティ人The Gutiansは、古代ancient
timesに西アジアwestern Asia、ザグロス山脈周辺around the Zagros Mountains(現イランnow Iran)にいた遊牧民nomadic peopleである。
The Gutians are a nomadic
people who lived in western Asia around the Zagros Mountains (now Iran) in
ancient times.
古代メソポタミアancient Mesopotamiaのアッカド王朝末期the end of the Akkadian dynastyにメソポタミアMesopotamiaに侵入invadedした人々とされている。
They are believed to have
invaded Mesopotamia at the end of the Akkadian dynasty in ancient Mesopotamia.
ウル第3王朝の帝国 Empire of the
Third Dynasty of Ur(緑色)、領土、勢力圏、植民地の前哨基地が最大。西が上、北が右。
Empire of the Third
Dynasty of Ur (in green), with territory, zone of influence, and colonial
outposts, at their greatest. West is at top, North at right.
粘土板文書 clay tablet
documents 楔形文字(くさびがた・もじ) Cuneiform
特にウル第3王朝Third Dynasty of Ur(前2100年ごろaround 2100 BC~前2000年ごろaround 2000 BC)にはシュメール文明Sumerian civilizationが最高潮climaxとなり、そのため上記のシュメール人の都市の遺跡ruins of the Sumerian cityからは多数の粘土板文書clay tablet documentsが出土し、当時の社会society of that timeについて細部まで知ることができる。
Especially during the 3rd
Dynasty of Ur (around 2100-2000 BC), the Sumerian civilization reached its
For this reason, many
clay tablet documents have been unearthed from the ruins of the Sumerian city
mentioned above, and we can learn in detail about the society of that time.
ウル第3王朝Third Dynasty of Urの王king・ウトゥヘンガルUtu-hengalは、グティ人の王king・ティリガンTiriganに対する勝利を祈る。
Utu-hengal, Lugal of the
Sumerian city of Uruk, praying for victory against the Gutian king Tirigan.
楔形文字(くさびがた・もじ) Cuneiform
補足 supplementary explanation
シュメール文化Sumerian cultureとアッカド文化Akkadian culture
サルゴン王King Sargonによるシュメール征服conquest of Sumer後も、文化的culturallyにあらゆる点で、シュメール人the Sumeriansはアッカド人the Akkadiansの教師teachersであった。
Even after the conquest
of Sumer by King Sargon, the Sumerians remained the teachers of the Akkadians
in every respect culturally.
アッカド人the Akkadiansが新生面new groundを開いたのは芸術の分野field of artだけである。
The Akkadians broke new
ground only in the field of art.
アッカド朝the Akkadian dynasty支配下においても、都市国家的伝統tradition of city-statesが残っていたし、それゆえウル第3王朝Third Dynasty of Urの再建reconstructionに際して両民族two peoplesの協力cooperateも可能になり、度量衡の統一unification of weights and measures・楔形文字cuneiformの表音化phoneticizationなどのように、シュメール文化Sumerian cultureとアッカド文化Akkadian cultureの融合amalgamationの上に、メソポタミア文化Mesopotamian cultureの基本的性格basic
Even under the rule of
the Akkadian dynasty, the tradition of city-states remained.
Therefore, it became
possible for the two peoples to cooperate in the reconstruction of the 3rd
dynasty of Ur.
Like the unification of
weights and measures and the phoneticization of cuneiform,
On the amalgamation of Sumerian
and Akkadian cultures, the basic character of Mesopotamian culture was created
and carried over to Babylonia.
古バビロニア王国 Old Babylonian Empire
reignの開始時と終了時at the start
and end ofのバビロニア帝国the Babylonian Empireの範囲extent
The extent of the
Babylonian Empire at the start and end of Hammurabi's reign
補足 supplementary explanation
アムル人the Amurians
nomadsでアモリ人the Amoritesともいう。
Semitic nomads, also known
as the Amorites.
前2000年紀the 2nd millennium BC前半the first halfのメソポタミアMesopotamiaに、シリア砂漠Syrian desertから侵入しバビロニアBabyloniaを支配して、イシンIsin、バビロンBabylon、ラルサLarsaなどの都市citiesを形成し、シュメール人the Sumeriansのウル第3王朝the third dynasty of Urにかわって次第に有力となり、紀元前1900年頃around 1900 BC、バビロンBabylonを都にバビロン第1王朝the First
Dynasty of Babylonを築いてメソポタミアMesopotamiaを支配した。
In the first half of the
2nd millennium BC, it invaded Mesopotamia from the Syrian desert and ruled
Babylonia, forming cities such as Isin, Babylon, and Larsa, gradually becoming
influential in place of the Sumerian Ur 3 dynasties, and around 1900 BC,
Babylon. He founded the first dynasty of Babylon in the city and ruled over
その全盛期の王がハンムラビ王king Hammurabiである。
The king in his prime was
ウル第3王朝の帝国 Empire of the
Third Dynasty of Ur(緑色)、領土、勢力圏、植民地の前哨基地が最大。西が上、北が右。
Empire of the Third Dynasty of Ur (in green), with territory, zone of influence, and colonial outposts, at their greatest. West is at top, North at right.
古バビロニア王国 Old Babylonian Empire
Babylonian Empire
ウル第3王朝the third dynasty of Urは、東方eastからはエラム人the
Elamites、シリアSyria方面からはセム系遊牧民Semitic nomadsのアムル人the
Amuriansの侵略を受けて、前2000年ごろaround 2000 B.C.に滅亡destroyedした。
The 3rd dynasty of Ur was
destroyed around 2000 B.C. by the Elamites from the east and the Amrite Semitic
nomads from Syria.
エラム人the Elamitesはその後故郷の地homelandsへ帰ったが、アムル人the
Amuriansはメソポタミアの中・南部central and southern Mesopotamiaに定着settledし、シュメール・アッカド文明Sumerian-Akkadian civilizationを吸収した。
The Elamites then
returned to their homelands, while the Amurians settled in central and southern
Mesopotamia and absorbed the Sumerian-Akkadian civilization.
そしてユーフラテス川the Euphrates RiverのほとりbanksバビロンBabylonにバビロン第1王朝First dynasty
of Babylonを興したestablished(古バビロニア王国Old Babylonian Empire)。
The first dynasty of
Babylon was established in Babylon on the banks of the Euphrates River (Kingdom
of Old Babylonia).
前18世紀 the 18th century BC第6代王the 6th KingハンムラビHammurabiのときメソポタミアMesopotamia地方を統一unifiedした。
In the 18th century BC,
the 6th King Hammurabi unified Mesopotamia.
ハンムラビ Hammurabi
ハンムラビHammurabiは、治水灌漑事業flood control and irrigation projectsや首都capitalバビロンBabylonの造営constructionに力を注いだばかりでなく、ハンムラビ法典Code of Hammurabiを制定enactedし、中央集権的centralizedな行政administrative・司法judicial・軍事militaryの組織organizationsを確立establishedした。
Hammurabi not only
focused on flood control and irrigation projects and the construction of the
capital Babylon, but also enacted the Code of Hammurabi and established centralized
administrative, judicial and military organizations.
ヒッタイト人 the Hittites
このハンムラビ王king Hammurabiのもとで黄金時代golden
ageを迎えたバビロニア王国Babylonian kingdomも、その繁栄prosperityは長く続かず、前16世紀 the
16th century BCにヒッタイト人the Hittitesの侵入invasionを受けて没落fell to ruinし、やがて東北方の山地mountains of the northeastern regionに住んでいた好戦的warlikeなカッシート人the Kassitesの支配controlに服した(~前12世紀 the
12th century BC)。
The Babylonian kingdom,
which entered its golden age under this king, did not last long, and fell to
ruin after being invaded by the Hittites in the 16th century BC.
Eventually, it came under
the control of the warlike Kassites who lived in the mountains of the
northeastern region (until the 12th century BC).
ハンムラビ法典の石碑 Code of Hammurabi
ハンムラビHammurabi(立っている)、シャマシュShamash(またはおそらくマルドゥクMarduk)から王室の記章royal insigniaを受け取るreceiving
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ハンムラビ法典Code of Hammurabi
Carved in cuneiform on
282条282 articlesある。
There are 282 articles.
慣習法common lawを成文化Codificationしたもので、民法civil law・商法commercial law・刑法criminal law・税法tax lawその他を含む。
Codification of common
law, including civil law, commercial law, criminal law, tax law, and others.
刑法criminal lawの分野fieldでは「目には目を歯には歯をAn eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.」のタリオニズムTalianism(同害報復(どうがい・ほうふく)retaliation)の原則principleに貫かれ、被害者の身分the status of the victim(貴族aristocrat・平民commoner・奴隷slave)によって刑罰punishmentを異にする階級法class lawの性格characterがあること、商取引commercial transactions特に借金debtsに関する規定regulationsの多いことなどが特色characterizedである。
In the field of criminal law,
the principle of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' is followed by
talionism (retribution for harm caused by the same person), and the character
of the class law is that punishment differs according to the status of the
victim (aristocrat, commoner, or slave). It is characterized by the fact that
there are many regulations on commercial transactions, especially on debts.
スサ Susa
1902年(明治35年)スサSusaでほとんど完全な形almost complete formで発見された。
It was found in Susa in
1902 in almost complete form.
正確にはシュメール法Sumerian law(ウル・ナンム法典Code of
Ur-Nammu)が世界最古の成文法the oldest written law in the worldであるが、完全な形complete
To be precise, the
Sumerian law (Code of Ur-Nammu) is the oldest written law in the world, but it
has not survived in its complete form.
マルドゥク Marduk と竜 dragon (ムシュフシュMušḫuššu)
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マルドゥクMardukは、古代メソポタミア神話ancient Mesopotamian mythologyの特にバビロニア神話Babylonian mythologyなどに登場する男神male god。
Marduk is a male god who
appears in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, especially Babylonian mythology.
godでバビロニアBabyloniaの国家神national god。
The city god of Babylon
and the national god of Babylonia.
カッシート人 the Kassites
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カッシート人the Kassites
バビロン第1王朝the First Dynasty of Babylon滅亡後after the fall、バビロニアBabyloniaを支配したインド=ヨーロッパ語族Indo-European language family。
Indo-European people who
ruled Babylonia after the fall of the First Dynasty of Babylon.
ヒッタイト人the Hittitesを駆逐してカッシート王朝Kassite dynasty(前16世紀16th century
B.C.~前12世紀12th century
B.C.)を建て、アマルナ時代Amarna periodにはエジプトEgypt・ヒッタイトHittite・ミタンニMitanniと並ぶ強国powerful countryとなった。
They drove out the
Hittites and established the Kassite dynasty (16th to 12th century B.C.), and
during the Amarna period, they became a powerful country on par with Egypt, the
Hittites, and the Mitanni.
カッシート朝Kassite dynastyは権力が弱く地方分権的decentralizedで、この王朝dynastyをバビロニアの封建時代feudal era of Babyloniaともいう。
The Kassite dynasty is
weak and decentralized, and this dynasty is also called the feudal era of
conquered by Assyria.
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エラム人the Elamites
エラム人the Elamitesは、前22世紀ごろaround the
22nd century BC、イラン高原Iranian plateauの南西部southwestern part、後のアケメネス朝Achaemenid dynastyの都capitalスサSusaを中心とした一帯で起こった民族ethnic
The Elamites were an
ethnic group that arose around the 22nd century BC in the southwestern part of
the Iranian plateau, centering on Susa, the capital of the later Achaemenid
その系統ancestryは不明であるが、インドヨーロッパ語族Indo-Europeanのアーリア人the Aryansが侵入する以前のイラン高原Iranian plateauに、最初に居住していた民族peoplesの一つである。
Its ancestry is unknown,
but it was one of the first peoples to inhabit the Iranian plateau before the
invasion of the Indo-European Aryans.
前12世紀中頃the middle of the 12th century BCの前1155年1155 BCにバビロニアBabyloniaのカッシート人the Kassitesを滅ぼしdestroyed、最盛期となった。
It reached its peak in
1155 BC, in the middle of the 12th century BC, when it destroyed Kassite in