


日本史41 Japanese history 41


Treaty Revision and the Sino-Japanese War

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt) 局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptor

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt) 局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptor

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt)は、太平洋戦争the Pacific War末期に日本海軍Imperial Japanese Navyが運用した局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptor乙戦(おつせん)Otsusen重戦闘機heavy fighter))。

Raiden was a local fighter (Otsusen (heavy fighter)) operated by the Japanese Navy at the end of the Pacific War.

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt)」という名称は愛称ではなく制式名称であり、乙戦(おつせん)Otsusen重戦闘機heavy fighter)の場合は「(らい)」または「(でん)」の字を含むことと定められていた。

The name ``Raiden'' is not a nickname but a formal name, and in the case of Otsusen (heavy fighter), it is stipulated that it includes the characters ``thunder'' or ``den.''


The Allied code name is Jack.

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt) 局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptor

支那事変the China Incidentの戦訓により陸上基地防空air defense on land basesのため、速度speed上昇力climbing power火力firepowerを重視して開発されたが、初飛行後の不具合解消に手間取り実用化が遅れたため、生産は縮小され生産数は比較的少数にとどまった。

Based on the lessons learned from the China Incident, it was developed with an emphasis on speed, climbing power, and firepower for air defense on land bases, but as it took time to resolve problems after the first flight, and practical application was delayed, production was curtailed and production numbers were relatively low. It remained a small number.

しかし南方や本土における防空戦闘air defense battlesに投入され、一定の戦果を挙げている。

However, it has been used in air defense battles in the south and on the mainland, and has achieved some success.

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt) 局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptor

大型爆撃機の迎撃intercept large bombersを主任務とする局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptorに要求される性能は、爆撃機が飛行している高度に短時間で到達する上昇力climbing power、敵爆撃機に追い付く速力speed、そして一瞬のチャンスに敵爆撃機へ致命傷を与え得る火力firepowerの三つである。

The performance required of a local fighter whose main mission is to intercept large bombers is the ability to climb to reach the bomber's altitude in a short time, the speed to catch up with enemy bombers, and the ability to take advantage of split-second opportunities. There are three types of firepower that can inflict fatal damage on enemy bombers.

これらを重視して開発されたのが雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt)である。

Raiden was developed with these considerations in mind.

一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft

一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft

零戦五二型(ぜろせん・ごー・にー・がた) Zero fighter Model 52

零戦五二型(ぜろせん・ごー・にー・がた) Zero fighter Model 52

速度speed上昇力climbing powerを確保するためには大馬力エンジンhigh-horsepower engineが必要だが、当時の日本には戦闘機に適した小型軽量の大馬力エンジンが存在しなかった。

A high-horsepower engine was needed to ensure speed and climbing power, but at the time Japan did not have a small, lightweight, high-horsepower engine suitable for fighter aircraft.

そのため、一式陸上攻撃機(いっしき・りくじょう・こうげきき)Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft等の大型機用に開発された大直径ではあるが当時の日本で最大馬力を発揮する「火星(かせい)Kasei」が選定されている。

Therefore, the ``Kasei'' was selected, as it had a large diameter and was developed for large aircraft such as Type 1 land attack aircraft, but had the highest horsepower in Japan at the time.

火星(かせい)Kaseiの直径は1,340mmと、零戦(ぜろせん)Zero Fighterに搭載された(さかえ)Sakaeと比べて200mm近く大きい。

The diameter of Kasei is 1,340 mm, which is nearly 200 mm larger than the Sakae installed on the Zero Fighter.

そこで、空気抵抗を可能な限り減少させるために機首を絞り込み、全長の40パーセントで最も太くなる紡錘形(ぼうすいけい)の胴体spindle-shaped fuselageが採用された。

Therefore, in order to reduce air resistance as much as possible, the nose was narrowed and a spindle-shaped fuselage was adopted, which is thickest at 40% of the overall length.

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt) 局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptor

紫電改(しでんかい)Shiden-KaiViolet Lightning improved version

局地戦闘機Interceptor Aircraft

紫電改(しでんかい)Shiden-KaiViolet Lightning improved version

局地戦闘機Interceptor Aircraft

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt)の開発は困難で時間がかかり、任務に就いた後でも全ての技術的な問題が解決されたわけではなかった。

Raiden's development was difficult and time-consuming, and even after it was commissioned, not all technical problems were resolved.

戦歴を通してエンジンに起因する問題を終始抱えており、三菱重工業Mitsubishi Heavy Industries476機、高座海軍工廠(こうざ・かいぐん・こうしょう)Koza Naval Arsenalおよび日本建鉄(にほん・けんてつ)Nihon Kentetsuで若干数が生産されたのみである。

Throughout its war history, it suffered from engine-related problems, and 476 were produced by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, with a small number produced at Koza Naval Arsenal and Nihon Kentetsu. Only.

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt)はほぼ同時期に実用実験が行われていた紫電改(しでんかい)Shiden-KaiViolet Lightning improved version)と比較され、特に紫電改(しでんかい)Shiden-KaiViolet Lightning improved version)に比べ対戦闘機戦闘能力anti-fighter combat capabilitiesが低いことが指摘された。

Raiden has been compared to Shidenkai, which was tested for practical purposes around the same time, and is particularly known for its lower anti-fighter combat capabilities compared to Shidenkai. pointed out.

雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt) 局地戦闘機Local-defense interceptor

最初に部隊配備されたのはバリクパパン油田the Balikpapan oil fieldの第三八一海軍航空隊で、油田攻撃に飛来する連合国軍機Allied aircraft相手に少なからぬ戦果を挙げた。

The first unit to be deployed was the 381st Naval Air Squadron in the Balikpapan oil field, and achieved considerable success against Allied aircraft attacking the oil field.

その後、第三〇二航空隊(厚木)、第三三二航空隊(岩国、鳴尾)、第三五二航空隊(大村)、台湾の台南航空隊(台南)などの本土防空専任部隊mainland air defense unitsに配備された。

After that, it was deployed to mainland air defense units such as the 302nd Air Squadron (Atsugi), the 332nd Air Squadron (Iwakuni, Naruo), the 352nd Air Squadron (Omura), and Taiwan's Tainan Air Squadron (Tainan). It was done.

特に第三〇二航空隊(厚木)のエース・パイロットace pilot赤松貞明(あかまつ・さだあき)Sadaaki Akamatsu中尉Lieutenant巴戦(ともえせん)Dogfightに拘(こだわ)ることなく、雷電(らいでん)RaidenLightning Bolt)の特性を活かす機動を研究し、B-29スーパーフォートレス爆撃機B-29 Superfortress bombersと、それを護衛するアメリカ軍戦闘機American fighter aircraft相手にも戦果を挙げた。

In particular, Lieutenant Sadaaki Akamatsu, the ace pilot of the 302nd Air Squadron (Atsugi), was not particular about tomoesen, but utilized the characteristics of Raiden. He studied maneuverability and achieved success against B-29 Superfortress bombers and the American fighter jets that escorted them.

黄海海戦(こうかい・かいせん)Naval Battle of the Yellow Sea

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

11 Chapter 11


Development of the Modern State

2 Section 2


Treaty Revision and the Sino-Japanese War


岩倉使節団(いわくら・しせつだん)Iwakura Mission

条約改正(じょうやく・かいせい)Treaty Revision

1871年(明治4年)、欧米Europe and the United Statesに派遣された岩倉使節(いわくら・しせつ)は、欧米視察inspecting Europe and the United Statesとともに、翌1872年(明治5年)が安政条約(あんせい・じょうやく)the Ansei Treaty改訂時期the time for revisionであるところから、条約改正(じょうやく・かいせい)Treaty Revision予備交渉preliminary negotiationsをも目的としていた。

In 1871 (Meiji 4), the Iwakura Mission was dispatched to Europe and the United States, and in addition to inspecting Europe and the United States, its purpose was also to conduct preliminary negotiations to revise the Ansei Treaty, since the following year, 1872 (Meiji 5), was the time for revision of the Ansei Treaty.

しかし、日本側の国際知識の不足lack of international knowledgeアメリカ側の反対opposition on the American sideのため、それは実現しなかった。

However, due to lack of international knowledge on the Japanese side and opposition on the American side, this did not materialize.

寺島宗則(てらしま・むねのり)Terashima Munenori

外務卿(がいむきょう)Foreign Minister寺島宗則(てらしま・むねのり)Terashima Munenori1876年(明治9年)から、輸入超過を抑え、財政上の利益を求めて、関税自主権tariff autonomy回復restoringを目的とする外交折衝diplomatic negotiationsを始めた。

In 1876 (Meiji 9), Foreign Minister Munenori Terashima began diplomatic negotiations with the aim of restoring tariff autonomy in order to curb excess imports and seek fiscal benefits.

対日関係の緊密化を求めていたアメリカThe United Statesはこれに同意し、1878年(明治11年)新条約a new treaty調印signedした。

The United States, which was seeking closer relations with Japan, agreed to this and signed a new treaty in 1878 (Meiji 11).

しかし、対日貿易の中心であったイギリスBritainなどの反対oppositionのため新条約the new treatyは発効せず、寺島宗則(てらしま・むねのり)Terashima Munenori外務卿(がいむきょう)Foreign Ministerを辞職し交渉は失敗に終わった。

However, the new treaty did not go into effect due to opposition from Britain, which was the center of trade with Japan, and Munenori Terashima resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and negotiations ended in failure.

井上聞多いのうえ・もんた)Inoue Monta井上馨いのうえ・かおる)Inoue Kaoru


次いで外務卿(がいむ・きょう)Foreign Minister1885年(明治18年)から外務大臣(がいむ・だいじん)Minister for Foreign Affairs)となった井上馨(いのうえ・かおる)Inoue Kaoruは、1882年(明治15年)から、東京Tokyo各国在日公使団the missions of each country in Japanを一堂に集める条約改正(じょうやく・かいせい)Treaty Revision予備会議preliminary meeting(予議会)を開いて、改正原案the draft revisionの作成を進めた。

Kaoru Inoue, who then became Minister of Foreign Affairs (Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1885), started preparing for treaty revisions in Tokyo in 1882 by gathering the missions of each country in Japan together. A meeting (preliminary meeting) was held and the draft revision was drafted.

鹿鳴館(ろくめいかん)RokumeikanBanqueting House

鹿鳴館(ろくめいかん)RokumeikanBanqueting House

井上馨いのうえ・かおる)Inoue Kaoruは、この交渉を促進するため法典の編集を急ぎ、国立の社交場a national social gathering placeとして鹿鳴館(ろくめいかん)RokumeikanBanqueting House)を建設して、外国側の歓心を求めようと欧化政策(おうか・せいさく)a policy of Europeanizationをとった。

Kaoru Inoue hurriedly edited the legal code to facilitate these negotiations, built Rokumeikan as a national social gathering place, and adopted a policy of Europeanization in order to win the favor of foreign countries.

ボワソナードGustave Boissonade

谷干城(たに・たてき)Tani Tateki

ノルマントン号事件Normanton incident

このような井上馨いのうえ・かおる)Inoue Kaoruの交渉は、国民に秘密にされていたが、政府の法律顧問government legal advisorボワソナードGustave Boissonade農商務相(のうしょう・むしょう)Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce谷干城(たに・たてき)Tani Tatekiの反対によって国民の知るところとなり、1886年(明治19年)のノルマントン号事件Normanton incidentが、条約改正(じょうやく・かいせい)Treaty Revisionに反対する国民の動きに拍車をかけることとなった。

These Inoue negotiations were kept secret from the public, but they became known to the public due to the opposition of government legal advisor Boissonade and Minister of Agriculture and Commerce Tateki Kanjo, and in 1886 (Meiji 19) The Normanton Incident in 2010 spurred national movements against treaty revision.

大隈重信(おおくま・しげのぶ)Ōkuma Shigenobu


井上馨いのうえ・かおる)Inoue Kaoruのあと、1888年(明治21年)外相(がいしょう)Foreign Ministerとなった大隈重信(おおくま・しげのぶ)Ōkuma Shigenobuは、井上案the Inoue draft一部修正some amendments外国人判事任用the appointment of foreign judges大審院(だいしんいん)Supreme Court of Judicature限定limiting)して、国民には秘密にして各国との交渉を再開した。

Shigenobu Okuma, who became Foreign Minister in 1888 (Meiji 21) after Kaoru Inoue, made some amendments to the Inoue draft (limiting the appointment of foreign judges to the Grand Inquiry) and kept it secret from the public. Negotiations with other countries have resumed.


交渉の結果、ほぼ各国の同意を得たが、国民に秘密にしていた内容が『ロンドン・タイムスthe London Times』によって洩れたため、再び猛烈な反対運動opposition movementが起こり、その結果、大隈重信(おおくま・しげのぶ)Ōkuma Shigenobu外相(がいしょう)Foreign Minister国粋主義団体nationalist group玄洋社(げんようしゃ)Gen'yōshaの社員に爆弾a bombを投げられて負傷した。

As a result of the negotiations, consent was obtained from most of the countries, but the content that had been kept secret from the people was leaked by the London Times, which sparked another fierce opposition movement. As a result, Foreign Minister Shigenobu Okuma joined the nationalist group Genyosha. He was injured when a bomb was thrown at him by an employee of the company.

シベリア鉄道Trans-Siberian Railway

これまで条約改正(じょうやく・かいせい)revise the treaty交渉失敗failure in negotiations外的原因the external causeは、対日貿易の主軸を占めるイギリスの反対opposition from Britainにあった。

Until now, the external cause of failure in negotiations to revise the treaty was opposition from Britain, which occupied the mainstay of trade with Japan.

ところが、ロシアRussiaシベリア鉄道起工the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railwayによる東アジアEast Asiaにおける南下政策policy of moving southwardの進行とともに、イギリスBritain対日接近move closer to Japanが始まり、むしろ条約改正(じょうやく・かいせい)revise the treatyを求める動きが出始めた。

However, as Russia's policy of moving southward in East Asia progressed with the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Britain began to move closer to Japan, and a movement to revise the treaty began to emerge.

山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomo


青木周蔵(あおき・しゅうぞう)Aoki Shūzō

1889年(明治22年)に成立した山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)内閣the Yamagata Aritomo Cabinetの下で外相(がいしょう)Foreign Ministerとなった青木周蔵(あおき・しゅうぞう)Aoki Shūzōは、外国人判事の任用をやめ、新条約成立の6年後には領事裁判権consular jurisdiction撤廃abolishedし、また関税自主権customs autonomy回復restoringするという、ほぼ無条件に条約を改正しようとする案をもってイギリスthe United Kingdom交渉negotiatedした。

Shuzo Aoki, who became Foreign Minister under the Yamagata Aritomo Cabinet established in 1889 (Meiji 22), stopped appointing foreign judges, abolished consular jurisdiction six years after the establishment of the new treaty, and abolished customs autonomy. They negotiated with Britain with a plan to revise the treaty almost unconditionally, restoring it to the United Kingdom.

イギリスBritainは、ロシアRussia南下moving southwardという東アジアEast Asia国際情勢the international situationの下で、日本の協力Japan's cooperationが必要であると理解し始め、交渉は順調に進んだ。

Britain began to understand that Japan's cooperation was necessary in the international situation in East Asia, where Russia was moving southward, and negotiations progressed smoothly.

大津事件(おおつ・じけん)the Ōtsu incident

ところが、1891年(明治24年)大津事件(おおつ・じけん)the Ōtsu incidentが起こって青木周蔵(あおき・しゅうぞう)Aoki Shūzō外相(がいしょう)Foreign Minister引責辞職resigned in responseし、またもや交渉は中断した。

However, in 1891 (Meiji 24), the Otsu Incident occurred, and Foreign Minister Shuzo Aoki resigned in response, and negotiations were once again suspended.

大津事件(おおつ・じけん)the Ōtsu incident

ウラジボストクVladivostokでのシベリア鉄道起工式the Siberian Railway's groundbreaking ceremony参列の途中、日本に立ち寄ったロシアの皇太子Russian Crown PrinceニコライNicholas(のちの皇帝Tsarニコライ2Nicholas II of Russia)が、滋賀県(しがけん)Shiga Prefecture大津(おおつ)Ōtsu警備中on guard duty巡査a police officer津田三蔵(つだ・さんぞう)Tsuda Sanzō負傷injuredさせられた事件An incidentで、ロシアの南下政策Russia's southward expansion policyに対する国内の警戒心の強さを示していた。

An incident in which Russian Crown Prince Nicholas (later Tsar Nicholas II), who stopped in Japan while attending the Siberian Railway's groundbreaking ceremony in Vladivostok, was injured by Sanzo Tsuda, a police officer on guard duty in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. This showed the strong domestic vigilance towards Russia's southward expansion policy.

これに対して政府the governmentは、ロシアRussiaとの紛争a conflictを恐れて大審院(だいしんいん)Supreme Court of Judicatureに圧力をかけたが、院長its head児島惟謙(こじま・いけん)Kojima Ikenはこれに屈せず、司法権の独立the independence of the judiciaryを守った。

In response, the government, fearing a conflict with Russia, put pressure on the Grand Judiciary, but its head, Kojima Koreken, did not yield to this and protected the independence of the judiciary.

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi伊藤俊輔いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke


陸奥宗光(むつ・むねみつ)Mutsu Munemitsu

1892年(明治25年)、2次伊藤いとう内閣the second Ito cabinet外相(がいしょう)Foreign Ministerとなった陸奥宗光(むつ・むねみつ)Mutsu Munemitsuは、青木案Aoki's plan法権回復restoring legal rightsにしぼって受け継ぎ、さらに青木周蔵(あおき・しゅうぞう)Aoki Shūzō駐英公使minister to Britainとして英国政府the British government交渉negotiateさせた。

In 1892 (Meiji 25), Munemitsu Mutsu, who became the foreign minister of the second Ito cabinet, inherited Aoki's plan, focusing on restoring legal rights, and also appointed Shuzo Aoki as minister to Britain to negotiate with the British government.

日英通商航海条約(にちえい・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan

その結果1894年(明治27年)7月、日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese Warの直前に、領事裁判権consular jurisdiction撤廃abolished関税自主権tariff autonomy一部回復partially restoredを内容とする日英通商航海条約(にちえい・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan調印signedされた。

As a result, in July 1894 (Meiji 27), just before the Sino-Japanese War, the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation was signed, which abolished consular jurisdiction and partially restored tariff autonomy.

次いで、各国とも順次不平等条約unequal treaties改正revisedが行われ、新条約the new treaties1899年(明治32年)から発効することになった。

Subsequently, each country successively revised its unequal treaties, and the new treaties came into effect in 1899 (Meiji 32).

この条約で、懸案であった治外法権extraterritoriality撤廃abolishedされ、最恵国待遇most-favored-nation treatment相互平等mutual equalityが実現したが、税権に関しては、関税率の引上げが実現しただけであった。

This treaty abolished extraterritoriality, which had been a pending issue, and achieved mutual equality of most-favored-nation treatment, but with regard to tax rights, only an increase in tariff rates was achieved.

桂太郎(かつら・たろう)Katsura Tarō

小村寿太郎(こむら・じゅたろう)Komura Jutarō

関税自主権tariff autonomy回復Restorationは、1911年(明治44年)になってようやく実現した。

Restoration of tariff autonomy was finally achieved in 1911 (Meiji 44).

1911年(明治44年)日英通商航海条約(にちえい・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japanの更新時期がきたので、2次桂(かつら)内閣the second Katsura Cabinet外相(がいしょう)Foreign Minister小村寿太郎(こむら・じゅたろう)Komura Jutarōは、日露戦争(にちろ・せんそう)the Russo-Japanese Warの勝利という条件を背景にして、この未解決であった税権問題tax rights issue関税自主権の回復restoration of tariff autonomy)を処理した。

In 1911 (Meiji 44), the time had come for the Japan-UK Treaty of Commerce and Navigation to be renewed, and Jutaro Komura, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the second Katsura Cabinet, decided that this unresolved tax would be renewed on the condition of victory in the Russo-Japanese War. The issue of rights (restoration of tariff autonomy) was dealt with.

This unresolved tax rights issue (restoration of tariff autonomy) was resolved.

ここに、幕末the end of the Edo period以来半世紀half a centuryにわたる外交上の難問題the difficult diplomatic problemsもようやく処理されたのである。

Here, the difficult diplomatic problems that had been going on for half a century since the end of the Edo period were finally resolved.

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

朝鮮への進出Expansion into Korea

日本の朝鮮への進出advance into Koreaは、まず(しん)The Qing dynasty朝鮮Koreaに対する宗主権(そうしゅけん)suzeraintyを否定し、次いで大陸進出expansion into the continent足場a footholdを築くことであった。

Japan's advance into Korea was first to deny the Qing's suzerainty over Korea, and then to build a foothold for expansion into the continent.

閔妃(びんひ)(ミンビ)(ミンピ)Queen Min

すでに日朝修好条規にっちょう・しゅうこう・じょうきJapan–Korea Treaty of Amity江華島条約(こうかとう・じょうやく)Treaty of Ganghwa Island)(1876年(明治9年))朝鮮Korea開国openedさせた日本は、1880年(明治13年)、漢城(かんじょう)Hanseong(現ソウルSeoul)に公使館legationを設置し、貿易を拡大expand tradeするとともに、内政改革internal reformを求める王妃Queen(びん)(ミン)Min(し)clan一派the faction支持supportedした。

Japan had already opened Korea to Korea through the Japan-Korea Treaty of Amity (Ganghwa Island Treaty) (1876), and in 1880 (Meiji 13), Japan established a legation in Hanseong (now Seoul) to expand trade. At the same time, he supported the faction of Queen Min, who called for internal reform.


the attack on the Japanese legation in Seoul

壬午事変(じんご・じへん)the Imo Incident

そのため、これに反対opposedする国王の実父King's biological father大院君だい・いん・くん)(テ・ウオン・グン)Daewongun一派factionに支持される兵士soldiers市民citizensが、1882年(明治15年)、(びんし)一派the Min clan's faction邸宅the residenceとともに日本公使館the Japanese legation襲撃attackedした(壬午事変(じんご・じへん)the Imo Incident)。

Therefore, in 1882 (Meiji 15), soldiers and citizens supported by the King's father, Daewon-gun's faction, who opposed this, attacked the Japanese legation along with the residence of the Min clan's faction.

この結果、政権the government大院君(だい・いん・くん)(テ・ウオン・グンDaewongun一派factionが握り、日清両国の出兵both Japan and China sent troopsにより対立conflict激化intensifiedした。

As a result, the government was in the hands of Daewon Kimi's faction, and the conflict intensified as both Japan and China sent troops.


Minister Yoshitsuka Hanabusa and his party attacked by Korean rebel forces

壬午事変(じんご・じへん)the Imo Incident

結局、日朝間に済物浦条約(さいもっぽ・じょうやくTreaty of Chemulpo(チェムルポ)が成立し、賠償金reparations公使館守備兵soldiers at the legation駐屯権the right to stationなどを日本が獲得することとなった。

In the end, the Treaty of Jemulpo was concluded between Japan and North Korea, and Japan received reparations and the right to station soldiers at the legation.

甲申事変(こうしん・じへん)Gapsin Incident

金玉均(きん・ぎょくきん)(キム・オッキュン)Kim Ok-gyun

朴泳孝(ぼく・えいこう)(パク・ヨンヒョ)Park Yung-hyo

それ以後、朝鮮における日清両国の対立は深まり、あわせて朝鮮内部でも、清国(しんこく)The Qing dynasty宗主国(そうしゅこく)Suzerain stateと考える(びんひ)(ミンビ)(ミンピ)一派Queen Min's factionを中心とする事大党(じだいとう)the Jidai Partyに対し、改革reformを図ろうとする金玉均(きん・ぎょくきん)(キム・オッキュン)Kim Ok-gyun朴泳孝(ぼく・えいこう)(パク・ヨンヒョ)Park Yung-hyoらの独立党(どくりつとう)Independence partiesが台頭してきた。

After that, the conflict between Japan and China deepened in Korea, and within Korea, Kim Ok-gyun tried to reform the Jidai Party, which was centered around Queen Min's faction, which considered Qing as its suzerain. Independence parties such as Ok-kyun) and Park Young-hyo have emerged.

彼らは閔妃(びんひ)(ミンビ)(ミンピ)Queen Minに登用されたのだが、日本にならって朝鮮Korea近代化modernization独立independenceを確保しようとしたのである。

They were appointed as consorts of Min, and they were trying to follow Japan's example and ensure the modernization and independence of Korea.

山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomo


清仏戦争(しんふつ・せんそう)Sino-French War

その頃民権運動と対決しながら、山県有朋(やまがた・ありとも)Yamagata Aritomoを中心に軍備の拡張と軍制の改革を進め、朝鮮進出の機会をねらっていた明治政府the Meiji governmentは、1884年(明治17年)に清仏戦争(しんふつ・せんそう)Sino-French War(しん)The Qing dynastyが敗北した機会に独立党(どくりつとう)the Independence Partyが起こしたクーデターthe coup d'étatを支持した。

At that time, the Meiji government, which was confronting the civil rights movement and promoting military expansion and reform of the military system led by Aritomo Yamagata, was aiming for an opportunity to advance into Korea. On this occasion, he supported the coup d'état launched by the Independence Party.

しかし出兵してきた清国軍the Qing armyに敗れ、クーデターthe coup失敗failureに終わった。

However, they were defeated by the Qing army, and the coup ended in failure.

これを甲申事変(こうしん・じへん)Gapsin Incidentという。

This is called the Koshin Incident.

伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi伊藤俊輔いとう・しゅんすけ)Itō Shunsuke


李鴻章(り・こうしょう)(リー・ホンチャン)Li Hongzhang

このため、日清両国の衝突の危険が強まったので、1885年(明治18年)、伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi天津(てんしん)(テンチン)Tientsinに赴き、李鴻章(り・こうしょう)(リー・ホンチャン)Li Hongzhangとの間に天津条約(てんしん・じょうやく)Convention of Tientsinを成立させた。

As a result, the risk of conflict between Japan and China increased, so in 1885 (Meiji 18), Ito Hirobumi went to Tianjin and established the Treaty of Tianjin with Li Hongzhang.

その内容は、日清両国both Japan and China朝鮮よりの撤兵the withdrawal of troops from Korea、出兵の際の相互事前通告などであった。

The contents included the withdrawal of troops from Korea by both Japan and China, as well as mutual advance notice when dispatching troops.

この条約成立は、朝鮮における日清両国の軍事的・外交的対等を意味したが、同時に日本の朝鮮における地位Japan's position in Koreaの後退declineをも意味した。

The establishment of this treaty meant military and diplomatic equality between Japan and China in Korea, but it also meant a decline in Japan's position in Korea.

しかし、日本の商業資本の朝鮮進出は増大し、多量の米穀large amounts of riceなどの農産物agricultural productsを買い占めた。

However, as Japanese commercial capital expanded into Korea, it bought up large amounts of rice and other agricultural products.

防穀令(ぼうこくれい)a grain prevention order

そのため朝鮮政府the Korean governmentは、1889年(明治22年)、凶作に際して穀物の輸出禁止a ban on the export of grainを命ずる防穀令(ぼうこくれい)a grain prevention orderを発令したが、明治政府the Meiji governmentは、朝鮮政府the Korean governmentを圧迫して翌1890年(明治23年)にこれを撤廃imposedさせ、さらに、これによって日本人商人が損害を受けたとして賠償を要求した。

Therefore, in 1889 (Meiji 22nd year), the Korean government issued a grain prevention order ordering a ban on the export of grain in the event of a poor harvest, but the Meiji government put pressure on the Korean government and imposed this in the following year, 1890 (Meiji 23rd year). They demanded that Japanese merchants be compensated for the damage they suffered as a result.

このことは、朝鮮民衆the Korean people対日感情feelings toward Japan悪化worsenedさせるばかりであった。

This only worsened the Korean people's feelings toward Japan.

安部井磐根(あべい・いわね) 大日本協会(だいにほん・きょうかい)

いっぽう国内では、対外硬(たいがいこう)foreign hardliners、すなわち朝鮮Koreaをめぐる強硬外交hard-line diplomacyを主張する立憲改進党(りっけん・かいしんとう)the Constitutional Reform Partyなどの6会派(硬六派(こうろっぱ)the six hard-line factionsといわれる)による政府攻撃attacks on the governmentが高まった。

Meanwhile, domestically, attacks on the government increased by six factions (referred to as the six hard-line factions), including the Constitutional Reform Party, which advocates hard-line diplomacy regarding Korea.

この主張には、欧化主義Europeanizationに反対する国権主義あるいは自主外交の主張も見られたが、1894年(明治27年)5月の第6議会では、対外硬派(たいがいこうは)the hard-liners on foreign affairs自由党(じゆうとう)the Liberal Partyも加わって、政府の内政domestic affairs外交の失態diplomatic failuresを追求するに至った。

This argument included arguments for national sovereignty or independent diplomacy in opposition to Europeanization, but in the 6th Congress in May 1894, the Liberal Party joined the hard-liners on foreign affairs, and the government's domestic affairs This led to the pursuit of diplomatic failures.

そこで政府は、対英条約改正revise the treaty with Britain交渉negotiationsを推進するとともに、機会を見つけて対外戦争(たいがい・せんそう)a foreign warを引き起こし、対外硬(たいがいこう)foreign hardliners政府攻撃the government's attacksをそこに向けさせようとしていたのである。

Therefore, the government was promoting negotiations to revise the treaty with Britain, and at the same time, it was trying to find an opportunity to provoke a foreign war and direct the government's attacks from foreign hardliners.


Russia is also after the same fish (Korea) that Japan and China (Qing) are trying to catch from each other.

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)


the First Sino–Japanese War

1882年(明治15年)の対外戦争(たいがい・せんそう)foreign warsへの軍備転換以来、政府の軍拡The government's military expansionは着々と進められていた。

The government's military expansion had been steadily progressing since 1882 (Meiji 15), when Japan turned its armament to foreign wars.

この間、朝鮮Koreaから(しん)The Qing dynastyの勢力を排除するため、朝鮮Korea(しん)The Qing dynasty軍事衝突military conflictも辞さない方向を決定した。

During this time, in order to eliminate the Qing forces from Korea, he decided to not hesitate to engage in military conflict with the Qing forces in Korea.

川上操六(かわかみ・そうろく)Kawakami Soroku

このため、川上操六(かわかみ・そうろく)Kawakami Soroku参謀次長Vice Chief of Staffは、自ら朝鮮・中国を旅行して対清戦略a strategy against the Qing Dynastyを練り、1894年(明治27年)5月末には出兵準備preparations for dispatching troopsも済ませていた。

For this reason, Vice Chief of Staff Soroku Kawakami personally traveled to Korea and China to devise a strategy against the Qing Dynasty, and by the end of May 1894 (Meiji 27), he had completed preparations for dispatching troops.

陸奥宗光(むつ・むねみつ)Mutsu Munemitsu

また陸奥宗光(むつ・むねみつ)Mutsu Munemitsu外相(がいしょう)Foreign Ministerは、対清戦争war against China必須条件an essential conditionと考えられていた英国の支持British supportを取り付けるための外交交渉diplomatic negotiationsを続けていた。

Furthermore, Foreign Minister Mutsu Munemitsu continued diplomatic negotiations to gain British support, which was considered an essential condition for war against China.

甲午農民戦争(こうご・のうみん・せんそう)Kogo Peasants' War東学党の乱(とうがくとう・の・らん)the Donghak Party Rebellion

このような時期に、朝鮮Korea排外的な農民反乱a xenophobic peasant revoltである東学党の乱(とうがくとう・の・らん)the Donghak Party Rebellion甲午農民戦争(こうご・のうみん・せんそう)Kogo Peasants' War)が起こり、鎮圧できない朝鮮政府the Korean government清国(しんこく)The Qing dynasty救援軍の派遣send relief troopsを求めた。

During this period, the Donghak Party Rebellion (Kogo Peasants' War), a xenophobic peasant revolt, broke out in Korea, and the Korean government, which was unable to suppress it, requested the Qing Dynasty to send relief troops.

全琫準(ぜん・ほうじゅん)(チョン・ポンジュン)Jeon Bong-jun

東学(とうがく)Donghak布教師missionary全琫準(ぜん・ほうじゅん)(チョン・ポンジュン)Jeon Bong-junに指導された封建制feudalismに反対する農民反乱A peasant revoltは、南朝鮮一帯throughout South Koreaにひろがったが、これは日本Japan欧米資本主義Western capitalism侵略invasion反対againstする運動movementでもあった。

A peasant revolt against feudalism led by Donghak missionary Jeon Hou-jun spread throughout South Korea, but it was a movement against the invasion of Japan and Western capitalism. But there was.

甲午農民戦争(こうご・のうみん・せんそう)Kogo Peasants' War

甲午農民戦争(こうご・のうみん・せんそう)Kogo Peasants' War

甲午農民戦争(こうご・のうみん・せんそう)Kogo Peasants' War

甲午農民戦争(こうご・のうみん・せんそう)Kogo Peasants' War

天津条約(てんしん・じょうやく)Convention of Tientsin

朝鮮Koreaから救援を求められた(しん)The Qing dynastyは、ただちに大軍を派遣dispatched a large armyするとともに、天津条約(てんしん・じょうやく)Convention of Tientsinの規定にしたがって、日本にその出兵を通告notified Japan of its dispatchしてきた。

The Qing Dynasty, which was asked for relief from Korea, immediately dispatched a large army and notified Japan of its dispatch in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty of Tianjin.

通告を受けた日本もただちに漢城(かんじょう)Hanseong(現ソウルSeoul)に出兵したが、すでに東学党軍(とうがくとうぐん)the Donghak Party army朝鮮政府the Korean government講和peaceを結んでいたため、朝鮮政府the Korean governmentは、日清両軍both Japanese and Chinese troops即時撤退withdraw immediatelyを求めた。

Upon receiving the notification, Japan immediately dispatched troops to Hanseong (present-day Seoul), but since the Donghak Party army had already concluded peace with the Korean government, the Korean government asked both Japanese and Chinese troops to withdraw immediately.

甲午農民戦争(こうご・のうみん・せんそう)Kogo Peasants' War

ところが、清国政府the Qing governmentがそれを受け入れたにもかかわらず、明治政府the Meiji governmentは、逆に日清両国Japan and Chinaによる朝鮮Korea内政改革reform the domestic affairsを提議した。

However, although the Qing government accepted this idea, the Meiji government instead proposed that Japan and China reform the domestic affairs of Korea.

しかし(しん)The Qing dynastyに拒否されると、単独で朝鮮政府the Korean governmentに「内政改革internal reform」を要求し、開戦の口実the pretext for starting a warをつかもうとした。

However, when he was rejected by Qing, he demanded ``internal reform'' from the Korean government and tried to seize the pretext for starting a war.

日英通商航海条約(にちえい・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan

ちょうどそのときに、日英通商航海条約(にちえい・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan調印signed1894年(明治27))が行われ、日清開戦starting a war between Japan and Chinaに関するイギリス側の支持British supportを得たのである。

At that time, the Japan-Britain Treaty of Commerce and Navigation was signed (1894 (Meiji 27)), gaining British support for starting a war between Japan and China.

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

日英通商航海条約(にちえい・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan調印signing4日後の、1894年(明治27年)720日、日本は朝鮮政府the Korean government清韓条約(しんかん・じょうやく)the Qing-Korean Treaty破棄abolish清国軍の撤退withdraw the Qing army日本兵舎の建設construct Japanese barracksなどの最後通牒ultimatumを突きつけ、次いで723日に朝鮮王宮the Joseon royal palace占領occupiedして(びんし)一族the Min clan追放expelledし、大院君(だい・いん・くん)(テ・ウオン・グンDaewongun執政the consulにつけて日本軍に援助を求めさせた。

On July 20, 1894 (Meiji 27), four days after the signing of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, Japan gave the Korean government an ultimatum to abolish the Qing-Korean Treaty, withdraw the Qing army, and construct Japanese barracks. Then, on July 23, he occupied the Joseon royal palace, expelled the Min clan, appointed Daewongun as the consul, and asked the Japanese army for assistance.

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

豊島沖海戦(ほうとうおき・かいせん)Battle of Pungdo

その2日後、日本海軍the Japanese Navy豊島(ほうとう)off the coast of Pungdo清国艦隊the Chinese fleet奇襲surprise-attackedし(豊島沖海戦(ほうとうおき・かいせん)Battle of Pungdo)、陸軍the Japanese army清国軍the Chinese armyの攻撃を始め、81清国(しんこく)The Qing dynasty宣戦布告declared warしたのである。

Two days later, the Japanese Navy surprise-attacked the Chinese fleet off the coast of Teshima, and the Japanese army also began attacking the Chinese army, and on August 1, Japan declared war on China.

平壌の戦い(へいじょう・の・たたかい)Battle of Pyongyang

黄海海戦(こうかい・かいせん)Naval Battle of the Yellow Sea

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

黄海海戦(こうかい・かいせん)Naval Battle of the Yellow Sea

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

開戦the war broke outすると、今まで政府攻撃attacking the governmentに熱中していた議会Congress諸政党the political partiesは、熱狂的な政府支持戦争支持support for the government and warに転換し、軍事費の支出military spendingを認めた。

When the war broke out, the political parties in Congress, which had been enthusiastic about attacking the government, switched to enthusiastic support for the government and war, and approved military spending.

国民The peopleもこの維新the Meiji Restoration最初の本格的な対外戦争the first full-scale foreign war動員mobilizedされ、国を挙げての体制a national systemが組まれた。

The people were also mobilized for the first full-scale foreign war after the Meiji Restoration, and a national system was established.

戦費The cost of the warは、当時の国家財政の3three times the national financesにもなる2億円に達し、また動員された兵力the number of troops mobilized17万人を数えた。

The cost of the war reached 200 million yen, three times the national finances at the time, and the number of troops mobilized numbered 170,000.

威海衛の戦い(いかいえい・の・たたかい)Battle of Weihaiwei

威海衛の戦い(いかいえい・の・たたかい)Battle of Weihaiwei

威海衛の戦い(いかいえい・の・たたかい)Battle of Weihaiwei

威海衛の戦い(いかいえい・の・たたかい)Battle of Weihaiwei

近代的な装備でよく準備された日本軍は、李鴻章(り・こうしょう)(リー・ホンチャン)Li Hongzhang北洋軍閥(ほくよう・ぐんばつ)Beiyang factionを中心とする清国軍the Qing armyを各戦線で打ち破りdefeated、翌1895年(明治28年)には山東半島(さんとう・はんとう)Shandong Peninsula威海衛(いかいえい)(ウェイハイウェイ)Weihaiweiを占領して北洋艦隊(ほくよう・かんたい)Beiyang Fleet降伏surrenderさせた(威海衛の戦い(いかいえい・の・たたかい)Battle of Weihaiwei)。

The Japanese army, well-prepared with modern equipment, defeated the Qing army led by Li Hongzhang's Beiyang faction on every front, and the following year, in 1895 (Meiji 28) In 1999, he captured Weihaiwei on the Shandong Peninsula and forced the Beiyang Fleet to surrender.

澎湖列島攻略作戦(ほうこれっとう・こうりゃく・さくせん)Pescadores campaign

また台湾(タイワン)Taiwan澎湖島(ほうこ(ポンフー)とう)Penghu Island攻略作戦A strategy to capture澎湖列島攻略作戦(ほうこれっとう・こうりゃく・さくせん)Pescadores campaign)も進められ、戦いは日本の勝利に終わった。

A strategy to capture Penghu Island in Taiwan was also advanced, and the battle ended in Japan's victory.

下関条約(しものせき・じょうやく)Treaty of Shimonoseki

下関条約(しものせき・じょうやく)Treaty of Shimonoseki

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War講和条約(こうわ・じょうやく)Peace treaty付属議定書attached protocolsは、1895年(明治28年)4月、日本全権Japanese plenipotentiaries伊藤博文いとう・ひろぶみ)Itō Hirobumi陸奥宗光(むつ・むねみつ)Mutsu Munemitsuと、清国全権Qing plenipotentiaries李鴻章(り・こうしょう)(リー・ホンチャン)Li Hongzhangとの間に調印された。

The peace treaty and attached protocols for the Sino-Japanese War were signed in April 1895 between Japanese plenipotentiaries Ito Hirobumi and Mutsu Munemitsu and Qing plenipotentiaries Li Hongzhang.

下関条約(しものせき・じょうやく)Treaty of Shimonoseki

講和条約(こうわ・じょうやく)Peace treatyは、

The peace treaty is

清国(しんこく)The Qing dynasty朝鮮Korea完全な独立国a completely independent countryと認める、

Qing recognizes Korea as a completely independent country.


遼東半島(りょうとう(リャオトン)はんとう)Liaodong Peninsula台湾(タイワン)Taiwan澎湖諸島(ほうこ(ポンフー)しょとう)Penghu Islands割譲(かつじょう)Cession

ceded the Liaodong Peninsula, Taiwan, and the Penghu Islands;


賠償金(ばいしょうきん)Compensation 2億両(テール)(約31000万円)の支払い、

Payment of compensation of 200 million ryo (tail) (approximately 310 million yen),


清国(しんこく)The Qing dynasty欧米列強Western powersと結んだ不平等条約unequal treatiesを基礎とした日清通商航海条約(にっしん・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)The Sino-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigationを結び、それまでは日本に最恵国待遇(さいけいこく・たいぐう)most-favored nation treatmentを与える、

The Sino-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation was concluded, which was based on the unequal treaties that Qing had concluded with Western powers, and until then, Japan was given most-favored nation treatment.


清国(しんこく)The Qing dynastyは従来の開港場以外に長江(ちょうこう)the Yangtze River沿岸の沙市(さし)(シャーシー)Shashi重慶(じゅうけい)(チョンチン)Chongqing蘇州(そしゅう)(スーチョウ)Suzhou杭州(こうしゅう)(ハンチョウ)Hangzhou開市開港Opening of city and portと、長江(ちょうこう)the Yangtze River航行権navigation rightsを与える、

In addition to the existing ports, the Qing Dynasty opened the ports of Shashi, Chongqing, Suzhou, and Hangzhou along the Yangtze River, and granted navigation rights on the Yangtze River.


日本は講和条約実施の担保として、威海衛(いかいえい)(ウェイハイウェイ)Weihaiwei一時占領temporarily occupyする、などを内容とした。

Japan agreed to temporarily occupy Weihaiwei as a guarantee for the implementation of the peace treaty.

下関条約(しものせき・じょうやく)Treaty of Shimonoseki

この結果、日本は朝鮮の支配権control of Koreaを確保し、台湾(タイワン)Taiwan植民地a colonyとして領有して南方進出の足場を築き、遼東半島(りょうとう(リャオトン)はんとう)Liaodong Peninsulaを中国進出の拠点として確保した。

As a result, Japan secured control of Korea, took possession of Taiwan as a colony, established a foothold for expansion into the south, and secured the Liaodong Peninsula as a base for expansion into China.

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

日清戦争(にっしん・せんそう)First Sino–Japanese War1894年~1895年)

また、多額の賠償金large amounts of reparationsの獲得によって、資本主義的発展capitalist development軍備拡張military expansion財源the financial resourcesを得た。

In addition, by acquiring large amounts of reparations, they obtained the financial resources for capitalist development and military expansion.

三国干渉(さんごく・かんしょう)Triple Intervention

三国干渉(さんごく・かんしょう)Triple Intervention

ところが日本のこの進出は、アジア進出expand into Asiaを目指す列強the great powers、特に中国東北northeastern China満州(まんしゅう)Manchuria)、朝鮮Koreaへの南下move southを策していたロシアRussiaを刺激した。

However, Japan's advance stimulated the great powers aiming to expand into Asia, especially Russia, which was planning to move south into northeastern China (Manchuria) and Korea.

下関条約(しものせき・じょうやく)Treaty of Shimonoseki締結the conclusion6日後(1895年(明治28年)423日)、ロシアRussiaフランスFranceドイツGermanyとともに「東洋平和のためfor peace in the East」という口実pretextで日本に遼東半島(りょうとう(リャオトン)はんとう)Liaodong Peninsula還付return勧告recommendedしてきた(三国干渉(さんごく・かんしょう)Triple Intervention)。

Six days after the conclusion of the Treaty of Shimonoseki (April 23, 1895), Russia, together with France and Germany, recommended the return of the Liaodong Peninsula to Japan under the pretext of "for peace in the East" (Triple Intervention). Sangokansho)).

下関条約(しものせき・じょうやく)Treaty of Shimonoseki

イギリスBritainに頼って抵抗resistしようとした日本は、イギリスBritain中立宣言declaration of neutralityによってその意図をくだかれ、やむなく三国the three countries要求the demandsに応じて遼東半島(りょうとう(リャオトン)はんとう)Liaodong Peninsula(しん)The Qing dynasty返還returnした。

Japan, which had tried to resist by relying on Britain, was thwarted by Britain's declaration of neutrality, and had no choice but to return the Liaodong Peninsula to the Qing Dynasty in accordance with the demands of the three countries.

その代わりに、日本は清国(しんこく)The Qing dynastyから新たに3000万両(テール)(約4600万円)の賠償金compensationを獲得した。

In exchange, Japan obtained a new compensation of 30 million taels (approximately 46 million yen) from the Qing Dynasty.

臥薪嘗胆(がしん・しょうたん) Lying on the firewood and Licking the gallbladder

いっぽう明治政府the Meiji governmentは、国民に対して「臥薪嘗胆(がしんしょうたん)Lying on the firewood and Licking the gallbladder」のスローガンthe sloganをひろめ、ロシアRussiaに対する敵意hostilityをあおり、国家主義的・軍国主義的風潮a nationalist and militaristic trendを盛んにさせ、政府はこれに乗じて新たな軍備拡張政策a policy of arms expansionを取り始めた。

On the other hand, the Meiji government spread the slogan "Gashinshotan" to the people, aroused hostility towards Russia, and encouraged a nationalist and militaristic trend. began a policy of arms expansion.

日清通商航海条約(にっしん・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)The Sino-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation

下関条約(しものせき・じょうやく)Treaty of Shimonosekiに基づいて、翌1896年(明治29年)、日清通商航海条約(にっしん・つうしょう・こうかい・じょうやく)The Sino-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigationを結んだ日本は、清国(しんこく)The Qing dynastyから治外法権extraterritoriality関税協定権customs treaty rights租界設定権the right to establish a concessionなどを得た。

Based on the Treaty of Shimonoseki, Japan concluded the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation the following year in 1896 (Meiji 29), gaining extraterritoriality, customs treaty rights, and the right to establish a concession from Qing Dynasty.

また、開市・開港場the opening of cities and portsでの日本人の商工業commercial, industrial造船業shipbuilding businessesなどの営業権business rightsや、日本の輸出入品Japanese exports and importsに対する(しん)The Qing dynasty国内関税domestic tariffs免除exemptの権利を獲得した。

In addition, they acquired business rights for Japanese commercial, industrial, and shipbuilding businesses at the opening of cities and ports, as well as the right to exempt Japanese exports and imports from Qing's domestic tariffs.

これらのなかには、まだ欧米列強the Western powersも獲得していない特権を含んでいたが、それは最恵国待遇(さいけいこく・たいぐう)most-favored nation treatmentをもつ欧米列強the Western powersにもただちに獲得され、その結果、日本は欧米列強the Western powersによる中国侵略invading China先兵vanguard役割roleをも果たすこととなった。

These included privileges that the Western powers had not yet acquired, but they were immediately acquired by the Western powers with most-favored nation treatment, and as a result, Japan was prevented from invading China by the Western powers. They also played the role of vanguard.

デイライト 2   Daylight 2 第 2 章 大爆発 Chapter 2   The Explosion   デイライト ( 陽 ( ひ ) の 光 ( ひかり ) ) Daylight 1996 年(平成 8 年)  1 時間 55 分 監督 Dire...