世界史 10 World history 10
第2章 Chapter 2
Establishment of ancient civilization
第2節 Section Two
古代ギリシア世界Ancient Greek world
2 ギリシア史の展開 2
Development of Greek history 2
マラトンの戦い Battle of Marathon
Epaminondas defending Pelopidas at the Siege
of Mantinea (385 BC).
古代ギリシア世界Ancient Greek world
2 ギリシア史の展開 2
Development of Greek history 2
アテネの貴族政Athenian aristocracy
アテネAthensは、ギリシアの政治や文化Greek politics and cultureの面で、最も重要な役割the most important roleを果たした。
Athens played the most important role in
Greek politics and culture.
そのためポリスpolisのなかではアテネの歴史the history of Athensが最も詳細に知られている。
For this reason, the history of Athens is
known in the most detail among the polis.
Many other police are thought to have
followed a similar course.
castlesがあって、もちろん王政a monarchyであった。
In Mycenaean times, Athens, as in other
parts of the world, had strong castles and, of course, a monarchy.
アレオパゴス会議 the Areopagus
しかし、暗黒時代the Dark Agesの間に、王権royal powerが衰微して貴族政aristocracyになった。
However, during the Dark Ages, royal power
waned to aristocracy.
aristocratic periodには、貴族noblesと農民farmersと職人craftsmenの3身分three social classesに分かれていた。
During the aristocratic period, there were
three social classes: nobles, farmers, and craftsmen.
これら3身分three classesのうち、役人officialsとして政治politicsや裁判courtsを担当chargeするのは貴族the nobilityだけであった。
Of these three classes, only the nobility
were in charge of politics and courts as officials.
最も重要な役人The most
important officialsはアルコンArchonsであり、またスパルタSpartaの長老会The Council of Elders, Gerousiaに相当するものとして、アレオパゴス会議the Areopagusがあった。
The most important officials were the
Archons, and the Spartan equivalent of the Presbyterian Council, the Areopagus.
古代ギリシアの植民地 Ancient Greek colonies
Greek territories and colonies during the
Archaic period (750–550 BC)
貴族政末期End of
Upheaval at the end of the Greek Aristocracy
前8世紀 The 8th century BCはギリシアGreece全体を通して、貴族政aristocratic governmentの安定stableした時代periodであったが、前7世紀 the 7th century BCに入ると、植民活動colonial
activitiesの結果として商工業commerce and industryが発展developmentし、それに伴って貴族政the
The 8th century BC was a period of stable
aristocratic government throughout Greece, but in the 7th century BC, colonial
activities led to the development of commerce and industry, and the aristocracy
began to shake.
すなわち、一部someの貴族aristocratsは新しい時代の波the wave of the new eraに乗って、商工業commerce and industryにも手を出し、ますます富裕wealthyとなり、他方では没落fell into declineした貴族aristocratsもあった。
In other words, some aristocrats rode the
wave of the new era, dabbled in commerce and industry, and became increasingly
wealthy, while others fell into decline.
そのため貴族the noblesたち相互間の利害mutual interestsが複雑complicatedになり、支配階級the ruling classとして一致して支配rule in unisonできなくなった。
As a result, the mutual interests of the
nobles became complicated, and it became impossible for the ruling class to
rule in unison.
紀元前600年頃のオリエントThe Orient
around 600 BC
紀元前600年頃のオリエントThe Orient
around 600 BC
エジプトEgypt・リディアLydia・新バビロニアNeo-Babylonia・メディアMediaの4王国the four kingdomsが分立separated
特に前7世紀the 7th century BCに小アジアAsia Minorのリディア王国the kingdom
of Lydiaで初めて鋳造貨幣minted
coinageが作られ、ギリシア世界the Greek
worldも貨幣経済the monetary
economyの段階the stageに入った。
Especially in the 7th century BC, the
kingdom of Lydia in Asia Minor created the first coinage, and the Greek world
also entered the stage of the monetary economy.
このため富裕wealthyになった人々some peopleがある反面、農民peasantsたちは多くの負債many debtsに悩まされた。
As a result, while some people became
wealthy, peasants were plagued with many debts.
ペイシストラトス Pisistratus 僭主(せんしゅ) tyrant
そこで商工業commerce and industryの面で先進的なアテネAthens・コリントCorinth・ミレトスMiletusなどのポリスpolisesでは、貧しい人々の勢力を背景the background of the power of the poorとして貴族the noblesの一人が独裁権dictatorshipを握ることになった。
Therefore, in cities such as Athens,
Corinth, and Miletus, which were advanced in terms of commerce and industry,
one of the nobles came to hold dictatorship against the background of the power
of the poor.
このような非合法の王illegal kingのことを僭主tyrantという。
Such an illegal king is called a tyrant.
form of governmentとしてこのような僭主政tyrannyが行われたのである。
This kind of tyranny was carried out as a
transitional form of government from aristocracy to democracy.
クロイソス Croesus
ヘロドトス Herodotus
補足 supplementary explanation
最古の鋳造貨幣The oldest
minted coinageは、前7世紀 the 7th century BCのリディア王国the Kingdom
of Lydiaで造られた金銀合金gold and
silver alloyのエレクトロン貨Electrumである。
The oldest minted coinage is the gold and
silver alloy Electron from the Kingdom of Lydia in the 7th century BC.
前6世紀 the 6th century BCには、リディア王king of LydiaクロイソスCroesusが純粋の金貨・銀貨pure
gold and silver coinsを鋳造mintedし、当時第1の富者the first
rich manとヘロドトスHerodotusによって伝えられている。
In the 6th century BC, Croesus, king of
Lydia, minted pure gold and silver coins, and was reported by Herodotus as the
first rich man of his time.
ドラコン Draco
of statutory law
貴族政the aristocracyの末期the endには、いくつかのポリスpolisesで成文法statutesが発布promulgatedされた。
Towards the end of the aristocracy, statutes
were promulgated in several polises.
従来、裁判the courtsは貴族the nobilityが担当し、法律の知識knowledge of the lawも、主として貴族the nobilityだけのものであった。
Traditionally, the courts were in charge of
the nobility, and knowledge of the law was largely reserved for the nobility.
それゆえ、ここに法律the lawが万人の眼の前before everyone's eyesに公示publicationされたことは、裁判の面the judicial processで民主化the democratizationに大きく役立ったであろう。
Therefore, the publication of the law here
before everyone's eyes would have greatly contributed to the democratization of
the judicial process.
アテネAthensでも、前621年621 BCにドラコンDraconが初めて制定enactedした成文法the statuteは、その刑罰punishmentが過酷harshなので有名famousとなった。
In Athens, too, the statute first enacted by
Drakon in 621 BC became famous for its harsh punishment.
ソロン Solon
補足 supplementary explanation
ドラコンの法Draco’s Law
前621年621 BC、ドラコンDraconが従来の慣習法the conventional common lawを成文化codifiedして公布promulgatedしたもの。
In 621 BC, Drakon codified and promulgated
the conventional common law.
Its purpose is to regulate private revenge
and maintain order through public authority.
刑罰The punishmentはきびしくsevere、条文the articlesは血でもって書かれたwritten
in bloodという。
The punishment was severe, and it is said
that the articles were written in blood.
provisions relating to murder以外はソロンSolonによって廃止Abolishedされた。
Abolished by Solon except for the provisions
relating to murder.
ソロンSolon アテネAthensの賢明な立法者wise lawgiver
Upheaval at the end of the Aristocracy in
ソロンの改革the reforms of Solon
前7世紀 the 7th century BCにはアテネAthensでも多くの自作農民subsistence farmersが没落fell into disrepairし、富裕な貴族the wealthy nobilityとの間に抗争conflictsが激しくなった。
In the 7th century BC, many subsistence
peasants in Athens also fell into disrepair, and rivalries with the wealthy
nobility intensified.
そこで前6世紀の初頭the beginning
of the 6th century BC(前594年594 BC)にアルコンArchonに選ばれたソロンSolonは、貴族the nobilityと平民the common peopleとの間の調停者mediatorとなって、改革reformsを断行した。
Solon, who was elected Archon at the
beginning of the 6th century BC (594 BC), acted as mediator between the
nobility and the common people and carried out reforms.
すなわち、身体bodyを抵当mortgageとする金銭の貸借the borrowing and lending of moneyを禁止prohibitedして、当時までの負債debtsを切り捨てにしcut down、市民citizensが奴隷slavesになることを防いだ。
In other words, it prohibited the borrowing
and lending of money using the body as a mortgage, cut down the debts that had
existed up to that time, and prevented citizens from becoming slaves.
ソロンの改革 the reforms of Solon
ペイシストラトス Pisistratus
財産property(所有地からの農産物の収穫量the amount of
agricultural products harvested)の大小the sizeを基準として、全市民Citizensを四つの階級four classesに区別し、財産propertyの多い者ほど要職important postsにつく資格があることにした。
Citizens were divided into four classes
based on the size of their property (the amount of agricultural products
harvested from their land), and those with more property were qualified to hold
important posts.
This kind of politics is called plutocracy
(property politics).
systemの面では400名から成る評議会the Council of the Four Hundred members (Boule)を設置し、政治が極端にはしるpolitical extremesのを避けようとした。
As for the political system, he set up a
council of 400 members to avoid political extremes.
こうして、一部の平民some commonersに政治参加participate in politicsの道the wayが開かれたが、しかし、民衆the peopleの当面の困窮the immediate povertyはただちには改善alleviatedされなかった。
This opened the way for some commoners to
participate in politics, but the immediate poverty of the people was not
immediately alleviated.
ソロンSolonは彼の法律の尊重を誓うことを要求する Solon demands to pledge respect for his laws
補足 supplementary explanation
四つの階級Four classes
Those with an annual income of 500
騎士級Knight class(ヒッペイスHippeis)
Those with an annual income of 300
農民級Farmer class(ゼウギタイZeugitai)
Those with an annual income of 200
poorest class(テーテスThetes)
それ以下。Less than that.
ペイシストラトス Pisistratus
ペイシストラトスの僭主政the Tyranny of Pisistratus
そのためソロンの改革Solon's reforms以後も貴族the nobilityと平民the commonersの抗争conflictsが続き、結局ペイシストラトスPisistratusが民衆の勢力を背景the background of popular powerにして前561年561 BCに独裁権dictatorshipを握り僭主tyrantとなった。
For this reason, even after Solon's reforms,
conflicts between the nobility and commoners continued, and in the end
Peisistratos took power as a dictator against the background of popular power
and became a tyrant in 561 BC.
彼は農民the peasantsたちを自分の生業their own businessに専念するように導き、アテネAthensの海外発展the overseas developmentにも努力したから、このころからアテネAthensの農業agricultureや手工業handicraftsや貿易tradeが飛躍的に発展developed dramaticallyした。
He led the peasants to devote themselves to
their own business, and made efforts to promote the overseas development of
From this time on, agriculture, handicrafts
and trade in Athens developed dramatically.
しかし、彼の子らの代になって、市民the citizensの人気を失い、前511年511 BCに僭主政the tyrannyは崩壊fallenした。
By the time of his sons, however, he had
fallen out of favor with the citizens, and in 511 BC the tyranny had fallen.
クレイステネス Cleisthenes
クレイステネスの改革the reforms of Cleisthenes
その後またも貴族the aristocratsと平民the commonersの争いは絶えず、結局、民衆派the popular factionの指導者the leaderクレイステネスCleisthenesが前508年508 BCに改革reformsを断行することになった。
After that, the aristocrats and commoners
continued to fight each other until Cleisthenes, the leader of the popular
faction, decided to carry out reforms in 508 BC.
クレイステネス Cleisthenes
10部族制Ten tribes
これまでアテネ人the Atheniansは四つの部族the four traditional tribesに分かれ、各部族each tribeはいくつかの兄弟組brotherhoods(フラトリアphratria)に分かれ、さらに兄弟組brotherhoodsはいくつかの氏族clansに分かれていた。
Hitherto the Athenians were divided into
four tribes, and each tribe was divided into several brotherhoods (fratraria),
which in turn were divided into clans.
このような部族制tribal systemが行政administration・軍事military affairs・祭事festivalsの単位unitとなっていて、それが貴族の勢力power of the nobilityの基礎basisともなっていた。
Such a tribal system was the unit of
administration, military affairs, and festivals, and it was also the basis of
power of the nobility.
そこで貴族の勢力the power of the nobilityを打破overcomeするために、クレイステネスCleisthenesは集落settlements(区districts)を基盤basesとして人為的に組み合わせて、10の新しい部族ten new tribesを編成した。
In order to overcome the power of the
nobility, Cleisthenes artificially combined settlements (districts) as bases to
form ten new tribes.
クレイステネス Cleisthenes
ヘロドトスによれば、アテナイ人は、クレイステネスがアテナイの政治を主導していた紀元前 507 年にペルシア人に「土と水」を贈った。
According to Herodotus, the Athenians made
the gift of "Earth and Water to the Persians in 507 BC, at the time
Cleisthenes was leading Athenian politics.
補足 supplementary explanation
four traditional tribes
ギリシア人The Greek(特にイオニア人Ionianとドーリア人Dorian)のポリスpolisは、いくつかの部族tribesに分かれていた。
The Greek (especially Ionian and Dorian)
polis was divided into several tribes.
古来のアテネの四部族The four
ancient Athenian tribesは、それぞれ共通の祖先common ancestorsを祭る血縁集団blood-related groupsであったが、同時に地域的regionallyにも集まって住んでいたらしい。
The four ancient Athenian tribes were
blood-related groups that worshiped their common ancestors, but at the same
time, it seems that they also lived together regionally.
クレイステネスの改革 Cleisthenes'
500人評議会the Council of the Five Hundred (the boule)
新しい10部族the Ten new tribesの各々から50名ずつを選出した500人評議会A council of
500 members(五百人評議会Boule)を設け、各部族each tribeから1名ずつ計10名の将軍Ten
generalsを選出させるなど、この10部族制Ten tribe systemを行政administrativeや軍事militaryの単位unitとした。
A council of 500 members was established
with 50 members from each of the 10 new tribes, and 10 generals were elected
from each tribe.
This Ten tribe system
was used as an administrative and military unit.
このため保守勢力the conservative powerが弱まり、政治の体制the political systemが一新された。
As a result, the conservative power weakened
and the political system was renewed.
陶片 pottery
pieces (オストラコン ostracon)
The system that draws
attention is ostracism.
pieces(オストラコンostracon)に記入して投票voteし、その数が一定数を越えた場合、10年間 for 10 years、国外へ退去deport abroadさせられる制度systemである。
Citizens write the names of people who are
in danger of becoming tyrants on pottery pieces (ostracon) and vote.
If the number exceeds a certain number, it
is a system to deport abroad for 10 years.
このようにアテネAthensは、クレイステネスの改革the reforms of Cleisthenesを通じて民主政democratic
governmentが確立establishedし市民the peopleの間に自由freedomや平等equalityへの熱意enthusiasmが強まっていった。
In this way, Athens established a democratic
government through Cleisthenes' reforms, and the people's enthusiasm for
freedom and equality grew stronger.
古代ギリシアの重装歩兵のファランクス編成 Heavy infantry hoplites of Ancient Greece in phalanx formation
三段櫂船(さんだんかいせん) Trireme
アテネの民主政Athenian democracy
The political system of the police is
closely related to the military organization.
戦術tacticsの変化に伴って、戦争warfareでの主役the main
playersがまず貴族the nobility、次に中小自作農民small and
medium farmers(重装歩兵hoplites)、最後に無産市民proletarians(海軍の漕ぎ手naval rowers)へと変化した。
As tactics changed, the main players in
warfare shifted first to the nobility, then to small and medium farmers
(hoplites), and finally to proletarians (naval rowers).
それと歩調を合わせて、貴族政aristocracy、重装歩兵民主政heavy infantry democracy(ある程度財産を有する庶民の民主政)、完全民主政complete democracyへと政体political systemも変遷changedした。
In step with this, the political system also
changed to aristocracy, heavy infantry democracy (democracy of the common
people with a certain amount of property), and complete democracy.
民会(みんかい) the Assembly of the citizens or Ecclesia
Assembly and council were important.
Assembly of the citizens or Ecclesia
成年男子の市民の総会Citizen's general meeting。
Citizen's general meeting of adult men.
aristocratic periodには無力化ineffectiveしていたが、前6世紀ごろaround the
6th century BCから少しずつ力を発揮し始め、前5世紀 the 5th century BCには名実ともに国政state affairsの最高機関the highest
Although it was ineffective during the
aristocratic period, it began to show its power little by little around the 6th
century BC, and by the 5th century BC it became the highest organ of state
affairs both in name and reality.
普通の場合は、決議resolutionsは挙手by show of handsによる単純多数決by simple majorityであった。
Ordinarily, resolutions were by simple
majority by show of hands.
クレイステネスの改革 Cleisthenes'
aristocratic periodには4部族the four tribesの各々から100名100 membersずつ選出され、400名400 membersの議員(任期1年)で構成した。
During the aristocratic period, 100 members
were elected from each of the four tribes, and it consisted of 400 members (1
year term).
しかし、クレイステネスの改革Cleisthenes' reforms(前508年508 BC)により、新しい10部族the ten new tribesの各々から50名50 menずつ、全体で500名500 men(任期1年)(五百人評議会Boule)となった。
However, due to Cleisthenes' reforms (508
BC), there were 50 men from each of the ten new tribes, for a total of 500 men
(1 year term).
その機能は、民会the assemblyへ提出する議案billsを予備的に審議preliminarily deliberateすることであった。
Its function was to preliminarily deliberate
bills to be submitted to the assembly.
アレスの丘 the Hill of Ares (アレオパゴス Areopagus)
アレオパゴス会議the Areopagus
アレスの丘the Hill of Ares(アレオパゴスAreopagus)で会合したため、この名で呼ばれた。
They were called by this name because they
met on the hill of Ares (Areopagus).
アルコン職Archonsを終えた人々が、資格審査screened for eligibilityを受けた上で終身議員elected for lifeとなった。
Those who finished their Archons were
elected for life after being screened for eligibility.
前456年456 BC(ペリクレス時代the time of Pericles)までは、アルコンArchonsが貴族the nobilityや富裕者the wealthyだけから選出されていたから、そのころまで、貴族派the aristocracyや保守派the conservativesの根拠地strongholdであった。
Until 456 BC (the time of Pericles), Archons
were elected only from the nobility and the wealthy, so it was a stronghold of
the aristocracy and conservatives until then.
主なる任務main dutiesは裁判trials(特に殺人罪murder)であったが、政治的に活動politically
His main duties were trials (especially
murder), but he was also politically active.
アテナ Athena アレス Ares
補足supplementary explanation
アレスAresとケクロプス1世Cecrops Iの娘・アグラウロスAglaulusとの間に生まれたアルキッペAlcippeが、ポセイドンPoseidonの息子・ハリロティオスHalirrhotiusにアテナイAthensのアクロポリスAcropolisの付近で犯されたため、怒ったアレスAresはその場でハリロティオスHalirrhotiusを殴り殺した。
Archippe, the daughter of Cecrops I's
daughter Aglaurus and Ares, was raped by Poseidon's son Harilotius near the
Acropolis of Athens, and Ares beat him to death on the spot.
However, Harilotius' father, Poseidon,
accused Ares of murder in the Athenian court.
そこでアレスAresは裁判trialにかけられることになったが、その事件を記念して裁判が行われた場所the place where the trial was heldは、「アレスの丘Hill of Ares」という意味の「アレイオス・パゴスAreios Pagos(アレオパゴスAreopagus)」の名で以後呼ばれるようになり、アテナイAthensの最も厳粛な評議deliberationsと裁判trialsの行われる場所になった。
Ares was put on trial there, and the place
where the trial was held to commemorate the incident came to be called
"Areios Pagos (Areopagus)", meaning "Hill of Ares", became
the site of Athens' most solemn deliberations and trials.
その第1回の殺人事件の裁判trialにおいてアレスAresは、他のオリュムポスの神々the Olympian godsより成る陪審juryによって無罪の判決を受けた。
At the trial of the first murder, Ares was
acquitted by a jury of other Olympian gods.
アテナイの古代の広場。Ancient square in Athens.
ここで民衆裁判が開かれた。A public trial was held here.
Court, Heliaia
前5世紀後半the second half of the 5th century BCのアテネAthensでは、裁判官the judgesは30歳以上の市民the citizensの応募者applicantsのなかから、くじlotで選び出された600人600 peopleであり、いくつかのグループに分かれて市民の代表representatives
of the citizensとして裁判triedした。
In Athens in the second half of the 5th
century BC, the judges were 600 people chosen by lot from applicants over the
age of 30, who were divided into groups and tried as representatives of the
役人the officials
アテネ民主政期the Athenian
democracyの役人the officialsとしては、9名のアルコンarchons、財務官financiers、10名の将軍generalsが重要importantであった。
Among the officials of the Athenian
democracy, nine archons, financiers, and ten generals were important.
最高官職the highest
It is the highest official and translates as
毎年9人が貴族the nobilityのなかから選ばれ、裁判judicial affairs・軍事military affairs・祭儀ceremonies・立法legislationなどを分掌した。
Nine members were selected each year from
among the nobility, and were responsible for judicial affairs, military
affairs, ceremonies, and legislation.
前594年594 BCに定められたソロンの4階級Solon's four ranksでは、上位2階級the top two ranksだけから選ばれていたのに対し、前487年以後after 487 BC抽選lotteryで選ばれるようになり、更に457年以後after 457 BCはソロンの4階級Solon's four ranksの第3級the third(中堅的農民層middle-ranking farmers)からも選ばれるようになった。
In 594 BC Solon's four ranks were chosen
from only the top two ranks, but after 487 BC they began to be selected by
lottery, and after 457 BC the third of Solon's four ranks. It was also chosen
by the class (middle-ranking farmers).
そのためアルコン職The Archon officeは、政治的politicalに重要性significanceを失い、将軍the Generalに実権powerが移ってしまった。
The Archon office thus lost its political
significance and power was transferred to the General.
ペリクレスの葬儀演説 Pericles'
Funeral Oration
将軍General (ストラテゴスStrategos)
軍事上の役The military
The military role of general, which required
experience, could be elected any number of times, and this came to power
politically (15 times for Pericles, for example).
財務官finance officer
The Treasurer was politically insignificant.
ただ大金the large sum of moneyを管理manageするため、富裕者the wealthyだけから選ばれた。
Only the wealthy were chosen to manage the
large sum of money.
アテネの民主政 Athenian democracy
Comparison between Greek Democracy and
Modern Democracy
ギリシア民主政the Greek democracyで、政治の最高機関the highest
political organは自由民the free people中の成年男子adult malesで構成composedされる民会the Assemblyであった。
In the Greek democracy, the highest
political organ was the Assembly, composed of adult males among the free
いわゆる直接民主政direct democracyの形をとり、「現代民主政Modern
Democracyが代議制representative systemである」のと異なる。
It takes the form of so-called direct
democracy, which is different from ``modern democracy is a representative
古代ギリシアの重装歩兵のファランクス編成 Heavy infantry hoplites of Ancient Greece in phalanx formation
ギリシアの民会The Greek assemblyは、原始的王政時代the primitive monarchyの兵員総会the general assembly of the armyに起源するもので、軍隊組織the military organizationと関係が深かったclosely related。
The Greek assembly, which originated from
the general assembly of the army in the primitive monarchy, was closely related
to the military organization.
スパルタの民会the Spartan
assemblyを構成する成年男子The adult menは職業軍人professional
strengthening of the navyに応じて、重装歩兵民主政heavy infantry democracy、無産市民民主政proletariat democracyへと進んだadvanced。
The adult men who made up the Spartan
assembly were professional soldiers, and in Athens and other places, along with
the strengthening of the navy, they advanced to heavy infantry democracy and
proletariat democracy.
議題the topicsも、戦争に関係related to
Many of the topics were related to war.
Democracyでは、これとは反対に、議会the parliamentが一般国民the general publicの利害や意見the interests and opinionsを代表representし、軍隊the militaryはそれとは別に独走run independentlyする場合がある。」
"In a modern democracy, on the
contrary, the parliament may represent the interests and opinions of the
general public, and the military may run independently."
三段櫂船(さんだんかいせん) Trireme
ギリシア民主政the Greek democracyでは、婦人womenに参政権the right to voteがなかった。
In the Greek democracy, women did not have
the right to vote.
しかも婦人の地位the status of womenは、王政monarchyや貴族政aristocracyから民主政democracyへと進むにつれて、かえって低下する傾向tended to declineにあった。
Moreover, the status of women tended to
decline with the transition from monarchy and aristocracy to democracy.
奴隷Slaves・解放奴隷freed slaves・在留外人resident foreigners(メトイコイmetics)には、いろいろな義務obligationsはあったが、参政権the right to voteはなく、したがってギリシア民主政the Greek democracyは、特権階級間だけでの民主政a democracy only among the privileged classesだともいえる。
Slaves, freed slaves, and foreigners
(metikoi) had various obligations, but they did not have the right to vote.
Therefore, the Greek democracy can be said
to be a democracy only among the privileged classes.
アテネの民主政 Athenian democracy
ギリシアGreeceには官僚bureaucratsはほとんどおらず、市民the citizens(民会議員Members of Parliament)から選出された委員commissionersが、一定期間交替で執務servedした。
There were few bureaucrats in Greece, and
commissioners elected by the citizens (Members of Parliament) served in
rotation for a certain period of time.
Democracyでは、議会parliamentとは別に複雑な官僚機構complex bureaucracyがあって、政治politicsが国民の手the hands of the peopleから離れ易い。」
“In a modern democracy, there is a complex
bureaucracy separate from parliament, and politics is easily out of the hands
of the people.”
直接民主政direct democracyであったギリシアGreeceは、議員the legislatorsの多数が兵士soldiersとして遠征expeditionsに出発してしまえば、民会の構成the composition of the assemblyに変化changesが起こり、決議resolutionsが左右influencedされた。
In Greece, which was a direct democracy,
once the majority of the legislators left for expeditions as soldiers, changes
occurred in the composition of the assembly, which influenced resolutions.
「現代Modern politicsは政党政治party politicsであり、どの党派が政権を握るwhich party holds powerかで、政治が左右politics is influencedされる。」
“Modern politics is party politics, and
politics is influenced by which party holds power.”
フリュアックス劇phlyax playの主人master (右)と彼の奴隷slave (左)
古代ギリシアの奴隷制Slavery in
ancient Greece
ハンムラビ法典the Code of Hammurabiには、自由民free peopleと賤民outcastsと奴隷slavesとの区別distinctionが見られるが、一般にオリエントthe Orientでは、中堅的な自由民middle-ranking free peopleの身分the statusが確立establishedしていなかったため、奴隷という身分the status of slavesも不明瞭unclearであった。
The Code of Hammurabi makes a distinction
between free people, outcasts, and slaves, but generally in the Orient, the
status of slaves was unclear because the status of middle-ranking free people
had not been established.
古代ギリシアAncient Greece以来の極端な見方The extreme viewによれば、自由freeなのは君主the monarchだけで、臣民subjectsはすべて奴隷slavesだということになる。
The extreme view since ancient Greece is
that only the monarch is free and all his subjects are slaves.
Women as plunder of war: Ajax the Lesser taking Cassandra,
ミケーネ時代Mycenean periodの王宮palaceにはすでに多数の奴隷slaves(特に女奴隷female slaves)が存在したようである。
It seems that there were already a large
number of slaves (especially female slaves) in the Mycenaean palace.
暗黒時代the Dark Agesに入ると、農耕farming・牧畜cattle raising・家事domestic workのために少数の奴隷slavesが用いられたが、これは作男workmanとか下男manservant・下女servant girlに近かった。
In the Dark Ages, a small number of slaves
were used for farming, cattle raising, and domestic work, but these were more
like farmers or servants.
前6世紀ごろaround the 6th century B.C.から、商工業commerce and industryの発達developmentに伴い、奴隷の売買the trade of
From around the 6th century B.C., the trade
of slaves flourished with the development of commerce and industry.
他方では民主化democratizationの改革reformsが行われ、市民citizensの身分statusが確立establishedされたから、自由民free peopleと奴隷slavesとの差別discriminationが明確clearとなり、本格的full-fledgedな奴隷制社会slavery societyが確立establishedした。
On the other hand, democratization reforms
were carried out and the status of citizens was established, so the
discrimination between free people and slaves became clear, and a full-fledged
slavery society was established.
ギリシアの鉱山で働く奴隷 slaves working in a mine
奴隷の供給源Source of
child born of slavery
Raise abandoned children and make them
They are kidnapped by pirates and sold as
prisoner of war.
ギリシア人the Greeksを奴隷にするenslaveのは不当unjustだという通念common beliefがあったため、奴隷slavesの大多数は、小アジアAsia Minorや黒海the Black Sea方面の異民族foreignersであった。
The majority of the slaves were foreigners
from Asia Minor and the Black Sea, as there was a common belief that it was
unjust to enslave the Greeks.
奴隷市場 The Slave Market
用途による種類Type by use
servants and maids、農業奴隷agricultural slaves、手工業奴隷craft slaves、鉱山奴隷mining slavesなど。
State-owned slaves (public duty), domestic
servants and maids, agricultural slaves, craft slaves, mining slaves, etc.
前5世紀中ごろAround the middle of the 5th century BCアテネAthensでは、全人口total populationが約30万人、そのうち市民とその家族citizens and their familiesが約17万人、在留外人foreign
Around the middle of the 5th century BC,
Athens had a total population of about 300,000, of which about 170,000 were
citizens and their families, about 30,000 were foreign residents, and about
100,000 were slaves.
富裕な人々the wealthyは別として、中程度の市民the
middle-class citizensは1名~2名の奴隷slavesを使役usingしながら、自分でも労働worked for
Apart from the wealthy, the middle-class
citizens worked for themselves, using one or two slaves.
ヘロット Helot (ヘイロータイ Heilotai)
スパルタの奴隷制Slavery in Sparta
peoplesがヘロットHelotsという農業奴隷agricultural slavesにされ、収穫の半分を主人masters(スパルティアタイSpartiatae)に納めていた。
In Sparta, there were only a few ordinary
slaves (purchased slaves) as described above, and instead many conquered
peoples were turned into agricultural slaves, called helots, who gave half of
the harvest to their masters (Spartiatae).
ローマの奴隷制 Slavery in Rome
ローマの奴隷制Slavery in Rome
In Rome, slavery farming developed on a much
larger scale than in Greece.
これは共和政末期the end of the republicに、しばしば対外戦争foreign warsを行ったため、多くの異民族の捕虜foreign prisoners of warを奴隷enslavedにしたからである。
This is because at the end of the republic,
it often fought foreign wars and enslaved many foreign prisoners of war.
このころギリシアのデロス島the Greek island of Delosなどは、奴隷売買の市場slave marketsとして栄えた。
During this period, the Greek island of Delos
and other islands prospered as slave markets.
ペルシア戦争 Persian Wars
Wars 499–449 BC
Wars 499–449 BC
ペルシア戦争Persian Wars
前6世紀 the 6th century BCのアテネAthensで民主化democratizationの動きmovementが進行していたとき、東方the eastではアケメノス朝ペルシアAchaemenid
dynasty of Persiaが史上空前の大帝国the greatest empireを形成formingしつつあった。
In the 6th century BC, when the movement
toward democratization was in progress in Athens, the Achaemenid dynasty of
Persia was forming the greatest empire in history in the east.
そのため前6世紀中ごろthe middle of
the 6th century BCから小アジア沿岸the coast of Asia Minorのギリシア人の諸都市the
Greek citiesは、ペルシア帝国Persian
From the middle of the 6th century BC, the
Greek cities on the coast of Asia Minor became the territory of the Persian
Empire and were subject to military service and tribute.
これに対し、ミレトスMiletusなどイオニアの諸都市several Ionian citiesが連合して、前500年500 BCに反乱revoltedを起こしたが(イオニア反乱Ionian Rebellion)、数年後には鎮圧put downされた(前493年493 BC)。
In 500 BC, several Ionian cities, including Miletus, revolted
(Ionian Rebellion), but were put down a few years later (493 BC).
ダレイオス1世Darius I (大王the Great)
この反乱this rebellionの際に、アテネAthensが求めに応じて援軍reinforcementsを送ったため、当時のペルシア大王Persian Kingダレイオス1世Darius I(大王the Great)は、報復retaliateとしてギリシア本土mainland Greece(特にアテネAthens)を討つことを決意した。
In the event of this rebellion, Athens sent
reinforcements upon request, and the then Persian King Darius I (the Great)
decided to retaliate against mainland Greece (particularly Athens).
イオニアの反乱Ionian Revolt 499–493 BC
イオニアの反乱Ionian Revolt
前500年500 BC小アジアAsia Minorのイオニア人the Ioniansが、ペルシアPersiaに反乱revoltedを起こし、援軍reinforcementsを、当時第一の強国the first powerful country at the timeとされていたスパルタSpartaへ求めたが、拒絶Rejectedされ、次いで第二の強国the second largest countryアテネAthensへ赴いて、援軍reinforcementsを派遣してもらうことにした。
In 500 BC, the Ionians of Asia Minor
revolted against Persia and requested reinforcements from Sparta, the first
powerful country at the time.
Rejected, he decided to go to Athens, the
second largest country, and ask for reinforcements.
この援軍reinforcementsを加えて、イオニア人the IoniansはサルディスSardisを攻めたが、結局、ギリシア方on the part of the Greeksの大敗crushing defeatに終わった。
With this reinforcement the Ionians attacked
Sardis, but in the end suffered a crushing defeat on the part of the Greeks.
第1回ペルシア戦争 First Persian War
第1回ペルシア戦争 First Persian War
第1回ペルシア戦争First Persian War
前492年492 BCダレイオス大王Darius the
Greatは、ギリシア本土mainland of
Phoeniciansを中心とする遠征軍expeditionary forceを送ったが、海軍navyがアトス岬沖off Cape Athosで難破shipwreckedしたため引き返し失敗に終わったended in failure。
In 492 BC, Darius the Great sent an
expeditionary force led by the Phoenicians to the mainland of Greece, but the
navy was shipwrecked off Cape Athos and ended in failure.
第2回ペルシア戦争 Second Persian War
ミルティアデス Miltiades
マラトンの戦い Battle of Marathon
Persian War
前490年490 BCダレイオス王King Dariusの派遣sentしたペルシア大軍large Persian
armyが海路by seaからマラトン平原Plain of Marathonに上陸landed onした。
In 490 BC, a large Persian army sent by King
Darius landed on the Plain of Marathon by sea.
ミルティアデスMiltiadesに指揮under the commandされたアテネ市民Athenian citizensの重装歩兵軍hoplite armyは、勇敢に戦ってこれを撃退repelledした(マラトンの戦いBattle of Marathon)。
A hoplite army of Athenian citizens under
the command of Miltiades fought valiantly and repelled them (Battle of
マラトンの戦い Battle of Marathon
マラトンの戦い Battle of Marathon
マラトンの戦いBattle of Marathon
プルタルコスPlutarchによれば、エウクレスEuklesなる兵士soldierが完全武装fully armedのままマラトンMarathonの戦場battlefieldからアテナイAthensまで走り、「我ら勝てりWe are
victorious」とエウアンゲリオンeuangelion(良い知らせgood tidings)を告げて絶命announced and diedしたという。
According to Plutarch, a soldier named
Eucles, fully armed, ran from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens, announced
the euangelion (good tidings), "We are victorious," and died.
Other traditions give the name of the runner
as Phillipides.
これらは後世の創作creations of later generationsである可能性もあるが、これをもとに第1回近代オリンピックthe first
modern Olympicsでは、アテナイ-マラトン間の走行競技the running
competition between Athens and Marathon(マラソンMarathon)が行われた。
These may be creations of later generations,
but based on them, the running competition between Athens and Marathon was held
at the first modern Olympics.
マラソン Marathon
第3回ペルシア戦争 Third Persian War
ペルシア戦争 Persian Wars
Wars 499–449 BC
クセルクセス1世 Xerxes I
Persian War
その後10年目 Ten years laterの前480年480 B.C.、第4代の王the fourth kingクセルクセス1世Xerxes Iが、自ら海陸両軍both naval and land forcesを率いて来襲した。
Ten years later, in 480 B.C., the fourth
king, Xerxes I, personally led both naval and land forces to attack.
ギリシアGreeceでは、スパルタSpartaとアテネAthensを中心に同盟allianceを結んでこれに備えたが、ペルシア側the Persian sideに服従submittedしたり、中立の態度neutral attitudeをとったりするポリスpolisesも多かった。
In Greece, Sparta and Athens formed an
alliance to prepare for this, but many polises submitted to the Persian side or
took a neutral attitude.
レオニダス1世 Leonidas I
Battle of Thermopylae, Spartans surrounded
by Persians.
まず、レオニダス王King Leonidasの指揮するスパルタ軍the Spartan armyが、テルモピレーThermopylaeでペルシア陸軍the Persian armyを迎え撃って全員玉砕crushed them allし(テルモピレーの戦いBattle of Thermopylae)、ペルシア軍the Persian armyは南下advanced southしてアテネAthensに侵入invadedした。
First, the Spartan army commanded by King
Leonidas attacked the Persian army at Thermopylae and crushed them all (Battle
of Thermopylae), and the Persian army advanced south and invaded Athens.
サラミス湾の海戦 the Battle of
the Gulf of Salamis
サラミス湾の海戦 the Battle of
the Gulf of Salamis
テミストクレス Themistocles
しかし、アテネの将軍Athenian generalテミストクレスThemistoclesの奇略the trickeryにより、ペルシア海軍the Persian navyはサラミス湾の海戦the Battle of
the Gulf of Salamisでギリシア海軍the Greek navyに大敗北defeatedを喫した。
However, due to the trickery of the Athenian
general Themistocles, the Persian navy was defeated by the Greek navy in the
Battle of the Gulf of Salamis.
プラタイアの戦い the Battle of Plataea
飢えたパウサニアスPausaniasは聖域から引きずり出される。A starving
Pausanias is dragged out of the sanctuary.
また翌年the following year(前479年479 BC)のプラタイアの戦いthe Battle of Plataeaではスパルタ・アテネ連合軍the
Spartan-Athenian allied forcesに敗れdefeated(パウサニアスPausanias)、更にミカレー岬の戦いthe Battle of Cape Mikalayにおいても、いずれもペルシア側the Persiansの敗北defeatedに終わった。
In the following year (479 BC), they were
defeated by the Spartan-Athenian allied forces at the Battle of Plataea, and at
the Battle of Cape Mikalay, the Persians were defeated.
ペルシア戦争 the Persian Wars
これで、ペルシア戦争the Persian Warsはほぼ終結all but overし、イオニア植民地the Ionian coloniesがギリシアGreeceに確保securedされることになった。
With this, the Persian Wars were all but
over and the Ionian colonies were secured by Greece.
のち、ギリシアGreeceとペルシアPersiaの間は冷戦状態The Cold Warが続き、前449年449 BC、カリアスの和約the Treaty of Calliasで、ペルシア戦争the Persian
The Cold War continued between Greece and
Persia, and in 449 BC the Persian Wars officially ended with the Treaty of
和約は交渉に当ったアテナイの全権大使the Athenian ambassador plenipotentiaryカリアスCalliasの名を取ってカリアスの和約the Treaty of Calliasと呼ばれた、とディオドロスDiodorus of Sicilyは述べている。
Diodorus states that the peace was called
the Treaty of Callias, after the Athenian ambassador plenipotentiary, Callias,
who negotiated it.
アテナイのアクロポリス Acropolis of Athens
アテネの黄金時代the Athenian Golden Age
ペルシア戦争the Persian Warsは、東方専制政治Eastern tyranny対ギリシア民主政治Greek democracyの抗争conflictであったといえる。
It can be said that the Persian War was a
conflict between Eastern tyranny and Greek democracy.
この戦争に勝ってwon the war民族の危機the crisis of
their nationを脱したギリシア人The Greeksは、ますます民主政democracyや自由freedomの尊さpreciousnessに確信confidentをもち、誇proudりを強めた。
The Greeks, who won the war and escaped the
crisis of their nation, became more confident and proud of the preciousness of
democracy and freedom.
ペルシア戦争the Persian Warsの終結end(前479年479 B.C.)からペロポネソス戦争the Peloponnesian Warの勃発outbreak(前431年431 B.C.)までの約50年間 The fifty yearsは、50年期the Fifty Yearsと称せられ、ギリシアの黄金時代the Greek golden ageでもあったのである。
The fifty years from the end of the Persian
Wars (479 B.C.) to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War (431 B.C.) are called
the Fifty Years, and were also the Greek Golden Age.
この時期における最も重要な動きThe most important movementは、アテネ勢力Athenian powerの発展developmentであった。
The most important movement during this
period was the development of Athenian power.
デロス同盟 the Delian League
Athens and Delian League (yellow) shown
along the Peloponnesian League and the Persian Empire at the outset of the
Peloponnesian War around 431 BC
デロス同盟the Delian League
アテネAthensは、ペルシア戦争the Persian Warsで最大の功績the greatest
achievementを果たしたため、国威national prestigeがあがったことは当然naturalである。
It is natural that Athens has gained
national prestige because it achieved the greatest achievement in the Persian
しかも、戦後after the warもペルシアPersiaの来襲invasionに備える必要から、指導的な役割を果たすplay a leading roleことになった。
Moreover, after the war, it was necessary to
prepare for the invasion of Persia, so it was decided to play a leading role.
前478年478 BC、アテネAthensはデロス同盟the Delian Leagueを作って、加盟ポリスthe member polisesから海軍naval forcesまたは資金fundsを提供providedさせた。
In 478 BC, Athens formed the Delian League,
with naval forces and funds provided by the member polises.
加盟joinedしたのはエーゲ海the Aegean
Seaの沿岸the coastsや島々islandsのポリスpolisesで、その数は200にも達した。
More than 200 polises on the coasts of the
Aegean Sea and islands joined.
treasuryはデロス島the island of Delosに置かれたが、のちにアテネAthensへ移された。
The Confederacy's treasury was placed on
Delos, but was later moved to Athens.
デロス同盟 the Delian League
the Treaty of Callias)が結ばれると、同盟the allianceはアテネ帝国Athenian Empireという色彩the colorを帯び、同盟の基金funds of the allianceもアテネAthensの内部の必要the internal needsに流用divertedされるようになった。
In 449 BC, after a peace treaty with Persia
(the Treaty of Callias), the alliance took on the color of an Athenian empire,
and the funds of the 前449年449 BC、ペルシアと和約peace treaty with Persia(カリアスの和約alliance were diverted to the internal needs of Athens.
重装歩兵 Heavy infantry, Hoplite
Development of Athenian democracy
ペルシア戦争the Persian Warsを勝利victoryに導いたのはアテネ市民the citizens of Athensであった。
It was the citizens of Athens who led the
Persian Wars to victory.
マラトンの戦いthe Battle of Marathonで活躍した重装歩兵hoplitesは、武装を自弁できる中小自作農民small and
medium subsistence peasantsや中堅階級middle-class peopleで構成されていた。
The hoplites that fought in the Battle of
Marathon consisted of small and medium subsistence peasants and middle-class
people who could arm themselves.
クレイステネス Cleisthenes
クレイステネスの改革Cleisthenes' reforms直後immediately afterの民主政democracyは、このような階層の人々this class of peopleを基盤based onとし、重装歩兵民主政hoplite democracyともいわれる。
The democracy immediately after Cleisthenes'
reforms was based on this class of people, and is also called hoplite
したがって、この戦勝victoryは彼ら中堅階級middle classの発言権を高めるincreasing the voice結果となった。
Therefore, this victory resulted in
increasing the voice of these middle class.
サラミス湾の海戦 the Battle of
the Gulf of Salamis
サラミスの海戦the Battle of Salamisでは、無産市民the
proletariatが海軍の軍艦の漕ぎ手naval warship rower(ギリシアの三段櫂船Greek trireme)として活躍し、以後もアテネの常備海軍the standing navy of Athensで勤務するようになったから、無産市民の発言権the proletariat's voiceが増大した。
In the Battle of Salamis, the proletariat
played an active role as a naval warship rower, and after that he served in the
standing navy of Athens, so the proletariat's voice increased.
ペリクレスの葬儀演説 Pericles' Funeral Oration
ペリクレス時代The Age of Pericles
Pericles was the ruler of Athens at this
彼の時代はアテネAthensが海軍国naval stateとして発展developedするとともに、内部では民主化democratizationが徹底的に行われた。
During his time, Athens developed as a naval
state, and democratization was thoroughly carried out internally.
ほとんどすべての官職government postsが市民the publicに開放され、大多数の役人officialsは抽選lotteryで選出された。
Almost all government posts were open to the
public, and the majority of officials were elected by lottery.
そして、一般成年男子市民全員all adult male citizensからなる民会the assemblyが、国政の最高機関the supreme organ of state affairsとしての役割を果たした。
The assembly, which consisted of all adult
male citizens, served as the supreme organ of state affairs.
直接民主政direct democracyがその特徴である。
It is characterized by direct democracy.
ペロポネソス同盟 the Peloponnesian League
Sparta and Peloponnesian League (red) at the
outset of the Peloponnesian War around 431 BC
ペロポネソス戦争Peloponnesian War
アテネAthensは、ペリクレスPericlesの指導下に、デロス同盟the Delian Leagueをいわばアテネ帝国Athenian Empireに転化transformedさせてしまったが、このようなアテネAthensの帝国主義的政策imperialistic policiesは、同盟内外inside and outside the Leagueのポリスpolisesの反感antipathyを買い、スパルタSpartaを盟主とするペロポネソス同盟the Peloponnesian Leagueの結束bondsを強めるstrengthenedことになった。
Athens, under the leadership of Pericles,
transformed the Delian League into the Athenian Empire, so to speak. Such
imperialistic policies of Athens caused antipathy from the police inside and
outside the League, and led to the formation of the Peloponnese, led by Sparta.
strengthened the bonds of the alliance.
ペロポネソス戦争 Peloponnesian War
ペロポネソス戦争 Peloponnesian War
Peloponnesian Leagueの一員memberであるコリントCorinthは、海軍・商業貿易naval and commercial tradeでアテネAthensと対立at oddsしていたので、スパルタSpartaに働きかけて開戦go to warに踏み切らせた(前431年431 BC)。
In particular, Corinth, a member of the
Peloponnesian League, was at odds with Athens in terms of naval and commercial
trade, so she persuaded Sparta to go to war (431 BC).
デロス同盟the Delian Leagueを指揮するアテネAthensは、海軍navyを主力とし、ペロポネソス同盟the Peloponnesian Leagueを指揮するスパルタSpartaは、陸軍armyを主力としたので、正面から決戦する機会chance of a
head-on decisive battleがなく、戦争warは27年間 for 27 yearsも続いた。
Athens, commanding the Delian League, had a
navy as its main force, while Sparta, commanding the Peloponnesian League, had
an army as its main force.
The war continued for 27 years with no
chance of a head-on decisive battle.
ペリクレスの葬儀演説 Pericles' Funeral Oration
この間アテネAthensは、開戦2年目 in the second year of
the warにペストplagueが流行epidemicし、全人口の3分の1 a third of
its populationと指導者leaderペリクレスPericlesを失った。
During this time, Athens suffered a plague
epidemic in the second year of the war, losing a third of its population and
its leader Pericles.
クレオン Cleon デマゴーグ Demagogue (煽動政治家 agitation
ペリクレスPericles死後には有能な指導者competent leadersが出現せず、民衆に媚びへつらうflattered the people好戦的belligerentな煽動政治家agitation
politicians(デマゴーグdemagogues)が出現し、衆愚政治mob politicsにおちいりいたずらに戦争を拡大expanded the warすることになった。
After the death of Pericles, there were no
competent leaders, and belligerent agitation politicians (demagogues) who
flattered the people appeared.
It fell into mob politics and unnecessarily
expanded the war.
アルキビアデスAlcibiades デマゴーグDemagogue ソクラテスSocratesの弟子
ニキアスの和約the Peace of Nicias(前421年421 BC)により一時平和temporary peaceがもたらされたが、好戦的指導者belligerent leadersに操られて戦争が再開war was resumedされた。
The Treaty of Nicias (421 BC) brought
temporary peace, but war was resumed under the control of belligerent leaders.
一方、内部では民衆派the popular factionと、それに反対する寡頭派oligarchsとの分裂が起こり、ペルシアの資金Persian fundsで海軍navyを増強strengthenedしたスパルタSpartaにより海陸両方を包囲besieged both by land and seaされ、前404年404 BCに降伏surrenderedした。
Internally, however, a split between the
popular faction and the opposing oligarchs broke out, and Sparta, whose navy
had been strengthened with Persian funds, was besieged both by land and sea,
and surrendered in 404 BC.
ペロポネソス戦争 Peloponnesian War
アルキダモス2世 Archidamus II
Course of the
Peloponnesian War
開戦と同時に、スパルタ王king of Spartaアルキダモス2世Archidamus IIは、ペロポネソス陸軍the Peloponnesian armyを指揮して、アテネ領Athensへ侵入して荒らしたinvade and ravage。
At the beginning of the war, Archidamus II,
king of Sparta, commanded the Peloponnesian army to invade and ravage Athens.
以後も、毎年のように、この侵入this invasionが繰り返されたので、最初の10年間の戦争the war of
the first ten years(前431年431 BC~前421年421 BC)をアルキダモス戦争the Archidamian Warと呼ぶ。
Since this invasion was repeated year after
year, the war of the first ten years (431-421 BC) is called the Archidamus War.
ペリクレスの葬儀演説 Pericles' Funeral Oration
アテネ人the Atheniansは、ペリクレスPericlesの立てた戦略strategyに従って、全市民all citizensが畠farmsや家屋housesを放棄abandonして、城壁内within the
city wallsに籠城besiege themselvesし、海軍navyだけで敵地enemy territoriesを攻撃attackし、食糧は海外から輸入import food from abroadすることにした。
The Athenians, following the strategy set
out by Pericles, decided that all citizens should abandon their farms and
houses, besiege themselves within the city walls, attack enemy territories only
with their navy, and import food from abroad.
クレオン Cleon デマゴーグ Demagogue (煽動政治家 agitation politicians)
籠城中のアテネ人the besieged
Atheniansの間にペストplagueが流行ragingし、ペリクレスPericles自身も死亡the deathしたので、戦争の指導the
leadership of the warは、無責任irresponsibleな煽動政治家demagoguesたちに委ねられるようになった。
With the plague raging among the besieged
Athenians and the death of Pericles himself, the leadership of the war was left
to irresponsible demagogues.
ニキアス Nicias
前422年422 BC、好戦的な指導者the warlike leaderクレオンCleonが戦死killed in
actionし、その上和平派the pacifistのニキアスNicias の勢力powerが強まったので、翌年the following year(前421年421 BC)、講和条約peace treaty(ニキアスの和約the Peace of Nicias)が結ばれた。
In 422 BC, the warlike leader Creon was
killed in action, and the power of the pacifist Nicias grew stronger, so the
following year (421 BC), a peace treaty (Peace of Nicias) was signed.
アルキビアデスAlcibiades デマゴーグDemagogue ソクラテスSocratesの弟子
シチリア遠征 Sicilian
ペルシア兵士によって暗殺されるアルキビアデス Alcibiades
assassinated by Persian soldiers
好戦的militantなアルキビアデスAlcibiadesが民衆指導者leader of the
peopleとなり、前415年415 BCにシチリア島へ遠征campaigned against Sicilyしたが、瀆神罪(とくしんざい)を問われてスパルタSpartaに亡命exiledした。
The militant Alcibiades became leader of the
people and campaigned against Sicily in 415 BC, but was accused of being a god
and exiled to Sparta.
小キュロス Cyrus the Younger リュサンドロス Lysander
ペルシアthe PersiansとスパルタSpartaの同盟alliance
前413年413 BC、スパルタSpartaはアルキビアデスAlcibiadesの勧告adviceに従って、アテネAthens領内の要地important cityデケレイアDeceleiaを占領し(以後をデケレイア戦争the Deceleia
Warという)、前412年412 BCにはペルシアthe Persiansと同盟allianceを結んで、アテネ海軍the Athenian navyを討つことにした。
In 413 BC, Sparta followed Alcibiades'
advice and occupied the important city of Deceleia in Athens (hereafter
referred to as the Deceleia War), and in 412 BC, they formed an alliance with
the Persians and decided to avenge the Athenian navy.
リュサンドロス Lysander アイゴスポタモイの海戦 Battle of Aegospotami
前405年405 BC、アイゴスポタモイの海戦the battle of Aegospotami(リュサンドロス Lysander)で、全滅に近いnearly
annihilated打撃を受けたアテネAthensは、陸も海もland and seaスパルタ軍the Spartansに包囲besiegedされ、翌年the following
year(前404年404 BC)に降伏surrenderedした。
In 405 BC, Athens was nearly annihilated at
the Battle of Aegospotamoi, and was besieged by the Spartans on land and sea,
and surrendered the following year (404 BC).
ペロポネソス同盟 the Peloponnesian League
Sparta and Peloponnesian League (red) at the
outset of the Peloponnesian War around 431 BC
ギリシアの衰退Decline of
Results of the
Peloponnesian War
ペロポネソス戦争the Peloponnesian Warの敗北lossによりアテネAthensはその海軍navyを失い、海上帝国maritime empireは崩壊collapseし、デロス同盟the Delian Leagueも解体dissolutionしてアテネの繁栄Athens' prosperityは終わった。
The loss of the Peloponnesian War ended
Athens' prosperity with the loss of its navy, the collapse of its maritime
empire, and the dissolution of the Delian League.
ペロポネソス戦争the Peloponnesian Warは、アテネAthensとスパルタSpartaが、それぞれ多数の同盟諸市allied citiesを指揮して戦い、戦闘の場the field of battleも、東in the eastは小アジア沿岸the coast of Asia Minor、西in the westはシチリア島Sicily、北in the northはエーゲ海の北岸the north coast of the Aegean Seaにまで及んでいた。
In the Peloponnesian War, Athens and Sparta
each commanded a number of allied cities, and the field of battle extended to
the coast of Asia Minor in the east, Sicily in the west, and the north coast of
the Aegean Sea in the north.
それだけにギリシア全般throughout Greeceに農地agricultural landの荒廃devastation、中小農民small and medium-sized farmersの没落downfallが著しかった。
As a result, the devastation of agricultural
land and the downfall of small and medium-sized farmers were remarkable
throughout Greece.
しかも戦後も慢性的にポリス間between the polisesで戦争状態the state of warが続きギリシアのポリスは衰退the Greek polises declinedしてゆく。
Moreover, even after the war, the state of
war between the polises continued chronically, and the Greek polises declined.
ペロポネソス戦争 Peloponnesian War
スパルタの支配Spartan dominance
ペロポネソス戦争the Peloponnesian War後のギリシアGreeceを指導したのは、まずスパルタSpartaであった。
Sparta was the first to lead Greece after
the Peloponnesian War.
アテネAthensが民主政democracyを国是national policyとしたのに対して、スパルタSpartaは少数の有力者による寡頭政oligarchy支援supportingの政策policyをとった。
While Athens adopted democracy as a national
policy, Sparta adopted a policy of supporting an oligarchy by a few influential
そのためペロポネソス戦争the Peloponnesian Warの直後にはアテネAthensを初めとして、多くのポリスpolisesにスパルタ支援the support of Spartaによる寡頭政oligarchyが樹立された。
For this reason, immediately after the
Peloponnesian War, oligarchy was established in many polises, including Athens,
with the support of Sparta.
However, this only increased the conflict
within the police.
コリント戦争 Corinthian War
民主政democracyが復活したアテネAthensはやがてコリントCorinthなどと組んで、前395年395 BCスパルタSpartaと開戦wage warした(コリント戦争the Corinthian War)。
After regaining democracy, Athens joined
forces with Corinth and others to wage war against Sparta in 395 BC (the
Corinthian War).
この戦争this warで苦境に立たされたスパルタSpartaは、将軍generalアンタルキダスAntalcidasにペルシアthe Persiansと交渉negotiateさせて同盟allianceを結び、アテネ軍the Athenian armyを圧倒overwhelmして和約peace treatyに至らせた。
Sparta, who was in trouble in this war,
forced her general Antalcidas to negotiate with the Persians, to form an
alliance, to overwhelm the Athenian army and to conclude a peace treaty.
この和約peace treatyは、アンタルキダスの和約the Peace of Antalcidasあるいは大王の和約the Treaty of
the Great Kings(アルタクセルクセス2世 Artaxerxes II)とも呼ばれる。
This treaty is also known as the Treaty of
Antarcidas or the Treaty of the Great Kings.
コリント戦争 Corinthian War
このようにスパルタSpartaは、ギリシア内部の政治問題the internal political affairs of Greeceに、外国勢力foreign
powersを介入interveneさせたのみならず、しかも、ペルシア帝国the Persian Empireと同盟allyを結ぶために、小アジアAsia Minorのギリシア人the Greeksに対するペルシアの支配Persian rule overを承認recognizedした。
Thus Sparta not only allowed foreign powers
to intervene in the internal political affairs of Greece, but also recognized
Persian rule over the Greeks in Asia Minor in order to ally with the Persian
このころになると、アテネ人the Atheniansもスパルタ人the Spartansも、ペルシア戦争the Persian Wars当時の意気spiritや誇りprideを失い、自国の利益their own interestsのためには、ペルシアPersiaからの援助aidを受けるのを恥じなかった。
By this time both the Athenians and the
Spartans had lost the spirit and pride of the Persian wars, and were not
ashamed to accept aid from Persia for their own interests.
アルタクセルクセス2世 Artaxerxes II アンタルキダスの和約 the
Peace of Antalcidas
一方ペルシアThe Persiansは、ギリシアGreeceが唯一の強国のもとに結束するunited under one single powerのを恐れて、いずれかの側に資金を提供fundingして、ギリシアGreeceの分裂divideを計画plannedしていたのである。
The Persians, on the other hand, feared that
Greece would be united under one single power, and planned to divide Greece by
funding one side or the other.
ティリバゾスTiribazus ペルシア人の知事(サトラップ)the Persian satrap
Antalcidas traveled to Susa to negotiate the
アンタルキダスの和約the Peace of Antalcidas
この和約peace treatyは、両交戦国two belligerent nations間の和約peace treatyではあるが、実際にはペルシア大王the Great King of Persia(アルタクセルクセス2世 Artaxerxes II)の詔勅edictであった。
Although this treaty was a treaty between
two belligerent nations, it was actually an edict of the Great King of Persia.
Spartan diplomatの名前にちなむ。
Antalcidas was named after the Spartan
diplomat who signed the peace treaty.
ギリシア諸市the Greek
representativesはサルディスSardisに召集され、ペルシア人の知事(サトラップ)the Persian satrapティリバゾスTiribazusから、これを押し付けられたforced to do
The representatives of the Greek cities were
summoned to Sardis and forced to do so by the Persian satrap.
これによって、小アジアAsia Minorおよびキプロス島Cyprusは、ペルシア領Persian territoriesと定められ、アテネAthensやテーベThebesは、各々がもつ同盟諸市alliancesの解体dismantleを強いられた。
Asia Minor and Cyprus were thus declared
Persian territories, and Athens and Thebes were forced to dismantle their
respective alliances.
レウクトラの戦い the Battle of Leuctra
レウクトラの戦い the Battle of Leuctra
テーベの覇権Hegemony of
スパルタSpartaに次いでギリシアGreeceの覇権hegemonyを握ったのは、中部ギリシアcentral GreeceのテーベThebesであった。
Next to Sparta, Thebes in central Greece
held the hegemony of Greece.
ペロピダス Pelopidas
ここでも、スパルタ進駐軍the Spartan occupation forcesに支援された寡頭政支配ruled by an oligarchyが行われていたが、前378年378 BC、ペロピダスPelopidasとその仲間がクーデターcoup d'étatで民主政democratic governmentを樹立し、前371年371 BCにはレウクトラの戦いthe Battle of Leuctraでスパルタ軍the Spartansを大敗defeatedさせた。
It was once again ruled by an oligarchy supported by the Spartan occupation forces, but in 378 BC Pelopidas and his companions established a democratic government in a coup d'état, and in 371 BC they defeated the Spartans at the Battle of Leuctra.
Epaminondas defending Pelopidas at the Siege
of Mantinea (385 BC).
この勝利victoryはエパミノンダスEpaminondasの優れた包囲戦術excellent siege tacticsによるものであった。
This victory was due to Epaminondas'
excellent siege tactics.
しかし、テーベの覇権the Thebes' hegemonyも、ペロピダスPelopidasやエパミノンダスEpaminondasが死亡the deathsすると、たちまち衰微declinedした。
But even the Thebes' hegemony quickly
declined with the deaths of Pelopidas and Epaminondas.
テーベ Thebes
アテネAthensの国土land(アッティカAttica)の北部the northernボイオティア地方Boeotian
regionの最有力ポリスthe most
influential polis。
The most influential police in the northern
Boeotian region of the land of Athens (Attica).
伝説によれば、ミケーネ時代the Mycenaean periodには有力な王国powerful kingdomであったが、歴史時代the historical periodには、スパルタSpartaやアテネAthensのように、周囲の地方the surrounding regions(ボイオティアBoeotia)を統合uniteすることができず、ボイオティア同盟the Boeotian Leagueを結んで指導、しだいに指導権leadershipを強化strengthenedし、ギリシアGreeceの有力ポリスinfluential
According to legend, it was a powerful
kingdom in the Mycenaean period, but in the historical period, it was unable to
unite the surrounding regions (Boeotia) like Sparta and Athens, and formed the
Boeotian League to lead and lead. Gradually, he strengthened his leadership and
emerged as an influential polis of Greece.
カイロネイアの戦い Battle of
ポリスの衰退Decline of
the polis
このように覇権supremacyを争う戦争warsが続いたため、農地the farmlandsは荒廃devastatedし、農民the peasantsは没落fellして傭兵mercenariesとなるものが流行became popularし、健全な市民healthy citizensが自分のポリスpolisのために戦うfighting、という市民軍の原理the militia principleは崩壊collapsedしてしまった。
As these wars for supremacy continued, the
farmlands were devastated, the peasants fell, mercenaries became popular, and
the militia principle of healthy citizens fighting for their own polis
また一方では、貨幣経済money economyの進展development・少数者the minorityへの土地集中concentration of landから、貧富の差the gap between rich and poorが増大increasedした。
On the other hand, the gap between rich and
poor increased due to the development of the money economy and the
concentration of land in the minority.
しかも政治制度political systemの面では民主政democracyが普通であったから、健全な市民healthy citizensとしての自覚awarenessが失われるとともに、いきおい衆愚政治mob politicsや煽動政治demagogueryに陥る傾向tended to fall intoがあった。
Moreover, in terms of the political system,
democracy was the norm, so people lost their awareness of being healthy
citizens, and they tended to fall into mob politics and demagoguery.
フィリッポス2世 Philip II
カイロネイアの戦いBattle of Chaeronea
カイロネイアの戦いBattle of Chaeronea
カイロネイアの戦いBattle of Chaeronea
こうしてポリス内部the interior of the polisも、ギリシア全体Greece as a wholeも、民族的統一ethnic unificationという政治問題解決solving the political problemの方向the directionに進むmove inことができないうちに、北方in the northの新興国newly emerging countryマケドニアMacedoniaのフィリッポス2世Philip IIの前に、アテネAthens・テーベThebesを指導者とするギリシア連合軍the Greek coalition forcesは前338年338 BCに降伏surrenderedすることになる(カイロネイアの戦いBattle of Chaeronea)。
Thus, before Philip II of Macedonia, a newly
emerging country in the north, attacked Philip II of Macedonia, the Greek
coalition forces led by Athens and Thebes were forced to move in the direction
of solving the political problem of ethnic unification. surrendered in 338 BC
(Battle of Chaeronea).
Thus, before both the interior of the polis
and Greece as a whole could move in the direction of solving the political
problem of national unity,
ソロンの改革 the reforms of Solon
ペイシストラトス Pisistratus
クレイステネスの改革the reforms of Cleisthenes
イオニアの反乱Ionian Revolt 499–493 BC
ペルシア戦争 Persian Wars
ペルシア戦争 Persian Wars
デロス同盟 the Delian League
ペロポネソス戦争 Peloponnesian War
ペロピダス Pelopidas
フィリッポス2世 Philip II
フィリッポス2世 Philip II
カイロネイアの戦いBattle of Chaeronea
フィリッポス2世 Philip II