日本史54 Japanese history 54
現代の日本Modern Japan
消費税(しょうひぜい)Consumption tax 1989年(平成1年)4月
バブル崩壊(バブル・ほうかい)Bubble burst
湾岸戦争(わんがん・せんそう)Gulf War 1990年(平成2年)8月
of Independent States
55年体制(ごじゅうごねん・たいせい)1955 System 1955年(昭和30年)
55年体制(ごじゅうごねん・たいせい)の崩壊Collapse of the 1955 System
住専問題(じゅうせん・もんだい)Jusen issue 1995年(平成7年)6月
阪神・淡路大震災(はんしん・あわじ・だいしんさい)the Great
Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 1995年(平成7年)
地下鉄サリン事件Tokyo subway
sarin attack 1995年(平成7年)
介護保険(かいご・ほけん・せいど)Long-term care insurance
アメリカ同時多発テロ事件September 11
attacks 2001年(平成13年)9月11日
第14章 Chapter
Modern Japan and the world
第5節 Section
現代の日本Modern Japan
江副浩正(えぞえ・ひろまさ)Ezoe Hiromasa
リクルート事件the Recruit
Incident 1988年(昭和63年)6月18日
消費税(しょうひぜい)Consumption tax 1989年(平成1年)4月
竹下登(たけした・のぼる)Noboru Takeshita
宇野宗佑(うの・そうすけ)Sōsuke Uno (1989年(平成1年)6月~8月)
宇野宗佑(うの・そうすけ)内閣Sosuke Uno Cabinet(1989年(平成1年)6月~8月)
candidates for successor leadershipがいずれもリクルート事件the Recruit Incidentに関わっていたため、宇野宗佑(うの・そうすけ)Sōsuke
Uno首相Prime Ministerが突如浮かび上がった。
Since all of the candidates for successor
leadership were involved in the Recruit Incident, Prime Minister Sosuke Uno
suddenly came to the fore.
しかし醜聞(スキャンダル)the scandalが発覚して、第15回参議院選挙the 15th
House of Councilors electionの遊説にも出られず、与野党の議席数逆転the ruling and opposition parties reversing the number of seatsという惨敗a crushing
defeatと、リーダーシップ喪失lost his
leadershipから、わずか2か月の短命で総辞職resignation en masseした。
However, after the scandal was discovered,
he was unable to participate in the campaign for the 15th House of Councilors
election, suffered a crushing defeat with the ruling and opposition parties
reversing the number of seats, and lost his leadership, leading to his
resignation en masse after just two months.
海部俊樹(かいふ・としき)Toshiki Kaifu
海部俊樹(かいふ・としき)内閣Toshiki Kaifu's cabinetの成立は、前内閣の唐突な辞職the sudden resignation of the previous cabinetと、疑獄の未解決unresolved
The formation of Toshiki Kaifu's cabinet was
due to the sudden resignation of the previous cabinet and the dynamics of
factional balance amidst the unresolved charges.
1990年(平成2年)2月の第39回衆議院総選挙the 39th
House of Representatives general electionで、自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Partyは安定多数a stable majorityを確保し、第2次海部俊樹内閣(かいふ・としき)the second Toshiki Kaifu
In the 39th House of Representatives general
election held in February 1990, the Liberal Democratic Party secured a stable
majority and saw the formation of the second Toshiki Kaifu Cabinet.
しかし1991年(平成3年)11月、小選挙区比例代表並立制system of proportional representation in single-seat districtsなどを導入する政治改革関連3法案three bills related to political reformが廃案となった責任をとって、総辞職した。
However, in November 1991, he took
responsibility for the failure of three bills related to political reform,
including the introduction of a system of proportional representation in single-seat
districts, and resigned en masse.
バブル崩壊(バブル・ほうかい)Bubble burst
1991年(平成3年)3月から1993年(平成5年)10月にかけて起きた株価stock pricesや地価land prices(土地の値段)の急落the sudden dropのことである。
This refers to the sudden drop in stock
prices and land prices (the price of land) that occurred from March 1991 to
October 1993.
長い不況a long
recessionの入り口になり、投資家investorsや不動産のオーナーreal estate ownersだけでなく、企業経営者corporate managersから会社員office
This was the beginning of a long recession,
affecting not only investors and real estate owners, but also corporate
managers and office workers.
湾岸戦争(わんがん・せんそう)Gulf War 1990年(平成2年)8月
1990年(平成2年)8月、イラク軍the Iraqi armyがクウェートKuwaitに侵攻invadedした。
In August 1990, the Iraqi army invaded Kuwait.
日本は1991年(平成3年)3月湾岸戦争支援金90億ドル$9 billion in support for
the Gulf Warを盛り込む補正予算を成立させ、4月にペルシャ湾the Persian
Gulfに海上自衛隊Japan Maritime
Self-Defense Forceの掃海艇(そうかいてい)Minesweeperを派遣した(187日間)。
In March 1991, Japan passed a supplementary
budget that included $9 billion in support for the Gulf War, and in April
dispatched Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force minesweepers to the Persian Gulf
(for 187 days).
1991年(平成3年)4月、前年に初代ソ連大統領the first President of the Soviet Unionに就任したゴルバチョフMikhail
Japan-Soviet Joint Statementが発表された。
In April 1991, Gorbachev, who had become the
first President of the Soviet Union the previous year, visited Japan and the
Japan-Soviet Joint Statement was announced.
Gorbachevソ連大統領Soviet Presidentは、1991年(平成3年)7月の第17回ロンドンサミットthe 17th
London Summitに、オブザーバーとして東側諸国の首脳the Eastern Bloc leaderでは初めて出席した。
Soviet President Gorbachev was the first
Eastern Bloc leader to attend the 17th London Summit in July 1991 as an
しかしゴルバチョフMikhail Gorbachevは1991年(平成3年)8月に共産党書記長General Secretary of the Communist Partyを辞任resignedし、ソ連共産党the Communist
Party of the Soviet Unionの解散the dissolutionを宣言declaredした。
However, Gorbachev resigned as General
Secretary of the Communist Party in August and declared the dissolution of the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
of Independent States
1991年(平成3年)12月にはロシアRussia・ウクライナUkraine・ベラルーシBelarusの3国が独立国家共同体(CIS)the Commonwealth of Independent Statesの創設を宣言し、11か国で発足。
In December, the three countries of Russia,
Ukraine, and Belarus declared the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS), which was established with 11 countries.
これによりソ連the Soviet Unionは解体disbandedされた。
As a result, the Soviet Union was disbanded.
宮澤喜一(みやざわ・きいち)Kiichi Miyazawa
ジョージ・H・W・ブッシュGeorge H. W.
1992年(平成4年)1月、ブッシュGeorge H. W. Bush米大統領US Presidentが来日して、日米の貿易摩擦解消resolving
trade frictionに向けた「東京宣言(とうきょうせんげん)Tokyo Declaration」と、それに基づく行動計画を発表した。
In January 1992, US President Bush visited
Japan and announced the ``Tokyo Declaration'' and an action plan based on it,
aimed at resolving trade friction between Japan and the US.
自衛隊カンボジア派遣the sending
of the Japan Self-Defense Forces overseas to Cambodia in 1992
Nations Peacekeeping Operations
6月国連平和維持活動(PKO)United Nations Peacekeeping Operations協力法cooperation lawを成立させ、これにより10月カンボジアCambodiaへ自衛隊the
Self-Defense Forcesを派遣した。
In June, the United Nations peacekeeping
operations (PKO) peacekeeping operations cooperation law was enacted, and in
October the Self-Defense Forces were dispatched to Cambodia.
金丸信(かねまる・しん)Shin Kanemaru
Express incident
宮澤喜一(みやざわ・きいち)Kiichi Miyazawa
7月の参議院選挙the House of Councilors electionで自民党(じみんとう)The Liberal Democratic Partyは過半数a majorityを確保したが、金丸信(かねまる・しん)Shin Kanemaru自民党(じみんとう)Liberal Democratic Party副総裁Vice Presidentが佐川急便(さがわきゅうびん)Sagawa Expressから献金donationsを受けていたとして政治資金規正法違反violating the Political Funds Control Act、所得税法違反violating the
Income Tax Actを問われ、議員辞職resigned as a member of the Dietし、宮沢喜一(みやざわ・きいち)内閣Kiichi
Miyazawa's cabinetは厳しい世論の批判にさらされた。
The Liberal Democratic Party secured a
majority in the House of Councilors election in July, but Liberal Democratic
Party Vice President Nobuo Kanemaru was accused of violating the Political
Funds Control Act and the Income Tax Act for receiving donations from Sagawa
Express, and resigned as a member of the Diet, and Kiichi Miyazawa's cabinet
was suspended. It was exposed to severe public criticism.
1993年(平成5年)6月、政治改革を巡って内閣不信任案a motion of no confidence in the cabinetを可決され、自民党(じみんとう)the
Liberal Democratic Partyは分裂した。
In June 1993, a motion of no confidence in
the cabinet was passed over political reform, and the Liberal Democratic Party
解散による第40回衆議院総選挙the 40th general
election for the House of Representativesで、自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Partyは議席の過半数a majority of seatsに達せず、社会党(しゃかいとう)the Socialist Partyも大敗crushing defeatした。
In the 40th general election for the House
of Representatives due to dissolution, the Liberal Democratic Party did not
reach a majority of seats, and the Socialist Party also suffered a crushing
55年体制(ごじゅうごねん・たいせい)1955 System 1955年(昭和30年)
55年体制(ごじゅうごねん・たいせい)の崩壊Collapse of the 1955 System
その結果、1955年(昭和30年)以来、38年に及ぶ自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal Democratic Party政権ruleは終わりを告げた(55年体制の崩壊Collapse of the 1955 System)。
As a result, the Liberal Democratic Party's
38-year rule since 1955 came to an end (Collapse of the 1955 System).
細川護熙(ほそかわ・もりひろ)Morihiro Hosokawa
1993年(平成5年)8月総選挙general electionで躍進した日本新党(にほんしんとう)the Japan New Party代表representative細川護熙(ほそかわ・もりひろ)Morihiro Hosokawaを首相prime ministerとして、社会党(しゃかいとう)the Socialist
Renewal Party・新党さきがけNew Party Sakigakeなど8党派からなる非自民連立内閣a non-Liberal Democratic Party coalition cabinetを組織した。
Morihiro Hosokawa, representative of the
Japan New Party, who made a breakthrough in the August 1993 general election,
was appointed prime minister, and a non-Liberal Democratic Party coalition cabinet
consisting of eight factions, including the Socialist Party, Komeito, Shinsei
Party, and PRESTO, was formed.
1994年(平成6年)4月、突如として総辞職を発表し、細川護熙(ほそかわ・もりひろ)内閣the Morihiro
Hosokawa cabinetは自壊self-destructedした。
In April 1994, he suddenly announced his
resignation en masse, and the Morihiro Hosokawa cabinet self-destructed.
羽田孜(はた・つとむ)Tsutomu Hata (1994年(平成6年)4月~6月)
小沢一郎(おざわ・いちろう)Ichirō Ozawa
新生党(しんせいとう)Japan Renewal Party党首leader羽田孜(はた・つとむ)Tsutomu Hataと幹事長secretary-general小沢一郎(おざわ・いちろう)Ichirō Ozawaを中心とした、公明党(こうめいとう)Komeito・日本新党(にほんしんとう)the Japan New Party・民社党(みんしゃとう)Democratic Socialist Partyなどの非自民連立内閣a non-Liberal Democratic coalition cabinetである。
It is a non-Liberal Democratic coalition
cabinet consisting of Komeito, Nippon New Party, Democratic Socialist Party,
and others, centered on Shinsei Party leader Kei Haneda and secretary-general
Ichiro Ozawa.
村山富市(むらやま・とみいち)Tomiichi Murayama
片山哲(かたやま・てつ)Tetsu Katayama
社会党(しゃかいとう)the Socialist
Party党首leader村山富市(むらやま・とみいち)Tomiichi Murayamaが自民党(じみんとう)the
Liberal Democratic Party・新党さきがけNew Party Sakigakeと連立coalitionして内閣を組織した。
Socialist Party leader Tomiichi Murayama
formed a cabinet in coalition with the Liberal Democratic Party and PRESTO.
社会党(しゃかいとう)内閣the Socialist Party cabinetとしては、1947年(昭和22年)~1948年(昭和23年)の片山哲(かたやま・てつ)内閣the Tetsu Katayama cabinet以来、47年ぶりであった。
This was the first Socialist Party cabinet
in 47 years, since the Satoshi Katayama cabinet from 1947 to 1948.
橋本龍太郎(はしもと・りゅうたろう)Ryutaro Hashimoto
社会党(しゃかいとう)the Socialist Partyの村山富市(むらやま・とみいち)内閣Murayama Tomiichi Cabinetが総辞職したあと、衆議院第1党the largest party in the
House of Representativesの自由民主党(じゆうみんしゅとう)Liberal Democratic Partyの首相the Prime Minister(橋本龍太郎(はしもと・りゅうたろう)Ryutaro Hashimoto)が、社会党(しゃかいとう)the Socialist Party(のち社会民主党(しゃかいみんしゅとう)Social Democratic Partyと改称)・新党さきがけNew Party Sakigakeとの連立政権a coalition governmentとして、2年半ぶりに復活した。
After the Socialist Party's Murayama
Tomiichi Cabinet resigned en masse, the Prime Minister (Ryutaro Hashimoto) of
the Liberal Democratic Party, the largest party in the House of
Representatives, revived the government for the first time in two and a half
years as a coalition government with the Socialist Party (later renamed the
Social Democratic Party) and the New Party PRESTO. did.
宮澤喜一(みやざわ・きいち)Kiichi Miyazawa
1996年(平成8年)の総選挙は、小選挙区比例代表並立制で実施された最初の選挙で、自民党は前回の宮沢喜一(みやざわ・きいち)内閣Kiichi Miyazawa cabinetのとき失った議席を大幅に回復したが、単独では過半数の議席を獲得できず、社民党(しゃみんとう)Social
Democratic Party・新党さきがけNew Party Sakigakeとの連立政権a coalition governmentを維持した。
The 1996 general election was the first
election to be held under the single-seat district proportional representation
system, and although the Liberal Democratic Party largely recovered the seats
it had lost under the previous Kiichi Miyazawa cabinet, it did not have a
majority on its own. The party was unable to win any seats, and maintained a
coalition government with the Social Democratic Party and New Party PRESTO.
いっぽう、社民党(しゃみんとう)Social Democratic Partyは前回社会党(しゃかいとう)the Socialist Party時代の70議席から15議席へと大幅に凋落した。
On the other hand, the Social Democratic
Party has significantly declined from 70 seats during the previous Socialist
Party era to 15 seats.
消費税(しょうひぜい)Consumption tax 1997年(平成9年)4月
橋本龍太郎(はしもと・りゅうたろう)内閣The Ryutaro Hashimoto Cabinetは、1997年(平成9年)4月に消費税(しょうひぜい)Consumption taxを3%から5%に引上げた。
The Ryutaro Hashimoto Cabinet raised the
consumption tax from 3% to 5% in April 1997.
住専問題(じゅうせん・もんだい)Jusen issue 1995年(平成7年)6月
景気の悪化the economic
finance companies(住専Jusen)救済のため公的資金6850億円を投入した(住専問題(じゅうせん・もんだい)Jusen issue)。
Due to the economic downturn, 685 billion
yen of public funds were injected into the rescue of housing finance companies
(Jusen) (Jusen issue).
しかし不況は深刻化the recession deepenedし、企業のリストラや倒産corporate restructurings and bankruptciesが相次ぐなか、経済the economyは石油危機the oil
However, the recession deepened and the
economy experienced negative growth for the first time since the oil crisis,
with a number of corporate restructurings and bankruptcies.
Territories dispute
橋本龍太郎(はしもと・りゅうたろう)Ryutaro Hashimoto
ボリス・エリツィンBoris Yeltsin
北方領土問題Northern Territories
橋本龍太郎(はしもと・りゅうたろう)Ryutaro Hashimoto首相Prime MinisterとロシアRussianのエリツィンBoris Yeltsin大統領Presidentとの川奈会談the Kawana
At the Kawana meeting (Shizuoka Prefecture)
between Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and Russian President Yeltsin, they
reaffirmed their intention to resolve the issue of the attribution of the four
islands of the Northern Territories under the 1993 Tokyo Declaration.
小渕恵三(おぶち・けいぞう)Keizō Obuchi
小渕恵三(おぶち・けいぞう)内閣Keizo Obuchi Cabinet
1998年(平成10年)に自民党(じみんとう)the Liberal
Democratic Party単独で組閣。
The Liberal Democratic Party formed a cabinet
in 1998 (Heisei 10).
Liberal Democratic Party・公明党(こうめいとう)Komeitoとの連立内閣a coalition cabinetとなった。
In 1999, a coalition cabinet was formed with
the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito.
北海道拓殖銀行The Hokkaido
Takushoku Bank
金融市場での資金繰りで窮地に追い込まれた北海道拓殖銀行The Hokkaido Takushoku Bankの経営破綻や、山一證券Yamaichi Securitiesの自主廃業という状況下で開かれた1998年(平成10年)の国会は「金融国会Financial Diet」と呼ばれ、民主党が提案した金融再生処理法が成立した。
The Diet in 1998 (Heisei 10) was called the
"Financial Diet" and was held under the circumstances of the
bankruptcy of Hokkaido Takushoku Bank, which had been forced into a financial
crisis due to lack of funds in the financial market, and the voluntary closure
of Yamaichi Securities. The Financial Reconstruction Act proposed by the
Democratic Party was enacted.
青木幹雄(あおき・みきお)Mikio Aoki
森喜朗(もり・よしろう)Yoshirō Mori
2000年(平成12年)4月に小渕恵三(おぶち・けいぞう)Keizō Obuchi首相Prime Ministerの緊急入院emergency
hospitalizationを受けて、青木幹雄(あおき・みきお)Mikio Aoki官房長官Chief Cabinet
Secretaryが首相臨時代理interim Prime
Ministerとして内閣総辞職の手続きをしたのち、森喜朗(もり・よしろう)内閣the Yoshiro
Mori Cabinetが成立した。
In April 2000, following Prime Minister
Keizo Obuchi's emergency hospitalization, Chief Cabinet Secretary Mikio Aoki,
acting as interim Prime Minister, took steps to resign en masse, and the
Yoshiro Mori Cabinet was formed.
小泉純一郎(こいずみ・じゅんいちろう)内閣Junichiro Koizumi Cabinet
2001年(平成13年)4月に郵政民営化the Privatization of the postal services・道路公団民営化the
Privatization of the road corporationsを掲げて組閣。
A cabinet was formed in April 2001 with the
goal of privatizing the postal services and road corporations.
中曽根康弘(なかそね・やすひろ)Yasuhiro Nakasone
宮澤喜一(みやざわ・きいち)Kiichi Miyazawa
Liberal Democratic Partyの定年規定により中曽根康弘(なかそね・やすひろ)Yasuhiro Nakasone・宮澤喜一(みやざわ・きいち)Kiichi Miyazawaの二人の元首相が引退を表明した。
In September 2003, the House of
Representatives was dissolved, a general election was held in October, and two
former prime ministers, Yasuhiro Nakasone and Kiichi Miyazawa, announced their
retirement in accordance with the Liberal Democratic Party's retirement age
阪神・淡路大震災(はんしん・あわじ・だいしんさい)the Great
Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 1995年(平成7年)1月17日
地下鉄サリン事件Tokyo subway
sarin attack 1995年(平成7年)3月20日
1995年(平成7年)には、神戸市Kobe Cityを中心に死者5000人以上を出した阪神・淡路大震災the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquakeや、オウム真理教団the Aum Shinrikyo groupによる地下鉄サリン事件the sarin gas attack on the subway、1999年(平成11年)には茨城県Ibaraki Prefecture東海村Tokai Villageの核燃料加工施設nuclear fuel
processing facilitiesで臨界事故criticality accidentsが起こるなど、日本社会の安全性the safety of Japanese societyが疑われる事件が相次いで起こり、国民の間に不安が広まった。
In 1995 (Heisei 7), there was the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake that killed more
than 5,000 people mainly in Kobe City, the sarin gas attack on the subway by
the Aum Shinrikyo group, and in 1999 (Heisei 11) there was a disaster in Tokai
Village, Ibaraki Prefecture. A series of incidents have occurred that have called
into question the safety of Japanese society, such as criticality accidents at
nuclear fuel processing facilities, and anxiety has spread among the people.
京都議定書(きょうと・ぎていしょ)Kyoto Protocol
1997年(平成9年)12月に京都で開かれた地球温暖化防止会議the Conference on Global Warming Preventionで、先進国の二酸化炭素排出量削減reduce
carbon dioxide emissionsを内容とする「京都議定書(きょうと・ぎていしょ)Kyoto Protocol」が採択された。
At the Conference on Global Warming
Prevention held in Kyoto in December 1997, the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to
reduce carbon dioxide emissions in developed countries, was adopted.
AIDS problem
橋本龍太郎(はしもと・りゅうたろう)Ryutaro Hashimoto
菅直人(かん・なおと)Naoto Kan
AIDS problem
AIDS problemでは国the governmentが責任responsibilityを認め、被害者に謝罪apologized to the victimsした(橋本(はしもと)内閣Hashimoto
In 1997, the government accepted
responsibility for the drug-induced AIDS problem and apologized to the victims
(Hashimoto Cabinet).
血友病治療treat hemophiliaに非加熱濃縮血液製剤unheated
concentrated blood productsを使用したことで起こった医療問題the medical problemsで、当時の厚生大臣Minister of Health and Welfare菅直人(かん・なおと)Naoto
to the victims、厚生省the Ministry of Health and Welfareがないとした資料も公開された。
Documents have also been released in which
the then Minister of Health and Welfare, Naoto Kan, apologized to the victims
of the medical problems caused by the use of unheated concentrated blood
products to treat hemophilia, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare was not
臓器移植法(ぞうき・いしょくほう)the Organ Transplant Act
小渕恵三(おぶち・けいぞう)Keizō Obuchi
臓器移植法(ぞうきいしょくほう)the Organ Transplant Act(1997年(平成9年))に基づく国内初の脳死臓器移植手術brain-dead organ transplant surgeryが、1999年(平成11年)2月に高知市の病院に入院していた女性患者の脳死判定determined to be brain deadを受けて実施された(小渕(おぶち)内閣Obuchi
Japan's first brain-dead organ transplant
surgery based on the Organ Transplant Act (1997) was performed in February 1999
after a female patient admitted to a hospital in Kochi City was determined to
be brain dead. It was implemented (Obuchi Cabinet).
介護保険(かいご・ほけん・せいど)Long-term care insurance
2000年(平成12年)4月からは介護保険制度(かいご・ほけん・せいど)The long-term care insurance systemが開始され、40歳以上の国民が加入することとなった(小泉(こいずみ)内閣Koizumi
The long-term care insurance system was
started in April 2000, and citizens aged 40 and over were eligible to enroll
(Koizumi Cabinet).
Home-visit nursing and facility nursing are
covered by insurance.
アメリカ同時多発テロ事件September 11
attacks 2001年9月11日(平成13年)
自衛隊イラク派遣Japan Self-Defense
Forces Iraq Reconstruction and Support Group
自衛隊カンボジア派遣the sending
of the Japan Self-Defense Forces overseas to Cambodia in 1992
2003年(平成15年)には、2001年(平成13年)のアメリカ同時多発テロthe September 11 terrorist attacks in the United Statesの流れを受け、自衛隊のイラク派遣sending
the Self-Defense Forces to Iraqについて議論debateが起こった。
In 2003 (Heisei 15), in response to the
September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 (Heisei 13), there
was a debate about sending the Self-Defense Forces to Iraq.
自衛隊の海外派遣the sending
of the Self-Defense Forces overseasについては、その違憲性the unconstitutionalityなどを巡って、1992年(平成4年)のカンボジア派遣the Self-Defense Forces overseas to Cambodia以来、さまざまな議論debatesが起こっている。
Since the sending of the Self-Defense Forces
overseas to Cambodia in 1992, various debates have been taking place over the
unconstitutionality and other issues surrounding the sending of the Self-Defense
Forces overseas.