日本史16 Japanese history 16
Genko and
the Decline of the
Kamakura Shogunate
北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimune
弘安の役(こうあん・の・えき)Battle of
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japan
九六式陸上攻撃機(きゅうろくしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft
九六式陸上攻撃機(きゅうろくしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft
九六式陸上攻撃機(きゅうろくしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)The Type 96 land attack aircraftは、日本海軍Imperial
Japanese Navyの陸上攻撃機(りくじょう・こうげきき)Land-based Attack Aircraft。
The Type 96 land attack
aircraft is a land attack aircraft of the Japanese Navy.
九五式陸上攻撃機(きゅうごしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 95 Land-based Attackerの後継機Successorであり、九六式艦上戦闘機(きゅうろくしき・かんじょう・せんとうき)Type 96 Carrier-based Fighterと並んで、日本の航空技術Japanese aviation technologyが欧米Europe and Americaと同等のレベルEquivalent levelまで進んだことを示した最初の機体the first aircraftである。
It was the successor to
the Type 95 land attack aircraft, and along with the Type 96 carrier-based
fighter, it was the first aircraft to demonstrate that Japanese aviation
technology had advanced to a level comparable to that of the West.
九六式陸上攻撃機(きゅうろくしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft
し、支那事変China Incidentから太平洋戦争Pacific Warの初期early yearsまで第一線the forefrontで活躍activeした。
It had high cruising
performance for its time and was active on the front lines from the China
Incident to the early stages of the Pacific War.
なお海軍の命名法naval nomenclatureによって急降下爆撃Dive bombingができない本機this planeは爆撃機Bomberではなく攻撃機Attack
Furthermore, due to naval
nomenclature, this aircraft, which could not perform dive bombing, was
considered an attack aircraft rather than a bomber.
略称Abbreviationは九六陸攻(きゅうろく・りくこう)Kyuroku Rikuko。
The abbreviation is
九六式陸上攻撃機(きゅうろくしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft
後継機Successorの一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraftとともに、中型攻撃機Medium-sized
Attack Aircraftとして作られたことから通称by commonly called「中攻(ちゅうこう)Medium Attack」と呼ばれた。
It was commonly called
the ``Medium Attack'' because it was created as a medium-sized attack aircraft,
along with its successor, the Type 1 land attack aircraft.
連合国軍Allied forcesのコードネームCode nameはネルNell。
The code name of the
Allied Forces is Nell.
Heavy Industries、中島飛行機Nakajima Aircraft Company。
Developed and
manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Nakajima Aircraft.
九六式陸上攻撃機(きゅうろくしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft
Sino-Japanese Warでは航続性能cruising performanceを生かし、設計本来の目的Original purpose of designではない対地爆撃Ground bombingに多用wide
During the Sino-Japanese
War, it was often used for ground bombing, which was not its original purpose,
due to its cruising performance.
まず台湾Taiwanや九州Kyushuの基地baseを発進し、東シナ海East China Seaを越え、第二次上海事変the Second Shanghai Incidentで孤立する現地部隊を支援する爆撃raids to support local troopsを行い帰還した。
First, they launched from
bases in Taiwan and Kyushu, crossed the East China Sea, conducted bombing raids
to support local troops isolated during the Second Shanghai Incident, and then
これは渡洋爆撃(とよう・ばくげき)transoceanic Bombingとして国内に大きく宣伝され名を揚げた一方で、戦闘機Fighter aircraftに撃墜shot downされるなど被害も多かった。
While this was widely
publicized in Japan as a bombing over the ocean and gained fame, it also caused
a lot of damage, including being shot down by a fighter plane.
P-26ピーシューター Boeing P-26 Peashooter
1937年(昭和12年)8月20日に南京Nankingを空襲Air-raidした際には迎撃InterceptionしたP-26ピーシューターBoeing P-26 Peashooterに敵損害なしで6機が撃墜shot downされるなど、渡洋爆撃(とよう・ばくげき)transoceanic Bombing初期から損害が続出していたが、随伴できる戦闘機Fighter aircraftは存在しなかった。
During the air raid on
Nanjing on August 20, 1937, 6 planes were shot down by intercepting P-26
Peashooters without any enemy damage, and damage was caused from the beginning
of overseas bombing. were occurring one after another, but there were no
fighter planes that could accompany them.
このため長距離飛行Long-distance flightが可能な戦闘機Fighter aircraftの必要性が真剣に検討され、十三試双発陸上戦闘機13-Shi Land-based Twin-engine Fighter、後の月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)夜間戦闘機Night
For this reason, the need for a fighter aircraft capable of long-distance flights was seriously considered, leading to the creation of the 13 twin-engine land fighters and later the Gekkou night fighter.
戦艦プリンス・オブ・ウェールズ Battleship Prince of Wales
1941年(昭和16年)12月10日のマレー沖海戦Naval Battle of Malayaでは、一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraftと協同In cooperationでイギリスBritish Empireの戦艦プリンス・オブ・ウェールズBattleship Prince of Walesと巡洋戦艦レパルスBattlecruiser Repulseを撃沈attack and sunkし、戦艦に対する航空優位Aviation advantage over battleshipsを印象付けた。
At the Battle of Murray
Coast on December 10, 1941, the aircraft teamed up with Type 1 land attack
aircraft to sink the British battleship Prince of Wales and battlecruiser
Repulse, demonstrating its air superiority over battleships.
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)夜間戦闘機Night fighter
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)夜間戦闘機Night fighter
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)は、日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navyの夜間戦闘機Night fighter。
Gekkou is a night fighter
of the Japanese Navy.
連合軍Allied forcesが本機This aircraftに与えたコードネームCode nameはアーヴィングIrving。
The code name given to
this machine by the Allied Forces was Irving.
Aircraft Company。
Developed and
manufactured by Nakajima Aircraft.
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)夜間戦闘機Night fighter
Sino-Japanese Warにおいて、大距離出撃long-distance sortiesは、航法navigation、通信能力communication capabilitiesの面で、戦闘機隊単独Fighter corps aloneでは無理であったことから、戦闘機Fighter aircraftとほぼ同じ空中戦闘能力Air combat capabilityを持ち、航法navigation、通信能力communication capabilities、航続力cruising rangeのある飛行機aircraft、いわば誘導戦闘機Guided fighterというようなものが必要になった。
During the Sino-Japanese
War, long-distance sorties were impossible for a fighter squadron alone due to
its navigation and communication capabilities. There was a need for an aircraft
that had almost the same air combat capabilities as a fighter jet, as well as
navigation, communication capabilities, and cruising range, something like a
guided fighter.
これを受けた中島飛行機Nakajima Aircraft Companyで開発Developmentに当たった。
In response to this,
Nakajima Aircraft was developed.
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)夜間戦闘機Night fighter
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)に装備installed onされた斜銃(しゃじゅう)Oblique gunとは、機軸the axis of the aircraftに対して上方または下方に30度前後の仰角を付けて装備された航空機銃Aircraft artilleryである。
The oblique gun installed
on the Gekko is an aircraft gun mounted at an elevation angle of around 30
degrees above or below the axis of the aircraft.
利点the advantagesはB-29スーパーフォートレスBoeing B-29 Superfortressの弱点weak point(後ろ下方からの攻撃に弱い)に対し攻撃占位運動が容易であること、攻撃態勢保持時間が長いことが挙げられる。
The advantages are that
it is easy to attack the B-29 Superfortress' weak points (weak against attacks
from behind and below), and that it can maintain attack posture for a long
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)の生産機数Number of productionは二式陸上偵察機(にしき・りくじょう・ていさつき)Type 2 land reconnaissance aircraftも含めて477機で、この内40機が終戦時に残存していた。
The number of Gekkou
aircraft produced was 477, including the Type 2 land reconnaissance aircraft,
of which 40 remained in existence at the end of the war.
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)夜間戦闘機Night fighter
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)の登場により、一時はB-17フライング・フォートレスBoeing B-17 Flying FortressやB-24リベレーターConsolidated B-24 LiberatorによるラバウルRabaulへの夜間爆撃Night bombingを押さえ込むことに成功した。
The appearance of the
Gekkou briefly succeeded in suppressing the night bombing of Rabaul by B-17
Flying Fortresses and B-24 Liberators.
1944年(昭和19年)10月に開始されたフィリピンの戦いBattle of the Philippinesにも月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)は投入された。
Gekko was also used in
the Battle of the Philippines, which began in October 1944.
月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)は本土防空戦mainland air defense battlesにも投入されたが、相手はこれまでのB-17やB-24を遥かに上回る性能のB-29スーパーフォートレスBoeing B-29 Superfortressとなり、月光(げっこう)Gekkou(Moonlight)は夜間のみならず昼間も迎撃に出撃したSortie to interceptが苦しい戦いを強いられたforced into a tough battle。
The Gekkou was also used
in mainland air defense battles, but its opponent was the B-29 Super Fortress,
which had far superior performance than the previous B-17 and B-24, and the
Gekkou was used not only at night but also during the night. They went out to
intercept during the day, but were forced into a tough battle.
一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1
Land-based Attack Aircraft
一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1
Land-based Attack Aircraftは日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navyの陸上攻撃機(りくじょう・こうげきき)Land-based Attack Aircraftである。
The Type 1 Land Attack
Aircraft (Isshiki, Rikujo, Kougeki) is a land attack aircraft of the Japanese
略称Abbreviationは一式陸攻(いっしき・りっこう)Isshiki Rikko。
The abbreviation is
Isshiki Rikko.
Japanese Navyの呼び名Nicknameは中型攻撃機Medium-sized Attack Aircraftの略abbreviationの、中攻(ちゅうこう)。
The Japanese Navy's name
for the aircraft is Chu-Attack, an abbreviation for medium-sized attack
連合国軍Allied forcesのコードネームCode nameはベティーBetty。
The Allied code name is
Heavy Industries株式会社の設計Design・製造Manufacturing。
Designed and manufactured
by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
銀河(ぎんが)Ginga(Galaxy) 双発爆撃機Twin-engine bomber
銀河(ぎんが)Ginga(Galaxy) 双発爆撃機Twin-engine bomber
銀河(ぎんが)Ginga(Galaxy)は日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navyが開発Development・実用化practical useした双発爆撃機Twin-engine bomber。
Ginga is a twin-engine
bomber developed and put into practical use by the Japanese Navy.
海軍Navyの航空機関連技術開発Aircraft-related technology developmentを統括する海軍航空技術廠(かいぐん・こうくう・ぎじゅつしょう)Yokosuka Naval Air Technical Arsenalが大型急降下爆撃機Large Dive Bomberとして開発した機体だが、一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraftの後継機Successorとして太平洋戦争Pacific
War後半の戦いに投入Put into the
second half of the battleされた。
This aircraft was
developed as a large dive bomber by the Naval Aviation Engineering Center,
which oversees the development of aircraft-related technology for the Navy, and
was deployed in the latter half of the Pacific War as a successor to the Type 1
land attack aircraft.
連合国軍Allied forcesによるコードネームCode nameはフランシスFrances。
The Allied code name was
Aircraft Company。
Developed and
manufactured by Nakajima Aircraft.
銀河(ぎんが)Ginga(Galaxy) 双発爆撃機Twin-engine bomber
銀河(ぎんが)Ginga(Galaxy) 双発爆撃機Twin-engine bomber
マリアナ沖海戦Battle of the
Philippine Sea
ニューギニア戦線New Guinea
台湾沖航空戦Formosa Air
レイテ島の戦いBattle of
レイテ沖海戦Battle of
Leyte Gulf
九州沖航空戦(きゅうしゅうおき・こうくうせん)Air battle
off Kyushu
沖縄戦Battle of
弘安の役(こうあん・の・えき)Battle of
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japan
第5章 Chapter
Establishment of samurai society
第5節 Section 5
Genko and
the Decline of the
Kamakura Shogunate
日宋貿易(にっそう・ぼうえき)Japan-Song trade
Negotiations with the
日宋貿易(にっそう・ぼうえき)Japan-Song trade
中国Chinaでは12世紀の初めat the
beginning of the 12th centuryに、宋(そう)the Song Dynastyが金(きん)the Jin
dynastyに圧迫oppressedされ、都capitalを江南(こうなん)(チヤンナン)Jiangnanに移して南宋(なんそう)the Southern Songと呼ばれた。
In China, at the
beginning of the 12th century, the Song Dynasty was oppressed by Jin Jin and
moved the capital to Jiangnan and was called the Southern Song.
日宋貿易(にっそう・ぼうえき)Japan-Song tradeは、鎌倉時代(かまくら・じだい)Kamakura periodになっても正式の国交official diplomatic relationshipはなかったが、私貿易の形the
form of private tradeで行われ、両国の商船の往来the traffic of merchant ships between the two countriesは増加increasedした。
Even in the Kamakura
period, there was no official diplomatic relationship between Japan and Song,
but it was carried out in the form of private trade, and the traffic of
merchant ships between the two countries increased.
南宋(なんそう)the Southern Song
モンゴル帝国(蒙古帝国(もうこ・ていこく))the Mongol Empire
モンゴル帝国(蒙古帝国(もうこ・ていこく))the Mongol Empire
モンゴル帝国(蒙古帝国(もうこ・ていこく))the Mongol Empire
元(げん)の版図Territory of the Yuan Dynasty
金(きん)the Jin dynastyの支配下under
the rule ofにあったモンゴル族a Mongol tribeの一部族長the head・テムジン(鉄木真)Temüjinが他部族other tribesを征服conqueredして1206年モンゴル帝国(蒙古帝国(もうこ・ていこく))the Mongol Empireを建設establishedし、
Temüjin, the head of a
Mongol tribe under the rule of Kin Jin, conquered other tribes and established
the Mongol Empire in 1206.
大汗(たいかん)Great Khan(大帝(たいてい)Great Emperor)の位についてチンギス・ハン(成吉思汗)Chingis Khan(シャーマン教shamanismの「光の神God of Light」の意)(太祖(たいそ)Taizu(grand progenitor))(在位1206~1227)の尊称honorific
He received the honorific
title of Chingis Khan (meaning 'God of Light' in shamanism) (Taiso) (reigned
その後第2代the 2nd
generation太宗(たいそう)Taizong(オゴタイ・ハンÖgedei Khan)・第3代the 3rd
Khan)・第4代the 4th
generation憲宗(けんそう)Xianzong(モンケ・ハンMöngke Khan)の間に金(きん)the Jin
After that, the 2nd
generation Taizong (Ögedei Khan), the 3rd generation Möngke Khan, and the 4th generation
Möngke Khan destroyed Jin.
チンギス・ハン(成吉思汗)Chingis Khan(太祖(たいそ)Taizu(grand progenitor))(在位1206~1227)
中国北部northern Chinaを征Conqueringして長江(ちょうこう)the Chang River(揚子江(ようすこう)the Yangtze River)をもって南宋(なんそう)the Southern Songと境borderingし、
Conquering northern China
and bordering the Southern Song with the Yangtze River,
南the Southは雲南(うんなん)Yunnan・チベットTibet・安南(あんなん)Annamを征服conqueredし、
South conquered Yunnan,
Tibet and Annan,
西the westは中央アジアCentral
AsiaからヨーロッパEuropeに入り、欧亜(おうあ)Europe and Asiaにまたがる大帝国(だいていこく)a great empireを形成formedした。
The west entered Europe
from Central Asia and formed a great empire spanning Europe and Asia.
これによって東アジア文化圏the East Asian cultural sphereとヨーロッパ文化圏the European cultural sphereの交流exchangesが緊密化closerし、人類の歴史human historyは「世界史world history」と言える段階the stageとなった。
As a result, exchanges
between the East Asian cultural sphere and the European cultural sphere became
closer, and human history reached the stage where it can be said that it is
'world history'.
フビライ・ハン(忽必烈)Kublai Khan(世祖(せいそ)Shizu)(在位1260~1294)
(チンギス・ハンChingis Khanの孫grandson)
第5代the 5th generation世祖(せいそ)Shizu(忽必烈(フビライ・ハンKublai Khan))(在位1260~1294)(チンギス・ハンChingis Khanの孫grandson)は都capitalを大都(だいと)Dadu(北京(ペキン)Beijing)に移し、国号the country nameを元(げん)Yuan Dynastyと定め、
The 5th generation ancestor
(Kublai Khan) (reigned 1260-1294) (grandchild of Genghis Khan) moved the
capital to Dadu (Beijing) and changed the country name to the original name. (Gen)
Defined as Yuan Dynasty,
南宋(なんそう)the Southern Songを圧迫put
pressure onし、東in the Eastは高麗(こうらい)(コリョ)Goryeoを押さえてsuppress、日本Japanをも支配下under their controlに置こうと計画plannedした。
They planned to put pressure
on the Southern Song, to suppress Goryeo in the East, and to put Japan under
their control.
Since 1268 (Bun'ei 5), he
sent messengers to Japan three times through Goryeo, asking for tribute and
第2代執権the second shikken (regent)
北条時政(ほうじょう・ときまさ)Hōjō Tokimasaの次男second son
北条政子(ほうじょう・まさこ)Hōjō Masako(1157~1225)の弟younger
北条泰時(ほうじょう・やすとき)Hōjō Yasutoki(1183~1242)
第3代執権the third shikken (regent)
Yoshitokiの長男Eldest son
北条時頼(ほうじょう・ときより)Hōjō Tokiyori
鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate第五代執権(しっけん)the fifth
shikken (regent)
北条時氏(ほうじょう・ときうじ)Hōjō Tokiujiの次男second
Tsunetokiの同母弟maternal younger brother
北条泰時(ほうじょう・やすとき)Hōjō Yoshitokiの孫grandson
北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimuneの父father
北条政村(ほうじょう・まさむら)Hōjō Masamura(1205~1273)
鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate第七代執権(しっけん)the seventh shikken
Yoshitokiの五男the fifth son
北条泰時(ほうじょう・やすとき)Hōjō Yasutokiの異母弟half-brother
北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimune
鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate第八代執権(しっけん)the eighth shikken
北条時頼(ほうじょう・ときより)Hōjō Tokiyoriの次男second
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japan
this requestするとともに、18歳の北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimune(在職1268~1284)を第八代執権(しっけん)the eighth shikkenにし、
The shogunate rejected
this request and appointed 18-year-old Hojo Tokimune (8th regent) (1268-1284)
as regent.
北条政村(ほうじょう・まさむら)Hōjō Masamura(1205~1273)を連署(れんしょ)Rensho(co-signatory)として補佐assistedさせて幕府内部the
internal affairs of the shogunateを固めたsolidify。
Hōjō Masamura (1205-1273)
(the former regent of Hōjō Tokimune) acted as a co-signer and assisted him to
solidify the internal affairs of the shogunate.
趙良弼(ちょう・りょうひつ)Zhào Liáng bì(女真人Jurchen
さらに1271年(文永(ぶんえい)8年)には、元(げん)the Yuan dynastyの使者messenger趙良弼(ちょう・りょうひつ)Zhào Liáng bì(女真人Jurchen
people)が期限を定めて回答を迫ったset a deadline and demanded an answerが、
Furthermore, in 1271 (8th
year of Bun'ei), Yuan Yuan's messenger Zhao Ryohitsu set a deadline and
demanded an answer.
幕府(ばくふ)Shogunateは回答を与えずに彼を帰国させsent him home without giving an answer、
The Shogunate sent him
home without giving an answer,
九州(きゅうしゅう)Kyushu(Nine Provinces)に所領territoryをもつ東国(とうごく)Eastern Provinces御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)に警固securityのため九州(きゅうしゅう)Kyushuに下向go downすることを命じ(異国警固番役(いこく・けいごばん・やく)a foreign police officer)、元(げん)the Yuan dynastyの来襲attackedに備えた。
Ordered Gokenin, who had
territory in Kyushu, to go down to Kyushu for security (Ikoku, Keigo,
Bankyaku), attacked by Gen Yuan. prepared for.
洪茶丘(こう・さきゅう)Hong Dagu(高麗人)
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japan
文永の役(ぶんえい・の・えき)Battle of Bun'ei
1274年(文永(ぶんえい)11年)10月、忻都(きんと)Chinto(蒙古人Mongolian)・洪茶丘(こう・さきゅう)Hong Dagu(高麗人)を将commandersとし、
In October 1274 (Bun'ei
11), with Kinto and Ko Sakyu as commanders,
文永の役(ぶんえい・の・えき)Battle of
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japan
元(げん)the Yuan dynasty・高麗(こうらい)(コリョ)Goryeoの連合軍3万数千More than
30,000 allied forcesが900余隻の船を連ねてwith more than 900 ships対馬(つしま)Tsushima(長崎県Nagasaki
More than 30,000 allied
forces from Gen and Goryeo invaded Tsushima and Iki with more than 900 ships.
さらに肥前(ひぜん)Hizen Province(佐賀県(さがけん)Saga
Prefecture、長崎県Nagasaki Prefecture)の平戸(ひらど)Hirado・鷹島(たかじま)Takazimaを襲ってattacked博多湾(はかたわん)Hakata Bay筑前国(ちくぜんのくに)Chikuzen Province(福岡県Fukuoka Prefecture)に入り、今津(いまづ)Imazu・博多(はかた)Hakataに上陸landedした。
Furthermore, they
attacked Hirado and Takashima in Hizen, entered Hakata Bay, and landed at Imazu
and Hakata.
宗助国(そう・すけくに)Sō Sukekuni
対馬(つしま)Tsushima(長崎県)の守護代(しゅごだい)Shugodai宗助国(そう・すけくに)Sō Sukekuniの急報the
urgent newsに接して、
In response to the urgent
news of Sosukekuni, the Shugodai of Tsushima,
少弐景資(しょうに・かげすけ)Shoni Kagesuke
Tsunesukeの弟younger brother
鎮西奉行(ちんぜい・ぶぎょう)chinzei magistrate少弐経資(しょうに・つねすけ)Shoni Tsunesukeは管内jurisdictionの御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)を指揮directingして防戦defend
the battleに努めたが、
Shoni Tsunesuke, a
chinzei magistrate, tried to defend the battle by directing the gokenin in his
元(げん)軍the Yuan armyの集団戦法group tacticsと毒矢poison arrowsと火薬gunpowderを用いた「てつはう(てっぽう)tetsuhau」に苦しめられTortured、大宰府(だざいふ)Dazaifu(筑前国(ちくぜんのくに)Chikuzen Province(福岡県Fukuoka Prefecture))の水城(みずき)Mizuki Castle(water fortress)まで退いたwithdrew。
Tortured by the Yuan
army's group tactics and ``tetsu sho'' using poison arrows and gunpowder, they
withdrew to Mizuki in Dazaifu.
ところが、優勢upper handであった元(げん)the Yuan dynasty・高麗(こうらい)(コリョ)Goryeo軍forcesは、大宰府(だざいふ)Dazaifuへの進撃advancingも陸上陣地を構えるsetting up land positionsこともなく船に引き上げwithdrew to ships、
However, the Yuan and
Goryeo forces, which had the upper hand, withdrew to ships without advancing to
Dazaifu or setting up land positions.
夜半の暴風雨a storm in
the middle of the nightのため、翌朝the next morningには、海上にその船団も姿を消していたthe fleet disappeared at seaと言う。
It is said that the fleet
disappeared at sea the next morning due to a storm in the middle of the night.
これを文永の役(ぶんえい・の・えき)Battle of Bun'eiと言う。
This is called Bunei no
Yaku (Bunei no Yaku).
長門探題(ながと・たんだい)Nagato Tandai
Preparing the defense
幕府(ばくふ)Shogunateは再度の元(げん)the Yuan dynastyの来襲another attackを見越してin anticipation防衛体制defense systemを固めたstrengthened。
The shogunate
strengthened its defense system in anticipation of another attack by Yuan Yuan.
police guardsを整備establishingするとともに、長門探題(ながと・たんだい)Nagato Tandaiを設けたりestablished、
In addition to
establishing foreign police guards (Ikoku, Keigo, Bankyaku), Nagato Tandai
(Tandai) was established,
また、非御家人Non-gokeninも戦功military exploitsによって恩賞(おんしょう)rewardsを与えることを約束promiseして動員mobilizedし、
Non-gokenin were also
mobilized with the promise of rewards for their military exploits.
北条氏一族members of the
Hojo clanを九州(きゅうしゅう)Kyushuや長門(ながと)Nagato Province(山口県Yamaguchi Prefecture西半分)の守護(しゅご)Shugo((military) governor)(protector)(constable)に任じて指揮権を強化strengthened his commandした。
He strengthened his command
by appointing members of the Hojo clan as guardians of Kyushu and Nagato.
stone grounds
博多湾沿岸the coast of
Hakata Bayには石塁(せきるい)stone forts(要害石築地(ようがい・いしついじ)fortified stone grounds)を設けてset up、元(げん)軍the Yuan armyの上陸landを許さぬ構えを示し、進んで大陸に出兵dispatch troops to the continentする準備preparedさえ行った。
He set up stone forts
(fortified stone grounds) along the coast of Hakata Bay to show that he would
not allow the Mongol army to land, and even prepared to dispatch troops to the
周福(しゅう・ふく)Zhou Fu
弘安の役(こうあん・の・えき)Battle of
元(げん)the Yuan dynastyは1279年(弘安(こうあん)2年)南宋(なんそう)the Southern Songを滅ぼしdestroyed、
Yuan destroyed the
Southern Song in 1279 (Koan 2nd year),
再度の日本遠征the second
expedition to Japanのため江南(こうなん)(チヤンナン)Jiangnanに兵船600艘600 warshipsを、高麗(こうらい)(コリョ)Goryeoに900艘900 warshipsの修造repairedを命じordered、
For the second expedition
to Japan, he ordered 600 warships to be repaired in Gangnam and 900 in Goryeo.
Song Dynastyの周福(しゅう・ふく)Zhou Fuを派遣dispatchedしてきた。
As an envoy, Shu Fu of
the Song dynasty was dispatched.
幕府(ばくふ)shogunateは鎮西奉行(ちんぜい・ぶぎょう)Chinzei magistrateに命じて周福(しゅう・ふく)Zhou Fuを博多(はかた)Hakata(福岡県Fukuoka Prefecture)で斬らせた。
The shogunate ordered the
Chinzei magistrate to kill Shu Fuku in Hakata.
洪茶丘(こう・さきゅう)Hong Dagu(高麗人)
弘安の役(こうあん・の・えき)Battle of
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japan
弘安の役(こうあん・の・えき)Battle of
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japan
1281年(弘安(こうあん)4年)朝鮮Korea合浦(かっぽ)Kappoを出発departedした忻都(きんと)Chinto(蒙古人Mongolian)・洪茶丘(こう・さきゅう)Hong Dagu(高麗人)が指揮commandedする4万のthe 40,000-strong東路軍(とうろぐん)Eastern Route Armyは、
In 1281 (Koan 4th year),
the 40,000-strong Eastern Route Army commanded by Kinto and Hong Chakyu departed
from Kappo in Korea.
対馬(つしま)Tsushima(長崎県)・壱岐(いき)Iki(長崎県)を侵してinvaded 1281年(弘安(こうあん)4年)6月6日博多(はかた)Hakata(福岡県)に迫ったapproachedが、
They invaded Tsushima and
Iki and approached Hakata on June 6, 1281 (Koan 4).
小舟small boatsによる攻撃Attacks、要害石築地(ようがい・いしついじ)fortified stone groundsに拠る逆襲counterattacksにあって上陸landingは阻止blockedされ、鷹島(たかじま)Takazima(長崎県)に退いたwithdrew。
Attacks by small boats
and counterattacks from Ishitsukiji blocked their landing, and they withdrew to
范文虎(はん・ぶんこ)Fan Wenhu
南宋(なんそう)人people from the Southern Song Dynasty
弘安の役(こうあん・の・えき)Battle of
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japan
約2か月遅れてAbout two months later范文虎(はん・ぶんこ)Fan Wenhuが率いる南宋(なんそう)人10万100,000
people from the Southern Song Dynastyの江南軍(こうなんぐん)the Jiangnan armyは、東路軍(とうろぐん)the Eastern Route Armyと会同joined withして博多湾(はかたわん)Hakata Bay(福岡県)を目指したheaded forが、夜暴風雨が襲いby a storm at night遠征軍the expeditionary forceは壊滅destroyedした。
About two months later,
the Jiangnan army of 100,000 people from the Southern Song Dynasty, led by Fan
Bunko, joined with the Eastern Route army and headed for Hakata Bay, but the expeditionary
force was destroyed by a storm at night.
残った兵船200艘200 warships、兵員3万人30,000 soldiers、捕虜2000人2,000
prisoners of warと言われる。
It is said that 200
warships remained, 30,000 soldiers, and 2,000 prisoners of war.
これが弘安の役(こうあん・の・えき)Battle of Kōanであり、二度に渡る元(げん)the Yuan
dynastyの来襲two invasionsを元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japanと言う。
This is Koan no Eki, and
the two invasions of Gen Yuan are called Genko.
モンゴル帝国(蒙古帝国(もうこ・ていこく))the Mongol Empire
元(げん)the Yuan dynastyは第3次の遠征a third expeditionを企てたが
Yuan Yuan planned a third
元(げん)the Yuan dynastyの支配ruleと物資・人員調達procurement of supplies and personnelに対する南宋(なんそう)the Southern Song民衆peopleの一揆uprisingや反乱rebellion、
uprisings and uprisings
of the Southern Song people against Yuan Yuan's rule and procurement of
supplies and personnel;
From 1282 (Koan 5th
year), rebellion of Champa and Kochi (Vietnam) occurred.
フビライ・ハン(忽必烈)Kublai Khan(世祖(せいそ)Shizu)(在位1260~1294)
(チンギス・ハンChingis Khanの孫grandson)
1294年(永仁(えいにん)2年)フビライ・ハン(忽必烈)Kublai Khan(世祖(せいそ)Shizu)(在位1260~1294)の死deathによって消滅disappearedした。
It disappeared in 1294
(2nd year of Einin) with the death of the founder (Kublai Khan).
planとともに、第3次来襲the third
attackに備えてIn preparation全国nationwideの公領public territoriesや荘園manors内の非御家人の武士non-gokenin samuraiをも動員mobilizeする権限authorizedを朝廷the Imperial Courtに認めさせ、
In preparation for the
third attack, the bakufu authorized the Imperial Court to mobilize non-gokenin
samurai from public territories and manors nationwide,
長門探題(ながと・たんだい)Nagato Tandaiに続いて鎮西探題(ちんぜい・たんだい)Chinzei Tandaiを設けて北条一族the Hojo clanを任じ、西国(さいごく)Western Provinces一帯areaに勢力を伸ばしたextended his influence。
Following the Nagato
Tandai, he established the Chinzei Tandai, appointed the Hojo clan, and
extended his influence over the Saigoku area.
長門探題(ながと・たんだい)Nagato Tandai
Nagato Tandai and Chinzei
長門探題(ながと・たんだい)Nagato Tandaiは中国探題(ちゅうごく・たんだい)Chūgoku Tandaiとも言い、文永の役(ぶんえい・の・えき)Battle of Bun'ei後に長門守護(ながと・しゅご)として赴任した北条宗頼(ほうじょう・むねより)Hōjō Muneyori(北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimuneの異母弟half-brother)が
Nagato Tandai, also known
as Chugoku Tandai, was Hojo who was appointed as Nagato Shugo after the Bunei
War. Muneyori (Hojo Muneyori)
御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)統制controllingに加え、警固番役(けいご・ばんやく)the role of a guardの沙汰など権限を拡大expanded his authorityし、また周防(すおう)Suō Province(山口県東南半分)の守護(しゅご)Shugo((military) governor)(protector)(constable)を兼ねて探題(たんだい)Tandaiと称した。
In addition to controlling
gokenin, he expanded his authority to include the role of a guard, and called
himself Tandai, which also served as the guardian of Suo.
Tandaiは九州探題(きゅうしゅう・たんだい)Kyushu Tandaiとも言い、1293年(永仁(えいにん)元年)元(げん)軍the Yuan army防備protectと九州統治rule
The Chinzei Tandai, also
known as the Kyushu Tandai, moved to Hakata in 1293 (the first year of the
Einin era) to protect the former army and rule Kyushu. Installed.
1296年(永仁(えいにん)4年)北条実政(ほうじょう・さねまさ)Hōjō Sanemasa(北条実時(ほうじょう・さねとき)Hōjō Sanetokiの子son)が赴任assigned to this postすると、九州全域the whole of Kyushuに渡る軍事指揮権the power to command military forcesと訴訟裁断権the right
to adjudicate lawsuitsを具備することになった。
In 1296 (Einin 4th year),
Sanemasa HOJO was assigned to this post, and he was given the power to command
military forces over the whole of Kyushu and the right to adjudicate lawsuits.
北条時頼(ほうじょう・ときより)Hōjō Tokiyori
鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate第五代執権(しっけん)the fifth shikken (regent)
北条時氏(ほうじょう・ときうじ)Hōjō Tokiujiの次男second
Tsunetokiの同母弟maternal younger brother
北条泰時(ほうじょう・やすとき)Hōjō Yoshitokiの孫grandson
北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimuneの父father
幕府の衰退Decline of
the Shogunate
The despotism of Hojo
すでに北条時頼(ほうじょう・ときより)Hōjō Tokiyori(5代執権)の執権(しっけん)Shikken(a regent of the shogunate)の頃から、幕府(ばくふ)Shogunate内部における北条氏(ほうじょうし)the Hojo clanの独裁傾向dictatorial tendenciesは強くなっていたが、
Since the time Hojo
Tokiyori (5th regent) was in power, the Hojo clan's dictatorial tendencies
within the shogunate had become stronger.
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japanを機に北条氏(ほうじょうし)the Hojo clanのなかでも家督を継ぐinherited the family headship嫡流the main branch、すなわち得宗(とくそう)Tokusōに幕府(ばくふ)Shogunateの権力powerが集中concentratedし専制体制despotic systemが確立establishedした。
With the Genko invasion,
the power of the shogunate was concentrated on the Tokuso, the main branch of
the Hojo clan that inherited the family headship, and a despotic system was
北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimune
鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate第八代執権(しっけん)the eighth shikken
北条時頼(ほうじょう・ときより)Hōjō Tokiyoriの次男second
元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japan
執権(しっけん)Shikken(a regent of the shogunate)北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimune(8代執権the eighth shikken)は、
Regent (regent) Hojo Tokimune
(Hojo Tokimune) (8th regent)
評定衆(ひょうじょう・しゅう)Hyōjōshūや引付衆(ひきつけ・しゅう)Hikitsukeshūに一族一門の者members of the clanを加え、執権政治(しっけん・せいじ)regency politicsの伝統traditionである合議制the collegial systemを形式化formalizeし、
In addition to Hyojo and
Hikitsuke, members of the clan were added to formalize the collegial system, a
tradition of regency politics.
また元(げん)the Yuan dynastyの来襲invasionを口実pretextに、長門(ながと)Nagato Province(山口県Yamaguchi
Prefecture西半分)・周防(すおう)Suō Province(山口県Yamaguchi Prefecture東南半分)・筑後(ちくご)Chikugo Province(福岡県(ふくおかけん)Fukuoka Prefecture南部)など西国(さいごく)Western Provincesの守護(しゅご)Shugo((military) governor)(protector)(constable)を一門の手the
hands of the clanに収めた。
In addition, on the
pretext of Gen Yuan's invasion, Nagato, Suo, Chikugo, and other shugo
(guardians) of the western provinces were taken into the hands of the clan.
それとともに、得宗家(とくそうけ)Tokusō familyの家臣(かしん)vassalsである御内人(みうちびと)Miuchibito(その筆頭the headを内管領(ないかんれい)Naikanreiという)が、幕府(ばくふ)Shogunate内で大きな力great powerを持った。
At the same time, vassals
of the Tokuso family, Miuchibito (the head of whom was called Naikanrei), had
great power within the bakufu.
鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate第二代執権(しっけん)the second shikken
北条時政(ほうじょう・ときまさ)Hōjō Tokimasaの次男second son
北条政子(ほうじょう・まさこ)Hōjō Masako(1157~1225)の弟younger
得宗(徳宗)(とくそう)Tokusōとは北条義時(ほうじょう・よしとき)Hōjō Yoshitoki(2代執権(しっけん)the second shikken)の法名(ほうみょう)the Buddhist nameであったことから始まる。
Tokuso originated from
the Buddhist name of Yoshitoki HOJO (the second regent).
それが代々北条氏(ほうじょうし)the Hojo clanの家督相続者family estate heir(惣領(そうりょう)Soryo)を指すこととなった。
For generations, it has
come to refer to the heir to the Hojo clan (Soryo).
Disturbance(弘安合戦(こうあん・かっせん)Kōan War)
北条貞時(ほうじょう・さだとき)Hōjō Sadatoki
鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate第九代執権(しっけん)the ninth shikken
北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimuneの子son
永仁の徳政令(えいにん・の・とくせいれい)Einin no
安達泰盛(あだち・やすもり)Adachi Yasumori(1231~1285)
源頼朝(みなもとの・よりとも)Minamoto no Yoritomoの伊豆流人exile
in Izu時代からの側近close aideである安達盛長(あだち・もりなが)Adachi Morinagaの曾孫Great-grandson
北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimuneの正室lawful
wifeは安達泰盛(あだち・やすもり)Adachi Yasumoriの異母妹half sister
北条貞時(ほうじょう・さだとき)Hōjō Sadatokiの叔父Uncle
Disturbance(弘安合戦(こうあん・かっせん)Kōan War)
Shimotsuki Disturbance
評定衆(ひょうじょう・しゅう)Hyōjōshūに列し娘daughterを北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimune(8代執権(しっけん)the eighth shikken)に嫁がせ、
Listed as Hyojo Shu and
married off his daughter to Hōjō Tokimune (8th regent).
次の執権(しっけん)Shikken(a regent of the shogunate)北条貞時(ほうじょう・さだとき)Hōjō Sadatoki(9代執権(しっけん)the ninth shikken)の外祖父maternal grandfatherとして隠然たる勢力hidden influenceを持っていた安達泰盛(あだち・やすもり)Adachi Yasumori(1231~1285)は、
Adachi Yasumori
(1231-1285), who had hidden influence as the maternal grandfather of the next
regent Hojo Sadatoki (9th regent),
御家人勢力の頭目the head of
the Gokenin powerと目されていたが、北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimuneの死後、
He was regarded as the
head of the Gokenin power, but after the death of Hojo Tokimune,
御内人(みうちびと)Miuchibito勢力powerを代表する内管領(ないかんれい)Naikanrei平頼綱(たいらの・よりつな)Taira no
He came into a fierce
confrontation with Taira no Yoritsuna (?-1294), an inner Kanrei who represented
the power of the Miuchibito.
平頼綱(たいらの・よりつな)Taira no
北条貞時(ほうじょう・さだとき)Hōjō Sadatokiの乳母nannyの父father
Disturbance(弘安合戦(こうあん・かっせん)Kōan War)
1285年(弘安(こうあん)8年)、安達泰盛(あだち・やすもり)Adachi Yasumoriの子son・安達宗景(あだち・むねかげ)Adachi Munekageが源氏姓the name of Genjiを名乗ったことから謀反rebellionありとして、
In 1285 (8th year of
Koan), Adachi Munekage, the son of Adachi Yasumori, took the name of Genji, and
was accused of rebellion.
平頼綱(たいらの・よりつな)Taira no
Yoritsunaは安達一族the Adachi clanと上野(こうづけ)Kōzuke
Province(群馬県Gunma Prefecture)・武蔵(むさし)Musashi Province(東京都Tokyo Metropolis、埼玉県Saitama Prefecture、神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture)の有力御家人influential
vassals 500余人を滅ぼしたdestroyed。
Taira no Yoritsuna destroyed
the Adachi clan and over 500 influential vassals of Kozuke and Musashi.
この霜月騒動(しもつき・そうどう)Shimotsuki Disturbance(弘安合戦(こうあん・かっせん)Kōan War)のあと8年間におよぶ平頼綱(たいらの・よりつな)Taira no Yoritsunaの恐怖政治が展開reign of terror unfoldedされたが、
After the Shimotsuki Sodo
(Koan Kassen), Taira no Yoritsuna's reign of terror unfolded for eight years.
得宗家(とくそうけ)Tokusō familyの御内人(みうちびと)Miuchibitoで内管領(ないかんれい)Naikanrei
1293年(永仁(えいにん)元年)平頼綱(たいらの・よりつな)Taira no Yoritsunaが殺されたkilledのち、長崎高資(ながさき・たかすけ)Nagasaki Takasukeが内管領(ないかんれい)Naikanreiとして実権powerを握った。
In 1293, after Taira no
Yoritsuna was killed, Nagasaki Takasuke assumed power as Uchikanrei.
北条貞時(ほうじょう・さだとき)Hōjō Sadatoki(9代執権(しっけん)the ninth shikken)(在職1285~1311)の代に30か国以上の守護職(しゅごしき)Shugoshikiを北条一族the Hojo familyが占有occupiedしたが、
During the reign of Hojo
Sadatoki (9th regent) (1285-1311), the Hojo family occupied Shugoshiki in more
than 30 countries.
御内人(みうちびと)Miuchibitoを背景backgroundとした得宗専制政治(とくそう・せんせい・せいじ)The Tokuso tyrannyは一般御家人general gokeninの反発oppositionを買い、幕府の政治the politics of the shogunateは動揺を強めたbecame more turbulent。
The Tokuso tyranny
against the background of the Miuchibito caused opposition from the general
gokenin, and the politics of the shogunate became more turbulent.
御家人の窮乏(ごけにん・の・きゅうぼう)the poverty
of the gokenin
御家人の窮乏the Poverty
of the Gokenin
baseは御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)の軍事力や経済力military and economic powerにあったが、元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japanのあと、御家人の窮乏(ごけにん・の・きゅうぼう)the poverty of the gokeninが目立ってきたbecame conspicuous。
The power base of the
shogunate was based on the military and economic power of the gokenin, but
after the Genko invasion, the poverty of the gokenin became conspicuous. It's
御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)は名田(みょうでん)private rice fieldの経営manageを行い、地頭(じとう)land stewardに補任(ぶにん)appointedされるとその収益で生活するlive on the profitsのが普通commonであったが、鎌倉時代後期In the latter half of the periodには分割相続division
and inheritanceの繰り返しの結果as a result of repeated、所領が零細化したthe territory became smaller。
It was common for a gokenin
to manage a private rice field and to live on the profits when appointed as a land
steward. In the latter half of the period, as a result of repeated division and
inheritance, the territory became smaller.
しかも元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japanに動員mobilizedされた御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)は費用を負担bearing
the expensesしながらほとんど恩賞(おんしょう)rewardsにあずからず、生活が深刻化したtheir lives became serious。
Moreover, the Gokenin,
who were mobilized by the Genko, did not receive any rewards while bearing the
expenses, and their lives became serious.
貨幣経済の発展the development
of the money economyにつれて成長grownしてきた商人merchantsや、借上(かしあげ)kashiageと呼ばれた金融業者financiersらに対して、所領を売ったり質入れするsold or pledged their territories御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)が多くなった。
The number of gokenin
(gokenin) who sold or pledged their territories to merchants and financiers
called kashiage, who had grown with the development of the money economy,
北条貞時(ほうじょう・さだとき)Hōjō Sadatoki
鎌倉幕府(かまくら・ばくふ)Kamakura shogunate第九代執権(しっけん)the ninth shikken
北条時宗(ほうじょう・ときむね)Hōjō Tokimuneの子son
永仁の徳政令(えいにん・の・とくせいれい)Einin no
永仁の徳政令(えいにん・の・とくせいれい)Einin no
Einin no Tokuseirei
幕府(ばくふ)Shogunateは、元寇(げんこう)Mongol invasions of Japanから20年余more than 20
yearsを経た1297年(永仁(えいにん)5年)、窮乏の御家人(ごけにん)the impoverished vassalsを救うsaveため、永仁の徳政令(えいにん・の・とくせいれい)Einin no Tokuseireiを出した。
In 1297 (5th year of the Einin
era), more than 20 years after the Genko invasion, the shogunate issued the Einin
no Tokuseirei to save the impoverished vassals. I issued a book called
"Nno Tokusei Rei".
①御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)の所領売買・質入れsale and purchase of territoriesを禁止Prohibitionし、
Prohibition of sale and
purchase of territories by Gokenin,
②御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)が財力のあるwealthy御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)に売却soldした所領Landで、売却後20年未満sold less
than 20 years agoの土地は無償free of chargeでもとの持主the original ownerに返させreturned、
Land that was sold by a
gokenin to a wealthy gokenin that was sold less than 20 years ago will be
returned to the original owner free of charge.
また非御家人non-gokeninや庶民commonersに売却soldした所領territoriesは、年限をかぎらずregardless of the term無償free of chargeでもとの持主original ownersに返させreturned、
In addition, the
territories sold to non-gokenin and commoners will be returned to the original
owners free of charge regardless of the term.
③御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)の所領の貸借の訴訟lawsuits for lending the territoriesを幕府(ばくふ)Shogunateは受け付けないnot to acceptことにした。
The shogunate decided not
to accept lawsuits for lending the territories of Gokenin.
永仁の徳政令(えいにん・の・とくせいれい)Einin no
これによって御家人(ごけにん)Gokenin(a vassal of the shogunate)は一時的に救われたtemporarily savedが、かえって金融の道が閉ざされてclosed the way of finance生活を苦しめるmade life difficultことになり、経済を混乱disrupted the economyさせ幕府(ばくふ)Shogunateの権威authorityを失墜underminedさせた。
This temporarily saved
the Gokenin, but on the contrary, it closed the way of finance and made life difficult,
disrupted the economy, and undermined the authority of the shogunate.
そのため、翌年the following yearに①と③は撤回withdrawnされた。
As a result, ① and ③ were withdrawn the
following year.